Forever Dreaming

Chat Some More
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Author:  destinyros2005 [ 12/02/02 20:26 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

From the first thread:][/url]

Author:  Alien Stalker [ 12/03/02 01:02 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

:lol Rebel - Did the Starbucks method to stay awake help?

Author:  destinyrebel [ 12/03/02 14:03 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

:shake No, it just made me need to pee... Seriously, I went to Starbucks 3 times over the course of that 24 hourish period. :(
I even fell asleep without doing that rough draft... Teacher was pissed but I sleeping through his class, so, I missed most of his crap... :grin

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 12/03/02 16:10 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

:lol Teachers put me to sleep to, but how come Starbucks didn't work? Did it even give you a caffeine rush?

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/03/02 16:38 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

Rebel, caffeine puts you to sleep? Hmm...ever consider that parts of your brain might be understimulated? I know of a guy who drinks wicked strong coffee to put himself to sleep at night. But as to *why* he needs caffeine to go to sleep is another topic entirely...

Author:  destinyrebel [ 12/03/02 17:03 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

No. I got a couple good caffeine rushes... But they didn't last very long... I finally just fell from exhaustion...

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/03/02 17:04 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

Ah, okay

Author:  destinyrebel [ 12/03/02 17:33 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

Yeah. I do well with Coffee... But I better with sleep... :coffee

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/03/02 17:41 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

So do I. I should go get some soon; I'm wiped out!

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 12/03/02 17:44 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

I like sleep on certain days... on weekdays I like sleep. On weekends I can do without it.

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/03/02 17:47 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

Tried that. It's why I'm exhausted by 10 now.

Author:  destinyrebel [ 12/03/02 18:01 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

I'm right about to fall asleep where I am but I've got that paper and other such stuff, so, I've got to stay up... Maybe some more Coffee...?

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/03/02 18:07 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

I'd try coffee, but it only exasterbates (for some reason) my ADD. Which it shouldn't. But it does. So I abstain.

Author:  destinyrebel [ 12/03/02 18:10 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

What about tea? Does that ever work for you?

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/03/02 18:14 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

Nope. Tea has even less of a 'caffinated' effect on me than coffee does. Which is fine.

Stimulants have the nasty side effect, in me, of increasing my anxiety. I would love nothing more than to drink coffee in the morning and have that take care of my ADD. Works for some, but not for me.

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 12/03/02 18:22 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

rebel- you can try drinking soda... drink a lot of it. It worked for me this one time I drank a liter of it.

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/03/02 18:23 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

Jolt. Drink Jolt. Or Mountain Dew.

Author:  destinyrebel [ 12/03/02 18:26 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

Soda is like water to me... It's does nothing for me anymore... But yeah, some of those energy drinks work... They're always good!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 12/03/02 18:34 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

Yeah, when I'm exhausted I can drink TONS of caffeine and I'll still fall asleep. :lol

Author:  destinyrebel [ 12/03/02 18:35 ]
Post subject:  Chat Some More

Exactly what happened to me... :sad Sad, huh?

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