Forever Dreaming |
07x04 - Death Is Not the End |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 07/16/14 05:42 ] |
Post subject: | 07x04 - Death Is Not the End |
Jackson: Go on, you know I love them sexy stories. ( Jenny laughing ) ( phone ringing ) Mm. Ah. Hello? It's for you, Big Daddy. Who is it? I don't know. It's a girl and she sounds kinda cute. You better not be fucking around on me. You're more woman than I can take, Jenny. You know that. I do. I do know that. ( laughs ) - Yep? - Sookie on phone: Hello? Mr. Herveaux? It's Sookie. What's the matter, Sookie? There's no real easy way to say this It's Alcide. He's-- he's gone. Jackson? Yeah, I'm-- I'm still here. ( boat horn blares ) - Hoyt: Hello? Jason on phone: Hey. Uh, Mr. Fortenberry? Yes, sir. This is Deputy Stackhouse with the Renard Parish Sheriff's Department. I'm, um-- I'm afraid I'm calling with some bad news about your mother. How bad? She passed last night, Mr. Fortenberry. She was-- she was killed by a vampire. ( sobbing ) God. No. I'm-- I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I, um She said if I left, she was gonna die and she did. You listen to me, Bubba. You left 'cause you had to, and I have to believe deep down, Big Max knew that. Do I know you? No, you don't. When do you think you'll be able to make it by? Jenny and I, we have some loose ends to tie up and then we'll hit the road. Okay, well don't try to come here at night. I won't. I'll see you when you get here, then. Sookie, before we hang up Alcide and me, we didn't talk much, but when we did, I never heard him happier. He loved the fuck outta you, Sookie. I loved him, too. Jason: All right, Mr. Fortenberry, when you get into town, give us a call at the station and we'll, um-- we'll arrange for somebody to come pick you up. Thank you, Deputy, um - Stackhouse. Stackhouse. I appreciate it. Jason: You-- you got it, man. How'd it go? Poor Hoyt. Poor sweet fucking Hoyt. So polite, he-- he thanked me for calling him to let him know his mother had died. What the fuck? - I know. Man: Another one for the morgue. I mean, he says he's coming back, you know, but what the fuck to? Hey, you pull it together, all right? People are looking to you for-- I don't care if people are looking. You have to 'cause you're it, Jason. You're the law. Andy's with Holly, which is where he should be. But that leaves you. I can't. I'm not that strong. You don't think I wanna cry? I do. It is all I wanna do. But I'm manning up, and you gotta man up, too. Y'all ready? No. Let's do this anyhow. When you came in the air went out And every shadow filled up with doubt I don't know who you think you are But before the night is through I want to do bad things with you I'm the kind to sit up in his room Heart sick and eyes filled up with blue I don't know what you've done to me But I know this much is true I want to do bad things with you Ow, ooh I want to do real bad things with you. We're going to be climbing to an altitude of 41,000 feet and should make touchdown in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 6:31 PM local time. Baton Rouge? I thought we'd start with Senator Finch. If Sarah was gonna reach out to anyone, it would be him. Tell the captain there's been a change of plans. We'll be landing in Shreveport. Shreveport? What the fuck for? There is nothing left for us there. There's Willa. Eric, you abandoned her. She probably hates you just like Tara hated me. I don't care if she hates me. I'm sorry about Tara. But Willa is my progeny and she is still alive. I need to see her before I die. Flight attendant: You're dying? Oh, did I forget to tell you? Congratulations, Victoria. You are now a proud carrier of the Hepatitis V virus. Victoria: This is what I do for a living. I'm gonna lose my job because of you. I am terribly sorry about that. Now, go tell him. ( unzips zipper ) I hate Shreveport. Oh, come on. It'll be a trip down memory lane. Ah. The elusive Mr. Northman. And his beautiful progeny, Miss De Beaufort. I'm sorry, did we fuck and I blocked it out? No, Miss De Beaufort, we haven't fucked. I am the Magister of the Authority, lone judge and jury for all vampire offenses, and this is your sentencing. From the Cotes du Rhone to Shreveport. Look