Forever Dreaming

01x11 - To Love To Bury
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/03/13 09:28 ]
Post subject:  01x11 - To Love To Bury

Scene 1: In the woods - Bill, Pam, Jessica

Bill is hollowing out a dig in the ground. Jessica is unconscious. Pam is looking at Jessica and playing with her dress.

Bill: Would you leave her alone?

Pam: It's your own fault. You and your insane affection for stupid cattle.

Bill: Just go away.

Pam: I wouldn't have to be here if the Magister could trust you.

Bill: I fulfilled the conditions of my sentence. I murdered this innocent girl.

Pam: There was no murder. You drained her blood and gave her yours.

Bill: I've proven my loyalty.

Pam sits on a trunk.

Pam: Yes. But you're romantic, you're sentimental. You just might do something to keep the little bloodbag from joining our ranks. I'll follow my orders. I won't let you stake her before she goes to ground.

Bill: I'm not gonna stake her, I'm gonna set her free.

Pam: You've already set her free. The same as Eric freed me.

Bill: Everyone she's ever known will recoil from her. Everything she's ever loved has been stolen from her.

Pam: Oh, please, there's no comparison. You've given that pathetic lump a temporary flesh...

Bill: Jessica.

Pam: ... the ultimate gift. You're a maker. You're a hero.

Bill: I find myself doubting whether you were ever truly human.

Pam: Thank you.

She pushes with her foot Jessica in the whole.

Bill: D*** you.

Bill goes in and lay Jessica.

Pam: Once she's planted in the earth, the transformation will begin.

Bill: I know.

Pam: I'll tuck you in. (He lays near Jessica) Tomorrow night your little girl will rise a vampire.


Scene 2: Sookie's house - Sam, Sookie

Sam is in Sookie's saloon. He tries to call Tara.

Tara voice: This is Tara. Leave a message. Easy stuff.

Sam: Hey, Tara, where you at? At least let me know you're not drunk in a ditch somewhere. I'm sorry I take it back. Just call, okay?

Sookie arrives.

Sam: Hey.

Sookie: I had to put those clothes on the wash. It felt like the killer was all over me. Watching me, hating me itching for a knife or a rope or my neck.

Sam: You didn't get any sense of who it was?

Sookie: No, just pictures. His thoughts were all red and black and snarly. But there was something familiar.

Sam: Like somebody from Bon Temps? Or somebody from the bar?

Sookie: No one I could recognize for sure.

Sam: Look, I think we should call the police.

Sookie: And what would I say? "Sheriff Dearborne, Andy Bellefleur, I saw a woman die. I just had to be in somebody else's brain at the time"?

Sam: Did you get a good look at her? I mean, what was she like?

Sookie: Young, pretty with an apron.

Sam: Apron. You mean like a mom?

Sookie: More like a waitress. Was there a nametag? Maybe.

Sam: Yeah.

They sit on the couch.

Sam: What did it say?

Sookie: I don't know. I was looking at her eyes. She was so surprised.

Sam: Well, do you wanna call Bill? I mean, that might make you feel better.

Sookie: No. he would've felt how scared I was.he would've known I was in danger. If he didn't show up tonight he's not coming back.

Sam: Hey.

Sookie: You hear from Tara?

Sam: No.

Sookie: Well, good night.

Sam: Night.

She leaves. He charges the shotgun.

Scene 3: On the road of the accident - Kenya, Tara

Kenya: A woman. At 2 in the morning.

Tara: Standing there naked, f****** with my head.

Kenya: And she was with a pig?

Tara: A big pig. Like, you, know, like a crazy-ass motherf****** Bunyan pig.

Kenya: Tara, tell me the truth.

Tara: That is the truth. Kenya, I'm an excellent driver but you can't prepare a naked lady and a hog in the middle of the road. Now, you know that.

Kenya: I know you drunk, that's what I know.

Tara: Drunk? I'm not drunk. One beer.

Kenya: Coming from Arlene's party with an open bottle.

Tara: What bottle?

Kenya: The one busted in your car.

Tara: That's not my bottle.

Kenya: Then you wouldn't mind a sobriety test.

Tara: Hell, no. Bring it.

Kenya: Step away from the vehicle. Stand with your feet together. Stand with one foot in front holding the other one 6 inches off the ground, parallel to the ground.

Tara: Let's try that again.

Kenya: What is the matter with you? You know, you turning into Letti Mae.

