Forever Dreaming

01x10 - Morton's Fork
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 06/18/14 09:54 ]
Post subject:  01x10 - Morton's Fork

(Woman) Precedently on Fargo...

Lester, is this what you want?


[Louise gasps]


(Lorne) See you later, Lester.


Hon, get dressed.

Lester, are you okay?


Vegas PD's gonna send over some pictures from the hotel security camera, so don't leave town for a while.

I may have some more questions.

Ready to go?

What? I thought we weren't gonna go.

Acapulco, here we come.

Do you think you could run in?

The passports are in the safe.

There's some cash in there too.

It's cold out there.

You're sweet.

[Train bell dinging]


[Breathing heavily]

[Melancholy orchestration]

♪ ♪

[Lester breathing heavily]

[Train bell dinging]

[Bells jingle]

[Bells jingle]

[Door closes]

[Dark orchestration]

♪ ♪

[Dial clicking]

Is this what you want?

[Orchestration swelling]

♪ ♪

[Door opens]

Anywhere you like.


Just you?

Uh, no, there's...

It'll be two of us.

Linda's just grabbing something over by the shop.

She dropped me off, said, "Order the grilled cheese," so I guess two of those.

And to drink?

Beer would change things for the better.

Eh, family place, I'm afraid.

Oh, okay.

Two ginger ales, then.

And I'll...

I'm gonna use the bathroom.

Free with the meal.



Oh, hey, that's the, uh...

Hey, how you doing?

Oh, hi.

How are you?

(Woman) Boy, he sure looks different.


Yeah, really successful guy.

Good for him.

[Train horn blows]

[Dial tone]

[Coin clatters]

[Keypad beeping]

[Line trilling]

(Woman) Bemidji Police.

[Clears throat]

Yeah, I'd like to report shots fired.

Sir, this is a nonemergency number.

You should've dialed 911.

Over on Elk and 3rd.

Gunshots. Real loud, like, about ten seconds ago.

Sounded like they come from inside one of the shops.

Okay, sir--

[Coin clatters]

[Indistinct chatter]

Grilled cheese, coming right up.

That's great.


Linda's just...

Well, she dropped me off, grabbed something over at the shop, and said she had to pick something up.

Yeah, you said that.

Want me to keep hers warm till she gets here?

Oh, yeah, that's...

Although, like I said, she should be any second now.

You know, there was a fella in here earlier asking about you.

About me?

Yeah, silver hair.

Little goatee.

Said he went by your old house, but you moved.

[Clears throat]


Well, we got the house up...

What... what did you tell him?

Said if he wanted to leave a number, I'd give it to you.

He couldn't see his way clear to it, so we left it at that.

Can't say I much liked his demeanor.

Well, sorry for the bother.

No bother.

Thought you ought to know.

[Printer whirring]


We're going to Acapulco.

Oh, my God.

[Sirens wailing]

Nothing good's gonna come out of that.


$1,000 in your case.

I don't.

You want a million dollars in your case.

I want a million.

It's all right. All right.

One more case.



Take the money, right?

Forget that.

I say go for it.

[Phone ringing]

I'll get it.

No, I got it.

[Phone continues ringing]


Wait, what?

The other one now?


Well, where's Lester?

Okay, put out an APB.

I'm getting my coat.


What's that now?

Someone killed the second Mrs. Nygaard.

[Indistinct TV chatter]

[Melancholy orchestration]

♪ ♪

[Police radio chatter]

[Bells jingle]

Hey, you didn't have to come.

Now, we both know that's not true.


Poor thing.

A head shot, I think.

I didn't look too close.


She's wearing his coat.


Meaning maybe it's not Linda supposed to be lying here.

(Man) Sir, you're not allowed in there.

(Lester) Let me through. Oh!

Oh, Lester.

Mr. Nygaard.

Oh, jeez.

Yeah, yeah. Go over here.

Let's get him to sit down.

Come on.

Oh, jeez. What?

That's right.

Go sit down.

Sit down.

Here we go. Sit.

This is not happening.

This is not possible.

(Molly) Mr. Nygaard, I have to ask you where you're coming from.

