Forever Dreaming |
2x07 - Dead Man Walking |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 04/06/14 14:24 ] |
Post subject: | 2x07 - Dead Man Walking |
INTRODUCTION JACK HARKNESS : (v.o.) Torchwood. Outside the Government, beyond the police. Fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st century is when everything changes... and Torchwood is ready. INT. THE HUB – AUTOPSY AREA – NIGHT Martha pulls back the sheet covering Owen on the autopsy table. He's naked and cleaned up, ready to be autopsied. Martha adjusts the mike hanging from above. MARTHA : The time is 21.30. This is Doctor Martha Jones. Gwen, Toshiko and Ianto are up on the deck in the background. MARTHA: Autopsy on Owen Harper, Caucasian, age 27. Torchwood Officer 565. Time of death witnessed at approximately 20.30. Autopsy begins. Martha puts her mask on. She picks up the biggest knife she can find on the instrument tray and prepares to make the first cut. Ianto closes his eyes. Martha brings the knife down, the curtains in the back open. Jack steps into view. JACK : Stop ! Nobody touches him till I get back, is that clear ? Jack runs out. Everyone is surprised. Martha is left holding the knife. EXT. STREET – NIGHT The Torchwood SUV screeches to a stop in front of a large iron gate. Jack rushes out of the vehicle. INT. STAIRS – NIGHT Jack hurries down the stairs. He pounds his fist on the door. INT. BAR – NIGHT Jack hurries through the hazy room. He's bumps into a man as he moves through the room looking for someone. A large burly bodyguard dressed in back stops him in his tracks with a hand on his chest. SECURITY GUARD : Whoa. Jack stops in frustration. The little girl sitting in the booth turns around and sees Jack. LITTLE GIRL : It's all right. CLOSE-UP of a tarot card with a knight with a sword on it. The Knight looks suspiciously like Jack. LITTLE GIRL : I've been looking forward to seeing the Captain again. She shows Jack the card. Jack doesn't smile at all. CUT TO : The little girl looks at a card off the tarot deck as she talks with Jack. She puts the card back down on the top of the deck. JACK : Can you see where it is ? LITTLE GIRL : You'll owe me a favor. Jack leans forward. JACK : Well ? The little girl flips over the card on the table and shows it to him. JACK : They hid it in a church ? LITTLE GIRL : No. (She puts the card down). When the people found out what it could do, they built the church on top of it. Jack gets up and heads for the door. LITTLE GIRL : If I told you not to use it, would you listen ? Jack stops and looks back at her. JACK : Shouldn't you know the answer to that ? Jack heads out. The tarot card of Death breaks into frame as she holds it. LITTLE GIRL : I do. That's the problem. EXT. ST. MARY'S CHURCH – NIGHT View of the sign to the top of the church, a tall imposing sight. The church is dark and quiet. Jack steps into frame. He viciously kicks the sign down. It falls onto the grass. INT. ST. MARY'S CHURCH – NIGHT The door opens. The light from Jack's flashlight shines brightly in the dark church. He walks into view and makes his way slowly through the church. The place is a mess. Pews are overturned and a large heavy bell is tipped over on the floor. Something growls. Jack immediately covers his flashlight completely with his hand as he listens. Once his eyes adjust, he sees it. There in front of him, the sanctuary floor is covered with weevils. Dozens. More weevils than can count and they're sleeping. Jack closes his eyes. This isn't going to be easy, but he's determined and he slowly makes his way through the sleeping weevils. He keeps a tight hold on the light of his flashlight, using it only to get a good look at his bearings and where he needs to go. He carefully places his feet on open areas between the tightly packed bodies on the floor. It's a slow process that could be disaster for him if he doesn't do it properly. He puts his foot down to take a step. The sleeping weevil tucks its arm around his foot and holds on. Jack freezes. He carefully pulls his foot out of the sleeping weevil's grip. The weevil continues to sleep. After a pause, Jack breathes, turns and sees the wooden chest at the front of the church. CUT TO : He's there. He looks back to make sure the weevils are still sleeping, then he opens the chest.Inside are plastic doll parts. Jack takes a step back and puts his foot in some metal cans behind him. He makes a loud clatter. The weevils continue to snore. Jack digs through the dolls inside the chest. Whatever he's looking for isn't there. He looks up at the wall of junk, discarded toys and pieces of wood. Sunlight from outside filters through the holes in the junk. He looks behind the wall of junk and finds a box tucked in the back. He turns off his flashlight and reaches for it. He can't grab it. Jack climbs up and misses his footing. His leg hits the piano keyboard sending a sound loud enough to wake the weevils from their sleep. The weevils get up snarling and growling. Jack spares no time. He grabs the box. CUT TO : INT. THE HUB – WORKSTATIONS Ianto sits on the couch. Martha sits next to him. She's out of her scrubs and in regular clothes. Everyone is quiet as they wait for Jack to return. The alarm sounds and the cog door rolls open. Jack hurries into the hub carrying the box. He hurries past them toward his office. GWEN : Jack .. ? INT. THE HUB – JACK'S OFFICE Jack puts the box down on his desk and opens the box. Gwen and the others walk in. GWEN : Jack, what have you got ? Jack reaches into the box and takes out the glove. Similar in looks to the resurrection glove from episode 1X01, only this one is for the left hand. TOSHIKO : Oh, my God. GWEN : You can't use it. Not after Suzie. JACK : I'm using the glove. I'm bringing Owen back. Opening title INT. THE HUB – AUTOPSY AREA Jack hurries into the autopsy area with the glove. Gwen and the others follow him. GWEN : Are you really going to use that after what happened last time ? Jack, the gloves are dangerous. At best it'll give us two minutes. At worst... who knows what will happen ? JACK : It's not up for discussion. GWEN : I thought the glove didn't work for you. The monitor beeps off screen, probably as they hook it up to Owen. The constant drone of it flatlining is heard. JACK : Different glove, different circumstances. This time, it has to work for me. I'm not going to give it any choice. Okay, if you've got anything you need to say to Owen, now is your chance. Jack puts the glove on his left hand. Everyone is quiet. Jack cradles Owen's head in his gloved hand. He closes his eyes and looks up as he concentrates, trying to make that connection. Electricity crackles. JACK : Owen ... it's Jack. Can you hear me ? Jack opens his eyes and looks up. JACK : Owen ! Hear my voice ! Get a hold of it, let it draw you out, pull you out. Ianto watches the monitor. IANTO : I'm not getting any vital signs. JACK : Owen, it's me, Jack. (To everyone) He's coming, he's coming ! Loud electrical pulses sound. Suddenly, Owen's eyes open. He screams, loud and long. OWEN : Aahh ! MARTHA : Oh, my God ! OWEN : What happened ? Where am I ? Oh, God I'm shot, he shot me ! JACK : Owen, listen to me, we don't have long. OWEN : Where am I ? This isn't the hospital, this is the autopsy room. (Jack puts the back of his hand against Owen's