Forever Dreaming

3x19 - Heart of Darkness
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 03/20/13 13:49 ]
Post subject:  Vampire Diaries Transcript~ Heart of Darkness 3x19


[Salvatore's House]

(Elena enters Alaric's cell with a bag)

Elena: Alaric?

Alaric: Yeah? Still me. You know you shouldn't be in here. Defeats the point of the whole being locked in a cellar thing

Elena: Well, you still need the basics. Toothbrush, clothes, some boring books to help you sleep

(He takes a book from the bag)

Alaric: "Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"?

(She takes the book from his hands)

Elena: What? No, I got... Damon. Thinks he's hilarious

Alaric: At least one of us still has a sense of humor

Elena: Are you sure that you... I mean, you don't have to be kept in here

Alaric: Oh, no, this is... Ah, this is the right place for me to be. At least until you guys can convince my highly uncooperative alter ego to confess where I... or...he hid the white oak stake

Elena: We looked everywhere. You...The other you hid it well

Alaric: What's Klaus going to do if you can't find it?

Elena: It's the only thing that will kill him, so... Wage war. Murder people. You know, Klaus stuff. Listen...

(She takes a chair and sits down in front of him)

Elena: Stefan is going to watch over you for a little while. Now that Klaus knows where Jeremy is, it's not safe. So... Damon and I are going to go to Denver to pick him up

Alaric: Why do you say that like you're waiting for me to disapprove?

Elena: I don't know. Me and Damon, traveling across the country

Alaric: Well, I guess I'm more curious to hear what Stefan has to say about it

Elena: Actually, it was his idea. He thinks that I have some unresolved feelings for Damon

Alaric: Do you?

Elena: I guess that's why I'm going on this trip. So I can figure it out

(Stefan is in front of the fireplace. Damon enters and puts his bag with the others)

Damon: Did you hear from Klaus?

Stefan: Not yet. I'm sure I will soon, though. He's expecting me to deliver two stakes. I only have one

Damon: Well, that's going to be disappointing for him

Stefan: I'll get it out of Alaric. I just need some time

Damon: I like that confidence, Stefan. I don't share it, but I like it

Stefan: You don't think I can do what it takes?

Damon: Well, you're good Stefan again. You're in control. Sorry, you might get the girl but you lose the edge. Speaking of...

(Elena enters)

Damon: Have you ever flown first class?

Elena: Who did you have to compel for that?

Damon: Please. I used miles

(He takes the bags and gets out. Elena looks at him and then looks at Stefan)

Elena: Stefan...

Stefan: Be safe

(She looks at him and leaves)

[Mystic Falls' High School]

(Everyone is in the cafeteria, preparing something. Caroline enters and looks around her. She finally rejoins Matt)

Caroline: What is this?

Matt: It's the decade dance. Remember, you made us sign up to help

(She looks at the decorations)

Caroline: No.

(She takes one of the decorations)

Caroline: This. The twenties! We're doing the seventies

(Rebekah arrives)

Rebekah: It's too flashy, people. It's supposed to be a speakeasy, not the world's fair

(She rejoins them)

Rebekah: Oh, good, you're here. We need help setting up the tables, so get to it

Caroline: What do you think you're doing?

Rebekah: Somebody has to be in charge

Caroline: Yeah, me. I'm the chair of the dance committee. The theme of the decade dance is the 1970s

Rebekah: So you'd rather dress in tacky colors with bad hair than be a classic flapper from the jazz age. Honestly, I don't know what my brother sees in you

Caroline: Well, maybe he sees a challenge. See, unlike some other people, I don't sleep with everyone I make eye contact with

(Matt intervenes)

Matt: Maybe we can do both decades

Rebekah: No. Go on, Matt, don't be a coward. You know you loved my twenties idea when I presented it to the group

(Caroline looks at him)

Caroline: Traitor!