I just... I was over waiting at the restaurant, drinking ginger ale.

Your dad was keeping her grilled cheese warm, and I'm...

I'm just waiting there.

I can't understand.

She said she had to pick some papers up.

This is not possible.

This is impossible.

Lester, is there any way that...

Do you think that this is connected to Las Vegas, the murders we talked about earlier?

What are you saying?

A repercussion for what you saw maybe?

Uh, she's wearing your coat, the wife.

Molly saw that, so she's...

What do you mean she's wearing my coat?

What does that mean?

Well, she...

Her coat got a rip, and so I...

Oh, wait.

You think...

You're sa...

I'm gonna be sick.

I'm gonna be sick.

No, Lester, if you throw up, then I'm gonna.

We got to get him out of here.

Okay, Mr. Nygaard, we're gonna take you down to the station now.

Oh, God.


They'll ask you a lot of questions... time line, et cetera, okay?

Yeah, whatever you think's best.


Uh, wait, do you... do you think... can I just say good-bye?

Well, this is an active crime scene...

Of course you can, Lester.

Go ahead, and take your time.

[Tense orchestration]

♪ ♪


(Molly) Mr. Nygaard.

Can't have you touching the body, sir.

I know.

Of course not.

I'm sorry.

I-I'm just so...

I understand.

Come on.

Come away now.


That's right.



(Man) 612 to Base.

Chief says send the bus.

(Woman) Roger that, 612.

I'll let 'em know.

Base to Emergency One.

Chief says send the bus to 1381 Elk.

[Ominous orchestration]

♪ ♪

[Beeping on radio]

(Molly) 613 to Base. I'm inbound with the husband.

We'll need interview one.

(Woman) Roger that, 613.

(Molly) 613 to Base.

(Woman) Yeah. Go ahead, Molly.

(Molly) Also, someone should wake those FBI boys.

They're over at Leroy's.

Tell 'em we got developments.

They should meet me at the station.

(Woman) Roger that, 613.

We'll scoop 'em up.

[Dark orchestration]

♪ ♪

We're awake, right?



You're asking if we're awake?

Me and you?

Yeah, I was just...

You know sometimes you're in the middle of a dream...

Do you say everything that comes to your head?

Got him in Interview One.

Also, they just called from the scene.

Looks like the wife had plane tickets in her pocket.



This could be a dream.

What's he saying?

Coroner's saying a single shot from close-up.

Said they found feathers in her head from her hood.

They were stuck in...

So execution-style.

[Indistinct chatter]

Should've said something earlier.

You heard what happened?

More than heard.

Saw the prowlers scream by.

Lester's sitting not 10 feet away eating a grilled cheese.

Any chance you can put an exact time on his arrival?

Not down to the minute, but that's not why I'm...

You remember you came by with those FBI fellas earlier, and I was looking out the glass.

With a peculiar look on your face?

Yeah, well, there was a fella in just before you got there, and he was asking about Lester.



I'm a fool for not saying.

He was maybe mid-50s, upscale-looking.

Silver hair brushed back with a goatee.

Drove a red BMW.

This fella?

Not unless he changed his whole...

Although maybe.

Drove a red BMW you said?


(Bill) Oh, Molly, we're going in.

Dad, I got to go.

Well, there's two ways of looking at it.

The first is, you got to.

The second is, you don't.

Will you call home for me?

Let Gus know that... tell him it's gonna be all night.

Screw that.

Getting my gun is what I'm doing.

Go sit on the front porch.

Make sure my granddaughter's safe.

You're a good man.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Engine turns over]

[Foreboding orchestration]

♪ ♪

Lester, is this what you want?

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

[Door opens]

Is she... Bill, tell me she's not still lying there and everyone's just stepping over her.

Mr. Nygaard, these fellas are from the FBI.

The wh...

Is this ab...

Come on, I told you, I didn't see nothing.

All I did was get on an elevator.

We're not here about Las Vegas, sir.

Well, we... we are, and we aren't.


We're here about him.

Based on the hustle of the deputy, we have a name for him, Lorne Malvo.

Uh, Bill?

Answer the question.

Um, yeah, I'm now asking for a lawyer, just for the record.

