Forever Dreaming |
04x24 - The Leap |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 05/20/09 21:13 ] |
Post subject: | 04x24 - The Leap |
Ted (2030): Each architect has a building that changed his career. For me it was to my 31st birthday. It was not a museum or a concert hall or a skyscraper. It was something else. Man: We opened a restaurant called the Rib Town, we want it shaped... The band of friends is to McClaren's. Ted:... hat cowboy. Listen, I need this job. I have no other option. Robin: You can always do prof. Ted: I have not worked as hard to finish in a crappy job. Get me wrong, Lily. Lily: I was pissed 3 times this morning. I can not say. Ted: I pass this building, so I see you in three days. He leaves the bar to go home and get to drawing. Ted (2030): The next three days, I worked as ever. And it led me... nowhere. Barney enters the apartment where Ted is still trying to design a building. Barney: What are you doing? Ted: A hat-shaped building. Barney: It's time to talk? Ted: No. Barney: What do you think of Robin? Ted: I have to really work, so... Barney: Awesome. Say that is a tailor and you have found a nice suit. A nice suit Canada. Superb chest. You try it, but it does not suit you perfectly. So you return it. Then I try it. I'm not too keen... a suit that you have caught the eye, but at the same time, I love this costume. Ted: Buy the costume. It is important to you. Tell him how you feel. Barney: But Ted, remember your answer, because... The costume is Robin. I know! Okay? Ted: I'm with you. Barney: Now. For I have explained. Ted: What... Ted Barney greenhouse in his arms. GENERIC Marshall: Come on, man, you're on it for three days without stopping. This is your birthday. Come have a beer on the roof. Ted: Impossible, the presentation is tomorrow. These hats are not alone. Marshall: That's a big restaurant for tourists. Just put wide doors and chairs strengthened. Birthday beer on the roof. Let's go! Ted: Why do you want as I go on the roof? You made me a surprise party? Marshall: What? We brought you a surprise party, last year.Thou shalt have no surprises on two holidays. The fact that the world has come to the first was surprising. Not? Two surprises on Christmas! It is very strong! It is very strong! Great!(Marshall goes on the roof) Super... It still will not mount. Robin: Come on. This is boring! I knew it was a bad idea. Marshall: Yes, Robin, I know. This festival is... is... a disaster.It was my idea. I take responsibility. There is one thing to do. Lily: Marshall, no. Marshall: Lily, I have to! (He stands on the edge of the roof) It's useless to procrastinate. Ted (2030): I should explain. A few years earlier... Flashback Ted, Marshall and Barney are on the roof with an inflatable pool. Barney: Forget it. It really is not class. At best, it sucks. Marshall: You know who knows how to live? These people. Ted (2030): The terrace of the building next door. A paradise waiting for us behind a pit of 2 or 3 meters. And the best... Marshall: It looks to be a... sacred... spa. Barney: Owl. How do we go? We will do what? Jump? Marshall mounted on the edge of the roof. Marshall: I can jump it. Ted: Recently, you need two tries to get up from the couch.You can not skip it. Marshall: Really? Ted: Really. Marshall: Look. Ted (2030): But he did not jump. An hour later... Marshall is always on the edge of the roof while Ted and Barney are in the pool. Barney: Actually, it's not bad. Ted: Right? Ted (2030): And the following years, he continued to try. But each time, without exception... He did not jump. End flashback Marshall: Do not worry. If I can jump tonight, it will save the evening. Lily: Honey, come down here, please. Marshall: When Evel Knievel rode his rocket star on the shore of Snake River Canyon, you think his wife said "Honey, come down here '? Lily: For the last time, I'm not Linda Knievel! I will never be Linda Knievel! Marshall: No need to remind me. Ted is still on the drawing of his building. Lily: Marshall, do not do that. Do not jump, please. Marshall: Sorry, but I have to. Lily: You can not. Marshall: Why? Lily: You want a reason? You're going to have one. I am pregnant. Marshall: My God! My God, really? I saw you look fat... Lily: I was lying, bastard! Go ahead, jump! I hope u gonna die! Marshall: This is the permission I needed. Barney: Look, Robin... I must tell you something. Robin: Wait. Before that, I must tell you something. Barney: What is it? Robin: I think I love you. Ted is a goat in her kitchen. Marshall is still on the edge of the roof when the phone rings from Lily. Lily: This is