Forever Dreaming |
04x21 - The Three Days Rule |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 04/29/09 02:33 ] |
Post subject: | 04x21 - The Three Days Rule |
Ted is in McClaren's number and its exchange with a woman. Ted: Super. So I'll call you. Woman: I hope so. The woman leaves and Ted joins Barney, Marshall and Robin at their usual table. Marshall: Look at this. Ted: I had the number of that girl. Look. Holly. Barney: Owl. The girls with a name ending in LY are dirty.Holly, Kelly, Carly, Lily. Marshall: Yeah, it's true. Barney: And not to mention the girls with names ending in I instead of a Y. These girls are like rides. You make the long tail, but once inside, you hold on, hoping not to lose your keys. Ted: You know what I'm going to do? I'll call on. I will do "you remember me? It's been a ". It's funny because I just saw. Barney: You can not. You must wait three days before calling.This is the rule. Ted: This rule is completely outdated. They know exactly what you do. I have another rule. It's a bit crazy, but I call it, "you like him, you call him." Barney: Sorry. Can you repeat that? I do not mean the I-fuck-ever. Ted: My rule of three days, it is anything. Who invented it? Barney: Jesus. Marshall: Barney, do not do that. Not with Jesus. Barney: Seriously. Jesus began this thing for three days. He waited three days to return to life. It was perfect. If he had waited one day we would not have known he was dead! They would have said: "Jesus, are you? "And Jesus would probably have said," You okay? I died yesterday! "And they would say:" You have the air alive, man. " And they should explain his resurrection. And the miracle. And then the guy would say, "Okay, whatever you want, dude." Robin: The dialogues seem pompous old now. Barney: And he will not come back on a Saturday. Everyone is busy doing chores. Weave, cut the beard. No. It looked exactly the right number of days... Three. Ted: I promise, I'll wait three days. Stop talking. Barney: And it's Sunday, they are all already in the church.They are all there, "No, Jesus died." Then, bam! He burst through the door, crossed the aisle, everyone is excited. And by the way, that's where he invented the "tope there! "3 days.We wait three days to call a woman because it is the time that Jesus wants us to wait. True story. GENERIC Ted: Okay. I promise. I will call not before three days. Ted is in the apartment. Ted (2030): But I said nothing about texting. I started with something pretty and charming. "I thought about you, then, I thought you send a text message piti." By pressing send, I realized that it was not at all charming. That was the thing that sucks the most anyone has told someone. And the worst with texting, is that once sent... can not recover them. And then...(23 minutes later...) you wait. And just when you decided to never again send a text message... (His phone rings) "I thought you too, it's crazy that you send me a text when I'm in my bath." Holly is in her bath with her phone and Robin leaves his room. Robin: What was that? Ted: What? Robin: You made a noise. Ted: This is my laptop, a text message. Robin: Not that. You made the sound of the naked girl. Ted: What? Robin: When you see a naked girl, you make noise. Ted: That's not true. Robin: Really? Flashback Ted enters the bathroom, but once spring. Ted: Sorry, Lily. Ted and Robin are watching TV. Voice: While the men hunt, women of the Korowai tribe native wash their clothes in the river. They are now in the museum. Ted: It's a breast. End flashback Robin: This is Holly who writes to you? You're not promised to wait three days? Ted: To call. Texting, it's different. Robin: Okay, just try to proclaim your sound of the naked girl. Ted: I make no noise. Robin: Really? She opens her robe and went to the bathroom while Ted is the "noise". Ted (2030): Holly and I, we had sent text messages until 2am.And all the next day, too. It seemed perfect. Ted: Holly just told me what she wears. It's pretty exciting. Robin: Whatever it is, I guarantee you she do not wear it. She lies to please you. Ted: How do you know? Robin: Because no woman in history has never, "asked to read architectural magazines in my old... uniform cheerleader. " Ted: Okay, maybe she's lying on the architectural magazines.No. This is bad. Robin: What? Ted: She just sent me a message clearly intended for someone else. Robin: "Baby, I got to eat at Generro. I come home soon. "Yes, it sounds bad, but thinking a little. It is perhaps for his brother or father who is ill. Ted: Come down. Robin: "And then I want to... you to take me on the couch."Maybe not a sick father. Father or a really sick... Right? Sorry. Robin joins Marshall and Barney at the bar. Robin: Hi guys! What is it? Marshall: A meal that I Generro back to Lily. Robin: Bizarre. Holly sent a message to Ted talking about a meal Generro. A second. Band of bastards! Barney: What? Robin: You are Holly! So Ted did not send messages to Holly? He sent to you? Barney: We knew he would try to call three days before, so I took his cell phone and changed his number from mine. Marshall: We wanted to call the chopper too early, but then he... sent text messages. Flashback Marshall and Barney are at the bar. Barney: "Piti texting"? Marshall: Poor, little Ted. It should... He should say it