Forever Dreaming

2x04 - Meat
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/06/14 14:21 ]
Post subject:  2x04 - Meat

Opening shots and series recap

JACK HARKNESS : (v.o.) Torchwood. Outside the Government, beyond the police. Fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st century is when everything changes... and Torchwood is ready.


It's raining outside. Rhys is driving and singing along enthusiastically with the radio playing a Harwood's commercial.

RADIO : Who can you trust ? /Who can you trust to transport your cars.

RHYS : (singing along) Harwood's ! /You won't be sorry with a Harwood's lorry !

Rhys laughs.

RADIO : (from radio) Good morning. And today sees an improvement on the weather we've been having recently.

Rhys' phone rings. He looks outside and motions as he pulls over to the side of the road. Cars beep their horns and pass him by. The phone continues to ring. Rhys answers the phone.

RHYS : (to phone) Yeah, Ruth ! (chuckles) Did you hear it ? I wrote the last bit. (He chuckles again, then stops as he listens.) What sort of accident ? Yeah, yeah, I know it. Yeah, I'll get over there now.

Rhys hangs up and pulls back out into traffic.


Rhys pulls up his car, license #CEO7FKV, to the accident site where the police have the area blocked. The accident looks very serious. Police, Dragon Rescue personnel and emergency vehicles are there. Rhys gets out of the car and heads over to the site. An officer stops him.

POLICEMAN : Stay back, please. You're going to have to move your car.

RHYS : Yeah, I'm Rhys Williams, I'm the manager of Harwood's Haulage.

CRANE UP to show the truck knocked on its side and another smaller vehicle smashed and flipped completely over nearby.

The officer is adamant.

POLICEMAN : Now, you can check on the vehicle later.

RHYS : Bollocks to that, mate. I know the driver. Is he...

Rhys indicates the body on the gurney. The officer turns to look.

POLICEMAN : Didn't make it. Sorry. (The emergency workers pull the sheet over the face of the body on the gurney.) Can you give me some details, sir ?

RHYS : It's Leighton. Uh... Leighton Reynolds.

POLICEMAN : Next of kin ?

The emergency workers push the gurney away.

RHYS : Yeah, he's got a... a wife. Jen. Just had a baby.

POLICEMAN : Do you know the address ?

RHYS : Uh, yeah, uh, 54 Keppoch Street, Roath. Gave him a lift to football.

They put the gurney in the back of the vehicle.

POLICEMAN : Thank you, sir.

A siren wails as the emergency ambulance leaves the site.

RHYS : Right, um, I'm going to need to arrange to move the lorry.

POLICEMAN : Not yet. There's something suspicious in the back.

RHYS : It's just meat. Leighton was taking it to the abattoir.

OFFICER : Yeah, well, whatever. Torchwood want a look at it first.

The officer turns just as the Torchwood SUV pulls up directly behind the accident site. Rhys watches as the Torchwood team gets out of the SUV. First Jack... then Gwen. He's absolutely stunned to see Gwen there.



Jack steps in first with his flashlight on. He makes his way through the back of the truck. The others follow. Someone coughs. Jack pushes the plastic sheeting aside and finds a large clump of meat on the floor.

JACK : Ugh.

He presses his boot into the meat.

OWEN : Oh, it stinks.

Outside, sirens wail. Jack looks at the meat.

JACK : No bones, just dense flesh.

OWEN : It's not like any flesh I've ever seen.

Owen and Gwen are still standing near the entryway. Jack looks around the truck.

GWEN : What is it ?

Jack kneels down for a better look at the meat.

JACK : Well, as there haven't been any giant cow sightings, I suggest we take a sample back to the hub.

Jack stands up. Owen turns to his kit.



Gwen steps back out of the truck to talk with the police officer. She doesn't notice that Rhys is there in the back watching her.

GWEN : We're going to need to take the contents of the van, confiscate it until we've done further investigations.

Inside the truck, Owen is cutting off a piece of the meat. Outside, Jack talks with Ianto.

JACK : Did you find out where it came from ?

IANTO : No, but it is a Harwood's lorry, so...

GWEN : Oh, um, that's Rhys's firm.

Jack and Ianto look at Gwen. Way behind them, Rhys is still watching them. Inside the truck, Owen drops a slab of meat into the kit. Outside, Gwen looks at Jack and Ianto. Inside the truck, Owen picks up his kit and is on the move. He heads out.

OWEN : Right, done.

JACK : Let's go.

Jack turns and heads for the SUV. The officer lifts the tape for him. Ianto follows. Owen rushes out and heads for the SUV. Gwen follows after them. Rhys sees them leaving and runs back to his car. Owen puts his things in the back of the SUV, license #CF06 FDU. Jack shuts the trunk door. Rhys is in his car and on the move. He continues forward through the block road with the intention of following the Torchwood SUV and Gwen. The Torchwood SUV starts and pulls away from the site. The policeman stops Rhys.

POLICEMAN : Sorry, sir, you can't come this way now.

The Torchwood SUV turns around and drives away. Rhys hits the steering wheel in frustration.

RHYS : Argh !




Owen is wearing a green disposable apron and moves around as he gives his report after testing the meat.

OWEN : There is evidence of a vertebral column but its genetic makeup isn't compatible with any known animal.

JACK : Any idea what it is ?

Gwen is unusually quiet.

OWEN : Have to scan it. But whoever's farming this meat knows it's dodgy.

He holds up the label.

OWEN : You see this ? Official vet stamp, "Fit for human consumption." It's fake. It's good, but it's fake.

Jack walks past Gwen as he heads over toward Toshiko and Ianto by the computers.

JACK : Tosh, get on to the haulage firm. Find out where that meat is from and where it's heading.

Gwen follows Jack back up to the workstations.

GWEN : (quietly to Jack) Why does it have to be Rhys's firm ? It's a bit too close to home.

JACK : You want to stand down ?

GWEN : No ! I want to find out what's going on.

Ianto gives her a cup of coffee.

GWEN : Thank you, Ianto.

Toshiko adjusts her monitor as she waits for the Harwood's advert to finish. Everyone is drinking their cup of coffee.

SONG : (speaker) Who can you trust ? / Who can you trust to transport your cars / Harwood's ! / You won't be sorry with a Harwood's lorry.

Gwen stifles a smile as everyone listens to the song.

IANTO : Catchy.

TOSHIKO : Do you think the haulage firm might be in on it, too ?

GWEN : Rhys ? No! He doesn't know what goes in the vans, he just hires them out.

IANTO : Driver must have seen it loaded.

GWEN : That doesn't implicate Rhys. He's the most honest man I know.

TOSHIKO : Have you got his direct line ?

Gwen puts her coffee cup down and takes her phone out of her jacket pocket. Jack watches her. She opens the phone to get the number.



Establish. Building. The phone rings.


Rhys opens a binder on his way back to his desk. His secretary, Ruth, sits at her desk. The phone rings. Ruth answers it.

RUTH : (to phone) Harwood's Haulage. How may I help you ? (She looks at Rhys.) It's the police.

Rhys picks up the phone at his desk.

RHYS : (to phone) Hello. Yeah, speaking. Yes, I'm aware of the accident.



Rhys' voice comes out through the overhead speakers as everyone listens to the phone call.

RHYS : (from phone) It's a firm called Harris & Harris. They came to us about two months back. It's a weekly contract.

Ianto writes down a note.

TOSHIKO : (filtered) Are they licensed ?

RHYS : (to phone) Yeah, of course they're licensed !

TOSHIKO : (to phone) Could you give me their address ?

Rhys checks the logs. He looks at Ruth.

RHYS : (to Ruth) There's no address down here.

Ruth stands up and points.

RUTH : There's a pickup point. They said it was hard to find.

Ianto hands the folded note up to Jack who looks at it.

