Forever Dreaming

1x12 - Captain Jack Harkness
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/06/14 14:14 ]
Post subject:  1x12 - Captain Jack Harkness

NB : Throughout this script the ‘original’ Captain Jack is referred to as ‘The Captain’ and ‘Torchwood’ Captain Jack is referred to as Jack.

Opening shots and series recap

JACK : (VO) Torchwood. Outside the government, beyond the police. Tracking down alien life on earth and arming the human race against the future. The 21st century is when everything changes and you gotta be ready.


The Torchwood SUV comes down the road towards the dance hall, horn honking as it crosses an intersecting road without stopping. The SUV stops outside the dance hall and Jack and Toshiko exit the vehicle. Toshiko is dressed up to go out and taking on her mobile phone in Japanese. Jack approaches the entrance of the dance hall. Toshiko explains her conversation as she walks towards him.

TOSHIKO : My grandfather’s eighty-eight birthday today.

JACK : Oh, I thought you’d gone to all this trouble for me.

TOSHIKO : Huh. Eighty-eight is a joyous year for the Japanese. I’m off to London to watch grown men throw rice.

JACK : You can get that in the balti after stop-tap. Okay, down to business, what have we got ?

They enter the dance hall. Fly posters litter the front door – ‘Vote Saxon’ among others. Inside the furniture is covered in sheets, empty for years. They look around the lobby and up the stairwell.

TOSHIKO : The Ritz Dance Hall, it’s been derelict since 1989, but someone’s complained about hearing music drifting out.

Jack jogs up the main stairs - a wide staircase with a landing halfway up.

TOSHIKO : Music from the 1940s.

Jack pauses on the stairs and looks upwards.

JACK : Sshh.

Music can be heard drifting down the stairs.

JACK : Listen. Coming up ?

Jack jogs the rest of the way up the staircase smiling to himself, Toshiko following a little more reluctantly. The open a tall door and enter a large open hall. The décor hasn’t been changed but the furniture has been covered with dust sheets.

JACK : Wow, look at the chandelier. No neon lights back then. Just dashing young soldiers…

Jack happily offers his hand to Toshiko spins her around to his chest, dancing.

JACK : …and pretty young ladies. And as they danced the girls would look into their partner’s eyes, smile softly and say…

Jack spins Toshiko who looses her balance slightly.

TOSHIKO : Jack, mind my laptop.

They continue through the dance hall and walk down a back staircase at the opposite side of the room. A large piece of graffiti art has been painted on the landing wall - Bad Wolf. They pause on the stairs, Jack putting a hand to Toshiko’s elbow as she uses a piece of equipment.

JACK : Come on. There’s nothing here but memories and dust.

Jack takes two steps and the sound of music and people enjoying themselves drifts down from above. Jack and Toshiko look at each other and return upstairs.


They re-enter the dance hall to find it full of people. WWII uniformed military men and young women dance to a band playing on the stage.

TOSHIKO : They look so real.

Jack checks his wrist cuff while Toshiko looks about.

JACK : They’re not ghosts, it’s a simple temporal shift, and it’s beautiful !

TOSHIKO : We should get out.

Jack nods and they head outside via the front stairs past a small bar. Bilis holds the door open for them as they leave.

BILIS : Do call again.

JACK : I would love to.

Bilis looses his congenial expression as Jack leaves the premises closing the door behind them.


The exterior of the dance hall is now fly-poster free as they leave the building.

TOSHIKO : It’s night.

Jack leads the way down the few steps. A train steam horn sounds in the distance and union flags and bunting decorate the building. The street outside is now empty of cars.

TOSHIKO : Where’s the SUV ? Has it been stolen ?

Toshiko looks around panicking while Jack checks his wrist cuff and looks up to see a poster advertising : ‘1941 Kiss The Boys Goodbye Dance. Saturday 20th January 1941 7.30 pm at the Ritz’.

JACK : No. We have.


Owen lies asleep on the Hub sofa. The sound of an alarm drags him from his slumber. He looks round to see Ianto standing before Toshiko’s computer looking at the rift monitor which is emitting the alarm.

OWEN : What the hell is that ?

IANTO : Tosh’s rift monitor programme, she set it to alert me if there were any further movements.

Owen sits up groggily

IANTO : The rift’s been opening more and more recently.

Owen breathes on his hand and pulls a face before answering.

OWEN : Yeah well, anyone can notice that, doesn’t take a genius.

Owen gets up and moves to stand by Ianto, looking at the monitor.

IANTO : Tosh recons the equations are forming some sort of pattern, I should call her.

Ianto puts a hand to his ear to call her over the com.

IANTO : She may have readings her end and this is a bit over my head.

OWEN : Erm, why wasn’t I told about this ?

IANTO : Well, you’ve been, off, haven’t you ? Line’s dead.


Toshiko tries to use her phone to connect but it does not work.

TOSHIKO : It’s no use, it’s dead. Can’t get through to the hub.

Jack puts a guiding arm around Toshiko’s shoulders.

JACK : Let’s get back inside, that’s where we were when we crossed.

Jack guides Toshiko back into the dance hall.


Ianto speaks to Gwen, who sits in her car, over the com.

IANTO : (Over com) Gwen, could you get down to Stage Street ?

GWEN : Yeah, what’s up ?

IANTO : (Over com) We need to get hold of Tosh…



Owen works on Toshiko’s computer while Ianto speaks to Gwen.

IANTO : …The rift monitor sounded off. She’s with Jack but both the phones are dead and we can’t access her files.

GWEN : (Over com) Okay, I’ll get down there now.


TOSHIKO : We really are in 1941. What if we can’t get back ?

JACK : Flotsam and jetsam, slips through all the time, we’ll get back. Look on the bright side, gives you one hell of an excuse not to go to your party !

