Forever Dreaming |
SWIMFAN---Updates |
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Author: | blondeePR [ 09/04/02 05:26 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
I belong to 1ALL_ROSWELL and I found some interesting info about our beloved cast from the show: Roswell. As for Roswell re-run dates are said to be in Jan.2003--i think it would be a good idea to send emails to: to get the station a feel of the shows fan base and how badly we want to see the re-runs. ------------------------------------------------------------- SWIMFAN articles by: Chris Kaoh - kriscow-broken-email-cox.netI was in Westwood on Sunday and picked up an issue of Entertainment Today. Apparently it's circulated throughout LA and Orange County but I've never seen it in OC. There was a small article on Shiri in Swimfan: SHIRI APPLEBY: INSPIRED BY A TRUE STORY Remember your first high school boyfriend? Shiri Appleby does. "I still have the scars from it," the former Roswell star reveals. "You don't get over things like that." Sounds like things didn't exaclty work out . . . "I got cheated on," she explains. "So I slapped the boy across the face." That was great preparation for her new role in the teen thriller Swimfan. "I play Jesse Bradford's girlfriend," she says. "He is her first boyfriend and she is so in love she is convinced she is marrying this guy. Then the new girl at school comes in to steal my man." That's about when art begins to imitate life. "When I found out in the movie that he has cheated on me, I slap Jesse across the face," she laughs. "I was telling him this story in rehearsals, so we decided to do it in the movie. That scene is taken from real life events." |
Author: | SpicyAlejandra [ 09/04/02 13:28 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
Sounds like Shiri had fun doing the movie! ![]() I'm going to see it this friday... hopefully, if I can get someone to go with me ![]() |
Author: | blondeePR [ 09/04/02 13:33 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
i'm going! i think we should take a count and see how many will go? |
Author: | catcrazychicka [ 09/04/02 13:57 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
I'm so seeing this friday, already arranged and everything. It's sad that I had to save up for a movie ticket, but they are expensive! |
Author: | destinyros2005 [ 09/04/02 15:28 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
I can't wait for this to come out! I will HAVE to go see it this weekend! |
Author: | blondeePR [ 09/05/02 04:13 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
Kristal---don't feel bad about ticket prices. I had gotten so use to using my student ID which allows me to pay $ that i've lost my ID I have to pay the adult price $8. It's not an easy transition. *yuk* |
Author: | MeowthTRAM369 [ 09/05/02 11:15 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
I can't wait to see it.. I hope I can see it Friday. The movie looks really good and Shiri is in it, so of course I gotta see it ^_^ I really like her as an actress, she does a good job. That kinda sucks that her first relationship was like that, but hey.. we all gotta experience that at some point, right? Oh well, it led her to do a great slap scene in the movie I suppose XP |
Author: | AbsoluteAngel58 [ 09/05/02 14:12 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
I can't wait to see Swimfan! Wohoo! She slaps him across the face... now how come she wouldn't do that to Max when he cheated on her character?!?! |
Author: | catcrazychicka [ 09/05/02 18:03 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
If any of you hear Kevin and Bean in the mornings on KROQ, tomorrow morning she will be talking with them. Just a heads up for any of you that get it. |
Author: | AbsoluteAngel58 [ 09/06/02 16:01 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
Nah I don't listen to KROQ in the morning, but what time is that? YAY! It opened today! I'm gonna try so bad to see it tomorrow regardless of what the stupid assholic critics say about it. ![]() |
Author: | bunniefuu [ 09/07/02 03:36 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
Absolute~ ![]() ![]() ![]() SO, Did anyone see it? Details! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Author: | MeowthTRAM369 [ 09/07/02 09:40 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
