Forever Dreaming

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Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 06/30/05 14:53 ]
Post subject:  Dreamerfic

Got any links to some Dreamer / Chemist stories you think are worth reading? Post them here :)

Author:  serenaone23 [ 04/13/14 16:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamerfic

Hello I looking for a fic that take place in departure, Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess go to Antar but it is a trick on Tess. Alex is alive, Liz is Queen and everyone end up living on Antar.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/15/14 16:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamerfic

Hey Serenaone23 ~ Welcome to the boards! :hi It's been over a decade since I've read any Roswell Fanfic but I do know some former board members are over at Roswell Fanatics- have you tried their site? Here:
Not sure if it would be on or Ao3 since they are newer then the older days but maybe the original author transferred it to one of those huge sites? :dunno

Or maybe someone else here has heard of it? :dunno

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