Forever Dreaming

The Airing of College-Related Grievances
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Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 08/20/03 11:53 ]
Post subject:  The Airing of College-Related Grievances

I've only been here *does mental math* four days, and I already have a growing list of peeves about Michigan State, and I know others have things to rant about, too, so here's a thread for just that purpose. Rant your heart out, and know there are others who truly do feel your pain. I'll start.

1) Dorm rooms that are smaller than your closet at home--My bed actually has to be rolled partway under some cabinets during the day, making a sofa-like thing (the cabinets are covered with padding and make up a sofa back. The sofa back is split into two sections, and there's storage area behind the sections, which lift up). It's hot. There's no room for anything. At least it's quiet. And I have Ethernet. But it's still dang small

2) Having to park in East Jesus--I registered for parking today, and you register for a space in a specific lot. All the spaces behind my dorm are long taken, and the only open area is waaaaaaaaaaaaay on the other side of campus. So I'm going to park my car there and ride the bus or my bike everywhere. ARGH! Good thing I got a good bike the other day and bought my unlimited use bus pass this morning...I'm going to need them!

3) Crappy cafeteria food--enough said. It's enough to drive you to break the rules about having cooking elements in your room just so you can get something decent to eat, like Ramen Noodles.

4) Organic Chemestry--evil, evil, evil! WHY do I have to take this? Just give me biochemestry! I'm a zoology major! I don't need to know about plastics and polyesters!

5) The price of textbooks--why, pray tell, must I pay $170 for my organic chemestry book? Why do I only receive $10 when I sell it back? And why do you sell it for $80 used next semester? You, the bookstore, deny pricing to make a profit, but you certainly profit on used books, making us, the students, believe you are liars and out to bleed us dry of our money and we take out loans just to pay for our books. I dropped $507 on texts for four classes this semester. Don't tell me that's not outrageous. My uncle is helping me through college, and I have to go through his lawyer for the money now (long story why), and I sent along a copy of my bookstore receipt so that he could see the figure of $507 I quoted to him in my letter was totally and completely on the level, because who'd believe it otherwise?

Okay, that's all for now. I'm sure I'll think of more later, and you know I'll be making regular additions to this list as the semester goes on. :grin

Author:  jbangelo [ 08/20/03 17:32 ]
Post subject:  The Airing of College-Related Grievances

Oh my college grievances? Lord, I could go on all night...

I agree with everything you said, Zook, especially on the size of dorm rooms and the price of books!

I only lived on campus for one semester and that was enough for me! I hated everything about it. I hated not having my privacy...the bathrooms were always dirty...I had sorority girls living in the room next door and they were always roommate and I had major issues when it came to the A/C (although we were lucky to have it)...actually my roomie and I had issues about lots of things. :lol We were friends before we roomed together, and for the sake of our friendship we just could not live together anymore! We get along much better now that we're not roommates anymore.

Umm, I could go on, but I won't right now. :lol

Author:  Kris2782 [ 08/25/03 05:07 ]
Post subject:  The Airing of College-Related Grievances

LMAO! oh my goodness so right! Thank God I never lived on campus all I hear are horror stories!

(1) All science classes are scheduled @ 815 AM or 950 -- why the hell can't we be like the rest of the damn school & have 1, 2:35, or 4 o'clock classes! Even the 11:25 would be nice!

(2) The registrar is filled with a bunch of bitches! :lol Always...they want to do the very least they can.

(3) Don't even get me started on the book store! I'm surprised I'm allowed in :lol I bought this book $95 then dropped the class soon after (like 2 days)...they didn't want to let me return it! They wanted me to sell it back for like $30..and said there was no other way...I pple can kiss my butt! I went straight to the dean, ranting and raving like a psycho, and sure enough..they took that book back!

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 08/25/03 13:06 ]
Post subject:  The Airing of College-Related Grievances

Thanks to my suitemate, my frogs have to find a new home by Wednesday. Yeah, I have less than two days to find homes for my frogs. :mad :wall No one bothered to tell me jack crap that there was ANOTHER complaint in the other day from Miss Silence next door. If she'd actually BOTHERED TO TELL ME there was a problem again, I would have explained to her that's just a residual of the unfortunate escape the other day, and not a new occurance. But noooo...she calls the head office here and complains. The stupid git has not made ONE SINGLE EFFORT to even say 'hey' to me, and I have no idea why. I'm quiet, I don't bite, and I was most apologetic the other day about the crickets when I first found out. So I don't know what her reason is, but I'm fed up to the teeth with her silence. I'm sick and bloody tired of this small ass dorm room and now I have to get rid of my pets in two days time and I'm tired and I just want to get the hell out of here and go somewhere I can just do my own thing without people smoking my ass for it and forcing me to live in a sterile environment and fit into THEIR bloody round holes, and they don't give a shit if I'm a square peg and I'm just SICK of it!

Author:  jbangelo [ 08/25/03 18:11 ]
Post subject:  The Airing of College-Related Grievances

Zook that sucks! :( You just can't please some people. Hope things get better. :hug

Author:  Alien Stalker [ 08/26/03 02:20 ]
Post subject:  The Airing of College-Related Grievances

At least it's quiet.
Zook, I hope that makes up a little for all the sucking rest. :( :hug

What did you do to your frogs now? Found a new place already? :dunno Hope so. Your neighboring Miss Silence (LMAO on the name BTW) sounds slightly creepy. :shake

I didn't know one could pay 170$ for a book. :thud How's that? I mean, hello, it's a stack of paper?! :wtf

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 08/26/03 05:50 ]
Post subject:  The Airing of College-Related Grievances

I'm making good headway on finding a place for them to go, and I have little choice in what I pay for the book. It's required and all that crap. :barf

I stuck a note on my suitemate's bathroom mirror saying (in a nutshell) I have no idea why she's silent and if she has issues, she needs to talk to me. So, we'll see what comes of that. I'd like to think she'd say 'Hey' or something, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Author:  Alien Stalker [ 08/26/03 07:41 ]
Post subject:  The Airing of College-Related Grievances

:shake You mean she doesn't even say "hi"? :crazy

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