RHYS : No, sorry, all I've got is a service station on the A470, 15 miles from Cardiff.

TOSHIKO : (to phone) Do you have their contact number ?

Rhys checks the logs. He looks at Ruth.

RHYS : (to phone) No, there's no contact number either.

TOSHIKO : Can you tell me where your driver took the meat ?

Jack hands the note to Toshiko.

RHYS : Yes, he was taking it to Caerwen Abattoir. It's a processing plant, just, uh gen-a gen... general meat suppliers.

TOSHIKO : (to phone) What time did the driver leave base ?

Rhys checks the logs.

RHYS : Uh, signed out at 10 to 1:00. Can I ask, what's this about ?

TOSHIKO : (to phone) I can't release that information, sir. Thanks for your cooperation.

RHYS : Yeah, but I'm the manager of...

The line disconnects. Rhys slams the phone down.

RHYS : Brilliant !

He sits down in the chair, frustrated.

RUTH : Well, Leighton was the regular. Apart from that first booking, they just went through him.

RHYS : Yes, but now, it looks like I'm hiding something, Ruth !



Ianto is checking the traffic cams. He finds the truck.

IANTO : Got him !

Everyone turns around to find Ianto watching the monitors.

IANTO : There he is, coming back 40 minutes later. (He stops the monitor.) Let's say it takes 20 minutes to load. We are talking a 10-mile radius.

Down in the autopsy area, Owen is studying the slab of meat.

OWEN : (shouts) Jack !

JACK : Yeah.

Jack and the others head over.

OWEN : Scan shows it's definitely alien meat.

JACK : (sighs) Where the hell would they get it from ?

TOSHIKO : If it's going into the processing plant, that means it's going into pies, burgers, pasties - everything.

GWEN : That means people have been eating it for months.

Owen runs up the stairs to show them the readings from the monitor projected onto the wall.

OWEN : Well, the DNA traces are stable. There are some signs of animal sedative, but no detectable diseases or residues. My guess is, it's good to eat.

GWEN : Would you eat it ?

Ianto runs up to them.

IANTO : Pizza's arrived - presumed it would be a late one.

OWEN : (sighs) What'd you get me ?

IANTO : Usual...meat feast.

OWEN : (deflated) Lovely.

Owen stares at the slab of meat on the autopsy table.



CLOSE-UP of the pizza as Owen picks out the pepperoni and other meat. Owen and Toshiko sit with the pizza as Ianto paces with his slice of pizza and shares his findings.

IANTO : I've narrowed it down to three potential areas..; only one warehouse is unoccupied. It's just outside Merthyr.

OWEN : Makes sense...who knows what goes on there ?

JACK : We've got to shut the operation down, neutralize whoever is doing this, and identify the alien meat.

Gwen's phone jingles. She checks the text message : "Can I see you ?"

JACK : (continues) Tosh, you can coordinate.

GWEN : I have to slip home and check on Rhys first.

JACK : Good idea. Find out how much he knows.

GWEN : That's not what I meant.

Gwen turns and heads out.



Rhys sits at the kitchen counter with his phone in his hand. He turns the phone off and puts it down. He's deep in thought. Gwen smiles at him from the entryway.

GWEN : Hiya ! I got your message. You all right ?

RHYS : (sighs) Uhh. Bit of a tough day. Had an accident at work... uh ... one of our lorries crashed.

GWEN : Oh. Anyone hurt ?

RHYS : Leighton, one of my drivers, died.

GWEN : Oh, no !

RHYS : He was only 24.

GWEN : Were you close ?

RHYS : For God's sake, Gwen, you met him. Small, dark hair, played five-a-side with me.

GWEN : Sorry, I can't, I can't place him.

RHYS : Well, then I hear that the, uh... oh, that the, the police have taken the meat out the back of the van. You any idea why ?

GWEN : How would I know ?

RHYS : You work for them.

GWEN : I don't deal in, um... traffic accidents. So...

RHYS : Well, they phoned the office and, uh, they asked a load of questions... uh... the thing is, all I do is hire out the lorries, so I...

He shrugs.

GWEN : Then there's nothing for you to worry about, is there ?

RHYS : Must be something dodgy going on, though.

GWEN : Well, if there was, you weren't to know, were you ?

RHYS : No, of course not.

GWEN : No.

There's an awkward pause between them.

GWEN : I wish I didn't have to go back to work now.

RHYS : Hardly worth you coming home.

GWEN : Yes, it was. (Smiling, she slides over to him.) To see you. (He chuckles.) I'm sorry. (She kisses him.) I'll see you later.

She looks at him.

GWEN : Go and have a pint. Call Daf.

RHYS : Hmm. Yeah. Yeah, maybe I will.

She kisses his forehead and heads out. After a moment, Rhys picks up his phone, grabs his keys off the table and heads out after her.



Gwen is headed across the plaza.



Rhys sits in his car watching her. Gwen is headed toward the water tower. As Rhys watches, Jack steps off the concrete brick, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Gwen heads right up to him. Rhys is spooked and is much too far away to hear their conversation.

GWEN : (to Jack) Like I thought... he has no idea what's going on.

Jack holds his arm out.

JACK : Would you care to accompany me to the slaughterhouse ?

Jack waits a beat. Gwen takes his arm. As Rhys watches them, Gwen and Jack start walking again, this time away from the water tower.

GWEN : Have you ever eaten alien meat ?

JACK : Yeah.

GWEN : What was it like ?

JACK : (watches her) Well, he seemed to enjoy it.

Wait for it... Gwen's eyes grow wide as it sinks in. Gwen and Jack both smile. She giggles as they head off.

GWEN : (muffled) You're rough.

Rhys can't believe what he's seeing.



Rhys is driving and tailing Jack and Gwen in the Torchwood SUV ahead of him. The Torchwood SUV takes a turn - Rhys takes a turn.



The Torchwood SUV travels along an access road.

JACK : (v.o., radio filtered) Ianto, Owen, we're just on our way in. How are things looking at the slaughterhouse ? Are you in position ?

IANTO: (v.o., radio filtered) Yeah, it's all quiet here. There's a deserted access road to the side, where you won't get noticed. I'll direct you in.

Rhys' white car travels along the same access road.


JACK : Ianto, nearly there.


The Torchwood SUV appears at the site.


Ianto and Owen are walking along the side of the warehouse.

IANTO : (to radio) Take the second turning.


IANTO : (filtered) Park on the left. No one will see the car there.

Jack takes the second turn. After a moment, Rhys' white car appears after the turn following Jack's path, except the Torchwood SUV is out of sight. Rhys is driving. He takes the first turn instead of the second.


Owen checks yet another door. It's locked. He and Ianto continue to walk around the warehouse building.

IANTO : (to radio) There's a main entrance at the front. It's the only one open. The rest are padlocked and alarmed.


The Torchwood SUV goes over a speed bump and slows.


Rhys stops the car just outside the front gate to the warehouse. He looks out and sees Ianto and Owen. They turn the corner and walk out of his view.


Jack ad Gwen sit in the parked SUV.

JACK : (to radio) How many are in there ?

OWEN : (from radio) Difficult to tell.

Owen and Ianto continue to walk around the building, checking the warehouse doors.

OWEN : There's no windows.



Toshiko is at her computers.

TOSHIKO : I've got blueprints of the warehouse. The stock has to be in the central area. Having fun ?

Owen and Ianto continue to walk around the building.

IANTO : (drolly) Don't know what you're missing.

OWEN : (to radio) According to the sensor, there's a heat signature across the entire building.

GWEN : (quietly) That's a lot of meat.


Rhys twiddles his fingers against the steering wheel impatiently. He takes his phone out and dials.


Gwen's phone rings. She checks it. It's Rhys. Rhys 07704195740 calling. She doesn't answer it and turns it off.


RHYS : Oh, answer the phone, Gwen !

