Forever Dreaming

4x10 - The Blood Line
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/06/14 17:52 ]
Post subject:  4x10 - The Blood Line

Original Airdate: 9 Sep, 2011

[Shanghai hovel]

GWEN: When I was about five or six, my dad came home from work early and I knew there was something wrong. I could hear voices from the kitchen. So I looked through the door and I could see him crying. It turns out money had gone missing from work and he'd got the blame. So I went to get all my pocket money and I put it in his hand. It must've been about £2.50. And he looked at me and he said, it's not about the money. He said, I can't stand anyone thinking I'm not an honest man. And I will always remember that. Always. Because that was the first time in my life anybody had spoken to me like an adult. And then we went to the back garden and we played till dark. So that's my dad, Geraint Wyn Cooper, the nicest man in the world. And today's the day that I kill him.

[Buenos Aires warehouse]

(The two units are in communications with each other. Rex squeezes a drop of Jack's blood from a pouch and watches it roll across the floor.)

REX: Whoa.

ESTHER: Oh, my God.

REX: All right, that's it. I'm done. You know, I've seen some crazy shit with Torchwood, but now I'm at the limit.

[Shanghai hovel / Buenos Aires warehouse]

GWEN: So we've got blood heading northwest, fifteen degrees thirty eight minutes thirty nine seconds north. What have you got?

ESTHER: Er, it's heading southeast, twenty three degrees six minutes four seconds south.

GWEN: You keep that blood safe. They've destroyed blood banks in both cities. That's got to be important.

REX: I've got it. It's safe.

(Jack groans.)

REX: Who was that?

GWEN: Damn it.

REX: Is that World War Two? What's wrong?

JACK: It feels like all the blood inside me is trying to get out, churning.

REX: Tell me about it.

JACK: Why? What's wrong with you?

ESTHER: You're not the only one affected by the Miracle. It saved Rex's life and we don't know what happens next if we stop this thing. Maybe death catches up with him.

REX: Okay, okay, enough with the superstition. Let's get back to the mission, people.

GWEN: If both cities are connected underground, it's like a pole.

JACK: A secondary pole. The magnetic pole goes north to south, and now this, from Buenos Aires to Shanghai.

REX: What is it?

[Shanghai Blessing chamber]

(The Mother speaks Mandarin to three men carrying boxes.)

MOTHER: Forgive me, but according to our contacts there are forces moving in, so we're advancing the plan. Midnight tonight, long after we're gone, we're blowing this whole thing sky high.

JILLY: Won't that stop the Miracle?

MOTHER: On the contrary. It'll become never-ending. The Blessing won't be hurt, just buried so that no one can ever change it again.

[Shanghai hovel / Buenos Aires warehouse]

(Gwen has a compass.)

GWEN: I'm gonna follow. If I keep going fifteen degrees thirty eight minutes north, I'll find it. Wait for my call. And Rex, Esther, you take care, okay? You never know. We might meet in the middle.

REX: Yeah, well, I guess there's a first time for everything.

ESTHER: Good luck.

REX: And hey, you take care. Don't do those stupid, lame-ass Torchwood things. Be professional for once.

GWEN: Like you taught me, yeah?

REX: Yeah, that's right. Just like I taught you.

ESTHER: See you soon, yeah? When all this is over.

DANES: Speaking as a man who's walked to his death, can I say I did it with a lot less sentiment?

GWEN: Just you wait. If this goes right, murder's coming back.

(Gwen holsters her gun and leaves.)

REX: Jack, listen to me. I've got no choice now. I need to bring in the CIA. for backup. Because if we find this place, we're gonna have to move in and take it fast and hard.

JACK: Don't give away our location. Keep Torchwood a secret. Promise?

REX: Sure. And hey, let's meet up for drinks afterwards.

[Buenos Aires warehouse]

REX: (to Esther) Well, you always wanted to be a part of Clandestine, didn't you? Well, you just got promoted.

(He makes a call.)

REX: Yeah, this is Rex Matheson.

[CIA Analysts office]

(Shapiro takes the call, then comes out of his office.)

SHAPIRO: Ladies and gentlemen. As of this moment Clandestine is running this room. I am declaring special ops, station one, as designated by field Agent Rex Matheson. Adam, secure linkup. Charlotte, we're gonna need translation in this room now.

CHARLOTTE: Yes, sir. What language?

SHAPIRO: Spanish. We need experts in Rioplatense Spanish. Now, listen up, everybody. It's eleven oh nine am. in DC, twelve oh nine pm in Buenos Aires. To confirm, this operation is active in Buenos Aires.