around, breathe it in. This place smells like sperm and piss and bad hair dye, and it's all yours. What do you mean, it's ours? You're to run a small business here. ( chuckles ) I'd rather take a stake to the heart. You were warned, Mr. Northman. Against the wishes of almost everyone within our organization, but you were warned. And over a cow-- - ( growls ) - ( guns cock ) - Put those away. If, of course, you wanna keep them. Come, let's give you the grand tour. Shall we? There's lights around here somewhere. Ah. ( gasps ) - Magister: Got 'em all! - Oh, my God. Comedy, action adventure - So sorry, Pam. science fiction, cult classics, documentaries, drama and one of the store's biggest moneymakers, movie theater-style concessions. Twizzlers, not Red Vines. ( sighs ) - Not impressed? No. It gets better. Let's head downstairs. Oh, good. There's more. This video store, your video store, boasts the largest collection of adult videos in all of Northern Louisiana. Leave it to humans to make sex this depressing. You're welcome to put your own stamp on it, of course, but I wouldn't change it too much. Humans love their porn. This stuff sells like hotcakes. Fun fact: behind that door-- Don't tell me. Glory hole. Better-- there's a small tunnel, dates back to the Civil War. The Underground Railroad? See? America's not the cultural vacuum you think it is. She's got history. And the two of you own a piece of it. Of course, all of this doesn't come without a price. To help contribute to rising Authority overhead costs, we're asking all our sheriffs to pay it forward at a rate of 80%. Sheriff? Of area five. Congratulations. Now why would you want to make me a sheriff? We don't trust you, Mr. Northman, and this way we can keep you close. Shit. Yeah. Before I go, a word of caution. You are being watched, both by night and, thanks to our friends over at the Yokonomo Corporation and their friends, the Yakuza, we've got eyes on you by day as well. The keys to your new lives. Catch. ( laughs ) ( basketball bouncing ) - Hey, Coby. Hey. Where's Lisa? I'm just gonna check in with them, see how they're holding up. You guys wanna head on in? - See you inside. Hey. Hey. Mind if I sit? Well, this effin' sucks, doesn't it? At least you're not trying to pretend like nothing's the matter. Everybody else has been treatin' us like we're stupid or something. Hey, Coby, can you come here a sec? - I don't wanna. Put your stupid ball down, Coby. Come on, be nice. Don't you two turn on each other. Come on over, please. You can bring the ball with, if you want. Talking's hard sometimes for boys unless they've got a ball with 'em. I don't know why, but it's true. Come here. What? - Come on, sit down. I won't bite. Your sister was just telling me that people are treating you guys like you don't got a lick of sense. Yeah. Well, I want you both to know that I know you do. I know you know what's going on. And I'm not gonna pretend like it isn't scary. 'Cause it is. But your mom and me, we've been friends a long time. And I know this about her. She is tough as hell and she loves you. And what that means is that wherever she is, I know that she is fighting as hard as she can to get back where she belongs, which is right here with the two of you. And Mikey. So while she's doing her job, we gotta do ours, which is to get her back. How we gonna get her back when we don't even know where she is? - Holly knows. Holly doesn't know anything. She knows. I'm just gonna have to help her remember. We're gonna get her back. You promise? I do. I promise. Sam: Damn it, Andy. Y'all need to back off of her, all right? I already told you she still don't remember nothin'. I can make her remember. Like hell. She don't wanna remember. I just promised Lisa and Coby that I was gonna bring their mother back. I know I shouldn't be making those kinds of promises, but I did, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you, their uncle and the sheriff of this town, keep me from delivering on it. Sam: Come on, Andy. Please. Oh, God help me. Thank you. How are you feelin'? I've been better. How are you? I'm okay. You can't be. I have to be. What's the last thing you remember? Um I was at the mixer. Uh, and then I remember running into y'all at