He's changed his look, hasn't he?

I'm done answering your...

You've obviously made up your mind that some kind of...

And I'm... I'm...

I'm not...

My wife is dead!

And there are arrangements to see to, so you can either lock me up or let me go.

He's not gonna stop.

You know that, right?

A man like that... maybe not even a man.

[Dramatic orchestration]

♪ ♪

[Dogs barking]

Hey, there.

What's going on?

What do you mean?

Well, I mean, it's 7:00 in the morning, and you're sitting on my front porch

with a shotgun.

There is some consensus this Malvo fella may be back.

Where's Molly?

Left her at the precinct last night.

Had Lester Nygaard in custody, about to talk to him.

I'm going after her.

Keep an eye on Greta.

Believe me, I mean to.

[Car door opens and closes]

Okay, so the plan is, we fan out.

Prowlers on all the main roads looking for Malvo.

Encircle the town, in other words.

There's pic...


Well, there are three main roads, so actually more of a triangle.

There's photos of the suspect in your packets.

We hear he might have changed his look, though, so silver hair now, brushed back, possibly a goatee.

Drives a red BMW, possibly stolen.

The FBI's sending a team, and in the meantime, the two original agents

are staking out Lester's house.

Molly, Gus on one.


I'll be out there with you coordinating maneuvers, so...

Pass those out for me.


Yeah, hon?

Hey, I've been calling.

Yeah, I know.

Sorry, it's been--

Is it true?

Is he back?

Yeah, I just... I just finished briefing the guys, so...

We tried to crack Lester, but he wouldn't flinch, so the plan is, now we're gonna use him as bait.


Yeah, so things are... they're real busy here, hon.

Look, hon.

Don't, okay?

I got to ask you not to...

Don't go out there.

You, personally, don't go looking for--

It's my job.

Yeah, I know, and you're amazing and the best, and I have no doubt that if you wanted, you could handcuff Al Capone.

But some days, sometimes you get forces you can't control.

Bad luck, you know?

Bad luck.

Yeah, and this is all--

If it really is him, Malvo, I just... with everything we've been working for, you know, our family, and--


And I know it's not fair.

It's not.

It's your job, and I am just a mailman, but you've got a precinct full of cops,
... and the FBI is there, so I just...

Bottom line, I can't make her go to another funeral, you know?


Okay, don't worry.

I'll just...

Yeah, I'll run things from here.

Okay, good.


I'm in the car, coming over.

No, don't.

That's not...

No, just go home.

Be with our girl.

Hey, is my dad there?

Yeah, yeah, he's on the porch with a shotgun.


Got to love a man who keeps his word, right?

So you promise?

Yeah, I won't leave the building until they call and tell me he's surrounded.

No, until he's dead.

I'll call you in a little bit, okay?

[Phone beeps]

[Tires screech]

[Foreboding orchestration]

♪ ♪

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

[Engine turns over]

So it's decided.

FBI fella's gonna call for backup.

We're gonna take Lester home, sit on the house, see if we can't draw this Malvo fella out.

You okay, Chief?


Hanging it up after this.

What's that?

I quit, is what I'm saying.

Don't got the stomach for it, not like some.


Wearing the badge, seeing the lengths people are capable of, the inhumanity.


What ever happened to saying good morning to your neighbors and shoveling their walk and bringing in each other's toters?

Well, still goes on.

Yeah, but not the same.

I used to have positive opinions about the world, you know, about people.

Used to think the best.

Now I'm looking over my shoulder.

An unquiet mind, that's what the wife calls it.

The job has got me staring into the fireplace, drinking.

I never wanted to be the type to think... big thoughts about the nature of things and... all I ever wanted was a stack of pancakes and a V8.

So I'm recommending that you take over as Chief.

Oh, I-I appreciate that, but I...

No, no, you're the real deal.

You got the instincts and the disposition.

I didn't see it before, but now--

And Vern saw it.

I know that.

And so I'm hoping that after you have the baby, you come back here and take things over.

I-I will think about that.

I will.

Got to talk to Gus, so...

So you're okay with the plan then, call in the cavalry and set a trap?

