Forever Dreaming

Brendan's Television Schedule [November]
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Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 10/30/05 22:09 ]
Post subject:  Brendan's Television Schedule [November]

Final Destination
Directed by James Wong. Starring Devon Sawa, Ali Larter, Kerr Smith, Kristen Cloke, Amanda Detmer, Chad Donella, Brendan Fehr, Daniel Roebuck, Tony Todd, Barbara Tyson.
Teens meet with horrible ends after a classmate's precognitive vision leads to their ejection from a doomed airliner. 120 minutes- USA, 2000, (CC), Video, SS

Sun Oct 30 02:00P on USA Network
Sat Nov 19 07:00P on SciFi Channel
Sun Nov 20 01:00P on SciFi Channel


The Forsaken
Directed by J S Cardone. Starring Kerr Smith, Brendan Fehr, Izabella Miko, Phina Oruche, Simon Rex, Carrie Snodgress, Johnathon Schaech, Alexis Thorpe, A J Buckley, F J Flynn.
A young man is drawn into a battle against an ancient vampire after he is bitten by the bloodsucker's latest victim. 120 minutes- USA, 2001, (CC), Video, SS

Sat Nov 19 05:00P on SciFi Channel
Sun Nov 20 03:00P on SciFi Channel


Kill Me Later
Directed by Dana Lusting. Starring Selma Blair, Max Beesley, O'Neal Compton, Lochlyn Munro, D W Moffett, Brendan Fehr, Tom Heaton, David Adams, Alex Zahara, Keegan Tracy.
A depressed woman's suicide attempt is foiled by a bank robber who takes her hostage as he flees from the police. 120 minutes- USA, 2001, (CC), Video, SS

Tue Nov 15 12:00P on WE Womens Entertainment
Wed Nov 16 12:00A on WE Womens Entertainment


Tess, Lies and Videotape
Starring Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby, Brendan Fehr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, William Sadler.
Max (Jason Behr) is drawn irresistibly to Tess (Emilie De Ravin); Sheriff Valenti (William Sadler) discloses the shocking truth about Topolsky's fate; a hidden surveillance camera reveals a fifth alien. 60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo

Sat Nov 5 03:00A on SciFi Channel


Starring Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby, Brendan Fehr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, William Sadler.
An angry Max (Jason Behr) confronts Tess (guest star Emilie De Ravin) in the desert; Isabel and Michael (Katherine Heigl, Brendan Fehr) are disconcerted by the dreams they are suddenly having about each other. 60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo

Sat Nov 12 03:00A on SciFi Channel


Heat Wave
Starring Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby, Brendan Fehr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, William Sadler.
Michael and Maria's (Brendan Fehr, Majandra Delfino) relationship heats up during a December heat wave; Isabel and Alex (Katherine Heigl, Colin Hanks) share a dance; Max and Liz (Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby) share their first kiss. Guest star: music group Save Ferris. 60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo

Thu Nov 17 08:00A on SciFi Channel


The Balance
Starring Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby, Brendan Fehr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, William Sadler.
While at the reservation, Michael (Brendan Fehr) ends up in an alarming hallucinatory state, and the others must band together to save his life. Guest star: Ned Romero. 60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo

Thu Nov 17 09:00A on SciFi Channel


The Toy House
Starring Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby, Brendan Fehr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, William Sadler.
When Max (Jason Behr) rescues his mother (guest star Mary Ellen Trainor) from a kitchen fire, she faces her suspicions about his extraordinary abilities; Liz (Shiri Appleby) reaches out to Kyle (Nick Wechsler) in friendship. 60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo

Thu Nov 17 10:00A on SciFi Channel


Into the Woods
Starring Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby, Brendan Fehr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, William Sadler.
A UFO sighting on the edge of town ignites long-buried fears, while Max, Liz (Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby) and the others spend a weekend together in the woods. 60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo

Thu Nov 17 11:00A on SciFi Channel


The Convention
Starring Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby, Brendan Fehr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, William Sadler.
Max (Jason Behr) plays host to Jonathan Frakes (guest starring as himself) at the annual UFO convention while trying to avoid the meddlesome couple (guest stars Kevin Weisman and Wendle Josepher) who witnessed Max's life-saving powers. 60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo

Thu Nov 17 12:00P on SciFi Channel


Blind Date
Starring Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby, Brendan Fehr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, William Sadler.
Maria (Majandra Delfino) enters Liz (Shiri Appleby) in a blind-date contest; Max and Kyle (Jason Behr, Nick Wechsler) commiserate about their shared feelings for Liz; Michael and Isabel (Brendan Fehr, Katherine Heigl) send a signal to a fourth alien. James O'Shea guest stars. 60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo

Thu Nov 17 01:00P on SciFi Channel


Independence Day
Starring Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby, Brendan Fehr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, William Sadler.
After Michael (Brendan Fehr) has a violent showdown with his father (guest star Robert F. Lyons), the fourth alien emerges as a shape-shifter who watches over Max, Isabel (Jason Behr, Katherine Heigl) and Michael. 60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo

Thu Nov 17 02:00P on SciFi Channel


Sexual Healing
Starring Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby, Brendan Fehr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, William Sadler.
Liz (Shiri Appleby) is unnerved both by her strong desire for Max (Jason Behr) and the visions that come when they kiss -- visions that lead to a glowing orb in the desert. With Brendan Fehr and Katherine Heigl. 60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo

Thu Nov 17 03:00P on SciFi Channel


Max to the Max
Starring Jason Behr, Shiri Appleby, Brendan Fehr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, William Sadler.
The shape shifting alien masquerading as Max (Jason Behr) kidnaps Liz (Shiri Appleby) to murder FBI agent Pierce (guest star David Conrad); Tess (guest star Emilie De Ravin) maintains that the aliens must propagate their species. 60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo

Sat Nov 19 03:00A on SciFi Channel


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