[Shanghai Blessing chamber]

MOTHER: Buenos Aires, this is Shanghai. We're setting detonation at twelve midnight. Confirm one pm your location. Over.

COUSIN [OC]: One hour post meridian confirmed.

[Buenos Aires Blessing chamber]

COUSIN: What a beautiful day. Over.

(The descendant of Ablemarch goes up the stairs as his guards start to set their explosives. He gives instructions in Spanish.)

[Shanghai Blessing chamber]

MOTHER: Buenos Aires and Shanghai, perfect antipodes, give or take a hundred miles or so. There's a slight deviation, because the Earth's not a perfect sphere. Are you getting all this?

(Jilly is recording it on her phone.)

JILLY: Oh, yes. Every word. If that runs right through the centre of the Earth, why isn't this thing a volcano?

MOTHER: Again, no idea. Isn't that wonderful? The laws of The Blessing are beyond us. That's why it took us so long to work out what it can do.

JILLY: How did you even find it?

MOTHER: Well, we had to wait until the world grew up, until the information age became fast enough so we could crunch the numbers on a massive scale. Facts became visible that were never visible before, such as a tiny little statistic hidden in the heart of Shanghai Old Town. The average life expectancy of those living within a two mile radius of this point was exactly equal to the average life expectancy of the world, and it always had been. Say in 1998, the average life expectancy from birth on this planet was sixty six years, five months and thirty three days. In this area in Shanghai, it was sixty six years, five months and thirty three days exactly. Try going back a hundred years to 1898. The average life expectancy was forty nine years, nine months and five days. Shanghai, forty nine years, nine months, five days. It was as if something on this spot was calibrating a matrix, subsisting alongside humankind in harmony.

JILLY: But the Chinese didn't know about it.

MOTHER: We paid them to look the other way.

JILLY: It does make you seem kind of colonial.

MOTHER: Well, is that such a bad word? Besides, we changed the whole of the world, and this is just phase one.

[Buenos Aires warehouse / CIA Analysts office]

REX: Mister Shapiro, sir.

SHAPIRO: This is Sandra Lopez. She's handling translation.

REX: Buenos dies, para usted. (something) del Argentina.

SANDRA: He said good morning, sir.

SHAPIRO: Listen, Rex, confirming your request for armed support. Your liaison is going to be Captain Federico Santos. Now he's gonna need strict ratification. The Argentinean army is not allowed by law to get involved in civil conflicts on their own soil.

REX: Yeah, well, these are the three Families, sir. They can classify it as a North American incursion. Oh, and by the way, Esther needs help. She's with me.

SHAPIRO: If you mean Esther Drummond, can I just point out she's officially on the run from the CIA?

NOAH: I knew it.

CHARLOTTE: She'd follow him anywhere.

SHAPIRO: Miss Drummond, remind me to arrest you when this is all over.

ESTHER: Yes, sir. Now I need a check on all properties, residences and businesses falling in the path of this line. Sending it to you now.

[CIA Analysts office]

CHARLOTTE: But that's one of the densest populations on Earth. With a backwards economy, half that information won't even be recorded.

SANDRA: Excuse me, but foreign investment's still rare in Argentina, so we've been tracking contract intensive money since 1980. The information's on file just waiting to be filtered.

CHARLOTTE: Excellent. Good call. Thank you.

NOAH: Hey, might be a good time to start that trace.

SHAPIRO: What, in the middle of all this? It's not tested. I mean, it could bring down the whole system. I want that line passed through every single intel division.

CHARLOTTE: Hey. So, what's the trace?

NOAH: Er, it's new software from the DIA. So, the three Families, they use that vine technology to piggyback their calls on fifty thousand different lines. But the trace runs backwards, so it detects vine activity and then follows it back to the source. If there's a mole working in this department, it means we can find him.

CHARLOTTE: Excellent. Good news.

[Shanghai shop]

(Gwen is following a straight line regardless of obstacles, and angry Chinese women.)

GWEN: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I am sorry. I've just got to keep going fifteen degrees north and your shop is in the way, so tough, really.

(She comes to a very stout door.)

GWEN: Whoa. I need to get out. Can I get out?

(The woman speaks Mandarin.)

GWEN: Well, if you open it, you get rid of me, okay? So door, gone, me bye bye.


GWEN: No door? Why no door?

CHINESE WOMAN: Bad place. Many ghost.

GWEN: Okay, listen. If you open that door, I will give you all the money in the world. Yeah?

(Gwen holds out a bundle of notes, and the woman takes it.)

GWEN: Yeah?

(Gwen is let out into an alleyway which ends in a blank door. The alleyway Jilly walked down. She gets a bad vibe and returns to the shop.)