the creek. Everything between is just it's gone. Sookie: It's not gone, it's just locked away. And I'm here to help you bring it back. ( voice breaking ) But look at me. Would you wanna know how this happened to you? No. No, I wouldn't. Take my hands anyhow. We need you to do this, Holly, please. ( sighs ) Okay. For Arlene and Nicole. All right. ( exhales ) Okay. Your memory picks up by the creek, right? Uh-huh. Let's try to go backwards from there. You came out from the forest. ( gasps ) - ( Holly screaming ) - No. ( screaming continues ) - ( exhales sharply ) - Andy: Jesus Christ. They were feeding on me. I kept begging them to stop, but they wouldn't. God damn it. I can't do this, Sook. I can't do this. I know, but you're doing good. Come on, let's keep going back-- before the woods. ( panting, gasping ) - Ronnie: Her, the bitch. They took me outside. Outside-- outside of what, where? I don't know! Don't fight it, just keep going backwards. Before the woods, where were you? ( Holly screams ) ( strains ) - I think it was a bar. Fangtasia. Fangtasia. Bingo. Fang-fucking-tasia. What about everyone else? Where were they keeping y'all? - ( sobbing ) - ( women screaming ) They kept us locked-- locked in a dungeon. Arlene, Nicole, and Jane are still alive. Ah! - ( screaming ) - Kevin didn't make it. Jesus, poor Kevin. Poor Rosie. Okay, I'm gonna let go of your hands now. I want you to know that you did good. Really, really good. ( sobbing continues ) I better get to Bill's and figure out a plan. I'm sorry. What-- what am I supposed to do with her? We like to be held. ( sobbing continues ) I'm out, Stackhouse. Thank you, Holly. Thank you. I ain't Sookie, man. I can't read your mind. But I think I know what you're thinking anyhow, so if you wanna maybe talk about it I'm sick of talking. I'm sick of waiting, too. I'm sure Nicole and the baby are okay, if that's what you're worried about. Are you? - Huh? "Huh"? That's exactly my point. "Huh"? You're not sure they're okay 'cause how can you be? We ain't there, so we don't know shit. ( tires screeching ) - Jason: What the fuck, man? Jason: What the fuck are you doing? - Going to Fangtasia. Bullshit! We're going to Rosie's house on official business, Mr. Mayor. Fuck that! This is the fuckin' business. My fiancée and my baby need me. Do not fucking do this, Sam. You can stay in the car if you want to, but I am fucking doing this. Turn around. What the hell are you doing, Jason? I'm protecting you and your family from what you're about to do. Turn the fuck around. I'm asking you to think about what you're doing right now. 'Cause you said it yourself, Mr. Mayor, whether we like it or not, we can't do it without the vampires. We have to wait for 'em. We have to wait till the sun goes down. ( brakes screech ) - Sam: Fuck! Fuck it. Where are you going now? You drive. I ain't gonna be the one driving away from them. ( groaning ) Jess? ( sighs ) What? - You have to eat. No. You're not healing because you're not eating. We don't-- we don't know that. I love you but this is getting fucking ridiculous. Where are you going? - To get Bill. No, don't you fucking dare. If you won't eat for me, maybe you'll eat for him. If not, at least he'll be able to command you to. No, don't walk out on me. James! Fucking fuck. ( gasping ) Bill: Jessica? What? How long has this been going on? - How long? - 10 weeks, maybe. It has not been Jessica is this because of what happened between you and Andy's girls? - No. Jessica. It's-- it's not. Adilyn and me, we're good. She even invited me into her home. So you're protecting Adilyn, are you? Yeah. And she's not feeding you in exchange for that protection. Well, who are you feeding off of? Bill: Jess, I'm almost 175 years old. Hello? We're up here if you wanna join my inter-fucking-vention! - Intervention? - Jessica: Give me a fuckin' break! One of these days, you're gonna have to forgive yourself, Jess. Thanks, Bill. That's real fucking helpful. Let me do the math, here. What is it, six months? So, that's three fairies. That's two months per fairy. Yeah, that's more than enough. Why isn't she healing? - She hasn't eaten in months. None of this is even up for debate. You must eat. You can feed off of me. You're a fairy. I