Matt: Bell bottoms and disco? I don't know, this just seemed cooler

Rebekah: See, it's just cooler

Caroline: Whatever. Have fun at your stupid dance

(She leaves. Rebekah smiles, watches her leaves. Then she looks at Matt and smiles)

(Caroline is outside, going to her car. Matt follows her)

Matt: Caroline! Wait!

(She arrives at her car and turns herself. She's smiling)

Caroline: Impressive. You sold it

Matt: And you bought yourself a day

Caroline: Thank you. Just... keep her occupied. Be careful

Matt: You, too. And, uh... Tell him I said hi, ok?

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan rejoins Alaric in his cell)

Alaric: Do you know how hard it is to fall asleep when that's what you're supposed to do?

Stefan: Well, look, I know it's not easy, so...Damon suggested I bring something to... Help speed up the process

(He shows him a bottle of alcohol)

Alaric: What the hell

(He sits. Stefan enters and gives him the bottle and is about to leave)

Alaric: You know, I'll feel decidedly less pathetic if I don't drink alone

Stefan: Oh, I'm, uh, one step ahead of you

(He comes back with a chair and a glass. He sits in front of Alaric. Alaric pours him a glass)

Alaric: So...ahem. Road trip, huh?

Stefan: Mmm. Yeah, yeah, I needed to stay here

Alaric: Why? I mean, why you? You know, it doesn't take much to baby-sit me while I sit here waiting for a psychotic break

Stefan: Well, unfortunately, we only have a limited amount of time

Alaric: Before what?

Stefan: Before we have to resort to other methods

Alaric: So you're worried you're going to have to torture it out of me. And you don't think Damon could have done that?

Stefan: Look, Elena needed to go on that road trip with Damon. No matter what I go through... To get her back... fighting my blood lust, trying to gain control of my life again... None of that matters if she has feelings for somebody else


(Damon and Elena arrive at a baseball camp. Jeremy is there, playing)

Elena: There he is

Jeremy: Next time we compel him, remind me to make him better at baseball

Elena: Hey, Jer

Jeremy: Elena?

(She smiles. Jeremy sees Damon)

Jeremy: What's wrong?

(Jeremy is out of the batting cage)

Damon: Katherine sired us, Rose sired Katherine, all we need to do is find out who sired Rose

Jeremy: So you traveled across the country to get me to talk to a dead vampire?

Damon: Dead vampire's redundant, but yes

Jeremy: Well, I can't. I can talk to Anna and Vickie because I knew them. I've never even met Rose

Damon: What good is you dying and coming back to life if you can't talk to a ghost when I need you to?

Elena: Rose spent a long time running from Klaus as well. She and Damon were close, so maybe we can use you as a connection

Jeremy: Fine, fine. Can we do this later? My friend just got here. And yes, Damon, I actually have some. I'll call you when I'm done

Elena: Jer...

(She turns herself and sees that Jeremy's friend is Kol. He has a baseball bat in his hands)

Elena: Damon, it's Kol!

(Kol hits Damon in the face with the bat)

Jeremy: What the hell are you doing?!

Elena: Jeremy, get back, he's an original!

Jeremy: What?!

Kol: No hard feelings, mate, but we're not buds

(His bat, a wooden one, is broken so he takes another one, in aluminium)

Kol: You know, I'll never get used to aluminum but, hey, at least it won't break

(He's about to hit Damon again but Damon catches the bat and stabs him with the wooden one. Kol falls on the ground)

Jeremy: Did you kill him?

Damon: No, but it'll give us a head start. Come on

(He takes Elena, who's still chocked)

(They're at a motel. They get the bags ot of the car)

Damon: For the record, she's the one who wanted to stop in a motel, not me

(She looks at him)

Jeremy: So where are we?

Damon: Corner of somewhere and nowhere where Kol can't find us

Jeremy: I can't believe Kol was a vampire

Damon: Well, didn't you find it weird that you made a friend so fast? Have you met you?

Elena: Not helping

(They enter the room)

Elena: This should work. Right, Jer?

Jeremy: Yeah. It doesn't really matter

Damon: All right, Whoopi. What do you need, candles, incense, pottery wheel?