cheek,mumbles). What am I doing here ? (Owen turns and sees the glove). Jack, oh, no ! What's that ? What's that ? JACK : The resurrection glove. We lost you, but I brought you back. OWEN : How long have I got ? IANTO : We're at thirty seconds and counting. OWEN : Oh, no. Jesus. Really ? JACK : Okay, team, say your goodbyes. Owen mumbles something. Jack looks at Gwen. JACK : Gwen. Gwen doesn't say anything. Ianto keeps time on the stopwatch. OWEN : Gwen, no offense, but I've only got two minutes to live ! JACK : Tosh ! Toshiko appears next to the table. TOSHIKO : I'm gonna miss you. (Leans in closer, quieter). And I love you. I always have. JACK : Owen, I need the code for the alien morgue. You're the only one who knows it. OWEN : You brought me back for that ? For that ?! JACK : Sorry ! OWEN : Oh, Jack, it's 231165. Ianto repeats the number to himself to remember it. OWEN : Okay ? JACK : Sorry, and to help you prepare. I know what death is. I want you to be ready. Jack clutches onto Owen's hand. OWEN : There's nothing. Just ... just darkness. IANTO : Two minutes. OWEN : Jack, Jack... JACK : Be brave ! Owen prepares himself. JACK : Owen ! The monitor beeps. JACK : Owen ! Jack releases his hold on Owen's head. The heart monitor flatlines. TOP VIEW DOWN : Owen on the table, his eyes closed and the heart monitor flatlining the only sound in the room. Jack is still clutching his hand. Everyone is quiet, grieving. Toshiko is crying. OWEN : (o.s.) I'm really gonna need that hand back. Jack's eyes widen. He looks at Owen to find Owen looking back at him. JACK : Owen ? Now everyone is freaked. IANTO : Two minutes, twenty. Jack stands up and backs away from Owen. The glove is still on his hand. JACK : Look, I'm not using the glove. OWEN : But I'm still here. IANTO : Oh, here we go again. Jack shudders, removes the glove and tosses it on the level near Gwen's feet. Gwen backs away from the glove. Owen sits up, panting. Everyone stares at him. OWEN : Maybe I cheated it somehow. Maybe... I wasn't meant to die so I'm being kept alive. Ah, somebody pass me my pants, please. Whoa ! Owen looks down and sees the bullet wound in his chest. OWEN : Uhh... In the background, Jack and Ianto tend to Owen. JACK : It's okay. I hate to say it, but... you'll get used to it. CLOSE ON : The resurrection glove. Unnoticed by anyone, the fingers move. ABRUPT CUT TO : INT. THE HUB – WORKSTATIONS – CONTINUOUS Dressed now, Owen tries to listen to his own heart with a stethoscope. Jack and the others follow. OWEN : My God. No heartbeat. There's no pulse. MARTHA : Owen, you can't lead the investigation. OWEN : Why not ? MARTHA : Because you're the subject of it, and because... you're dead. OWEN : Are you sure about that ? MARTHA : Yes, I'm sure. Owen points to the computer monitor. Gwen, who sits in the chair, backs away from him. OWEN : Well, I'm okay. Look, there's electrical activity in my brain. MARTHA : That shouldn't be possible. OWEN : Well, I'm still here and actually, I feel amazing ! MARTHA : So, where's the power coming from ? GWEN : Suzie survived because she was draining energy from me. Owen could be doing the same to Jack. They look at Jack. JACK : I feel fine. CUT TO : Toshiko runs a hand-held monitor along Jack's arm as she scans him. Owen dabs at the remaining blood on his face and buttons up. TOSHIKO : The Philemon filter detects biochemical energy. (Martha nods). It's how we knew Suzie was draining Gwen. MARTHA : And ? TOSHIKO : Nothing. There's no connection between them. It's not... Jack. JACK : I told you. I feel fine. OWEN : So what's keeping me ticking ? The energy in my brain must be coming from somewhere. Ianto arrives carrying the glove which appears to be holding his hand. Gwen reacts as he passes by her. IANTO : This glove is different to the other one. Maybe different gloves do different things ? MARTHA : How many are there ? IANTO : Two. Well, they do tend to come in pairs. Martha rolls her eyes. IANTO : We fished the first one out of the harbor last year. MARTHA : But where does it come from, originally ? JACK : Good question. No idea. Gwen gets up from her seat and slips away. Owen looks at his own hand. JACK : Tosh, do an analysis of the glove, see you if you can find out. Ianto hands the glove to Toshiko. JACK : Owen, I don't need to tell you that you're under quarantine. OWEN : You don't, and yet, you still do. CUT TO : INT. THE HUB – SECOND FLOOR CATWALK – CONTINUOUS Gwen is sitting on the catwalk grating. She's on her phone as the line on the other end rings. INTERCUT WITH : INT. GWEN'S PLACE – NIGHT The phone rings. Rhys was sleeping. He gets up and answers it. RHYS : Hey. GWEN (quietly) : Oh, I woke you up, I'm sorry. RHYS : No, no, you didn't. So, uh, what's happened ? You coming home soon ? You know, tonight, next week ? In time for our wedding ? Gwen is quiet. RHYS : I was only teasing. GWEN (crying) : No, it's not that, it's not that. RHYS : What's happened ? What's wrong ? (He realizes she's crying, concerned). Are you all right ? Gwen ? GWEN (softly) : A tough day, a tough day. CUT TO : INT. THE HUB – AUTOPSY AREA Owen is sitting on the autopsy table. He looks at his right hand. Martha walks in looking very serious. Owen gets up. OWEN : You're kind of cute when you frown. MARTHA : The energy from the glove is spreading out through your body, changing its composition. If you keep this on, we should be able to monitor changes as they happen. She secures a monitor to his wrist. OWEN : You've stopped flirting with me. I mean, it's all right. I wouldn't flirt with me in my condition either, but... uh, is it still necrophilia if I'm conscious ? MARTHA : What was it like ? To die ? OWEN : I don't think I should say. MARTHA : Why not ? OWEN : I'm not sure the living should know... "the living..." It might change the way you live your life. MARTHA : You tell me right now, Owen. Owen walks over to the light and lifts the x-ray film up to look at it. OWEN : It's hard to describe, there aren't the words for it. It's like, er... Martha sits down and listens intently to him. MARTHA : What ? OWEN : There was a light. Tiny speck of light. And I was rushing towards it, like down a corridor. Then it glowed brighter and brighter... then suddenly there were these gates... these big pearly gates... (Martha rolls her eyes and gets up). ...and there was this old geezer and he said you've been a very naughty boy. Owen chuckles. MARTHA : Idiot ! Martha picks up the clipboard and writes on it. OWEN : There was nothing, well, not that I can remember. Suzie said it was different. MARTHA : What did she see ? OWEN : She said there was something beyond life, something in the darkness, something moving. Owen suddenly wobbles and loses his balances. He hits the tray behind him. Martha rushes over to help him. And suddenly, he falls. DARKNESS. Owen's eyes are open, but he can't see anything. He blinks. Something growls in the darkness. Owen turns this way and that, suddenly very afraid. Something is there in the darkness with him... whispering. OWEN (shouts) : Martha ! Owen turns completely around. He's alone and not alone. He gasps, afraid. OWEN (shouts) : Mar... Martha-a-a ! Owen falls on his side, his body twitching as he bats away at nothing that is attacking him. OWEN (shouts) : Ah ! Martha ! (Screams). Aahh ! JUMP