CHINESE WOMAN: Very bad, yes?

GWEN: Very, very bad.

(She phones the hovel.)

GWEN: I think I found it.

[Shanghai hovel]

JACK: Oswald, we're moving.

[Buenos Aires warehouse]

REX: Esther, this is Captain Santos, Fourth Manoeuvre Unit, Second Brigade.

ESTHER: I think they found it.

[CIA Analysts office]

NOAH: There's been no paperwork around this site since 2001. Access is via an alleyway running between South Pacheco Street and Rivadavia.

SHAPIRO: What's the name of the alley?

NOAH: Well, that's the point, sir.

SANDRA: It's not designated. It hasn't got a name.

NOAH: Just like the three Families. They wiped it off the map. All right, that's it. Rex, prepare to mobilise.

(Charlotte tries to warn her employers.)

[Shanghai hovel]

JACK: Anything you don't need, leave behind.

DANES: We're coming back though, isn't that right? We're coming back?

JACK: I don't know. Are we? So much for your death fetish when it all gets too real, huh? Still, that victim of yours, Susie Cabina, how much choice did she have?

DANES: Who are you?

JACK: Captain Jack Harkness.

DANES: No. I spent a long time in prison, and I know the smile of a man who's done terrible things. And your friends, I've been watching them. Sometimes they like you, sometimes they love you and sometimes, just once or twice, glittering away in those tiny little gaps, they fear you.

JACK: I'm from the future.

DANES: Well, now.

JACK: I come from the future.

DANES: Then you must know. Do we make it through this day?

JACK: The future can change. It's being written right now. But one thing I do know. I've seen the stars. I have seen the Universe. I have seen the human race become vast and magnificent and endless. And I wish you could see it, Oswald. I wish you could see that too. Because then you'd know how small you've made your life.

[Shanghai shop / Swansea home]

(While she is waiting for Jack and Danes, Gwen calls home.)

GWEN: It's me. Still alive.

RHYS: You'd better be or there'll be trouble. Anwen says hello.

GWEN: No, she doesn't. She's tiny. She hasn't got a clue.

RHYS: All right, okay.

GWEN: Sorry. Ready?

RHYS: Yeah, we can get into the camp. Andy's worked it out. He's here now. He's got me this police visa. That should get me in.

ANDY: Torchwood calls and here I am.

GWEN: Tell him thanks.

RHYS: She says thanks.

ANDY: She'll be the death of me.

RHYS: The trouble is, there's only the one visa, so we can't get your mom in.

MARY: I wouldn't go, not to that godforsaken place.

RHYS: Andy's checked the list and your dad, he's still there, Category One. He's in one of the wards. They haven't sent him. They haven't sent him off yet. Is there anything you want me to say to him, Gwen? I mean

GWEN: I feel like I'm killing him. Because if this goes right, the Miracle ends, my father dies.

RHYS: Well, you know what? Let him die. I mean, bless the poor bugger. I mean, he's had his time. You just come back alive. You got that?

MARY: She'd better. Tell her for me.

RHYS: Yeah, you come back or I will be furious.

GWEN: All right, will do. Got to go.

[Shanghai shop]


GWEN: Yes, I am.

(Gwen is offered a cup of tea.)

CHINESE WOMAN: Crazy girl.

GWEN: Yes, that's me. Thank you. Cheers.

[Outside the Buenos Aires warehouse]

(Rex is briefing Santos as Esther loads her gear into the army truck.)

REX: And if that happens, the regrouping will go through me. We'll have to ratify that with Washington.

SOLDIER: I help you, yes? Give it to me.

ESTHER: Thank you. There you go.

SOLDIER: We take care. American goods.

ESTHER: And that.

(The case of Jack's blood.)

SOLDIER: Thanks.

ESTHER: Someone help me up?

(But Rex doubles over in pain, so Esther runs back to him.)

ESTHER: Are you all right?

SANTOS: You okay? What's wrong?

ESTHER: He was injured.

(A soldier starts to break into the blood case.)

REX: No, no. No, it's, it's nothing. It's just an old war wound.

ESTHER: It's getting worse.

(The soldier starts speaking rapidly in Spanish, including the word Familia, and his fellows aim their weapons at him. He appears to be holding the trigger for a bomb. They shoot him, but the truck explodes anyway.)

(Santos tries to radio in.)

SANTOS: Capitan Santos

(Rex grabs the radio and smashes it.)

REX: No, no, no, no! We're dead! Don't you get it? We're dead! We were in that explosion. Come on, let's go inside. Let's go. Get up.

[CIA Analysts office]

CHARLOTTE: Sir, we've lost radio contact. The link with the army just cut dead.

