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  Are you a night or day person?
 Posted: 01/26/03 18:26



Posts: 867

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In my world everyday you get off work! Well... at least when in my "DREAM" world that is lol.

  Are you a night or day person?
 Posted: 01/29/03 04:25



Posts: 1578

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Wow, looks like I'm the only one who's a day person. I HAVE to sleep at least 8 hours or else I'm :thud . My mom says I have an obsession of sleeping but I can't really function unless I sleep well.

  Are you a night or day person?
 Posted: 01/31/03 15:10
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I wish I could get 8 hours sleep! :lol I honestly don't recall the last time I slept that much straight! On the weekends I'm up late and than up early because my body is use to it for work. But than I take naps all day! :lol Wish I could do that at work all week too! :rollin

  Are you a night or day person?
 Posted: 03/03/03 17:02
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:lol :lol :lol

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