Forever Dreaming

02x19 - Precipice
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 07/27/03 15:41 ]
Post subject:  219 Precipice

Episode #219 - "Precipice"

Original airdate: April 22, 2003

Written by: Philip Levens

Directed by: Rick Rosenthal

Act 1 Teaser

ANDY CONNORS is drinking coffee with two other guys in the Talon. Night. They are pouring alcohol into their cups out of a flask and laughing loudly.

Guy: Okay, okay, here we go. Oh yeah.

They all continue to laugh. Lana walks up.

Lana: Sorry, guys, but the coffee here is strictly non-Irish.

Guy: Oh, come on, loosen up.

Guy #2: (Holding out the flask) Yeah, have a drink!

They laugh.

Lana: If that's what I think it is, you're gonna have to take it outside. Besides we're closing.

She walks away and the guys laugh quietly. Lana picks up some dishes from another table and comes to a table where Helen is sitting alone.

Lana: Can I get you anything else?

Helen: Just a boyfriend who can keep a date.

Lana: You're definitely talking to the wrong person.

They both laugh and Helen looks at the table next to her where a man, PAUL HAYDEN, is reading a newspaper. They briefly make eye contact, and then he raises his paper, blocking his eyes. Helen and Lana hear Andy and his friends laughing loudly again and look in their direction. When Helen looks back at the table next to her, Paul is gone.

Lana: Dr. Bryce, are you sure you're okay?

Helen: Yeah, I just thought I saw someone I knew. But it's late. I better be going. Thanks, Lana. (She stands)

Lana: No problem. Bye.

Helen leaves and Lana takes her dishes back to the bar. Andy and his friends get up and approach her.

Guy: Go get her.

Andy: Hey. We heard this place had the friendliest service in town.

Lana: Just leave.

Andy: Ah. That's no way to talk to a customer.

Lana looks around, realizing that the Talon is empty. She pushes a red button behind the bar. Andy notices.

Andy: Hey!

He grabs her by the arms and throws her into a dish rack, knocking the rack over and sending Lana to the floor.

Lana: Aaah!

Andy kneels down next to her and holds her chin.

Andy: Why don't we take this into the back and have a private party?

Clark enters.

Clark: Stop! Get away from her!

Andy: Isn't it past your bedtime?

Clark: Look, the police are on their way. Right now.

Andy: (To his friends) Come on. Let's go.

They leave and Clark kneels next to Lana, touching her shoulder.

Clark: Lana, are you okay?

Lana: (Shaken) Yeah.

CUT TO Andy and his friends coming down the stairs into the alley behind the Talon, laughing.

Andy: Did you see the stupid look on her face?

Guys: Yeah!

Clark is suddenly in front of them.

Andy: Check out Speedy Gonzalez.

Clark: I don't want to see any of you in the Talon again. Got it?

Andy: Listen, John Boy. We'll do whatever the hell we want. As a matter of fact, we were thinking about stopping by tomorrow.

Clark: (Walking away) I won't tell you again.

Andy: Oh, I get it. You got the hots for that bitch manager. (Clark turns around) It's too bad she's a real dirty slut.

Clark pushes him to the ground. The other two guys come at him and he throws them both across the alley at a chain link fence. Andy gets to his feet.

Andy: All right. You want to try it on, farm boy? Let's see what you're made of.

He tries to punch Clark in the face, but Clark grabs his fist tightly, causing it to crackle and snap. Clark grabs him by the shirt with the other hand.

Clark: Get your coffee somewhere else.

Clark turns around and throws Andy down the alley just as a cop car is driving up. Andy lands on the car, cracking the windshield. The officer, SHERIFF ADAMS, gets out to see if Andy is okay. Adams is a small woman with short blond hair and a stern look in her eyes. Clark turns around to run away, but Lana is standing behind him, shocked. Sheriff Adams points her gun at Clark.

Adams: On your knees. Hands behind your head. Now. (Clark doesn't react) Now!

Clark puts his hands behind his head and kneels down.

[Opening credits]

Act 1 Scene 1

Clark, Lana, and Sheriff Adams are in the Talon. Night. Adams is writing in her notebook.

Clark: (After an awkward pause) So you're the new sheriff in town.

Adams: You writing a book, Mr. Kent?

Clark: (Startled) No, ma'am.

