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Yeah that's pretty good. That means we won't be crashing anytime soon right?
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I highly doubt it, Angel.
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Yeah, well I actually thought it was quite a bit because of all the graphics we use but guess not. So I guess for us that's probably a good thing.
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Yup probably a good thing... I'm kinda surprised though, that we only use 150 MB.
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Surprised? I know nothing about these things really. But yeah we have a TON of graphics on the site - so that's why I was *thinking* it was alot. I did say 150MB per day didn't I? So that's actually got to be at least a G a month; right?
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Aw man a day?! Wow that's a lot... if it's a day. I thought it's what we use overall.
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Nope, didn't say that was a day. So, that would be about 4500 mb a month. So, about 4.5G
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Oh sorry bout that. Yup, that's are average for a day. So where is our rank in things then? Good or bad?
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I dunno I know that it's a lot though.
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The Zookeepers Apprentice
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I'm staying with my parents' for a few weeks, since I'm working down in their area over my winter break from school, and there is this *amazing* guy. We've been close for years, since I was in fourth grade (that's 14 years now), and it's so great to see him again! Chronologically, he's younger than me, but it doesn't take too long to see that he'd older than his calendar age. He's got dark hair and green eyes, and he's large, but it's all muscle. He has this act like he's all big and tough, but I know how to put him in a good mood, and he just melts and turns into a total pussycat. We were doing some serious cuddling tonight. It's so great to see him again! I've missed him.
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Go Zook.
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The Zookeepers Apprentice
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Yeah, and he spent the night in my room. But as the cuddly man in my life is the family tomcat, my parents didn't care too much about that kind of noctournal vistiation. Had you going there for a minute! I'm in the mood lately to be a smartass. I'm sure it'll wear off soon. Was driving my mom *nuts* earlier by singing alternate lyrics to Christmas carols. YOu know, "Deck the halls with gasolene, light a match and watch it gleam..."
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The Zookeepers Apprentice
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Yes, I'm terrible! Unmarried snuggling with a neutered male cat. I'm on the road to perdition and ruin! I think I shall engage in more of that wonderful activity tonight.
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