He turns the phone off and puts it back in his pocket.


Owen and Ianto continue around the warehouse.

JACK : (from radio) You two take the sides. Gwen and I will go in the front. We don't want any casualties. We stun-gun whoever's in there and put a stop to what they're doing.



Rhys gets out of his car and engages the car alarm. He starts toward the building. Jack and Gwen are in the car.

JACK : Let's go.

Jack and Gwen get out of the SUV. They start for the front of the building. Rhys takes his phone out and dials again. His phone beeps. Jack sees someone.

JACK : There's someone there.

It's Rhys.

GWEN : It's Rhys. It's R... What's he doing ?

Ianto and Owen approach another door.

IANTO : Did you bring the alarm deactivator ?

Owen takes out his gun with silencer and shoots the lock off.

IANTO : Well, that's one way of doing it.

A white sports car approaches the warehouse. Rhys presses some buttons on his phone and pockets it. The white car stops in front of Rhys. Jack and Gwen are too far away to hear anything said. Rhys walks over to the men in the car.

JACK : He must be in on it.

Gwen is too shocked. The two men get out of the car.

DALE : Don't bother running, mate.

Gwen shakes her head. She can't wrap her mind around Rhys being involved.

GWEN : Never, no.

One of the men speaks into a hand-held radio.

DALE : (to radio) Greg. We've got a bit of a problem, bruv.

Jack and Gwen watch.

JACK : How else do you explain that ?


The door bursts opens. Owen and Ianto step into the doorway with their guns out.

JACK : Ianto, Owen. Stand down. Repeat: stand down.

Ianto looks at Owen. Owen nods. They back out of the warehouse. Owen closes the door shut.


Jack and Gwen watch Rhys with the two men.

GWEN : He told me he didn't know what was going on. He wouldn't lie to me.

JACK : He also said he didn't know here they were based, but he did.

GWEN : There's something wrong. There has to be.

Gwen starts to run out. Jack reaches for her.

JACK : Gwen ! No !

He grabs her and pushes her back up against the warehouse wall. He holds her wrists, pinning her there.

JACK : (firmly) No.

Dale motions to Rhys.

DALE : Come with me.

Rhys follows Dale. They head toward the warehouse. Jack keeps Gwen pinned to the warehouse wall.

GWEN : I just have to get him out !

JACK : What ? By charging in there ? What then ? You going to knock him out ?


Rhys walks through the dark corridor with Dale and the other man behind him. The overhead lights flicker. Greg steps out of a room and closes the door behind him. Rhys turns to Dale.

RHYS : Look, lads, I don't mean any harm, honestly.

Greg motions for them to continue. Dale forces Rhys to continue down the hallway with them.


JACK : You can't just go in there ! (Gwen calms down.) You have to do as I say.

Jack lets Gwen go.

JACK : We wait until he comes out.

Jack looks toward the front. He glances sideways at Gwen.


In the meat packing room, one of the workers is carrying a large block of raw meat. The low wailing sound of a large creature is heard. There are a couple workers in the small area and large chunks of raw meat on the rollers. Greg, Dale, Rhys and the other man enter through one door just as Vic enters through the back door. Vic looks at the workers.

VIC : Boys, you should've waited for the ketamine injection before doing that.

WORKER : What about the hoses ?

VIC : That's only lidocaine. It's not strong enough.

DALE : (scoffs to Vic) Well, if you care so much, go and work for the RSPCA. Or don't they pay as good ?

GREG : (points to Rhys) Oi ! You ! Through here.

Greg enters the office. Rhys starts to follow, but stops as he looks around.

DALE : (loudly) Shift !

Rhys is startled and heads into the small back office. The worker they entered with puts on a yellow vest.

DALE : (to worker) I want you and one of those with me, now !

Dale heads into the office. The worker picks up a cleaver off the shelf and heads into the office with them.



Greg and Dale talk with Rhys. The worker in the yellow vest with the cleaver stands in front of the doorway.

GREG : Who sent you ?

DALE : Come on, now, don't waste our time.

RHYS : No one sent me. I, um... I came on my own. I'm looking for the boss.

DALE : You're looking at him.

GREG : Ignore my little brother.

RHYS : I'm, uh..;

Rhys digs into his jacket pocket and takes out a business card. He offers the card to Dale.

RHYS : I'm from, um, I'm from Harwood's. Harwood's Haulage. (Dale takes the card.) Uh, Leighton... Leighton, your driver..; He, um, well, he, uh, he sort of told me what was going on.

DALE : That mouthy git... He was paid to keep quiet.

GREG : (motions) Shh !

RHYS : Yeah, well, he's dead.

Greg and Dale exchange looks.

RHYS : Lorry crashed.

DALE : Were the goods inside ?

GREG : What happened to the meat ? Did anyone see it ?

RHYS : No, no, um... I, uh... I picked it all up and, uh, took it all to be incinerated.

Dale gets up and hands the card to Greg.

RHYS : You see, um.;; I was hoping maybe I could, uh, pick up from where he left off, boys ?

Dale turns and looks at Rhys.

DALE : How do we know you won't report us ?

RHYS : I'm here, aren't I ?

Dale scoffs. Greg stands up.

GREG : So what, exactly, did he tell ?

Rhys looks at them.

RHYS : Uh... everything. You know, that you're, uh... Cleaning up old meat.

DALE : Oh, it's a lot bigger than that.



Greg and Dale walk Rhys through a corridor. There's blood on the floors. Greg reaches the door and opens it. Rhys puts his wrist to his mouth and nose as he reacts to the stench. He gags from the smell.


The creature wails - a low crying sound. The workers continue to move around. Greg stares dispassionately at the creature. Rhys, Dale and the other worker enter the main room. They close the door behind them. The creature's wails are loud and thunderous. It's cries are similar to those of a whale.

RHYS : What's that noise ?

Greg turns and looks at Rhys, watching his reaction. Rhys looks stunned by what he sees. We don't see the creature, just hear its sad, painful cries. Rhys steps past the men and closer to the creature. Rhys walks up to a creature he's never seen before. It's huge. He steps up to it. The creature's eye opens and looks at Rhys. It wails and moves. Rhys takes a step back.

RHYS : God !

He can't believe what he's seeing. The creature is alive and suffering.

RHYS : What is it, boys ?

GREG : No idea.

The creature moans and wails.

CRANE UP on the creature filling the entire length of the warehouse. It's huge and appears shapeless. It's held in place by ropes.

GREG : The beauty of it is, it just keeps growing.

DALE : No matter how much we cut it.

The creature wails. Rhys turns and sees the creature's flesh on the warehouse floor. A bloodied worker kicks the meat scraps with his boot. Vic, the veterinarian, pumps more drugs into the creature. The inhumanity of what he's witnessing hits Rhys. He gags, turns and throws up, vomiting on the floor. Dale chuckles.

DALE : You get used to it.



Meanwhile, Jack and Gwen are still on the side of the building as they wait for Rhys to come out of the warehouse. After a moment, they see Rhys and Dale shaking hands. They're too far away to hear what they're saying.

GWEN : I don't get it.

Jack shakes his head as he continues to watch. They appear to let Rhys go. Rhys heads for his car. His car alarm chirps. He waves to Dale as he gets inside. Dale waves back. It's all so friendly. Rhys starts the car engine. Jack looks at Gwen.

JACK : Come on. Let's go.

Jack turns and heads back to the car. Gwen follows him.



Rhys is home and having a beer. Gwen bursts in.

GWEN : (shouts) What were you doing in that warehouse ?!

RHYS : (shouts) You lied to me ! You were at that crash !

GWEN : I don't know what you're talking about. What... ?

RHYS : Stop pissing me around, Gwen ! You're so used to lying and fobbing me off, like the idiot that I obviously am.

GWEN : Those blokes paying you ? Why were you there ?

