Forever Dreaming

5x10 - Buried
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 08/21/13 17:20 ]
Post subject:  5x10 - Buried

Previously on AMC's Breaking Bad I knew there would be a drop in quality, but, 68%? This is not what I agreed to.

I left a viable operation, the rest was up to you.

All along it was you! Hank, my cancer is back.

In six months you won't have someone to prosecute.


Take it.

Mariano, it's me.

I need you to get Skyler on the line.

No, no, I need you to get her on the phone right now.

Tell her it's urgent.

No-- What do you mean she won't get off the phone? I am giving you permission, Mariano.

You make her get off the phone.

Mariano, who is Skyler on the phone with? Yeah.


Where is she? Where's Skyler? She just kinda left.

She didn't say where she was going.

Skyler, my-- my head is spinning.

And yours I-- I can't even imagine.

So much makes sense to me now.

You jumping in the pool, you sending us your kids, I get it.

I just wished I'd seen it sooner.

He's a monster.

He's a Look, I don't know what he did to you to force you to keep his secrets.

If he threatened you, or whatever mind games he played.

I don't know if there was abuse.

But I want you to know that you can be open with me.

Don't hold anything back, okay? I mean, I don't even-- understand if you know the full extent of this, what he's done.

Not just the meth cooking, but the lives he's destroyed.

But, look, that's all behind you.

Starting now.

You're done being his victim.

Because here's what we're gonna do.


Here's what we're gonna do.

You and the kids are gonna move back to our house where you'll be safe, where he can't get to you.

Hank, does Marie No.


We'll get to that soon enough.

It's just you and me right now, okay? Okay.

Before we, um, before we get you back to the house, I I'm gonna ask you to tell me everything you can.

Um, take as long as you like.

Just, uh, start from the beginning when you first became aware of Walt's activities, and just-- just try to be as detailed as you can.

Uh, what-- Right-- right here? Right now? Sure.

Why not? While it's still fresh, you know? And just, uh, just, uh, remember to, uh, just state your name and the date before you start.

Hank, do Do we have to-- have to do this right now? No, we-- we don't have to do this right now.


But just here's the thing.

You see, I need something solid that I can bring to my people.

A statement, on the record.

So you testifying to Walt's criminal activity, whatever you know, goes a long, long way here.

Okay? I mean, you see, building a case this big, gathering all this evidence, enough to get a conviction, we're talking a long-haul proposition here, and I don't want that bastard running out the clock.

But with your testimony-- Wait, what do you mean running out the clock? His cancer.

His cancer's back.

So he said.

He didn't tell you? Who's to say it's even true? Lying piece of shit.

Look, regardless, I mean, we'll just assume.


Okay? You know what? That son of a bitch looks me in the eye and he says if what I know is true, if he'll be dead before I can prove it.

The balls on that son of a-- I got all these little pieces.

They're all part of the story, right? But they don't mean much on their own.

But when you start telling me what you know, when you start filling in the gaps, I'll have him in lockup before the sun goes down.

Hank, I-- I I think maybe Maybe I need a lawyer.

What? No, no, no, no, you don't.

I-- I think maybe I do.

Skyler, understand, I am here to help you.

But to do that, I need your help.

We start bringing in lawyers and they start putting up roadblocks where they don't need to be, and my ability to control this situation diminishes.

Just for my own protection, it just, you know, it seems to make sense that I should have someone to talk to.

Skyler, I'm your-- your biggest advocate here, and I'm telling you, for your own good, you need to get out ahead of this thing.

I mean, you start, you know, getting defensive, I-- I'm not saying it's right, but I'll tell you it's a fact, the DA will look at you differently.

But you don't know that.

Skyler, yes, I-- I do.

I've been around long enough to know.

It's in your best interest to get out there and show the world you have nothing to hide.

Look no one in the world is more important to me than your sister.

So believe me when I tell you that your best interest and mine are the same.

But, Hank, you telling me not to talk to a lawyer doesn't sound like that at all.

It sounds like what you want What you want is to get Walt.

At all costs.


Okay, let's just-- Slow down.

Slow down.

You can You can talk to a lawyer later.

But right now, what we need to do, we need to go get the kids, we need to bring them to my house where they're safe, and then we need to help each other put this animal away, okay? Come on.


No, come on.

Let's go to the house and we'll deal with it there.

Come on.

Am I under arrest? What? Am I under arrest? Skyler, I-- I-- You're not thinking straight about this.

You have to listen to me.

I-- Skyler.

Skyler-- Skyler-- Skyler-- - Am I under arrest? - No, no, no.

Am I under arrest? - No.

Sky-- shh.

Hank, are you arresting me? - Sky-- Am I under arrest?! Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

I gotta do it, man.



What are you doing? Huell.

Hey, quit screwing around.


We are here to do a job, not channel Scrooge McDuck.

You hearin' me? I hear ya.


Mm, mm, mm.

Ah, screw it.


All's I'm saying.

Guy hit ten guys in jail within a two-minute window.