(He closes the curtains)

Jeremy: That's not how it works

Damon: I know, I know. They push from the other side and you pull from this one

Jeremy: All right, you, uh, you got a picture of her?

(He sits down)

Damon: Picture? From what, our trip to Disneyland? Come on, Rose, you're not going to actually make us wait, are you? I know you're obsessed with me

(Elena, exasperated by Damon, go sits next to Jeremy)

Jeremy: All right, uh, tell me something about her

Damon: Um, well, she did this little thing with her tongue

(He sits on one of the beds)

Elena: Something that matters, Damon

Damon: She spent her last day in paradise. Soaking in the sun and reminiscing about what it means to be human. And when death came, she didn't fear it

Elena: I was with her on her last day, and she definitely wasn't in paradise

Jeremy: It was in the dream he gave her. She's here

(Rose has appeared, sitting on the other bed)

[The woods]

(Caroline is walking and searching. She hears a noise, stops and smiles. She turns herself and sees Tyler. They look at each other)

Caroline: Hi

Tyler: You have no idea how much I've missed you

(They get closer to each other and kiss)

[Lockwood cellar]

(Caroline and Tyler are kissing and taking their clothes of)

[Klaus' Mansion]

(Matt is driving Rebekah home)

Matt: Here we are. Home sweet home

Rebekah: Ok, spill. Why are you being nice to me?

Matt: I drove you home. You don't have a car

Rebekah: Not just that. I mean... helping me with the dance and standing up to Caroline. I don't buy it

Matt: Buy what?

Rebekah: The whole gentlemanly thing. After everything my family's done to you. What are you up to?

Matt: It's sad that you can't just get a ride home from school without thinking there's some ulterior motive

Rebekah: You're right. But I'm probably going to organize the whole dance and then have to compel myself a date

(He smiles)

Matt: Let's not get crazy. Good-bye, Rebekah

Rebekah: Good-bye, Matt. Thanks for the ride home

(She gets out of the car and he leaves. She watches him leave and smiles)

(She's inside and finds her mother in the living room)

Rebekah: Mother...

(She rushes towards her, strangles her and pushes her against the wall)

Rebekah: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now

Esther: Because I'm dying

[Denver. A Motel room]

(Rose is standing and looking at them)

Elena: Is she lonely on the other side?

Rose: No. I enjoy it. I was running so much when I was alive. Now I have the freedom to do whatever I want

Jeremy: She says not to worry, she's happy

Damon: Is she still hot?

Rose: Tell him he's still dripping with sex, too

(Jeremy raises his eyebrows and looks at her)

Rose: Fine. Tell him I miss him

Jeremy: She misses you

Rose: And tell him that I'm rooting for him and Elena

(He looks at Elena)

Jeremy: She, uh, she misses both of you

(Elena seems pleased)

Rose: Unfortunately I don't have any news on the siring front. Klaus didn't sire me. No original did. It was Mary Porter

Jeremy: She was sired by someone named Mary Porter

Damon: Ahh, scary Mary. Well, where is she, Rose?

Rose: I didn't keep track of her when I was alive, much less now. Tell them to sit tight. Relax. I'll see what I can find out

[Salvatore's House]

Alaric: You think they got Jeremy by now?

Stefan: They should. I haven't heard from them. Elena's worried about him. Now that she can't count on his ring anymore.

Alaric: Who knows. Maybe his alter ego's a pot-smoking, hippie pacifist

Stefan: Yeah, maybe

Alaric: I can't say I thought mine would be so hostile and militant

Stefan: Actually, it makes perfect sense. Your wife left you to become a vampire and your girlfriend was killed by one

Alaric: He must really hate me. He must really hate me. the failed hunter-slash- drinking buddy of vampires

Stefan: Ah. He's too judgmental

Alaric: The thing is... he's me. I'm not compelled, I'm not possessed. There's no humanity switch. What drives him... is me

Stefan: No. No, he's not you. He's the darkest parts of you. Parts we all have

(Klaus enters)

Klaus: Well, this is depressing, isn't it?

