Forever Dreaming

02x08 - Ryan
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Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 01/05/03 19:51 ]
Post subject:  Ryan

Act 1 Teaser

Fade in on RYAN JAMES from season one's episode Stray. Day. He is sitting shirtless in a chair in an observation room. The room is coldly lit and sterile. There are computers all around him and he has wires hooked to the top of his head. There is an IV bag full of yellow-green fluid hooked to his arm. We hear the voice of DR. GARNER.

Dr. Garner: All right, Ryan, what am I looking at? (Ryan doesn't answer) Ryan.

Ryan: A dog.

Dr. Garner: What kind of dog?

The shot widens and we see an orderly sitting to Ryan's left and Dr. Garner sitting across from Ryan at a desk, looking at a computer screen.

Ryan: A lab.

Dr. Garner: What color is it? (Ryan looks away, annoyed. More sternly) What color?

Ryan: Brown. (Dr. Garner pushes a button on the keyboard) A tree. (Pause) A pine tree.

Dr. Garner pushes the button again and writes something down. Ryan starts to pant and grimaces as he touches his head.

Dr. Garner: (Urging) Ryan.

Ryan: Father, mother, and son.

Dr. Garner Pushes the button and the image changes to a picture of the moon. He looks at Ryan who is still holding his head.

Dr. Garner: Another pressure headache? (Ryan nods) Let's try and push on.

Ryan: I don't want to answer any more questions.

Dr. Garner: There's just a few more left.

Ryan: Full moon. (Click) A butterfly. (Click) Train. (Dr. Garner writes some more and Ryan gasps, grabbing his head again. Blood starts to drip from his nose. Dr. Garner watches Ryan. Ryan notices him staring and realizes he just got a bloody nose… He wipes the blood away) You're afraid you're not gonna get all your research done.

Dr. Garner: (To the orderly) Get some coagulant.

Orderly: Yes, Doctor.

The orderly gets up and leaves. Ryan gets a strange look on his face.

Dr. Garner: What is it, Ryan?

Ryan: What's... Oxy-Contin?

Dr. Garner: It's a very powerful narcotic. Why?

Ryan: He's stealing it.

Dr. Garner: I knew it. I'll be right back. (He gets up and leaves)

CUT TO the orderly opening a medicine cabinet. He takes out a bottle and Dr. Garner walks up.

Dr. Garner: What do you got there?

Orderly: The coagulant. It's what you asked for, right?

Dr. Garner: (Looks at the bottle and gives it back to the orderly. He starts running back to the observation room) Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch! (They come back to the room and the chair is empty) Ryan? Ryan! (He looks around and sees that a vent has been pulled off the wall)

CUT TO Ryan crawling through the air conditioning ducts. He turns a corner and continues to crawl quickly. He stops at a vent and looks through. He sees an office with a phone on the desk. He pushes the vent out and crawls out of the duct. He picks up the phone and dials as Dr. Garner starts pounding outside the locked door.

Dr. Garner: Ryan! Open the door! Open the door now! Come on!

CUT TO Martha typing at a laptop in the Kents' kitchen. The phone is ringing.

Martha: Clark, can you get that?

Clark: Yeah. (Picks up the phone) Hello?

Ryan: Clark! You got to help me!

Clark: Ryan? Is that you?

Ryan: You've got to get me out of here.

Clark: Whoa, calm down. Where are you?

Ryan: A hospital called Summerholt. Look, please, you gotta get me out of here. Please.

The orderly and Dr. Garner break into the room.

Dr. Garner: (To the orderly) Get in there! Give me the phone, Ryan!

Ryan: (As they take the phone from him) Clark, they're experimenting on me! Clark! Clark!

Clark: What?

Martha gets up looking at Clark questioningly. Clark hears Ryan and the doctor screaming over the phone.

Ryan: Let go! Let go!

Dr. Garner: (Knocking the phone off the desk) Lay him down!

The orderly puts Ryan down on the desk.

Clark: Ryan!

Dr. Garner has a large syringe of the green-yellow fluid.

Ryan: I'll stop! I'll stop! Don't put that in me! Stop! No, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

The orderly holds Ryan's arms down and Dr. Garner turns his head to the side. He continues to struggle as Dr. Garner injects him in the temple. Ryan stops struggling and loses consciousness. Dr. Garner pulls the needle out.

[Opening Credits]

Act 1 Scene 1

Clark, Martha, and Jonathan are in the kitchen. Day. Martha hangs up the phone.

Martha: Ryan's aunt's phone has been disconnected and the operator in Edge City said there's no new listing. It's like she just… disappeared.

