Forever Dreaming |
1x04 - Cyberwoman |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 04/06/14 14:08 ] |
Post subject: | 1x04 - Cyberwoman |
Opening shots and series recap. JACK : (VO) Torchwood. Outside the government, beyond the police. Tracking down alien life on earth and arming the human race against the future. The 21st century is when everything changes and you gotta be ready. INT. TORCHWOOD LIFT Ianto stands in the lift, as it comes to a stop he adjusts his tie, tense – like he is about to atend a job interview. The door opens behind him into the central hub. Jack, Gwen, Owen and Tosh are playing basketball, screaming and shouting. Owen is on the balcony with the ball. OWEN : Ok, come on Gwen. Jack picks up Gwen to move her from in front of him. OWEN : Let ‘im Gwen, let ‘im Gwen. Ianto enters the hub, he stands by the entrance watching them play. OWEN : Gwen, this is for you, baby. Owen throws the ball down towards them and they all go for it. The pterodactyl flies between them but Jack manages to grab the ball; the advantage of height. OWEN : Just get it off him. Take it out his hands ! Gwen hits it out of Jack’s hands and throws it to Owen. OWEN : Oh come to daddy. Owen looks at the net below him and drops the ball through. OWEN : Yeah ! Oh, first round's on you boss. Jack shrugs. OWEN : Girls get your handbags. JACK : Of course, that was an illegal move. TOSHIKO : Totally illegal ! OWEN : Yeah. Keep telling yourself that, yeah. Owen makes an ‘L’ sign with his finger and thumb towards Jack and Tosh, walking backwards towards the lift behind Gwen. OWEN : Losers, bye. Jack makes a ‘whatever’ sign with his hands and throws the ball to Ianto as they enter the lift, leaving Ianto in the hub. Ianto watches them leave and then runs across the hub. EXT. MILLENNIUM SQUARE - DAY Jack, Owen, Gwen and Toshiko was across Millennium square past the fountain. GWEN : You've never seen a live rugby match ? JACK : I have other things to with my time. GWEN : Rhys knows a bloke whose cousin works for the millennium stadium, we should all go to the next Home international. INT. THE HUB - CENTRAL Ianto speaks into a mobile telephone near to the water tower. IANTO : (Into phone) Can you make it two pepperoni feasts tonight ? And a tub of coleslaw, my boss says I'm not getting enough vegetables. Yeah, usual time. The cog door opens and Ianto looks round and starts to move towards the entrance. IANTO : (Into phone) See you then. He jogs round the hub to meet the guest. A grey haired, smart looking Japanese man stands in the hub and looks around and the space, he has never been here before. IANTO : Good to see you again, Sir. Are they looking after you at the hotel ? Ianto bows formally. IANTO : Konnichiwa Tanizaki-san. Dr Tanizaki bows in return. DR TANIZAKI : Konnichiwa. Ianto takes Dr Tanizaki’s case from him and leads him down to the basement store rooms. Ianto stops before a sturdy pair of double doors and puts down the case. A small square window in the door glows with blue light. Ianto takes a key from the inside pocket of his jacket and unlocks the door, drawing back a heavy duty bolt. IANTO : I did all I could. I really did. The door swings open. Ianto enters followed by the man. A cyber conversion unit stands in the room, breathing equipment and medical monitors are wired to a woman lying in the machine. Ianto presses a button and a metal frame begins to rise from its horizontal position. As the frame rises the woman can be seen clearly - her body is strewn with metal sections in between the flesh; a half finished cyberman. DR TANIZAKI : My god. It's not possible ! One of them survived. Ianto kisses the cyberwoman gently on the lips. IANTO : This is Lisa. As Ianto says her name, Lisa’s eyes open. OPENING CREDITS INT. THE HUB – BASEMENT STORE ROOM DR TANIZAKI : Is she awake ? Ianto shakes his head. IANTO : It's just a reaction to the medication. DR TANIZAKI : She's the only one left. Across the whole world. Oh ! Thank you. He shakes Ianto's hand, smiling gratefully. A scientist excited by something new. He starts examining Lisa. DR TANIZAKI : Thank you so much, bringing me here. I'd never thought to get my chance to study, to work with anything like this. IANTO : Anyone. DR TANIZAKI : Tell me, what happened ? IANTO : She worked for Torchwood London. It was the end of the Canary Wharf battle. The cybermen needed soldiers fast. They started upgrading whole bodies instead of transplanting brains, using Earth technology. Lisa was halfway through the process when the machinery shut down. DR TANIZAKI : You found her ? Flashback of Ianto pulling Lisa screaming through the burning building. IANTO : I pulled her out. DR TANIZAKI : Do you know the percentage ? IANTO : The what ? DR TANIZAKI : Some elements have been augmented, some are still human. Since her re-capacity for instance, her breathing and hearing appear completely cybernetic and yet there's also bare flesh. He touches her stomach. DR TANIZAKI : Amazing! Perhaps 55% augmentation, with 45% awaiting completion, do you think ? Or perhaps, maybe 60, 40. It's fascinating. The doctor is excited, Ianto is impatient with him, not caring about the scientific challenge. Just wanting his