Adams: Then keep the chitter chatter to yourself. (She closes her notebook) Flying boys. Flying boys aren't something you see every day. That young man told me you attacked him and his friends, then you threw him 30 feet onto my car.

Clark: That's crazy.

Adams: Then how come the paramedics were all over them and there's not a scratch on you, huh? (To Lana) What about you, Miss Lang? What'd you see? (Takes a drink of her coffee)

Lana: Nothing.

Adams: You're lying, you know.

Lana: Excuse me?

Adams: You said you made a good cappuccino. (Lana's eyes widen slightly) This is a great cappuccino.

Lana smiles.

Clark: Looks like we're done here.

Adams: No, Mr. Kent. Mnh-mnh. We are just getting started.

Act 1 Scene 2

Clark is sitting on the couch in his living room. Night. Martha and Jonathan are there talking to Adams.

Jonathan: Sheriff, we know our son and Clark would never deliberately hurt anybody. I'm sure whatever he did, he did it ‘cause he thought he had to.

Adams: By throwing another young man across my police car? I ran a complete check on your son, Mr. Kent. He's been at more crime scenes than Eliot Ness.

Martha: If Clark's been involved with police business, it's only because he was trying to help people.

Adams: Or maybe he's got some kind of hero complex? I mean, even heroes got to play by the rules. And that is why I'm charging him with misdemeanor battery.

Jonathan: What exactly does that mean?

Adams: Could be a $1500-dollar fine. Depends on the judge.

Clark: (Standing) I'm sorry, but we can't afford that.

Jonathan: Clark, sit down.

Clark sits.

Adams: (To Clark) I'll make you a deal, Mr. Kent. I won't charge you if you are willing to do the community service, and then you can keep the world save from roadside litter.

Jonathan: (Annoyed) Wait just a minute, how--

Martha touches his arm, stopping him.

Adams: Your former sheriff? He may have looked way the other way on these matters, but I'm here to tell you. Those good ol' boy days are over.

She turns to go.

Adams: (On her way out the door) Nighty-night.

Act 1 Scene 3

Helen enters her office at the hospital. Day. She sees a vase of flowers on her desk and smiles, leaning over to smell them. Paul Hayden from the Talon comes up behind her, startling her.

Paul: Metropolis Flower Show, 1999. You couldn't take your eyes off of them.

Helen: Paul?

Paul: Dr. Bryce.

Helen: I thought I saw you last night.

Paul: You did. And I was gonna say hi, but it was really late and you didn't look like you wanted any company.

Helen: What are you doing in Smallville?

Paul: I'm here on business, and I read that you were getting married.

Paul picks up the picture of Lex from Helen's desk.

Helen: You shouldn't believe everything you read. Right now, Lex and I are married to our careers.

Lex: (Entering) At least that's what we tell each other.

Helen: Lex. I'd like you to meet an old friend of mine, Paul Hayden.

Lex: (To Paul) Hey. (They shake hands) I take it you two knew each other from Metropolis.

Paul: Well, we actually dated for a while in med school until we realized we weren't gonna live happily ever after. At least not with each other.

There is an awkward silence.

Helen: Well, Paul it was nice seeing you. Lex and I are just on our way out to lunch.

Lex: Actually, I stopped by to tell you I can't make it. I'm sorry.

Paul: Well, maybe I can fill in? You know, if it's okay with Lex.

Lex: I'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do.

Helen's pager sounds.

Helen: Patient emergency. I'll have to take a rain check on that lunch. Why don't you give Lex the number where you're staying and we'll make a plan to get together?

Paul: Yeah, sounds great.

Helen kisses Lex and leaves.

Paul: Same old Helen. One minute she's here, the next she's gone. Hang on to her Lex... if you can.

Lex stares blankly at Paul.

Act 1 Scene 4

Chloe drives Clark and Pete up to the Talon. Day. They get out of the car.

Pete: Clark Kent, convict.

Chloe: Yeah, I know, when do you get fit for that orange jump suit? Or is it one size fits all?

Clark: Forty hours of community service is not funny. It's an orange vest.

Chloe: Oh, no! It's gonna clash with the plaid!

Pete: Welcome to Smallville, where you stop the crime, you do the time.