TOSHIKO : I have a life there ! And they can’t help us back in the hub because I have the latest readings in here ! (indicating her laptop).

The people standing at the bar nearby look round at Toshiko’s raised voice.

TOSHIKO : People are staring at us.

Jack removes his earpiece and takes Tosh’s laptop bag and coat.

JACK : We need to try to blend in.

TOSHIKO : Easy for you to say, I’m the only Asian here.

JACK : Don’t worry, you’re with the Captain.

Jack puts a comforting arm back round Tosh’s shoulders, fitting in perfectly, and guides her to the bar.


Owen looks through the rift monitor history, scrolling through complex equations on the screen. As he opens a list of equations he call’s Ianto over.

OWEN : Hey. I’ve got into Tosh’s files. All her reports. December 24th, that’s when Diane flew through the rift. I had to let her go.

IANTO : You were in love with her weren’t you ?

Owen ignores Ianto’s attempt at understanding and friendship, not wanting to talk about it even though he brought the subject up.

OWEN : If Tosh knows a way of opening the rift maybe we can get Diane back.

IANTO : Jack would never allow it, opening the rift could devastate the city.

Owen glances at Ianto, ignoring his advice, and walks off. Ianto rolls his eyes, used to Owen’s tantrums and follows.


A female singer sings a love song on the stage and Jack and Toshiko go to the bar. A young soldier walks over as Jack orders, looking at Toshiko.

JACK : Water please, and a brandy.

GEORGE : I haven’t seen you in here before.

BARMAN : Three and six please, sir.

Jack checks his pockets and realises that he doesn’t have any of the correct currency - he doesn’t actually belong here at the moment. George notices.

GEORGE : I’ll er, get ‘em.

George hands a note to the barman, looking at Toshiko as he does so.

JACK : Thank you.

GEORGE : On one condition.

JACK : What ?

George grabs Toshiko and drags her off to dance. Jack, laughing, leans on a nearby pillar to watch. A woman moves in front of him next to another soldier and voices her disgust.

AUDREY : Why is George doing dancing with a Jap ?

Jack’s smile fades as he hears her. Toshiko dancing very poorly with George.


Gwen pulls up outside the dancehall behind the SUV and calls into the hub.

GWEN : The SUV’s here. They must be here somewhere.

Gwen enters the dancehall and goes upstairs, shining a torch through the dark shadows of the room.

GWEN : Jack ? Tosh ?

As Gwen reaches the centre of the room she hears music behind her.

GWEN : Jack ?


Jack hears his name and looks behind him to where Gwen stands in the present. Toshiko catches his eye, begging for help and Jack dutifully goes to assist, tapping George on the shoulder.

JACK : Do you mind ?

GEORGE : I’m only borrowin’ her mate.

JACK : Maybe she doesn’t wanna be borrowed.

GEORGE : You wanna make something of it ?

JACK : You can always dance with me if you’d like.

George pushes Jack away from him forcefully, resenting the implication.

JACK : Okay, I’ll lead, you follow.

Jack shoves George back, and turns to leave.

JACK : Come on, Tosh.

George grabs Jack’s jacket and punches him hard in the face. As he staggers back slightly Toshiko tries to stop him. The band have stopped playing and the other dancers have turned to watch the disturbance.


Jack ignores her and, annoyed now, shoves George to the floor. Toshiko clutches at him again.

TOSHIKO : Jack, we’re meant to be blending in !

Before Jack can continue the fight another soldier steps in between them facing George.

THE CAPTAIN : Cut it out kiddo.

George doesn’t answer but glares at Jack. The Captain turns to apologise to him.

THE CAPTAIN : Sorry about that, men are a bit lively tonight. Last day of out tomorrow. Apologise to the gentleman, George.

GEORGE : I was only dancing…

THE CAPTAIN : I think it was your fist in his face he didn’t like, not your foxtrot.

Jack smiles and George apologises like a school child.

GEORGE : I’m sorry.

JACK : It’s okay, you barely got me.

The Captain smiles while George laughs.

THE CAPTAIN : I think the lady also deserves an apology.

GEORGE : Sorry.

TOSHIKO : Apology accepted.

Jack turns to leave.

SMILER : Let’s get a drink, George.

The Captain catches up with Jack to make introductions.

THE CAPTAIN : Hey ! Are you a volunteer too ?

JACK : Yeah.

THE CAPTAIN & JACK : (In unison) I’m Captain Ja…

They each laugh, still shaking hands.

JACK : You go first.

THE CAPTAIN : Captain Jack Harkness, 133rd squadron.

Jack’s face falls as realisation dawns, in that instant a thin, elderly dapper looking gentleman points a camera at them - Bilis.

BILIS : Look this way please.

The Captain smiles politely for the photograph, Jack, still holding The Captain’s hand looks dumbfounded at the Captain.


Owen looks at bits of paper strew across the table.

OWEN : Right, The Ritz Dance Hall, opened in 1932, shut down in 1989, due to be demolished… in one week. Yeah, the report of music is from the 1940s

Ianto looks at newspaper articles and information scrolling onto the wall monitor. A photograph of a group of young, smiling soldiers appears on screen.

IANTO : All those young soldiers. Owen, look.

A further picture appears on screen - the photograph just taken by Bilis of Jack and the Captain, Toshiko looking at them at the side of the shot. Owen joins Ianto to look.

IANTO : There.


Bilis removes the photograph from the camera and hands the camera to someone else. He walks over to Jack and the Captain and stands between them.

BILIS : One more for the record, Sir. I insist.

They all look towards the camera.

BILIS : Thank you, gentlemen.

As Bilis moves away, Jack seizes the opportunity to leave with Toshiko but The Captain stops him.