girlfriend back, healthy. IANTO : Can you make her human again ? DR TANIZAKI : You took parts from a cyber-conversion unit and modified them into a life support for her. How did you know what to do ? LISA : I told him. IANTO : I thought you were resting. You should be resting. How's the pain, are the new doses working ? LISA : A little. Lisa looks at Dr Tanizaki, her movements stiff LISA : Is this him ? IANTO : I promised didn't I. LISA : And you always keep your promises. He nods and smiles at her. DR TANIZAKI : I would like to ask her some questions. My name is Doctor Tanizaki. I specialise in cybernetics. Your friend, Mr. Jones asked me… LISA : My boyfriend… DR TANIZAK I: Yes, he asked me to come. LISA : We agreed. Together. DR TANIZAKI : A few simple questions. What is your name ? LISA : Lisa Hallett. DR TANIZAKI : How old are you ? LISA : 26. DR TANIZAKI : What is the last thing you remember before coming here ? Flashback of Lisa at Torchwood, screaming. LISA : Pain. I remember my body burning with pain. She looks to Ianto with tears in her eyes. DR TANIZAKI : You said, there was somewhere I can work upstairs ? Ianto gives a small nod, unsure. INT. THE HUB - AUTOPSY ROOM - DAY Lisa lies on the table. DR TANIZAKI : First stage is to enable her to breathe without a respirator. Once her body functions without support, I can judge what work is needed. IANTO : What if she's not ready to breathe on her own. DR TANIZAKI : You must be readily prepared for her not to survive. Ianto looks shocked. Unprepared that she may die and unwilling to accept the possibility. DR TANIZAKI : Sometimes in order to save what we love, we have to risk losing it. Ianto paces around the autopsy room nervously while the doctor works. An alarm sounds and the doctor rushes to the end of the table to check Lisa’s pupils. IANTO : She's not strong enough ! DR TANIZAKI : Let me do my work. INT. A BAR - CONCURRENT Jack, Toshiko, Owen and Gwen. JACK : ...and she says : Do you know how difficult it is to find a man in this city ? He had a nice flat, all his own hair, so frankly a couple of deaths I can live with. They all laugh at Jack’s anecdote. OWEN : Ianto's mate. Jack laughs again. TOSHIKO (Picking up her mobile) : UFO sighting over Cardigan Bay, seven calls to emergency services. OWEN : Oh, can we at least finish our drinks please ? JACK : Sure, take ten seconds. They all down the rest of their drinks, Gwen struggling with her almost full pint. INT. THE HUB - AUTOPSY ROOM - CONCURRENT Lisa struggles to breathe, Ianto stands over her. Powerless to do anything he transposes his anger onto the doctor. IANTO : If she dies because of you. LISA : Ianto ? IANTO : Yes, I'm here. She's breathing it worked ! LISA : Why aren't I connected ? IANTO : You're alive. He hugs Lisa and kisses her, relieved, happy. IANTO : He kept you alive. LISA : Thank you. DR TANIZAKI : This is only the start. Another alarm sounds and Ianto runs to check a computer monitor. Over the CCTV Ianto sees the rest of the Torchwood team approaching. IANTO : We gotta move, quickly ! Helps Lisa to her feet. LISA : I'll walk. IANTO : You've just woken up, you can't. LISA : I want to walk. Please. Lisa stands, an arms across either man’s shoulders for support. IANTO : Help her downstairs, I'll clear up here. Ianto starts clearing up the autopsy room. Lisa, leaning on the doctor, turns before they reach the door and stops. LISA : I'm alive. She smiles in realisation. EXT. MILLENNIUM SQUARE - CONCURRENT TOSHIKO : All I'm saying is that once in a while I'd like to drive. OWEN : Yeah and all I'm saying is no. TOSHIKO : Why not ? OWEN : Look, I've put women behind the wheel before, I know what'll happen. There'll be an emergency. All raring to go, I jump in, what do I find ? Seats in the wrong position, mirrors out of line, and the steering wheel is in my crotch. So by the time I've taken the time to sort it all out, aliens will have taken over Newport. Jack laughs. CUT TO : INT. THE HUB Ianto races around the hub, hiding the evidence of his activities. INT. TORCHWOOD - RECEPTION - CONCURRENT GWEN : What about a rota, different people drive on different days. JACK : We're a secret organisation hunting alien technology from an underground base and you want a rota for who drives. Opens the hidden door leading down to the hub. GWEN : Just trying to help… She follows them into the passage as the door closes. INT. THE HUB – BASEMENT Ianto and Dr Tanizaki are supporting Lisa, her arms across their shoulders, taking her down to the store room. Ianto moves to leave Lisa with the doctor. IANTO : As soon as they're gone I'll be down. Runs back up to the main hub, leaving the man to help Lisa walk back to the store room. INT. THE HUB - CENTRAL - CONSECUTIVE JACK : Tosh, call up the radar within a 50 mile radius over the bay for the last six hours. Gwen, check with that man Neil I think his name was, voice like Sean Connery, at Jodral Bank. See if they picked up any chat around the time of the sightings. Owen, access the air space provision over Cardigan Bay, also any RAF flight plans, see if it's just a case of mistaken identity. Ianto arrives back in the main hub, adjusting his tie. CUT TO : BASEMENT Doctor Tanizaki helps