trust you. You shouldn't. Well, I do. Guys, can you give us a minute? What she needs to hear, she needs to hear from a woman. Be careful. I know what you're gonna say. I don't think you do. "You need to eat, Jess. Going hungry isn't gonna change what happened. And you're not just punishing yourself, you're punishing everybody who loves you. " I don't give a shit about any of that. The fact is, I don't give a shit why you're not eating 'cause in my eyes, those three dead fairy girls are just the tip of the fucking iceberg around here. So what if they're dead? Alcide's dead, Tara's dead. Almost everyone I've ever known and loved is dead. And even as we're talking right now, Jessica, you're dead, too. So, I'm sorry, but I just don't give a fuck about you or your problems. My friends are being held captive at Fangtasia and I am gonna need a lot of help if I'm gonna rescue them tonight, and whether you care to admit it or not, I have been good to you. So are you gonna help me or not? Yeah. But I won't drink your blood. Who's your boyfriend's human? Call Lafayette. We really need to talk. ( music playing ) - ( bell jingles ) Something I can help you find? I'm looking for "The Fearless Vampire Killers or Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are in My Neck" from 1967, David Cronenberg's "Rabid" from 1977, and "Cronos," which I'm not sure is even out yet. A girl who knows a thing or two about good vampire cinema. It's rare. Follow me. I drove all the way up here from Tulane. One of my professors recommended you for a paper I'm writing. You'll find everything you need in this section. Oh, thanks. You know, I've always been a fan of the genre, so you can imagine how thrilled I was when I read they were offering a course entitled "Monsters in Our Midst" this semester. We're examining the plight of the other in society and how others are treated vis-à -vis vampire lore. Uh-huh. You're looking at me like I'm some obsessed fan. I'm not. It's not like I think vampires are real or anything. 'Course they're not. ( door opens ) I will pray for you, I will pray for you I will sell my soul For something pure and true For someone like you Close your mouth, dear. Evening. Yeah. Good evening. You work here? Pamela and I are the proud owners of this establishment. Name's Eric. Hi, Eric. I'm Ginger. Enchanté, Ginger. ( laughs ) - Welcome to our shithole. ( Ginger laughs ) What are you talking about, shithole? This place is charming. Um, are you two-- Together? No. I mean, on and off. But we've been on permanent off since we took over this place. Idiots. ( Pam groans ) Are you guys hirin'? For the day shift, yes. May I please have an application? - Ready? - I'm getting pretty sick of this shit. It's even harder when you know 'em. Or knew 'em. Kevin was a good man with a funny voice. Rosie: Who is it? Hey, Rosie, it's Jason and Mayor Merlotte. Hey. Am I under arrest? No, Rosie, you're not under arrest. I'll do you one better, sweetheart. How about we forget about last night? About the fact that you were even there, okay? How come you're being so nice to me, freak? Um, may we come in? What for? It's about Kevin. All right. You wanna sit? - I don't wanna sit, God damn it. Where's Kevin? Ahem. He's gone, Rosie. Can I see him? Well, we, uh-- we haven't recovered his body just yet. Then how do you know he's dead? We found Holly. She told us. They're keeping everybody at that abandoned vampire bar in Shreveport. ( sobbing ) What-- what am I supposed to do now? He-- he was my everything. I know. I'm so sorry, Rosie. You have no idea. You're gonna get those fuckers, right? - Make 'em pay? - Jason: Yeah, tonight. Sookie's over at Bill's right now. He's gonna call on every vampire willing to help. And we're gonna go in heavy. Rosie, we're gonna get 'em for ya. Jason: Mm-hmm. Fuck me. Get 'em for Kevin. Yeah, we'll get 'em for both of y'all. ( sobbing ) I'll call on as many vampires as I can, Sookie, but you have to realize that when we descend upon Fangtasia tonight, we're gonna be badly outnumbered. What about all the vampires that showed up at Bellefleur's the other night? Many of them died. Many of them are still frightened, and these aren't their humans they'll be protecting. But still-- - I compelled