Jonathan: That doesn't make any sense. What about this Summerholt place?

Clark: I checked. There's no hospital by that name in Edge City.

Jonathan: When's the last time you heard from Ryan, Clark?

Clark: He sent me an email a few weeks ago. He was getting ready for school. He seemed real psyched.

Jonathan: I'm calling the Edge City police.

Clark: I've never heard him so scared, Mom.

Jonathan: Maybe somebody's filed a missing persons report.

Act 1 Scene 2

Clark and Pete are walking through the hall at school. Day.

Clark: I just keep thinking I missed something. Some clue in his email, some sign that things weren't okay. I guess I just wasn't listening.

Pete: (As they enter the Torch where Chloe is bent over her desk looking at a paper) I know Ryan means a lot to you Clark, but you gotta cut yourself some slack. Second-guessing isn't gonna help.

Chloe: Hey, um, remember that really cute guy Heinrich who works at the phone company?

Pete: Yeah, you mean the Hungarian one with the toy scooter?

Chloe: He's Austrian and it's a classic vespa, but anyway, he was able to trace Ryan's call back to its point of origin.

Clark: You found something.

Chloe: Summerholt Neurological Institute. But it's not in Edge City, it's in Metropolis.

Clark: Well, that explains why we couldn't find it.

Chloe: Yeah, but the weird thing is that Summerholt is strictly a research facility. They don't even take patients. And if they did, why would Ryan be in lockdown in a place that specializes in super-esoteric brain research?

Clark doesn't answer.

Act 1 Scene 3

Lex enters his study where MAYOR TATE is waiting. Day.

Lex: Mr. Mayor. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.

They shake hands.

Tate: Always a pleasure, Lex. How can I help you?

Lex: As you know, LexCorp is in the midst of a major plant expansion. But unfortunately, we're still awaiting final approval from the zoning commission.

Tate: Well, you know how it is these days, Lex, with all these environmental and safety regulations. Well, there's no such thing as a rubber stamp anymore.

Lex: If this project collapses, it's going to cause Smallville a lot of jobs.

Tate: I've been friends with your father ever since LuthorCorp bought the old cream corn plant. He was always a very generous supporter.

Lex: I didn't realize my father had an interest in local politics.

Tate: I don't think he does. But I do know he's never had a permit held up at the zoning commission.

Lex: (Smirks) You want a bribe?

Tate: I never said that, but now that you're running your father's plant, you should learn how business gets done in this town.

Lex: Let's be clear. I don't work for my father anymore and it's not his plant. LexCorp owns it. And I have my own way of doing business.

Tate: I'm up for reelection soon. It's my fourth term. Just think of this as the beginning of a long-term relationship which can have beneficial consequences for both of us. (He takes a card from his pocket and hands it to Lex) Call this man. He'll explain how things work. (He starts to leave) Oh, and uh, imagine how much you'll lose if construction shuts down. (He leaves)

Act 1 Scene 4

Lana is riding her horse. Day. She stops at the fence where Nell is walking up.

Nell: Hi. How was your ride?

Lana: Oh, it was great. We took the long way around Crater Lake.

She gets off the horse.

Nell: Do you remember when you went riding at the Metropolis Equestrian Center and you said you wished you belonged to a club like that?

Lana: Yeah. They've got fantastic facilities.

Nell: Well, what would you say if I told you you could ride there every weekend and anytime you wanted after school?

Lana: I'd say it'd be a long drive.

Nell: I know this is sudden, but, uh, well Dean's taken a job in Metropolis and he wants us to move with him.

Lana: (Shocked) And you said yes?

Nell: I know it's a lot to ask, Lana, but it's important to Dean, and I think it'll be a great opportunity for you. It'll be great for all of us.

Lana: I can't believe you agreed to do this without even asking me.

Nell: I know it's difficult to imagine right now, but--

Lana: What about school and my friends? Not to mention the Talon.

Nell: Lana, you can visit Smallville any time you want.

They share a silence as Lana looks at her unhappily.

Act 1 Scene 5

Martha walks out onto the porch holding the cordless phone. Day. Jonathan and Clark are already there.

Martha: This Summerholt Institute has more bureaucracy than the IRS. I was on hold for an hour before they told me to call back tomorrow.

Clark: I want to go to Metropolis to check it out.

Jonathan: Clark, the police have already been there and there was no sign of Ryan. Now come on, son, this might not even be the right place.

Clark: Dad, Ryan's like a little brother to me. If something happened to him, I'd never be able to forgive myself.