Lisa walk back to the conversion unit. DR TANIZAKI : Take it slowly, you're still very weak. He helps her turn around to get into the frame. Lisa turns to face him, standing alone. Her expression dies and she puts a hand around his throat and lifts him from the floor easily. He struggles but is unable to gain leverage. INT. THE HUB - CENTRAL GWEN (On phone) : Is that Neil ? It's Gwen Cooper from Torchwood. I know we're always after something aren't we ? Ianto walks past her. JACK : Ianto. Ianto turns slowly, not answering. JACK : Would you work some coffee magic ? He puts his hands together in prayer. Ianto nods slightly and goes upstairs. INT. BASEMENT Lisa puts Doctor Tanizaki in the conversion unit. As the frame returns to its horizontal position clamps lock his wrists, ankles and temples so he cannot move his head. DR TANIZAKI : Lisa, let me go ! LISA : I can help you. The human race is weak. I can make you strong. Her voice now has a robotic edge, the cyber man half of her totally in control. She presses a button on the keypad and electricity runs through the metal frame. A set of knives and saws come down from the ceiling on metal arms preparing to convert him. The doctor screams and the door closes on the sight. INT. THE HUB - CENTRAL - CONCURRENT The lights begin to flicker. GWEN : What's happening ? TOSHIKO : Internal power drain. The computer screen shows ‘reboot’. GWEN : What's causing it ? JACK : Something big to drain that amount of power. Tosh run a system diagnostic. Ianto, nervous cuts in. Scared of what Toshiko will find. IANTO : Actually, we've been having generator problems all evening. I was down there checking earlier. A couple of bits of cabling, come loose, thought I'd fixed it. They all stare and him. IANTO : Let me have another look. Jack looks unconvinced by the story but allows him to carry on. JACK : Fine go check. GWEN : Need some help ? IANTO : Fine ! CUT TO : BASEMENT STORE ROOM Runs downstairs towards the store room. As he runs down the corridor the noise of hydraulic machinery booms around him, lights glow in the room as Ianto enters. IANTO : You've got to turn everything off ! He presses a button to stop the machine and looks at the floor, Dr Tanizaki’s body lies on the floor, his face mangled, blood coated. His eye partially upgraded into a melted metal hole. LISA : Oh god, oh my god, what happened ? LISA : His upgrade failed. IANTO : Was it an accident ? He knows it was not an accident but is still hopeful. IANTO : Tell me you didn't do this. LISA : I wanted to repay him for helping me, by removing the weaknesses of his humanity. Ianto starts shouting, panicking. Lisa remains impassive. IANTO : What've you done ? You, you've killed an innocent man. LISA : It's alright. IANTO : It's not alright ! They're going to come looking for me in a minute ! If they see the body, if they find out what we've been doing ! LISA : I can deal with them. IANTO : Don't you go near them ! Ianto stops shouting and tries to rationalise, to reconcile her actions, excuse her. He speaks mainly to himself. IANTO : You didn't mean to do this, something has happened to your mind… It, it was just some kind of side effect from this process. It's post traumatic. You didn't mean… Ianto grabs Lisa and shouts, pushing her. IANTO : You've ruined everything now ! Lisa walks to him, Ianto veering between desperate anger and sorrow takes Lisa’s face in his hands and they hold their foreheads together. IANTO : How hard have we had to work to keep you alive ? Now you do this. Ianto pulls away a little, almost begging Lisa to follow his instructions. IANTO : I need you to stay, in here. Rest; don't come out unless I tell you. This can't happen again Lisa, if you harm anyone else…I will… LISA : Yes ? What will you do ? Ianto looks at Lisa upset, knowing that he loves her too much to take any action. He cannot answer and changes the subject. IANTO : Ok… The body, I'm going to deal with the body. I can do this… Tries to pick the corpse up, he begins to cry. IANTO : This is my fault. I'm responsible for this ! He visibly pulls himself together and picks up the corpse; drags it. IANTO : I'll hide the body. Everything is going to be okay. Ianto drags the body out of the room and bolts the door. Lisa watches him leave and then powers up the cyber conversion unit. INT. THE HUB - TOSHIKO’S WORKSTATION - CONCURRENT A computer screen shows a fast moving light moving against darkness. GWEN : That’s a UFO. OWEN : Only just. JACK : Arkon leisure crawler, first generation, collector's item. You don't see many of those around these days. Tosh, send a polite message saying ‘great to see them but please get the hell out of atmosphere; they're spooking the locals’. TOSHIKO : Done. GWEN : Shouldn't we be apprehending it, investigating it ? JACK : Please, you interrogate an Ark and you'll be in there for a month, and that's just the first question, they are so boring. Besides they're mostly made of liquid, the cells would be a mess. Lights flicker again, computer crashes. OWEN : There it goes again. The monitor shows '23% power loss'. Jack speaks into his wrist cuff, trying to contact Ianto. JACK : Ianto we've got another dose of darkness. Find anything ? INTERCUT WITH : Ianto drags the doctor’s body down a corridor. JACK : Ianto I need to hear those beautiful welsh vowels. Ianto drags the body further. INTERCUT WITH : Lisa lies on the metal frame of the conversion unit, power flowing around her - upgrading. TOSHIKO : Powers draining to the store room at the bottom of the building. Looking for human heat signals. We’ve got... OWEN : Two signals. TOSHIKO : So, assuming one's Ianto... GWEN : Who's the other ? JACK : I'm thinking we're under attack, security has been breached. We assume battle protocols. Jack runs off to get weapons, followed by the others. TOSHIKO : That's impossible. No one can get in without sounding seven separate alarms. JACK : Yeah… Jack opens up a gun cabinet and starts handing out weapons. JACK : Well looks like our system needs to be upgraded. OWEN : I'll head down and look for Ianto. GWEN : I'll come with you. OWEN : You alright with that ? JACK : Keep your coms on at all times. Any doubts, shoot first. Priority is to find Ianto. Ianto puts the doctor’s body on the floor of an unused basement call, lying on it’s back. He covers him with a sheet, speaks to the doctor before coving his face. IANTO : I’m sorry. INT. THE HUB - BASEMENT CORRIDOR - CONCURRENT Gwen and Owen are searching the lower floors. The unused corridors are damp, pools of water dotted about the rough brick floor. They shine torches through the darkness. They enter the corridor that leads to the store room. Red lights flicker through the window in the door. GWEN : What's down here ? OWEN : Normally ? Nothing… JACK (Over the com) : Progress report. OWEN : Signs of activity… Owen continues talking but the signal breaks up then cuts out completely. INTERCUT WITH : Jack and Toshiko upstairs in the central hub. JACK : We're losing your com signals. GWEN : We're going in to have a look. TOSHIKO : Whatever that power source is, it's interfering with the coms. JACK : Gwen, Owen, can you hear me. Nothing but white noise. JACK : Damn. Can we get them back ? TOSHIKO : Trying other channels. There's something else you need to see. Toshiko’s computer screen shows thumbnails of film. 'Entry deleted' is shown in various places where images should be. TOSHIKO : I've gone back through our internal CCTV footage in the last couple of hours. Someone’s tried to remove images from our system. JACK : See now I'm starting to get a little peeved. These people come into my house, start using my things… TOSHIKO : I've dug into the system memory. Jack and Tosh see Ianto and Dr Tanizaki in the hub earlier in the day. JACK : What the hell’s going on here ? OWEN : Jack ? Tosh ? JACK : Gwen, Owen can you hear me ? GWEN : No coms. They realise they can't contact Jack. OWEN : We're on out own then. Looks in to the store room through the little window. OWEN : What the hell is going on ? GWEN : What's the matter ? OWEN : Can't see well enough. There's something in there. It’s like an operating table. He unbolts the door and they stand facing the door. GWEN : Ok ? OWEN : Yep... 1... 2... They kick open the door together on the count of 3, guns leading. They scan the room, Lisa is no longer in the conversion unit. OWEN : Oh no, no, no, no ! GWEN : What the hell is it ? OWEN : It's wrong. It's beyond wrong, it shouldn't be here. Turn the thing off ! Turn it off ! Gwen rushes over to turn it off. INT. THE HUB - TOSHIKO’S WORKSTATION Toshiko’s monitor reads "Auto Power Resuming". TOSHIKO : Internal levels have been restored. JACK : Gwen, Owen ? Can you hear me ? INT. THE BASEMENT STORE ROOM OWEN : These things brought down Torchwood one. They were all destroyed. Why's there one in our bloody basement. Owen is angry, betraying bad memories. GWEN : Just tell me what it does. OWEN : It's the remnants of a conversion unit. This machinery turns humans into cybermen. INTERCUT WITH : INT. THE HUB - TOSHIKO’S WORKSTATION JACK : If I don't hear something within 30 seconds I'm coming down there. GWEN : Jack, it’s Gwen. The coms dropped out, we're back online now. JACK : Any sign of Ianto ? OWEN : No. But we have found parts of a cyber-conversion unit, fully powered up and working. JACK : This is no time to be kidding around Owen. OWEN : I'm deadly serious. I don't know why it's here or how it got here. That's what's draining our power. Jack is silent, shocked by the news. OWEN : Jack you there ? JACK : I want you two back up here immediately. OWEN : We still haven't... The cyberwoman appears. She hits Owen from behind. Gwen turns around. GWEN : Jack. Code zero incursion. Repeat code zero incursion. We're under attack. JACK : If you don't hear from me within fifteen minutes, activate total shut down procedures and get yourself to safety. Jack leaves Toshiko's station. TOSHIKO : But I can't just leave you all here ! JACK : If there's a cyberman in this building we need a last line in defence. Just make sure it never gets to the outside world. INT. THE HUB - BASEMENT Owen has been knocked out. Gwen is pointing a gun at Lisa who stands near. GWEN : Whatever you are... Whoever you are, I don't mean you any harm. Don't come any closer or I'll shoot. Lisa knocks the gun out her hand and gets her by the neck. GWEN : Let me go ! Lisa slams her down onto the