All's I'm saying.

Yeah, it's me.


Listen, kid, you've got to hide those bags.

The monkey is in the banana patch, capisce? So call me.

This was the third message.

Where the hell is that kid? That's her.


I have to talk to her.

You don't have to do-- You answer that phone and Schrader's on the other end of the line with a legal wire tap recording everything you say, you're not doing anybody any favors.

Except for him.

In fact, why do you still have a battery in that thing? Take it out.

They might be trying to triangulate your movements.

I'm not being paranoid.

Do it.

Can't believe she went to him.

She just panicked.

She went right to him without even talking to me.

Without a moment's hesitation.

I'm not saying it's not bad.

It's bad.

But it could be worse.


How much worse could it be, exactly, in your estimation? What does she actually know? What has she seen, hmm? Nothing.

It's hearsay.

It's all he said, she said.

I mean, the only real evidence that she can lead them to is your money, and once we take care of that, well, then they got nothing.

Nothing? Hank knows.

That's not nothing.


I can't exactly see him turning the other cheek.

Of course there's always, um Always what? Well, have you given any thought to, um, sending him on a trip to Belize? Belize? Yeah.


You know, where, uh, where Mike went to.

Off on a trip to, uh, Belize.

Saul, you better not be saying what I think you're saying.

It's just conjecture on my part.

Hank is family! Okay, it's an option that-- You understand that? It's an option that has worked very well for you in the recent past.


What is wrong with you? My mistake.


Off limits.

Of course.

I'm just throwing thoughts out there.

This is a safe room, right? Jesus.

Send him to Belize.

I'll send you to Belize.


It's about time.

Have you two been followed? Are you sure? If they had, we'd all be in handcuffs right now.

I, uh, took the tops off.

Figured you'd want to check to make sure it's still all there.

You figured right.

Close enough.

Hey, if you need any help on the other end.

Yeah, these things are a bitch to move on your own.

I'll manage.

And we don't mind overtime.

Ain't no thing.

Pay Huell and Kuby and take your cut.

The rest is mine.

Insurance in case I need you.

In case you need me? I'm thinking the probability is high.

Just find Jesse.


Saul Goodman, please.

Skyler White.

No, no, please-- please don't tell me he isn't there.

I know he's been avoiding my calls.

All right, well, um, has my husband been there? What do you mean you don't know? Either he has or he hasn't.

I don't-- Sweetie Shit.


Sky, I know you're home.

Let me in.

Let me talk to you.

Skyler, I'm just gonna wait here until you open the door, so let me in now or three hours from now, but I'm not leaving until I see you.



Just you.

Not Hank.

Tell me Hank is crazy.

Tell me he doesn't know what he's talking about.

You gotta give me something, Skyler.

Anything to help me understand.

It can't be true.

Oh, my God.

How long have you known? Hank said that when you walked into the pool, that's when you knew.

When you had your But not then.

Before that.

Since Gus Fring? The money.

All that money that Walt made, when you bought your car wash.

And your whole gambling story.

That was a lie.

I Did you know then? You had to.

Skyler did you know since before Hank was shot? Skyler? Marie.

I am so sorry.

You're sorry You're I'm-- You won't talk You won't talk to Hank because you think that Walt is going to get away with this.

Oh, God.

Come on.

Let's go.

Come on, baby.

Come on.

Let's go.




What are you doing? - Hey, hey, hey.

What are you doing? She's coming with us.

No, she is not.

Give her back to me.



Hank, help.

Come and help.

You are not leaving this house with my daughter.

Give her back to me.


Give her back to me.

Stop it.

You're scaring her.


Give her back to me.

I'm trying to protect her.

Protect her? How dare you? I'm her mother.

She's not gonna live in this madhouse! You do not know what you're talking about! Give her back to me! - Marie - Hank, you have to help me.

Listen, I will call the police.

You call them.

You call them, Skyler.

I will.

Give me my baby.

Marie, put her down.

I am not leaving here without her.


Give me my baby.

Skyler, we are not leaving without her.

Give me my baby right now! Marie! Do it now.

Give her back.

That's right.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Okay, mama has you now.

Mama has you now.

Mama has you.


It's okay.

It's okay, it's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

You have to get him.


Where have you been? Oh, my God.

What happened? You moved the money, didn't you? You buried it somewhere.

Did you get my messages? I told Hank nothing.


I swear I didn't.

Say something.


Oh, my God.



How-- how long was I out? Oh, about four or five hours.


How are you feeling? It's true.

The cancer's back.

Is this it? Does that make you happy? I can't remember the last time I was happy.

Just tell me.

I know you talked with Hank.

I know you made a deal.

Skyler, I'll make this easy.

I'll give myself up.

If you promise me one thing.

You keep the money.

Never speak of it.

Never give it up.

You pass it on to our children.

Give them everything.

Will you do that? Please? Please don't let me have done all this for nothing.

How did Hank find out? Did-- did somebody talk? No, no one talked.

It was me.

I screwed up.

The way Hank talks he's got his suspicions.

