Forever Dreaming |
1x03 - Ghost Machine |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 04/06/14 14:06 ] |
Post subject: | 1x03 - Ghost Machine |
Ghost machine Opening shots and series recap. JACK : (VO) Torchwood : outside the government, beyond the police. Tracking down alien life on Earth and arming the human race against the future. The 21st century is when everything changes, and you’ve gotta be ready. EXT. AN ALLEY - DAY Gwen and Owen run out of a narrow street and into a wider road. Toshiko speaks to them through their earpieces, directing them towards an alien artifact which has been identified. TOSHIKO : (over com) Owen, Gwen. Left into the alley, right, 30 meters. GWEN : What is it ? What can you see ? INTERCUT WITH : Toshiko in the hub, a map on the computer screen in front of her showing the positions of Gwen and Owen and Jack relative to the alien object. INTERCUT WITH : Overview of the Torchwood SUV. TOSHIKO : Jack. Sharp right, 20 meters. JACK : (over com) Can you identify the target ? TOSHIKO : No, still trying to get a visual. 20 seconds contact. INTERCUT WITH : Gwen and Owen run through crowded streets in Cardiff, CCTV footage. TOSHIKO : 15 seconds. JACK : (Over com) No heroics ! We got no idea what we’re dealing with. TOSHIKO : 10 seconds. EXT. A STREET - CONCURRENT The SUV squeals to an abrupt halt and Jack exit’s the vehicle. TOSHIKO : Got it ! Got a visual; suspect’s male, wearing a hoodie. INT. A SHOPPING ARCADE - CONCURRENT The suspect runs through the shopping arcade followed by Gwen and Owen. TOSHIKO : Go Gwen ! SECURITY : Oi ! The suspect runs under a closing shutter, Gwen just manages to roll under before it shuts in front of Owen and Jack. Jack turns to the security guard operating the shutter. JACK : Come on, open it up. Open it up ! SECURITY : Alright, alright The shutter begins to open and Jack and Owen run through as soon as they are able and chase after the suspect and Gwen. INT. TRAIN STATION ENTRANCE - CONSECUTIVE The suspect jumps over a ticket barrier closely followed by Gwen. Two train station workers stand near by but take no action to stop them from jumping the barriers, but instead shout after Gwen. STAFF 1 : What’s he done ? STAFF 2 : Musta done something ! STAFF 1 : Get him ! The suspect runs down a tunnel in the train station. He pushes past people and as he does so he looses his balance slightly and slows. Gwen grabs his arms and tried to hold him. The suspect wriggles out of his jack and escapes, leaving Gwen standing at the train station exit holding only his coat. GWEN : Damn ! TOSHIKO : He’s there, you did it ! GWEN : I was that close… TOSHIKO : No. You got it. GWEN : I’ve lost him Tosh. I lost him. TOSHIKO : I swear. Whatever it is, you’re holding it. Gwen looks at the coat and goes to check the pockets. TOSHIKO : Let me check my… Gwen pulls a small alien device out of the pocket and holds it in both hands, staring at it. She pushes the central button and the scene flickers and changes. EXT. TRAIN STATION - NIGHT Gwen stands in the same place. The people have disappeared and it is dark. Gwen looks around, fearful. She hears a steam train and turns to see a young boy exit the train station to her right. He wears short trousers and a hat and holds a teddy bear and a small suitcase. He has a name tag attached to his blazer. GWEN : Hello… Who are you ? The boy looks towards her and walks closer. GWEN : Can you hear me ? TOM : (echoing voice) I want to go home. Gwen sees the name on his tag. TOM : No one knows who I am here. I’m lost. Tom backing slowly away from Gwen. GWEN : (with trepidation) Come back… come back. The boy continues to walk away, back the way he entered. He fades away. Gwen looks down at the alien device in her hand and presses the button. She re-appears at the station - modern day. Jack runs to her, closely followed by Owen. JACK : Sorry, that damn gate cut us off… Jack notices that Gwen looks upset. JACK : Gwen ? Are you alright ? GWEN : I’ve just seen a ghost. OPENING TITLES INT. THE HUB Toshiko works at her station. Jack stands behind her, watching her computer screen. The rest of the team are in the hub nearby but out of shot. TOSHIKO : This is the feed from the station camera. Jack steps forward and picks up the ghost machine from Toshiko’s desk, the moves away. Toshiko continues describing the CCTV footage. TOSHIKO : Gwen grabs the kid, she’s got his jacket and he just slips out. Focus on JACK who moves near to GWEN on the balcony. JACK : (to Gwen) You okay with this ? Gwen nods that she is fine and they listen to Toshiko’s commentary. TOSHIKO : and then… Toshiko shakes her head in confusion at the footage. TOSHIKO : Jack and Owen arrive. Then, nothing. Toshiko turns to look at Jack and Gwen who are standing behind her looking away. Ianto walks up the stairway and enters shot. He holds a tray of mugs. They take drinks and Toshiko continues. TOSHIKO : Sorry… GWEN : No, it was as real as this is… more real. I didn’t just see that little boy, I could, I could… hear what he was thinking I could feel it. Like I was lost. Show Owen who is below Gwen and Jack. OWEN : Tense emotion can be part of a neurological event. Hallucinations, dementia… GWEN : I wasn’t hallucinating, Owen and I’m not bloody senile ! Jack ignores them and continues inspecting the ghost machine, holding it in both hands. JACK : You pushed this button then that’s what caused this apparition moment ? GWEN : Yeah. Jack goes to push the button in the centre of the ghost machine. The others all call his name and tell him not to use the machine. They clearly all believe he will push the button. Jack holds his hands out in response, surprised that they believe he would use the machine. JACK : As if ! GWEN : that’s how it felt. Like an