SHAPIRO: Can't have. Get hold of them.

(Sandra tries. The satellite feed on the big screen moves over to the warehouse area.)

SANDRA: That's an explosion.

NOAH: That's special ops station two, sir. That's Rex and Esther.

[Buenos Aires warehouse]

SANTOS: All my men.

REX: Captain, snap out of it. On your feet. Now, listen to me. I need you to go to that base, okay? But I want you to tell them that we died. Understand that? Now look, you can try to get another squad, but do not tell them that Esther and I are still running, okay?

SANTOS: What are you gonna do?

REX: They think that we're already dead. So now's the perfect time, and I'm going in on my own.

ESTHER: I'm coming with you.

REX: Oh, shit. Fine, yeah, whatever. Come here.

SANTOS: But you've only got handguns. There's just two of you. You need more than that!

ESTHER: Our special weapon went up in smoke.

REX: We had the blood. The only mortal blood in the world and it's on that truck.

(Esther's phone rings.)

ESTHER: It's Gwen.

REX: Don't answer it. Everyone needs to think that we're dead, okay? Now, come on, let's go. Let's move.

[CIA Analysts office]

SHAPIRO: Somebody betrayed us. They had information inside the Directorate. All right, Miller, run that trace.

NOAH: I need clearance from the

SHAPIRO: I don't care about the protocols. I don't care if it brings down the whole pissing system. Run the trace and find the bastard. Now, let's go!

NOAH: Okay. If there's a vine this should track it right down to the handset.

(As the trace starts to lock onto digits, Charlotte leaves her station. She goes into Shapiro's - formerly Friedkin's - office and retrieves a small package from the back of a filing cabinet drawer. As it goes into her handbag she activates it. Then she returns to where Noah and Shapiro are doing the trace and puts her bag on the desk next to them.)

CHARLOTTE: Any luck?

SHAPIRO: Almost.

CHARLOTTE: I hope you catch that traitor.

(She leaves her bag there and goes to find the translator.)

CHARLOTTE: Oh, hey, Sandra. I think Mister Shapiro wanted to see you.

SANDRA: Okay. Thanks.

(Charlotte heads for the exit.)

SANDRA: You wanted to see me, sir?

SHAPIRO: No. What for?

(Just one digit left. 202-555-013?)

SANDRA: I don't know. That analyst said


SANDRA: I'm sorry, what's her name?

(Phone registered to Charlotte Wills.)

NOAH: Charlotte?

(Shapiro spots her bag.)

SHAPIRO: Oh, fuck.

(KaBOOM! It knocks Charlotte off her feet.)

CHARLOTTE: What's going on? What was that? Was that a bomb?

[Shanghai shop]

(Jack and Danes burst in, to the consternation of the woman.)

JACK: Okay, what have we got?

GWEN: The sublink's just said there's been an explosion in Buenos Aires. Special ops. It's Esther and Rex.

DANES: They're dead?

GWEN: What do you care? Why don't you just shut it!

JACK: Okay. Oh! Look, I'm sorry, but we can't do this, not now.

GWEN: This is about you, Jack. If the Miracle is connected to your blood, then God help them, but they had the only reserve. The only blood we have now is in you.

JACK: Then I'd better be careful.

GWEN: But you could die this time.

JACK: That's the game.

GWEN: Yeah.

(Jack hugs Gwen.)

JACK: Let's go.

[Buenos Aires]

(In both cities, the two teams knock out guards and break into the Blessing locations. Explosives are still being laid in Buenos Aires.)

ESTHER: How do we get down there?

REX: I'm looking. I'm looking. There's got to be stairs somewhere. You know, you could stay up here if you want.

ESTHER: Oh, I was kind of hoping you wouldn't say that.

REX: I got you in a whole lot of trouble, huh?

ESTHER: I did that all on my own.

REX: I never did thank you, did I?

ESTHER: No, you didn't.

REX: Yeah, well, don't expect it now. There. Stairs. West block hallway. Right here. Come on.


(They carry a body out of sight.)

JACK: Over here.

DANES: There's gonna be guards all the way in. You can't keep doing this. They're gonna find us.

GWEN: Shut him up. Of all the bastards to bring on a mission--

DANES: You condemn me? You Category One these men with your bare hands.

JACK: Keep your voice down.

GWEN: He's got a point. He's got a point. We're just like bandits. We're just on the perimeter here, Jack. How the hell are we meant to get deep inside?

(Gwen's phone rings.)

GWEN: Damn. It's Rhys. He's found my dad.

[Cowbridge Overflow Camp]

(Rhys goes to Geraint's cot.)

