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Faye Dunaway making Alias apperance
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Author:  destinyros2005 [ 11/01/02 14:06 ]
Post subject:  Faye Dunaway making Alias apperance

From the SD-6 website:

October 31, 2002
Dunaway to use an 'Alias'
HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Faye Dunaway is set to infiltrate "Alias" in a three-episode arc. The actress is scheduled to start shooting her role on the ABC drama Friday. Episodes featuring Dunaway as head of counterintelligence for the Alliance -- a group of crooked spies the CIA is trying to bring down -- are expected to air early next year. Dunaway's character will investigate the death of the wife of Ron Rifkin's character. Rifkin portrays Arvin Sloane, head of SD-6, for which series lead Jennifer Garner's character Sydney Bristow is a CIA double-agent. Sloane was instructed earlier this season to kill his wife, played by Amy Irving, because she discovered that SD-6 is not the classified CIA division it's disguised as. Deal for Dunaway, who is repped by Innovative Artists, is among a series of high-profile castings on the show. Lena Olin joined "Alias" this year as Sydney's mom, and helmer Quentin Tarantino made an appearance last season.

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