(Stefan gets up. He shows them a stake)

Klaus: Oh, and I found this upstairs. Now by my count, there should be one more

Stefan: Yeah, well, it's going to take a little more time

Klaus: Why, because we're waiting for that one to pass out?

(He points at Alaric)

Klaus: No, thanks. I think I'll just kill him

Stefan: Well, then you won't know the location of the other stake

Klaus: I can live with that

(He moves forward but Stefan stops him)

Stefan: Well, I can't. When we staked Finn, we discovered that killing an original vampire killed its entire bloodline. Now, I don't know which one of you I'm descended from, but I'd really rather not find out by dying, so why don't we just find the stake, destroy it so we can all be safe?

Klaus: So the fate of the entire vampire race depends on you finding the stake. And to get it, we need you to pass out

(He looks at Alaric)

Klaus: Which means that I feel totally justified doing this

(He rushes towards Alaric and breaks his neck. Alaric falls dead on the ground)

Klaus: There. Sleeping like a baby

[Denver. A motel]

(Damon is outside. His phone rings. He answers)

Damon: There you are. Any sign of Evilaric?

Stefan: Nope. Only dead Alaric

Damon: What?

Stefan: Don't worry, he was wearing his ring. Klaus was here. Let's just say he's not very patient

Damon: Kol must have told him we were in Denver. How long has Ric been out?

Stefan: A few hours. I'm hoping when he wakes up, it won't be him. It'll be the other him

Damon: And if not?

Stefan: Yeah, I know. Whatever it takes. So were you able to contact Rose?

Damon: Yeah. No answers yet. So we're just stuck in this motel until she gets back to us

Stefan: A motel?

Damon: Yeah, we had to get away from Kol. I'll call you when I know more

(He hangs up)

(Elena and Jeremy are in the room. Jeremy is on the bed. Elena is unpacking)

Jeremy: So what's up with you and Damon?

Elena: What do you mean? Nothing's up

Jeremy: You sure about that? 'Cause even Rose said something

Elena: What...what did she say?

(Damon enters. Elena and Jeremy don't say anything. She's uncomfortable)

Damon: Everything ok in here?

Elena: Yeah. It's fine

Damon: Ok. Well, I'm going to freshen up. You might want to get some rest. I'm sure Rose will make herself known when she gets back

(Jeremy looks at Elena)

[Klaus' Mansion]

(Esther is still here)

Rebekah: How are you dying? I thought Ayana had preserved your body with a spell

Esther: She did. I'm drawing my power from the Bennett witch line. When Abby died, the connection was severed. So my body is weakened

Rebekah: Well, if you've come to spend your last moments with your loving daughter, prepare to be disappointed. You should have spent last time plotting my death

Esther: Is that what you think I've been doing on the other side? I've been looking over you for a thousand years of joy and heartbreak. Your fights with Klaus. The nights you cried yourself to sleep calling out my name. Not a day has gone by that I wasn't right there with you

Rebekah: And yet you still tried to kill me

Esther: Because it shouldn't have been a thousand years, Rebekah. No one should live that long

Rebekah: But I haven't lived at all

Esther: I'm sorry Rebekah. I'm so, so sorry

(She takes Rebekah's hands. She's shaking and she finally collapses. Rebekah looks at her. Klaus enters)

Klaus: What's going on?

Rebekah: She's dead

(She looks at him)

[Old Lockwood Cellar]

(Caroline and Tyler are under a blanket, naked)

Tyler: Did I mention I miss you? Bad

(She laughs)

Caroline: Mmm, at some point, we are going to do this on an actual bed, right?

Tyler: Yes. I promise. Once I figure out how to deal with Klaus

Caroline: Tell him to suck it. Broke his sire bond. And you won't have to deal with him anymore

Tyler: It's easier said than done. Besides, I won't know if it's broken for sure until I test it

Caroline: Wait, I thought that's why you were coming back. Because you said you felt different

Tyler: I do feel different. I feel freer. Way more myself. All I know is, I just turned about a hundred times in the Appalachian Mountains. If I can get through that, I can get through anything

Caroline: Good. Because Klaus might not be our only problem

Tyler: Why? What else did I miss?