Tara: F*** you.

Kenya: I am a sheriff's deputy now. Tara Thronton, don't you go there with me.

Tara: Kenya, sister, the only place I wanna go is home.

Kenya: Well, sorry, not tonight.

Tara: No. It' not fair. It's not my fault.

Kenya: I will cuff you.

Tara: But the lady and the pig, that was real.

Kenya: Yeah. Just watch your intoxicated head, please.

Scene 4: Jason's basement - Jason, Amy

Jason is in the basement. There are only blood and clothes left from Eddie. Amy arrives.

Jason: Jesus f****** Christ. S***. F***. Amy, what did you do?

Amy: I did what we had to do. Now, come on, wipe up. Here's a towel. There's more rags. Come on.

Jason: Who the f*** are you?

Amy: How can you say that to me? You know who I am. You know better than anybody.

Jason: I thought I knew. I told you to let him go.

Amy: Well, I told you not to talk to him. He was controlling your mind.

Jason: B*******.

Amy: Yes.

Jason: No, not Eddie. He didn't know how to do that yet. He trusted me. It was gonna be all right.

Amy: God, it was never gonna be all right. From the minute we took him you knew it'd end like this. You just couldn't face it.

Jason: I didn't think it would f****** end like this.

Amy: You wanted his blood, bad. You were with me the whole way, so don't act like this is all my falt. Now, I said to clean up, so clean up.

Jason: Yankee b****.

Amy: D*** f****** hillbilly.

They begin to clean.

Jason: God.

Jason throws out. Amy goes and seats near him.

Amy: Listen. It's okay. It's gonna be all right. We just gotta keep our shit together.

Jason: We killed a man.

Amy: No.

Jason: Yeah.

Amy: For the last time, he was already dead. He was not a man. He was a predator, only we got him first. So don't do this, okay? Don't let a vampire come between us.

Jason: No. I guess not.

Amy: Because what we have, Jason, it's beautiful.

Jason: Yeah. Yeah.

Scene 5: Sookie's kitchen - Sookie, Sam

Sookie is reading the Yellow Pages when Sam comes.

Sam: Good morning. I didn't know you were up.

Sookie: Eggs and sausage, warm in the oven.

Sam: Oh, thanks. You already eat?

Sookie: Too busy. Tara call?

Sam: Not yet. Probably still sleeping it off.

Sookie: I'll tell you what, I an sick and tired of waiting around to get strangled.

Sam: That's not gonna happen while I'm here.

Sookie: You can't spend 24 hours a day with me for the rest of my life.

Sam: Sure I can.

Sookie: I wanna find that guy before he finds me again.

Sam: So you're looking up killers in the yellow pages?

Sookie: No. I remembered. In my sleep, I remembered.

Sam: What?

Sookie: The girl I say. Her clothes, the apron, it was a uniform. She was a waitress and there was a tag. Her name was Cindy. And the restaurant name was something about pies. Party Pies or Patty Pies.

Sam: Wait, you mean Big Patty's Pie House?

Sookie: Yes.

Sam: Well, yeah, I know Big Patty's. it's off I-49, a way south, near Bunkie.

Sookie: You don't have to come with me.

Sam: Yeah, I do. Come on, eat up, you need your fuel.

Sookie: I'm not hungry.

Sam: Don't sass me.

Sookie: You're not the boss of me. Oh, right, you are.

Sam: Yeah.

They eat.

Scene 6: Jason's kitchen - Jason, Amy

Amy: Hey, you. Going to work? Yeah, me too in a second. Look I wanted to say I'm really sorry.

He puts the bottle of V in a garbage bag and throws them it on the ground.

Jason: We are done with this shit, do you hear me? Done. I want every drop out of my house. And if you don't like it, you can pack your goddamn bags and go.

He leaves.

Amy: Love you.

Scene 7: Merlotte's - Lafayette, Terry

Tv animator: We caught up with Senator David Finch Speaking to the Marthaville Order of Visionary Southern Gentlemen as he embarks on his campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives. The MOVSG has announced that they are...

Lafayette: He has what? He didn't tell me that.

He turns up the sound.

Senator at the TV: Equal rights for vampires? I don't think so. Many of them are foreign immigrants.

Lafayette: What the f***?

Senator: Taking our jobs and our women. And their very blood turns our children into addicts, drug dealers and homosexuals. No vampire and none of these vampire-loving deviants deserve any rights at all.