Adams: (Coming out of the Talon, friendly) Very pithy. Maybe I should use that as my campaign slogan, huh? (To Clark) Oh. We're gonna see you bright and early, Mr. Kent.

Clark: I'm looking forward to it.

Adams: Yeah. Tootle-oo.

Adams walks away and Chloe and Pete go inside.

Chloe: (Laughing) Good luck on the chain gang.

She passes Lana who is on her way out to put some flowers outside the window.

Chloe: Hey.

Lana: (Unhappy) Hey.

Clark: Hey, Lana. What's wrong?

Lana: According to the sheriff I don't have a case that'll hold up in court. It's all hearsay. At least you were there, Clark.

Clark: Yeah. Look where it got me.

Lana: Sorry. (Pause) So, how'd you do it, Clark? I mean, I know you can take care of yourself, but there were three of them.

Clark: They were drunk. And I was highly motivated. I mean, the thought of someone hurting you...

Lana: You can't keep your eye on my every second.

Clark: I can try.

Lana: You're always there to save me. I just wish for once I could've saved myself.

Lana goes inside.

Act 1 Scene 5

Lana is putting dishes away behind the bar in the Talon. Night. Someone walks up behind her and touches her shoulder, scaring her so bad she drops a plate that shatters on the floor. She turns around and sees Lex.

Lex: (Kneeling down to help her clean up) Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

Lana: No, it's okay. I guess I'm still a little jumpy.

Lex: It's understandable. You had quite an ordeal.

Lana: I just feel so stupid. It's not like I was even hurt.

Lex: No, no, this place has always been a safe haven for you. Now that's been violated.

Lana: So now what? Become a shut-in?

Lex: Lana, I know what it's like to feel vulnerable.

Lana: (Smiling) You?

Lex: (Returning the smile) Trust me. Eccentric bald kids sit pretty low on the prep school totem pole. I was bullied for years, till one day I decided I had enough.

Lana: What'd you do?

Lex: One of my father's chauffeurs was an ex-Navy SEAL. I convinced him to teach me to fight. Let's just say the next time I was cornered the guy ended up needing serious dental work.

Lana: I could never hurt anybody.

Lex: It's not about hurting people. It's about reclaiming your sense of control over your life. Isn't that what you want?

Act 1 Scene 6

Clark is looking at a lawsuit from Andy Connors with Martha and Jonathan in the kitchen. Night. The paper says One Million Dollars.

Clark: One million dollars. The sheriff said he had a few cuts and bruises.

Jonathan: Now he's claiming to have severe neck injury.

Clark: (Reading) "Punitive damages, pain and suffering, loss of future earnings"?

Martha: They're saying Andy's mobility may be permanently limited and they've hired the best personal injury attorney in the state.

Jonathan: You did throw him into that car, Clark.

Clark: Maybe this is where it all starts. Remember what it said in the spaceship? "They're a flawed race. Rule them with strength."

Jonathan: Son, I got into a lot of fights when I was your age too, believe me. But, Clark, these are not alien feelings. What you have to remember under these circumstances is that there are consequences.

Martha: Your father's right. You don't make decisions in a split second you have to live with for the rest of your life.

Jonathan: Clark, it's true. We are a flawed race, sure. But we're a flawed race that raised you. You're a lot more human than you think.

Act 1 Scene 7

Helen is trying to start her car in the hospital parking lot. Night. The car won't start. She dials a number on her cell phone.

Helen: (On the phone) Lex, it still won't start. How far way are you? (Pause) Okay. I'll see you in a sec.

She hangs up the phone and leans back against the seat, closing her eyes.

Paul: (Suddenly at her window) You always had the worst luck with cars.

Helen: Paul. (She gets out of the car) What are you doing here?

Paul: It must be kismet. I dropped my cell phone, came back to get it, and here you were. How about I give you a ride home?

Helen: Lex is on his way.

Paul: Come on, Helen, why wait? (Helen doesn't answer) Same old Helen. Never wanted my help. Must be different with Lex, huh?

Helen: (Coldly) Yes, it is.

Lex drives up and gets out of his car.

Paul: Here comes Prince Charming now.

Lex: Helen, is everything all right?

Author:  bunniefuu [ 07/27/03 15:42 ]
Post subject:  219 Precipice

Helen: Yeah, I'm fine.

Lex: Yeah? Hey. (He kisses her) Hello, Paul. I didn't expect to see you here.

