Forever Dreaming

Vampire movies
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Author:  hollowtear [ 09/15/03 19:19 ]
Post subject:  Vampire movies

Lately Ive noticed that when i watch a show or movie with vamps, i get very upset if it doesnt follow the buffyverse rules for vamps...lumpys, turn to dust, have to DIE, dont turn into bats :bat ,etc etc...

i watched the epi of Charmed called "bite me" and the whole time i was yelling at the tv saying "Thats Not How It Is!" :nono come on. they had a queen vamp and when they killed it all the others returned to human. :bs

does this happen to anyone else? or am i weird?

Author:  hollowtear [ 09/16/03 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Vampire movies

hello? hello? is anyone out there? :sadwave

Author:  buffyanne96 [ 09/16/03 21:50 ]
Post subject:  Vampire movies

I'm here! I'm here! :)
I do not what you're saying... Buffy has just led the way!

Author:  hollowtear [ 09/17/03 18:01 ]
Post subject:  Vampire movies


Author:  Lighthouse215 [ 09/17/03 19:18 ]
Post subject:  Vampire movies

I know exactly what you mean. The one that gets me the most is when they kill a 'head' vampire and the ones that he sired turn human again. Example: Lost Boys. Don't get me wrong.. I LOVE that movie! I just don't see how because of watching Buffy and Angel all these years.. yes, Lost Boys came out WAY before Buffy did. But still. :lol

Another example of that would be in the movie, "The Forsaken" starring Kerr Smith. Loved that movie too.. but it was just so 'out' there. Or am I the only one feeling that way?

Author:  buffyanne96 [ 09/17/03 21:28 ]
Post subject:  Vampire movies

when they kill a 'head' vampire and the ones that he sired turn human again.

I know what u mean! :)

Author:  hollowtear [ 09/18/03 06:10 ]
Post subject:  Vampire movies

:grinclap yay i thought i was the only one who felt like that. good to see im not alone.

Author:  buffyanne96 [ 09/19/03 00:15 ]
Post subject:  Vampire movies

No you're not :)

Author:  sexysassysarz [ 10/03/03 23:58 ]
Post subject:  Vampire movies

I do it too. I was watching The Buffy movie and The Forsaken and I was screaming at the TV cause the way they portrayed vamps was wrong!

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