Lafayette: You's a lying-ass motherf***. Two-faced son of a b****.

Tv: ... managed his family's hardware store.

Lafayette to Terry: Did you hear what he just said?

Terry: I can't listen to politicians. I get a seizure.

Tv animator: Senator Finch will be shaking hands tonight at the Remington Hotel in Monroe. And offering...

Lafayette: That's good to know.

Terry: Can we put it on my home-décor program?

Amy arrives.

Tv animator: Senator Finch has increased the intensity...

Terry changes the tv program.

Tv: But look. Just by adding shelves. This is just plain plywood...

Lafayette (to Amy): Oh, darling, you looking a little used up. Jason dragging you into his bullshit?

Amy: I have no idea what you mean.

She leaves.

Tv: Right inside.

Lafayette: Terry?

Terry: Yeah.

Lafayette: Why is everybody telling me lies today?

Terry: I got no idea. Look at that, Lafayette, theme shelves.

Lafayette: Oh, that's pretty, baby. Would you work for me tonight?

Scene 8: Big Patty's - Sookie, Sam, Harley, Buster

Harley (Waitress): No ma'am, no, sir. I don't know any Cindy. But I can recommend the fried apple pie, the froze Hawaiian pie, the chocolate pecan praline pie, the chess pie, the seven-layer Jell-O pie.

A client: They'll have the peanut butter pie and the Spunky Hollow honey pineapple pie. Please, Harley.

Harley: Gotcha, Buster.

Sam: We will?

Buster: You won't get nothing from her. She's only been here two weeks. Comes from three generations of dumb as rocks. Hell, they named her after a motorcycle.

Sookie: That's real interesting, but...

Buster: If you wanna know anything about Cindy Marshall, I'll talk to you. And I'll eat that pie too. Buster Boisseau.

Sookie: Sookie Stackhouse, Sam Merlotte.

Hartley brings the pies and Sam and Sookie seat at the bar.

Sam: Yeah. Can you tell us...?

Buster: First thing first. (He eats)

Sookie: You knew Cindy?

Buster: A little bit. Let's see, I met her two years ago. She moved into town with her brother a couple of months before...

Sam: Before what?

Buster: Well, I hate to be the one to tell you, but somebody murdered that little gal. Just choked the life right out of her.

Sookie: Poor thing. Did they find out who did it?

Buster: Nope. It's a mystery.

Sookie: Where's her brother? Could we talk to him?

Buster: Don't know how. He was gone by the time they found her body. The police thought maybe he's dead too or maybe he killed her. But there wasn't no evidence one way or the other.

Sam: What was his name?

Buster: Let me think on that. Nobody hardly knew him. Let's see, D something. Dave. Drew. No, Drew. Drew Marshall.

Sookie: What was Cindy like?

Buster: Oh, cute as a button, a little wild, fun-loving, always nice to me. But people talked, you know.

Sookie: Talked about what?

Buster: Vampires. They say she was carrying on with the vampires. I didn't believe her. I mean, what kind of woman would do such a thing? Harley, this is the Texas Special Sawdust pie. Nobody ordered that.

Sam (to Sookie): Well, it's not much.

Sookie: We got a name.

Scene 9: The police station - Tara, Kenya

Tara talks to her mom on the phone and Kenya is looking at her.

Tara: Mama, please don't cry. It was only a little accident and I didn't get hurt much. Well, no, I wasn't drunk, but they think I was. Mama, quit yelling. All I need is bail money and a ride home. There's no reason to cry.

Scene 10: On the road - Jason, Rene, Hoyt

Jason: What do you mean, no? Y'all pussies? Let's go pound some beers.

Hoyt: Can't. Mama's night blind and I gotta take her to a baby shower in Shreveport.

Jason: Night blind, my a**. She's got these apron strings wrapped around your throat, boy. Cut her loose. Come party with the menfolk.

Hoyt: I wanna go, Jay.

Rene: What you gonna do at a little baby shower?

Hoyt: The food's good, the games are fun. You know, like Pass the Orange? And if the ladies start screaming like they always do, I'll just go for a little walk.

Jason: Well, that's just plain sad. (To Rene) It's you and me, brother. We'll play some pool, I'll buy you a po'boy.

Rene: Sorry. Me and Arlene, we got a date to dance.

Jason: Well, I'll come with you.

Rene: You won't. It's a date, I said. Me and my woman.

