Forever Dreaming

The Many Faces of Vaughn
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Author:  destinyros2005 [ 02/09/03 19:25 ]
Post subject:  The Many Faces of Vaughn

Ok...we all know and love this man. :)

Here's a list of the different sides of Vaughn we love:

1. Very Hot Vaughn
2. Sexy Vaughn
3. Sunglasses Vaughn
4. Bad-blue-suit Vaughn/Cowboy Vaughn
5. French Vaughn
6. Action Vaughn
7. Kissing Vaughn
8. Jen's Vaughn (she made me put this on here :shake )
9. Joke-telling Vaughn
10. Hug giving Vaughn
11. Passive Vaughn
12. Sick Vaughn
13. Sleeping Vaughn
14. Shirtless Vaughn
15. Protective Vaughn
16. Guardian Angel Vaughn
17. Shy Vaughn
18. Sad/Upset Vaughn
19. Tortured Vaughn
20. Drowning Vaughn
21. Paniced Vaughn
22. Dressed in all Black Vaughn :thud

What else, guys? Let me know and I'll add them! :)
Can you tell I obsess much? :lol :rollin

Author:  blondeePR [ 02/10/03 09:57 ]
Post subject:  The Many Faces of Vaughn

I have to say he's the sexiest when he has the passive look about him.

and last night's episode had soooo many good takes on him.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 02/10/03 11:34 ]
Post subject:  The Many Faces of Vaughn

Ok, Blondee, added Passive Vaughn to the list! :)

Author:  blondeePR [ 02/10/03 15:09 ]
Post subject:  The Many Faces of Vaughn

his character just seems to go into this passive mode when he's around syd. Like he's still in awe of her.

:) heather

Author:  bunniefuu [ 02/10/03 19:10 ]
Post subject:  The Many Faces of Vaughn

I agree with you Heather!

Jen's Vaughn (she made me put this on here

What are you shaking your head at? That's the best one of all! :grin :lol

Cowboy Vaughn
Sick Vaughn
Sleeping Vaughn

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 02/10/03 19:14 ]
Post subject:  The Many Faces of Vaughn

That's the best one of all!

You would say that! :lol :rollin

And added to the list!

Author:  SilverMoon Star [ 02/11/03 06:06 ]
Post subject:  The Many Faces of Vaughn

Don't forget Naked Vaughn or Vaughn in bed whichever or why not just both:grin

Author:  bunniefuu [ 02/11/03 06:25 ]
Post subject:  The Many Faces of Vaughn

Exactly Silver! Hey Cory, what in the heck happened to my Shirtless Vaughn? Your forgetting all the best ones...:drink :lol :rollin

Author:  SilverMoon Star [ 02/11/03 09:48 ]
Post subject:  The Many Faces of Vaughn

Oh yeah and Protective Vaughn you know when he stands up to Spy Daddy and stuff

Oh Oh and Guardian Angel Vaughn

Author:  majandra06 [ 02/12/03 06:07 ]
Post subject:  The Many Faces of Vaughn

Hi, obsessed Vaughn fanatics! I knew both bunnie and Cory would be drooling right over here! ;) I'll give a go: Shy Vaughn. :grin

Author:  bunniefuu [ 02/12/03 06:14 ]
Post subject:  The Many Faces of Vaughn

Hey Maj! :wavey Yep.. this is where I'd be. :lol :lol I'm trying to convince Cory over there that I belong first on the list. :lol :lol Seeing as how Vaughn is MINE and all. :rollin

Oh thought of another one..

Sad/Upset Vaughn :sad
Tortured Vaughn
Drowning Vaughn
Paniced Vaughn

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 02/12/03 19:40 ]
Post subject:  The Many Faces of Vaughn

:wavey Hi, Maj! How'd you guess we'd be over here? :grin :lol

I updated the list for ya all! Any more?

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