conversion unit frame. LISA : Do not struggle. You will be like me. Lisa starts the electricity flow whilst Gwen is in the machine. Jack enters the room. JACK : Put down any weapons, put your hands up and turn and face me ! You're a woman ! Ianto appears and knocks Jack aside as he fires, causing Jack to miss his target. Ianto pins him to the wall by his wrists. GWEN : Owen ? Jack ? She screams as the machine starts to work. IANTO : You don't know what she is doing ! Pushes him back against the opposite wall. JACK : You are fighting the wrong guy ! The saws appear above the conversion unit. GWEN : Get me out of here, someone ! Please ! Ianto runs in and goes over to the keypad. GWEN : Switch it off ! IANTO : I'm trying ! She's done something to the circuits ! Shut off the power, everywhere ! JACK (On com) : Toshiko cut all power in the base ! TOSHIKO : I do that, the base will go into lockdown, we'll be trapped ! JACK : Just do it ! Toshiko pulls a manual override lever. Every door shuts and the lights go off, transferred to emergency red lighting. JACK : Gwen ? GWEN : I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. Sort of. Jack please get me out of here. JACK : It's alright. GWEN : Where is she ? Where did she go ? Please tell me you got her ! Jack turns and shines his torch on Ianto. JACK : Stand guard by the door. IANTO : I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. GWEN : What for ? Jack watches Ianto move to stand by the door, angry but to busy to shout. JACK : Lets just get out of here. He presses a few buttons on his wrist cuff and the conversion unit unlocks, releasing Gwen. They move out into the corridor, Ianto leading, checking their path. JACK : Clear ? IANTO : Clear. Ianto and Gwen walk either side of Jack with flashlights whilst Jack carries Owen on his shoulder and points the gun ahead of him. The cyberwoman steps out in front of them. GWEN : Oh there she is ! What is she? JACK : Some form of Cyberman. They're us, upgraded. Humans with emotions removed, created on a parallel world, and supposedly destroyed on this one. GWEN : What are we going to do ? JACK : I don't know. Gwen looks at Jack, shocked by the admission, scarred. The cyberwoman turns and walks away down another passage. IANTO : She's gone. Jack readies his gun and points it at Ianto. JACK : Get us back to the hub ! Ianto starts walking forwards slowly, Jack behind with his gun to Ianto’s head. Gwen is disturbed and confused, not knowing what Ianto has done. GWEN : Jack what're you doing ? JACK : Resisting the urge to shoot ! INT. THE HUB - CENTRAL JACK : Tosh get everything from the weapons room, fast as you can ! TOSHIKO : It's locked down. There's no manual override. JACK : Just open the store. Jack puts a hand on Ianto’s shoulder; he guides Ianto round to face him then pushes him down. JACK : On your knees ! Hands above your head. Ianto obeys without question and Jack points the gun at Ianto’s forehead. TOSHIKO : Jack for god's sake, what're you doing ! JACK : Tosh ! I just gave you an order ! Gwen help her. Toshiko and Gwen leave to get weapons and Jack ignores them, demanding answers from Ianto. JACK : Did you know that thing was down there ? IANTO : I put her there. JACK : You hid a cyberman within Torchwood. Gwen comes over to stand by Jack holding a flashlight. Jack puts the gun against Ianto's head. JACK : And you didn't tell us, what else are you keeping from us ? IANTO : Like you care ! I clear up your shit, no questions asked and that's the way you like it. When did you last ask me anything about my life ? Jack lowers his gun, knowing Ianto is right. IANTO : Her name's Lisa. She's my girlfriend. GWEN : Why didn't you tell us. We could've helped you. IANTO : Torchwood exists to destroy alien threats. Why would I tell you about her ? OWEN : A little loyalty perhaps. IANTO : My loyalty is to her. She worked for Torchwood; she was caught up in battle. I owe it to Lisa, we owe it to her. To find a cure. Jack is calmer now, understanding Ianto’s actions but still angry that Ianto has done this and frustrated with his optimism that there is any hope for Lisa. JACK : Ianto you have to believe me, there is no cure… There never will be, those who are converted stay that way. Your girlfriend will not be the exception. IANTO : You can't know that for sure. JACK : Look, you need to know what's happening here ‘cause this is where these things start. Small decisions that become mass slaughter. These creatures regain a foothold by exploiting human weakness. Then they take a base, re-build their forces and before you know it the cyber-race is spreading out across the universe erasing worlds, assimilating populations, all because of the tiny beginnings here. We need to stop her… together ! Ianto stands to face Jack. IANTO : You're not listening to me ! The conversion process was never completed. JACK : She already tried to kill Gwen. You think she's gonna stop there ? There is no turning back for her now. IANTO : I'm not giving up on her. I love her, can you understand that Jack ? Haven't you ever loved anyone ? JACK : You need to figure out whose side you're on here, because if you don't know, you're not going to make it out of this alive ! Jack walks away from Ianto. OWEN : There's no way this weapons door is gonna open. TOSHIKO : It's gonna take 6 hours for the power to come back online. IANTO : Let me talk to her, I can still save her. Save all of us. She's not a monster. The cyberwoman reappears on the other side of the hub, Ianto walks to her, cautiously. Gwen follows half of the way, attempting to stop him but unwilling to go near Lisa. GWEN : Ianto ! IANTO : Lisa ! It's me… GWEN : You can't just let him go… JACK : Shh… Signals for Gwen to stop talking; to let Ianto try and talk to her. LISA : The army will be re-built from here. This building is suitable. JACK : Who are you ? LISA : Human point two. IANTO : No. Lisa… JACK : So how come you look like human point one ? LISA : I do not understand. JACK : Look at yourself, go ahead… She looks at her reflection on the metal wall. IANTO : Remember Lisa, remember who you are… LISA : The upgrade is incomplete. IANTO : You're still human. LISA : I am… disgusting. I am, I am… wrong… IANTO : We can help you. LISA : I must start again. Upgrade properly. IANTO : For gods sake have you heard yourself ? Lisa please, I brought you here to heal you… so we could be together… LISA (Turning to look at him) : Together, yes. Transplant my brain into your body. The two of us together, fused. We will be one complete person, isn't that what love is ? IANTO : No. LISA : Then we are not compatible. Lisa grabs Ianto by the neck and throws him over arm across the hub and onto the floor, knocking him out. Jack raises his gun and points it at her. Lisa shoots beams of electricity at Jack who drops one hand off his gun. JACK : Code nine manoeuvres, go ! Gwen stands looking at the cyber woman while the others run. JACK : Gwen, Gwen get out of there ! The cyberwoman moves towards Gwen and Owen shouts to distract her. OWEN : Lisa, Lisa ! What're you waiting for ! JACK : Gwen ! Gwen runs over to Jack and takes his hand. He helps her over the step in the hub floor. LISA : Run. We all ran. Owen runs along the top balcony. Jack, Gwen, Owen and Toshiko are inside the board room looking down on her through the glass window. Ianto is still unconscious on the hub floor. GWEN : She's coming after us ! OWEN : Well there's a surprise. GWEN : Could you be any less helpful ? OWEN : Oi, I just helped you escape. JACK : Shut up ! Both of you ! Ok now, it's going to be a fight to the death. We do whatever is necessary to destroy her. Forget what Ianto said, that thing is not human, clear ? GWEN : Yeah, yeah. TOSHIKO : What's this ? She picks up a small object from the table. JACK : Something Suzie scavenged last year, she claimed it could open any lock in 45 seconds. I want you out the exit gates, up the emergency stairs to reception. OWEN : She'll never open that door without power, it weighs a ton. TOSHIKO : Anyway, I'm not leaving you here. JACK : Just do as I say. All of you ! Jack looks at them all, demanding they follow orders gives Toshiko her instructions. JACK : Once in reception, panel next to the desk, pull it out, take circuit 357 from the main system, patch it to these. There should be enough power in there for what we need. Once the main circuit goes live, get out; meet us by the water tower. Go ! Toshiko leaves and Jack speaks to Owen and Gwen. JACK : You two, find anything that even resembles a weapon. OWEN : I'll go to the autopsy room there should be some leads in there… GWEN : What're you going to do ? JACK : Buy you some more time, go ! Gwen and Owen leave. Lisa comes into the room. JACK : Hey Lisa ! It is Lisa isn't it ? You've been hiding in my basement, that's ok, draining my power, I can live with that; but now you're starting to hurt my friends, this is gonna stop ! He leaves the room followed by Lisa. He runs downstairs into the main hub. Toshiko has only just made it to the exit gate. She puts the device onto the gate to try and open it. LISA : This building belongs to me now. You will all be deleted. JACK : I'm sorry for what they did to you but this ends here ! Lisa grabs the side of Jack’s neck and fills him with electricity. GWEN : Jack ! Gwen runs towards Jack, Owen stops her, holding her back as they watch from the balcony. Toshiko manages to open the gate, she goes through and as she does do Lisa walks towards her, thinking Jack is dead. Jack revives himself and stands up. OWEN : How could he survive that ? JACK : Is that all you got ? I'm not so easily deleted. Lisa turns back to Jack and pumps more electricity into him. Jack falls to the floor dead. Gwen struggles against Owen, trying to break his hold. OWEN : You can't help him. Toshiko watches the scene, forgetting about the cog door until Lisa starts to walk towards her again. She puts the alien device to the door, scarred now. TOSHIKO : Come on. She pulls the door back and squeezes through just closing it behind her in time. She rests her back against the door catching her breath. Lisa puts his arm through the porthole window and Toshiko runs for the emergency stairs. CUT TO : AUTOPSY ROOM Owen and Gwen go to the autopsy room to collect weapons. Lisa is unable to get to Toshiko and re-enters the central hub, Gwen shines her torch at her, and Lisa starts walking towards