Jason: All right, fine. F*** it. I'll party on my own.

Hoyt: What do you want with us when you got Amy? God, she's good-looking.

Jason: Well, I'm gonna tell you something, but you can't say nothing to nobody. You got that? Amy likes V.

Hoyt: Vampire blood? No, I don't believe that.

Rene: It's not a joke?

Jason: Nope.

Hoyt: Then you gotta help her stop. That's it. Set her straight.

Jason: I'm trying, you know, but she's hooked or something. There's only so much I can do.

Hoyt: She sleeps with vampires too?

Jason: She says she never did. But these days, it's hard to find a woman who ain't been bit.

Hoyt: Do you love her?

Jason: Yeah, but I don't like this V s***. We had a terrible fight. She might be gone already, and if she's not, maybe I ought to dump her.

Hoyt: Man, don't do that. She's the kind that you keep.

Rene: Look you didn't even try to work it out yet. So tomorrow night, we go out, get drunk, pass a good time. We'll figure out what to do.

Jason: Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks.

Rene: Okay.

Hoyt: Hang in there, bro.

Jason: All right.

Rene: Okay. These things, they got a way of working out, you know?

Jason: I hope you're right.

Hoyt: All right. Night.

Jason: Night.

Rene and Hoyt leave.

Scene 11: Police station of Bunkie - Sam, Sookie, police officer

Sam: Hello?

Police officer: Hold your horses.

Officer thoughts: Can't call it adultery if a wife won't have sex. At least Debbie's a Christian.

Sookie (to Sam): Give him a second. He doesn't think so quick.

Sam: Hello?

Officer: Yeah.

Sookie: Hello, officer. Sir. I'm sorry to bother you.

Officer: No bother. No bother at all. I was just...

Police radio, voice: Tom's coming up to that T.C. on Terra Ridge, about 5 miles out.

Officer: Are those vampires bites?

Sam: With all due respect, sir, that's none of your business.

Sookie: Sir, we're looking for information.

Officer: Yeah, well, that's what the library's for.

Sam: It's about Cindy Marshall's murder.

Officer: What about it?

Sam: Well, there have been murders like hers in Renard Parish. Bon Temps, to be exact. Hadn't you heard?

Officer: Can't say.

Sookie: She had a brother, Drew, I was told.

Officer: Could be.

Sookie: Do you have a picture of him?

Officer: What for? We don't know he did it. More likely a vampire.

Sookie: I don't mean to tell you your business but a vampire wouldn't kill by strangulation.

Officer: Well, I guess you'd know. Good riddance to white trash is all I got to say.

Sam: Buddy, you're out of line.

Sookie: He can say whatever he wants. It doesn't bother me a bit. Just hand me a picture of Drew Marshall and I'll go away quiet.

Officer: Well, that file's in storage. It's gonna take a while to get it, probably months.

Sam: Come on, Sookie, he's not gonna do s*** for us.

Sookie: Oh, I think he will. All right, then, we'll go to the library and I'll get your home address. Shouldn't be too hard to track down your wife.

Officer: My wife?

Sookie: So I can tell her you're sleeping with Debbie.

Sam: Yeah, Debbie.

Sookie: From church?

Officer: You... how did...?

Sookie: And the Vampire League of America will surely wanna know about your attitude.

Officer: Now, now, hold on a minute now. Hold on now. I can't just give you the photo. What I might do is fax it on down to the sheriff in Bon Temps.

Sam: Fast.

Officer: Yeah. Do my best.

Sookie: That's all we ask. Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Scene 12: Remington Hotel - Lafayette, Senator Finch, Lurlene

The senator shakes hands.

Senator: My pleasure.

A woman: Lurlene Butterman. You know, I cannot wait to vote for you.

Senator: Well, bless your heart, Lurlene. And you know, I cannot wait to represent your views in Congress. Thanks for coming by.

Lurlene: I would like to say...

Lafayette: Move ahead, young woman. The senator got many admirers.

Senator: Hello.

Lafayette: Hello. I am so happy and proud to shake the hand of someone with your values. Too often we're governed by criminals and hypocrites, don't you agree? But I can tell you're a man of virtues. And I applaud the effort you're making against the poor and disenfranchised especially the vampires and the gays.

Senator: Thank you. Next.

Lafayette: So many things can happen to bring down a fine personage such as yourself. You might wanna be careful, you hear?

Senator: Yes.