those vampires to attend because they were gonna get something out of it. But for them, there ain't nothing to be gained from tonight. Then why are you doing it? Because I owe you everything. Have you eaten? Not in a while, no. Go ahead. I'm gonna need you at your strongest for tonight. Are you sure? It's just lunch. ( knocks ) Wakey, wakey, vampire homies. Jay, Redbone, how is you? I'm all right. That bullet wound in your shoulder say otherwise. Jess. Just shut the fuck up, James. Jesus. You don't think that I wanna eat? Because I do. I feel completely empty inside, like I am just some fucking shell and-- Well, you's a pretty shell, though. I am not. Yes, you is. James, step aside, hooker. Give a real hooker a shot. Now, I ain't gonna front and pretend like I understand everything that's been goings on. But between you and me, it's real motherfuckin' simple. Redbone, you has to eat, and I'm here to feed you. Vampires, we call ourselves immortal. But we ain't immortal, not if we need to feed on innocent people to survive. ( scoffs ) Well, shit, we all to the good, then, 'cause I ain't motherfucking innocent. You're a hell of a lot better than me. I have done some fucked-up shit that would make me hate myself for it, but I don't. Have you killed people? I killed the man I loved. How did you forgive yourself? Still haven't. I accept the fact that I is a deeply flawed-ass motherfucker, and one of those flaws being I'm a-shakin' in my boots, scared as hell of figuring out what death is like. You should be scared. Because it sucks. Trust and believe you can be a whole lot deader than what you is now. And I thinks you knows it. So, come on, pretty girl. Show me those baby fangs of yours. It's okay, go ahead. ( gasps ) ( mouths words ) ( music playing on car stereo ) White on white translucent black capes Back on the rack Bela Lugosi ( music playing ) ( Ginger panting ) Is Eric here? You're late. I know, and I'm sorry. But I think you're about to forgive me. You are never gonna guess what I found. Is it a shitty chair? This is not a shitty chair. Ginger, look at yourself and look at me. Who has better taste? Fine, but this shitty chair just might be the start of a new future for you. Do you hate your life in this video store or not? Go on. Now that vampires are out of the coffin, what's to stop you and Eric from turning this place into any kind of business you wanna run? ( sighs ) I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm still listening to you, Ginger. We turn this place into a nightclub. We line this wall with alcohol, we put this long bar in front of it, and we have a DJ booth back here and a dance floor with stripper poles. And we buy out the carnicerÃa next door and we knock down those walls and we build, like, this elevated stage in the corner over there. And we put this throne up on it-- Oh, it's a throne now? Oh, it is if Eric's sitting in it. Think about it, Pam. We have all these movies to choose from. But where do we do most of our business? The porn section. And do you know why that is? Because sex sells. And Eric Northman is nothing if he is not pure fucking sex on a throne. You're starting to see it, right? There is nothing else like it. He sits up there, this thing you can see but cannot have, and so everyone just gets hornier and hornier until they just can't take it anymore and they start losing control of how many drinks they're ordering. Poor things. Might as well just leave their wallets at the door because when the sun comes up on Fangtasia, there won't be anything left in 'em anyhow. Fangtasia. Well, if-- if you and Eric don't like the name, you could change it. I wouldn't mind. Nope, Ginger, it is perfect just the way it is. Oh. Thanks, Pam. I think that might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me. Ginger I am so sorry for what I'm about to do. What are you about to do? This idea of yours, Fangtasia, I'm gonna tell Eric it's mine. Of course it is. Mm. Eric: Pamela, you didn't. I did. Such a bitch. But you still love me. Always. Okay, so how many of these fuckers are we up against? Could be more. Ain't anyone else coming? We called every uninfected vampire we know. The only two who responded were Michael and-- - Keith. Keith's my