the autopsy room. GWEN : Shit ! You got another exit ? OWEN : No ! GWEN : We're trapped ? Owen opens a cupboard door. OWEN : Get in ! GWEN : What ? No way ! OWEN : Lie on tope of me and I'll take those plugs. GWEN : I'm not lying on top of you ! OWEN : I'm not saying it's a brilliant idea, but it's the only one we've got ! He gets into the cupboard. INTERCUT WITH : INT. THE HUB - CENTRAL FLOOR Jack lies near to Ianto. He starts to come round, writing in pain as he struggles to his feet. Gwen is inside the cupboard with Owen trying to be silent as they hear Lisa enter the autopsy room and start searching for them. Jack sees Ianto still lying on the hub floor in a pool of water. He goes to him, sitting on the step he pulls Ianto into a sitting position, lying across his arm beside him. Gwen lies on top of Owen in the cupboard, listening to Lisa, terrified. Jack looks around the hub, trying to see Lisa. He slaps Ianto lightly on the cheek trying to wake him. Gwen and Owen still in the cupboard, knowing Lisa is getting closer. GWEN : What do we do ? Owen kisses her and Gwen quickly reciprocates. Jack kisses Ianto until he wakes up and takes a deep intake of breath. Jack holds up a finger, signalling for Ianto to be quiet.Gwen's mobile phone starts to ring. She struggles to pull the phone from her pocket in the enclosed space. OWEN : Turn it off ! Gwen throws the phone from the cupboard, the gets out herself. CUT TO : Rhys stands by the bay on his mobile. He leaves a message on Gwen’s answering machine. RHYS : Alright lover it's the man of your dreams, I've 'ad a couple of beers with Dav and we're off for a curry so can you video wife swap ? CUT TO : THE HUB - AUTOPSY ROOM Gwen and Owen are both out of the cupboard and Lisa goes towards Gwen. OWEN : Don't you touch her ! Owen picks up a knife and stabs Lisa in the stomach. Ianto hears the noise and looks way from Jack. He pulls away and runs towards the autopsy room. Lisa lies on the autopsy room floor, apparently dead. GWEN : What the hell was that ? OWEN : What ? GWEN : Snogging me ? OWEN : Last kiss for the condemned man. Embarrassing given we haven't been killed. What ? It's not like I fancy you or anything ! GWEN : I was on top of you… I could feel your hard on… OWEN : Yeah… Well… You didn't exactly struggle, did ya ? Ianto comes in and goes over to Lisa. OWEN : It was kill or be killed. GWEN : Owen's right there was no choice. Lisa suddenly wakes up. And Ianto backs away quickly, afraid. GWEN : Ianto move ! Get out, Ianto ! She pushes him aside. GWEN : Get out I said ! Move ! Move ! They go up the stairs and onto the balcony, they run into the main hub. Lisa blocks the exit. Jack comes in from the centre of the hub, gun at the ready. OWEN : You should be dead ! JACK : I'm the stubborn type. Get behind me. They all get behind him; they're standing on the invisible lift. Jack is holding a blowtorch and BBQ sauce. INTERCUT WITH : Toshiko lies on the floor under the desk in reception, pulling out pieces of wire, trying to reinstate the power. Jack points the blowtorch at Lisa, who stands well clear of the flames. JACK : That's right, stay back. This'll at least give you a heart burn ! LISA : The power will run out, I can wait. IANTO : Jack help her ! Give her chance to surrender ! OWEN : Have you not seen what she's done ? IANTO : It's still in the cells, we can reverse the process. JACK : I've told you we're past that. Hold him back ! GWEN : What're you going to do ? They stand near to the invisible lift, getting onto the platform. JACK : Don't ask questions, just get him on there and hold him ! He squirts Lisa with the sauce. GWEN : What is that stuff ? JACK : A kind of BBQ sauce. It helps it identify its food. GWEN : Helps what identify its food ? Jack runs to them on the lift platform. JACK : I'm sorry. Jack looks at Ianto and presses a button on his wrist cuff. The pterodactyl flies towards Lisa and starts to attack her viciously. IANTO : You'll kill her ! Let me go, let me help her ! CUT TO : THE HUB - RECEPTION. Toshiko gets the power back on. CUT TO : THE HUB - LIFT The lift starts to rise, and Ianto struggles to get free of the others desperate to help Lisa. JACK : Hold him still ! IANTO : You can help her ! Have some fucking mercy ! The pterodactyl has Lisa on the floor attacking her. Lisa screams. IANTO : No ! EXT. MILLENNIUM FOUNTAIN They stand by the fountain. Toshiko runs towards them from the hub reception. TOSHIKO : It worked ! She smiles happily as she approaches then sees their expressions. TOSHIKO : What happened ? JACK : Oh... Jack waves away her question, not wanting to explain. Ianto moves forward and punches Jack hard in the face. Jack falls to the floor while Gwen grabs Ianto and pushes him out of the way. GWEN : Oi ! IANTO : You could've saved her ! Jack stands up facing Ianto. IANTO : You're worse than anything locked up down there ! Jack wipes blood from his mouth. IANTO : One day I'll have the chance to save you… and I'll watch you suffer and die ! JACK : It was the only thing that would stop her ! Jack starts to move towards Ianto, ready to hit him. Owen pushes him back. TOSHIKO : Listen, when I was at reception I managed to trip the lock down timer, we can