Forever Dreaming

1x08 - Entangled Bank
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 06/01/14 06:43 ]
Post subject:  1x08 - Entangled Bank

Do you know this futurist, Dr.

Aldous Leekie? No.

Neolution gives us the opportunity at self-directed evolution.



Because she doesn't know that I know.

I'm the one who's monitoring her.

It's time we admit what this is really about? Did I make a huge mistake? I have to go.

This is high- level shit, Sarah, an illegal human cloning trial.

There's nine of you.

No! There's only one of me.

You have a problem.

What kind of a problem? - She's not Beth.

You must be Olivier.

The one who's killing us is Ukrainian, she's blonde, she's a religious nut.

You are the original.

You are the light.

I dreamed that we were friends.

We're not friends.

We will be.

I have her, Aldous.

Get her ready to travel.

I'll be there in the morning.

I want to see your tail.

Aaaaah! I need to talk to you about Beth Childs.

Beth Childs? Let's go.

Wrong number.

We can't go back to the townhouse.

It's not safe.

They'll be looking for us.

Art, you got to see this.

Who's Sarah Manning? Ready for this? You believe in doppelgangers, Angie? Doppelgangers running around to confuse the issue? No.

How about twins? Beth ever mention a twin sister? What the hell is going on?! Look, we identified Sarah Manning as Jane Doe, so, come on, we got to make a house call.


You mind keeping this between us? Just 'til we figure out what the hell it is.

Yeah, sure.

Yeah, sounds good to me.


We can't go back to the townhouse.


Shh shh shh shh.

Olivier's boss, Dr.

Leekie, is flying in today.

He'll be looking for you.


For a second, there, I forgot I was a clone.

He thinks you're the one killing his clones.



Couldn't afford lattes for Bonnie and Clyde.

Morning, Fe.

Can we torch this, please? What? Your psycho sister's coat smells like low tide.

Felix! Sarah's going to have to hole up here for a while.

You, too? Impinging on my creativity.

Shagging in my bed.


Oh, brilliant! Invite her, too.

Then, maybe, we can all cuddle up with weight watchers and "Grey's Anatomy.

" Hey.

How was couples' camp? I came back early.

Cosima filled me in already and I'm taking a break from you two.

I need to get my house together.

Uh, isn't that what marriage counseling was for? Donnie and I are getting a divorce.

What? Oh, I'm fine.

It's my decision.

Everything is under control.

Okay, now, I'm worried.

Well, don't be.

I can take care of myself and I don't need You helping me clear my deck of liars and spies.

Alison, you don't know who your monitor is, okay? Don't fixate.

I'm reclaiming my life, Sarah.

Please respect that.

Aynsley, what are you doing? Alison, you're home! I told you I was coming back early.

But not today, silly.

I just came to water the plants.

Did you? I'll get it! Hey hey hey hey.

What have I said about answering the door on your own? Only when we invite someone.

Uh-huh, and we have not, have we? Kira, go up to your room.


Siobhan Sadler? Who wants to know? Detectives Bell and Deangelis.

Are you the legal guardian of Sarah Manning? Original Air Date May 18, 2013 Sarah's dead? I'm sorry.

How? She was shot.

Shot? When? On or around November 25th.

November 25th? That's 2 weeks ago.

Identification took some time.

But you're sure it's her? Did you know if Sarah had any problems with anyone? Women, especially, but not exclusively.

Why would you ask that? I'm sorry.

We can't share much about the investigation, at this point.

Did she live here with you? No.

She came of age and she moved out years ago.

We aren't We weren't close.

Did Sarah have a sister? No, she was an orphan.

Could she have a sister? If she did, it would be news to both of us.

Neolution is bullshit, Cosima.

No, it isn't, Sarah.

It's an applied philosophy with profound implications for what I do.

So you'd go around blackbagging your subjects? That was mistaken identity, okay? Olivier thought you were the killer, Sarah.

Yeah, well, your good friend Dr.

Leekie's on his way.

Can I expect the same from him? Okay, you know what? You were the one who turned our killer against our creators.

I mean, why the hell would you bring Helena into the mix? Oi! Ivory tower! This all happened because you got the science wrong.

No, I didn't.

Yes, you did, okay? They knew I wasn't Beth, from the medical tests.

You said our DNA was identical.

It is.

You know, maybe it was your sunny personality that gave you away.