Caroline: Matt killed an original. And then, every vampire that original had ever turned mysteriously died. Right now Damon is desperate to figure out which original created our vampire blood line. And...if he finds out it wasn't Klaus, they're all going to kill him

Tyler: But Klaus turned me. So if he dies...I die

Caroline: I know that. They know that. Difference is... Damon doesn't care

[Denver. A motel room]

(Damon goes out of the bathroom, shirtless. Jeremy is sleeping. He takes a bottle of whisky. Elena is in her bed but she's awake. She looks at Damon. He puts his shirt. He looks through the window and then pours himself a glass. Elena can't stop looking at him. He sits down and lay his legs on another chair. Elena is still looking at him. He drinks and finally looks at her. She looks down and closes her eyes. He looks at her and half smiles. She opens her eyes and looks at him again. They look at each other. He gets up and comes lay next to her on the bed)

Elena: You never told me about that. What you did for Rose

Damon: It wasn't about you

Elena: Why you don't let people see the good in you?

Damon: Because when people see good, they expect good. And I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations

(She lays on her back . She seems like she can't breath. She puts her hand on the bed. He touches her hand and takes it in his. She seems overwelmed. He looks at her. She gets up and leaves)

(She's outside the room. She puts her jacket on. Damon rejoins her oustide)

Elena: Don't

Damon: Why not, Elena?

(She rushes towards him and kisses him. They kiss passionately and lengthily. They end up against a post. He kisses her on the neck. She takes his face in her hands. They look at each other and kiss. They touch and kiss. Jeremy finally interrupts them)

Jeremy: Elena?

Elena: Oh, my God. Jeremy

Jeremy: Rose found Mary. She lives in Kansas

Damon: Ok, then. Let's go

(He goes back to the room. Elena and Jeremy look at each other and he finally goes back inside. She seems a little confused)

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan is reading in Alaric's cell. Alaric finally wakes up)

Stefan: Welcome back

Alaric: What happened? Did I, uh...

Stefan: No. No, you pretty much, uh, laid there dead for half the night. But on the, uh, on the plus side... I did almost finish reading "Moby Dick"

Alaric: This is stupid. Evil me, or whatever you want to call him, he's not going to make an appearance. Why would he? I mean, the best hiding place is the one where you can't find the person who hid it

Stefan: I know

Alaric: So how do you want to do this?

Stefan: I don't want to do any of this

Alaric: Well, that makes two of us. But I don't think we have much choice in the matter

(He takes his ring off)

Stefan: Wait a minute, what are you doing? You need that ring

Alaric: No, what I need is hope that my alter ego doesn't have a death wish. So I'm taking bets that my dark side has a sense of self-preservation So let's see if he defends himself against death

Stefan: Look, Alaric, I'm not going to kill you, ok?

Alaric: If we have any chance at this, Stefan, you're going to have to try

(They look at each other. Stefan hesitates and finally hits him)

[A house in the middle of nowhere]

(Damon, Elena and Jeremy are in front of a house, next to their car)

Jeremy: This is the address

Damon: Looks about right

(She looks at Jeremy)

Elena: Wait here

Jeremy: Why? So you guys can make out some more?

Damon: Don't be a dick.Listen to your sister

(He goes back in the car)

Damon: Thank you. Come on

(They enter the house. It's dark inside. She switches on a flashlight. It's a mess everywhere)

Damon: Whoa. Like "Vampire Hoarders"

Elena: Who is this Mary person?

Damon: Scary Mary. Really old, super creepy

Elena: And how do you know her?

Damon: You know

Elena: Of course

Damon: What? I said creepy, not ugly

(They hear a noise. They jump and look behind them. At a double door. They enter the room. She puts the light on the wall and they see a woman, staked against the wall)

Damon: Mary...