Man: Look at the camera.

Senator: No.

The man takes a picture of the senator and Lafayette then Lafayette leaves.

Senator: Thanks for coming by.

Scene 13: Jason's - Jason, Amy

Jason arrives home and the table is set for two persons.

Amy: Did you have to work late? It doesn't matter. I just...

Jason: No.

Amy: No?

Jason: I didn't wanna come home.

Amy: Okay.

Jason: I was afraid you might have left.

Amy: No. No, this is where I wanna be. I wanna be with you.

Jason: But you can't stay if...

Amy: I did what you said. It was all my fault, Jason. I'm so, so sorry.

Jason: Did you make dinner for me?

Amy: I'd do anything for you.

Jason: Come here.

They hug.

Amy: I'll make it right.

Scene 14: In the woods - Bill, Jessica

Bill waits, seated to Jessica to come out from down the ground.

Jessica: Help me.

She screams.

Scene 15: In the car, on the way back to Bon Temps - Sam, Sookie

Sookie: Why's the say home always longer than the way there?

Sam: Now that'd be philosophy and I'm a simple guy.

Sookie: What a load of horse pucky. Simple is one thing that you are not.

Sam: I disagree. I may be a shape-shifter but I want what every man wants. You know? A good life, a good woman.

Sookie: Do you love Tara?

Sam: You know, I like her a lot and I care about her, for sure. I've been trying to love her, but she doesn't make it easy.

Sookie: Well, she can't help it. When you've never had much love...

Sam: Oh, I know. I know. Believe me, I know. But it's... it's not working. You know, we're friends, is all. I mean, I'm not so easy to love either.

Sookie: You're wrong.

Sam: I am? Do you love Bill?

Sookie: I think I do. But where is he? If vampire politics are more important to him than me... I don't know. I'm so mad at him, I could spit.

Sam: I can see where you would be.

Sookie: I'm sorry you're having do drive so far.

Sam: I don't mind. I love to ride in the car.

Sookie: Of course you do. Go on, hang your head out the window if you feel like it.

Sam: Okay, I appreciate that but it's a private pleasure.

Sookie: One day when all this is over, I'm gonna save up. We'll rent a convertible, we'll take it to the gulf. Lie on the beach, bake in the sun.

Sam: It's a date.

Sookie: Do you know any car songs?

Scene 16: Jason's - Jason, Amy

Jason: Damn, woman. Where'd you learn to cook like that?

Amy: From the maid. She was French. Hey, if I show you something you have to promise that you're not gonna get mad.

Jason: I'm never gonna get mad at you again, never ever.

Amy: Promise?

Jason: Yeah, I promise.

She shows him a vial of V.

Amy: I saved one drop.

Jason: Motherf*****!

Amy: Babe, please don't flip.

They go in their bedroom.

Amy: We both know that we're for real. We're gonna have a life together.

Jason: So, what are you doing with that? You're killing me. I can't trust you for a second.

Amy: You can trust me totally, for always, I swear. It's just that I want symmetry.

Jason: Now, what the f*** is that?

Amy: Balance, harmony, beauty.

Jason: Oh, for crying out loud.

Amy: Baby, this vial is our past. We started with V so we should end it with V. Like just closing a circle. So we can start a new circle, our new life together. I'm through with the blood. It's only a symbol. But the circle, I mean, that's what's important to me. Never mind. I'm gonna go by myself.

Jason: Well, I'm not gonna let you do that. But this is the last f****** time.

Amy: Last time. Cheers to our future, baby.

She drinks the V and they kiss.

Scene 17: In the woods - Jessica, Bill

Bill: You drank from me. Your blood was replaced with mine and then I shared my essence with you when we slept together in the ground. No, no, no, not intercourse.

Jessica: You just said "intercourse".

Bill: It's tradition, it's part of the process. It's magical. Even we don't fully understand how it works.

Jessica: Well all I know is, staying out all night like this, my daddy's gonna whup you good. Mister, you better get me home right now.

Bill: Jessica, stop.

Jessica: No.

Bill: Stop.

Jessica: Hey. Why?

Bill: Because we need to talk.

Jessica: Why?

Bill: There are things you must learn.

Jessica: Why?

Bill: Because you're no longer human.

Jessica: Why?

Bill: As I've been trying to explain to you at length, you have been made vampire.

Jessica: Why?

Bill: Because you were unlucky. Because life and death are unfair. Because of me. You cannot go home. That part of your life is over.