RHYS: Hey. It's me, the useless article. I brought you a message. Gwen sends her love. Mary sends her love. We all do. All of us.

NURSE: He's the lucky one. See that girl over there? She was brought in as Category One. She must be fifteen, sixteen. No one's tried to claim her. We don't even know her name. Anyway, you've got till the end of the shift and then we're moving this lot. They're going to the furnace.

RHYS: No, I, I want to spend more time with him, please.

NURSE: Make the most of it, then.

ANDY: Can't we delay the transport?

NURSE: Look, we've got this place running like clockwork now. You've got ten minutes, then they're gone.

ANDY: But they're still alive. And you're gonna burn them?

(The nurse leaves. Andy holds the young girl's hand.)


GWEN: Yeah, all clear.

JACK: Wait a minute. I was in China for the Boxer Rebellion, and I know what that lettering means.

(Jack opens a wooden box.)

JACK: Ha, ha. Oswald, I've changed my mind. I'm so glad you're here.

[Shanghai Blessing chamber]

(The computer reports Motion Detected. Jack is on CCTV.)

MOTHER: I knew it.

JILLY: What's happening?

MOTHER: You're about to meet the creator.

JILLY: It's that soldier.


JILLY: He's with Oswald?

(As Gwen, Jack and Danes come down in the lift, the Mother goes to meet them. Her guards have their guns ready.)

MOTHER: Captain Jack Harkness. At last.

DANES: No, no, no, no, this isn't about Jack. No, ma'am. Excuse me, but it's not at all. My name is Oswald Danes. Well. Hmm. Good evening, Miss Kitzinger. You've been promoted. And this is the new empire you're servicing? My, my, my, my, my, my, my.

MOTHER: With all due respect, Mister Danes, you're a by-product of the Miracle. Not really relevant at all.

DANES: That's what the Captain said. He tried to tell me that my life has become a very small thing. Tiny. And yet right here, right now, at the very end, I would describe myself differently. I would call myself vital.

(Danes opens his coat to reveal a suicide jacket of explosives. He arms the trigger.)

DANES: Madam, you're a fine woman. You should be careful now, very careful indeed. It seems like you've been planning some kind of an explosion, but I'd love to make sure you're still inside.

JACK: Advantage Torchwood.

COUSIN [OC]: Well, I'm afraid we have a major disagreement here in Buenos Aires.

[Buenos Aires Blessing chamber]

COUSIN: I'd say advantage Families. Say hello to your friends.

JACK [OC]: What's that supposed to mean?

REX: He means us.

GWEN [OC]: Rex? Oh my God.

[Both Blessing chambers]

GWEN: And Esther?

ESTHER: I'm here. They caught us.

GWEN: Just glad to hear you're alive.

COUSIN: I'll swap your standoff for my standoff.

(He aims his gun at Esther's head.)

REX: Don't you do it.

COUSIN: But nobody dies. She'll keep on living, just perforated.

REX: Threaten me, you coward, not her.

ESTHER: Rex. Hey, I'm okay.

JACK: If you hurt her, we've got explosives here ready to go.

DANES: And don't imagine I won't. Whatever happens here tonight, there's no place on Earth that I can go, and I wasn't planning on coming out of here alive.

(The Cousin lowers his gun.)

COUSIN: So, who's gonna lose their nerve first?

[Shanghai Blessing chamber]

JACK: The thing is, we don't need explosives or guns or threats, because I've got the most powerful thing of all.

(Jack walks to the cleft in the world and cuts his finger. His blood flies into it.)

JACK: It wants me. Mortal blood. The only one in the whole world. So I suggest you're very careful with me, okay?

DANES: And if you fail to take the Captain's advice, you can certainly come to oblivion with me. Jack, you're the future man. You've seen wonders beyond this world, so tell us of these Blessings and Miracles.

GWEN: What the hell is that thing?

JACK: Can you feel it?

GWEN: Yeah, I can feel it. Oh, yeah. God, I can. Okay, God. Oh, my God.

MOTHER: It is said that it reflects your own self back at you. What can you see?

GWEN: Enough guilt to last me a lifetime. But that's okay. I'm a working mother. I don't need the Blessing to tell me that.

MOTHER: And you, Jack?

JACK: I've lived so many lives. And now I can see them all. Hey. Not so bad.

JILLY: Well, you might want to question your choice of weapon, soldier. Let's see. You brought the world's biggest bastard, wired him up to a bomb and then showed him his soul. Hmm, that's good work. You know, I feel really safe right now.

JACK: Oswald? Oswald. Don't lose it.

DANES: Sin. The Blessing feels like sin.

JACK: Oswald, don't. I need you.