Whose bloody side are you on, Cosima? Oh, hang up! She's a Freaky Leekie.

D Shit! Fe, Cosima drank the purple kool-aid.

Well, then, to hell with her.

You can still save Alison.

Alison's fine.

She's not fine.

She's divorcing Donnie.

Every freak for herself.

Divorces do really strange things to normals, Sarah.

They lose their fake happiness, they forget the way to the mall, and then, they come downtown to find themselves.

She's obsessing that one of her bitchy friends is her monitor.


It's her, for sure.

Whew, divorce.

You poor thing.

Where are the kids? They're at my mother's.

Do they know? Did you tell them? You're just full of questions, aren't you? Well, of course I am.

I care about you.

I knew you were unhappy, but How did you know? By asking questions.

Always asking, asking.

Everything you know, you pried right out of me.

Here's a thought Why don't you let me coach figure skating tonight? The kids are with your mom.

Have a night in, relax.

No, you relax.

Figure skating is on my schedule and whether my daughter is in attendance or not, I'll be there.

Ally, I think you need some "me" time.

And I think you need to give me my house keys back.

What?! What have I done? Keys, please.

I know you're in pain, so I won't ask for my keys back, but I want you to know I won't abandon you, Ally.

You know I'm afraid restoring your brother's, uh, appendage was out of the question.

The tail was too badly damaged.

Must've been a new one for you.

Yes, but fascinating, actually.

That level of surgical enhancement He's very committed.

How long do you expect to keep him here? Between the blood loss and the risk of infection in that area, a few days to a week.

Thanks, doc.

I'll wait 'til he comes to.

Where are you with Cosima? Closer.

She She made a pass at me, Aldous.

Really? Yes.

Delphine, Cosima's safety is at stake.

Other subjects, too.

I need to know which ones she's in contact with.

But she has to initiate disclosure.

I'm not saying disclose.

This is a direct threat, so I need you to dig deeper and faster.

"Dear Mummy I miss you.



Says you are in the sunshine Please come home.

Love, Kira".

Oi! Can you not, please? I'm not going to hole up with you, if you can't sit still.

Does it smell? Yeah! It smells like a foot.

Only worse, because it's yours.

Alison's not picking up.

Who's calling? Art.


Sorry, Beth doesn't live here anymore.

No, she lives with me.

So does her boytoy bodyguard.

Stop! Would you please stop! Pl Oi-oi, Mrs S.


And you're alive.


Why? Two homicide detectives on my doorstep this morning, quite convinced they'd found your body in a gravel quarry.

Who wants mimosas? Sit down and shut your gob! I was tempted to claim the remains and feed them to you both on toast.

Would you care to enlighten me? I don't want to lie to you, so, not yet.

What'd they say? Very little.

I'd venture little is all they have.


Whatever is going on, if it takes one step towards Kira, you need to yell fire.

The home we've built for ourselves in this country, we burn it all down, if we have to.

That's a promise.


Hey, facial reconstruction's coming along.

Yeah, well, hang on to your hat.

Sounds promising.

Sarah Manning offed herself, jumped in front of a train at Huxley Station.

What?! Check out the time of death.

Two days before Jane Doe was shot.

Jane Doe can't be Sarah Manning.

Sarah Manning was already dead.

Except, the prints match.

Twins, right? Twins.

Twins' prints are close enough to flag a match.

I mean, environmental factors like wear and tear can usually differentiate.

Okay, but the foster mother said no relations.

That she knew of.

Sarah was an orphan.

Say Beth's a triplet, separated at birth.

Come on, humor me.

Over a couple of days, same city, one suicides, the other gets whacked? I mean, it suggests they're in touch, that they're not separate anymore, right? And there's only one left to clear it up.

Beth! Hey.

Got your messages.

Bad time? So what's this all about? You miss me already? Some questions came up about your work on the Jane Doe case.

Such as? Well, you told us there was no print match on the victim.

Yeah, there wasn't.

Well, there's no confirmation of that in the case file.

There should be.

Well, we ran them again and we got a match.

So, we're finally getting somewhere.

Yeah, it sounds like it.

Just need to know Is this a joke? Does the name Sarah Manning mean anything to you? Who the hell is this? You've never seen her before? Uh, uh, yeah, yeah, in the mirror.

Come on.

No! Hey, I guess people have lookalikes.

Do they? Alison! Alison, how are you? Hmm? Oh, poor hon.