Jessica: No more Mama and Daddy? No more little sister?

Bill: I'm sorry. No.

Jessica: No more belts. No more clarinets. No more home school. No more rules. I'm a vampire. Waw.

Bill: No, no, no. There are rules. That's what I've been trying to teach you.

Jessica: Crap your rules. Crap, crap, crap. I can say anything I want now. S***, s***, s***, d***, hell, f***. Of, "f***", that's a bad one. F***, f***, f***. Oh, what's another cussword so I can say it? I'm an d*** vampire.

Bill: If you calm down, I will teach you what being a vampire means.

Jessica: I'm not stupid, I can read. I know what it means.

Bill: Very well, then, why don't you tell me?

Jessica: It means that I don't have to sit like a lady and I can kill anybody I want. And there's an awful lot of people I'd like to kill.

Bill: No, Jessica, you absolutely cannot kill anybody you want.

Jessica: But why? Why? I wanna kill them.

Bill: With your new powers come new responsibilities. You are gonna mainstream, like I do. You can live almost exactly the same life as you did before except you'll always be awake at night.

Jessica: I wanna kill people. And I'm so hungry. And all you do is talk and I'm starving and you're so mean. You're supposed to take care of me, that's what you said. You suck! That's funny because you do suck.

Bill: Here, drink this. It might make you feel more steady. I hope.

She takes the Tru Blood he gives her.

Jessica: Oh, it tastes like s***. Why are you doing this to me?

Bill: It's not bad. You'll get used to it. Try a little more.

Jessica: F***, no, and you can't force me. I'' report you.

Bill: Oh, really. To whom?

Jessica: I'll find a real vampire and he'll kick your ass. You won't let me do anything and I'm so hungry. You are the worst maker ever.

She cries.

Scene 18: At the police station - Tara, Kenya, Letti Mae

Tara is in jail.

Kenya: Tara, visitor.

Letti Mae enters.

Tara (happy): Mama.

Letti Mae: Oh, child.

Kenya: You're looking good, Letti Mae. Whatever you're doing, keep it up.

Letti Mae: Thank you, Kenya. That's sweet. Could you leave us alone for a minute?

Kenya: Oh, yes, ma'am.

Tara: What are you saying? (To Kenya who's closing the door) Hey. Hey. Hey, get back here and let me out. Who the f*** does she think she is? (To her mom) What took you so long?

Letti Mae: I called Mabel from the church and she came over to pray with me.

Tara: Pray? While I'm locked up waiting? That is bulls***. Y'all can pray after you post my bail.

Letti Mae: Honey, I'm not here to bail you out.

Tara: Mama, I'm tired. I hurt all over. I wanna go home. Don't play with me.

Letti Mae: I'm not playing.

Tara: Yes, you are. You gotta be.

Letti Mae: Seeing you like this, it breaks my heart. How many nights have I spent in this place? Crazy liquor, lost to myself and the Lord.

Tara: Not many, because I bailed you out.

Letti Mae: Well... maybe you shouldn't have.

Tara: What the f*** are you talking about?

Letti Mae: You can't go home. I'm not gonna let you. You're changing right in front of my eyes and I'm scared for both of us.

Tara: I don't believe this.

Letti Mae: I am committed to salvation and you're on the road to hell. I would save you if I could, baby. Nobody loves you more. But you're a danger to my soul and I can't have you in my house.

Tara: I'm the only reason you have a house. After all the times I cleaned you up. All the times you beat me and stole my money. Then sent me to school. Dirty. In dirty clothes. So people laughed at me and called me names. My whole life is s*** because of you.

Letti Mae: I know. I know. Don't tear me up like this. I feel so bad.

Tara: The first time I'm in trouble you turn your back on the one person who's always stood by you. And you call yourself a Christian.

Letti Mae: I'm finally doing right by you, Tara, like a mother should. You'll see that when the clouds roll away.

Tara: F*** you. You're not my mother. Get out of my sight, you evil b****.

Letti Mae: I love you.

Tara: No, you don't. you never did.

Scene 19: Jason's - Jason, Amy, the killer.

Jason and Amy are under V. they wake up (in their dream) and it's raining. They go outside and run.

Someone comes in Jason's house.

They continue running.

The killer in is their room. Jason and Amy are sleeping, holding hands.

In their dream, they kiss. The killer strangles Amy and she's flying away from Jason, in the air.

