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So the latest is that an astroid will strike the earth in March of 2014. The question is, if you *knew* that the world would end on that day ( I think they said the 21st )... and there obviously wouldn't be any consequences to your actions (because everyone would be dead), "What would you do?" (Aside from what everyone's main priority would be- ie. Family, Friends, ect.) Okay, I'll go first... one of the *many* things would definitely be to walk into a dealership and buy the *most* expensive car I could find, take a wild drive, crash it, and yeah, not pay for it. That would be fun.
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The Zookeepers Apprentice
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What would I do? Hmmm...hard question! But one idea I'd definitely consider is ditching MSU and peeling rubber to where I went to college the first time, and then go hiking to the top of a hill I liked and I'd sit there all day, reading and writing and just generally being a total recluse, enjoying the view. Maybe take my boom box along so I could enjoy my favorite music. Hey, if I'm going to die, I'm going to die happy, neh?
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What a depressing topic..hehe. I think I would do some illegal things, maybe blow up an abandoned building or something. Spend all my money on useless things, eat as much food as I want (fine food, that is).. splurge on candy and ice cream.. stay up as late as possible, cruise around in a stolen car Oh, and I'd definitely tell off all the people I didn't like, and spend as much time as possible with those I did... of course, if this scenario somehow didn't happen, the world would be in chaos anyways, and we'd all be screwed
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See that's what I'm saying. The banks couldn't collect the money for the car, they wouldn't be here. The cops couldn't throw me in jail for reckless in dangerment, they wouldn't be here, the insurance companies would care less... yeah it'd be fun. I'd max out the cards. ( Actually, I've already done this... but I do some more. ) Illegal would be the key, because what's the point? Nothing would be anymore.
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Blacked Out
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Stalk Brendan Fehr No, but seriously, I couldn't do that... I don't want him to not like me. Um... I would definitely make myself go to every concert I want to, despite the fact that I am a major procrastinator and end up not buying tickets to anything due to worrying about money. I would buy anything and everything I've ever wanted *wonders if Bren's for sale * I would pierce and tattoo myself in different places (minds out of the gutter, people! ) Steal a police car - hehe - always wanted to do that. Run away to Ireland. (I have more but I'm drawing a blank here I seem to do that a lot )
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The Zookeepers Apprentice
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I'd have to start early with this, as it requires planning. I'd go to Australia, find David Wenham and use whatever means necessary to make him see the wisdom in having a hot and heavy makeout session with me. Tame, yes, I know, but that's what I want, darn it all! To die really happy! And for those who are going about who David Wenham is, he plays Faramir in the LotR movies.
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Blacked Out
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Oooh... now that I think of it, I wouldn't mind making out with Legolas...
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The Zookeepers Apprentice
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Yeah, you and about 3/4 of the women in America...take a number and stand in line.
After I sucked face with David, I'd want to go find Viggo Mortensen and talk about his hometown with him. I lived there for two years, so there's definitely a commonality there. He seems like a great guy, and from what I hear from those who have met him when he's on his own time, he's as awesome as advertised (in the personality department). Just have a cuppa and laugh about Northern NY and all that. I adore his voice, so listening to hear him talk would be a definite pleasure.
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Blacked Out
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*takes a number* #3,439,305?! F@#$
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The Zookeepers Apprentice
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Look on the bright side: most of them are teens. You can take them out. And I'll help. Orlando's not my type, but I respect him too much to wish teeny fangirls upon him (I do not mean teenage fans of Orlando. They are different. They do not write crappy fanfiction and use terrible grammar). He needs a good woman.
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What would I do? Ummm, panic at first probably, but then be open about my feelings ~ not hold back like I do sometimes.
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Illegal fun? *hehe* I did that Thursday night... nothing too serious, well, I borrowed a friends id and went clubbing
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I would just spend that time with my girlfriend
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Quote: Quote: I borrowed a friends id and went clubbing
Tut tut Ali. Humm if it were my last day I would go to Vegas and umm...rob a bank.
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Quote: Quote: Tut tut Ali
*hehe* and that is pretty risque for me I tell ya!
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Alien Stalker
Blacked Out
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Okay, this is no fun seeing as how Spicy has already posted...she always says the things I am wanting to say first. Quote: Quote: Stalk Brendan Fehr
Definitely an option. The other would be hanging on FD. All day. Finding David Wenham is also a good idea though. He rocks. He's Australian, did you know that?
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Quote: Quote: The other would be hanging on FD
Now see, that could have lots of potential. Meaning, excellent idea on how to spend all that money of Sara's in one night. Throw one hell of a party. Fly everyone to LA. Buy JB, BF and whoever else for the night, and well... *party time* The fighting would be incredible! Yep. One hell of a party I do believe.
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Blacked Out
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Quote: Quote: You can take them out. And I'll help.
Excellent idea Oh, Stalker, you know I can't help it. I just love getting inside your mind, it's fun place Jen, that's exactly what we would need to do. Not on the last night, though... probably a lot sooner, because we need BF while he's still young and fresh - And JB, well... if we wait until the last night, he'd be older I imagine And besides, even if we do get Bren he would be SO mine
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