Jonathan: Hey, we understand how you feel. But you can't just go into Metropolis and start ripping the doors off this place.

Clark looks away.

Act 1 Scene 6

Ryan is lying in a hospital bed at Summerholt. Day. There are wires connected to his forehead and a brain wave monitor next to the bed.

CUT TO Clark talking to the receptionist, MARY, at the front desk.

Clark: His name is Ryan James.

Mary: I told you. We have no one here by that name.

Clark: Check again. I know he's here.

Mary: Sir, if you don't leave, I'm going to call security.

Clark: I'm not leaving. I want to talk to someone in charge.

Dr. Garner walks up.

Dr. Garner: Mary? Is there a problem?

Mary: Dr. Garner. This young man believes you have a friend of his here under lock and key.

Dr. Garner: It's okay, I'll handle it. (Holds out his hand) Dr. Garner.

Clark: (Shaking his hand) Clark Kent.

Dr. Garner: Kent... Did your parents call earlier?

Clark: Yeah. We're looking for our friend Ryan James. He called our home from here and said he was being held against his will.

Dr. Garner: Well, there's been some sort of a mistake. We're strictly a research facility.

Clark: I know he's here.

Dr. Garner: Don't take my word for it, Clark. Talk to the police. They came by and checked… Twice. I wish I could help you, but your friend isn't here. I hope you find him.

He pats Clark on the shoulder and walks away. Mary puts down her clipboard behind the desk and goes to answer the phone ringing on the other end of the desk. Clark looks at the clipboard. It has a list of research departments and one of the departments is parapsychology. The paper says it is on the third floor and that it is restricted. Clark super speeds to Ryan's room and opens the door.

Clark: Ryan.

Ryan: Clark?

Clark releases the straps holding Ryan's arms to the bed and disconnects the wires from his chest. An orderly enters.

Orderly: Hey! You're not supposed to be in here!

Clark slams him in the chest sending him out into the hall where he hits the wall and gets knocked unconscious.

Clark: It's okay. I'll get you out of here. (He disconnects the wires from Ryan's head) There you go.

Ryan: I knew you'd come for me, Clark.

Clark lifts him up and takes him out of the room.

Act 1 Scene 7

Lex brings a cup of hot chocolate to Ryan. Night. Ryan and Clark are sitting by the fire in Lex's mansion and Lex sits with them.

Lex: Here you go, Ryan. How you doing?

Ryan: Okay. Thanks to Clark.

Clark: Ryan, do you have any idea how we can get a hold of your aunt?

Ryan: I think she moved to… Arizona.

Clark: How could she just leave you?

Ryan: A couple months ago, I started getting nosebleeds and headaches. She took me to all kinds of doctors, but no one seemed to know what the problem was. The bills were becoming too much for her to handle. Then Dr. Garner showed up and offered to pay for my care.

Lex: Ryan, what were they treating you for?

Ryan: They... they were treating me--

Clark: They were holding him for observation.

Lex: Clark, can I talk to you for a moment?

Lex leaves the room. Clark starts to go.

Ryan: Clark?

Clark: Yeah?

Ryan: (Pause) Never mind.

Clark: Get some rest, okay?

Ryan nods and watches Clark sadly as Clark joins Lex outside the room.

Clark: (To Lex) I appreciate you taking Ryan in. If I took him home, my parents would've freaked.

Lex: Yeah, kidnapping has that effect on people. Clark, why did you break him out if they were only keeping him for observation?

Clark: Look, I didn't have a choice. They were treating him like a lab rat. It was terrible.

Lex: Clark, you abducted a minor. They'll trace him to you and then to me. We're both in a serious amount of trouble here.

Clark: I shouldn't have involved you. I'll find some place else to hide him.

Clark starts to walk away, but Lex grabs his arm, pulling him back.

Lex: Ryan's staying here, at least for tonight. Tomorrow I'll talk to my lawyers in Metropolis and see what our options are.

Clark: I'm sorry. I didn't think this through. I saw him hooked up to those wires, I had to do something.

Lex: So you staged a one-man prison break? How did you manage to get him out without anybody stopping you?

Clark: Just lucky, I guess.

Lex: You're the luckiest guy I've ever met. Lets hope it doesn't run out before tomorrow.

Act 1 Scene 8

Clark enters his house. Night.

Clark: Mom? Hey, Dad! (He enters the living room and sees his parents with Sheriff Ethan and Dr. Garner) What's going on?

Dr. Garner: Where's Ryan?

Clark: He's safe from you.

Martha: Clark, what did you do?

Dr. Garner: Sheriff, search every inch of this farm.