Paul: I happened to be in the neighborhood.

Lex: Twice in one day. Three times if you count last night. (Only half joking) Careful. I might start to think you're stalking my girlfriend.

Helen: Come on, let's go.

Paul: Why would I want to do that?

Lex: You're not over her.

Paul: I was just trying to be a good Samaritan.

Lex: So when my mechanic looks over this car, he's not gonna find missing spark plugs or sugar in the gas tank?

Helen: (Trying to keep it light) Lex, enough.

Paul: (Whistles) You really are paranoid.

Lex: No. (Steps closer to Paul) No, I'm just a frighteningly good judge of character. I strongly suggest you stay away from Helen.

Lex and Helen start toward the car.

Paul: Whoa. Is that a threat?

Lex: You seem like a simple guy, Paul. I'd hate for your life to get complicated.

Act 1 Scene 8

Paul drives up to a run down motel and parks outside the door. Night. He gets out of the car and goes inside the motel, not noticing the man, MEACHAM, in another car watching him. Meacham dials a number on his cell phone.

Meacham: He's back at the motel, Mr. Luthor. (Hangs up the phone)

CUT TO the inside of Paul's room. He is standing with his back to a mirror on the wall.

Paul: You know I love you, Helen.

He turns to the mirror and says the following lines to his own reflection.

Paul: And you know that I would do anything to be with you. I do mean anything.

He suddenly bashes his head into the mirror, shattering it. He turns around and we see blood running down his face. He smiles.

CUT TO Helen walking quickly through the hospital hallway. She turns a corner and opens some curtains, revealing Paul in the hospital bed, his forehead cut and bruised.

Helen: (Shocked) Paul.

Paul: Helen...

Helen: What happened to you?

Paul: Lex. Lex did this to me.

Fade to black.

Act 2 Scene 1

Lex is looking in the window of Paul's hospital room as Sheriff Adams questions Paul. Night. Helen walks up to Lex.

Helen: Lex, we need to talk.

Lex follows Helen into her office. She closes the door.

Lex: What's going on?

Helen: Paul claims you had him beaten up.

Lex: And from the tone of your voice, it sounds like you believe him.

Helen: For two weeks now you've been ignoring me. Suddenly Paul shows up and your jealous.

Lex: I'm not jealous. I'm concerned. Especially about someone who's unhinged enough to do that to himself. Helen, he's clearly stalking you.

Helen: You know, I don't understand it. I mean, we were never that serious. It was a relationship of convenience. There was no heavy emotional involvement.

Lex: Could've fooled him. Who broke it off?

Helen: I did. One of his ex-girlfriends warned me to stay away from him. She claimed that he beat her up.

Lex: Did she ever report him to the police?

Helen: No. But I wasn't gonna wait around to see if history repeated itself. So I broke it off and we never spoke after that. Three months later he dropped out of school.

Sheriff Adams knocks on the door and enters.

Adams: Mr. Luthor. You're just the man I was looking for.

CUT TO Lex and Adams walking through the hall together.

Lex: I didn't have Paul Hayden beaten up.

Adams: You know, I usually like to ask the questions before I get the answers. Kind of the natural flow of things. Where were you earlier this evening?

Lex: At home. A fact my staff can confirm.

Adams: Uh-huh, so you did not threaten Paul Hayden in the medical center parking lot?

Lex: He's stalking my girlfriend.

Adams: Well, according to him, he offered her some flowers, a ride home. That's not exactly criminal behavior.

Lex: Listen, Sheriff, if you want to play Letter of the Law, you go right ahead. I just hope your professional instincts lead you back in the right direction.

Adams: Oh, don't worry. They always do, Mr. Luthor. I'll stay in touch.

She walks away. A nurse walks by, pushing Paul in a wheelchair. He and Lex make eye contact and Paul smiles slightly. Lex watches him pass and then walks away.

Act 2 Scene 2

Clark is picking up litter outside the Talon in his orange vest. Day. Lex comes out of the Talon with two cups of coffee.

Lex: Good morning, Clark.

Clark: Look, don't even start. I've had half of Smallville High out here already giving me a hard time.

Lex: Would it be, uh, violating your parole to take a coffee break? (Hands Clark a cup)

Clark: It'd be the least of my problems. That kid who harassed Lana is suing us. He could literally take the farm. It's hard to believe someone could come into your life and just screw it up. Lana's a wreck, I'm picking up trash, and this guy's walking around free.