Jason wakes up.

Jason: Baby. Earthquake. Hey. Did you feel...? No. No. No. Please. Please, no. (He calls the 911)

Person at the phone: 911. What's your emergency?

Jason: Yeah. This is Jason Stackhouse.

Person: Oh, hey, Jason. It's Rosie.

Jason: You all better come out here.

Scene 20: Eric's office - Eric, Bill, Jessica

Eric: This is your punishment, not mine. What am I supposed to do with her?

Jessica: Excuse me. I can hear you, Mr. Rude. I wanna go to the bar. I wanna be one of those dancers. Oh, I'm hungry.

Bill: She won't listen to me. It'll take more time than I have to teach her obedience.

Jessica: I don't obey anybody. Those days are over.

Eric: You can't handle one little girl, Bill? Newborns can be like this. Man up, my friend. She's not even one night old.

Bill: That is not the issue.

Eric (to Jessica): Want to stay with your maker, don't you?

Jessica: No, he's a d***. D***, d***, d***. You're cute. Can I sit in your lap?

Eric: No.

Jessica: Why? Nobody lets me have any fun. F******.

Eric: Sit down and shut up. Close the door. (to Bill) You have to be tough with them or they'll walk all over you.

Bill: I am well aware of that, but you can see how she is. And there are urgent matters to which I must attend.

Eric: Sookie Stackhouse? Haven't you done enough for her?

Bill: If any harm were to come to her because of my absence, you would be...

Eric: What?

Bill: ... without her helpful skills.

Jessica: Let me out. I wanna do something bad.

Bill: I would be in your debt. I would return the favor.

Eric: Oh, yes, you will. You most definitely will. (To Jessica) Jessica.

Jessica: You don't have to yell at me.

Eric: How would you like to learn how a real vampire feeds?

Jessica: Oh, yes, sir. Please, sir.

Eric (to Bill): See? It's really quite easy.

Scene 21: Police station - Tara, Kenya, Woman (Maryann)

Kenya: Tara, wake up. This lady paid your bail. You're free to go. Straighten up. I don't wanna see you back in here again. (To the lady) My shift's over in five minutes. There's papers to sign on the way out. You know the drill.

Lady: Thank you, Kenya.

Kenya leaves.

Tara: Who are you? Why'd you pay my bail?

Lady: My name's Maryann. Forrester. And I'd like to help you, if you'll let me.

Tara: What are you, some kind of social worker?

Lady: Yeah, that's about right. Kenya knows me. I'm in and out of her all the time with people in your position.

Tara: My position.

Maryann: DUIs, minor assaults, public drunkenness. You know, those times when things go just a little too far. It can happen to anyone. Now, I expect you have your reasons?

Tara: Yeah. I got reasons.

Maryann: Well, I would be very happy to give you a ride home.

Tara: No, thanks.

Maryann: Well, they gave me your address. You can't walk there, it's too far.

Tara: I can... I got kicked out.

Maryann: You don't have anywhere to go? No family? No friends?

Tara: I don't want them to see me like this. It's okay. I'll think of something.

Maryann: Tara... I'm sure you've barely slept or eaten. Why don't you come to my home? Just till you get tings figured out.

Tara: I don't know, I...

Maryann: Oh, no, no, there's plenty of room. I do this all the time. It's sort of an informal halfway house.

Tara: Doesn't seem right.

Maryann: I know what you mean. But you can shower, you can wash your clothes. You can let me feed you. Then you can go on your way and my conscience will be clear.

Tara: You're not a Jesus person, are you?

Maryann: No. No. Nothing against religion but not a Jesus person. Okay. Well here's my card, in case you change your mind. (she gives her a card) Good luck, Tara.

Tara: Wait.

Scene 22: Outside the police station - Maryann, Tara, Andy

Tara (seeing Maryann's car): Holy s***. What the hell kind of social worker are you?

Maryann: Actually, it was a gift. Go on, climb in. what's the matter?

Tara: I'm all dirty.

Maryann: Oh, don't worry about that. I get dirty too.

Andy: Get that car out of here. This is an official vehicle zone. Read the f****** sign.

Maryann: Detective Bellefleur, is it?

Andy: Move the car. Jesus Christ, you deaf? I'm surrounded by a******* and m*****.

Maryann and Tara leave.

Andy gets Jason out of his car.