RHYS : No, I'm asking the questions, all right ? I followed you, okay ? Yeah. So that bloke, the tall bloke in the coat, you fucking him, or what ?

She looks at him.

GWEN : (quietly) All I ever asked was you trust me.

RHYS : What, like you trust me ? It's a two-way street, Gwen !

GWEN : There's stuff you don't understand, Rhys.

RHYS : Oh, of course not, I'm just a big, dumb animal, aren't I ? I mean, what's so secret you can't even tell your own fiancé, eh ? You know, in fact, why are you marrying me, Gwen, eh ? What am I, just a habit you can't be arsed to break ?

GWEN : No.

RHYS : Then tell the truth !

GWEN : All right! All right, my job... the special ops thing ? It's a lie, a cover story.

RHYS : Thank you ! At last ! God, what's that taken, about a year ? That's one lie down. How many more we got to deal with, eh ? Is there anything in your life that's actually based on truth ?

GWEN : Us.

RHYS : Us ? Ha ha ha ! Us ? Us is crumbing, Gwen. Us is falling to shit !

GWEN : You think I enjoy keeping all this stuff to myself ?

RHYS : Then why did you ?

GWEN : Because I'm trying to protect you ! Have you ever stopped to think about that ? No ! No, because you prefer to blunder in without thinking or looking. Good old ham-fisted Rhys' heart, his heart is in the right place, but his brain is a million miles fucking back !

RHYS : Come on, let's have it all, then, shall we ? What, exactly, do I need protecting from ?

GWEN : I catch aliens !

RHYS : Piss off !

GWEN : No, you piss off. It's the truth.

RHYS : If you're not going to take it seriously...

GWEN : This is why I couldn't tell you. Because I hunt down aliens and I scavenge the stuff they leave behind. And then, sometimes I don't believe it myself.

RHYS : Gwen, what's got into you ? Have you been brainwashed ? Is that it, yeah ? (Gwen sits down). 'Cause you are talking some high-grade shit here !

GWEN : Every word is the truth. Rhys. The things I have seen... (sighs) The times I have wanted to tell you...

She shakes her head, exhales the breath she's been holding for the last year... and sits back in the seat as she closes her eyes.

RHYS : Aliens ? (points to the window) In Cardiff ?

GWEN : Have you never seen something so mad, so... extraordinary, that, just for one second, you think that there might be more out there ?

RHYS : Prove it.



Lovely view of the area.


Ianto is down at the computers while Jack is a level above. They both look at each other from across the hub. Everyone is quiet.

IANTO : Well, this is unprecedented, a fiancé finding out.

Ianto, Toshiko and Owen are at the lounge area near the workstations. They're having something to drink.

TOSHIKO : Mainly because we're all sad and single.

Ianto smiles.

OWEN : Speak for yourself. I am better off without that kind of hassle.

Jack walks along the catwalk toward the greenhouse. From across the room, he watches Ianto.

TOSHIKO : Maybe the answer is to go out with someone who knows what you do.

OWEN : Look around you, Tosh... only we know what we do.

Owen pushes his chair away and back toward the computers. Toshiko picks up her wine glass and remains silent. Ianto turns and sees Jack in the hot house... watching him. Ianto takes a drink.



Rhys and Gwen walk quickly across the plaza toward the invisible lift.

RHYS : I saw you here earlier. With him, that bloke. He just appeared out of nowhere.

GWEN : It's an invisible lift.

Gwen steps up onto the concrete block.

GWEN : Oh, it's too complicated to explain. Come on, trust me.

She holds out her hand. Rhys takes her hand and steps up onto the block next to her. She holds onto his arm and turns him so they're both facing the same direction.

GWEN : Ready ?

RHYS : Yeah.

The concrete block sinks down.


Jack walks along the catwalk as the concrete block lowers into the hub. The ceiling trap door closes above them as they continue to sink down into the Torchwood headquarters. Rhys looks up and sees the ceiling trap door close above him.

RHYS : Wow !

Gwen and Rhys chuckle.

RHYS : Who could've thought this was here ?

Rhys looks around, taking it all in. The pterodactyl screeches and soars above his head. Rhys laughs with glee. Gwen laughs with him.

RHYS : That looked so real.

GWEN : It was real.

RHYS : They're extinct, Gwen.

Jack walks over to meet them.

JACK : In your timeline, yes.

Jack shakes Rhys' hand.

JACK : Captain Jack Harkness. Thanks for dropping in, Rhys.

Gwen steps off the block.

GWEN : This is the rest of the team. Owen and Toshiko, Ianto.

RHYS : Pleased to meet you.

JACK : Welcome to our headquarters.

RHYS : They're bigger than mine.

Gwen giggles. Jack smiles. He turns to look at the other. Ianto, Toshiko - they don't smile.

RHYS : So, Gwen tells me you catch aliens.

JACK : That's right.

OWEN : There's a rift through space and time that runs through Cardiff, Rhys, and stuff slips through it from other timelines and planets and it's our job to monitor it.

Rhys steps off the block and looks at Gwen.

RHYS : (mutters to Gwen) You sure they're not some weird kind of cult ?

GWEN : You saw that alien in the warehouse. (nudges him) Go on.

JACK : What did you see ?

RHYS : Uh, it was like this huge, shapeless beast filling the space, like a mound of flesh.

TOSHIKO : So it's one massive entity, as opposed to several organisms ?

Gwen nods.

OWEN : The latest tests reveal high levels of chloride, so it probably lives in the water. I reckon it came through the rift into the sea, and it's beached itself.

JACK : Like a giant alien manatee.

Owen nods.

IANTO : But how did they get it there ? That warehouse must be fifty meters long.

RHYS : Um... maybe it was smaller when they found it, because they said it's growing.

JACK : (surprised) It's not dead ?

RHYS : No, it's breathing. Its eye opened.

OWEN : So the protein chains are regenerating despite the mutilation, so not only is it replenishing its own flesh, but it's increasing it, giving them a brand-new meat supply.

GWEN : It would last them for years, then.

TOSHIKO : If we understood how it worked, we could feed the world.

IANTO : We could release a single...

JACK : (interrupts) We're talking about dodgy pies and Merthyr, okay ? And the fact that they're cutting it up alive - (to Rhys) Which we could've put a stop to already, if it wasn't for you.

RHYS : I thought my fiancée was in danger.

JACK : Well, Mr. Caveman, she wasn't. She can handle herself.

Gwen motions to Jack behind Rhys' back.

GWEN : (warns) Jack.

Jack ignores her.

JACK : All you did tonight was mess things up. Now, we have to think of a way to get back in. And thanks to you, they'll have tightened security !

RHYS : Well, if you stopped and asked me exactly what I saw in there, instead of showing off round the place.

JACK : (to Ianto) Do I show off ?

IANTO : Just a bit.

RHYS : (charged) You'd know that I got out by telling them I wanted a job as a delivery boy. So rather than cock things up, I found you a way to get in ! (gets in Jack's face) But if you can't handle that, big boy, then you can stuff it !

JACK : (to Gwen) This is quite homoerotic.

GWEN : No, no, no, no, Jack. He is not getting us in.

JACK : (to Gwen) Team meeting. (to Rhys) You too !

Jack turns and leaves. Rhys doesn't know what that means. Ianto follows. Gwen starts after them.

GWEN : Jack !

Toshiko and Owen file quietly past Rhys. After a moment, Rhys follows them, too.



The blueprints of the warehouse are spread out on the conference table. Rhys is standing as he points to the various places on it.

RHYS : That's where the thing is, that's the sedatives room, that's where they hang and pack all the meat.

OWEN : That's good to know.

Gwen paces on the other end of the room. Everyone else is seated at the table.

GWEN : Yes, that's good to know, but he is not driving us in.

RHYS : They're expecting me. You lot can hide in the back of the van.