If you need anything, just call.

Why can't you just support me in what I'm trying to do? This is important to me.

You can't just put on an outfit and be a coach.

You're not their coach.

You don't know what you're doing.

I am here every single - Ally! Hey! Hi, Chad.


Free at last, huh? What are you doing here, Aynsley? I know, right? Chad, go play with your dumbbells.

I told you I've got this covered.

You're in no condition to be coaching kids.

Way to rub salt in the wounds, Ayns.

Sorry, I tried.

I'm perfectly fine and no one asked you to sub for me, so leave.

Alison, you're mad at Donnie, not me.

I told you to stay away from me.

And I told you you're not yourself.

I know what you're doing, Aynsley.

You want to mess with my life? I'm going to mess with yours.

Sorry to be a bitch, here, but it looks like you buried Jane Doe's fingerprints to hide your connection.

What connection? I don't have a sister.

I don't know who this person is.

Sarah Manning was an orphan.

Same prints as Jane Doe, but she killed herself days before Jane Doe was murdered.

Look, Beth, we just need to know where you fit in.

Can I see her file? Sorry, you're a civilian.

Yeah, what you always wanted.

Art, do I need to lawyer up, here? I don't know, Beth.

Do you? Have forensics run her prints as fast as possible.

You got it.

Oh, shit.

Okay, fine, you caught me.

Just please don't narc on me to Aynsley.

You know how apeshit she gets about stuff like this.



You know, Chad, this is the first hit I've had since "Godspell" in college.

I don't know what that is.


You got any more? Paul.


Aldous Leekie will be here in a couple hours.

He texted you.

You are conspiring with at least two clones.

Just one, actually.

Are you crazy? Despite appearances, I'm not the one in a compromising position, here, Paul.

You blackmailed an ex-military- intelligence guy to do your dirty work.

Olivier Duval that's a classy pseudonym, bro.

Thank you.

Your real name is Kevin; you're from Wenatchee, Washington; and you have a raft of unsavory sex warrants.

The organization knows that.

Yeah, but the police don't.

And that's why you're going to listen when I tell you what happened last night.

Oh, I get it.

Smoke through the roof Accelerated dissipation.



Fewer air fresheners required.

Speaking of fresh air cheers to finally getting Donnie off your couch.

Are you mocking the failure of my marriage, Chad? Sorry.

No, don't be.

I gather you and Aynsley aren't exactly booking nooners.

Eh, you know, the thing about you and me, Hendrix Hmm? We're sharks we stop moving, we die.


Well, you certainly got that down.

Those late-night runs in your sleeveless tees.

You ain't so bad yourself.

Tight glutes.

Nice pecs.

I bet you could benchpress me.


Bet you could bounce me like a ball.


Maybe you've had too much.


Maybe you haven't had enough.

What are we doing, here? I'm objectifying you.


To get back at Donnie.

I should really have a problem with this.

But you don't.

Hey, Delphine.

I hope I'm not disturbing you.

Oh, no no no.

No, impossible.

So, apparently, I've got this thing for, like, jumping to conclusions.

You know, it's just that I've never I know, I know, I know, you're not gay and I'm a total idiot.

So sorry.

Oh, let me Oh, yes.

Do you? - Yeah.

I just want to make, like, crazy science with you.

Totally crazy science.

I'm so glad to hear that because you know what? I was reading up on the Dyad Institute and did you know that, Dr.

Leekie, he has built a dedicated department for transgenic organ transplants? And Sorry, I was just dorking out so hard to their extrapolation of murine models.

What?! Yeah.

Oh, wow.

You know, it's really, really good to finally meet someone who gets it.


Who gets me.

Yeah, ditto.


I can't stop thinking about that kiss.

Like in a not-bad way? Oh, like I've never thought about bisexuality.

I mean, for myself, you know? But as a scientist, I know that sexuality is a spectrum.

But, you know, social biases, they codified attraction.

It's contrary to the biological facts, you know? Mm-hmm.

That's oddly romantic.

Totally encouraging.

Oh, God! You want me to coach, yeah! Come on! Yeah! Okay, no.

Let's turn around right here now.

Coach, yeah! You're in the end zone.