Yeah, we're a small-time force.

We're not equipped for, you know, urban warfare.

Most of these guys can't shoot a can off a fence.


Chin up, Chief.

[Police radio chatter]

[Keypad beeping]

[Line trilling]

[Phone rings]


Yes, this is FBI Main.

I'm looking for my agents.

Yeah, they're with a suspect.

I could interrupt.

You want Pepper or Budge?

Uh, negatory.

Don't interrupt.

Just tell 'em to call home when they're done.

[Phone beeps]

[Dial tone]

[Hangs up phone]

[Keypad beeping]

[Line trilling]

(Woman) FBI.


(Woman) Pass code.

6-1, Alpha, Theta, 9.


(Man) Operations.

Uh, yes, this is Agent Budge.

We've hit a dead end out here, so we're gonna be heading back.

Say again.

Dead end.

Heading back.

Hold on, didn't you just call looking for backup?

Uh, yeah, my partner... he kind of jumped the gun on that one, but looks like Local PD has it under control, so we're gonna just pack and blow.


Get your shit straight.

Cancelling backup.

[Phone beeps]

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Help you, sir?

I hope so.

I got my eye on this one.

She's a beaut.

That's for sure.

V8 engine, only 22,000 miles on her.

I like it 'cause it looks like an undercover vehicle, like an FBI car.

Well, sir, I guess she does.

Never thought about it.

You even got the long antenna on the back.

Mind if we take a test-drive?

Well... well, we're not officially open yet.

But I don't see why not.

Hold on. I'll grab the keys.


[Engine turns over]

[Engine revving]


So we're letting you go.

About time.

Yeah, and so the FBI fellas are gonna drive you home.

Not necessary.

I can call a cab.

Yeah, well, like I said, we're letting you go, but at the same time, a wanted fugitive has been spotted in town, and we think he's got intentions towards you, so ride home's not really optional.

Well, they're not coming in the house.

Sure, okay, we can play it that way, but they're still gonna stick around for a while, keep an eye on things.

You know, I'm not sure what it is that you've had against me since day one, but I am not the person you think I am, this... this kind of monster.

There was a fella once running for a train, and he's carrying a pair of gloves, this man.

He drops a glove on the platform, but he doesn't notice.

And then later on, inside the train, he's sitting by the window, and he realizes that he's just got this one glove left.

But the train's already started pulling out of the station, right?

So what does he do?

He opens the window, and he drops the other glove onto the platform.

That way, whoever finds the first glove can just have the pair.

So what are you telling me?

Good-bye, Mr. Nygaard.

Good-bye, Deputy.

[Ominous orchestration]

♪ ♪

[Engine turns over]

I didn't do this, you know.

Any of it.

That deputy... boy.

She's got a thing for me.

So, Lester, say you had a boat.


Say you've got a boat, and you've got a fox, a rabbit, and a cabbage.

Now, you can only row one of them across the river at a time.

Now, you can take the cabbage, but then the fox would eat the rabbit.

Or you can take the fox, but the rabbit would eat the cabbage.

What are you asking...

Same thing on the other side.

You could leave the rabbit there alone, but what happens when you bring the fox over... and go back for the cabbage?

Forget it.

My partner doesn't know what he's talking about.

I already told you, just eat all three of them.

Can I only row them across in one direction?

No, no, either way.

Well, then you row the rabbit across, and the fox won't eat the cabbage.

Then you go back for the fox, and when you drop him off, put the rabbit back in the boat and go get the cabbage.

Only this time, you leave the rabbit behind,... and then you row the cabbage back across.

Again, the fox will not eat the cabbage, and then you go back for the rabbit.

That's it.

See, that wasn't so hard.

[Tense orchestration]

♪ ♪

[Tires screech]

[Car alert beeping]

We feel we need to say again that your life may be in danger.

Like, a lot of danger, so we're gonna sit right here for a bit, keep an eye on things.

Free country, isn't it?

[Car alert beeping]

[Car doors close]

[Ominous orchestration]

♪ ♪

[Door unlocks and opens]

[Door closes]




You were police once, Molly says.

State cop, 18 years.