drummer. Guitar and bass flaked out. Yeah, and I still haven't heard from Willa. So, this is it. This is our group. Jason: Well, then, all right. ( thumps ) This is the group we're gonna kick some H-vamp ass with. Mm-hmm. This is our Normandy. Who's with me? What? Jason, we suffered over in the Battle of Normandy. The beaches were stained with blood for years afterwards. Aw, fuck. History's a bitch. ( knock on door ) Pam tells me you wrote a book in which you claim not to be an asshole anymore. Is this true, Bill? How far along are you? Oh, about a month. Still only stage one, though. Sookie: Bill, who is it? - Come on. Oh, perfect. Sookie's here. Eric. No. I'm still here, Sookie. Need I remind you we have a Christian to kill? Give us a minute, Pam. What about Willa? We came for Willa. Of course. Eric: Willa. ( gasps ) - Shit! - What? I fucking hate you! Look, whatever I did, please don't kill me. ( groans ) We'll be waiting for you out front. Thanks, Bill. So what kind of trouble have you got yourself into tonight? You're one to talk. Fair enough. You can't die on me. Sookie Stackhouse how have you been? Shitty. My boyfriend died. Your boyfriend? Alcide. He and I were together. The werewolf? I signed your house over to you so you could take your life back. How's dating a wolf any-- - Don't. He died this morning. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. ( sniffling ) Where were you? First I went home to Sweden, which was absolutely beautiful. But unfortunately, I triggered an avalanche that killed an entire ski village. Things got a little hectic after that, so I went down to South America-- Bolivia, Peru. But I got bored after a while, so I went over to Africa-- Gabon, Morocco. Then up to Spain. Finally, France. That's a lot of traveling around. Yeah. Well, I thought I'd see the world one last time. What kind of trouble are you in? Storming the entrance? You morons are on a suicide mission. Where is he? - Inside with Sookie. What do you want? - Willa, you look beautiful. Save it, asswipe. You know, I wasn't even two weeks old and you left? - Yes. Mm-hmm. And we will talk about that later. Right now, Sookie needs our help. I don't give a shit what Sookie needs, no offense. No, I get it. If you want my help, we are talking about this now. As your maker, I command you later. I understand you're badly outnumbered tonight. We are. Well, there's another way in. Let's go, shall we? We're going? We're going. She's like a fucking fungus that just won't go away. ( engine turns ) ( squeaking ) - Nicole: Aw, shit. Jane: Rat! ( all gasp ) - Sam. ( whispering ) Shh, do not scream. We're gonna get you all out of here. Sam, oh, God. I'm sorry, were you just a rat? We'll talk about everything when y'all are safe, okay? Are they keeping anybody else upstairs? No, we're the only ones that made it. It's just us. Y'all need to do something for me, okay? Some vampires are gonna be coming out of that same vent that I just came through. I need y'all to trust 'em. Trust 'em? It's vampires that did this to us. These are different vampires. They're friends, okay? You promise me? Yeah. Listen to me. I gotta-- I gotta get back up there. No! - I have to, Nicole. You can't. You're gonna be okay. Nicole: Okay. Okay. I love you. I love you. Nicole: Sam. Tell them to hurry. Okay. Please don't turn into a rat. Please don't turn into a rat. He did. ( squeaking ) He turned into a rat. We're gonna make it. Okay. ( door opens ) - ( all gasp ) Oh, fuck! ( grunts ) Eric. ( rat squeaking ) Okay, it's exactly as we were hoping. Nicole, Arlene, and Jane are still alive. Thank God. Get 'em out of there, guys. Get 'em out now. Let's go. Eric, I'll go. I'm fine. You need to save your strength. Come on, now. Who's it gonna be? Eric, I'm going. After you. ( women gasp ) - Jane: Is it them? - Nicole: It's gotta be. ( women whimpering ) Where the fuck's the third? Please! You can't do this! I've got kids! ( screams ) - No, please, don't! - Let's eat. ( screams ) You take them up. I'll stay here. Bill, not that I care, but before you go and do anything too stupid, can I give you some advice? Don't try to be too big a hero tonight 'cause it ain't gonna happen with Sookie. Not tonight, not ever. I'll try and wait for the