CUT back to reality. Martha is helping Owen back to his feet. Owen grabs onto the metal autopsy table, clutching onto it for dear life. MARTHA (screams) : Ahh ! Jack ! Help ! I need help ! Now ! Jack rushes in. OWEN (yells) : Don't let me die ! JACK : What's happening ? He grabs Owen. Owen struggles against Jack's hold, as if still fighting the thing in the darkness. MARTHA : He just collapsed. Owen ! Owen, can you hear me ? Calm down. Owen stops struggling and just clutches onto Jack's arm. JACK : What happened ? What happened ? OWEN : I was in the darkness. There was something, something... JACK : What ? MARTHA : What did you see ? OWEN (shudders) : I don't know. It was waiting for me. Owen cries. Jack rubs his back. JACK (softly) : This way. LATER : INT. THE HUB – CONFERENCE ROOM The team meets. MARTHA : Owen's body's undergoing some kind of transformation. His cells aren't decaying, they're changing. JACK : Into what ? MARTHA : An energy I can't identify. But it's growing, all the time. He's about 40% something else. REFOCUS on the monitor with Owen's body scan on it and the bright light that's consuming the image. OWEN : I don't feel any different. JACK : We need to find out where this energy's coming from. TOSHIKO : Presumably it's the same place as the glove, which, judging from its atomic makeup, isn't anywhere local. GWEN : Owen said he went somewhere when he collapsed. Could the energy and the glove come from the same dark place ? JACK : What are we talking about ? Another dimension ? Parallel universe ? OWEN (raises his hand) : Yes, guys, I'm still here. JACK : Sorry. (To Owen) Okay, you said there was something in the darkness, waiting for you. OWEN : Yeah. I felt it; I didn't see it. JACK : Where do you think you went ? OWEN (shakes his head) : Don't know. Everyone is quiet. CUT TO : INT. THE HUB The meeting over, everyone heads back to the workstations. Gwen and Martha walk out. Owen walks out. Toshiko behind him. Jack and Ianto head back to the workstations. MARTHA : So, what now ? JACK : (o.s.) Ianto, check our internal system readings for any dimensional anomalies in the last hour. IANTO : Will do. Toshiko follows Owen. TOSHIKO : Owen ! What I said before, when I thought you were dying... OWEN : I'm not dying. I'm dead. I'm a headless chicken. I just haven't stopped running about yet. He turns away. She rushes to stop him. TOSHIKO : Well, when I told you I... OWEN : Yeah, you didn't mean it. I know. He nods and turns away. TOSHIKO : You do ? OWEN : Yes, uh... I mean, you didn't say anything before, and then, suddenly I'm dying, and it's like, "I love you." That's not love, Tosh. That's grief. You're losing something, so suddenly you desperately desire it, textbook response. Owen turns and starts climbing up the spiral steps. TOSHIKO : Yeah, but Owen I... don't go ! OWEN : I'm just going to the toilet, all right. (Mutters). For crying out loud ! He continues up out of view. INT. THE HUB – LAB – CONTINUOUS Alone, Owen braces his hands against the table and stops to think. VOICE (distorted, o.s.) : Melenkurion... Owen looks up. He turns around and... DARKNESS. He looks around as he hears whispering. A louder, clearer voice comes through. VOICE (distorted, o.s.) : Abatha... Owen looks around. VOICE (distorted, o.s.) : Duroc... He sees nothing. VOICE (distorted, o.s.) : Minas... Owen looks around. VOICE (distorted, o.s.) : Mill Khabaal. JUMP CUT back to reality Owen gasps for breath. He's back in the lab. He stands there for a moment. When he turns around, his eyes are black pools of oily darkness. OWEN (distorted) : Melenkurion abatha... duroc minas mill khabaal ! Owen steps up to the nearest glass to look at his reflection. His eyes are normal again. Owen blinks and hurries out. CUT TO : INT. THE HUB – AUTOPSY AREA Martha is writing on the clipboard when the hand-held monitor beeps rapidly. She puts the clipboard down and checks the monitor. Whatever she sees has her concerned. She hurries out. INT. THE HUB – JACK'S OFFICE – CONTINUOUS Jack is working at his desk when Martha rushes in with the monitor. MARTHA : Have you seen Owen ? JACK : He was with Toshiko. MARTHA : The energy in him just went off the scale. Jack jumps out of his seat. INT. THE HUB – WORKSTATIONS – CONTINUOUS JACK (shouts) : Owen ! Jack and Martha run out of the office into the workstation area. Gwen is at her computer workstation. JACK (shouts) : Owen ? TOSHIKO : He said he needed the loo. MARTHA : Owen's digestive system has shut down. He can't eat or drink... so he certainly doesn't need to pee. Ianto holds out Jack's coat for him as he puts it on. JACK : He's not answering. GWEN (checking the computer) : Well, he's not in the hub. MARTHA : So he's out there ? JACK : It's Owen, it's not like he's dangerous. The hand-held monitor beeps. MARTHA : You sure about that ? JACK : Meaning ? Jack hurries toward the cog door. MARTHA : You had the power to bring people back to life and you never told UNIT. Why ? Jack turns around. JACK : They would've wanted to use it. MARTHA : I'm on your side, Jack, but Owen's just had a surge of energy that we can't begin to understand. The cells in his body are being transformed into something else. He's about 50% human. And that 50% is dead. We need to stop thinking about him as Owen. JACK : I'll find him. Jack leaves. CUT TO : EXT. STREET – NIGHT Owen is out walking the streets. INT. NIGHT CLUB – NIGHT VARIOUS CUTS of Owen drinking glass after glass of alcohol. CLOSE ON : THE MONITOR over the bar with an anime grim reaper on it. Owen sits at the bar finishing off another glass of alcohol. A Hen night girl wearing a halo and angel's wings walks up to the bar. HEN NIGHT GIRL : Smile, it won't kill you. Owen rolls his eyes and rests his chin on his hand and elbow on the bar counter. He ignores her. The Hen Night Girl leans in close to Owen's ear. HEN NIGHT GIRL : You're gorgeous, you are. She looks away from him. Owen grabs her and kisses her. She slips her hand down the front of Owen's pants. HEN NIGHT GIRL : Don't you like me ? Owen pushes her away. OWEN : Get off me.(He turns back to the bar). No blood. Brilliant. Owen turns and pushes his way through the crowd of people on the floor in his effort to get out of the club. VOICE 1 : What ? VOICE 2: What have I... VOICE 3: Oi ! Jack steps up to him, stopping him in his tracks. OWEN : How did you find me ? Jack grabs Owen's right hand and lifts it up, showing Owen the wrist band monitor. Owen pushes Jack. Jack doesn't say anything. Owen pushes him back again. OWEN : Do you know what you've done ?! You don't care about me. You brought me back for an alarm code ! Owen turns away. Jack grabs Owen by his jacket and pulls him back. JACK : That is not why I brought you back. OWEN : Have you any idea what it means to know that your life is over ?! (Shouts).That THAT was it ?! That is Owen Harper's contribution to the world ! You idiot ! Owen takes a swing at Jack... and misses when Jack steps aside. Jack grabs Owen and slams him against the nearby bar, breaking the glass on the counter top. He holds Owen's arms behind his back. JACK : Watch it ! Two bouncers grab Jack and Owen from behind. OWEN (shouts) : Get off me ! Get off me, Jack ! Get off me ! The two bouncers pry them apart and move them toward the door to toss them out. JACK : (shouts) : Be