I saw it! I really liked it! Okay, this will have some small spoilers..hehe.. First, I know you really shouldn't do this, but I wanna compare it to Roswell XP I just noticed a few similiarities that the movie had to Roswell.. First, she was dating someone with dark hair.. big deal, but it was weird to see her in love with someone who WASN'T Max.. Second, she was a waitress at a restaurant.. typical job, I know.. Third, her and her boyfriend were going to be 3000 miles apart...him in California, her in Rhode Island.. kind of like how Liz went off to boarding school in New England and Max was in New Mexico still.. Fourth, the girl that gets in the way of their relationship was an evil bitch with blonde curlyish hair...bwhahah Okay, so those aren't any big connections, but they were kind of Roswell-related.. The movie itself was well done I thought.. the acting was great, especially for a teen movie..and it was definitely a lot darker than one too.. they all acted like high school students would.. so it made it more believable.. there were some parts that weren't believable.. like how **SPOILER** Madison (the evil stalker girl) was arrested and managed to use a gun in one of the police officer's pocket to shoot the two police officers in the car WHILE she was handcuffed.. o_O; Also, Ben (the main character) climbed a tree and broke into Madison's house without being noticed.. although there WAS a recital going on (Madison plays the cello..and although I hated her guts she was very good..cello music is so pretty ^^;) was still odd. I think Madison had some mental problems in the movie.. I seriously think she was bi-polar or skitzophrenic..just the way that they set it up in scenes.. it's kind of hard to explain but it would keep flashing and showing Madison reacting.. kind of repeating the same scene of her reacting over a few times.. sorry, I'm not good at explaining ^^; The ending was also very... abrupt..I'm not quite sure what they meant by it.. **SPOILER**because at one part it LOOKED like a boy that Madison killed, Josh, was alive and had just won a swim race...I don't know.. I think they should have gone more into Madison's past... because it seemed she had an obsession with star athletes.. the past guy she was "with" (who was in intensive care in a hospital x_X, most likely because of her) was a star baseball player. She was really obsessed though o_O she **SPOILER** tried killing Shiri (I can't remember her name in the movie..sorry) by rear-ending her in Ben's truck while she was riding a motorcycle..then at the hospital she was going to kill her with a scalpel or something o_O; See, Madison was trying to rid Ben of all the things that were causing him stress in his life so they could be together (she THOUGHT he loved her cause they had sex in the pool.. umm.. yeah... typical guy cheating on his girlfriend for sex ![]() |
Author: | SpicyAlejandra [ 09/07/02 12:30 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
I just went and saw it today, too! A few INNOCENT spoilers... I LOVED the part in the hall where she slapped him, and walked away... oooh... And did anyone notice, that the guy who played Josh... was, I believe, the same actor who played Billy in "Behind The Music." Eh... coincidence, that he and Shiri happened to be in the same movie? Maybe ![]() ![]() Movie was great, the part where Madison was walking down the hospital hallway WAS indeed a bit eerie... Yay! Great movie! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Author: | catcrazychicka [ 09/07/02 20:35 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
I saw it friday was was kind of disappointed with the ending. It just sort of...stopped. I just felt like there should have been more to that. BUT, I really enjoyed the rest of the movie. It was a good movie and the camera cuts were interesting. They would show them talking then cut to show them reacting though the talking could still be heard, then it would cut back to them talking. Very interesting, kind of made me feel like I blinked for a really long time though. ![]() I recommend it to you all! I think it did well in the box office too, I know a whole mess of people from my school saw it, and a few of the showings were even sold out too. Not bad since they just recently raised the price at our local theatre to $9.50! |
Author: | SpicyAlejandra [ 09/08/02 10:16 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
Yeah, our bargain matinee was $9.50 for two, I went and saw it with a friend. |
Author: | catcrazychicka [ 09/08/02 18:38 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
wow, its only $9.50 for 2 people? It's $9.50 per person here! |
Author: | Spicey Tabasco Rookie [ 09/11/02 09:11 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
I'll for sure check it out but probally not till it comes out on video. I can't wait it sounds awesome. |
Author: | SpicyAlejandra [ 09/21/02 13:33 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
I'm definitely planning on buying myself a copy when it comes out on video ![]() |
Author: | destinyros2005 [ 09/21/02 15:04 ] |
Post subject: | SWIMFAN---Updates |
I still haven't gone and seen it...I've been so lazy lately! ![]() |
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