apparition. A ghost. JACK : Toshiko, where do we start ? TOSHIKO : The guy you were chasing, I’ve got loads of CCTV so tracking him down is gonna be easy. The little boy, you said there was a name on the card around his neck… GWEN : Flannigan. Tom Erasmus Flannigan. JACK : Unusual name, that’ll help. Run a full check; births, marriages, deaths… criminal record, passports. However long it takes, wherever he is, we’ll find him. OWEN : Found it ! Flannigan, Thomas Erasmus 74 Veneron Terrace, Bute. Owen closes a telephone directory and holds it up to the others. OWEN : He’s in the phone book. Jack, Gwen and Toshiko do not respond but look a little deflated. EXT. A FRONT DOOR IN THE SUBURBS - DAY Shot shows a front door with the number ‘74’. Shot widens to Gwen knocking on the door. The door is opened by a lady. Turn to lady’s POV to reveal Gwen standing on the doorstep beside Owen. GWEN : Hi, I’m DI Cooper this is PC Harper. Could you spare a few minutes please ? ELERI : Yeah, okay. The lady leads them into a cosy living room. An elderly, but healthy looking man sits in an arm chair at the far side of the room. ELERI : Dad visitors, from the police. TOM : Oh, caught up with me at last have ya ? He is smiling, a happy gentleman who knows he is not really in any trouble. Gwen responds in kind, keeping the tone light. GWEN : I’m Gwen, this is Owen, he’s training. It’s just routine. We’re looking for eyewitnesses to an incident at the railway station last night. ELERI : We were here, weren’t we dad ? Strictly Come Dancing finals… that newsreader. OWEN : Ohh, she’s got legs up to ‘er arm pits ain’t she ? TOM : Would you like a cup of tea ? GWEN : I’d love one thanks. The lady stands and begins to leave the room to make tea. GWEN : Owen will give you a hand. ELERI : This way. TOM : She’ll talk him to death that lad. Gwen chuckles and sits down in the armchair next to Tom, now vacated by his daughter. GWEN : He gives as good as he gets. TOM : She’s right though. We were in all last night, we wouldn’t have seen anything. Gwen searches her bag in her lap and pulls out a notebook GWEN : Just for the record, you are Tom Erasmus Flannigan ? TOM : My father was an Erasmus, his father before ‘im. GWEN : Now that’s not a Welsh accent is it ? She smiles at him and Tom laughs. TOM : No, lived ‘ere 66 years an’ still sound like a barra’ boy. I was evacuated during the war, 1941. The Germans bombing the hell out of the East End. GWEN : Cardiff was being bombed as well as London, wasn’t it ? TOM : We were taken out to the countryside from here. My mother packed me a suitcase… INTERCUT TOM’S REMINISCENCE WITH : Flashback’s of the same scene Gwen saw of the train station. During flashback shots Tom in VO. TOM : Big sister wrote my name on a card an’ they put me on the train at Paddington. Kept saying I had to go, to be a good boy. Tellin’ me not to cry, and there was the pair of "em cryin" their eyes out… Tom pauses and is a little saddened, but not upset by the memory, the pain has been weakened with time. TOM : That was the last I saw of them, though I didn’t know that then of course, waving goodbye… GWEN : How old were you ? TOM : 8 GWEN : You must have been very, very frightened… TOM : I didn’t know a soul here. There was a mix up, I’d kept my head down so much, they forgot all about me, so they left me all on my own. Felt like the end of the world. I wandered down this tunnel totally lost. Forgotten. Looking for someone, anyone who’d look after me. ‘Why don’t they come for me?’ I kept thinkin’ ‘no one knows me, I’m lost‘. They worked it out in the end, they came back for me. An’ I got taken in by a lovely couple, no kids of their own. And well, end of the war, I’d no one left in London so I stayed ‘ere. I’m still ‘ere now… just. EXT. TOM’S HOUSE - DAY Gwen and Owen leave the house and walk towards the SUV. GWEN : Don’t get it. He was the boy at the station. OWEN : Can’t comment, I was stuck in the kitchen with motor mouth thanks to you. GWEN : So what I saw was just a bit of him from years before, sort of, hanging around ? A phone rings, Gwen picks it from her pocket and answers. Owen sighs at her annoyed and gets into the car to wait. GWEN : Hi. RHYS : (over phone) Hiya Gwen. Er, I’m just puttin’ a wash on. INTERCUT WITH : INT. GWEN’S KITCHEN - CONCURRENT Rhys stands with a pile of clothes on the floor in front of the washing machine. RHYS : Got any whites need doin’. GWEN : Er, I dunno. Just leave it, I’ll sort it out. RHYS : Oh, no. It’s no trouble, just remind me erm, which drawer do the tablets go in ? GWEN : Just leave it. RHYS : Okay, so are you in or out tonight ? GWEN : I dunno. RHYS : Again ! GWEN : I’m sorry ? RHYS : All I’m askin’, are you in or out tonight ? GWEN : I don’t know. RHYS : Gwen, I can’t live with all this secret squirrel stuff, can’t you tell me if yer comin’ home ? GWEN : Well naggin’ isn’t helping. RHYS : Right… well that’s me told. GWEN : Ah Rhys… RHYS : I’m not stayin’ in on the off chance, Dav’s havin’ mates round tonight, I’ll stay at ‘is. Owen honks the horn of the SUV a few times in frustration. Gwen looks at him and returns to her call but Rhys has hung up. GWEN : Hello ? She gets into the SUV. Owen sighs at her and starts the engine, impatient. GWEN : Alright. INT. THE HUB Jack types at a computer, he zooms in on a picture of Bernie. The others work nearby. JACK : Our friend with the alien machine in his pocket is one Sean Harris, AKA Bernie. GWEN : And what he’s doing with an alien machine is anyone’s guess. 