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  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/05/02 14:33

Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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Actually without flat rate, I think my parents would have already kicked me out of their house...I live on the net.:lol

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/05/02 14:42



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When I moved back with my parents after tech school, and then stayed there so I could save money to go back to school for my bachelors, I was informed that I was getting my own phone line--my internetting habits had caused much friction while I was in high school, because they monopolized the phone line and the evenings were a bear with me wanting the phone (for the 'Net) and the 'rents needing to make/receive calls...so I got my own line.

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/05/02 14:47

Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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Yeah, I have my own line, too...still wouldn't want to pay the bills if I didn't have a flat rate though...:)

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/05/02 15:02



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Yes, no kidding. Flat rates are a gift from God for those of us who live online. And as this is, literally, where my friends are (even most of the analog friends are hours away right now), living online is more than an intovert's way of retreating for the world. Which is what my mother seems to think I do. "You need to get out with friends more!" "But Mom--this IS where my friends are!" "I mean your real friends!" "Mom, this is where they are. Most of them aren't in the county." "Oh."

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/05/02 17:21



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Zooks - Lol yeah my Mom nags me about real friends too. Like I have no friends here... Pshhhh she thinks if I can't see them, they're not real! I see you guys alright! See... *waves*

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/05/02 17:37



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My parents, and most noteably my dad, do not grasp the concept of chat, message boards, and all that as a legit mode of communication and contact. I think my mom 'gets it' more now than she used to. I'm hours away from my family and best friend, and email and chat is how my BF and I stay in touch, and it's how I stay in touch with other friends. My mom sees it (I think) as a much faster way of writing letters, and a much cheaper way of making phone calls. And you can talk with several people at once. And I have enough of a life outside of the 'Net that she doesn't worry too much for me. lol Actually, that's the least of her concerns right now...

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/06/02 04:58



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Yeah, my parents especially my dad worries about us encountering weird people on the Net, but I assured them that message boards are safer, at least than chat rooms. I've always wanted to check out chat rooms, but I'm just too darm lazy to do it.

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/06/02 06:06



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Chat rooms, for the most part, are full of immature horndogs. *laughs* I'm just not impressed; the conversation in those seems shallow.

At the end of July, I went to meet a guy I'd met online a few weeks before. Yeah, crazy. We'd talked on the phone a lot (7 hours in one shot, for example), and he seemed cool, and I took a leap of faith and went to meet him. And, as usual, I didn't do it in halves. We went camping. lol It all worked out, and we had a great time. One night, we were in Denny's at 3am, and I ended up crying because I was telling him about stuff that was very, very hard to talk about. So I ended up with a really good friend (why we aren't dating is another subject). But that's an exception to my rule, as I've met a lot of freaks.

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/06/02 09:33

Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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Zook - It's good to hear there are at least some people you met over the net who are not freaks! :)

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/06/02 12:00



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There are several who aren't freaks, but I've only met one face to face.

I did testing for learning disabilities today, and after an hour and a half of that crap, I just need to chill and veg, because my brain is SHOT, so here I am, chilling. lol

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/06/02 13:25

Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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Have fun whilst doing so. ;)
Can't really say I had a hard day...basically I ditched school, so...:o

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/06/02 15:26



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Alien Stalker- Wish I ditched today. You're so lucky...

I am so happy to be back on the internet. School just sucked a lot today, worse than usual, I dunno why. I guess the people are getting to me now.

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/06/02 15:57
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Sometimes you just have to take a mental health day...as I call them. :grin

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/06/02 18:21



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Mental heath days...I'd love to take one, but I don't have the time. I need one, but I don't have time. If I stop moving, I'll get sucked under. It's 9:40, and I'm studying for Mammalogy, because I feel like if I don't do it for another night, I'm going to be totally out of luck on the quiz, and each week is cumulative, so what I don't memorize this week, I'll need to tack onto next week, and I still don't have last week memorized. I'm just like, "Fuggedaboutit". Whatever. If I don't get it now, I'm not going to get it. I just don't have time to stop and go back and pick that up, because I have enough to juggle right now, and I think the prof for this class is evil. And I still need to do stuff for sign language class, and...ack. I need a mental heath day, but I can't take one, or I will be so incredibly up the creek come test time. I miss a class, you can put money on the fact I will never, ever pick that up. That section is as good as failed, because I won't get the questions. I feel like I'm on a treadmill and someone just upped the speed, and I have to keep running or fall off, and I'm about to collapse, but I have to keep going.

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/06/02 18:49
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basically I ditched school, so...

:omg :omg :omg
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:nono :nono :nono :nono
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
:spank :spank :spank :spank
:drink :drink :drink :drink :drink

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/07/02 02:55
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Bunnie...:lol :lol

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/07/02 10:37

Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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:rollin Wow, look, Bunnie's gone into mother-mode, she wanted to *spank* me! :spank ;)

AbsoluteAngel - Don't want to encourage you to ditch school, but my day was actually pretty good when I did it! Are you feeling better now? :hug Hope so!

Zook -
If I stop moving, I'll get sucked under.

You're so RIGHT. Actually I kinda stopped moving which is the main reason for me ditching school, which has me sucked under even more, and so it's kind of a vicious circle. I'll get out of it this weekend though, which for me starts - now! No school on Fridays! Aren't you all jealous?! :lol I have so much to work up and study though that you really wouldn't want to switch places with me...

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/07/02 12:10



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I get Turkey Day break in a few weeks. THEN I can breathe and try to get ahead for the last few weeks. But, by then, most of the heat will be off, so...ack.

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/07/02 17:15
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Ahh...I wish I still had school holidays. They were so nice.

  How often do you come to FD?
 Posted: 11/07/02 17:40



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Yes, school holidays are nice. I spent 14 months in the Real Working World (as in a legit, 40 hour/week job), and I found myself wishing for school breaks. And to be able to wear what I felt like, instead of having to wear the same thing every day. Navy pants and a solid color t-shirt to wear underneath the scrub top the vet clinic provided. At the next job, however, I got to wear my own scrubs, but those were still unexicting. Very comfortable, but not overly exciting. I find myself wanting to wear scrubs again.

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