estnous. Barney: Yeah. Or... it pretends to Holly and we are in the bath. Marshall: It's better. It was funny. He should say that it is us. Barney: It should. Or... it is said that red is our favorite color and found the look "cowboy" sexy. Marshall: It's better. Ted was at the apartment in a bathrobe and cowboy boots. Ted: I wear them right now and they are very sexy. Barney: He put the boots! Marshall: He bluntly put! It was great! But it's time to tell him that he wears. Barney: Or... we remove our shirts. Marshall: It's better. Barney: Maybe that door below, a black bra with lace. Marshall: I believe that wearing anything underneath. Barney: It is hot. Marshall: There, he wears only cowboy boots! Here we go! Barney: Too! Tell him we slowly drag our... What do we do? Marshall: I think we'll... have sex with Ted. End flashback Robin: You did this all day? This is wicked. Marshall: No, actually it was for his good. It protects it from itself. He really likes this girl. He had that look. Barney: The crazy eyes, "I'm going too fast and I will fuck up everything." Marshall: The same he had with you the first time. Barney: We all know what it gave. Flashback Ted dances with Robin. Ted: I'm in love with you. Robin: What? End flashback Robin: I was a single case. This is not Holly Robin Scherbatsky. What is wrong with her hair? News Flash: detangling, it exists for not having a helmet. I'm so mean. Marshall: It's been that Ted did not like someone. He stored much... We thought him to say "I love you" when he contacted her. Barney: And it's coming. It shows all the telltale signs. Marshall: First: he jokes with the marriage. Barney: "You like architecture? We should get married. Ha-ha.MDR. Just kidding. So what? " Marshall: Deuzio: it's far too early suggestions crazy travel. Barney: "I like beer. We should go to Germany. MDR. JP.MDR. " Marshall: Third: it says too early personal things. Barney: "My parents divorced two years there. It was really hard. MDR. " Robin: And he really knows not what means MDR. Marshall: Yeah, but that's the problem. Ted did not say "I love you" as easily as we thought. Barney: And then we met Stan. Flashback Marshall and Barney are still at the bar texting. Stan: Why do you so much noise? End flashback Marshall: So, he explained everything and once finished, there was something fascinating. Flashback Stan: Why not say you know it's there, thinking of you, concerned about you, and you feel safe? Your fears, your past disappear. And that the only hope is the promise of a hug. End flashback Robin: Super Stan. Who is it? Barney: A guard who works nights. Marshall: He eats here every day. Barney: And he had not finished. Marshall: Far from it. Flashback Stan: I thank God for every mistake I made, because each of them told me the path that led me to you. Marshall: It's... really nice. Barney: No matter. It's OK. Ted sits at the apartment to read a text message. Holly: "And when, finally, we will be together, I want you to enlaces. " Stan: Hug me all night. Stroking my hair. Tell me I'm a woman and show me that you are a man. Until there is now. You and me... and now. Marshall: You want me to send it to Ted. I knew it. Holly: "I do not ask someone to explain the night. I wait and it envelops me. And you're like bread, light and shadow. " Stan: This is Pablo Neruda. Marshall: I do not know... what comes to the bread here, but it touches me... here... and here. Barney: Well, if Ted does not say, I will. I love you. Stan: That's cool. Still nothing? Marshall: It is perhaps not in love with us. Barney: How is this possible? It's all there waiting! Marshall: I do not understand men. Stan: I go to work. Marshall: Do... you come back? Stan: I'll be back when the wind, destiny and luck will take me back. That is to say tomorrow. This is the day of the cheesesteak. End flashback Robin: That guy you fell in love. I hope his girlfriend is not jealous. He spoke of a friend or...? Barney: All was well until he sends a text message for Lily and ruins everything. Robin: It's okay. It's over now. I have to leave, but that's what happens: you call it now, tell him what you did and apologize.Got it? Barney: Yes. (Barney out of the bar) Or... Robin returned to the apartment. Ted: Holly explained everything to me, it was just a misunderstanding. All is well now. Robin: Really? How she explained the scope of texting? Ted: Apparently, his idiot friend of Marsha accidentally used his phone for a message to her husband Billy. Robin: Marsha and Billy. They are not trampled. Ted: And now I feel better than ever. It sounds crazy, but I think that I am attached to this girl. Robin: You cling to Barney and Marshall. Ted: What? Robin: They did not believe that you'd wait three days, so Barney has changed his number by that of his work laptop.Holly is Barney and Marshall. Ted: Wait. It was them all along? So Holly was not in his bath?Or sitting by the window, gazing at the stars thinking of me? Or on his couch cheerleader reading architecture magazines? Robin: I think they have done that. They were just at the bar. Ted: It's true. Robin: Yes, it was them. Ted: Incredible! Robin: I know. You should tell them that you are not fooled. Ted: Or... I send them a text message that will really confuse them. Robin: I see. Why not: "I have told anyone