DANES: I guess I'm accustomed to sin.

JACK: Thank you.

GWEN: I still don't get it. What are we looking at? The Blessing, is it the rock or is it the edge? What?

JACK: It's the gap in between, the nothingness. The space. It's alive.

DANES: It's like they broke the world.

GWEN: You're the expert. What is it?

JACK: The world's been turning for over four billion years. There's so much buried under its skin. The Doctor used to say there's Silurian mythology, Huon particles, Racnoss energy, an expansion of their hibernation matrix, maybe.

GWEN: You don't bloody know, do you?


GWEN: No. It's been here since the Earth began?

JACK: Could be.

GWEN: Yeah. Oh, it has. I can feel it. We're so used to these things being extraterrestrial, but this might be the most terrestrial thing of them all. Wow.

[Buenos Aires Blessing chamber]

REX: So, you found The Blessing and you worked out this morphic field.

COUSIN: The Blessing exists in a symbiotic relationship with the human race. It transmits a morphic field around the planet, binding us together like magnetism, like sunlight.

ESTHER: But finding it wasn't enough. You had to experiment on it.

COUSIN: No, we fed it.

[Shanghai Blessing chamber]

MOTHER: We fed it the blood of an immortal. We had one remarkable artefact. We found a second remarkable artefact. The combination was inevitable.

GWEN: So The Blessing absorbed the blood, copied it like a new template. So, the system changed its setting.

JACK: You know why it did that? I think you hurt it. It was being attacked, so it took the blood pattern and made it a gift. It's exerting itself to sustain every person on the planet. This whole Miracle, it's trying to be kind.

[Buenos Aires Blessing chamber]

REX: You've seen immortality. I'm living it. Why would you want this?

COUSIN: This is only stage one.

[Shanghai Blessing chamber]

GWEN: But you ruined the world out there!

MOTHER: The Miracle shocked the economy. The economy collapsed. We tear down in order to rebuild. And now it's almost within sight. The new world.

GWEN: Yeah, with no room for the poor, the weak or the ones that don't fit in.

MOTHER: That's the way the world works. Now, we're just making it official. The families have just been waiting. Now we can step in to control the banks. The banks control government. The government controls people. Soon we'll be able to decide who lives, how long, where and why.

JILLY: It's about time!

GWEN: Oh, great. So it's the world according to Kitzinger, is it?

JILLY: Listen, you can bleed your liberal heart all over the place, but are you really gonna tell me the world was working before? Because I have worked for the rich and the powerful and the obese. I have stared into the high end of Western society and let me tell you, it is like shoveling an open sewer. These families, they want to make the world fitter, more compact, more disciplined. And I like the sound of that. That sounds like salvation.

JACK: But before you launched this brave new world, you had to deal with one more thing. Yeah. Me.

[Both Blessing chambers]

ESTHER: So as soon as the miracle happened, you sent the Torchwood email.

COUSIN: His blood endangers the plan. We had to draw him out into the open.

JACK: Well, you failed. I got to Shanghai. I've got the only mortal blood on the planet. If it gets into The Blessing, life switches back. I can make the whole world mortal.

(As Jack is about to slit his wrist, Mother laughs.)


COUSIN: Oh, no.

MOTHER: Sadly not.

COUSIN: He's not listening.

MOTHER: He doesn't seem to get it.

COUSIN: No, no, no.

MOTHER: Polar dynamics, Jack.

COUSIN: Everything on this axis operates in a polar dynamic field.

MOTHER: You could reset the Blessing, your blood could make the whole world mortal again, but only by introducing it to both cities at once.

COUSIN: Blood in Buenos Aires.

MOTHER: Blood in Shanghai.

COUSIN: Entering The Blessing simultaneously.

MOTHER: That's how we fed it.

COUSIN: That's how we made the world immortal.

MOTHER: And for you, I'm sorry, it's impossible.

COUSIN: You did very well, almost worked it out, but all that spare blood of yours went up in flames.

MOTHER: So I'm just gonna have to kill you.

(She gives an order to her Chinese henchmen.)

JACK: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa.

MOTHER: Jack, I know how your mind works. Even now you're ferociously calculating how you can get your blood to the other side of the world. But I can't allow that. Absolutely not.

DANES: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I'm warning you, I'll do it.

MOTHER: Then I'll die. And that's a shame, because you can blast his blood into that wall and it won't make any difference at all.

(The henchmen cock their weapons.)

REX: Listen to me.

DANES: I'll do it! I'll do it!

REX: Wait a minute. If you need the blood of Jack Harkness on the other side of the world, then just

DANES: I'll do it!