Kol: Quite contrary

(The light is on. Kol is sitting on a chair. A baseball bat in his hand.)

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan is still hitting Alaric)

Alaric: You're not putting enough into this

Stefan: If i put any more into it, I'm going to break your spine

(He hits him again)

Alaric: Well, don't back down now

(His nose is bleeding. Stefan's face is starting to turn)

Alaric: Well, don't back down now

Stefan: Oh, no, no, no, no. I can't. The blood

Alaric: Oh, come on, you're past that

Stefan: No, I'm not

Alaric: Then use it. Give into it. Try to kill me, Stefan, come on

Stefan: Not like this, Alaric

Alaric: Yes! Like this. You're going to have to want to kill me for me to believe that you will

Stefan: I go this far, I may not be able to stop

Alaric: You want the answers from my darkest side, you're going to have to tap into yours. So don't back down. Don't fight it. Just do it!

(Stefan is against the wall. Alaric grabs him by his jacket. Stefan's face has turned and his throws Alaric against the wall, on the other side of the cellar. Stefan's face becomes normal again. Alaric laughs. His alter ego has finally surfaced)

Alaric: You're so weak. Look at you. One of nature's most hideous creatures, and you can't even get that right

Stefan: You

Alaric: Me

[A house]

Kol: Shame about Mary. She used to be a blast. I don't quite know what happened. I fear all the time she spent with my family might have ruined her. She was a bit of an original groupie

Elena: And were you her favorite?

Kol: You mean, did I turn her. I think I did. But, no, wait. Maybe it was Rebekah. But there was also a Klaus period. And let's not forget the Elijah affair. I spoke to my brother. I know you're trying to find out who you descended from. Now you never will. So... Where did we leave off?

(He hits Damon with the baseball bat. Damon falls on the floor. He hits him again and again)

Damon: Elena, get out of here!

(She tries to leave but Kol rushes toward the door to intercepts her)

Kol: According to my brother, you're off-limits. Please don't test me

(He throws her on the bed. Damon rushes over him and strangles him)

Damon: Don't touch her

(Kol nuts him. Damon is thrown against the wall and then on the ground)

Kol: Oh, dear. I've hit the nerve. Relax, darling. I just want us to be even. You snapped my neck, you killed my brother, and then you humiliated me

(He hits him several times on the back)

Kol: There. Now we're even

[Salvatore's House]

Stefan: Where's the stake?

Alaric: You're worse than I ever was. Spineless. Pathetic

Stefan: Tell me where the stake is before I kill you

Alaric: You know, you're all going to burn. Ashes to dust

(Stefan hits on the face several times)

Stefan: Where's the stake?!

(Alaric doesn't answer. Stefan hits him again and then strangles him from behind)

Stefan: I'm going to kill you in 3... 2...1

Alaric: It's in the cave. Where no vampire can get it

(He laughs. Stefan releases him and then gets out of the cell. He gets his phone and walks to the front door but find Klaus and Rebekah in the living room)

Klaus: That wasn't too hard, was it?

(They smile)

[A house]

(Damon is standing but seems to be in pain. Elena is with him)

Elena: Are you ok?

Damon: Yeah

(He puts his shoulder back in place)

Damon: That's better

(He looks at her, touches her face and sees that she's bleeding)

Damon: Are you ok? You're bleeding

Elena: Yeah. I'll be fine

(She touches his hand. He looks at her and touches his face but she leaves his grip)

Damon: What are you doing?

Elena: What do you mean?

Damon: Well, going on this trip and kissing me... What the hell is this?

Elena: Stefan thinks that I have feelings for you

Damon: Oh. Do you?

Elena: I don't...I don't...I don't know

Damon: Hmm. I guess you thought this little trip could help you figure that out, didn't you?

Elena: No

Damon: Or maybe you're hoping I'll screw it up so I can just make the decision for you, am I wrong?

Elena: Damon...

Damon: Am I wrong?