19 years old, string of convictions, burglary, shoplifting, credit cards… IANTO : Do warn me if he’s droppin’ in. TOSHIKO : Successful conviction. He was steeling tyres off a car when the owner turns up, gives him so much grief he apologises, starts putting them back on again which is when the police show up. And here, shoplifting, conviction, bottle of vodka and 3 pot noodles. OWEN : (playing an arcade game) Criminal mastermind… Got anywhere with that, er, mystery object ? JACK : Alien of course, gorgeous nano technology, makes NASA look like Toys r’ Us. OWEN : Ah, well you’ve really narrowed things down ‘aven’t ya ? The ghost machine is being scanned by a machine similar to a CAT scanner; Gwen takes it from the machine. GWEN : At the station I was doin’ this but when I held it, it lit up and went mad. OWEN : Not doin’ it now is it ? GWEN : No. TOSHIKO : So, what next ? JACK : This kid, Bernie, where does he live ? TOSHIKO : Splott. OWEN : Splott ? IANTO : I believe estate agents pronounce it Splo. EXT. A DOOR - DAY Toshiko knocks on a door. An unkempt woman smoking a cigarette answers and looks at them unimpressed. Gwen stands behind Toshiko a little distance away. TOSHIKO : Hi. I’m looking for Bernie, he in ? BERNIE’S MUM : Friend of his are ya ? TOSHIKO : Yeah, I’m from… BERNIE’S MUM : I’m his mother, he’s a robbin’ little bastard, he ain’t settin’ foot in this house ‘til he pays me the 50 quid he owes me. Bernie’s mum slams the door. INT. A PUB Shot of a man playing snooker. SNOOKER PLAYER : He’s bad. INT. AN ARCADE Shot of a teenage boy. KID IN ARCADE : Said he’d give me an ipod an’ he never. And he smoked my fags. INT. A SHOP. Shot of a young woman. WOMAN IN SHOP : Wouldn’t piss on ‘im if he was on fire. EXT. GRASS NEXT TO A CANAL - DAY Toshiko and Gwen lean on a tall brick structure, Owen walks towards them carrying paper wrapped food. GWEN : Bernie Harris, the Scarlet Pimpernel of Splott. TOSHIKO : Tell me about it, give me aliens any day. She turns to Owen as he leans next to them. TOSHIKO : Any luck ? OWEN : No. I got 4 pasties for a pound. Anyone ? Jack approaches them, hands thrust in his pockets. GWEN : If I wanted days like this I’da stayed in the police. TOSHIKO : We did try, Jack. Owen offers Jack a pasty. Jack looks annoyed, sighs and walks off. The others follow him alongside the canal and under a wide bridge. OWEN : What’s he gonna tell us ? Got it off an alien down the market ? GWEN : Where are we going ? Owen throws the paper bag from his pasties on the floor, lagging behind the others. JACK : Back to the railway station, perform an experiment. We replicate the original event as far as possible, observe and analyse the results. GWEN : What I have to do that again ? JACK : Someone has. Any volunteers ? Jack throws the ghost machine to Owen. OWEN : Wowh. GWEN : We don’t know what it is, what it does… JACK : No. GWEN : Jack, this could be dangerous. JACK : Yeah. Owen pauses and looks at the ghost machine. OWEN : Er, I don’t mean to be picky but I think I can spot some flaws in this plan… JACK : I’m sorry. I thought you were the guys who gave up looking for a 19 year old kid this morning. I figured maybe you were after something more exciting, bit of a challenge. OWEN : This door to door stuff never gets us anywhere. Owen looks at the ghost machine again, it is lighting up. OWEN : Guys ! Come ‘ere ! They continue walking, leaving Owen standing under the bridge. TOSHIKO : Owen… Owen. OWEN : Wait ! Owen pushes the central button on the ghost machine. The scene shimmers and changes to: EXT. THE CANAL BRIDGE - NIGHT It is a rainy night, very quiet. A girl staggers under the bridge, the opposite end to Owen. She is crying, leaning on the wall as she walks along, she keeps looking over her shoulder. She stops and leans against the wall, taking a compact from her bag. She starts talking, she faces Owen but is talking to herself, she cannot see him. LIZZIE : He’s a rotten bastard ! My mom was right, his eyes are too close together ! I said it’s just a dance, but he wants to go further with it. I shouldn’t have gone outside with him. OWEN : What’s your name ? A man enters, he has been following Lizzie. He calls out to her. Searching. ED : Lizzie ! Lizzie Lewis. Lizzie looks towards Ed, afraid but she does not move. Ed walks towards her slowly. LIZZIE : You’re a bad one Ed Morgan. The girls said not to go with you and they were right. ED : Am I bad ? Am I a bad boy ? You’re a big girl now Lizzie… Lizzie begins to back away as Ed approaches, nervous. ED : …can make your own decisions. It’s why I like you… Lizzie starts to hang on his compliments, he is winning her over and he stands close. ED : You’re not like the others, don’t follow the herd. You’re smart. Don’t you like it that someone can see how smart you are ? Huum ? I can see you Lizzie, the way you really are. Ed takes her cheeks in his palms and kisses her, she does not resist at first. Then as he becomes more forceful she tries to push him away. He slaps her across the face and she screams. Ed grabs her hair and pulls out a small pocket knife, holds it across her cheek. ED : I won’t hurt you, don’t. LIZZIE : (sobbing) I told my mum I’d be home by 9. ED : Ssshh ! Ed pushes Lizzie against the bridge wall, Lizzie sobbing and crying out. LIZZIE : Please ! Help me ! Help me ! The scene shimmers again and cuts back to : EXT. CANAL BRIDGE - DAY Owen gasps back in the present. Gwen runs towards him, Jack and Toshiko slowly following her. GWEN : Owen, are you alright ? OWEN : (gasping for breath) She was so scarred. I couldn’t, I couldn’t move… I couldn’t help, I couldn’t help. Gwen takes the ghost machine gently from Owen, Owen gasps again and starts to sob. INT. THE HUB The Torchwood team sit around discussing the situation. JACK : The first time it happens to Gwen. A boy at the railway station. GWEN : Who’s now in his 70’s alive and well and living in Bute Town. Second time happens to Owen. Like me he didn’t just see it, you felt emotions that weren’t yours. OWEN : (nodding) She was terrified. JACK : The victim’s name was Lizzie, it was maybe 40, 45 years ago. Toshiko, do we know anything about her yet ? Toshiko reads from her computer screen which shows a black and white picture of Lizzie and scrolling writing. TOSHIKO : Elizabeth Lewis, Lizzie. Only child of Mabel Ann Lewis of Haffle Street. Died March 29th 1963. Raped and murdered on Pembroke Street, under the bridge, 17 years old. OWEN : He killed ‘er. TOSHIKO : No one was brought to trial. OWEN : Told ‘er mum she’d be home by 9… so what about Ed Morgan ? That’s what she called ‘im, you’re a bad one Ed Morgan. Look it up. TOSHIKO : Kind of a common name. GWEN : What’s the connection, where did they come from ? It’s like being haunted. Jack looks at the computer screen showing the scan results of the ghost machine, excited by the results. JACK : Quantum transducer ! Look, look ! Toshiko joins him, equally excited. TOSHIKO : Wow ! I’d kill to get one of those ! Transducers convert energy from one form into another, they’re in headphones. They convert electrical signals into sound and they’re in this device too, converting quantum energy and amplifying it… GWEN : …into ghosts. JACK : Of course, it’s emotion. Human emotion is energy. You can’t always see it, or hear it, but you can feel it. Ever had deja vu ? Someone walk over your grave ? Ever felt someone behind you in an empty room ? Well there was, there always is. GWEN : A ghost. Jack nods and Toshiko seems spooked. Owen is ignoring them, flicking through a file, thinking only of Lizzie rather than the alien object. OWEN : What else have we got on Lizzie Lewis ? What else have we got ? TOSHIKO : Erm… She returns to her computer to check. TOSHIKO : 1963 the records aren’t always that detailed… OWEN : What about newspapers, witness statements, coroner’s reports ? JACK: Owen ! Jack becoming increasingly irritated by Owen’s tenacity with the subject. TOSHIKO : What do you want me to find exactly ? OWEN : Well there must be somethin’. JACK : For the case to be re-opened you’d need new evidence or a new witness. OWEN : I saw it happen… JACK : No you didn’t ! You weren’t there ! You saw the echo of a moment amplified by alien technology. So just tell me how that’ll play in Court. OWEN : Since when did we care about Court ? JACK : Tomorrow we go lookin’ for Bernie Harris and we find out what he knows about this ghost machine. We do our job and find where this thing came from. Now go home. Jack walks away, angrily dismissing Owen. JACK : Gwen, with me ! Gwen looks at Owen sympathetically then follows Jack. Owen gathers his files to leave. INT. THE HUB - SHOOTING RANGE Jack is loading a gun. A row of sidearms lies on the table in front of him, he checks each one. Gwen peers around the door and then enters. GWEN : Jack ? Wowh ! POV GWEN. A long tunnel extends away into darkness, an underground railway tunnel or large sewer. Targets in the form of weevil cut-outs are dotted about, the length of the tunnel. Jack turns to Gwen, she looks shocked, speechless. Jack indicates the guns to her, patient. JACK : You need to know how to use these. Gwen looks at the guns uncertain. JACK : Though I hope you never have to. GWEN : So do I. She giggles nervously. GWEN : I’m sorry, it’s just… I don’t even kill spiders in the bath. JACK : Nor do I. Not with a gun ! Gwen laughs, relaxing a little. Jack gestures as the guns. JACK : It’s all yours. Gwen looks at him, still uncertain, needing guidance. CUT TO : Jack and Gwen wear yellow eye guards, blue ear defenders and headsets. Jack loads a gun for Gwen and passes it to her. She takes it and waves it, pointing it at Jack’s face. He dodges back pushing her hand down so the gun is aimed at the floor. JACK : Target’s that way ! He points down the length of the tunnel. GWEN : Right. She takes a deep breath and holding the gun in both hands pulling it up to aim, reaching first over her head. Jack grabs her wrist and helps her aim. JACK : Let’s keep the roof in one piece shall we ? Jack smiles and flicks one of her hands from the gun. JACK : One hand, not two. Turn sideways to the target. Jack stands behind Gwen, brushing her hair back so he can speak in her ear, stroking her neck a little as he does so. JACK : Look along your shoulder, down your arm, straight line to the sights. Bring up your gun. Gwen lifts her arm quickly. JACK : Woh, woh, woh, woh. Not too fast, it’s all in the breathing. Jack holds the gun with her and raises it. JACK : Hold it firm, don’t grip it. Jack cocks the gun and moves his hand to Gwen’s waist, pulling Gwen against him. JACK : Breathe in… Jack breathes in. JACK : Focus, breath out, squeeze gently. Gwen shoots then gasps happily and laughs, proud. Jack hugs her. JACK : That was a joint effort. Try it again, this time on your own, and remember… MONTAGE Jack and Gwen shooting various guns, Jack continually instructing Gwen as she becomes a better shot. Return to: The hub shooting range. JACK : Nice work. Like I said, hope you never have to use ‘em. GWEN : Yeah. She checks her watch. GWEN : Oh God, look at the time ! When do you get to go home ? You seem to live here ! You don’t, do you ? JACK : (Shrugs) Gotta be ready. The 21st century is when it all changes. And, I hate to commute. GWEN : (Smiling) When do you sleep ? JACK : I don’t. GWEN : Doesn’t it get lonely at night ? Jack looks blank, a little sadness carefully hidden. GWEN : I better get back, Rhys’ll be wondering where I am. JACK : Goodnight. Jack looks after Gwen as she leaves then starts to put the guns away. INT. GWEN’S FLAT - NIGHT It is quiet and the lights are out. GWEN : Hello ! She turns on the light, the flat is empty. She goes to the answering machine and plays the message. RHYS : (On machine) Hi, it’s me. I’m at Dav’s and