JACK : I should be heading…

THE CAPTAIN : I didn’t catch your names.

TOSHIKO : Toshiko Sato.

JACK : I’m Captain James Harper, seventy first.

His response is seamless, either used previously or quickly thought of while the photographs were taken.

THE CAPTAIN : Seventy first ? That’s where I’m hoping to be posted next. What’s your poison ?

JACK : Maybe later, my friend and I were in the middle of something.


The Captain looks a little disappointed but smiles and leaves. Jack walks away followed by Toshiko into a quieter corridor.

TOSHIKO : Why does that man have your name ?

Jack doesn’t answer but Toshiko demands, refusing to accept his usual reticence.

TOSHIKO : I’m lost enough here without you holding back on me !

Jack stops walking and turns towards her, knowing he will have to tell her something.

JACK : It’s not my name, it’s his. I took his, I didn’t realise he was, so hot.

TOSHIKO : Jack !

Jack stops smiling at Toshiko’s frustration.

JACK : I know too much.

TOSHIKO : Then, share.

JACK : You wouldn’t want that, trust me. We have to get back. What’s in here ?

He indicates her laptop. Getting back is now in Jack’s interests and he knows the subject will avert Toshiko’s attention.

TOSHIKO : I’ve got half the equation in here, the other half’s back at the hub. If I can find some way of getting these figures back to base then they can combine them and open the rift and bring us back through.

Jack smiles and takes Toshiko’s hand.

JACK : Come on.


Gwen walks through the dance hall, speaking to Owen and Ianto at the hub. She checks doors as she moves through the building, all of them are locked.

GWEN : I heard music earlier. If I can hear them, maybe they can hear me. They’ve gotta come back. Jack ! Tosh !


Toshiko looks round at the sound of her name and Jack comes back to see why she has stopped walking.

JACK : What ?

TOSHIKO : I thought I heard my name.

Jack shrugs and continues walking.


Ianto works on the computer. Owen walks up to join him.

OWEN : Okay, so we use Tosh’s information to open the rift and bring them back.

IANTO : We can’t. Half the equation’s missing.

OWEN : Can’t be, must be somewhere else.

Owen pushes Ianto out of the way and moves to use the computer.

IANTO : It’s not there. It might be in her laptop…

Owen starts to look for the laptop.

IANTO : …Which she never goes anywhere without.

OWEN : Shit. Shit !


Jack opens the door to Bilis’ office and quickly checks it’s empty.

JACK : No one here, come on, quick.

Toshiko moves to the desk and opens her laptop.

TOSHIKO : It works.

The laptop notifies Tosh that her battery is low and she starts copying down the rift equation from her laptop with a cartrage pen, working quickly.

JACK : Just take down everything you’ve got in case it dies.

TOSHIKO : I’m not used to writing with these things

JACK : Don’t press so hard.

A warning sign appears on the laptop, obscuring the equation.

TOSHIKO : Can you read that ?

JACK : Plus one over five a… sign two a x.

The laptop dies just as Toshiko writes the last of the equation.

JACK : You got everything you need ?

TOSHIKO : I just want to get the exact co-ordinates for the Dance Hall so I can integrate them into the wave form equation. Then we need to get the information back to the hub…

BILIS : What are you doing here ?

Bilis stands in the doorway looking at them. Toshiko quickly closes the laptop.

BILIS : Who are you ?

JACK : Captain Ja… James Harper. This is Toshiko Sato, friend and mathematician.

BILIS : I’m Bilis, the manager. You’re not in full uniform, Captain.

JACK : On leave, forty eight hours.

Toshiko looks at the camera on Bilis’s desk.

TOSHIKO : That’s an interesting camera.

BILIS : It takes photographs instantly.

TOSHIKO : I didn’t know they could do that, yet.

BILIS : And I didn’t know they’d made an attaché case out of metal.

Toshiko glances at the laptop she clutches to her chest. A bell chimes and Bilis looks away from them. The clock behind him reads 10.30.

BILIS : Where did you get it ?

TOSHIKO : London, I’m from there.

Jack looks around the room as the clock chimes, knowing something isn’t right.

BILIS : I should go back, dear. They’re coming for us now.

Jack smiles at Bilis as they leave the room, pulling Toshiko with him before she can ask any more questions. As soon as they are out of the door Bilis opens a desk drawer and takes out a file. ‘Torchwood’ is written in large, neat letters on the cover.


Gwen stands outside the dance hall speaking to the hub again.

GWEN : I’ve had a good look around but most of the doors are locked.

Bilis stands behind her, unnoticed.

BILIS : Can I help you ? I’m the caretaker.

Gwen puts a hand to her chest, smiling in nervousness - she hadn’t seen him before he spoke.

BILIS : Bilis Manger at your service.

GWEN : Hello. Could you open it all up for me ? I think some of my friends got locked in.

BILIS : Follow me.

Bilis walks back into the building.

GWEN : Thank you.


Jack and Toshiko return downstairs, The Captain a little in front of them. Toshiko is still worrying, but Jack’s attention is elsewhere, only half listening.

TOSHIKO : Pearl Harbour, Jack.

JACK : Doesn’t happen until the end of the year.

Jack pauses at the corner of the stairs, watching The Captain while Toshiko continues talking.

TOSHIKO : Granddad stayed in London, but he was persecuted. If I stay stuck here, what will happen to me ?

JACK : I’ll take care of you.

TOSHIKO : This period, you look like you fit in. Have you been here before ?

JACK : Yeah. I can’t explain, but I served in the war in 1941. I was undercover, I needed a false identity so I took his name.

Toshiko follows Jack’s glance and sees the Captain standing below them.

