Forever Dreaming

A Time For Dancing?
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Author:  Nikkivan15 [ 12/15/03 16:26 ]
Post subject:  A Time For Dancing?

I was wondering if anybody knew when a time for dancingw as coming out for rent in the US. I read at the Crashdown website that showtime showed it in august. I really want to see the movie. If anyone knows please let me know. Thanx.


Author:  PuReDrEaMeR05 [ 12/15/03 16:39 ]
Post subject:  A Time For Dancing?

I really haven't heard anything about being able to rent it or buy it *unless you head over to e-bay or amazon* but I am constantly looking up Blockbuster and I still get nothing when it comes to renting it. I really want to see it but I can't find it anywhere. I've actually resorted to lookin it up on KaZaA to see if I could find it and no such luck :dunno

Author:  Kristin80 [ 12/16/03 08:29 ]
Post subject:  A Time For Dancing?

I don't know..I have been wondering as well..I am going to look into it and let you know if I find anything out!


Author:  destinyros2005 [ 12/27/03 17:38 ]
Post subject:  A Time For Dancing?

Yup...actually, there is a whole other thread just for her movie. You can find it]HERE.[/url]

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