Forever Dreaming

Frequently Asked Questions
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 07/01/02 03:04 ]
Post subject:  Frequently Asked Questions

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Additional questions:

Can I use a signature line in my posts? Yes, Knock yourself out. We do not have any rules concerning them. To set them up go to User Control Panel and then Edit Profile.

Who's in charge around here?
Generally the person who is listed in that particular forum is responsible for it. All requests concerning that particular forum should be addressed to them. However, if there is a larger issue any of the Admins or Owners can assist you with it. The list of Administrators and Board Owners can be found at the top of the board listed under Our Staff. If you would like to email one of them just click on their name or pm them.

A thread can be closed? What does that mean? Yes, It means no one will be able to post to it.

It seems as if some of the topics have disappeared, why? As threads get old or are closed they get moved to the Graveyard. You can read and sometimes still post on them (if they are not closed) in there.

How can I tell if a thread is closed? On the thread list page in the forum, there will be a little lock next to the thread title, and if you click on the thread to read it, the "post reply" link will not show up. Also, the last post on the thread there *might* be a note from a moderator or administrator explaining why the thread was closed but not necessarily.

Some of the larger threads are closed but don't have any explanation? Why is that? In an effort to keep the threads a reasonable size, we close them after they have reached a certain number of posts. If it is an ongoing topic, then a continuation (or "II") thread will be created. Also, the staff is not expected to explain any actions. If you have a problem with one of your posts you can email them individually as to why it was closed if you like.

It says that someone other than me edited my post? Why would someone do that? No one should. We do not edit or delete posts here. If your post was edited by someone else you can email one of the administrators about the problem and it will be fixed.

Why can't I edit my own post? If you are only on as a guest you will not be able to edit any of your previous posts. You have to be logged on to the board as a member (your name will show up on the who's online) and then you can edit your posts.

What does being "banned" mean? If someone is banned, then they will no longer be able to post on our message board. Violations of certain specific rules can result in a member being banned, as well as continually breaking the rules of the board. Please read our 3 rules under Our Rules at the top of the board so this will not happen to you.

What are the Feature FanArt, Feature FanFic and Feature Website and how do I get to be one? The FanArt can be located in the Picture Zone and is picked at random each month. It can be a FanArt of anything, there are not any limitations. The FanFic can be found in the Writers Realm and is being displayed in order of Author posted as of now. It may be changed later on. The FanFic can be a story of any type, show or characters. We do not have any limitations on them either. The Feature Website can be located in the Palace. There is a thread for the Board of the Month Contest and the rules can be found on it. All of the Features will be changed on the 10th of every month to the new one.

I have a question that you didn't answer. For questions that aren't answered here, you can post in the Welcoming Committee under the Help threads or you can email any of the Staff at the top of the board at any time for help or questions.

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