Lex: I wouldn't worry too much about Lana.

Clark: Why's that?

Lex: Let's just say the crouching tigress is about to find her hidden dragon.

Clark raises his eyebrows.

Act 2 Scene 3

Lana is hitting a punching bag in Lex's mansion. Day. Lex is watching her.

Lana: I can't even get the bag to move. I don't see how I'm supposed to take on a guy who's twice my size.

Lex: Lana, getting the upper hand isn't about size. It's about decisiveness and speed. You have to commit.

He gets behind her and puts her arms back into a fighting stance.

Lex: Look, right now you're only putting part of yourself into it. If you want to effective, you have to put your whole body into it. Okay?

Lana: Okay.

Lana hits the bag.

Lex: There you go. That's it. Now channel all your anger.

Lana: Some of us aren't as angry as you are, Lex.

Lex: Of course not. I mean, what's to be angry about? Hmm? It's not like a bunch of frat boys came into your own place and harassed you.

Lana hits the bag again.

Lex: It's not like you felt helpless when that guy shoved you.

She hits the bag twice, angrier.

Lex: And I know it doesn't make you mad that you needed Clark Kent to save you again.

Furious, Lana hits the bag three times and kicks it.

Lex: Better.

Act 2 Scene 4

Clark is still picking up litter, obviously unhappy about it. Day. He sees Andy come out of a restaurant across the street, wearing a neck brace and walking with a cane. Clark crosses the street to talk to him.

Clark: Andy.

Andy: Whoa, whoa. Restraining order says you can't come within 500 feet of me, Kent.

Clark: I just want to talk.

Andy: Anything you got to say, you can say to my lawyer.

Clark: Well, let me apologize.

Andy: It's too late! (Clark stands in front of him so he can't pass) What?

Clark: Look, we both made mistakes the other night. And I understand that you're mad at me, but this lawsuit could ruin my family. Just leave them out of it.

Andy's ride drives up across the street and honks the horn.

Andy: I'll see you in court, and if you break this restraining order again, I'll have the sheriff all over your ass!

Andy crosses the street and gets into the back seat of the car where one of his friends is waiting.

Guy: (Joking) Man, don't hurt yourself.

He and Andy laugh. Andy closes the door and Clark uses his x-ray vision to look through the tinted window. He sees Andy take off his neck brace.

Act 2 Scene 5

Clark is researching neck injuries in the loft. Day. Chloe enters.

Chloe: What's up?

Clark: Andy Connors is faking his injuries.

Chloe: Well, that's an intriguing claim, but as the defendant, I doubt your case holds much water.

Clark: Well, I... I followed him home. I saw him take his neck brace off. I was trying to gather some evidence on him so I could nail him.

Chloe: Well, you know I'm always up for a good conspiracy.

Clark: Thanks, Chloe.

Chloe: Or if all else fails, we could send Lana out to beat the confession out of him. (Clark looks away) It was a joke, Clark. Why do I get the feeling that you're not impressed with Lana turning all Charlie's Angels on us?

Clark: I know Lex's intentions are good. But what if she gets overconfident and finds herself in a situation she can't handle?

Chloe: Clark, as a 6-foot-whatever guy, you have no idea what it feels like to have to cross the street at night when you hear footsteps behind you. If getting a little girl power makes Lana feel like less of a victim, then you should be all for it.

Clark: I guess.

Chloe: Or is it that you're secretly worried that if Lana learns to defend herself, she won't need a knight in shining armor to rescue her anymore?

Clark looks at Chloe in mock annoyance. She doesn't back down.

Act 2 Scene 6

Helen is walking through a dark hallway at the hospital. Night. She stops at the pathology lab and goes inside. She flips the light switch, but the lights don't come on. She walks slowly into the lab and looks around.

Helen: Doctor?

She turns around and Paul is standing there.

Helen: (Startled) Paul. What are you doing here?

Paul: I had to see you alone.

Helen: All right, well, why don't we go upstairs and we can talk about it over coffee?

Paul: (Irate) No, we can't go and have coffee, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! (He starts to back her into the wall) When you broke up with me, I thought that it was because you knew I was never gonna be a great doctor. You were right. That's why I quit. If you can't be great, why bother at all? That's what you always used to say, right?