GWEN : What is this, "Scooby-Doo" ? Absolutely no way is he getting involved.

RHYS : Oh, where was I when you decided to get involved ? Did you give me a second thought ?

Rhys and Gwen glare at each other across the table.

OWEN : (mutters) Oh, joy, a domestic.

JACK : Rhys is right, he's our best way in...stun guns only.

OWEN : We've handled bigger than this. Why don't we just storm in, guns in the air and arrest them ?

JACK : Those men aren't organized criminals. If we go in, guns blazing, they'll kill the evidence and run.

OWEN : I wasn't suggesting blazing, just waving.

JACK : The last thing we need is a bloodbath.

Jack stands up.

OWEN : Point taken.

GWEN : I know that.

JACK : Once Rhys has loaded up, he can clear. (to Gwen) You don't have to come. You can stand down.

TOSHIKO : It might be better.

Jack looks at Gwen and points to Rhys.

JACK : You love him. Makes you vulnerable.

GWEN : He's not going in there without me.

JACK : That's your decision.

GWEN : Yes, it is.

JACK : You both have to live by it.

Everyone is quiet, serious.

RHYS: (to Gwen) Oh, come on ! You and me, a team.

GWEN : (roars) Dammit, Rhys ! This is for real. Do you understand that ? This is for real. And if you mess up, I will kill you !

Rhys sits down. Toshiko stands up.

TOSHIKO : So, after we've stun-gunned the workers, we put the creature out of its misery.

JACK : No. We're going to save it.

Ianto and Owen look at each other, both surprised by Jack's position.

JACK : Stabilize it, wait for the rift to open, and phoom, send it back.

IANTO : Guess who'll have to look after it in the meantime.

TOSHIKO : Tell me exactly how are we going to use it to arm ourselves against the future ?

Toshiko sits down.

OWEN : We could always hide behind it.

JACK : Why shouldn't we save it ? Because it's an alien ? It needs our protection.

RHYS : You didn't hear its cry. Heartbreaking.

IANTO : Listen to Ahab.

OWEN : Jack, it's growing.

JACK : Well, we'll find a way to stop it mutating. (Jack plants his hands on the table as he stands up.) We are doing this ! That's an order !

OWEN : Fine.

IANTO : I'll stock up on plankton.

Ianto, Owen and Toshiko leave the room. Gwen remains.

GWEN : So you do have a heart.

Rhys stops and looks at them. Jack turns and looks at Rhys.

JACK : We see enough death.

Jack leaves the room.



Owen stands in front of the computer monitors, looking at the image of a large creature. Toshiko walks up to him carrying a plate with a sandwich on it.

TOSHIKO : What's that ?

OWEN : Oh, it's just an idea of what it looks like. Had it made up from the genetic makeup.

TOSHIKO : Looks lovely.

OWEN : Hm.

His back is to her. Toshiko reaches out to touch his back, but her hand never makes contact.

TOSHIKO : You're just a big softy, really, aren't you ?

Owen turns to another shelf.

OWEN : Better get on with that report.

He grabs the clipboard.

TOSHIKO : I brought you some sandwiches.

OWEN : Thanks, Tosh.

TOSHIKO : It's okay, just cheese and pickle. (He nods and keeps writing.) I can keep you company. I'm not tired.

OWEN : In that case, maybe you can do it. I'm knackered.

He drops the clipboard and pen on the table and walks away leaving Toshiko stunned. Owen kneels and looks through the plant leaves over at the lounge are where Gwen and Rhys sit on the couch together.

OWEN : (points) That's another big lump out of its habitat.

Toshiko puts the plate of sandwiches down on the table. She watches Gwen and Rhys, too.

TOSHIKO : Makes you realize. Maybe it is possible to do this job and have a relationship.

OWEN : (scoffs) Yeah.

He closes his kit.

TOSHIKO : Do you fancy a game of pool sometime ? We're always in here, slaving away. Might be nice to, I don't know, kick back and have some fun.

OWEN : Yeah, why not ?

TOSHIKO : (smiles eagerly) When ?

OWEN : Well, I'll check with the others. We could have a Torchwood tournament. It'd be fun.

Owen picks up his kit and grabs the plate of sandwiches. Toshiko looks deflated.

OWEN : Thanks for the sandwiches, Tosh.

Owen leaves.


Owen comes down the stairs with his kit and plate of sandwiches. Gwen and Rhys sit on the couch.

RHYS : I thought you worked for anti-terrorism or something. That was bad enough. But knowing you're in this much danger/

GWEN : Yeah, you'd feel like I do now.

Owen hurries past them. She waits till he leaves.

GWEN : Worried sick. You don't have to do this to prove anything to me.

Owen puts his things away and walks past them again.

RHYS : And I'm not leaving you with all these sexy young men.

GWEN : There's only one, from where I'm sitting.

They kiss. Jack is in the office, standing under the light and reading a book. He turns and sees Gwen and Rhys kissing. Gwen opens her eyes and looks at Jack as she kisses Rhys. Jack turns away.



The white Harwood's Haulage truck is parked and ready. The sign info on the truck is TEL: 02920 180316 FAX: 02920 180317. The Torchwood SUV parks. Jack and Rhys get out and head for the office.

JACK : You sure about this ?

RHYS : Yeah.

JACK : 'Cause once they ring, there's no turning back.

The Torchwood SUV pulls out and drives away. Rhys and Jack head into the building.


Rhys and Jack walk in.

RHYS : Morning !

RUTH : You just missed the advert.

Rhys grabs the clipboard off the wall.

RHYS : Yeah ? Just popped in for my jacket and to sign for a van.

Ruth walks past Jack and heads toward Rhys. She's carrying a cup of tea and a danish.

RUTH : Here's your tea, and I got you a Danish, your favorite.

She puts them both down on his desk.

JACK : I'm in the wrong job.

RUTH : We have got job vacancies.

JACK : Oh, maybe you could fit me in.

RUTH : Oh, I'd be delighted to.

JACK : Would I need a license for trucking ?

RUTH : Yes. Takes four weeks, and then you can go long-distance.

Jack chuckles and leans in close to whisper in Ruth's ear.

JACK : That wouldn't be a problem.

The phone rings. Ruth's eyes grow wide and she turns pink. She turns and looks at Jack just as he turns and looks at her. Rhys checks his phone.

RHYS : It's them.

Jack turns his attention to Rhys and the ringing phone. Rhys sits down.

JACK : Okay.

Rhys answers the phone.

RHYS : (to phone) Yeah, hello ?



Rhys is driving and eating his danish. Jack rides shotgun.

RHYS : Why her ? Boy, of all the women you could've chosen.

JACK : She chose us. Kind of stumbled upon us.

RHYS : So did I. Don't be asking me to join.

JACK : We needed someone with police skills.

RHYS : Could've chosen anyone. Did you ever think about us ? You know... me, her parents, people who love her, who want her safe ?

JACK : No, sorry. We needed her. On her first day of work, she told me off for being too clinical.

RHYS : She doesn't hold back, mate.

JACK : Mnh-mnh, stubborn as hell.

RHYS : Tell me about it. Yeah, she's an amazing girl. I'm a lucky man, Jack.

JACK : Yeah, you said it.

RHYS : I just wish you would've been uglier.

They look at each other. Rhys laughs. Jack smiles.

RHYS : You're not gay, by any chance, are you ?



Owen motions for Rhys to back up the van. The van beeps. Rhys parks. Gwen walks up to Rhys' open window.

GWEN : Brought you a danish, your favorite. I know what you're like on an empty stomach.

She gives him the danish. Rhys and Jack look at each other. Rhys puts it aside.

RHYS : Cheers.

Gwen heads for the back of the van. Jack and Rhys get out of the van. Gwen talks with Rhys.