rest of you, but hurry. Back in a jiff. ( knock on door ) - Who the fuck is that? - What the hell? Who's there? Eric: My name is Eric Northman and I used to be the sheriff of this area. I'm diseased and badly in need of shelter. It's not our problem. Fuck off! What's that smell? - Eric: I brought my own human. Troy: I know that smell. Eric: I'd be more than happy to share her with you. Troy: For fuck's sake, can't you smell that? - Let him the fuck in. ( locks click ) Thank you. Troy: I remember you. What are you? I'm his. Here's one more. I can't believe you let them in your house. It was a momentary lapse of weakness. Now is the time for strength. Fuckin' A, it is. Troy: This is the one I was talking about from the car park. Spread your legs, blondie. I want it from your nasty place. Fuck you. Ooh. ( hissing ) - Oh, you like it rough. Now that's enough. She's mine. Now, I'll share, but only if you treat her with the respect she deserves. Jason, come on. Yeah, I'm comin'. Eric: As I'm sure you can tell, my human friend here is quite special, and you will not drink her blood. You will sip it. Like a nice glass of Barbaresco. ( hissing ) - You talk too much, mate. Just shut the fuck up, already - Shh. and give me a fucking pull. Okay, mate. I'm gonna let you go first. But before you go Troy: Yeah? Do you mind if I ask you a question? - What? - Do you like it rough? What the fuck kind of question is that? Well, I brought some friends. ( hissing ) - ( door bangs open ) - ( all screaming ) - Bill: Go! Go! - No, Sookie! - Go! - Vince: Fire! - Sookie! - ( screams ) - Man: Fuck you, fanger! ( vampires growling ) ( screaming ) Sookie: Arlene? Arlene? - Stay with me. Terry? No, honey, I'm not Terry. Honey, it's me, Sookie. Come on, just-- just hang in there. We're gonna go get you some help. Come on. She needs a healthy vampire to feed from. Let's get you guys out of here. See? Not an asshole anymore. ( fire extinguisher hissing ) ( distant screaming ) ( lighter clicks ) Man: Come on, burn 'em! Throw in another one! No more fuckin' fire! ( growls ) Vampire: Fuck! Bill, please. You need to give Arlene your blood. ( Jessica screams ) Bill! - ( shotgun cocks ) - Die, fanger! - I've got you, Jess. ( screams ) I'm losing her. I'm losing her. ( grunts ) Eric, a healthy vampire, please. Come on, hang in there. You gotta stay with me, you hear? ( wheezing ) Terry? Terry's not here, sweetie, but I am. I'm here for you. And Eric's getting us help. And I just need you to hold on a little bit longer, all right? ( wheezing ) Arlene thinking: Is that you, Terry? Terry's voice: Babe? Arlene thinking: I hear you, angel. I'm coming. No, God damn it, Arlene. That ain't real! Terry's voice: I've missed you, baby. It's not the same without you. He's calling me. That ain't Terry. The real Terry would want you here to raise your kids. No. You've gotta fight this with me. He's real. He's not. No, he's right there. He's in the door. Hey, hon. There you are, doll. ( gasps ) You look so handsome. Sookie: No. Arlene: We're together again. Finally. Time for a taste. ( hisses ) - ( gunshot ) - She needs to drink. I'm coming. We're gonna be together again. No, no, no, no, no. Come on, honey, drink. Sook, I got her. Stay. Come on, honey, you need to drink. I missed you so much, baby. Arlene's voice: I missed you, too. Terry: How are the kids? - Arlene: They're good. You should see Coby. He's huge. I wish I could, I do. I wish I could see all of 'em. But I can't. Arlene: But I can. You should stay. Arlene: Yeah, I think I better stay. Terry: I love you. Arlene: I love you, too. Hey, Arlene. Yeah, baby? Be happy. ( gasps ) - Who are you? - Sookie: Keith. His name's Keith. Jesus Christ. That was intense. That all of 'em? Every fucking one of 'em. Eric? - What? Where the fuck is Eric? Eric? ( sighs ) Jesus fucking Christ. You scared the shit outta me. Well, I had to eat. I love you so much, Arlene. Oh, I love you, too, Sookie. Keith: My pleasure. ( music playing ) When you're sad and when you're lonely And you haven't got a friend Just remember that death is not the end And all that you've held sacred Falls down and does not mend Just remember that death is not the end. |
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