Ted. Everyone! Ted, are you? Ted: She's here, Lily. She looks at me. Lily: What? Ted: The goat. Ted (2030): I have already told you some of the history of the goat. Fash-back Ted (2030): When Aunt Lily a farmer invited to speak to his class how he brought the goat, and told the class what he would do later. How Aunt Lily, in a fit of kindness, bought a goat to commute his sentence. End flashback Barney: It's been an incredible thing. I was talking to Robin, I would tell him my feelings, but just before, you will believe what ever she said. Flashback Robin: I think I love you. End flashback Lily: You said what? Barney: In your opinion? What we can say to that? Flashback Barney: Robin, you're great listening. You're really great, but we're friends. This is not a good idea. Robin: You must be right. Have fun. Barney: You too, sweetie. End flashback Lily: What? Barney: Once she told me that, more than feelings. I'm more in love. Lily: You were in love with her, throughout the year and when she feels the same, you love him more. Barney: It's not great? Ted draws again and again while the goat eats a cloth. Ted: It's a wuss. Not food. (He takes the mop in the bathroom and closes the door behind him) How...? On the roof, Marshall is still trying to jump from the roof terrace managed to go next door. Marshall: It is. It... is... go! It is. Barney: Tracey, tell Lily what you just said. Tracey: What I just arrived in New York? Barney: No, how you've arrived there. Tracey: I just get off the bus from Iowa. Barney: Come off the bus from Iowa! How lucky that apprentice... dancer off the bus from Iowa... meeting... the producer of the Rockettes? Tracey: I believe in a classic story of showbiz. Lily: Honey, you're there. You're really there. Barney: You can make us one of those rum and beer, that your father loves so much? Tracey: Of course! Lily: Damn. Barney: What? Lily: Everyone always says, "Do not tell Lily. Lily can not keep a secret. "And, usually, they are right. But this time I kept the secret. And here you come with that crap and you force me to become the Lily will spill the beans! Barney: What song? There was a piece? Lily: There was a song. Flashback Barney: The costume is Robin. I know! Okay? Ted: I'm with you. Barney: Now. As I explained... Ted: What... Barney takes Ted into his arms while Robin is in her room and heard everything. Robin: Shit. Marshall, Lily and Robin are at the bar. Lily: He said that? My God! What an incredible surprise! Robin: You know since when? Lily is 8 months. Robin: And you've said anything since? Bravo. Marshall: Bravo, Lily. I mean, what a bomb. Who saw this coming? Robin: You know since when? Marshall: 7 months and 29 days. Robin: I will do what? Lily: I know. Are you gonna do? Robin: I'll marry Barney in a large church. We'll move to New Hampshire and open cottages. Marshall: Really? Robin: No! This is Barney. I mean... This is Barney. But it's Barney. I have to say no. Lily: Boy, you're going to break her... The thing that this black mud pump through his veins. Robin: You're right. For the first time he likes a girl, she pushes him away? And not just any girl. It's going to destroy it. Marshall: OK, first... Second, there is a trick you can try. It's risky, but it can pay off. Lack of anything better, I'll call it... The Mosby. Robin: The Mosby? Lily: No, she can not mosbyser. Marshall: It could squarely mosbyser. Robin: What is the Mosby? Marshall: Do you remember your first time with Ted? You wanted to get on the train Ted, visit his yard. Robin: I was ready to jump the turnstile. Marshall: What changed everything? Ted and Robin dance. Ted: I think I love you. Robin: What? Robin: The Mosby! It's great! And... excuse me. Marshall: You're really pretty, but abnormally high and you will not believe in ghosts. End flashback Barney: So... when she said love me, she meant... otherwise. Lily: That's it. It worked well. You are back to normal. Barney: Yes. It's true. And it's great. It's great. (Tracey returns) So Robin does not like me. Lily: No. Barney: Why? At the apartment... Ted: Mr. Goat? (He tries to open the bathroom but the door is closed) M. The goat? Enough. (He manages to enter) Crazy Goat. I do not understand your fascination with this mop. It should be normal with a brain the size of a... The goat runs toward him. On the roof... Lily: Marshall, you can pick up Ted? Marshall: I was about to jump. You've not heard saying "OK" loop? Lily: I'm sorry. Go ahead and jump. Marshall: It's good. Sorry, everyone. Lily does not want me jumping. (He descends from the rim) Thank God. Marshall found Ted lying on the ground