Forever Dreaming

Snapple, the drink
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Author:  majandra06 [ 11/07/02 23:11 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

Did anyone try this drink? Of course, after I drink it, I giggled. I love Summer Peach. Yummy!

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 11/08/02 02:59 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

I've been trying Snapple for years. Don't really have a favorite. I generally avoid the fruit juice mixes, because they're usually just really, really sweet and do nothing to quench my thirst.

Author:  Alien Stalker [ 11/08/02 03:55 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

No Snapple for sale here...:cry

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 11/08/02 16:08 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

They had a great Tangerine one years ago, but they don't make it any more...I think...I haven't seen it in forever. I really liked that one. But..other than that..nope.

Author:  majandra06 [ 11/09/02 05:30 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

No Snapple for sale here...


Author:  Dreambehr [ 11/09/02 06:10 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

I've tried the Summer Peach and Grapeade and they're both pretty good. I liked the first one better though . . .

Author:  Alien Stalker [ 11/10/02 02:59 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

Nevermind. It'd probably be too sweet for me anyway. I'm more of that eternal water drinker. :lol

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 11/11/02 15:31 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

Naw Snapple is not too sweet. It's the best drink ever! I'll send you some Stalker ;)

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 11/11/02 17:40 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

:lol :lol

Author:  Alien Stalker [ 11/12/02 02:38 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

You do that, Angel! If I pass out from sugar rush, it's your fault though.;)

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 11/12/02 16:23 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

You wouldn't pass out... I swear... Scout's honor (even though I was never a girl scout)

Author:  MeowthTRAM369 [ 11/12/02 16:47 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

Snappe rocks! I love the Raspberry Iced Tea.. so good. If you get Nantucket Nectars, try the half and half (half iced tea, half lemonade).. it's really good too! Not to mention Nantucket is an island off the coast of where I live ^_~
XD; I was a girl scout.. for a few years..

Author:  Dreambehr [ 11/12/02 23:02 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

I don't think Snapple is that sweet too. It's just right I think.

Author:  fdlaura(d) [ 11/13/02 09:28 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

I had it long before the Roswell ep. It is not my favorite. I prefer Arizona (which is not from Arizona at all).

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 11/13/02 14:41 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

I never tasted Arizona even thogh I see it everywhere... is it good?

Author:  Alien Stalker [ 11/14/02 15:36 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

:cry :cry :cry This discussion just makes me realize how far away I am here...I want to try Snapple and arizona! :cry2

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 11/14/02 21:01 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

No way, no Arizona or Snapple? How do you live Stalker? That's crazy talk.

Now... you have Pepsi Blue right? Best soda IMO right now.

I have to send you some of these drinks right away. How about candy? What candies do you not have?

Author:  Alien Stalker [ 11/15/02 03:01 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

Angel- I see you're starting to think I'm really living in the remotests corner of the world! ;)
Let's see: I think we have Pepsi blue, is that very different of the normal Pepsi? I don't think I have tried it though. :hmm
Candy we have a lot which you have as well, M&Ms (verrrry important :grin ), Milky Way, Snickers, Mars, that sort of stuff. Then there's those things like Butterfinger which you can also get, but not really everywhere. They're not too hard to find though. Then there's sure as hell a lot of Cnady you have that we don't. You start listing up right away and I'll tell you if we have it or not, okay? ;)

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 11/15/02 21:17 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

Yeah for while there I thought you livd in a remote corner of the world, but you have Pepsi Blue so that changes everyhing! And yeah its a different fom of Pepsi. It's Blue!

Starburst? do you have Starburst? Life Savers? Pixi Stix? Reeses? Kit-Kat? Payday? Babe Ruth?

Author:  bunniefuu [ 11/15/02 21:33 ]
Post subject:  Snapple, the drink

Hey Stalker- we have a huge list of candies in the Grand Central forum. :lol We all listed all the candy we got for Halloween- so you know you could probably find one on there that you don't have maybe.

And seriously you don't have Snapple or Arizona? One of us will definitely have to send you some. :grin

Actually, I haven't ever tasted either of them but funny thing is I do have them in my house. :lol I just always go for a Coke or water. :lol :lol I probably wouldn't like them though; because I'm not much of a "sugary" drinker. The reason why I don't like Pepsi, because it's too sweet for me. :lol

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