Elena: It's what you do, Damon! You sabotage things. You... I mean, think about it. Every time that there's a bump in the road, you lash out

Damon: But what if I didn't? What if there was no bump?

(She doesn't answer)

Damon: I'm sorry, Elena. But this time I'm not going to make it so easy for you. This time you'll have to figure it out for yourself

(He leaves)

[Salvatore's House]

(Klaus is pouring himself a glass. Rebekah comes back with Alaric)

Klaus: It's a little gratuitous, don't you think, Stefan? I would have been more gentle

Rebekah: I'm going to take him to the caves

(She looks at Alaric)

Rebekah: You're going to go inside and fetch me the stake And if you think you can hide, you're wrong

(They leave)

Klaus: And then there was one. I know about your brother's little mission to Denver. He failed. Not that that's news anymore

Stefan: So what are you going to do now, Klaus? Are you going to kill me?

Klaus: I haven't actually decided yet

Stefan: Oh, sure you have. See, you've had every chance and every excuse imaginable to do it, but yet you haven't. Which means you don't want to

Klaus: You know something, you're right. See, I'm still waiting for my old friend to come back. By the looks of it, he's just beneath the surface. Waiting to come out and play. Right, ripper?

Stefan: I've been fighting that part of myself. Thinking that if I repress it, it would go away. But it won't. And now that I've accepted it, it can't control me. And neither can you. So... unless you're going to stake me... why don't you get the hell out of my house

(He leaves)

[Damon's car]

(Damon and Elena are in the front. Jeremy is on the back, looking at Elena. Rose appears next to him)

Rose: Are we there yet? Don't tell them I'm here. They had a fight. I know you want to stop it. Protect her from it. But you're young. You don't see what I see. It's not just that she makes him a better person. She does, but... he changes her, too. Damon challenges her. Surprises her. He makes her question her life. Beliefs. Stefan is different. His love is pure. And he'll always be good for her. Damon is either the best thing for her, or the worst

[Caroline's House]

(Tyler is in her bedroom. She enters with sheets and a pillow in her hands)

Caroline: My mom said you can stay as long as you want

Tyler: Did she say we could share the bed?

Caroline: No. She said you can sleep on the couch. At least until we figure out what Damon and Stefan find out about Klaus

Tyler: And if Klaus didn't create their line? And they try to kill him?

Caroline: Tyler... I just got you back.

(She kisses him)

Caroline: I'm not losing you again

(She smiles and leaves the room to prepare the couch. Tyler looks around in her room and finds the drawing Klaus did for her. He takes it and looks at it)

Tyler: Klaus drew this for you?

Caroline: Huh?

Tyler: That's...pretty creepy

Caroline: Yeah. Klaus is pretty creepy. Even when he's trying to be charming

Tyler: Charming? Does Klaus have a thing for you or something?

Caroline: No! As far as I'm concerned, he isn't capable of real feelings

Tyler: I'm serious. What the hell happened while I was gone?

Caroline: Tyler. Nothing. Ok, nothing happened

Tyler: Then why'd you keep this?

Caroline: I don't know

Tyler: I think I'm going to find some place else to spend the night

(He leaves)

Caroline: Tyler... Tyler!

[The cavern]

(Rebekah and Alaric arrive at the cavern. She can't go further)

Rebekah: Go get it. You know I can't get in

(He gets the stake)

Alaric: Why would I give you the one thing that requires everyone to keep me alive?

Rebekah: Are we bargaining now? Fine. What's your offer?

Alaric: There's only one stake out there. Which means only one original has to die. Help me. And I'll make sure it's not you

Rebekah: Tenuous, but points for effort. You see, I don't want one original to die.

(She enters. He's surprised and afraid)

Rebekah: I want them all to die

Alaric: How the hell did you do that?

Rebekah: It was easy to fool Niklaus, but I thought you, of all people, would understand. After all, my son did use your body at one point

Alaric: You're not Rebekah

Rebekah: No. My name is Esther. And we have a great deal in common

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