erm, playing poker, but I’m winning, wehey ! Just so you know, erm, I put yer whites on earlier, even though you were bloody grumpy. It’s still in the machine so you’ll have to hang ‘em up. I put the veggies out but I didn’t do the washin’ up, but there’s not much of that. So erm, we haven’t done it in weeks anyway. I’ll see ya when I see ya, ta ra. Gwen takes the ghost machine from her bag. INT. OWEN’S FLAT - NIGHT Owen sits in a chair with his eyes closed, opposite full length windows overlooking Cardiff bay. He replays the vision of Lizzie and Ed in his mind. He holds a copy of the ‘Cardiff Examiner’ from 1963 showing the incident. INT. GWEN’S FLAT Gwen looks at the ghost machine and presses the central button. CUT TO - VISION Gwen sits on the kitchen counter in her police uniform. Rhys is with her. RHYS : Hello there. Gotta stay out of trouble now then have I ? GWEN : Best behaviour, I’m a fully trained police officer, I’ll have you on the floor and handcuffed like that. She snaps her fingers. RHYS : Oh, promises, promises… They kiss. Gwen walks around within her vision, saddened by how happy she and Rhys were then. RHYS : I’m so proud of you. Gwen releases the button on the ghost machine, pauses and presses it again. The room shimmers. CUT TO - VISION A horn sounds outside the window and looks out. Gwen is dressed up to go out in the vision. GWEN : Taxi’s here, we’re gonna be late. Rhys comes into the living room half dressed in a suit. RHYS : Not worn this thing since my last interview. Gwen laughs at him. RHYS : I’ll wear jeans and a t-shirt. GWEN : It’s my mom’s 60th. She wanted us all smart, that’s the whole point. RHYS : But, I bust my zip, I’ll be flashing my family allowance if I’m not careful ! Gwen picks up a stapler and brandishes it chasing him, laughing. RHYS : What are you doin’ with that ? GWEN : I’ll staple it ! RHYS : You’re not coming near my valuables with that ! Gwen chases Rhys from the room. In the present Gwen sits on the sofa considering the ghost machine. Rhys enters, leaning in the doorway. RHYS : Hiya. Dav and Karen had a barney, she’s makin’ ‘im sleep in the spare room, I didn’t fancy the sofa. Look I don’t mind you workin’ all the hours, I really don’t, just so long as you still wanna come home at the end of it all. GWEN : I do. I’m here, and you’re gorgeous. Gwen walks to Rhys, hiding the ghost machine behind her back and kisses him. RHYS : Bet you haven’t done the washin’ up… ! Gwen smiles and kisses him again, they fall to the sofa Gwen straddling his lap. GWEN : Lets leave it ‘til tomorrow, aye ? RHYS : Aye. Gwen slips the ghost machine into her bag while she kisses Rhys. INT. OWEN’S FLAT - NIGHT Papers and files about Lizzie are scattered about the floor, Owen gathers them and flicks through a few pages. He looks down a suspect list, it shows : ‘Morgan, Edwin – released without charge. No further questioning’. He checks the telephone directory and finds a list of addresses, rips out the page. He drinks spirits from the bottle and smiles. INT. OWEN’S CAR - MORNING Owen has crossed various names through on the phone directory list – he has been searching for Eddie for a long time. He picks up a pile of fake identity cards and chooses one. He exits the car and walks to the front door of a property, knocks. There is no answer so he checks the window, a man appears briefly behind the net curtain and Owen looks through the letter box. EDDIE : Who is it ? OWEN : Mr Morgan. The door opens and Eddie looks through the gap. He is now a dishevelled old man, ravaged by time, overweight and unhealthy looking. EDDIE : What do you want ? OWEN : Well Mr Morgan, I need to come in. Owen shows his identity card and Eddie leads him through to the kitchen. EDDIE : Who said there was gas ? I can’t smell anything, there’s nothing wrong, I’d have noticed. Can you smell anything ? Was it next door ? OWEN : Can we go into the living room, Mr Morgan ? Owen follows Eddie through the flat. It has old fashioned décor throughout. EDDIE : There’s nothing in here. No gas fire I mean, haven’t got one. There’s electric heater, I don’t hardly use it. What you lookin’ for ? OWEN : Sit down Mr Morgan. They sit opposite each other in the living room. EDDIE : Was it next door ? Tell her should mind her own business, something wrong with her, makes stuff up. Is it her ? You won’t find anything if it is, all in ‘er ‘ead, know what I mean ? What’s your name ? OWEN : (Leaning forward) How long ‘ave you lived ‘ere Mr Morgan ? EDDIE : Hum, years, this was my mam’s house. OWEN : Then you’d remember your neighbours, people that used to live in this street a while ago, people who lived… just ‘round the corner. Like in Abbot’s Street. Like Mabel Lewis. She’s only passed away a few years ago, did you know ? Course she moved away long before that. Eddie’s fingers tighten where they rest on his knee. OWEN : Couldn’t bear the memories, her daughter, her own, only child… died in ’63. Lizzie. Yeah, good old Lizzie Lewis. A flash of Lizzie under the bridge. OWEN : She loved dancing, do you remember ? You should. Pretty girl, blonde hair, blue eyes. Used to wear a little pink coat. Eddie’s hands clench into fists. OWEN : Bet she saved all her pennies to get that, all the rage. She was wearing it the last time you saw her. Last time anyone saw her… alive. Remember now ? I know what happened under the bridge that night. Just the two of you, in the dark. Water dripping from the roof to the canal, Lizzie’s hair all wet from the rain, cold and crying. I know what you did Ed Morgan. There you are just, living your life. Free as a bird. Lizzie told her mother she’d be home by 9 didn’t she ? ‘Please don’t’ she said ‘please’. ‘You’re a bad one Ed Morgan, the girls said not to go with you and they were right’. EDDIE : (Stands and shouts). Get out ! Get out ! Get out ! OWEN : (Stands to leave) You won’t get away with this. EDDIE : You’ll get nothing from me. I told you before, you’ll get nothing from me ! Eddie chases Owen out of the door. EDDIE : Ger out of my house ! Get out of my house ! The door slams behind Owen. A dog barks and a postman next door stares at him. Owen nods then looks down, trying to be inconspicuous. INT. EDDIE’S HOUSE Eddie stands behind the door. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE EDDIE’S HOUSE Owen jogs back to his car. A young lad is sitting in a nearby park smoking, his hood up. He glances up at Owen then looks away quickly. Owen looks over and spots him. OWEN : Bernie Harris ! Bernie runs across the park, Owen tries to enter but the gate is locked. He runs around the edge of the park to cut off Bernie. OWEN : Oi ! Bernie trips over an elderly lady’s bag which is on the floor and he stumbles, kicking the contents of the bag over the floor. He runs down a path where a group of lads are playing football, Owen close behind. BOY : Go on, kick ‘is ‘ead in ! Bernie runs over a graffitied bridge and through residential streets, over a fence and into a back garden where a lady sits. She nods in Bernie’s direction as Owen follows him into the garden. Bernie jumps a wall and lands in a paddling pool. A girl is playing on a trampoline. GIRL : Dad, there’s a man in the garden ! Owen follows Bernie in and out of the garden. GIRL : There’s two men in the garden ! Bernie jumps another wall and falls into a garden full of chickens. He gets up and jumps another fence into a garden with a high brick wall. Owen lands behind him and Bernie runs to the back gate - it is padlocked. OWEN : Bernie Harris. BERNIE : Who ? OWEN : That wasn’t a question. BERNIE : Please, don’t hurt me, please. I got asthma ! OWEN : I’m not gonna hurt ya… I’m gonna bloody kill ya ! INT. A BAR Owen and Bernie sit at a table with pints of larger. OWEN : Why’d they call you Bernie ? BERNIE : (Shrugs) Burn’d my neighbour’s shed down when I was 12. OWEN : What for ? BERNIE : I was just havin’ a fag, got a bit carried away like. Jack enters the bar, followed by Gwen and Toshiko. JACK : Well, this is cosy. Hope he bought you flowers. BERNIE : If this is about the dodgy fags I didn’t know what happened to them alright ? Gwen throws the ghost machine to Jack who puts it on the table in front of Bernie. JACK : Well, it’s probably worth knowing we’re probably the only people you can tell. Bernie glances around at them all then addresses Jack. BERNIE : Me and a mate was using this lock up down on Mora Street. Used to belong to this old guy, soft in the ‘ead he was. Still loads of his stuff in it, but we chucked most of it. There was this old biscuit tin full of foreign coins, weird bits of rock, and that. He nods to the ghost machine. BERNIE : Thought it might be worth somethin’, take it down the Antiques Roadshow. JACK : Ha ! BERNIE : Well you dunno do you ? Cash in the attic and all that. So, I takes the tin ‘ome with me an’ that thing starts switchin’ itself on. He speaks quietly, confiding to Jack. BERNIE : It makes you see things, real things. Real people. I was down the old wharf near the bay, I see this woman with a bundle, summat wrapped up, it was night time, and she was puttin’ it into the water all secret like. It was weird cuz, it was like, I was her somehow. She was scared, she knew what she was doin’ was wrong. I knew, without seein’, it was her baby. Wrapped up. Dead. She hadn’t told anyone, then she just ran away, and I realised, I know ‘er. She’s old now but she lives up by the Catholic church in Splott. So I goes up to see her, told her what I’d seen. She give me money not to tell anyone else. OWEN : You blackmailed her. BERNIE : She offered. Look, I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. There’s the old bridge, on Pembroke Street. I saw a man, and a girl, from ages ago, he was following ‘er, back from a dance along a canal… OWEN : Yeah, I know. I saw it. He doesn’t know anything does he ? Jack, in agreement, picks up the ghost machine and stands to leave. JACK : Bernie, been fascinating meeting you. BERNIE : Ay ! That’s mine ! You can’t just walk off, I got rights ! Jack leads the others away. They continue walking as Bernie complains. When they are about to exit the pub, Bernie calls out : BERNIE : So you don’t wanna see the other ‘arf then ? They stop and look at him. INT. BERNIE’S ROOM - LATER THAT DAY Jack studies the other half of the ghost machine then hands it to Toshiko. JACK : The other half. GWEN : (Looking through biscuit tin) Weird bits of rock, foreign money. Jack goes to her and routes through the tin. JACK : Alien rock, alien money. Driftwood, washing in through the rift. OWEN : Tosh ! Owen holds up an elderly tin of baked beans to her with a smile. JACK : So, Bernie. Was this thing in two halves when you found it ? Tosh links the two pieces together and gasps happily. TOSHIKO : I got it. Like clicking Lego together. Jack takes the now complete ghost machine from her. It is now an arched, semi-circular structure. Jack looks at it briefly before Gwen grabs it, looking to Bernie. GWEN : You split this into two pieces didn’t you ? Toshiko picks up the biscuit tin and Owen starts to leave. They have what they came for and know Bernie is unlikely to be able to give them any answers. OWEN : Cummon you lot. TOSHIKO : We’ll take these too if you don’t mind. She leaves with the biscuit tin, not waiting for an answer, Jack smiles after her, agreeing. OWEN : (Shouts from outside) Come on you lot ! BERNIE : Aren’t you gonna arrest me ? JACK : No. we’re not the police. BERNIE : But I robbed that… JACK : I know. BERNIE : An’ you’re gonna rob it back