Clark: Wait, you can't do that.

Jonathan: They have a search warrant, son.

Dr. Garner: Place this boy under arrest for kidnapping.

Martha: What?

Clark: Look. Give me till tomorrow morning.

Dr. Garner: I don't know how you got him out of Summerholt, but if he's not here by 9 AM, federal marshals will be crawling all over the place, and your life is going under the microscope.

Fade to black.

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 01/05/03 19:52 ]
Post subject:  Ryan

Act 2 Scene 1

Martha is stirring a bowl as Jonathan drinks coffee in the kitchen. Day. The door opens.

Martha: (Smiling) Ryan. Hi. (Ryan comes in with Clark and Martha hugs Ryan) Oh.

Jonathan: Hi, Ryan.

They shake hands and Jonathan pulls him into a hug.

Ryan: (After the hug, he looks into Jonathan's eyes) Mr. Kent, please don't be mad at Clark. He was trying to help me.

Jonathan: I know that, Ryan.

Ryan: You should have seen him, the way he threw that orderly. He must've weighed like 300 pounds.

Clark: No, he's exaggerating. A little.

Jonathan: Look, Ryan, we're glad that you're okay, but Clark did go about this the wrong way. Now, I'm afraid that we don't have much of a choice but to give you back.

Martha: How did you end up in Summerholt?

Ryan: Dr. Garner told my aunt that there was something wrong with my brain. That's why I can read people's minds. When she found out about my ability, it just freaked her out.

Martha: Ryan, I'm so sorry.

Ryan: She's not a bad person. She just couldn't accept the fact that I was different. (Ryan suddenly gets a look of fear on his face) They're here.

They all go outside as Sheriff Ethan and Dr. Garner drive up.

Dr. Garner: (Getting out of the car) Hello, Ryan.

Ryan: Please don't let him take me, Clark.

Ethan: Jonathan, Martha, Dr. Garner's agreed to drop the kidnapping charges if you turn over the boy.

Dr. Garner: Come on, Ryan. We need to get back to Metropolis. (Clark and Jonathan block his way) Sheriff, I'm Ryan's legal guardian and I have the paperwork denoting such. Please do your job.

Jonathan: Come on, Doctor. Having custody of a child is not the same thing as having a pink slip to a car. Can't you see he doesn't want to go with you?

Martha: Ethan, please.

Dr. Garner: The choice is yours Mr. and Mrs. Kent. You can lose one boy here today or both of them. I believe kidnapping comes with some juvenile time.

Ethan: I'm sorry, folks, but--

Lex drives up, honking his horn. He gets out of the car.

Lex: Sheriff, before you do anything take a look at this. (He gives Ethan a piece of paper) It's a temporary restraining order giving the Kents custody of Ryan until the situation can by reviewed.

Dr. Garner: You want to try judicial roadblock, you go ahead. I'll have Clark arrested.

Lex: You could, but I have a countersuit ready to be filed. Metropolis D.A. is very interested in looking into Summerholt's research practice, especially involving minors held under duress. Your move, Doctor.

Dr. Garner: This isn't over. Your rich friend saved you today, Clark. (He walks back to the car) Sheriff.

Act 2 Scene 2

Ryan and Clark enter the Talon. Day. The lights turn on and a large group yells “Surprise!” There's a big banner that says “Welcome Back Ryan” and balloons are everywhere. Chloe comes up to Ryan.

Chloe: It's your jailbreak party! We even have the obligatory pistachio log ice cream cake and we managed to rustle up a band.

Ryan: (They walk over to Lana and Pete) This is so cool. Thanks, guys.

Pete: Good to see you man.

Lana: I'm so glad you're back. (She kisses him on the cheek)

Ryan: Wow. Yeah, me too.

Lana laughs and she walks away with Chloe and Pete.

Clark: You knew about this the whole time, didn't you.

Ryan: Half a block away.

Clark: Yeah. Thanks for not ruining the surprise.

Ryan: I was tempted to. I hate pistachio. But it was definitely worth the kiss. (Clark smiles)

CUT TO the band playing as Chloe and Pete watch.

Singer: A picture taken yesterday slowly starts to fade away. There's got to be an answer. There's no use feeling afraid to see what my life was meant to be...

Pete: (Walks to Clark and Ryan's table) Hey, guys.

Ryan: Hey, Pete. Tell your mom thanks. (Pete nods)

Clark: Thanks for what?

Pete: She cosigned the restraining order with the judge from Metropolis. Imagine getting a phone call from Lex Luthor at five in the morning.

Chloe: Hey, Pete! Come here a second!