GWEN : Get out as soon as you can, remember ?

RHYS : Yes, yes, yeah.

Everyone is there as Rhys opens the back. Owen climbs in. He turns and helps Toshiko into the van. Ianto gets into the van.

GWEN : (to Rhys) I love you.

RHYS : I love you, too.

She kisses him.

RHYS : Now, stop fussing and get in the back of the van. Go on.

Gwen climbs into the back of the van. Jack looks at Rhys, then climbs in last. Rhys closes and locks the van door.



Rhys takes a deep breath and exhales it slowly. He starts the engine.


In the back of the van, Ianto turns a flashlight on and hands it to Toshiko. In the front, Rhys drives. In the back of the van, Gwen waits. Ianto hands Toshiko a gun. She puts the flashlight down and checks the clip. In the front, Rhys drives. He has his clipboard and paperwork on the seat next to him. He drives up to the gate. Rhys shows the worker his clipboard and ID. The worker opens the gate and motions Rhys through. In the back of the van, Owen opens his kit.

OWEN : I'll prepare an antidote to the ketamine so we can start weaning it off.

JACK : Gwen, Tosh, and I will take the main area. Owen, Ianto, cover the corridors and the small rooms.

Gwen is quiet.

JACK : You okay ?

GWEN : What do you think ?

OWEN : He'll be fine. He's a good bloke.

JACK : Let's go.


Rhys arrives with the lorry. The worker opens the passenger side door. Rhys shows him the clipboard.

RHYS : Yeah, I just need your boss to sign this, mate. I don't want any questions asked, see ?

The worker leaves to get the boss. Rhys whistles. The other worker there puts the bag he's carrying down on the cart and rushes over to Rhys.

RHYS : Couldn't get us a cuppa tea, could you ?


The worker leaves. Rhys unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the truck. He rushes to the back. He opens the door and finds it empty. He looks around, then closes the door. He sees the van's side door open. Rhys locks the side door closed.

GREG : (o.s.) Where do you want my autograph ?

Rhys turns and sees that the worker returned with Greg and Dale.

RHYS : Uh !

He turns to get his clipboard.

RHYS : Just on here, mate.

Greg gives him some money.

GREG : Here's a one-r for your trouble. (Dale turns and motions for the worker to load the back of the truck.) Count it if you like.

Greg signs the clipboard. Rhys pockets the money. He sees the other worker return.

RHYS : No, no, it's fine, mate. I trust you.

Greg gives the clipboard back to Rhys.

DALE : When you get tot he abattoir, ask for Graham. Him and the boys clean it up and process it.

RHYS : All right.

The worker pushes the cart to the back of the truck to load it. Rhys turns and puts the clipboard in the truck.



Owen and Ianto enter the packing room where huge chunks of meat are hanging. Ianto dabs his wrist to his nose from the smell. He looks at Owen.

IANTO : Mmm.

They continue through the room. Ianto heads for the door at the other side of the room.


Jack, Gwen and Toshiko enter into the main room. The creature lows. They walk in.

GWEN : Oh, my God.

Jack stops.

GWEN : It's amazing.

TOSHIKO : How did it get here ?

CRANE UP and pull back on the massive creature.

Jack hears something.

JACK : Shh shh shh shh shh !

Jack turns his flashlight off and spreads his arms out wide to stop Gwen and Toshiko from moving forward. A distance away, a worker pushing a red tank on wheels. He passes by and doesn't notice them. Jack quickly ducks behind a container. Gwen and Toshiko also duck to the side. Jack motions to Gwen. He hurries off. Gwen takes his former position behind the container. She waits. The creature moans. The worker hacks away inside a hole in the side of the creature. With every chop of the larger meat cleaver, the creature wails. The worker reaches in and move some flesh. More hacking away at the meat. Gwen closes her eyes from the sight. After a moment, the worker carts a large block of meat in a wheelbarrow. He's headed toward Gwen. Jack suddenly steps out behind him and zaps him with his stun gun. The man falls, his hard hat hits the floor. Jack drags his body away behind the container. Gwen and Toshiko both turn their flashlights back on. Jack steps back out and they all look at the creature.

JACK : Imprisoned, chained, and drugged. Welcome to planet earth.

The creature's eye opens. It keens a different sound, as if responding to Jack. Toshiko smiles.

TOSHIKO : It heard you. It's sentient.

Gwen looks at Jack. She's going to look around. Jack nods. Gwen starts down the side along the creature. She motions to Jack.

GWEN : Jack.

Jack heads over. She comes to the area where the workers have been cutting into the creature. She coughs.

GWEN : Oh, that's disgusting.

Jack can't believe what he's seeing. He looks absolutely horrified as he steps into the area cut into the creature.

JACK : What have they done to you ?

He puts his hand on the exposed flesh.

JACK : What have they done to you, my poor friend ?

Jack looks at the massive creature as it keens.

PAN BACK over the large creature. It growls and tries to move, but the chains keep it firmly in place.



Owen looks through one of the side doors. He hears a sound and steps back out of view. He pulls the door partially closed to hide. A worker walks in and passes Owen. Owen steps out, grabs the worker and slams him up against the shelves. Owen pushes him down onto the packing rack and zaps him with the stun gun. He takes the worker's gun from him.

OWEN : (to radio) Everyone, they're armed.


Gwen looks worried.

GWEN : Rhys.

JACK : (firmly) Gwen. Stay here.


Ianto hurries down the stairs. He opens the door at the bottom.


Vic rides in on his yellow bicycle and joins Greg and Dale with Rhys as they wait for the truck to be loaded. Rhys lingers with his cup of something to drink.

DALE : Where have you been ? That injection was due ten minutes ago.

VIC : I needed more ketamine. I've had to up the dose, Dale. The thing's in agony, man.

DALE : It's meat. It can't feel anything. You going soft, or what ? Get inside and play nurse if you're so bothered. We got work to do.

VIC : Right.

Vic heads inside. Greg checks the bags in the back of the truck.

GREG : Oh, whoa whoa whoa whoa, hang on. (points to the back of the van.) There's only twelve bags in here. Supposed to have three more. Come on, hurry up !

He motions to the workers to get the bags. Dale shakes his head and continues drinking his coffee. Rhys sighs and looks at his watch.


Owen is in the sedatives room looking at the various containers on the shelves.


Ianto is walking and looking around. The door opens. A worker walks in and closes the door behind him. He looks surprised to see Ianto. Ianto looks surprised to see him. He waves.

IANTO : Hello! I, uh, have a thing here somewhere.

Ianto reaches into his jacket and pulls out his stun gun.

IANTO : (cheerfully) Hell of a day.

He zaps the worker who falls into his arms.


Rhys heads for his truck.

RHYS : I should be getting off, mate. I have a...

Rhys opens the truck door.

RHYS : I've got jobs backing up, you see ?

He gets inside.

DALE : Well, they'll have to wait, won't they ?

Rhys shuts the door.


Ianto is dragging the worker through the hallway and doesn't see a second worker looking through the door window.

WORKER : (to radio) Dale, we've got trouble. There's people in the building.

The worker turns and walks away. Ianto pulls the body and drops it at the base of the stairs. He dusts his hands.


Dale reaches in through the open window and smashes the gun against Rhys' face.

DALE : You want to mess with me ?

RHYS : Ahh !


GWEN : (to radio) Ianto, did Rhys get away ?


IANTO : (to radio) I'll check now.

Ianto closes the door.


Owen is busy mixing various potions into a large container. He runs to the far counter.


Dale and Greg walk in through the front with Rhys in tow. Ianto walks in through the back of the room. He's stopped by Dale holding the gun pointed at him. He sees Rhys with his mouth bleeding.

DALE : Eh eh eh eh ! You looking for someone ? (steps forward) How many more of you ?!

Ianto plays it cool.

IANTO : Just us.