yet, but I only have three months to live"? Ted: Not bad. And: "I killed a man with a shovel, and those feelings resurface"? Robin: I love this thing someone said about three months to live. Ted: "I've never told anyone but I slept with the mother of my best friend. " Robin: It's good, but I think it comes down to trick the three months to live. Ted: Wait. I think I have. Marshall and Barney are in the latter's office. Marshall: He replied! "I probably should not tell you, finally, we barely knew, but never mind, I say it anyway. " Barney: That's it, man. This is the "I love you." Marshall: I would like Stan to be there. Barney: Stan. What? Marshall: "I sometimes have dreams about my gay best friend." Barney: "I sometimes have dreams about my gay best friend. " Marshall: Ted Why send text messages to a girl he barely knows, where he says he dreams about me gay? Barney: Easy. You? He speaks clearly to me. Marshall: Dude, I'm his best friend. Barney: Okay, one: It has never been proven. Two: If anyone had any dreams about gays one of us would be on me! Finally, look at me. Now look at you. An octogenarian still in her closet would not be in this state. Marshall: That's the trick. I hug you, no. Who would not want to cuddle in this case, on Sunday morning? Wrapped in the quilt while it is raining, and there are muffins in the oven. I'm cuddly, bitch. You must do. Barney: I train every day. One thing we know about Ted is that he likes a nice body. This body would vibrate. Marshall: Ted and I, we lived. I know what he likes. There are things I can do it... he époustoufleraient Why do they sleep with Ted? Barney: I know. It's weird. Barney and Marshall are in McClaren's with Robin. Barney: Crazy, no? Ted had dreams about me gay. Marshall: And by "me", he means Marshall Eriksen, star of Ted's gay dreams. Robin: So what? So Ted has gay dreams about one of you. It's not as if he had three months to live. It would... Shocking, no? Marshall: Look at this guy. How is my best friend for 12 years? Ted: It's a bit weird, but... I had a strange dream yesterday. It's a bit embarrassing. Barney: You can tell us. This is a secure area. Marshall: Your feelings are quite natural. Ted: That's what happened. Ted (2030): And I wasted half an hour of life of these bastards, tell them about this dream where I dine with my top 5 best architects. Ted: Then at the end of the meal, Frank Gehry addition to the slides and IM Pei said, "Friend, tonight is your name I Paye."Buckminster Fuller was almost choking. And I woke up. Marshall: That's it? Barney: No more dreams? Nothing disturbing or erotic? Marshall: OK, what do you say that. You know that someday in the future, machines will rebel? Ted: Of course. Marshall: So, the machines... killed everyone. And there are only you, me, and Barney. Who among us would you... you? Ted: And.. why should I "make me" one of you? Barney: Machines force you. They want to watch. That's how they erupt. Ted: It's hard. I imagine it would be... Holly. Robin told me everything. That's why I invented everything. Guys, here is Holly. And I have not waited for your precious three days to call. I knew where she was working so I found. Let me ask you? It was too early? Holly: I loved that he called me right away. It's very romantic.And I do not assoies home to read architectural magazines uniformed cheerleader. I do it naked. Ted: Holly and I are going to dinner. Holly: I'll meet you outside. Holly leaves the bar. Marshall: Sorry. It was just trying to help you. Barney: And also, it was really funny. Ted: I do not need help, OK? I can look after myself. And yes, maybe some girls do not like to be called away or they may say too, but guess what? These are not good for me. Maybe the good is the one that loves me to do that, because... this is who I am and I will not change because of a stupid rule of the Three Days. Holly spells his name with an "I". Ted (2030): I had proved that the Rule of Three Days was wrong and I went out to dinner with a pretty girl. And so far, I have told anyone the truth about this hot date. Ted is the restaurant with Holly. Holly: It's funny! I also love indie music. We should get married. I laugh. Or not? I laugh again. That's it. We go to Brazil together! I saw my doctor this morning, he told me that everything was settled, so I can go. I think I love you. Ted (2030): Finally, I did not have to wait three days, but Holly should really have. Like many rules, sometimes you follow them and sometimes not. But I will say this. When I was your mother's number, I called immediately. Marshall and Barney are at the bar with Stan when Robin arrives. Stan: Hi, friends. Barney: You work right? Stan: I took leave. Marshall: Great! We can have fun! Stan: I can not. I have a date. Ready? Robin: Yes. Barney: What... Marshall: Wait. You can not just sit there and have your date with us? Barney: Yeah, it will be fun! Look, I'm kidding! It explodes! Do you like magic? Stan: Friends. It's time to say goodbye. We all shared a special afternoon and it's something I cherish. I will never forget you. Robin by the arm of Stan. Robin: You know their names? Stan: No. The large, this is Ted? Robin: No, it's Marshall. Married to Lily. Stan: OK. Do you like chicken wings? The End |
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