and the goat on top of him. Ted: The hospital! At the hospital... Lily: What has happened? Ted: It happened... you left a wild animal in our apartment. I've been attacked. Lily: This is the sweetest and adorable goat in the world. Ted: "The sweetest and adorable goat in the world"? Ted (2030): I lacked sleep, it was certainly not like that, but that's how I remember it. Flashback Ted struggles with the goat. End flashback Doctor: You're the one who wanted to be a goat? Ted: It's the goat jumped on me! Can I go? Doctor: Yes. But remember, "Bee" means "bee". Ted: Great, I'm late for my presentation. Thank you, Mr. Goat. Lily: Mr. Goat? It's a girl. Her name is Missy. Marshall: You got beat by a girl. Ted leaves the room followed by Marshall and Lily. Barney: So... You're in love with me? Robin: What? Yes. Much. Barney: You can stop. Lily told me everything. Robin: Damn, Lily! Barney: I can not believe it. Robin: It's just... You mean to me, Barney. And... This kind of stuff, the emotional side. This is not your type. I thought you avoid that. Barney: Maybe I will not avoid it. I am perhaps. I have not wanted for a long time. But with you, it does not look so...difficult. I know not. I thought... you felt the same. Robin: Maybe. I know not. I am not good to face the feelings.There is clearly something... between us. Maybe my head said, "stifles it in the bud" because my heart said... something else. Listen... I feel for you. Maybe even that I love you. Barney: It's going pretty fast, do not you think? Robin: What? Barney: We're good friends. Why risk everything? Friends? Robin: Friends. Barney: My God. You just do it again. You've mosbysé! Robin: But no. Barney: But if, little flirtatious. Robin: You're right. I've just mosbyser. Barney: Why are you scared to try? Robin: Because I'm afraid of how I could love you. Barney: Bad idea. Robin: You're right. There must be a mistake. Barney: No. Robin: I love you. Barney: Friends. Robin: Friends, then. Barney: I love you. Robin: Let's get married. Barney: No, you're smothering me. Robin: OK, forget it. They kiss. Barney: You know what? We'll see later. Robin: Yeah, let's go. They finally come out of the hospital room. Ted (2030): It was a long and crazy night, but in the morning, against all odds, I made my presentation. Ted: There he is, gentlemen. Rib Town. Is it not? Is it not? Man: Ted, listen. You are great and you did a... great job, and you'll make other restaurants very happy one day, but... we...decided to go... in another direction. Ted: What? Man 2: Treat yourself with... Rib Town! Ted: Sven... At the apartment... Marshall: I'll tell you, I will eat more chops. Barney: Yeah, right. Marshall: I will not eat.. never... chops! Before Ted! Ted: It's a disaster. How I will recover? Lily: OK, I'm just asking. You really want to recover? Ted: What does that mean? Lily: Architecture is killing you and it kills us to see her kill you.You're like the goat with the mop. You want it so much, and whenever the world try to get the resume, it hooks you. But you know what? This is only a wimp. Why do you want? Ted: Because I have to be an architect. This is... That's the plan. Lily: In the crapper, the plan. I wanted to be a famous artist.Marshall wanted to be environmental lawyer. Robin wanted to be a TV reporter. Robin: I am a TV reporter. I am on the air at 4am. Lily: It continues? Bravo. Robin: What someone looks, please. Lily: Barney wanted to be a violinist. Need not tell me. You can not draw your life as a building. It does not work like that. You must live it and draw it to itself. Ted: So what, I should do anything? Lily: Look what the world tells you to do and took the leap. Marshall: You're right. You're completely right. I love you, Lily. Lily: A metaphorical leap. A metaphorical leap! All: Do not do that. Not cool. Marshall arrives and jump off the roof on the terrace opposite. Marshall: I did it! Lily: Honey, you did it! Marshall: I can do anything! Lily: It's true! Marshall: I bought a motorcycle! Lily: No, not at all! Marshall: OK, sorry. Come on, guys. Robin jumps in turn, then Barney, followed by Lily and Ted. Ted (2030): This is the year that I was left at the altar. The year I was a bartender tared Knocked The year I got fired. The year I got beat by a goat. A girl goat, and more. Yet it was the best year of my life. Because if this had not happened, I never had the best job of my life. But most importantly, I would not have met your mother, because as you know... It was in this class.Of course, this story is just beginning. The End |
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