TOSHIKO : Who were you before you took his name ?

Jack doesn’t answer, his discomfort at the question clear.

TOSHIKO : Why him ?

JACK : Was convenient.

TOSHIKO : But if you chose his identity to steal…

JACK : Dies, in battle.

TOSHIKO : When ?

JACK : Tomorrow.

They look over the banister before moving down the stairs to The Captain who stands with George and Tim at the base of the staircase, George telling a story.

GEORGE : …and I say ‘look, love, it’s raining bombs and fire so get down that celler’ and she says ‘I can’t, there’s rats down there !’

Toshiko interrupts them.

TOSHIKO : So, who’s the best navigator here ?

GEORGE : Er, Tim. He, er, can’t fly for toffee, but at least when he goes down he’ll know exactly where he is.

TOSHIKO : Why don’t we chat over here ?

George laughs as Tim leaves with Toshiko, giving a wolf whistle.

GEORGE : I give the public school boy a fortnight.

THE CAPTAIN : That boy’s come a long way in 5 weeks. As long as you boys remember your training and you’ll be alright.

He turns to clap Jack on the shoulder, looking genuinely pleased to see him.

THE CAPTAIN : Glad you came. Shall we sit down ?


Gwen searches the basement, Bilis looking on.

BILIS : Why were your friends in here anyway ?

GWEN : Just a silly dare, someone said it was haunted.

BILIS : You look worried, dear, I’ll make you a nice cup of tea.

Gwen follows Bilis out of the basement.


Tim tells Toshiko sit across the room from Jack and the others, Tim flicking through a notebook to find the co-ordinates.

TIM : Sun rose this morning at 0812 21 by 7 degrees. I note it down everyday, it’s a bit silly I suppose.

TOSHIKO : It’s fantastic.

Toshiko glances over at Jack who sits with The Captain and George.

GEORGE : You, er, musta seen some action.

JACK : Lets just say the enemy comes in many guises.

GEORGE : Yeah, I can’t wait to get up there and give Gerry what for. How many did you kill in the battle of Britain, sir ? 26 wasn’t it ?

The Captain looks a bit embarrassed.

THE CAPTAIN : You’ve heard that story countless times, George.

GEORGE : No one’s as fast as ‘im, hasn’t lost a man yet.

THE CAPTAIN : Care for a drink, Captain ?

JACK : I’ll just have water, thanks.

The Captain raises his eyebrows at Jack’s choice of drink and goes to the bar. A Young woman walks up to him. She has just arrived - still wearing her coat.

NANCY : Hello, Jack. I know you’re having a night with the men, but I thought I’d look in if that’s alright.

The Captain glances over at Jack before answering.

THE CAPTAIN : Yeah, yeah.


Gwen follows Bilis through the litter strewn dance hall and into his office.

BILIS : Is anyone expecting you ?

GWEN : Yes.

BILIS : Perhaps you should call them, otherwise they may think that you’ve disappeared too. I’ll put the kettle on.

Bilis leaves the room to make tea. Gwen calls the Hub.

GWEN : Anything your end ?


Ianto answers Gwen’s call.

IANTO : There are no more photographs of Jack and Tosh after that night. That’s encouraging.

OWEN : Yeah, unless the bombs got ‘em.

IANTO : The manager, Bilis Manger, kept them for posterity.



GWEN : Bilis Manger ? That’s the name of the caretaker.

IANTO : (Over com) Can’t be the same guy can it ?

GWEN : Not old enough, although he does look a bit out of his time. He wears a cravat.


Ianto looks at the same photograph of Bilis as Gwen without realising it. He looks at the other photographs as realisation dawns.

IANTO : Gwen, he’s in the photo with Jack and Tosh.

Owen hearing their conversation suddenly runs across the hub to look at the pictures.

OWEN : He’s the answer. He’s come through the rift, find out what he’s doing.

IANTO : No, Gwen. Get out and wait for back-up.

OWEN : We can’t loose him.

IANTO : We can’t loose Gwen. Maybe this is a trap. He could be sending us back through time one by one. Get out of there Gwen, that’s an order.

OWEN : I’m sorry but who exactly put you in charge !



Gwen turns of her com, not listening to them argue further but following Ianto’s order not Owen’s. She glances around and sneaks from Bilis’s office.


Jack finds Toshiko checking her co-ordinates.

TOSHIKO : I’ve got what I need. Now all I have to do is find a way to leave a message for the team, something that will last across time.

JACK : Okay.

Jack leads the way towards the stairs. Audrey steps in front of Toshiko, blocking her exit.

AUDREY : I haven’t seen you to here before. Is she with you ?

GEORGE : Nah, she’s after Tim, why else would she let him bore her to death about navigation ?

AUDREY : Maybe she’s a spy.

SMILER : The Chinese are on our side aren’t they ?

TOSHIKO : I’m Japanese.

AUDREY : You’re not exactly an alli then !

GEORGE : Leave it, Audrey.

AUDREY : So, who’s side are you on ? What’s in the bag ?

TOSHIKO : Nothing.

Audrey grabs at the bag.

AUDREY : If you’ve got nothing to hide then open the bag.

JACK : She can’t. Her work is top secret, she’s a decoder for the Brits.

The Captain joins them, handing Jack his drink and fending off Audrey’s protests.

THE CAPTAIN : And without ladies like her we’d have no way of defending the country. To Toshiko !

Toshiko, embarrassed by the toast and unnerved by Audrey’s vehemence, starts away again to get the camera, pausing to speak to Jack.

TOSHIKO : I need Bilis’ camera. Photographs last don’t they ?

JACK : Sure, you want me to come with you ?

THE CAPTAIN : You can’t run out on me, I just got you a drink !