REX: Just listen to me! Jack! All right. I'm all right. As I was saying, if you need Jack's blood, how about this?

(Rex cuts his finger, and the blood flows to the cleft. The ground shudders.)

MOTHER: What was that? What happened?

GWEN: Rex, what did you do?

COUSIN: That's impossible. No way. There's nothing special about you.

REX: Oh, but there is, when I've got Jack's blood flowing through my veins. It's inside me.

GWEN: What?

JACK: Oh, my God.

REX: See, we knew this blood was important, so as soon as we arrived

ESTHER: We transfused it into Rex. We exchanged his blood for Jack's.

REX: On most days it might've killed me. But we're all living on Miracle Day.

ESTHER: And everyone thought the blood was gone, so no one even suspected. All we did was keep one final bag, filled the rest with Rex's blood, and Jack's mortal blood

REX: Just walked right in. Hey, Oswald, you want to be a walking bomb?

MOTHER: Get him out of there!

REX: Well, try this. Shoot me! Shoot me! Come on! Shoot me!

COUSIN: Don't! Don't! Don't!

REX: Pull that trigger! Splatter my blood! Shoot me!

MOTHER: Get him out! Get him out!

(Jack produces a gun.)

JACK: Nobody move! Huh? Wow, Rex, you're a genius!

REX: You just shut the hell up. All right? This shit hurts.

GWEN: Yeah, we've got blood on both sides of the world, Jack, but

MOTHER: But they will die. Is that what you want? The Blessing will take every last drop. You'll both die, gentlemen. You'll both kill yourselves. You will die in a pit in Shanghai. Is that what you want?

JACK: I think I've lived long enough. Are you ready, Rex?

REX: Oh, you know I wish I'd never met you, you World War Two idiot. Good times, huh?


REX: I'll see ya.

GWEN: Just one last thing, Jack.

JACK: What is it?

GWEN: You're never gonna be a suicide.

(Gwen aims her gun at Jack.)

JACK: Thank you.

GWEN: Bye, then.

JACK: Bye.

GWEN: Face front.

JACK: This is it, Rex.

REX: Nothing's gonna stop me.

COUSIN: I think this might.

(The Cousin shoots Esther.)

REX: No! No! No!

GWEN: What was that?

JACK: Rex, what was that?

REX: You bastard! You son of a bitch! Esther, come here. Oh, God.

COUSIN: These are the days of the Miracle, Mister Matheson. She can't die, and we have infinite resources. We can help her. We can make her better.

MOTHER: If the Miracle ends, she dies. Is that what you want? All of you with your fine and noble deaths, do you really want to bring about hers?

REX: Jack, what do I do?

JACK: I don't know.

REX: Oh God, what do I do? What do I do?

GWEN: I'll tell you what you do, Rex. You carry on. Keep going back to the plan.

JACK: We'll kill her.

GWEN: I know.

REX: This is Esther we're talking about.

GWEN: Yes, I know it's Esther, and it's my dad and it's everyone who's ever gonna die. But, Rex, we've got to do this and I'm gonna tell you why. Because I'm standing here and I'm staring at Oswald Danes. And he chose when that girl lived and he chose when that girl died. And no one should have that power. Not the rich, not the mad, not anyone.

DANES: You're choosing now.

GWEN: Yeah, you watch me.

DANES: You'll kill Jack, Rex and that girl Esther. All of your Torchwood team. You'll kill them all.

GWEN: Yeah.

DANES: Oh, you are magnificent.

GWEN: Ready? Rex!

(Rex kisses Esther goodbye.)

REX: I'm sorry. Yeah.

GWEN: I'm so sorry.

MOTHER: Don't do it! Don't!

COUSIN: Don't do it! You'll kill her!

(Gwen shoots Jack in the back, creating a big exit wound in his chest. Rex pulls off his bandage. Their blood streams into the two ends of the cleft. The chambers tremble and the guards panic.)

GWEN [OC]: And that's what I did. In a pit in old Shanghai I brought death back to the world. They said it was like a breath. The breath that went around the whole wide world. The last breath. And then no more. We said goodbye to them then, the dads and the mums, the sick and the old, the friends and the neighbours, and the people we once met, and the people whose names we never knew. We said goodbye to them all on the day that death came back.

[Shanghai Blessing chamber]

GWEN: Jesus Christ almighty!

(Gwen tries to find Jack's pulse, then leaves him. Jilly runs for her life. Danes grabs the Mother.)



DANES: I'm giving you this one chance.

MOTHER: I'll give you estates. I'll give you places to hunt.

(Gwen and Jilly close the lift doors and head upwards. Jack comes back to life.)

GWEN: Hold that lift!