Pete walks away.

Ryan: (Worried) Pete knows your secret.

Clark: Yeah, I know. I told him. It's all right.

Ryan: Did you know he's all stressed out about it?

Clark: No. Why?

Ryan: He's worried that one day you'll slip up and tell someone. Then they'll lock you up in a place like Summerholt.

Lana walks up with two pieces of cake.

Lana: I brought you guys a couple of pieces before everyone eats it all. (Ryan wrinkles his brow and touches his head) Hey, what's wrong?

Ryan: Just a headache.

Lana: I'll go get you a glass of water.

Clark: You sure you're okay?

Ryan: (Nods) Clark. Lana's moving to Metropolis.

Clark looks at Lana standing next to Chloe at the bar.

Act 2 Scene 3

Clark is reading a book called Understanding the Brain in the loft. Night. Lana enters.

Lana: Hey, Clark. Got your message. Is everything okay?

Clark: Yeah. I just want to thank you for the party. It was really great. Sorry we had to leave early, but Ryan wasn't feeling so good.

Lana: Yeah, how's he doing? He didn't look so hot.

Clark: To be honest, I'm not really sure. He's got a doctor's appointment tomorrow to try to figure out exactly what they did to him at that place. You should have seen him, Lana.

Lana: But he's safe now. Thanks to you.

Clark: Yeah, he's just such a good kid. It seems like life's always kicking him in the teeth. It makes you realize how lucky we are. (Lana nods, looking away) You okay? You seem a little preoccupied.

Lana: Oh, no, no, I'm fine. (She forces a laugh)

Clark: Lana, I know things aren't as solid between us as they used to be, but I'm still here for you. Do you want to talk about anything?

Lana: Nell and Dean are moving to Metropolis and I'm supposed to go with them.

Clark: How do you feel about that?

Lana: How would you feel, Clark, if you were uprooted and sent somewhere far way where you didn't know anyone?

Clark: I think it'd be really tough.

Lana: I feel like a piece of luggage Nell and Dean want to throw in the trunk as they drive off to their new life.

Clark: Have you talked to Henry Small about this?

Lana: No. I'm not ready to dump this in his lap. Just because we might share the same DNA does not mean we're family.

Clark: Well, you can come stay with us. It's just, um, kind of crowded right now.

Lana: Ryan's lucky. At least he got to choose his family. I'll see you later. (She starts to leave)

Clark: (After a pause) Don't go. I mean don't go to Metropolis.

Lana: Or what, you're going to kidnap me too?

Clark: Nell shouldn't be able to dictate your life without your input. If moving doesn't feel right, don't go.

She takes a deep breath and leaves.

Act 2 Scene 4

Martha and Ryan are walking down the hall at Lex's mansion. Day.

Martha: Mr. Luthor's in Metropolis so I won't be long, and then we'll get you to the doctor.

Ryan: You pretend around Mr. Kent you don't like your job, but you do.

Martha: Well, now that you've come into our lives, I may give it up so I can spend more time with you.

Ryan: I don't want to be a problem.

Martha: (She cups his face) Ryan, you are a gift. Like Clark.

Ryan: (He smiles) I know your secret. Why don't you tell Mr. Kent and Clark? They'd want to know.

Martha: I will when the time is right, but, um, in the meantime...

Ryan: I promise. My lips are sealed. (Lex walks up)

Lex: Ryan.

Martha: Hi, Lex.

Lex: Hey. How are you feeling?

Ryan: Much better. Thanks again for...

Lex: Harboring you? My pleasure.

Martha: I'd better get to work.

Lex: See ya.

Martha: Mmm-hmm. (She walks away)

Ryan: So, think I could check out that Warrior Angel collection?

Lex: That depends. Are your hands clean?

Ryan looks at him, startled. Lex laughs and Ryan smiles, catching on.

CUT TO Lex showing Ryan a framed copy of Warrior Angel on his desk.

Lex: Warrior Angel, number 1, mint condition. I have two copies of every issue, one for the collection...

Ryan: And one for reading. Why do you like Warrior Angel so much?

Lex: It helped me through some tough times when I was younger.

Ryan: After your mom died?

Lex: How did you know that?

Ryan: Clark told me.

Lex: (He goes to the pool table where more comics are laid out) The world between these glossy covers was reassuring. You knew who the heroes and villains were. When you grow up, you learn that not everything is black and white.

Ryan: So now all you see are shades of gray?

Lex: Ryan, real life is not a comic book. Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty, make compromises.

Ryan: That's what your father told you. That doesn't mean it's right.