Jack laughs, battling with his desire to stay with the Captain and the responsibility to look after Toshiko.

TOSHIKO : I’m fine. You carry on.

Toshiko jogs quickly up the stairs.

THE CAPTAIN : To a fellow Captain.

Jack walks towards the stairs, leading The Captain to find a quiet seat.

JACK : So, what brings you down here ?

THE CAPTAIN : Well I had to rest up. Injured my back bailing over Kent.

Nancy appears behind them.

NANCY : So that’s his excuse for not dancing. Mind if I join you ?

Jack motions that it’s fine, and the Captain glances at him before answering.

THE CAPTAIN : Sure, why not ?

Nancy moves between them and they both offer a light hand on her shoulder, guiding her to lead the way.



Toshiko takes a photograph of the paper she has written the co-ordinates on. As she takes the picture Bilis enters the room.

BILIS : Starting to be a habit.

Toshiko hides the photograph behind her back as she turns to face him.

TOSHIKO : I just wanted to try it out.

BILIS : This little beauty is very unusual and rare, not unlike yourself.

Toshiko backs away slowly. Bilis picks up the piece of paper Toshiko has left on the desk in her rush.

BILIS : Er, don’t go without this.

As Toshiko moves to take the paper, Bilis snatches it away.

BILIS : I could think of better things to photograph than numbers, my dear.

Toshiko takes the page and hurries from the room. Bilis speaks as she opens the door :

BILIS : Do call again.

Bilis looks at the co-ordinates again, a smile crossing his face.


Owen lifts the trapdoor floor of the rift manipulator, revealing the wires beneath. He reaches in and pulls out a thick piece of cabling and starts pulling it out of the hole. Ianto crouches down behind him.

IANTO : What are you doing ? Owen ?

OWEN : We haven’t got the missing numbers, going to have to improvise with the rift manipulator.

IANTO : We can’t ! It’s risky enough with the equation. If we don’t do this properly anything could happen.

OWEN : Bombs are falling, they’re stuck in the middle of the Cardiff Blitz. It’s out duty to get them out.


Gwen walks through the central dance hall and hears Jack’s laughter.

GWEN : Jack ?

A couple dance by behind her and she turns her head quickly, knowing there is something there but unable to see it. She moves outside, unable to do anything more.


IANTO : Open the rift now and the whole world could suffer, we can all get sucked in, or who knows what will come out ?

Ianto continues to beg Owen to see sense but is ignored. Owen continuing to gather the equipment he needs.

IANTO : This is about Diane isn’t it ? When will you accept that she chose to leave you ?

OWEN : Whereas your cyber girlfriend stuck around the course, not that she had much choice wired up in the cellar.

IANTO : That was different.

OWEN : Yeah, it was, mainly because Diane didn’t try and kill us all, and, oh yeah, she also happened to be a human being, not some screwed up metal monster.

IANTO : I thought she was still Lisa. I loved her ! You only knew Diane for a week.

OWEN : And it wasn’t enough. Maybe the manipulator can calculate the missing figures.

Owen connects wires around the manipulator while Ianto paces, knowing he cannot actually take any action against Owen.

OWEN : It isn’t working.

IANTO : Good. Jack would never have wanted us to use it this way.

OWEN : There’s a piece missing. Gotta find it.

Owen runs past Ianto to look for the missing piece of the manipulator. As he passes, Ianto grabs his wrist.

IANTO : Maybe you should go home.

OWEN : You don’t have any power over me ! Okay Ianto, we’ll play it your way : safe and boring.


Jack sits at a table talking with the Captain and Nancy. The men looking happy while Nancy looks bored.

THE CAPTAIN : So what’s your next mission ?

JACK : Careless talk costs lives.

NANCY : I should go anyway.

She stands to leave, Jack stands quickly.

JACK : No, no, no, no I didn’t mean that to…

NANCY : It’s alright, I can get a lift if I leave now.

The Captain stands up to speak to Nancy, glancing at Jack who sits down.

THE CAPTAIN : I better stay here.

NANCY : Aren’t you leaving tomorrow night ?

The Captain nods.

NANCY : Sick of us Welsh already ?

THE CAPTAIN : Yeah, that’s why I’m still fighting for you.

The Captain kisses Nancy lightly on the cheek.

THE CAPTAIN : I’ll be in touch when I’m next on leave.

Nancy nods and walks away, upset at his rejection of her.

THE CAPTAIN : Nancy, It’s been a good few weeks.

The Captain sits down and Jack looks at him aghast.

JACK : Was that it ?

THE CAPTAIN : She’s a sweet kid but I need to look after my men tonight. It’s their last day tomorrow.

JACK : Go after her., kiss her goodbye. Anything can happen tomorrow.

THE CAPTAIN : It’s just a routine training exercise, hardly gonna die.

JACK : Yeah that’s when they catch you, when you least expect it. You don’t know what’s ahead. Kiss her goodbye.

The Captain looks at Jack’s intensity of expression, downs his drink and goes after Nancy as instructed.


The Captain pulls Nancy to him and kisses her. Jack, across the room looks down at the table unable to watch. The Captain helps Nancy with her coat. Nancy smiles at him then goes on tiptoes to whisper in his ear.

NANCY : I love you.

She leaves and The Captain returns to the table. He picks up his hat.

THE CAPTAIN : That just made things 20 times worse. Now she thinks she’s in love with me.

The Captain leaves. Jack chases after him and catches him on the stairs. Thinking The Captain didn’t want to get close to Nancy in case something happens to him but won’t admit it.

JACK : Hey, her falling for you is hardly my fault. Play it cool in front of your men but not in front of me. Look, it’s okay to be scared !

The Captain turns to Jack.

THE CAPTAIN : A Captain has to keep his head.