Took a bullet in the hip on a traffic stop.

Retired, full pension.

You ever do this before, stand guard?

One other time, winter of 1979.

Minus 4 degrees.

Sat on a dark porch from dusk till dawn.

Your stepmom was inside sleeping.

Four years old.

Who did you think was coming?

It wasn't a question of who, more like what.

Did it come?

Not that night, but soon after.

What are you planning to do with that?

If he comes, I'll put his eye out.

You can finish him off.

That's my girl.

(Man) Yeah, so Car 18, checking in.

Over on Bear Patch.

Pretty quiet, huh?

Okay, team, keep your eyes peeled. Over.

Hey, Car 6, anything?

(Man) Oh, hey. This is Car 6 out on 71.

I had a pickup with an unsecured load.

All quiet otherwise.

Yeah, roger that, 6.

Keep me posted, okay?

I'm gonna run over to Lester's, but give a shout when the other FBI rolls up.

You think it's safe?

For me, I'm saying.


With that fella out there.

I mean, everyone else is gone.

Yeah, maybe lock the door.

[Device beeping]

You still think this is a dream?





What if my whole life has been a dream?

Yeah, but whose dream is it?

Heads up.

What do you think?

Could be our backup.

[Car alert beeping]

[Engine idling]

(Pepper) FBI. Step out of the car!


Out of the car, now!

[Tense orchestration]

♪ ♪

Let me see your hands!


His hands are taped.

I'm sorry.

This is a dream.


I got a little girl.

[Police radio chatter]


[Car alert beeping outside]


[Breathing heavily]

[Suspenseful orchestration]

♪ ♪



Yeah, I need the police, please.

Yes, it's an emergency.

Uh, this is Lester Nygaard.

You got to...

I think the fe...

You need to send somebody.

I need help now.

I need you to come.


My... Les...

Lester Nygaard.

Please just hurry up.

I'm upstairs in the bathroom.

There's no lock on the door.

Oh, God.

You've gotta hurry.



[Gun clicks]


Oh, shit.



[Gun cocks]

[Pants and whimpers]

[Breathing heavily]

[Suspenseful orchestration]

♪ ♪

[Engine running]


[Engine turns off]

[Car door opens]

[Breathing heavily]

[Bird chirps]

[Groaning softly]




[Exhales sharply]



[Floor creaking]

I figured it out.

Good for you.

Your riddle... shades of green.

I figured it out.






[Breathing heavily]


[Dark orchestration]

♪ ♪

[Melancholy orchestration]

♪ ♪

[Police radio chatter]

[Car alert beeping]

[Car door closes]

Open it.

(Lorne) Yeah?

(Lester) Yeah, yeah, it's me.

It's Lester.

Uh, she's... My wife, she's...

Oh, hell.


I think I...

She's in the basement dead and...

Look, I'm freaking out here.

I don't know what to do.

(Lorne) Lester, have you been a bad boy?


Ah. Jeez.

The hammer and...

Look, can you come over?

I'm on...

I'm on Willow Creek Drive, number 613.

(Lorne) Sure, Lester.

I'll be right there.

[Engine revving]

(Man) I think that's him.

[Indistinct chatter]


Oh, no.

Get after him!

Come on!

[Engines revving]

[Suspenseful orchestration]

♪ ♪


(Man) Stop!

It's not safe!


Hey, come back!

It's too dangerous!


[Melancholy orchestration]

[Ice cracking]

♪ ♪

[Ice continues cracking]

[Phone ringing]


Are you sure?

Okay, well, let me know what the divers turn up.

[Indistinct conversation on TV]

[Melancholy orchestration]

♪ ♪

Take the money, right?

No, I say go for it.

What'd I miss?

The lady brought a list, and dad's being a wuss again.

Oh, stop it.

Scooch over, you.

[Conversation on TV continues]

Hey, so I got a call today.

They're gonna give me a citation for bravery.


Come on, you're afraid of spiders.

Buzz Aldrin was afraid of spiders, and he went into space.

Proud of you, hon.

They really should be giving it to you.


No, this is your deal.

I get to be Chief.

[Melancholy orchestration]

♪ ♪

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