[Buenos Aires Blessing chamber]

(The Cousin is gathering up the laptop and papers when Rex grabs him.)

REX: Hey, guess what. Death came back.


(Rex throws him into the cleft.)

[Shanghai Blessing chamber]

GWEN: He changed back! He's immortal!

(Gwen gets out of the lift, and Jilly starts to close the doors.)

GWEN: Wait!

(The two women fight for control of the escape route. Danes sees Jack's wound close up.)

DANES: At last! A miracle!

GWEN: How much bloody lipstick can you wear?

(Gwen punches Jilly into oblivion and returns for Jack.)

DANES: Better run, Torchwood! I'm taking this thing with me. The whole thing!

MOTHER: Please! For God's sake, help me. Help me!

(Gwen and Jack get into the lift.)

DANES: Oh, soon. Oh, soon I'll see her.

MOTHER: You won't see anybody. You're going to hell, Danes.

DANES: But that's where they go!. All the bad little girls, they run straight to hell, and I'm following.

(The lift gets to the top.)

JACK: Come on!

DANES: Susie, keep running! I'm coming to get you. Run! Faster! Faster!

(Jilly falls in her high heels. Danes detonates his explosives, which also set off the charges in the building.)

GWEN: Jilly!

[Buenos Aires Blessing chamber]

(Rex and Esther are still alive. Just. The army arrives.)

SANTOS: Get them out! Get them out! Get them out!


GWEN: Esther and Rex, did I just kill them?

(Esther and Rex are treated by paramedics.)


(A memorial service. Gwen and Rhys have been reunited and everyone present is singing John Ellerton's hymn based on Psalm 42 verse 8.)

CONGREGATION: The day thou gavest, Lord is ended. The darkness falls at thy behest.

(Jack is also there.)

CONGREGATION: To thee our morning hymns ascended. Thy praise shall sanctify our rest.

(And Charlotte, and Rex.)

CONGREGATION: We thank thee that thy church unsleeping while Earth rolls onward into light, through all the world her watch is keeping, and rests not now by day nor night. As o'er each continent and island


BLUE EYED MAN: We meet again.

JILLY: I have been coming here every day for weeks, waiting for you.

BLUE EYED MAN: We tend not to repeat patterns of behaviour. But, just this once.

JILLY: I've got nothing. What the hell am I supposed to do? I had to buy my way out of that godforsaken country. I had to sell my own jewellery! I can't go home. I've got the CIA watching out for me, the FBI, everyone. What do I do now?

BLUE EYED MAN: You start again.

JILLY: With who?


JILLY: Why would I do that after everything you have put me through?

BLUE EYED MAN: Because we very nearly succeeded. As trial runs go, it was good.

JILLY: Trial runs for what?

BLUE EYED MAN: Plan B. Interested?

(He walks away. Jilly ponders for a moment, then follows.)

[Avenue of Rest]

(Walking along between the walls of memorial plaques.)

CHARLOTTE: I'm sorry, Rex. She was more than a colleague. I'd like to think she was a friend.

REX: Thanks. Appreciate it.

JACK: Lucky she got a full service. There's ten funerals every hour these days. Catching up with the backlog.

RHYS: Well, that's made us all feel better.

GWEN: You'd think if that Blessing was so kind, it could've shown some sort of grace. Esther died right in front of it. That morphic field could've reached out and saved one last life. Why not?

JACK: We'll never know. UNIT's sealed those sites up forever. Let that thing stay buried.

REX: Yeah. What about you two, this Torchwood team? You reunited or what? Say no, please.

GWEN: Don't know. You staying?

JACK: You want me to stay?

RHYS: Please say no.

(Rex's phone beeps.)

REX: Oh, boy. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

JACK: Anything wrong?

REX: It's about Noah. You know, the analyst who died with Shapiro? They just retrieved his software from the explosion. The good thing is he told me his password because it's the same place I used to go for doughnuts. His last job was to look for that leak.

GWEN: What is it? What's it say?

REX: Shit. Charlotte! Charlotte! Charlotte!

(Charlotte shoots Rex. Other CIA men shoot her.)

JACK: Get help! Clear the area! There might be more!

GWEN: Oh, no!

JACK: No way.

GWEN: Oh, come on. No, no, not after everything he's gone through. No!

JACK: There's nothing we can do. I'm, I'm sorry, Gwen. I am so sorry. He's dead.

(Rex gasps.)

JACK: What?

RHYS: What?

GWEN: What?

REX: What?

(Rex rips his shirt open and sees his wound heal.)

REX: What?

GWEN: What the hell?

JACK: That's impossible.

REX: You, World War Two, what the hell did you do to me?

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