off me ? JACK : So call the cops. Jack leaves the room, Gwen starts to follow. BERNIE : Don’t go ! I only used it once, that half. I, I couldn’t use it again. GWEN : Why not ? BERNIE : I’m gonna die. I seen it happen, out there on the road, and I’m just lyin’ there, bleeding, and then I die. Just like I am now, not old. GWEN : What do you mean ? JACK : (Popping his head round the door) Cummon Gwen. BERNIE : I’m gonna be 20 in July, do I die before then ? JACK : (Calls from outside) Gwen ! GWEN : Just wait there, I’m coming back. Gwen leaves the room to get Jack. INT. STAIRWELL - FLATS Gwen calls for Jack, looks down the stairwell then through a window hole in the wall – there is no glass. She sees them walking back towards the cars and calls out again. EXT. ROAD IN FRONT OF FLATS - DAY Owen bleeps his car open and goes to it, Jack and Toshiko go the SUV. Gwen runs towards them from the flats, holding the ghost machine. GWEN : Jack, I need to speak to you. Jack turns as Gwen presses a button in the second half of the machine. He runs towards her in a futile attempt to stop her. JACK : Gwen ! No ! The shot flickers and becomes darker. Gwen looks up and sees herself crouching down, blood covering her hands. Future Gwen stands and turns towards her, speaks quietly, shocked. FUTURE GWEN : He’s dead. Owen had a knife. He wanted to kill him. GWEN : Owen ? FUTURE GWEN : Oooh God I couldn’t stop it. Help me. Future Gwen begins crying and Gwen returns to the present as Jack takes the ghost machine from her. Owen walks towards them, concerned. JACK : Christ Gwen, what were you thinking ? Owen stares at her. INT. THE HUB - LATER Gwen and Jack sit facing each other over a desk. GWEN : I didn’t see him. I didn’t see anyone but me. Just said his name. Jack nods slightly then looks down at a piece of paper in his hand. JACK : Bernie said he saw himself dead in that street, you saw Owen with the knife. GWEN : But I was holding it, my hands were covered in blood. JACK : That was one future, one of many possible futures. Whatever you saw, what Bernie saw might not happen. GWEN : Might not. Can’t we find out? you’ve got all this stuff. Alien stuff. Isn’t there anything that can help ? JACK : (Shaking his head) I’m sorry. GWEN : I wish we’d never found it. Poor Bernie seeing himself dead. JACK : He might not be. GWEN : Hum, possible futures, he might like to know that. JACK : You’re certainly findin’ it a comfort. Gwen laughs sarcastically. GWEN : I dunno what to do. INT. EDDIE’S HOUSE Eddie holds a small piece of paper and starts to dial a number on an old fashioned circular dial phone. He stops before he puts in the whole number. OVERVIEW SHOT – See Eddie through a large mirror over the fireplace. A clock stands on the mantelpiece. Eddie sits smoking, nervously looking at the clock. INT. A BAR Toshiko and Owen sit at a small table drinking. TOSHIKO : I found your Ed Morgan earlier. Did a trace. OWEN : I found him too. Phone book, took all night but I found him. Paid ‘im a visit this morning, put the fear of God into him. What did you find ? TOSHIKO : His medical records. He’s claustrophobic, paranoid, depressive, got a couple of recorded attempts at suicide, he’s barely left his house in years. Owen, if Jack finds out… OWEN : Well he won’t, will he ? INT. EDDIE’S HOUSE Eddie is still nervously looking at the clock. He gathers himself and reaches for the phone, clearly not wanting to make the call he dials. INT. BERNIE’S FLAT Bernie looks out of an open window, down into the street below. Track down the corridor towards Bernie, as the shot closes on him a telephone rings. Bernie is nervous, paranoid. He answers the phone cautiously. BERNIE : Hello. INT. A BAR Toshiko and Owen continue talking. OWEN : I think he thought I wanted money. He kept saying ‘you’ll get nothing from me’. TOSHIKO : How annoying. OWEN : He said ‘you’ll get nothing from me, leave me alone… I told you before’. TOSHIKO : Told who ? Owen looks at Toshiko as he realises the answer – Bernie. CUT TO : A photograph of Bernie stuck to transparent board in the hub. Pan left. Jack’s reflection can be seen in the board. As the shot pulls round Jack is looking at the picture. He replays the conversation he had with Bernie in the pub back in his mind. Jack takes down the photograph and turns, considering. CUT TO : Gwen looks through a hole in a wooden door. Shot taken from inside the house. GWEN : Bernie, it’s Gwen. Bernie enters shot and unchains the door, opens it. GWEN : Can I come in ? She enters, leaving the shot. GWEN : Thanks. Bernie closes the door and glances around nervously before going through to Gwen. They sit at a kitchen table. GWEN : I know this sounds mad but just because you saw yourself… BERNIE : Dead, yeah… GWEN : … doesn’t mean that it’s gonna happen. BERNIE : But you dunno how to stop it. For you or for me. Bernie stands, rubs his head sighing. BERNIE : Got right into my head this thing. Some things just better off not known. Bernie walks to look through the window, surveying the scene of his impending death. Gwen’s mobile rings and she answers. GWEN : Jack. INTERCUT WITH : INT. THE HUB. Jack on the phone to Gwen. JACK : Ed Morgan. Owen went freelance earlier, decided to pay him a visit… Owen can be seen entering the hub looking annoyed. JACK : …wanted to frighten him. Sounds like he succeeded. I think our friend Bernie Harris got there first, tried to blackmail him. GWEN : Bernie was blackmailing him ? She turns to look at Bernie. JACK : Looks like it. Ed thought Owen was part of the same outfit. Are you home yet ? GWEN : No, I’m at Bernie’s place. JACK : We’re heading over. Stay right there. Owen, with me. Tosh, keep an eye on CCTV in case Bernie makes a run for it. INT. BERNIE’S HOUSE GWEN : So you saw Ed Morgan