Forever Dreaming

Spoiler: S7 episode titles and description (all not confirm)
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Author:  kadeskiss [ 10/27/02 04:39 ]
Post subject:  Spoiler: S7 episode titles and description (all not confirm)

Found These At another site ( I visit. I not sure if they all are true,Because all titles are not confirm. Here Goes:

7x06 - Him
-All the women, including the scooby gals, fall for the star quarterback with a mystical jacket. Xander and Spike work together to solve the case.

7x07 - Conversations With Dead People
-Joyce visits Dawn from the beyond, Buffy has a revealing chat with a vampire and Willow receives a ghostly visitor who she believes may well be Tara, all of which portend an imminent, unpleasant future.

7x08 - Sleeper
-A serial killer is on the loose in Sunnydale and when the Scooby gang investigates, they are shocked by the possible suspect's identity.

7x09 - Points of Origin, Part 1
-These two parter deals with the power of the slayer and its connection to the bloodline of vampires.

7x10 - Points of Origin, Part 2

7x11 - Training Montage
-Buffy trains Dawn in demon slayage!

7x12 - Sticks and Stones
-The scooby gang gets split up over the actions and attitude of Buffy.

7x13 - Of Vamps and Men
-What was once black and white becomes frightfully grey.

7x14 - Pipe Dream
-All the scoobies see their uttermost dreams come true but is that really a good thing?.

7x15 - In The Land of the Blind
-In this episode everyone in Sunnydale becomes blind and Buffy must stop the evil forces who have caused this without her sight.

7x16 - Don't Tread On Me
The scoobies face the snake haired demon Medusa.

7x17 - Parthenogenesis
We learn the true origin of Dawn, as well as, the extent of her power.

7x18 - Point and Counter Point
-Faith returns.

7x19 - Glory
Someone or something gets restored to their former glory.

7x20 - Duel of the Fates
-A battle to determine several characters fates will occur and the results will be shocking.

7x21 - Watch This
-Buffy and Faith battle the corrupt Council of Watchers. Giles is forced to make the hardest decision of his life.

7x22 - Shut Your Mouth
-Buffy and friend's take on the Hellmouth and the ultimate evil. By the end of the finale some of the scoobies will perish and Buffy, along with Spike, get sucked into the Hellmouth as it closes. Dawn becomes the Slayer...

I am almost certain that episode 7x20 to 7 x22 could be false, I could not imagin Dawn becoming a new slayer that fast,for her character is not yet completely develop.Plus, I heard that Smg had sign on for another season.


Author:  fdlaura(d) [ 10/27/02 12:44 ]
Post subject:  Spoiler: S7 episode titles and description (all not confirm)

Kadeskiss - thank you for posting this and welcome to the board.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 10/27/02 17:25 ]
Post subject:  Spoiler: S7 episode titles and description (all not confirm)

Welcome to FD, Kadeskiss! :wave :wave :wave

Thank you for posting all this info. :)

Author:  bunniefuu [ 11/21/02 18:36 ]
Post subject:  Spoiler: S7 episode titles and description (all not confirm)

Kadeskiss~ I don't watch Buffy, but wanted to welcome you to the board! :party
:wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave
:dance :dance2 :dance
:jump :jump2 :jump3

Author:  bunniefuu [ 03/20/03 14:14 ]
Post subject:  Spoiler: S7 episode titles and description (all not confirm)

Credit to Wendy's Spoiler Zone ;)

Episode #17: David Fury and Drew Goddard
Title: Lies My Parents Told Me

Episode #18: Drew Goddard
Title: Dirty Girls

Episode #19: Drew Z. Greenberg
Title: Empty Places

Episode #20: Writer Unknown
Title: Unknown

Episode #21: Doug Petrie and Jane Espenson
Title: End of Days

Episode #22: Joss Whedon
Title: Chosen

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