Helen: Paul...

Paul: (Yelling) I was working on becoming successful so that I could have you back! Then I found out that you were with Luthor and I knew that I had to save you from that fraud.

Helen: I don't want you to save me. Look, I broke up with you because you beat your ex-girlfriend.

Paul: Oh, oh, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. She was so beneath me. That's not the case with you and I. You and I were meant for each other.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 07/27/03 15:45 ]
Post subject:  219 Precipice

He touches her face and her lips.

Helen: I love Lex.

Paul: No. You don't. You love me. You just don't know it yet.

He leans in to kiss her and she runs past him to the door.

Helen: Get away from me, Paul!

He runs to the door and gets there before Helen does, blocking her way. Helen's cell phone rings. She answers it.

Helen: Hello?

Lex: (In his car) Helen, it's me. Look, you're right, I've been distant the last few weeks, but that's gonna change. I'm on my way over so we can talk. (Paul glares at Helen) Helen?

Helen: I'm busy with a patient... in the pathology lab.

Paul punches Helen in the face and she drops the phone.

Lex: Helen?

Paul: That was him, wasn't it? It was him. Wasn't it?! (Helen reaches slowly for a glass beaker on the table) He doesn't love you! Can't you see that?

Helen breaks the beaker over Paul's head.

Lex: Helen, what's going on?

Helen goes for the door. Paul grabs her and throws her at the counter. She slides across it and falls onto the ground.

Paul: Get up here. Get up here, come on!

Lex: Helen?!

Paul drags her across the room and grabs a scalpel.

Helen: Paul, no! No! Aah!

Lex speeds up.

Paul slams Helen onto the counter and then onto the ground.

CUT TO Lex running into the hallway at the hospital with another doctor and a nurse.

Lex: Helen! Helen! Helen!

They stop outside the pathology lab and see bloody footprints on the floor. Lex runs inside.

Lex: Helen!

He finds Helen unconscious on the floor, blood on her face. He touches her chest and looks at the blood on his hand.

Doctor: (To the nurse) Get her to ER! I need to 2 cc EPI and an IV push. Stat! (The nurse doesn't react) Stat!

The nurse runs out.

Fade to black.

Act 3 Scene 1

Clark walks into the Talon wearing his orange vest. Night. Lana is working.

Clark: Smallville is officially litter free.

Lana: (Laughs) You must be exhausted.

Clark: Well, frustrated and humiliated, yes. Exhausted, no. Hey, I can stick around for a little while if you want.

Lana: I'm fine, Clark.

Clark: I know. I just thought you might want some company. (Picking up a pamphlet from the bar) Karate class? I take it the meeting with Lex went well.

Lana: Lex has a way of bringing out a side of me that's both scary and liberating at the same time.

Clark: Well, you know the first rule of self defense is to avoid conflict.

Lana: Relax, Clark, I'm not about to go prowling the night fighting crime. I'll leave that to the expert.

Clark: Well, you can trust me, there's no future in fighting crime unless you enjoy being sued. You know what the worst part is? I know that he's faking. I just don't have proof. I was gonna follow him with a camera, but I'd be violating the restraining order.

Lana: Well, what about me?

Clark: What about you?

Lana: I want to see him go down as badly as you do. Let me help.

Clark: No, that'd be too dangerous.

Lana: Clark, the law's not on our side. What's are we supposed to do?

Clark doesn't answer.

Act 3 Scene 2

Lex is talking on his cell phone in the hospital. Night.

Lex: Meacham, where the hell are you? I need to know where Hayden is now!

Sheriff Adams comes up behind him and he hangs up his phone.

Adams: Mr. Luthor? I am sorry about Dr. Bryce, but I hope you are not planning to take the law into your own hands.

Lex: The woman I love is fighting for her life, Sheriff, so you'll have to forgive my lack of faith in Smallville's finest.

Adams: I have roadblocks up across every major highway. I have deputies canvassing the area, and I am waiting for a warrant on his motel room.

Lex: How long will that take?

Adams: It will take a little while, but I have rung every judge's bell in Lowell County.

Lex: Well, I'm certainly glad you're doing everything humanly possible. (Lex starts to walk away)

Adams: Mr. Luthor, where are you going? If I find you have tampered with this investigation--

Lex: You'll what?! You'll arrest me and make me pick up trash?