JACK : A Captain needs to explain the risks, tell his men what to expect.

THE CAPTAIN : So what do I do ? Tell ‘em I saw a young boy get shot in the eyes mid-flight ?

JACK : I understand.

THE CAPTAIN : Do you ? Did you hear him in the radio yelling for his mom while the Messerschmitts pumped him full of holes and blew his plane apart ? All I could hear on the radio…

JACK : Is screams. I went to war when I was a boy, I was with my best friend. We got caught crossing the boarder over enemy lines, they tortured him, not me, because he was weaker, they made me watch him die. And they let me go.

THE CAPTAIN : Who were they ?

Jack turns away and continues down the stairs as he talks.

JACK : The worst possible creatures you can imagine. I persuaded him to join up, I said it would be an adventure. He hadn’t lived.

THE CAPTAIN : Have any of us ?



Toshiko exits the dance hall and crouches down at the side of the footpath. She removes her grandfather’s birthday card from it’s plastic packaging and puts it back in her bag. She peels the photograph from the negative and slides it inside the plastic wrapper, helping ensure it’s longevity.

TOSHIKO : Okay team, I hope you like treasure hunts.


Ianto watches the CCTV of the exterior of the Dance Hall.

IANTO : No sign of Bilis leaving the area.

Owen walks past him picking up his coat as the cog door slides open.

IANTO : Er, where are you off to ?

OWEN : Dance Hall. Bilis’s office, he must know how the rift works. Maybe we’ll find a clue there.

Owen runs from the hub leaving Ianto to grit his teeth and keep checking the CCTV.


Gwen exits the dance hall, speaking into her com.

GWEN : What would Jack and Tosh do ? How would they try and help us ?

Out of the corner of her eye Gwen sees Bilis round the corner of the building.

GWEN : Bilis ?

Gwen jogs in Bilis’s direction. As she follows the corner of the building she notices a padlock lying on the floor in front of an electrics box. She picks up the padlock the looks inside the box. She finds the photograph, faded but still legible.


Ianto types in the figures for the equation as Gwen reads them to him.

IANTO : I need more equations, Gwen.



GWEN : What happened here, Tosh ?



Toshiko looks closely at the photograph and notices that part of the equation has been cut off the photo.


Knowing she needs to hide the photograph anyway so the rest of the team have at least part of the code, she jogs down the side of the building to the electrics box, keeping a careful eye for passers-by. As Toshiko searches for the best place to hide the photograph air raid sirens sound. She deposits the photograph quickly at the back of the box and hurries back to the dance hall. The main entrance is locked and she has to run further round the building.


Party goers crowd the hallway, women screaming while the Captain points the way to the basement. Jack looks round for Tosh.

JACK : Toshiko ! Toshiko !


Jack looks around to see Toshiko on the stairs behind him. He signals to her.

JACK : This way.

TOSHIKO : I didn’t get the first part of the equation in the photo, the rest is outside. If they find it they’ll keep looking won’t they ?

JACK : Yeah.


Gwen walks back to the dance hall entrance and sees Owen’s car now parked outside.

IANTO : (Over com) Be careful Gwen, Bilis is still around.

GWEN : Owen, where are you ?

OWEN : (Over com) I’m in the building. Where’s Bilis’s office ?

GWEN : It’s at the far end of the corridor. I’ll keep looking out here.


Owen searches the office, quickly and randomly. He spots a tablecloth covering a small safe and assumes he’s found the right thing.

OWEN : Yes.


Everyone has gathered in the basement during the air raid. As bombs drop nearby the noise is clear. Smiler and Audrey sit together to the side of the room.

SMILER : Thing is, you could be the last girl I ever kiss.

Audrey falls for the line and they start kissing oblivious to everyone else, living for the moment and knowing they could very easily die that night. Toshiko picks up a gas lamp from close to them and climbs up into a side room, leaving Jack to stand guard in the doorway.

TOSHIKO : I’ve got to finish the message, pencil will fade, I need to find something else.

Jack sees The Captain enter the room, a good officer having made sure everyone else is safe before going into the shelter himself. The Captain smiles across the room at Jack then speaks to his soldiers. Jack half smiling to himself. Meanwhile Toshiko checks through a cabinet and pulls out a coffee tin.

TOSHIKO : Airtight. This’ll do.

Tosh puts the canister on the side and gripping the pencil between her teeth opens the card to write her message. Unable to find anything else to write with she opens the can, shakes out the remains and cuts her hand on the sharp edge, cupping her hand to hold a small pool of blood for use as makeshift ink. She dips the pencil in the blood and writes the equation. In the main part of the basement the singer has started again, continuing to entertain. Toshiko pauses then writes a note to her family, thinking she may not get home.


Owen opens up the safe and it’s empty. He feels every shelf, the sides and the top, nothing.

OWEN : Shit.

As he crouches down wondering where he can look now the clocks begin chiming - they are all set to different times, none of them are on the hour.

OWEN : Timepieces.

Owen moves to the grandfather clock and opens the front. The missing part of the rift manipulator is stuck to the pendulum - at the front, easy to find. Owen removes it easily, puts it in his bag and leaves. As he walks toward the exit he passes Gwen in the corridor, they speak frostily, uncomfortable with each other now.

OWEN : I didn’t find any equations, erm, I’ll get back to the hub.

GWEN : Fine, I’ll keep looking here then.

OWEN : Yeah, yeah you do that.


The Captain crosses the room and stands behind Jack.

THE CAPTAIN : Yes, of course I’m scared.

Jack glances round at the Captain then turns away again without saying anything, reading the meaning in the Captain’s words and knowing the futility of the situation. In the side room Toshiko places the card in the container and seals it before hiding it behind a barrel.


