Forever Dreaming

Spoilers/Discussion - 3x01 The Two
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Author:  destinyros2005 [ 07/14/03 13:21 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

Right now, all we have is a title, thanks to Freelancer at SD-1

Episode 3x01 is called "The Two."

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 07/25/03 17:37 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

Thank you to The Safe House

Original: Thanks to Manu at SD-1 and Thorne at TWoP

Manu writes: "Ok, so this came from the same guy who told me the spoilers for the finale 2 weeks before it aired so it should be reliable. He used to be anyway... "Jack is in jail, for, wait for it, working with Irina to find out who killed Syd. Sloane is no longer bad (yeah right!) and has turned over evidence to catch other terrorists or whatever he is in exchange for some type of deal, (don't know what). If you guys read the trades everyone is back on the show for at least a couple episodes, even Francie. Season three starts in the same room season two left off. I think cause there are so many things I've heard from my sources and from cast interviews as far as how long the plot is that this first episode is either without commercials or a two hour deal. Oh and the big surprising ending is that Syd has a real flashback/dream thing (don't know how these will look on the show) and she discovers she was being used somehow in some capacity as a type of assassin cause she remembers taking a knife to this russian dictator and slitting his throat."

Thorne writes: "Mrs. Vaughn's name is Lauren Reed. "

Author:  blondeePR [ 07/31/03 14:01 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

great when is 3:01 suppose to air?

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/02/03 15:51 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

9pm Sunday, September 28th

Author:  blondeePR [ 08/06/03 16:33 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

in honor of the premiers :)

Author:  vics2881 [ 08/06/03 17:32 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

AHH! That's so long away to wait. This season premiere must come fast!

Vicky :)

Author:  blondeePR [ 08/08/03 15:29 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

heck yeah...we're going to have a party when the premier finally happens.

this board will be a buzzing :)

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/10/03 03:46 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

Love the sig, Heather! :grin

Author:  blondeePR [ 08/10/03 09:57 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

:thanx cory...too bad i miss spelled "premier"

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/20/03 01:21 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two


Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/03 15:17 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

Oh wow. I'm not even sure if I should be the first to post on this and be so negative. I went Spoiler free all summer and that is what I got? :wtf

That had to of been the worst freaking Premiere I've seen in a long time. I was just not impressed, lost my attention numerous time and only one moment did it have my undying attention-- when Syd told Vaughn to shove off!

Oh and can I just say how much I literally HATE Vaughn now? :barf :barf

Hmm... yeah, did enjoy seeing Weiss and Sloane again though. Would of liked to see Irena. Syd did a great performance, but the whole theme and followup just sucked. What a shitty way to begin the season. :(

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/03 15:39 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

Don't mind me I'm just testing things--



Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/03 15:41 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two




Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 09/28/03 17:10 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

They spent an hour saying very little. I'm hoping next week doesn't leave me saying "It's over? That's it?" I felt totally disoriented and like I was really missing something. Which, I suppose, makes sense, as Syd is feeling like that right now. Daddy Bristow being let go like that did seem too good to be true. I mean, back at the CIA with clearance? Not gonna happen!

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/29/03 15:06 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

Well...that was interesting. Not exactly was I was hoping for in the season premier, but... :dunno

Ok..I do have to say that Vaughn crying at the beginning when they flashed back to the fire...:cry2
So glad that Dixon got promoted. Hopefully Carl will have a decent storyline now!

"I'm miserable, but I look really good." Gotta love Weiss! :rollin :rollin

Marshall writing a poem about losing his keys. :lol :lol And he's gonna be a daddy! Go Marshall! :clap

Jack had one of the best lines in the episode--"Michael Vaughn is just a boy who was never good enough for you." :thud And when he told Sydney she looked beautiful...I cried. I really did. It was really nice seeing them reunite!

WTF? Sloane is a consultant for the CIA? I'm with Sydney...he's gotta be up to something. A man that whacked does not just do a 180' because the Rambaldi message said "PEACE." Please!

Limp Biskit! :grin

And Sydney...Thank you for telling Vaughn exactly what all us girls were thinking! And probably what some of us would love to say to some people in real life! That was the single best scene in the episode because it was so damn truthful and emotionally honest. Go Sydney!

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 09/30/03 11:48 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

On an Alias list I'm on, someone pointed out that they did find DNA of Syd's in the debris from the fire, so there was at least some evidence that she'd been in the fire, and it's not entirely out of the realm of reason that she died in the fire. So I'll cut Vaughn some slack on that one. But he grived, moved on, and got married awfully fast for my liking. My verdict, therefore, remains the same: he doesn't deserve Syd.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/30/03 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Spoilers/Discussion~3x01 The Two

Not that I'm sticking up for Vaughn's actions...I am not...but think about it, Sydney did almost the exact same thing. Danny died and within a year and a half her and Vaughn hooked up. And we know they had feelings for each other alot sooner than when they acted on them. Who knows what would of happened if she hadn't lost these last two years. They could be married and have kids...? But, I still think he's a butthead, cause he and Sydney belong together as far as I'm concerned.

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