Forever Dreaming

Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 15:34 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

Okay... I am so sorry. My new screen capture device wants to be a b*tch. My old one isn't working as well as use to. My satellite (don't ask). So it's taken me longer than usual. Also the quality is so-so. Because well see above.

Here's the first batch:
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Okay... flash back you've probably already watched this scene but I capped this anyway.
More coming...

Author:  AmandaBII [ 09/28/02 15:36 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

Like I said on another thread. Thanks so much for all your hard work Diana. I have decided to cave and look at the caps, but hey those weren't that spoilerish. :lol

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/28/02 15:40 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

DIANA! I adore you! Thank you for all the work you do for us! After those recaps from last season, I'm really anxious to see the new ones!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 15:42 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

Amanda, Rotflmao! :rollin :rollin OMG. How funny!

Diana, Thank you so much. And don't you worry about the quality, I'm shocked they look as good as they do with your darn dish hanging on by a thread. :lol :lol

Awesome scenes! Sigh. Preparing myself for the Wet Vaughn now. :lol :lol

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 15:48 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

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More Coming... Again... I am so sorry this is taking so long.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/28/02 15:49 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

Diana...can you tell what we are waiting ever so patiently for? :grin
Here's a hint in case it's really hard. :lol
Preparing myself for the Wet Vaughn now

And I second that motion!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 15:52 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

:omg :omg

Awesome! Of course here comes the confusion already. :lol Are you telling me it cut out the part with him swimming to get out and just went from the window to a table? And is that Syd at the table with him?

Oh boy off to drool some more at him... :rollin

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/28/02 15:54 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

:omg :omg :omg :omg

Ok...who's the blonde? Cause it ain't me! :rollin

Author:  AmandaBII [ 09/28/02 15:57 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

Good lord! Is that Syd sticking him with that long needle? OUCH!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 16:05 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

The water scene comes later. The episode keeps flashing back-forward -forward-back. Also I hate to be the one to disappoint but Vaughn isn't shirtless while he's in the water. The scene above is the one. Yes... that's Sydney. She gives him a shot of adrenaline so he'll get his ass up to

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More Coming...

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/28/02 16:08 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

Oh... Love :love blonde Sydney. She's too adorable. And well, that smile! :)

Author:  AmandaBII [ 09/28/02 16:09 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

That's a big ass needle to give him a shot with.:lol

Okay those latest pictures are too cute!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 16:10 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

OMG. Look at her smile. She wants him! :lol :rollin

Uh, Cory- afraid the blonde is Syd. Sorry. :shake :drink

Diana, I getcha now... so it's going to be a little confusing because these are flashbacks and flashforwards.. and I should of known the wet Vaughn would have his shirt on. :lol Although, he does look mighty nice on the table. I wonder if Syd could stay focused enough to do the needle, you know...:lol :rollin

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 16:14 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

I'm thinking your maxed on the thread, right D? So I'm helping out by bumping you.

bump :grin

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/28/02 16:17 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

NO! The blonde is me!
I want it to be me!
And I agree...she sooooooooooooo wants him...who wouldn't? :dunno
Oh and he looks pretty good all scruffy and with his shirt all open and yum!

Author:  AmandaBII [ 09/28/02 16:17 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps


Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/28/02 16:18 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

Oh and

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 16:24 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

Scruffy and shirt all open? Huh? I can barely see his shirt. Are you imagining things again? :lol :lol


Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/28/02 16:25 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

Are you imagining things again?

Oops, sorry, that was in Coryland! :lol


How much more until page two?


Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 16:26 ]
Post subject:  Alias Sydney/Vaughn Screen Caps

20 posts per page. New page will hit with post 21.
So we only have like two to go..

:grin :grin

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