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Colin Hanks Nominated for MTV Movie Award
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Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/13/02 16:07 ]
Post subject:  Colin Hanks Nominated for MTV Movie Award

Ok everyone...Colin has been nominated for the Best Male Breakthrough Performance for his roll in Orange County. So, everyone please go to this address and vote for our man, Alex! :)

Author:  Spicey Tabasco Rookie [ 05/13/02 17:15 ]
Post subject:  Colin Hanks Nominated for MTV Movie Award

I have yet to see the movie but I hope he gets it cause it looks good.

Author:  catcrazychicka [ 05/13/02 17:22 ]
Post subject:  Colin Hanks Nominated for MTV Movie Award

I haven't seen it yet, but I voted for him anyway. I hope he wins! :grin

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/14/02 00:16 ]
Post subject:  Colin Hanks Nominated for MTV Movie Award

I haven't seen it either, but it looks really funny. Plus, I just had to support him! MTV had a special on last night and they highlighted him and mentioned that he got his start on the WB show "Roswell." And he says he thinks his dad is just a big dork! :lol

Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/14/02 02:22 ]
Post subject:  Colin Hanks Nominated for MTV Movie Award

And he says he thinks his dad is just a big dork!

:lol :lol Not Tom! He's hysterical! :rollin :rollin
Well I haven't seen it yet either, because I have to wait for movies to come out on video to see them. :lol :lol

Author:  MeowthTRAM369 [ 05/14/02 11:09 ]
Post subject:  Colin Hanks Nominated for MTV Movie Award

Aww, I hope Colin wins =D He deserves it..but if he doesn't win, then I'm rooting for Orlando Bloom..but Colin is definitely my first choice.
Oh, and Elijah is nominated for best male performance...hurrah! I hope he wins ^_^

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 05/14/02 15:15 ]
Post subject:  Colin Hanks Nominated for MTV Movie Award

Hope Colin wins!

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 05/14/02 15:27 ]
Post subject:  Colin Hanks Nominated for MTV Movie Award

Not Tom! He's hysterical!

I KNOW! I was thinking the same thing, but when you think about it...he is his dad, so to Colin, Tom probably is a big dork! Aren't all dads? LOL Mom's are the cool ones, dad's are the dorks! :lol

Author:  Spicey Tabasco Rookie [ 06/12/02 10:43 ]
Post subject:  Colin Hanks Nominated for MTV Movie Award

LOL Both my parents are dorks. My mother tries to be cool but for the most part she fails lol but I love her. And my dad... never mind LOL :lol

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