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What are some grat war movies? |
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Author: | BIG Al Capone [ 12/22/03 12:09 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
I would like to see some war movies. Do you have any recommendations? |
Author: | LittlePinkStars [ 12/23/03 10:38 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
EH... Let me think. Black Hawk Down or.. Pearl Habor or.. Cold Mountain Eh..that's all I can come up with now. I'm sure there are a lot more great war movies. Probably some classic that I forgot right now. ![]() |
Author: | destinyros2005 [ 12/23/03 17:04 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
Older movies or newer one's, Big Al? |
Author: | MeowthTRAM369 [ 12/25/03 08:50 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
"Glory." It stars Matthew Broderick and I believe Morgan Freeman. I remember watching it in 8th grade in History right before lunch. And hey, if a movie can keep an entire 8th grade History class from going to eat lunch, it's gotta be good! It was excellent though, it's a movie about the Civil War. "All Quiet on the Western Front" was good as well, adapted from the book (which was also a nice read). |
Author: | braenn [ 12/26/03 01:02 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
haven't seen all that many war movies... "the pianist" with adrien brody was just amazing, if that's the kind you're refering to. I highly recommend it. I've also seen "we were soldiers" with mel gibson. not the best movie, but I liked it. then again, I'm easily satisfied when it comes to movies. |
Author: | jbangelo [ 12/26/03 12:04 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
I don't know if this really counts as a war movie, but you can't go wrong with "Gone with the Wind." ![]() |
Author: | braenn [ 12/26/03 12:16 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
everybody's talking about that movie and I've NEVER seen it.. I really need to take a trip to the video store sometime soon. is it really that good? |
Author: | jbangelo [ 12/26/03 12:19 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
I love it. It's really long though, just under four hours. So if you like long period pieces, you'll like it. |
Author: | LittlePinkStars [ 12/28/03 11:27 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
Oh Gone with the wind is a classic! ![]() "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." ![]() |
Author: | BIG Al Capone [ 12/29/03 05:16 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
You have to be kidding,the last time I had said I liked that movie the really ragged me. I have always liked "Gone with the wind". But there's some people that just don't get that movie,I think they must have expected blood and guts or something. I don't care if the movie is old or new I just really want to see some movies that I haven't seen or that I've forgot about. If you can think of any others let me know. Thanks |
Author: | destinyros2005 [ 01/01/04 12:29 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
Gone with the Wind is a classic. I could watch that anytime. Ok, war movies that I can think of: Saving Private Ryan Schindler's List From Here to Eternity (never have seen it, heard it's good) Black Hawk Down Full Metal Jacket Pearl Harbor Platoon |
Author: | orcbosley [ 01/11/04 21:29 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
Yah I agree that Glory was awesome. It still is my all time favorite. A bridge too far was a classic I grew up with. My dad went through the war as a kid, so he doesn't encourage me to watch them anymore, I think he just got tired of all the conflict that's going on now, HIstory isn't over I guess. Platoon, has been on Spike and TBS a lot lately. What a hard core movie. Probably the only one that makes Charlie sheen a legit actor next to Wallstreet. Full Metal Jacket has the best lines. "Maggot!" Saving Private Ryan, and oh yeah, Thin Red Line was so good. Worst one, Wind Talkers could have been good, but was cheese, didn't mind Pearl Harbor but after I thought about it was pretty bad. |
Author: | jbangelo [ 01/12/04 09:37 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
orcbosely, ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Author: | LittlePinkStars [ 01/13/04 23:44 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
I agree with Cory. Schindler's List is absolutely amazing. That's a really good war movie. |
Author: | Kristin80 [ 01/15/04 10:19 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
Just here to put in my two cents... Platoon is great.. Schindlers List and Saving Private Ryan are wonderful movies..However I am a really emotional person and sob and sob and sob and get really upset after I watch them... Gone with the Wind is a classic and anyone who hasn't seen it should do so immedietly... ![]() |
Author: | Aryannaa [ 06/28/05 17:24 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
Gladiator |
Author: | Con Angel [ 07/13/05 22:26 ] |
Post subject: | What are some grat war movies? |
Gone with the wind is legendary, anyone who claims to not think so obviously have never seen it. As for other movies I'd have to recommend: We Were Soliders Thin Red Line Saving Private Ryan BlackHawk Down Braveheart Don't worry I'm not a big bood and guts action movie fan, but I absolutely love these movies, especially Braveheart. |
Author: | bunniefuu [ 03/09/13 22:48 ] |
Post subject: | Re: What are some grat war movies? |
War Horse! Loved it! |
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