Lex: You are either remarkably intuitive or... (Ryan's head jerks and he touches his temple) Ryan? Ryan, what's wrong?

Ryan's nose starts to bleed and a drop of blood lands on the comic he's holding.

Ryan: It's so loud.

He hits the side of his head. Then he jerks around and falls on the floor, unconscious. Next to him on the floor is the comic with the blood on it. The cover is a drawing of Warrior Angel's face, which fades into Clark's face as he watches Ryan wake up in a hospital room.

Clark: Hey, buddy. How's your head?

Ryan: It still hurts a little. (Clark gives him a Warrior Angel comic) The newest issue.

Clark: Yeah, they had it at the gift shop. So what's up with the, uh, floating balloon?

Ryan: It's Warrior Angel's aerodrome. A floating fortress where he can get away from his troubles on earth.

Clark: Sounds like something everybody should have. I'm not sure about the floating part, though.

Ryan: Why not?

Clark: I have this little fear of flying.

Ryan: I didn't think you were scared of anything.

Clark: There's a lot of things I'm scared of. I guess I just put on a brave face.

Ryan: Yeah. Me too.

Clark: My parents said the doctor's gonna run some more tests.

Ryan: They don't need to. I know what's wrong with me. I read Dr. Garner's mind.

Clark: What is it?

Ryan: There's a tumor in my head, Clark. It's getting bigger.

Clark: I'll tell the doctors. (He starts to get up)

Ryan: They know. (Clark stops and looks at Ryan. Ryan's eyes fill up with tears, and one falls down his cheek) I'm dying Clark. And no one can save me.

Ryan continues to cry as Clark looks at him sadly.

Fade to black.

Act 3 Scene 1

Clark is standing by a fence looking at a Warrior Angel comic outside the farm. Day. Jonathan walks up.

Jonathan: Clark. Your mother and I are going back to the hospital. Do you want to come along?

Clark: Is there any news?

Jonathan: (Puts his hand on top of Clark's) Son, the tumor... it's growing at an accelerated rate. The doctors think that it's probably due to the experiments that were done on Ryan at Summerholt.

Clark: (Holding up the comic) This is Ryan's. He thinks I'm the hero.

Jonathan: Hey, come on. You've helped a whole lot of people.

Clark: I can't help Ryan. What kind of hero is that?

Jonathan: Listen. This thing is beyond even your abilities, son. The doctors are doing everything that they can. We have to pray for the best.

Clark: What am I supposed to do, just sit here and watch Ryan die?

Jonathan: No, nobody's asking you to do that, Clark.

Clark: Good. ‘Cause I'm not gonna give up. (He walks back to the house)

Act 3 Scene 2

Lana is using the computer in the Torch. Day. Chloe enters.

Chloe: (Reading over her shoulder) Facts on child emancipation. I have a feeling this isn't for a research paper.

Lana: I decided to tell Nell that I wasn't moving with her to Metropolis.

Chloe: Wow. That's very Erin Brokovich of you. How did Nell take it?

Lana: One, she's my legal guardian, two, I'm a teenager, and three... I don't have any say in the matter.

Chloe: That pretty much covers all your bases. So are you going to pursue this emancipation thing?

Lana: From everything I've read, it could take up to a year and a half to complete the process.

Chloe: Sounds like your already talking yourself out of it.

Lana: It was my last shot.

Chloe: You know, you might have one other option. (Chloe smiles)

Act 3 Scene 3

Lex and Clark are in Lex's study. Day. Lex hands a medical journal to Clark with a picture of a doctor on the front.

Lex: This is the man you want to talk to. He's developed a radical new serum that shrinks primary brain tumors. It's still in the experimental stages.

Clark: How do I get in touch with him?

Lex: That's the problem. His office in Hub City said he's flying to Helsinki this afternoon. He won't be back for six weeks.

Clark: By that time, it'll be too late.

Lex: Clark, when I was looking into Ryan's condition, I found that some scientists think the type of tumor he has can give a person ESP-like abilities.

Clark: What are you saying?

Lex: Ryan is unnervingly insightful. I think he may be able to read people's minds.

Clark: (Angry) Are you even interested in helping Ryan or just exploiting him too?

Lex: I just spent three hours on the phone tracking this doctor down. What do you think?

Clark: I'm sorry.

Lex: Clark, I understand what you're going through, but sometimes, no matter how much you want to save someone, there's nothing you can do.

Clark picks up the journal.

Clark: I'm not gonna let Ryan down.