Gwen re-enters the basement, speaking to Ianto.

GWEN : I’m gonna check everywhere for the other figures, I’m not gonna leave Jack now.

Gwen starts searching and hears the woman singing. Gwen shines her torch around the room, seeing nothing. The singing ends as suddenly as it began.


Jack leans against the wall silently, the Captain opposite him mirroring his movements. Across the room Smiler and Audrey continue kissing, Smiler’s hands straying under her dress. The all clear sounds and the lights return.

BILIS : Let the dancing continue !

The crowd cheer and applaud, standing to return upstairs. The Captain moves away from the wall and Smiler and Audrey stop kissing, straightening themselves out. Toshiko steps out of the side room.

TOSHIKO : I’ve finished. The rest of the equation is hidden in there.

Tim watches Toshiko and sees the cut on her hand.

TIM : What happened ?

TOSHIKO : I slipped.

TIM : I’ve got a first aid kit in the van.

Jack raises his eyebrows at Tosh and she goes with Tim.

GEORGE : Scotch, Captain ?

THE CAPTAIN : Erm, I’d like some time in private with Captain Harper.

George dutifully exits, leaving Jack and the Captain alone in the basement.


Gwen continues searching the basement. She notices the coffee canister and picks it up. She takes out the card and reads the contents to Ianto.

GWEN : Ianto, yeah, it’s me I found it. It’s written in blood.


Owen enters the hub and runs over to Ianto when he sees him typing.

IANTO : Gwen found the rest of Tosh’s readings.

OWEN : What’s she got for us ?

GWEN : Cos, sin, square a x c x equals x over two.

OWEN : No, need at least three more numbers, Gwen. They must be somewhere else.

GWEN : (Over com) No, they’re not.

OWEN : Well how do you know ?



Bilis scratches out the last three numbers from the card.

GWEN : (VO) Somebody’s scraped out the final numbers.



GWEN : Tosh has written a message at the end it says, ‘tell my family I love them’

In the hub Owen and Ianto break contact with Gwen, both knowing the message is not a good sign.


Jack and the Captain sit alone on a small balcony overlooking the dance floor.

THE CAPTAIN : Why did you make me kiss her goodbye ?

JACK : I just think you should live every night like it’s your last. Make tonight the best night of your life. You’re alive, right here, right now. You’re men are fine.

THE CAPTAIN : What are you trying to say ?

JACK : Go to her. Go to your woman and loose yourself in her.

THE CAPTAIN : Maybe I should.

JACK : Yeah.

THE CAPTAIN : Is Toshiko your woman ?

JACK : No. There’s no one. Go to her.

The Captain gets up and leaves without further comment and without finishing his drink, leaving Jack sitting alone and upset.


Owen works on the manipulator once more, Ianto looking on.

IANTO : It still won’t work there’s a piece missing.

OWEN : Bilis had it all along.

Owen takes the manipulator piece from his jacket and fits it to the machine.

IANTO : We still don’t have all the equation.

OWEN : Well maybe the machine can work it out.

Owen pulls a leaver and the manipulator starts.

IANTO : Owen !

As Ianto calls out the machine powers down again, clattering and stuttering to silence. Owen removes his jacket and runs past Ianto, determined to make it work. Owen runs into Jack’s office and starts going through the desk drawers.

OWEN : There must be something in the safe, the key fits we just need better instructions.

IANTO : You can’t open the safe, you’ve got no right.

OWEN : I am second in command; I have got every fucking right !

IANTO : There’s stuff in there that we don’t know about, that’s the way Jack likes it !

OWEN : I’m not going to play with his toys, Ianto.

Owen finds a journal and starts flicking through, looking for the safe code. Finding the appropriate line he reads it out, Ianto cringing with every section, knowing it’s the right code.

OWEN : Rhea Silva the god of war’s Mrs, and a nine digit number. Who’s a clever Jack ?

Owen moves to the safe, opens it and begins pulling out boxes, Ianto doing nothing to stop him. He finds a box with a thick folder inside and checks the contents.

OWEN : Blueprints for the rift machine.

Owen and Ianto stop and look at each other for a second and run for the machine.


Jack sits alone at the balcony table, the Captain enters the room, Jack doesn’t look round.

JACK : I thought you’d gone.

The Captain doesn’t answer but stands looking at Jack a little uncomfortable. Jack looks round at him in a final attempt to make the Captain understand that their being together is futile.

JACK : This could be your last chance.

THE CAPTAIN : That’s why I came back.

The Captain sits down next to Jack.

JACK : I might have to leave before the night is over.

THE CAPTAIN : Well, then make the most of now.

Jack looks down to see the Captain touching his hand and entwines their fingers together. A couple enter the room laughing and Jack and the Captain jump to their feet.

AUDREY : We need lover’ corner if you don’t mind boys.

THE CAPTAIN : Course. I was just discussing strategies with the Caption.

JACK : We’ll go somewhere else.

THE CAPTAIN : No, you’ve told me all I need to know.

The Captain leaves the room quickly, unnerved by the interruption, perhaps seeing it as an omen. Jack exits the room slowly, passing the couple who kiss on the sofa oblivious.


Ianto tries to take the rift blueprints from Owen who refuses to relinquish them.

OWEN : There’s instructions in here, this isn’t some random act of madness.

IANTO : It’s a trap ! Bilis wanted you to find it.

OWEN : Why ?

IANTO : To open the rift. To insight total chaos and destruction. All reports of the haunted dance hall were anonymous. What if it was him ! Please, listen to me.

OWEN : I’m tired of being in awe of the rift. I’m tired of living with Jack’s secrets, we don’t even know who he is !

IANTO : He is our leader.

OWEN : Not anymore. Get out my way.