careful with him ! EXT. STREET OUTSIDE DISCO CLUB – NIGHT – CONTINUOUS The bouncers throw Owen and Jack out of the night club. OWEN : Get off me you meat head, get off ! Owen turns to go back, but Jack stops him. The police officer gets out of the car with flashing lights just outside the club. JACK : Look, that's enough ! OWEN : Let go of me ! POLICE OFFICER : Calm down, Zoe. OWEN : Look, mate. I'm Torchwood. POLICE OFFICER : Yeah, of course you are, and I'm MI5. Owen pushes the officer. The officer grabs Owen and twists his arm behind his back. He slams him up against the brick wall. OWEN : Agh ! Ahh ! More officers arrive. OWEN : I'm Owen Harper. I work for Torchwood on special ops. JACK : Special ops ? What's he on about ? Special needs more like it ! Chuckles. One officer takes Jack to his car while the other struggles with Owen. POLICE OFFICER : Come on. Come on, that's enough ! He pushes Owen face down against the car hood. CUT TO : The officer car drives away, lights flashing and sirens wailing. A couple of weevils step into CAMERA FRAME and watch the officer car leave. The Weevil in the foreground, lifts its head and roars. CUT TO : INT. JAIL – HOLDING CELL – NIGHT Jack and Owen are in the cell together. Owen slams his hands against the door and looks out the small window. OWEN (shouts) : You call that number, you speak to Police Constable Gwen Cooper ! I want to make a complaint ! He kicks the door. Jack sits on his seat in the cell and watches him. JACK : Enough ! (Owen leans his back against the door). You're dead ! (Owen heads for his own seat). You break your ankle, what are the chances it'll knit back together ? You want to add a wheelchair to your prob... (Owen sits down opposite Jack. His stomach gurgles) Problems ? Owen looks down at his tummy and twists his hips. His stomach sloshes. Jack looks at him. Owen looks at Jack. CUT TO : OWEN'S POV Upside-down Jack watches him from his seat. OWEN : I forgot... my digestive system's shut down. Owen is standing on his head. OWEN : That alcohol I drank is, uh, just going to sit in my stomach, it won't go anywhere. JACK : Couldn't you just stick your fingers down your throat ? OWEN : I'm dead. It's just another one of those things. The gag reflex... I lost it in the process. Owen starts moving. OWEN : Hang on, hang on. If I can just... line up my esophagus, I... Owen's stomach sloshes... and gurgles... and the liquid shoots out of his open mouth. Jack immediately pulls his legs up onto his seat. JACK : Oh ! Oh, that is the single most disgusting thing I have ever seen ! And I know disgusting. Owen stops throwing up. He brings his legs down to stand up. OWEN : Ah ! (He straightens and farts).Sorry, Jack, uh... I forgot, that goes on for a while after death. Owen farts again. JACK : For God's sake, let me out ! Owen looks out the cell window. OWEN (wistfully) : But eventually that will stop too. I will fart my last fart. God, I'm going to miss farting, and... sex. JACK : Sex more than farting, I hope. OWEN : Oh, you take these things for granted. It's only when they're slipping away that you realize how amazing they are. (He looks down at the cell floor.) This could be the last time I see those flecks or you know, feel these bricks underneath my hands. Owen rubs his hands on the brick wall. JACK : "Only in suffering do we recognize beauty". OWEN : Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... Who said that ? JACK : Proust. OWEN : You've read Proust ?! JACK : Yeah ! Owen sits down on the cell bed. JACK : Well, no. We dated for a while. He was really immature. Owen dabs his wrist against his chin. OWEN : You know, none of us know whether to take you seriously when you say those things. They chuckle. JACK : When you've lived as long as I have, you don't make any more up. OWEN : You've got forever. I could have seconds. Hardly seems fair. JACK : It isn't. But then, forever's overrated. OWEN : Not from where I'm sitting. Jack stands up. JACK : If you've got forever, you don't notice the flecks on the concrete... He sits down next to Owen. JACK :... or bother to touch the bricks. And you send your friends into danger, knowing the stakes aren't the same for you, that you might get them killed while you walk away unscathed. OWEN : Then why did you bring me back ? Guilt ? JACK : No, that's not why. OWEN : They why did you, really ? Jack puts his hand on Owen's shoulder. JACK : Because I wasn't ready to give up on you. I guess I was hoping for a miracle. (He ruffles Owen's hair). And I still am. He pushes Owen's head away. Owen smiles. Jack chuckles. JACK : Let's go home. Jack stands up and goes to the window in the cell door. He raps firmly on the door. JACK (loud voice) : Torchwood ! Authorization Harkness ! Jack ! 4-7-4-3-1-7 ! CUT TO : INT. THE HUB – WORKSTATIONS – NIGHT Toshiko is working at the computer. Gwen walks up to her. GWEN : Jack called in, he's found Owen. (Gwen sits down). They're okay, they're coming back. TOSHIKO : Is he himself ? GWEN : What do you mean, "himself ?" TOSHIKO : I wanted to know why Owen left. Actually, more if he talked to anyone about what I said, so I checked the CCTV. GWEN (amused) : That's a bit like stalking, Tosh. TOSHIKO : I know ! Only now I wish I hadn't. Look. Toshiko turns the monitor to show Owen up in the lab. He turns around to face the camera monitor. His eyes are black pools of darkness. Gwen stands up. Martha watches as well. OWEN (from monitor) : Melenkurion abatha... duroc minas mill khabaal ! GWEN : Oh, my God. MARTHA : What is that ? Toshiko shakes her head. CUT TO : EXT. STREET – NIGHT Owen and Jack are walking down the street. A weevil suddenly appears between two parked cars and growls. They stop walking. The weevil turns and looks at them. More growling fills the air. They turn and see more weevils approaching from the other side. JACK : There's too many of them. They're after me. I stole the glove from them. Jack motions for Owen. JACK : Go ! Go ! Owen takes off running. Jack stays a moment. He smiles at them, his arms spread out wide in a taunt. Jack backs away, then runs in the same direction after Owen. Owen and Jack run in a small alleyway. A weevil steps out in front of them, halting them in their tracks. OWEN : Whoa ! Jack turns and continues running. Owen looks at the weevil in front of them. OWEN : They must be really pissed off with you. Jack reaches out, grabs Owen's arm and pulls him along. EXT. GARAGE – NIGHT Jack and Owen run along a parking garage. A weevil steps out in front of them and growls. Jack and Owen stop running. The weevil turns to follow them. Jack turns and runs up the stairs. EXT. GARAGE – NEXT LEVEL – NIGHT Jack runs out of the stairwell. JACK : Owen ! He glances behind him. Owen runs out of the stairwell behind him. They run across the empty parking garage. Jack and Owen stop. They look around. Jack pats Owen on the chest. JACK : Stay here. Jack walks out to the side, looking around as he goes. Owen stands still and his eyes narrow as if sensing their presence around him. He turns around to look at the parking exit. Jack continues walking across the parking garage. Owen stands still, watching. Jack reaches the end of the garage. He turns and looks up the drive. He looks around, then starts back. He takes a couple of steps and passes a column. Behind