DALE : You thought the two of you could take us out ? Nah. You're not that stupid.

He checks Ianto and finds the stun gun.

DALE : Dave, get some ropes, tie their hands.

Dave leaves to get the rope.

DALE : I want every door locked, inside and out.

Owen is hiding behind the shelves in the sedatives room. He ducks out of sight.

DALE : Nobody leaves the building till this is sorted. (He grabs Ianto.) Move it !

OWEN : (quietly) They've got Rhys and Ianto.


Gwen starts running. Jack grabs her.

JACK : Gwen ! Gwen ! Hey ! He will be okay.



Greg and Dale bolt all the doors to the main room.


Toshiko and Jack try to open the door and find it locked.

JACK : Locked.

TOSHIKO : They must know we're here.

GWEN : Check this way.

Gwen turns and heads back to the main room. The creature moans throughout. She sees Ianto and the others enter through the far door and she quickly ducks behind a container. Jack and Toshiko also duck behind the containers. Gwen looks back at Jack and motions. He nods. Ianto looks at the huge creature. A worker has his gun on Ianto.

IANTO : What is it ?

Dale has his gun to the back of Rhys' neck.

DALE : The lads call it the cash cow.

Vic runs out.

VIC : Dale, what are you doing ?

DALE : Couldn't bear to see us making money, Vic. Fancy some for yourselves, huh ? Thought we'd be a pushover.

Gwen looks at Jack. She points to herself and mouths something to Jack. He doesn't like it and mouths back, "No".

RHYS : Mate, you're so out of your depth.

DALE : Funny, I was just thinking the same about you.

VIC : Dale ! Don't be an idiot.

DALE : (shouts) Show yourselves or I shoot the delivery boy !

Gwen steps out into view. Jack can't stop her.

GWEN : (shouts) Okay !

Rhys doesn't like it.

GWEN : There's no need to make any threats.

Ianto can't believe he's seeing this.

DALE : "Just the two of you," is it ? Gun down, kick it over here.

She steps forward.

GWEN : I don't have a gun.

DALE : He had one, so you must have !

Gwen pulls her gun out from her back and holds it up.

GWEN : Okay ! Okay. Okay.

She puts the gun on the ground.

DALE : Any more of you ? And before you answer, have a proper think. 'Cause if you lie... (He points the gun at Gwen.) I will shoot you.

Ianto and Rhys look at Gwen. Rhys shakes his head.

GWEN : It's just me.

DALE : Get against the drum.

Gwen starts forward.

GWEN : We can help you, Dale.

DALE : Yeah. Help yourselves, more like. (He pushes Rhys toward Gwen.) Come on. Stand next to her. (to Ianto) You too !

Ianto walks slowly toward Rhys and Gwen.

GREG : (shouts) Dale, two more !

Greg is up on the second floor catwalk. Gwen grabs Rhys and pushes him behind her.

GREG : Far corner, they can't get out, it's locked.

Dale grabs Ianto and pulls him back with his gun pointed at Ianto's neck.

DALE : Kick out your weapons ! Stand where I can see you !

Jack is pissed. He has no choice. He steps out with his gun and hands up in the air. Toshiko follows.

DALE : Drop your weapons.

Jack tosses his gun aside. Toshiko puts her gun down on the ground and slides it toward them. Jack starts forward.

JACK : You know what you've got here, Dale ?

DALE : Shut up, now !

JACK : It's an alien, a creature from another galaxy. It came through a rift in time and space, and it was unlucky enough to find you.

VIC : (freaks) No, no way.

TOSHIKO : Do you really think it originated on this planet ? You ever seen anything like it before ?

VIC : It can't be. Can it ?

JACK : Look at it.

The creature wails. It's eye open.

JACK : Look at it.

The more they look at the creature, the more they freak.

VIC : Oh, shit !

DALE : It's just meat, that's all.

While everyone is distracted, Ianto works on the ropes tied around his wrists.

JACK : You're carving up a sentient creature ! And you've got to stop.

DALE : And then what have I got ? I'm making money. This is my business.

Vic grabs his hair, the sounds of the creature's tortured cries getting to him.

DALE : For the first time n my life, I've actually got something for myself.

GWEN : Dale, stop. You can still walk away from this.

Ianto's hands are nearly freed. A long pause as Dale thinks about it.

DALE : No.

The creature cries.

DALE : You lied to me.

Dale points his gun at Gwen. Rhys steps out in front of Gwen.

RHYS : No !

Dale fires and hits Rhys.

RHYS : Ahh !

The empty bullet casing clinks to the floor. Ianto grabs Dale's wrist and wrestles him for the gun.

JACK : No !

The gun fires a several times. The chains around a portion of the creature break free. Vic and Dave both run out of the main room. Ianto and Dale continue to struggle for the gun. It goes off again. Rhys grunts from the wound and slides down to the ground. Jack gets the gun and aims to shoot Dale, but Dale is on the other side of Ianto as he punches him in the back several times. Jack can't get in a shot. He puts the gun down.


Ianto knocks Dale to the ground. The creature rolls to the side, knocking over barrels, boxes and other stacked items. Toshiko and Jack are trapped and unable to help Ianto, the creature blocks their exit. The wires attached to the wall fray and come loose. Ianto is straddled over Dale. He punches Dale. Another wire comes loose. Jack grabs Toshiko and pulls her out just as the frayed wire whips back toward her. Dale punches Ianto and knocks him off to the side. He grabs the gun and gets up quickly, pointing the gun down at Ianto.

DALE : Die !

Dale fires and the gun clicks, empty.

DALE : Shit !

Dale backs away and runs. Ianto is on the ground. He groans.

JACK : (shouts) Ianto, go ! After them !

Ianto gets to his feet.

JACK : (to comm) Owen ! Rhys has been shot ! (Ianto looks at the creature.) The creature's coming loose. We need that sedative, now !

Gwen cradles Rhys in her arms.

GWEN : Open your eyes. Come on, you can do this. Open your eyes for me, now.


Owen scrambles to get the things together.

OWEN : Yeah, I'm on it. I'm on it.


The frayed wire comes loose completely. Jack looks up at the creature and holds out his hand toward Toshiko. She grabs him, her eyes on the creature.

JACK : Owen, we need you ! We're trapped. The creature's breaking free. If we try and get past, we'll be crushed.

Another frayed wire comes loose completely.


As Owen works, Vic walks in and nearly bumps into Owen.

VIC : Whoa !

Owen turns and slams Vic up against the door.

VIC : It wasn't me ! I never wanted to be a part of this. Sedative won't work now. If it's got loose, you're never going to stop it.

Ianto reaches into the room, presses the stun gun muzzle against the back of Vic's neck and zaps him. Vic falls to the ground. Ianto steps into the room.

IANTO : (panting) We gotta help them. It's out of control.

Owen looks at the chemicals on the shelves and thinks.

OWEN : Change of plan.

Owen grabs a container and a huge pump-syringe.

OWEN : Okay.

He turns and heads out the door.


Dale is emptying the safe, dumping the cash into a duffle bag.

GREG : You went and shot him, bruv !

Dale zips up the bag.

GREG : Come on !

Dale slides the duffle bag to Greg who picks it up.

GREG : Fill the other one !

Dale turns to stuff another duffle bag with more cash from the safe. Greg carries the full duffle bag and heads for the door.

DALE : I'm going as fast as I can.

Greg reaches the door. Ianto kicks the door in, knocking Greg to the wall. Greg drops the duffle bag and staggers backward. Ianto walks in and zaps Greg with the stun gun.

GREG : Whoa !

He falls to the ground with a thud. Dale turns and reaches for the gun on the desk. Ianto kicks the gun out of his hand and knocks Dale back to the floor. Ianto looms over him.

IANTO : Pray they survive.