get back in any second… Ianto runs towards the reception entrance away from the others. JACK : Ianto ! They run after Ianto. INT. THE HUB – RECEPTION A girl is delivering Ianto's pizza. ANNIE : Pizza. She presses the intercom. Seen through CCTV footage on Hub monitor Annie is let into reception. ANNIE : Ianto ? The door in the wall slides open and Annie walks through and into the lift. She enters the hub cautiously. The floor is a mess. ANNIE : Bloody hell ! Annie looks around for Ianto and calls out. ANNIE : Ianto, do you want these or not ? Lisa stands behind Annie as she calls out. EXT. OUTSIDE HUB RECEPTION Jack, Toshiko, Owen and Gwen still chasing Ianto. JACK : Ianto stop ! GWEN : She can't have survived that attack ! TOSHIKO : I used my initiative. I'm sorry. JACK : When I want you to think for yourself I'll tell you ! TOSHIKO : Maybe if you'd told me your plan I wouldn't have done it. Ianto points a gun at them as they enter reception. GWEN : Ianto, don't be stupid ! IANTO : I've nothing left to lose. JACK : There is always something left to lose. IANTO : I'm going back in to save her, if anybody tries to stop me, I'll shoot them. GWEN : Ianto put the gun… Jack knocks the gun out of Ianto's hand and grabs his collar. Drawing his own gun he puts it to Ianto‘s head. JACK : You make a threat like that you better be prepared to follow it through. See, you disobey me now, I really will shoot you. IANTO : Get off me ! JACK : You wanna go back in there ? You go in to finish the job. If she's still alive you execute her. IANTO : No way... JACK : You brought this down on us, you hid her. You hid yourself from us ! Now it's time for you to stand as part of the team. Gwen puts her hand on his shoulder. GWEN : Jack... JACK : The girl you loved is gone. Your loyalty is to us now ! IANTO : You can't order me to do that… JACK : You execute her, or I'll execute you both ! IANTO : I won't do it… You can't make me. You like to think you're a hero, but you're the biggest monster of all. JACK : I'm giving you ten minutes then we’re comin’ in... pick it up ! Ianto picks up the gun from the floor, looks at his team-mates and walks out. The others stare at Ianto, silent until he has left the room. TOSHIKO : How can you ask... JACK : I don't need your opinion ! INT. THE HUB – CENTRAL Ianto enters the main hub, boxes litter the floor. He looks around and sees the pizza boxes, discarded on the floor. Alarms sound. He runs down to the store room. IANTO : Lisa ! Ianto calls out then sees Lisa lying on the floor covered in blood. He cries silently, overcome with grief. Annie enters. ANNIE : Ianto. Ianto it's me. Ianto looks at her and raises the gun. ANNIE : It's Lisa, I'm human again. Annie has a badly sewn wound circling her forehead. Lisa has transplanted her brain. ANNIE : You fought so hard for me, I had to hold on for you so… Ianto doesn't drop his gun. ANNIE : I took this body and transplanted the brain. IANTO : You're not Lisa… He is upset but continues pointing the gun at her. ANNIE : You always said you didn't love me for what I looked like. Last time you said that it was a Saturday, we were hung over, you made cheese toasties and moaned I hadn't de-scaled my kettle. Ianto still does not lower the gun, Annie keeps taking, upset, trying to win Ianto over. ANNIE : That night we camped on a beach in Brittany, it got so freezing we wore our coats and shared one sleeping bag. When we woke up the next morning a dog was pissing on our tent. Hold me Ianto; I need you to hold me. Ianto lowers the gun slightly, loosing his resolve. ANNIE : I need you to tell me it's alright. Ianto cries and hugs her then releases her and steps back raising the gun. ANNIE : What'ya doing ? Ianto it's me. You wouldn't shoot me. I did this for you. IANTO : I'm sorry... I'm sorry… Ianto goes to shoot her then lowers the gun, crying, unable to shoot her. IANTO : Lisa… ANNIE : We can be upgraded together... Annie is shot and Ianto turns around to see Owen, Gwen, Jack and Toshiko standing in a line. They continue to shoot Lisa until she collapses onto the conversion unit, ensuring she is dead. Ianto looks at Annie then goes over to Lisa’s body and cries over her watched by the others. INT. THE HUB - CENTRAL - NIGHT Ianto enters the hub through the cog door. Jack and Gwen watch him from the board room window. Ianto looks up at them then walks across the hub to clear up the mess. Business as usual. GWEN : You'd never have shot him, not really. JACK : Wouldn't I ? GWEN : Would you have shot me if I’d gone and stood by him ? JACK : But you didn't. GWEN : But if I had though… JACK : But you didn't. GWEN : Will he stay ? Jack shrugs. GWEN : All that deception… because he couldn't bear to live without her... So have you ever loved anyone that much ? Jack does not answer, but continues staring through the window. Gwen changes the subject, knowing Jack will not tell her. GWEN : When she got hold of you I thought just for a moment, maybe you die after all... JACK : Wanna know a secret ? GWEN : Mm... JACK : So did I... and just for a second there I felt, so alive... Close on Ianto clearing up the mess in the hub, alone. END CREDITS |
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