Yeah, you're my coach! Touchdown! When I start to make you nervous and I'm going to extremes tomorrow, I will change and today won't mean a thing I'm a bitch, I'm a lover I'm a child, I'm a mother I'm a sinner, I'm a saint I do not feel ashamed I'm your hell, I'm your dream I'm nothing in between you know you wouldn't want it any other way, yeah Get out! Get out! Meera saw you screwing my husband! Everyone knows! You screwed my husband! Well, maybe, if you paid more attention to him and less to me.

Get out of the car, Alison! You have no idea who you're dealing with! No, I know exactly who you are.

You're a sleazy watcher/spy.

Sleazy? That's rich, coming from a backstabbing psycho slut! Like you.

Do you Stop it! Hey! And don't try to change me Ha-ha! Aah! I'm a bitch, I'm a lover I'm a child, I'm a mother I'm a sinner, I'm a saint I do not feel Hey hey hey, morguee.

We need everything you got on Sarah Manning.

Caucasian female, suicide by train.

You processed the body and its release.

I process lots of bodies.

Is there a problem? Fingerprints from our Jane Doe of the gravel crusher.

Forensics says they're spooky-close to two other women.

Yeah, one's Sarah Manning.

The other is a totally other woman.

Let's see.

Uh Sarah Manning.

Suicide by train.

Holy shit.

It's uncanny.

We need the name and the address of the person who identified her.

What?! I Okay, Colin, please slow down.

What, exactly, did they say? I couldn't lie, Felix, okay? There are records.

Your signature, address.

Okay, I've got to go, but you just take a hot bath.

I'll talk to you later.

Shit! Sarah.

You can handle this, yeah? Cops? Yeah.

I yeah.

Where are you going to go? No idea.

Shit! Felix! It's me, Alison! Please be home.

You're effing kidding me.

Bad things have happened to me.

And I would love to hear about them, I would, but, right now, you need to go.

What? I can't go back there.

It's just for one night, Alison.

I slept with Aynsley's husband.

What? I shagged Chad.

Then Aynsley attacked me in the middle of the street.

I degraded myself and I disgraced my children and I can't go back there.

I seriously underestimated you.

I hope you kicked her arse.

I did.

Kind of.

I don't want to divorce Donnie, but I can't keep lying to him and I hate lying to my kids, I hate it! How can we possibly sustain this insanity? We can't.

I don't know if Art's going to throw me in jail or if Cosima's going to narc us out to the Neolutionists, or what.

Don't forget Helena.

She's always fun.

All I know is I came back to fix things, be a real mum to Kira.

So what if we tell them? You mean come out? "I miss you Mummy".

"I miss you Mummy.

" "I miss you Mummy.

" "I miss you Mummy.

" Scotsburn Avenue.


Baker to pediatrics, please.



I replaced your security footage to show only one clone.

Beth Sarah Was never there.

He's smart.

It won't work.

It will, if you stick to one.

There was only one.

And you need to stop blaming yourself.

How could you know? Uh, Dr.

Leekie, I'm Paul Dierden.

I hear great things.


Aldous, she took my tail.

Shut up, Olivier.

Are you okay? Yes.

Are you sure? II cry after sex with boys, too.

Poor you.

But you know what? Hmm? I am never this hungry.

I could kill for some ice cream.



Your wish is my command.

I'm going to go to the store and I'm going to get us some Eskimo Pies.

Eskimo? Yeah.

I don't think I know it.

No? - No.

Prepare yourself.

You're about to become a craven addict.

I think I already am.


She dropped the Beth act cold right in front of us.

If it weren't for Paul, she would've killed me.

She said her name was Helena and she had an accent, slavic.

She admitted she killed Beth and took over her life.

Aldous, she is completely insane.

Welcome to the big picture.

Yes, sir.

Sorry, guys.

Visiting hours are over.

Oh, sure.

We'll get out of your way.

You just rest and heal.

What do they say in the military, "you've proven your mettle"? No, sir, nobody ever said that.


Well, tomorrow, I'd like to talk about next steps.

Excuse me.

Found something? Promise me Cosima's safe.

Her quest, Aldous, it's all perfectly perfectly natural.

Delphine, believe me, I'm protecting her.

Now, what is it? Well, she's not only researching her own biology, but she is aware of of eight others.

She's had contact.

I need names.

Okay, yes.

Well, some of them seem to be dead.

Janika Zingler.


Danielle Fournier.



Katja Obinger.



There is no last name.


There's Alison Hendrix, Beth Childs, and Sarah Manning.

Sarah Manning? Anything else on her? No, nothing.