Adams: You are not above the law, Mr. Luthor.

Lex: Thank you for that bracing insight. Am I free to go now?

Lex walks away, dialing his phone.

Lex: Meacham!

CUT TO Lex's car speeding away from the hospital, passing Clark.

Clark: Lex?

Sheriff Adams comes outside.

Clark: Sheriff, I heard about Dr. Bryce. Is she okay?

Adams: It's still touch and go.

Clark: Was it Paul Hayden?

Adams: Mr. Kent, do I have to remind you about involving yourself in police business? (Another officer walks up) Where do we stand on that warrant for Hayden's room at the Heartland?

Officer: Twenty minutes. We have cars standing by.

Adams and the officer walk away.

CUT TO Clark super speeding up to the hotel. He uses his x-ray vision to look into a room and sees someone sneaking in through the window.

Inside the room, Lex is looking around with a flashlight. He turns around and Clark is there.

Lex: Clark, how did you get--

Clark: The same way you did. What are you doing here, Lex?

Lex: Look, stay out of this.

Clark: I know you want to nail this guy.

Lex: But what? I should leave it to the pros? Hayden's car is still here, okay? (Lex dials his phone) I had a guy on him. Now he's no--

They hear a cell phone ringing in the next room. Lex shines his flashlight across the room and they see the bloody, shattered mirror. They open the door to the bathroom where the ringing is coming from. Lex pulls back the shower curtain and they find Meacham's body in the tub, his throat cut.

Lex: Son of a bitch, he's got Meacham's car.

They hear a car pull up outside.

Clark: Lex, we got company.

Clark leaves the bathroom and Lex grabs Meacham's gun. Sheriff Adams and two other officers burst into the motel room and look around. It's empty.

CUT TO Lex and Clark walking outside the train station.

Lex: Lojack system said the car was here.

Clark: I thought only the police had access to Lojack.

Lex: Let's split up.

Clark: No, I think we should wait for Sheriff Adams.

Lex: You wait. I'm gonna go look around.

Lex walks away. Clark starts to argue, but decides not to. Lex walks along side a stopped train, looking in the windows and at all the people around him. He sees a man walking ahead of him slowly. The man turns around and it's Paul. Paul runs away and Lex follows.

Paul gets to goes between two train cars and comes out the other side. He starts to run, but Lex comes out in front of him, pointing the gun.

Paul: (Holding up his hands) If you pull that trigger, you're going to be the one going to prison.

Lex pulls out a handkerchief and uses it to take Meacham's gun out of his waistband. He tosses the gun to Paul, who catches it.

Lex: Not if it's self defense.

Fade to black.

Act 4 Scene 1

Lex and Paul are standing between two trains. Night. Lex is pointing the gun at Paul and Paul is still holding the other gun. Suddenly, Paul points the gun at Lex and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens.

Lex: I guess I forgot to load it.

Paul: You're just full of surprises today, aren't you?

Paul kicks Lex in the chest, sending him to the ground. Paul runs away and goes into an empty train car.

CUT TO Clark still waiting where Lex left him. He looks around for a moment, and then finally runs to the trains.

CUT TO Lex running to the train Paul got into. He stops outside the door, and climbs in slowly.

We see Clark, still looking for him.

On the train, Lex looks around with his gun raised.

Again, we see Clark searching outside.

Lex creeps up to the window of the dining car. He opens the door and it appears to be empty. He walks in and crouches down to look under the tables.

Outside, Clark runs out onto the tracks to look at the empty trains.

Lex turns a corner into the train's kitchen, which also appears to be empty. He makes his way through the narrow room very slowly. Paul suddenly stands up behind him and hits him in the back of the head with a frying pan. From the ground, Lex kicks Paul in the stomach, causing him to drop the pan. Lex stands up and punches him in the face. Paul grabs Lex, slams him into a cupboard, and tries to hit him again. But Lex elbows him in the stomach and attempts to punch him in the face. Paul blocks the punch and Lex knocks his own head into Paul's. Paul punches him in the face and kicks him in the stomach, sending him to the floor again.