him on the other end of the garage, we see a weevil standing there, watching him. Jack turns and sees the weevil. The weevil growls. Jack starts walking back toward Owen. The weevil moves parallel to him. Jack passes another column. On the other side of the column are four more weevils. Jack runs. JACK : Owen ! The weevils run after him. EXT. PARKING GARAGE – ROOF – NIGHT Jack and Owen are running up the ramp to the roof level of the parking garage. Just one floor below are the weevils, also running in the same direction. Two floors below are more weevils running in the same direction. EXT. PARKING GARAGE – ROOF (5TH LEVEL) – NIGHT Jack and Owen are running across the parking garage rooftop. Owen glances behind him. The weevils are running after them. Jack and Owen reach the end of the rooftop. They both look down at the drop below. Jack turns and pulls out his gun. JACK (cocks his gun) : Owen, get behind me. OWEN : All right. Owen stands beside Jack. OWEN : Come on. Two dozen weevils fill the parking garage roof. The weevil stop. They growl, but they don't advance. Suddenly, the weevils kneel submissively before them, their heads bowed. Jack has no clue what's happening. JACK : Owen, what the hell is going on ? Reveal Owen's eyes are black pools of darkness. OWEN (distorted) : Melkurian abatha ! Duroc minas mill khabaal ! Owen turns and looks at Jack. CUT TO : INT. THE HUB – JACK'S OFFICE – NIGHT Ianto opens the secured unit. TOSHIKO : I need to know what Owen was saying. MARTHA : We all do. He takes out the translator and gives it to Toshiko. She shows it to them. TOSHIKO : This has never let us down before. INT. THE HUB Toshiko attaches the translator to her computer monitor. It beeps and flashes. TOSHIKO : We should be able to play the translation through the computer's speakers. The hand-held translator beeps wildly. TOSHIKO : It's never done that before. They look at the writing on the computer. OWEN (from monitor, translated) : I shall walk the earth and my hunger will know no bounds. The computer shows the words "hunger" and "Earth". GWEN : I've got a really bad feeling about this. The hub alarms sound and the cog door closes. JACK (o.s.) : You don't know the half of it. They turn and find Jack and Owen back in the hub. CUT TO : INT. THE HUB – CONTAINMENT CELLS – NIGHT Owen stands in front of the weevil's cell window. Inside, the weevil growls low as it inches itself toward Owen and the window. It looks at Owen, its nose twitching. In the window's reflection, we see Martha watching. Owen sticks his fingers through the airholes. The weevil gets close enough to smell his fingers. It immediately backs away from him. It lows in its throat. Jack and Martha look at each other. Even Owen appears stunned by the weevil's reaction. OWEN : So I'm King of the Weevils. The weevil huddles in the far corner, kneeling with its head bend. OWEN : Maybe even Weevil Messiah, but whichever way you look at it, it ain't good. Gwen stands on the side with a folder. She steps toward them. GWEN : No, it isn't, and I think it's happened before. She gives Jack the photos of very old wood carvings. JACK : Where did you get this ? GWEN : I found it in an article about black death and what you're looking at are the first images of the Grim Reaper. "I shall walk the Earth and my hunger will no know bounds." In legend, the person who said those words was Death himself. Owen continues to stare at the weevil in the cell. The weevil gives a low howls. MARTHA : But there's no such thing. OWEN : Yeah, I'm dead. I'm not Death. There is a difference. GWEN : Does he know that ? CUT TO : INT. THE HUB – CONFERENCE ROOM – NIGHT Gwen puts the wood carving photos down on the conference table. GWEN : Right, that wood-carving dates back to the 15th century, to a small parish called St.James. When they heard about the plague, they built a wall around the town. Unfortunately, that didn't prevent a little girl from dying. So the legend goes, the priest performs a miracle, brings her back to life, but she doesn't come back alone, she brought Death with her, and he walked amongst them. TOSHIKO (to Jack) : Are we seriously gonna act on something she's googled ? JACK : What was the name of the priest's church ? Gwen looks it up. GWEN : Yep, St Mary's. JACK : That's where I found the glove, which makes the parish of St. James... GWEN :... the town that five hundred years later would turn into a city called Cardiff. OWEN : What happened to the town when Death walked amongst them ? GWEN : People died. Twelve people. Death needed thirteen souls before it had a permanent hold on the Earth. JACK : How did they stop it at twelve ? GWEN : It just says Faith. MARTHA : Owen is changing. Who knows what that energy is ? What if it's making him a host, a gateway ? OWEN : I've been thinking there's something in the darkness, waiting for me to finally pass over, but I've got it wrong, okay, it's the other way around. It's trying to get here through me. Owen's wristband beeps rapidly. He holds his hand up. OWEN : What's this reading now ? Martha checks. MARTHA : Um... 80%. OWEN : What happens when it completes ? You know, we fight monsters... what happens when we turn out to be the monsters, when I do ? JACK : Even if we have to fight you, you're already dead. OWEN : What do we do with the dead ? Jack doesn't want to answer him. OWEN (shouts) : Come on, what do we do ? (Beat). You embalm them. If we inject a formaldehyde solution into my veins, it'll petrify my neural pathways and freeze dry my brain. It's the only way to be sure. CUT TO : INT. THE HUB – AUTOPSY AREA – NIGHT Owen's body scan readings are up on the wall as Martha and Jack work on the solution. It's still at 80%. They both fill syringes with the blue solution. Toshiko appears a level above them. They hook up the syringes into hypodermics. INT. THE HUB – CONFERENCE ROOM – NIGHT Owen and Gwen are in the conference room. Owen is dressed in white scrubs while Gwen puts his clothes and things in a box. They're both very quiet. GWEN : Are you sure about this ? Gwen closes the box. OWEN : The formaldehyde might irritate, but the ethanol should prevent me feeling its effect. It's a raging carcinogen, but I, uh, don't think I need to worry about that. GWEN : You know what I mean. OWEN : Yeah. I can't sleep, I can't drink and I can't shag, and they are three of my favorite things. Suddenly, Gwen rushes over and hugs Owen fiercely. GWEN : Owen ! OWEN : I'm not the same, Gwen. I came back different, hollow... like I'm missing something. And I do not want to be like this, okay ? Gwen cries. Owen has no tears to shed. OWEN : I'm ready. Gwen lets Owen go and steps back. They look at each other. Gwen gives a small nod. Owen turns and heads out. INT. THE HUB – BACK CORRIDOR – CONTINUOUS The back door opens and Owen steps out of the conference room. Gwen follows him. The door closes behind them as they make their way to the others. INT. THE HUB – CONTINUOUS Owen steps out into the main room. He looks around. He crosses the main hub toward the workstations. Ianto is waiting there. They head for the workstations. INT. THE HUB – AUTOPSY AREA – CONTINUOUS Jack and Martha are setting up the straps in the chair as Toshiko watches. The monitor beeps rapidly. Martha turns and checks it. MARTHA : Owen's at 95%. OWEN : Then let's not waste any more time. No goodbyes. Everyone is quiet. TIME CUT TO : Owen settles back in the chair. Jack straps him in. JACK : Are you ready for the first injection ? Owen nods. Martha turns to get the first hypodermic. The resurrection glove is on the tray covering the needles. It moves, startling her. MARTHA : Agh ! The glove keeps the needles under it. JACK : Someone really doesn't like needles. Suddenly, the glove flies off the tray right toward Martha. She screams and grabs it as she falls backward onto the floor. JACK : Lockdown ! Martha screams as she holds the glove inches from her face, struggling to keep it off her. MARTHA : Ahh ! Owen struggles to get the straps off him. Jack grabs the glove to help Martha. JACK : Martha just... She screams. Jack rips the glove away from her, hurling it back across the room. The glove hits the floor, its fingers still moving wildly. Martha is on the floor. The glove suddenly rights itself and uses its fingers to move itself across the floor. It heads right ward Martha. She screams as she backs away from it. She runs out of room, her back hitting the storage cabinets. Owen continues to struggle to get out of his binds. GWEN : Come on, give me your hand. Martha turns and reaches up. Gwen and Toshiko pull her up off the floor and up to the level above.) GWEN : Watch your foot. Watch your foot. Ianto walks in carrying an umbrella. Owen struggles to get the restraints off. Jack steps up to the stairs. JACK : Owen, Owen, don't move. (Owen stops moving). Everyone spread out. Everyone spreads out. Jack looks at Ianto. They lost sight of the glove. Ianto shakes his head. He doesn't know where it is. GWEN : Where'd it go ? MARTHA (points) : I think it went under the cabinet. The monitor with Owen's body scan is now at 95%. JACK : Are you all right ? MARTHA : Yeah, I think so. JACK (nods) : Good. Suddenly, they can hear the light clicking of the metal on concrete as the glove moves about. Everyone tries to locate the glove's position. GWEN : It's there. Everyone is very quiet and still. Martha peers over the pipe railing. Suddenly, the glove jumps up and grabs the railing next to her. She pushes away. The glove jumps up and clamps onto Martha's face. MARTHA : Ah ! Agh-hhh ! Martha slams back against the wall. She sinks down to the floor, trying to get the glove off her face. Jack hurries over. JACK : Hold her ! Gwen and Toshiko kneel next to Martha, trying to get the glove off her face. TOSHIKO : Jack ! Toshiko moves aside. Jack grabs the glove and tries to pry it off Martha's face. Owen struggles with his bindings. Martha raises her hand and we notice how wrinkly it is, as if the life is being sucked out of her. Using all his strength, Jack manages to get the glove off Martha's face. He struggles with it, then throws it across the room. The glove lands on a tray of supplies. The glove spasms and twitches. Owen watches it as he undoes the straps around his legs. The glove rights itself up, then jumps down to the ground. Owen is free. He gets up and pins it to the floor with his foot. Owen holds his hand out to Toshiko. OWEN : Gun ! The glove struggles. TOSHIKO : If you destroy it, the connection can be lost. Owen turns his hand toward Jack. OWEN : Jack ! Jack hesitates. OWEN (shouts) : Now ! Jack takes his gun out and tosses it to Owen. Owen takes the gun, steps off the glove and shoots it. The glove explodes in a white flash. Everyone takes a deep breath of relief. Gwen turns and sees Martha. GWEN : Oh, my God. Jack turns and sees Martha. Gwen leans forward to check on her. GWEN : Martha ? She kneels down next to Martha who is now very, very old. GWEN : Martha. Jack lifts her hand. GWEN : What's happened to her ? JACK : It's the glove. It did this to her. Owen, help me with her. Owen doesn't answer him. The monitor beeps rapidly. JACK : Owen ! Ianto stares at Owen who drops the gun. Ianto backs away from him. The Owen-scan up on the wall is now at 100%. Owen turns around, his eyes back pools of darkness. DEATH (IN OWEN) (distorted voice) : I will walk the Earth and my hunger will know no bounds. Agh-hhh-hhh-hhh ! A black gas escapes out of Owen's eyes and mouth. It rises up, gathering and growing bigger and bigger into a shapeless form above him. OWEN (screams) : Agh-hhh-hhh-hhh ! MONSTER-LIKE (growl) : Agh ! Jack rises to his feet. The black smoke gathers and grows. It shapes into something, then... in a flash, it lunges forward in an attack, two skeletal hands reaching forward. SMASH TO BLACK ON JACK Jack takes a deep, gasping breath and opens his eyes. When he looks around, he finds he's buckled in the... INT. TORCHWOOD SUV (PARKED) – NIGHT He unbuckles and runs out into the building. The sign reads : OUT-PATIENTS CLEIFION ALLANOL. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – HALLWAY – CONTINUOUS Martha is on a gurney being pushed by Gwen, Ianto and Toshiko. GWEN (shouts) : Police Officer ! I need a medic, now ! Two nurses run forward to help. A doctor waits at the end of the hallway. Back, Owen staggers around the corner. Jack runs and catches up with him. He grabs Owen's arm. JACK : Where did it go ? (Out of breath, Owen pants). Owen ! Owen continues to gasp for breath and points to the others in front of him. Jack runs to catch up with them. The gurney reaches the doctor who tends to Martha. Jack looks at the others. JACK : So what happened to that thing ? Owen catches up enough to see, but remains apart and behind the others. GWEN : It's gone. JACK : So it's out there ? LATER : In the room, Jack holds a small compact mirror in front of Martha so she can see her reflection. The others remain outside with the doctor. DOCTOR : How do you know her ? I take it you're not family. GWEN : She's a neighbour... we look in, do her shopping, collect her pension, that sort of thing, you know ? DOCTOR : Her red blood cell count is through the floor and she's massively dehydrated. All of which has placed a considerable strain on her heart. GWEN : You've got to help her. DOCTOR : We are. But you have to accept she's, what ? 80 ? GWEN : Just do what you can, please. CUT TO : Inside the room, Martha look at her aged reflection. The others enter the room. MARTHA : It must be Death, because it's stolen my life. Jack takes the mirror from her. JACK : We'll find a way to reverse this. Jack steps away to talk with Gwen. GWEN : Last time, back when Cardiff was a town, it killed twelve people. JACK : So ? GWEN : Why didn't it get to thirteen ? And where does this "faith" bit come into it ? Jack turns to Ianto. JACK : Ianto, we need answers. IANTO : I'm on it. Ianto turns to leave. JACK : Owen, I want you back at the hub... you're not safe. Owen is leaning, looking at Martha. OWEN : Jack, I'm free of it, I promise you, and I'm useful, I'm useful here. When it came though me, I felt it. I know what it is, I know what it wants, it's duroc. JACK : And what is that ? OWEN: Hunger. Jack turns and goes to the window. GWEN : Where do we look for it ? Where do we even start to look for it ? Jack moves the curtain aside. Outside and down below, two weevils make their way slowly up the road toward the hospital. OWEN : We won't have to go far. It's here. GWEN : Why would it follow us here ? JACK : I'm not sure it did. Maybe it senses the near-dead. If you were death, wouldn't you target a hospital ? Jack opens the door and hurries out. Gwen follows him. Owen remains behind. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – INTENSIVE CARE – CONTINUOUS MOVING LOW. An old woman sleeps in one of the beds, her heart monitor beeping steadily. We move past the bed, continuing forward. Then we see it : a heavy, black fog moving along the floor, past the bed and into camera view. The heart monitor beeps irratically. The woman in the second bed is awake. She sits up and notices the black fog rolling across the floor toward her bed. Suddenly, the heart monitor flatlines. The heart monitor for the patient in the bed next to that is also flatlining. The woman gasps. A third heart monitor suddenly flatlines. The woman looks around nervously. She reaches over for the call button, misses grabbing it and knocks it down. She turns and sees something that blocks the light as it stands in front of her, a large cloud of black smoke. Hidden inside the smoke is a living skeleton. It rises up tall and towers over her. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – HALLWAY – CONTINUOUS Gwen and Jack turn the corner. Jack is on his comm. JACK (briskly, to comm) : This is Captain Jack Harkness, Torchwood. You need to evacuate St Helen's Hospital immediately. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – HALLWAY – CONTINUOUS Gwen turns the corner. GWEN (announces) : Ladies and gentlemen, this is Torchwood. If you can move as quickly and as safely as possible to your nearest exit, thank you. The overhead alarm rings. The nurses start moving. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – CHILDREN'S WARD – CONTINUOUS The nurse pushes the doors open. NURSE (shouts) : Can I have a hand in here, please ? The nurse claps her hands briskly. The overhead lights switch on, the children wake up and more nurses enter the room. NURSE : All right, wake up ! Dressing gowns on ! It's not a drill. Can you listen to me carefully, please ? The nurses help the children get up and out of bed. One bed is empty. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – BATHROOM – CONTINUOUS People move quickly past the door. Inside the bathroom and hiding in a stall, Jamie Burton is playing his hand-held video game with his earphones on. He doesn't notice the bustling outside. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – STAIRWAY – CONTINUOUS The evacuation continues. Jack and Gwen hurry up the stairs. JACK : Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a drill. Please make your way to the assembly point in car park one. They reach the next level. JACK (to comm) : Ianto, I need you to crack into the hospital communication system. INTERCUT WITH : INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – MARTHA'S ROOM – CONTINUOUS Ianto is working on the computer as the doctor checks Martha. IANTO (to comm) : Already done it. They've got multiple code four's in intensive care. JACK (to comm) : Which floor is that ? IANTO (to comm) : Sixth. Jack and Gwen hurry up the stairs. JACK (to Gwen) : What's a Code Four ? GWEN : Heart attack. JACK : We need to do a body count. Let me know if we get to twelve. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – HALLWAY – CONTINUOUS A nurse looks around. Nurse 2 is walking a girl slowly out with her IV stand. NURSE 1 : Have you seen Jamie ? NURSE 2 (looks back) : No. NURSE 1 : I'll catch you up. The nurse looks around. The floor is very quiet now that everyone's left. She turns to leave, when she hears a swirling, squirming movement coming from behind her. She turns to look. nThen, she heads over to Jamie's empty bed to check. NURSE : Jamie ? Jamie, is that you under there ? The nurse kneels to check under the bed. The black cloud of death rises up behind her. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – INTENSIVE CARE – CONTINUOUS In the foreground is a dead woman, barely skin over bones. In the b.g., Jack and Gwen are looking around. He counts the number of dead bodies in the room. JACK (to comm) : Owen, Tosh, we're on the sixth floor. There's fatalities. Seven of them. INTERCUT WITH : INT. ELEVATOR – CONTINUOUS Owen and Toshiko are in the elevator. Owen points to the map on the wall. GWEN (from comm) : I'm hearing of a fatality during a routine operation. JACK : Let's count that as eight. That leaves five to go. (Realizes something). Oh. GWEN : What ? JACK : There's five of us. INTERCUT WITH : OWEN & TOSHIKO exit the elevator. OWEN : Jack, it was last seen on the sixth, did it go up or down from there ? Toshiko tries the door. JACK : Most of the upper floors are evacuated, so if it's still hungry, I would guess that it's going to... OWEN : We're on the eighth. We'll make our way down. Owen heads off; Toshiko hurries to follow him. TOSHIKO : Jack, we still have no idea what to do if we find it. JACK : Ianto ? INTERCUT WITH : INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – MARTHA'S ROOM – CONTINUOUS IANTO (to comm) : I have searched for the phrase "I shall walk the Earth and my hunger will know no bounds", but I keep getting redirected to Weight Watchers. The ambulance man in green hurries in and gets the doctor. They both leave. Ianto and Martha remain in the room. GWEN : It was a medical journal, History of Medicine. Try under Tavistock or Wellcome. (Welkin?) Jack and Gwen head out. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – SEVENTH FLOOR – CONTINUOUS Owen and Toshiko turn the corner and hurry through the hallway. TOSHIKO : We're on the seventh floor. The overhead lights shut off. They stop walking. OWEN : It's here, I can feel it. TOSHIKO : Owen, you're scaring me. OWEN: I'm not exactly reassuring myself. Come on. Owen heads forward. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – CONTINUOUS Jamie Burton steps out into the dark hallway and finds it empty. No one's there. He turns and heads back to his room. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – CHILDREN'S WARD – CONTINUOUS He pushes the doors open and enters. He walks across the room toward his bed at the end. On his way there, the individual curtains are closed. Jamie continues to head for his bed. He gasps, scared and he looks around. He reaches his bed and pulls the curtain open. It's empty. He sighs with relief. He turns and drops his video game. The sound of the plastic hitting the floor is very loud. He gasps and goes to get it. He pushes the curtain aside and finds a dead body hidden under the bed. He quickly backs out and gets up. Death is behind the curtain which is darker than the others. We hear the sounds of clicking as Death unfurls. Jamie turns and runs out of the room... and through the hallway... and around the corner. Sounds of a man wailing is heard. Jamie glances behind him, but keeps on running. He heads for the double doors in front of him. He runs. He reaches the doors and finds them locked. He slams his hands on the door. There's no where else to run. Jamie turns around. DEATH (whispering) : Melenkurion abatha... He reaches another door and finds it locked. He slams his palms against the door. DEATH (whispering) : ... duroc minas mill khabaal. Black smoke reaches the corner and spills out into the hallway. The smoke gathers and rises. Trapped, Jamie slumps to the floor, his back to the door. Death, nearly in a visible skeleton form, heads toward Jamie. It gets closer and closer. Suddenly, the door next to Jamie opens and Owen steps out between Jamie and Death. Owen motions to Jamie. OWEN : Take my hand. Jamie doesn't move. Death is nearly upon Owen. OWEN (shouts) : Come on ! Jamie gets up and grabs Owen's hand. Owen pulls him out of the hallway. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – HALLWAY (FIFTH FLOOR) – CONTINUOUS The door opens. Owen and Jamie burst out. Toshiko is right behind them. They run. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – SECOND FLOOR – CONTINUOUS Jack and Gwen are walking. GWEN : I'm getting reports of twelve people dead. JACK : So ? They exit through the doors. GWEN : The legend says, when Death took thirteen souls, its power would be unstoppable. It'd roam the earth forever, Jack. It only needs to kill once more. JACK : That's twelve... we're running out of time. INT. ST. HELEN'S HOSPITAL – FIRST FLOOR – CONTINUOUS Owen, Jamie and Toshiko are hurrying down the stairs through the lobby. OWEN : I think we lost it. Owen reaches the glass doors and finds them locked. OWEN : Maybe not. Toshiko uses her hand-held monitor and works on the doors. TOSHIKO : If I can access the correct frequency... OWEN : What's your name ? JAMIE : Jamie Burton. OWEN: Right, Jamie. I'm Owen, this is Toshiko, we're going to get you out of here, mate. (As Toshiko works, Owen looks around). What are you in for ? JAMIE: Leukemia. OWEN : Right. TOSHIKO : Jamie, you're going to be fine. I'll have this door open in a second. OWEN : Jamie, they, uh, got you in for a round of chemo, have they ? JAMIE : Had that. It didn't work. OWEN : So why are you here ? JAMIE : They're trying to make me have it again. It didn't work, though. The cancer just comes back. It just makes my hair fall out. I'm gonna die. I might as well do it with eyebrows. INTERCUT WITH: JACK (from comm) : Ianto, what have we got ? Ianto reads the information off the website. IANTO (to comm) : Back in 1479, the priest discovered that Death needed thirteen souls to walk the earth for eternity. Jack is continuing down the steps. JACK : He stopped Death at twelve... IANTO : It was Faith. JACK (from comm) : I know ! IANTO: No, the little girl who was brought back to life. Her name was Faith. She stopped it. JACK : Well, how ? IANTO : It doesn't say. OWEN (mutters, realizes) : Faith didn't have anything to lose. She was already dead. Owen takes Jamie and pulls him aside. They sit at the tables. OWEN : Jamie. Jamie, you're scared, of course, you are. The last lot of chemo didn't work and you can't bear the thought of going through all that pain again, and I understand that, mate, I really do. But let me tell you that not everyone dies of this disease, and the ones with the best chance of making it are the ones who believe that they can beat death. And sometimes, just sometimes, you can. So watch and learn, Jamie Burton. JAMIE : Watch what ? OWEN : Watch me beat death. Toshiko's monitor beeps. The doors open. TOSHIKO : Come on ! OWEN : Okay, go ! Owen and Jamie get up and run for the doors. OWEN : Come on, Jamie. (To Toshiko) Take him. Okay. Owen turns and heads back inside. TOSHIKO : Owen, I am not leaving you to face that thing on your own. OWEN : I know what to do. TOSHIKO : You don't know what we're dealing with. Owen grabs Toshiko and kisses her. He reaches down and... He steps back. The hand-held monitor chirps. OWEN : You're so gonna hate me for this. The doors close between them. On the other side of the doors, Owen lifts up Toshiko's monitor and shows it to her. TOSHIKO : Owen ! (Pounds on the doors). Owen, no ! Open the door ! Owen works on the monitor. TOSHIKO : What the hell are you doing ?! Owen, Owen ! Suddenly, they hear it. They turn around and they see Death's smokey figure walking down the steps. Owen turns around. OWEN : How long ?! He drops the monitor on the floor. OWEN : How long can you last here with only twelve victims ? (Shouts). There's nothing here for you ! Owen starts toward Death. OWEN : Owen Harper's soul has left the building ! Toshiko and Jamie watch helplessly on the other side of the glass door. OWEN : There's nobody here but us dead men. Owen stops at the base of the stairs and waits. TOSHIKO (screams) : No ! (Pounds on the glass). Owen ! JAMIE (pounds on the glass) : Owen ! TOSHIKO : Owen ! Death reaches its bony hand toward Owen. He grabs its wrist and holds on tight. OWEN : What else have you got ? Death reaches for Owen. The two struggle. Toshiko moves to the next glass door and pounds. TOSHIKO : Owen ! OWEN : What else can you do to the dead ?! Owen and Death struggle. TOSHIKO (to comm) : Jack ! Jack ! Up on the level above, Jack reaches the glass doors. TOSHIKO (o.s.) : Jack ! He pounds on the glass. JACK : Owen ! Down below, he sees Owen struggling with Death. JACK : Owen ! GWEN : Owen ! Jack and Gwen leave to find another way down there. Owen hangs on to Death and doesn't let go. OWEN (taunts) : Is that all you've got ?! See this ? TOSHIKO (sobbing) : Owen ! Death struggles to get away from Owen, but Owen keeps a firm hold on him. OWEN : Agh ! Death starts to dissipate, its bones emulsified in bright light and white smoke, the black smog around it vanishing. Jack and Gwen run in through the back. Jack stops Gwen from getting any closer. JACK : No, no, no. And Death vanishes. Toshiko watches. Gwen clutches Jack's arm as they wait. Owen sits up on his knees. Jack and Gwen walk up to him from behind. Jack puts a hand on his shoulder. The computer beeps and the glass doors open. Toshiko walks in. She stops in front of Owen. INTERCUT WITH : Ianto is in Martha's room. IANTO (from comm) : Jack ? There's no answer. IANTO (to comm) : Jack ? (Pause). Gwen ? (Pause). Anyone ? Martha suddenly grabs Ianto's shoulder and surges up with a loud gasp. Martha's young again. IANTO (startled) : Agh ! Ianto laughs nervously. Martha gives him a weak smile.) CUT TO : EXT. CARDIFF CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) – NIGHT Cardiff city at night. INT. THE HUB – AUTOPSY AREA – NIGHT Owen and Martha sit side-by-side on the autopsy table. OWEN : So tell me, Doctor, is it worth starting War and Peace ? She gives a mirthless chuckles. OWEN : I'm sorry that you got hurt. That... I got you hurt. MARTHA : It's not me that I'm worried about. You soaked up a colossal amount of energy, but... (She turns to look at the monitor)... it's dissipating now. OWEN : It doesn't sound good. MARTHA : I don't know anything about its properties. None of us do. It could take thirty years for it to die out completely. OWEN : Or thirty minutes. Jack walks past the entryway. OWEN : Jack ? Jack stops. Owen stands up. OWEN : People died because you brought me back. We owe them, you and me. I'm still a doctor. Let's put me to work. See if we can't even that score. JACK : We'll see. Owen nods. INT. THE HUB – WORKSTATIONS – CONTINUOUS Jack walks up to Toshiko. TOSHIKO : Did he really beat death ? JACK : Oh, you can never really beat death, never escape it... it's always in the shadows, waiting. TOSHIKO : So what do we do now ? Before he can answer her, a movement catches their eyes and they're both startled silent. They turn. It's Owen. HOLD on Owen. FADE OUT END |
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