Ianto presses the muzzle of the stun gun against Dale's forehead and zaps him. Dale's eyes roll to the back of his head and he hits the floor with a thud. Ianto turns and heads out.


Owen runs out with the container and pump-like syringe. He stops when he sees the massive creature.

OWEN : Bloody hell !

The creature looks like a huge whale with elephant-like gray skin. It's out of its binds and brays loudly. Jack and Toshiko are still trapped on the other side of the creature. Owen sticks the pump into the container and fills it. He makes his way cautiously toward the creature.

OWEN : I'm sorry.

He stabs the pump into the creature and injects it. The creature rears up and slams back down.

GWEN : He's okay.

JACK : Owen, you're making it worse !

The creature growls loudly. Owen goes back to the container and refills the pump. He makes his way to the creature and injects it. The creature growls, then appears to calm down. Jack makes his way around the container toward Gwen and Rhys.

GWEN : (to Rhys) Open your eyes !

Jack looks at the creature.

GWEN : (to Rhys) You can do it. Come on.

Owen looks at the creature.

OWEN : Looks like it's working.

He backs away. The creature wails pitifully.

OWEN : Yeah, it's working.

JACK : What did you do ?

OWEN : Mercy killing.

Owen kicks the air in frustration. Jack looks sadly at the creature. This is not what he wanted. He walks toward it.

GWEN : (o.s.) Rhys, Rhys, Rhys, listen to me. Rhys.

Gwen cradles Rhys in her arms. Behind them, Jack walks up to the creature and puts his hand out to touch it. Toshiko watches him.

GWEN : That's it. You're with me, okay ? I've got you tight. Keep your eyes nice and open.

Jack closes his eyes with grief. The creature's cries are weak.

JACK : Oh.

Gwen looks up as Owen arrives.

OWEN : (o.s.) Gwen, let me look at him.

Owen takes out a clothe and puts it over Rhys' wound.

OWEN : Okay.

The creature cries. Gwen helps Owen.

OWEN : Soft, soft, soft. Be careful. I'm going to rip this. You want to keep the pressure on, okay ? (He rips Rhys' shirt). Okay.

Toshiko turns and looks at Jack. Jack looks at the creature. The creature's cries grow quieter. Owen stands up and looks at the creature, knowing it's going to die. He spreads his arms out with his hands extended toward the creature. He puts his head down and closes his eyes.

OWEN : (whispers) I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Toshiko walks over to Owen. She puts her hand on his shoulder. He clasps her hand with his and holds on tight.

PULL BACK on Jack has his palm flat on the creature. Toshiko and Owen are nearby. The creature stops wailing and is quiet. Its eye closes and it stops moving.



Lovely view of the area.


Rhys is on the table as Owen checks his bandage. Gwen is on the other side of Rhys. Rhys moves. Owen looks at Gwen.

OWEN : There he is.

She smiles. Jack and Toshiko are both up above watching from the railing.

TOSHIKO : Hero of the hour.

Rhys opens his eyes and looks at Gwen.

RHYS : Hey.

GWEN : Hey.

RHYS : You all right ?

GWEN : I am now you are.

She leans forward and kisses him. He groans.

RHYS : Mmm. Ah !

She immediately pulls away.

GWEN : Sorry.

Ianto sits on the steps.

IANTO : Next time, let her take the bullet.

RHYS : Never. What happened to the blokes ?

JACK : We gave them amnesia pills. They'll remember who they are, but not what they did over the past few months.

RHYS : So they got away with it ?

JACK : It would never stand up in a court of law.

RHYS : And the creature ?

Everyone is quiet and sad. Gwen looks over at Owen who is feeling it. Toshiko watches Owen.

JACK : Incinerated.

RHYS : So there's nothing left. It was never there.

JACK : Gwen, I need a word.

Jack turns and leaves. Gwen leans forward and kisses Rhys.

GWEN : Sure.

She turns and heads out after Jack.


Jack enters his office. Gwen walks in. He grabs a small box off his desk.

JACK : Rhys has to forget, too, you know ?

GWEN : At least let me give it to him at home.

Jack stops. He takes the small white pill out of the box and without looking at her, hands it to Gwen. She takes it from him and tucks it into her back pocket. She leaves.



Rhys and Gwen step out of the travel cover shop. She closes the door behind them. Rhys' left arm is in a sling, but he doesn't care. He steps out into the sunlight and stops at the railing. Gwen walks over to him. He lifts his face to the sun and takes a deep breath. He appears to be in a good mood. He looks at Gwen.

RHYS : Let's not go home just yet.

GWEN : Rhys, you've just been shot.

RHYS : I know. (He slides up to her and takes her hand.) Come on, let's go for an ice cream.

He starts walking. She follows.


Rhys and Gwen sit on some stone graduated seats. Rhys is nearly finished with his ice cream cone while Gwen nurses a plastic cup of something to drink. He points to the generic people walking nearby.

RHYS : Look around us. Nobody else knows what we've been through. Or what else is out there. The sky won't be the same to me anymore. I used to look up and think, ah, looks like rain, man. But now, oh, now, I'll... I'll look and I'll think of all the other worlds and the planets and... stuff spinning around out there. Oh ! And I got to be a part of it all. Fantastic ! Which puts worrying about unsigned dockage into perspective - I could tell you.

GWEN : (points) You've got some - some ice cream on your chin.

RHYS : (wipes his chin) Have I ? Gone ? I want to know about all of it. About every alien you've ever seen.

He chuckles.

RHYS : You could take photos, I'll keep a scrapbook. Wouldn't show no one. No way.

GWEN : No, because you won't be keeping one.

RHYS : And you know, (laughs) I'm even cool about Jack. Yeah, all right, yeah. He's handsome, enigmatic, saves the world and all that, but it's me you come home to at the end of it all.

GWEN : And I always will.

Rhys' phone rings. He digs into his pants pocket and takes it out. He answers it.

RHYS : Eh. (to phone) Daf, all right ? Oh, ah, nothing much. Same old, same old. Yeah. (Rhys stands up and steps away from Gwen as he continues his conversation.) What ? No way !

Gwen looks at the small white pill.



Jack drinks some water. He walks over to the shelf and picks up a book.


Owen is working on the computers at his workstation. Toshiko is at her workstation. The cog door rolls open. The alarms blare. Gwen rushes in and up the steps.

GWEN : I'm not doing it. I won't drug him.

TOSHIKO : You have to.

OWEN : We can't allow him to remember.

IANTO : It's the rules.

GWEN : But none of you have any partners outside of this.

JACK : But we understand how you feel.

GWEN : No, you don't. No, you don't, Jack. You all think it's cold and lonely out there, but it isn't for me, because I have him. He matters, and I've lied to him for long enough. What he did today was so brave. Braver than any of us, because we signed up for this, but he didn't... he did it because he loves me ! And I won't take that away from him ! I won't! And if that means I have to quit, or you retcon me or whatever, then, fine, fine.

Jack tosses his water bottle to Ianto who catches it. He walks up to Gwen.

JACK : You really think you could go back to your old life before Torchwood ?

GWEN : I wouldn't know anything different.

JACK : (hoarsely) I would.

They stare each other down.

JACK : Give Rhys my love and I will see you tomorrow.

Gwen turns and hurries out of the hub. The alarm blares as the cog door closes. Toshiko turns and looks at Jack. Jack turns and heads back to his office. He takes the water bottle from Ianto and disappears into the office. Ianto lingers in the doorway. Owen turns back to his workstation computers. Everyone is quiet.


Jack turns the camera monitor on as he sits at his desk. The monitor chirps and the camera overlooking the centre appears on screen.


Gwen returns and joins Rhys. He smiles at her and they kiss. They pull apart and we see the camera high on the pole nearby.


Gwen and Rhys step out of the monitor frame. Jack takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. HOLD on Jack.



Transcript by intrepid

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