Outside Clark stops, thinking he hears something. He begins to turn away, but when Paul kicks Lex in the stomach again, Clark whips around. Inside the train Paul sees a fire ax hanging on the wall. He grabs it and Clark looks into the train with his x-ray vision, seeing Paul raising the ax over Lex. He pulls it back to swing, Clark super speeds to the side of the train, and rams his shoulder into it, knocking Paul off balance.

Paul tries to get back up, but Lex gets up first, pointing his gun at Paul's face.

Lex: Goodbye, Paul.

His fingers tightens on the trigger. Lex grimaces as Paul looks up at him in fear. Finally, Lex punches Paul across the face, knocking him unconscious. Clark runs onto the train.

Clark: Lex!

Sheriff Adams and her officers enter and point their guns.

Adams: Hands up! (Clark raises his hands. To Lex) Get rid of that gun, and put that gun on the table right now. (Lex doesn't move) Put it on the table now!

Lex puts the gun on the table and Adams grabs it.

Lex: Last time I checked, citizen's arrests are still legal in Kansas.

Adams laughs sardonically.

Adams: Oh, man. I'm telling you, if I catch you meddling in a police investigation again, I swear... heaven help you.

Lex looks at Clark who looks down at Paul and then back at Lex.

Act 4 Scene 2

Andy enters the Talon where Lana is working. Day. He is still using the neck brace and cane.

Lana: Thanks for coming.

Andy: Well, this better be good to get me out of bed so early.

Lana: Listen, Andy, um, I'm really sorry about what happened the other night, but I think this has gotten a little out of hand. The lawsuit?

Andy: Don't worry about it. It's Kent's problem.

Lana: I know you're faking your injuries. I think you should drop the suit before you get caught.

Andy: (Looks around, then tosses his cane away) You didn't call me here to talk about no lawsuit, did you.

He reaches for her and she slaps his hand away.

Lana: Touch me again, and you'll have some real soft-tissue injury.

Andy: (Laughs) You can play hard to get, but we both know you want me. So why don't we take this into the back.

He reaches for her with both arms. Lana knocks him in the chest and twists his arm backwards. He gasps and she kicks him in the stomach, bending him over. She spins around and kicks him again, sending him flying into a table and onto the ground, where a trickle of blood escapes his lips. Lana looks at him, a small smile forming on her lips.

Act 4 Scene 3

Clark is looking out the window of the loft with his telescope. Night. Lana enters.

Lana: Hi, Clark.

Clark: I just got a phone call saying that Andy dropped the lawsuit. Any idea what could've made him do that?

Lana: Maybe he just realized that you were trying to help a friend.

Clark: The sheriff told me you have quite a spin kick. I'm sorry I missed it.

Lana: So you heard about that.

Clark: Lana...

Lana: Clark, I know what you're gonna say. I shouldn't have gotten involved, but--

Clark: I just wanted to say thank you.

Lana: Oh. Well, you've been there for me so many times. I wanted to repay you. Besides, it's not every day that Lana Lang gets a chance to save Clark Kent.

Clark smiles and Lana laughs.

Clark: Yeah.

They hold eye contact for a few moments.

Act 4 Scene 4

Helen is sitting in front of the fire at Lex's mansion. Night. Lex enters.

Helen: I thought you had a board meeting.

Lex: I canceled it for personal reasons.

Helen: That's a first.

Lex walks to the chair across from Helen and sits down.

Lex: My lawyer told me that Paul is pleading temporary insanity.

Helen: Lex, I don't want--

Lex: I told him not to fight the plea. Paul needs help. (Lex takes her hand) I wanted to kill him, Helen. I wanted to kill him for what he did to you. I probably could've gotten away with it in everyone's eyes, but one person would've known the truth.

Helen: Clark?

Lex: You. Clark didn't save me in that moment, Helen. You did. And that's when I knew.

Lex reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. He gives it to Helen and she opens it, revealing a ring.

Lex: So what do you say, Dr. Bryce? Will you marry me?

Helen smiles and touches his face. Then she leans in and they share a long and slow kiss.

Fade to black.

This Episode of Smallville featured music by:

"Becoming" by Adam Tenenbaum

"Don't Fear The Reaper" by Gus

"Princess" by Matt Nathanson

"Don't Forget Me" by Red Hot Chili Peppers

"Let Me Be The One" by Sammi Morelli

"Shakedown!" by TheSTART


Transcribed by: Kerrplop

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