Scene 23: Sookie's house - Sookie, Sam, Bill

Sam and Sookie are watching at the tv.

Sookie: It sounds strange under the circumstances, but I had a good time today.

Sam: It's the company.

Sookie: Must be.

Sam: I mean, that says something for us. We can enjoy ourselves even when we're trying to find a murderer.

Sookie: You are fun. It's one of the reasons I'm still working for you.

Sam: Yeah?

Sookie: It's not the tips or the high-class clientele.

Sam: You know what? It was probably the best day of my life when you walked in looking for a job.

Sookie: Quit.

Sam: No, I mean it.

Sookie: I know you do.

Sam: Are you looking in my head?

Sookie: I'm looking in your heart.

They kiss. Bill enters, furious. He jumps on Sam.

Sookie: Stop.

They continue to fight, Bill tries to strangle Sam.

Sookie: No! Bill! Stop fighting, you s***** men!

Bill: He had his hands all over you.

Sam: She's not your property.

Sookie: Sam, I can speak for myself. (To Bill) You left me alone with no promise to come back. Then you attack the man helping keep me safe. How dare you?

Bill: He's helping because I asked him to.

Sookie: Get out.

Bill: If you knew what I had done to return to you...

Sookie: I rescind your invitation.

Bill: Sookie, don't. Please. Sookie. Please.

He goes out and she closes the door.

Sam: Can't you see what he's really like? How can you think about being with him.

Sookie: My living room's wrecked. I've got a killer, a vampire and a shape-shifter on my plate. Right about now, I'm not thinking about being with anybody.

Scene 24: Maryann's house - Maryann, Tara

Maryann and Tara arrive at Maryann's house.

Tara: This is where you live? F*** me.

Maryann: Come on in, Tara. Make yourself at home.

Tara: If you insist.

Maryann: I insist. Come on.

They enter.

Scene 25: At the police station - Jason, Bud, Andy

Andy: I knew it was you. I knew it from the second we found Maudette. People said, "No, not Jason Stackhouse, he's too dumb." But I knew. I said, "That shifty bastard's a goddamn psychopath."

Jason: I ain't arguing with you, Andy.

Andy: Detective.

Bud: Tell us all about it, son.

Andy: I'll tell you all about it. I'll tell you exactly what happened. This piece of s*** lured those poor girls onto his king-sized bed and dirty sheets to f*** them and kill them.

Bud: Andy, he called us. Let the boy confess. Go ahead, Jason. How'd it happen?

Jason: I don't know.

Andy: Oh, don't even try that on. Bud, give me five minutes alone with him. I'll get you every detail.

Bud: What do you mean, you don't know?

Jason: I don't remember what I done. To any of them. But they keep dying all around me so I gotta be the guy, right?

Bud: Let's take them one at a time.

Andy: Yeah, let's start with Amy Burley. That ought to be fresh in your so-called mind.

Jason: I took V. Not with the others, just with her. We both did.

Bud: V? Jason, Jason.

Andy: I knew it.

Jason: When I woke up, Amy was... well, like she was.

Andy: "Dead" is the word you're looking for. Stone-cold dead.

Jason: We were alone in the house. God, I must have done it. But I don't know why. Honest to God, I loved her.

Andy: Bulls***. You hated Maudette. You hated Dawn.

Jason: I didn't hate them. I mean, we had some pretty good times. It was f****** and fighting, like any girl. I just... I just don't understand what would have made me do it.

Andy: Your grandmother knew what you were like. She guessed, she called you out. You grabbed a knife.

Jason: No, I didn't kill Gran and you know it. You better damn well find who did.

Andy: This is the worst confession I ever heard in my life.

Jason: F*** you, Andy. That's all I got. Look I don't wanna hurt nobody else. Lock me up. For chrissake, lock me up.

Andy: Not before we get some solid facts. We'll waterboard you if that's what it takes.

Bud: Andy.

Andy: What?

Bud: Lock him up.

Andy: Come on, now. About time you found the law.

The receptionist receives a fax with the photo of Drew Marshall.

Receptionist at the phone: Hey, you. Wake up. I know it's early, but I gotta tell you... Wait. Somebody's coming.

Andy brings Jason in jail.

Receptionist: Girl, guess what? Jason Stackhouse is the murderer. Yes, I swear. He's looking all crazy in a hot way, you know him. But they're throwing him in a cell right now. We are so lucky he didn't kill us.

She puts a file on the fax.

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