Lex: When my mother got sick, I spent all my time researching the best doctors and treatments. The most important thing I could've done was spend time with her. By the time I realized that, it was too late. I wasn't at her side when she passed, Clark. Don't make the same mistake I did.

Clark: (As he leaves) I'm not gonna let him die, Lex.

Act 3 Scene 4

We see a quiet street corner in Smallville. Day. Clark super speeds to the stop sign and stops. There is a sign that says “Hub City 425” and an arrow to the right.

He super speeds in that direction. We see the land going by rapidly from his view, then we see him running from the side. Two cars cross an intersection toward each other, and Clark super speeds between them just before the gap closes. We see him running from the front with a look of fierce determination on his face, and then from behind as he continues to dodge cars left and right.

CUT TO Ryan reading his comic in the hospital room. Lex enters.

Lex: Hey. I brought you some comics.

Ryan: Clark beat you to it.

Lex: Yeah? Well, I bet he didn't bring you number 66.

Ryan: That's the rarest issue there is.

Lex: That's because it's the one where Devilicus turned against Warrior Angel.

Ryan: Weren't they best friends?

Lex: Once upon a time.

Ryan: Well, what happened to them?

Lex: (He takes a chair from the side of the room and puts it down next to the bed. He sits) Well, they, uh, ruled the Guardian Realm together until Devilicus told Warrior Angel that they should join forces and conquer humanity. Together, no one would be able to stop them.

Ryan: What did Warrior Angel say?

Lex: He refused. He believed it was a hero's sacred duty to protect those weaker than himself. Devilicus thought he was naive and vowed to destroy him and everything he stood for.

Ryan: (He looks at Lex for a moment) Why do you think Devilicus went bad?

Lex: I'm not sure. Probably wasn't aware of it. You see, Ryan, in life, the road to darkness is a journey, not a light switch.

Ryan: You should remember that, Lex.

CUT TO Clark super speeding down another road. The autumn leaves around him seem to fall in slow motion as he speeds by. He runs down a highway and we see a lower highway and then a river go by in the distance. He stops outside the fence of an airport runway.

He runs to a flight technician on the runway.

Clark: Excuse me! Have you seen Dr. Burton?

Man: Who?

Clark: (Holding up the journal) This guy right here.

Man: You just missed him, kid. He's right there.

The man points to a small private jet moving along the runway, about to take off. When he turns back, Clark isn't there.

Clark super speeds in front of the jet.

Clark: (Holding up his arms) Wait! Wait! (The jet stops and Dr. Burton comes out of the side) Dr. Burton!

Dr. Burton: What do you think you're doing? Who are you?

Clark: My name is Clark Kent. Look, my friend is really sick. Would you take a look at these scans? (He holds out Ryan's brain scans for Dr. Burton to take. Airport security drives up) Doctor, please. By the time you get back from Helsinki, it'll be too late!

Guard: (Getting out of the car and holding up his gun) Get your hands in the air now!

Clark: Doctor, please.

Guard: I said hands in the air now!

Dr. Burton: (To the guard) Wait a second! (He takes the scans from Clark and looks at them) Where's your friend now?

Clark smiles.

Fade to black.

Act 4 Scene 1

Clark walks up to his parents in the hall at the hospital. Day.

Clark: Mom, Dad, when's Ryan gonna be out of surgery?

Martha: In a couple of hours. Clark, I don't think I've ever been as proud of you as I am right now.

Jonathan: Your mother's right, son. It was an amazing thing that you did. But I hope you understand that even though you did get Dr. Burton here, that Ryan isn't necessarily out of the woods yet.

Clark: I know it's no guarantee. But I think it's gonna work. I have a great feeling about it. (He smiles)

Act 4 Scene 2

Mayor Tate and Lex are in Lex's study. Night. They are watching a political campaign commercial on the television. There is a picture of Mayor Tate on the screen and a caption that reads “Bribes in City Hall.” A man's voice is speaking.

Voice: Over the past 12 years, 32 city contracts have been awarded to firms with ties to Mayor Tate. His sweetheart deals have endangered our environment and harmed businesses trying to compete on an uneven playing field. Can Smallville really afford another four years of Mayor Tate?

Lex turns off the television.

Tate: Why are you doing this?

Lex: Smallville needs an honest mayor.

Tate: Are you planning on running?

Lex: No. But I'm putting my support and money behind your opponent. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by announcing your retirement now.

Tate: You can kiss that plant expansion goodbye. I will personally see that it never gets approval.

Lex: I'm prepared to sacrifice it if that's what it takes to defeat you.