assaulting that girl too and you thought you’d make some money out if it. INT. THE HUB Toshiko works at her computer, the scene shows ‘clearance code, Torchwood, 45895’ then changes to Ed Morgan’s medical history. TOSHIKO : Severe depression… She mutters to herself as she reads, types then looks at the CCTV to see Ed Morgan outside. TOSHIKO : No, I don’t believe this ! EXT. SUV See Jack through the SUV windscreen, he answers his mobile. TOSHIKO : (VO) Jack, I’m on CCTV and I’m looking at Ed Morgan JACK : What ? Where is he ? INTERCUT WITH : Toshiko in the hub watching the CCTV. TOSHIKO: Coming onto Everton Street. JACK : That’s Bernie’s Street. Jack turns to Owen who is driving. JACK : He’s heading for Bernie’s flat. INT. BERNIE’S FLAT Bernie pulls back the net curtain then walks away. GWEN : What, are we expecting someone ? She stands and follows him from the house. GWEN : Where are you goin’ ? Bernie! Bernie ! Gwen’s phone rings but she has left it on the table and goes back to answer it. GWEN : Jack, yeah, what the hell is going on ? INTERCUT WITH : Jack and Owen in the SUV. JACK : We’re on our way, are you okay ? GWEN : Yeah, I would be if someone would just tell me what the… Gwen looks out of the window. Flash to Bernie saying he saw his dead and Jack saying Bernie saw himself die on that road. Gwen runs from the flat. JACK : Gwen ? Gwen ! Jack hangs up the phone frustrated, Owen looks at him and drives faster. EXT. ROAD OUTSIDE BERNIE’S FLAT Eddie walks towards Bernie, unsure on his feet, holding a knife. EDDIE : I knew you’d find me in the end. I knew you’d come for me. Bernie appears to be struggling for something to say. EDDIE : Been waiting for years. He sees Gwen walk towards them. EDDIE : Have you come for me to ? Eddie does not appear to be seeing Gwen, instead believing her to be Lizzie. Bernie holds out one hand, placating Eddie, but he is afraid and although he looks about to speak he cannot. EDDIE : I used to see it in people’s faces when they looked at me. They knew. I tried to hide but they knew. Eddie looks about himself. Bernie and Gwen are quite close. EDDIE : I haven’t been outside for so long. GWEN : Edwin… EDDIE : Little bitch ! You’re all the same, you blame me, make me the bad one ! GWEN : Edwin, put the knife down. EDDIE : I wasted my life for you. Jack and Owen can be seen behind Eddie, approaching slowly and cautiously. BERNIE : I won’t breathe a word, you’ll never see me again I promise. Jack and Owen now seen by Gwen and Bernie adding to their confidence. EDDIE : I know. That’s why I came. It’s what you want isn’t it ? Eddie moves slowly towards Gwen, knife outstretched. Jack and Owen grab him from behind on either side. Owen gets the knife from Eddie. Bernie is face down on the floor, Gwen Crouched protectively over him. Jack keeps hold of Bernie. JACK : Are we okay ? OWEN : I got it. GWEN : Yeah, yeah, we’re okay. Owen holds the knife ready to use it and looks at Eddie being restrained by Jack. OWEN : I’ve got the knife, Edwin… you were so close, you were goin’ for ‘er weren’t ya ? Just like with Lizzie. Owen approaches and pushes the knife lengthways along Eddie’s cheek – like he had done so many years before to Lizzie. OWEN : you were so close, as close as I am now. Gwen remembers her vision and shares a glance with Jack. JACK : Owen. OWEN : You said you were sorry, you said you didn’t want to hurt her but you didn’t stop. JACK : Owen ! OWEN : Why didn’t you stop ? Why didn’t you stop ? GWEN : Owen, no. OWEN : I don’t know. Owen pulls the knife away and holds it to his side. Gwen takes it from him. JACK : (To Owen) Go and deal with Bernie. Owen walks to Bernie as he has been told. Gwen, relieved, still holds the knife out in front of her. GWEN : It didn’t happen ! No one died, we stopped it from happening. We got here in time. Eddie pulls away from Jack, taking advantage of his momentary relaxing of his hold. He goes towards Gwen. EDDIE : I knew you’d come for me. Eddie pulls Gwen a little towards him and the knife enters his chest smoothly. He pushes her away as Jack grabs him. Owen rushes over and begins CPR, medical training overriding any other feelings towards Eddie. OWEN : He’s arresting. Owen is unable to revive Eddie. Gwen looks at her hands covered in blood and looks at Jack. GWEN : Help me. I was so close I couldn’t stop it. Oh God. I could, I could,.,. I couldn’t stop it. INT. THE HUB - JACK’S OFFICE Gwen has been crying and is wrapped in a blanket. TOSHIKO : He wanted to die. He would have found a way no matter what. OWEN : I screwed up, and I know I did. But erm, I didn’t kill ‘’im. I could of but I didn’t. GWEN : No, I did. JACK : Tosh is right, could have been anyone. TOSHIKO : (Indicating the ghost machine) What about that. JACK : The problem with seeing the future is you can’t just sit and look at it. Have to try an’ change things. Make it happen differently. Jack picks up the ghost machine and studies it. JACK : It’s not meant for us. All these ghosts, we’d be lost. Sun’s nearly up. Jack hands the ghost machine to Ianto, his decision made. JACK : Ianto. IANTO : Secure archives. Jack nods and Ianto moves to the large safe at the side of Jack’s office. JACK : (To Gwen) Come on. EXT. THE BAY - SUNRISE GWEN : I killed him, I’ve still got blood on my hands. JACK : He killed himself. Come on, Gwen. Look, the sun’s comin’ up. GWEN : A new day. JACK : The city’ll be awake soon, all those people all that energy. GWEN : All those ghosts. JACK : We’re surrounded by ‘em. We can’t see ‘em, we can’t touch ‘em, but they’re there alright. A million shadows of human emotion. We’ve just gotta learn to live with them. Jack hugs Gwen close to him as they overlook the bay. END CREDITS |
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