Listen, I have to go.

She's coming.



Hello? What happened? Are you okay? Yeah.

It's time, Siobhan.

Time I told you what's really going on.

Well, then, I am all ears.

Siobhan, this is Alison hendrix.

Pleased to meet you.

Well, tell me more, love.

I mean, it can't get any stranger than human cloning.

Well, we live in Scarborough.

About a million years ago, I went to university.

You went to university? Mm! Yes.


Where'd you go wrong? Oh, that's just basically massage therapy, in't it? No, Sarah.

It's very important.

It heals.

Oh! No.

Um, and then I got married.

And everything is shit.

She came to see Kira once, in your place, didn't she? I knew something was up.

Yeah, sorry, the crazy one, Helena, was after me.

Okay, so, Helena, Alison, Cosima.

Beth is the policewoman.

Yeah, who topped herself, yeah.


No, there's probably thousands of us.

Ahem! Unless Helena's killed them all.

We're all messed up.

Except you, Sarah.

I'm the biggest mess there is, Alison.

No, no no no, because you say "eff it".

I tried to say "eff it" today and I blew up my whole life.

I just wanted to say "eff this", "eff you", and I effed it, I effed it all up.


You know, would you like to see the guest bedroom, at this point, chicken? Huh? Huh? Come on.


Oh, you are so lovely.

Ahem! You know, you're very lucky, Sarah.

My mother wouldn't be this lovely.

She My mother would have me put in therapy.

Yeah, yes.

That's Sarah.


I was just so shocked.

Seeing her laid out on that slab, looking so dead, really.

So your foster sister didn't have any sisters? Just me.

I keep asking myself "What'd I miss?", you know? Because I never really saw the signs.

Beth Childs.

Hmm? Who's that? You mind if I look? I like art.

No, yeah, by all means.

Oh! Uh Those are the many sides of Sarah.

I call that series twisted sister.

I like 'em.

Sort of working out your grief.


Wherever it takes me.


I'm sorry, again, for your loss.

Thank you.

I've been here before.

What does that mean? Hello.

Hello? Hello? Harvey, you pervy bastard, i know that's you.

Last night, I get a phone call.

Some punk with an English accent says he wants to talk about Beth.

Then he hangs up.

Let's bring him in.

Let's shake his tree, man.

Nah, it's too early.

I want to get a better picture of this whole deal, first.

Come on.

What are you doing? Any loss of sensation in your feet? No.

Just checking.

Get some rest.

Oh, and Dr.

Leekie sends his regards.

I know there's more here, between the lines.

What is it that you need, Sarah? How can I help? Wow, Alison, Cosima, Beth Their mothers all wanted babies enough to do in vitro.

So why did mine give me up? There were rumors.

Yeah? That some of the kids we were hiding, the ones that came in Carlton's pipeline, like you, children in the black What do you mean, exactly, "in the black"? You know, undocumented.

Outside the system.

The rumor was these kids were the subject of medical experiments.

Carlton's pipeline.

What kind of experiments? I don't know, love.

It was a paranoid time and a radical fringe.

Everything was rumor then.

Carlton brought me to you.

Wouldn't he know who my birth mother was? He may.

But, even if he did, he might not tell me.

Do your contacts still know him? It-it's possible.

Can you get in touch with him? It's 15 years ago.

Last I heard, he was in Wormwood Scrubs Prison.

I'll try.

I just want to know who I am.

You're still you.

Remember that.

You're a survivor.

Kira? It's Helena! Kira! Kira! Kira! Where are we going? I'm taking you to meet someone.

How can you be Sarah's daughter, child? How can that be? Kira! Stop! You're just like my mum.

No, I'm not.

She's not real.

Of course she is.

Kira! Helena? Yes, angel? What happened to you? I don't know.

Kira! Kira! I should go home now.


Do you know the way? Of course.

Goodnight, angel.

Kira! Mummy! Kira, no! No! struck by vehicle.

GCS 3.

Chest injury.

Possible internal bleeding.

Stay with me, baby, please.

3 minutes.

Bet you 100 bucks I know who she's going to look like when Beckwith is done with the reconstruction.

You got no charge that'll stick, yet.

Why is Sarah still alive? - Kill her! Someone tampered with the security footage at Club Neolution but I know there were two clones there that night.

Weren't there? - Oh, my God! - Alison.

What is this? We're gathered in the spirit of love and understanding.

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