Tate: You know, you've got money, but you're not from here. People don't like you. (Lex chuckles) Don't laugh at me! All it'll take is some fiery campaign speeches about outside interests controlling this community and you'll start to feel the heat.

Lex: When Winston Churchill heard about the attack on Pearl Harbor, he broke out a bottle of champagne and said, “We've won the war.” His generals looked at him like he'd lost his mind. (Lex goes to pour a drink) America's pacific fleet was wiped out, France was overrun, and the Luftwaffe was bombing London. (Lex puts his drink down to walk toward Tate) Churchill said America is like a giant boiler. Light a fire under it, and there's no limit to the amount of heat it can generate. If you start a fire, Mayor Tate, you better be prepared to deal with the flames.

They are face to face and Tate is obviously nervous.

Act 4 Scene 3

Clark walks past the elevator at the hospital drinking a cup of coffee. Day. Lana gets off the elevator.

Lana: Clark.

Clark: Hey, Lana.

Lana: Is there any news?

Clark: Ryan's still in recovery. But Dr. Burton's optimistic.

Lana: Everything's gonna work out.

Clark: Yeah, I think it is.

Lana: Oh, by the way, I took your advice. And to make a long story short, Chloe and her dad have offered to let me stay with them until I finish high school.

Clark: And Nell's cool with that?

Lana: Um, not really, but she's agreed to it.

Clark: Well, I knew you were a fighter.

Lana: It's scary, but then I think of Ryan and everything that he's gone through. It kind of puts things in perspective.

Clark: Wow, you and Chloe as roommates.

Lana: Did you ever see that coming?

Clark: Not in a million years. (He looks at her thoughtfully)

Lana: What is it?

Clark: Nothing. Um... It's just you won't be the girl next door anymore.

Lana: I'm not going anywhere, Clark. Maybe now you can give your telescope to Ryan. (Lana smiles and Clark laughs)

Clark: Um... (Martha and Jonathan walk up) Mom?

Martha: (With tears in her eyes) Clark... (She covers her mouth)

CUT TO Clark standing outside Ryan's room. Ryan has a bandage on the side of his head. Clark enters as Ryan is looking at a comic.

Clark: Whatcha reading, buddy? (Ryan shows him and Clark sits on the side of the bed) The infamous aerodrome, huh?

Ryan: Every year for my birthday, I'd wish for my own aerodrome so I could fly high above the earth. Up there, all my problems would seem so small and far away.

Clark: It's a good idea except for the flying part.

Ryan: This is one of Lex's favorites. Would you give it back to him?

Clark: No, you give it to him. When you get out of here.

Ryan: I know I said you should be careful of Lex. But I never told you how much he admires you. Promise me you'll keep an eye on him after I'm gone.

Clark: Ryan, don't talk like that, all right? You're not going anywhere.

Ryan: Clark--

Clark: Look, you just don't give up hope, Ryan. There's more doctors we can see.

Ryan: (His eyes start to water) Clark, you're not listening to me. The doctor said he bought me a few extra days. I want to spend that time with my friend.

Ryan moves his head restlessly.

Clark: Ryan, what's wrong? Ryan. Ryan, what's wrong?

Ryan: It's so loud in here.

Clark: All right, look. I'll take you somewhere quiet, all right?

Ryan nods.

Act 4 Scene 4

A shot of Smallville from high in the sky. Day. A hot air balloon floats in to the shot. In the balloon are Clark, Ryan, and the balloon pilot behind them.

Clark: What do you think?

Ryan: It's peaceful. I thought you were afraid of flying.

Clark: Not when I have you here to protect me.

Ryan: (Quietly) Thanks, Clark.

Clark: (Brightly, trying to sound happy) For what?

Ryan: This moment. It's perfect. I don't want you to be angry or sad. You changed my life. You're gonna change a lot of people's lives, Clark. Promise me you'll never give up?

Clark: (Nods and puts his arm around Ryan) I promise.

Ryan puts his arms around Clark, clinging to him and closing his eyes. Clark holds him and Ryan starts to cry as Clark rests his chin on top of Ryan's head. Clark looks out at the sky, obviously holding back tears. We see another shot of the hot air balloon.

CUT TO Clark picking up the comic books from Ryan's empty hospital bed. He walks out into the hall looks back in at the bed for a long time. Then he turns his head forward and continues to stand in the hall as nurses and doctors walk by him in slow motion. His head slowly lowers and he looks at the comics.

Fade to black.


This Episode of Smallville featured music by:

"Angels And Devils" by Dishwalla

"Inside Out" by VonRay Featured on the Smallville Soundtrack


Transcribed by: Kerrplop

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