As Owen tries to shove Ianto from his path Ianto grabs him and holds him to the floor.

OWEN : Get off !

Owen elbows Ianto viciously in the stomach giving him time to grab the blueprints. Owen kicks Ianto again as he tries to get up and heads for the rift machine.


Jack leans on the banister of the rear staircase. Toshiko walks up to him and stands nearby, allowing him to talk.

JACK : Tomorrow is their last training exercise, just another day. They go out on a sortie and are surprised by two formations of Messerschmitts.

They both look across at the Captain who stands on the edge of the dance floor with George and Tim.

JACK : He destroys three of the enemy. His men listen to his whoops of joy over the radio. Then it all goes quiet. Can’t bail out because his whole plane is on fire, but his men all make it back to safety.


Owen working from the blueprints fixes the wiring in the manipulator. Ianto stands behind him and speaks as Owen is about to place the missing piece back into the manipulator.

IANTO : Put the key down.

Owen looks round to see Ianto raise a gun in his direction.

IANTO : Or I’ll shoot.


Toshiko and Jack sit at a table on the side of the dance floor talking, Toshiko comforting Jack and seeing an opportunity to get him to talk about himself.

TOSHIKO : Who were you ?

JACK : A conman. That’s why I took his name, falsified his records, so it seemed he was still alive.

TOSHIKO : How did you end up in Torchwood ?

JACK : Someone saved my life, brought me back from death, and ever since then it’s been like they’re keeping me for something and I don’t know what it is. I’m sorry for dragging you into this.

TOSHIKO : It’s my choice.

JACK : I’ll look after you.

Toshiko nods in response, trusting Jack fully. Jack looks over the dance floor at the Captain and tears prick his eyes.

JACK : Though there’s nothing I can do for him.

Tosh takes Jack’s hand on the table, silent support while Torchwood’s rock shows some emotion.


Ianto still aims the gun at Owen who has moved away from the machine slightly.

IANTO : You have to let Diane go, like I did with Lisa.

OWEN : Don’t compare yourself to me. You’re just a tea boy.

IANTO : I’m much more than that. Jack needs me.

OWEN : In your dreams, Ianto. In your sad wet dreams where you’re his part-time shag, maybe.

Ianto cocks the gun his anger growing at Owen’s arrogant dismissal of him.

OWEN : That rift took my lover, and my Captain, so if I die trying to beat it, then it will all be in the line of duty.

Owen moves to put the key into the manipulator and Ianto shoots him in the shoulder. Owen fits the key into the machine, screaming out in pain, before falling to the floor clutching his shoulder. The manipulator starts working and Ianto can only watch it move.

IANTO : You don’t know what you’ve done.


SINGER : That certain night / the night we met / there was magic abroad in the air / there were angels dancing at the Ritz / and a nightingale sang in Barkley Square.

The Captain walks cautiously across the dance floor towards Jack and picks his hand from the table. Jack allows himself to be lead to the dance floor, uncommonly passive. They move to the centre of the dance floor, Jack taking the lead as soon as they get there, the fear in the Captain’s eyes clear.

GEORGE : What’s he doing ?

As they start dancing the other people at the party turn and watch them, shocked. Noise bleeds out of the scene. Toshiko smiles fondly as they dance closely, at peace for a moment. As they are about to kiss white light bursts through the side of the hall - the rift is open. Toshiko gathers their things and runs for the light, calling for Jack.

TOSHIKO : Jack, Jack, we need to get out ! Jack, you have to ! We need you.

JACK : I have to go.

The Captain nods in response, fighting back tears.

JACK : It’s my duty

Jack takes a couple of steps towards Toshiko and the rift before turning back and kissing the Captain passionately. Jack touches the Captain’s face before pulling himself away and walking to the rift. Before going through Jack turns and faces the Captain. The rest of the people fade out leaving the Captain in a lone salute before he too disappears. Jack enters the rift with Toshiko.


Bilis watches on, smiling in satisfaction of a plan well realised.


The entrance to the dance hall opens and Toshiko steps outside, followed by Jack who fixes his jacket and is visibly pulling himself together. Gwen runs from her car and grabs Jack into a hug.

GWEN : You made it ! Oh, you made it !

Gwen runs over to give Tosh a hug as well, not noticing Jack’s unhappiness as he gazes back at the dance hall.

GWEN : Come on Tosh, come here, come here.


Owen redresses the wound on his shoulder while Toshiko holds a bowl for him. Ianto works on a computer a distance away.

OWEN : I knew we did the right thing, opening the rift.

IANTO : Still no sign of Bilis.

OWEN : World didn’t end after all did it ? Good job you’re a crap shot.

IANTO : I was aiming for your shoulder !

Jack enters the room and Toshiko speaks to him, ignoring Owen and Ianto’s bickering.

TOSHIKO : It was war time, I know, but it was beautiful.

JACK : There were angels dancing at the Ritz.

Jack keeps walking to his office. Toshiko watching him, not having realised how much the experience affected him.

OWEN : Jack…

TOSHIKO : Let me.

Toshiko hands the bowl to Owen and follows Jack into his office. Jack pours them both a drink, handing a glass to Tosh first.

TOSHIKO : He would have been so proud that you took his name, ‘cause here you are, saving the world. To Captain Jack.

JACK : To Captain Jack.



The Captain - Matt Rippy / Bilis Manger - Murray Melvin / Nancy - Elen Rhys / Audrey - Nadine Beaton / George - Gavin Brocker / Tim - Peter Sandys-Clark / Smiler - Ciaran Joyce / Singer - Melissa Moore.

Please note that this script has been re-produced as accurately as possibly for [ Torchpedia] from the televised episode. It is not a transcript of the original script by Catherine Tregenna.

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