Not much else.

You can't give yourself up without giving up the money.

It's the way this works, Walt.

So maybe our best move here is to stay quiet.

Okay, you can take it off now.

All right, what's so important you had to come all the way out here? For the amount of money I'm bringing in, I think I deserve to see exactly why it's all going so wrong.

Are you an expert on meth labs now? Are you gonna tell us how to fix our operation? And what if I can help? What will it hurt to show me? I-- I don't like my time being wasted.

Well, I'm here, and ten minutes is a small sacrifice when we're talking about a $50 million shortfall.

So? Safe to come down? Yeah.

You're good.

Ladies first.

Okay, now you've seen it.


Now I've seen it.

What? Well, how about we start with it's filthy? What are you, my mother? What, filthy? It's just dimly lit.

Do you seriously think this is up to the standards of your predecessor? Because it's not.

Not even close.

Yeah, well, the product we're making, it's selling just fine.

Heisenberg's standards don't matter anymore.

To whom? A bunch of scabby Arizona tweakers? They matter to my buyer in the Czech Republic, I can tell you that.

Therefore, they matter to me.

Look, I cannot move what this person is making if it's substandard.

And it is.

It just is.

No offense.

You can do better, do better.

Yeah, I don't know what to tell you.

I mean, you tried to get the man back, right? He said no, so I mean, what do you want me to do? Todd.

Use Todd again.

Look, he learned from him, all right? At least Todd's first two cooks were at 74%.

On his third cook, he started a fire.

Look, I tried Heisenberg's way.

It didn't work out.

I wanna cook in my territory, I wanna use guys that I trust, not Todd, who I don't.

And that's the end of the conversation as far as I'm concerned.

I really wish you'd have given him a chance.


We have a problem.

You stay here.

Hello? Ma'am, you okay? Hello? Safe to come up whenever you want.

I I don't want to see.


Cool, so I guess maybe, um Maybe just close your eyes? Okay.

This way.

To your right.

Are you kidding me with this? Uncle Jack.

Fire in the hole.

It's okay.

Sorry about that.

It's cool, lady.

Okay, boys.

Let's take it all.

Let's get everything.


You, uh going into work today? You're kidding, right? What about you? Are you going to the office? You have to tell them, Hank.


Marie, I just-- just don't have it yet.

The piece I need to prove it all, it's just-- it's just not here.

Then let them help you.

Tell Steve, tell Ramey.

You've got enough to get them to believe your story at least.

Put the whole DEA on it.

That's how this is supposed to work, right? No.

No? What no? What are you, Lone Wolf McQuade? Look, baby-- You've gotta go in with this, Hank.

Look, the day I go in with this, that's the last day of my career, all right? I'm going to have to walk in there, look those people in the eye, and admit that the person I've been chasing the past year is my own brother-in-law? It's over for me.

Ten seconds after I tell this story, I'm a civilian.

And then how can we help Skyler? If she comes to her senses.

When I go in there I'm bringing proof, not suspicions.

I can be the man who caught him.

At least.

What if you wait and they catch Walt without you? If they find out that you knew and you said nothing? Hank, wouldn't you go to jail too? Hey, Hank.

Welcome back.





Look who's back.

I had to see it with my own eyes.

How you doing? Good.

Yeah, yeah.

You miss me? Miss you? Like my balls miss jock itch, maybe.

I didn't know you had balls.

All right, don't make me sorry I stopped by here.

Anyway, uh, you got a budget meeting in an hour, and then you got a meet and greet with the new Prescription Taskforce guys, all right? All right.

Hey, uh, you know, listen.

Let's see if we can get that budget meeting pushed, and instead see if you could set up a conference call with Ramey.

What for? Just a "getting back up to speed" thing.

You know, for me.

All right.

You got it.

Oh, hey.

Did you hear about that money thing? No, what-- what money thing? Oh, you're gonna love this.

It involves your old pal Jesse Pinkman.

Pinkman? I'll give you this.

Jesse, you're never boring.

Not boring at all.

So come on, buddy.

Share with us.

Why were you tossing millions of dollars all over Albuquerque? I promise you we can hold out just as long as you can.

That's a fact.

I got a bladder the size of a hot water bottle.


All that cash? - I wouldn't be able to stop talking about it.

I know, right? But I don't think I'd be tossing it out my car window.

My take-home definitely doesn't allow for that whole Robin Hood thing.

But apparently Jesse here is just raking it in.

Yes, indeed.

And I'm sure he's got a perfectly reasonable explanation for where he got it.

He found it.

Or won it in a card game, maybe.

That's it.

Won it in a card game.

Lucky night at the casino.

Jesse, did you have a lucky night? Okay.

Jesse, we're gonna let you gather your thoughts so we can continue this stimulating conversation.

Can we get you anything? Coffee? A soda? Right.


Thought not.

I have a history with Jesse Pinkman, and I think he can be helpful to me on another active investigation.

Look, I'm only asking for a couple minutes here.

You said he wasn't talking? Let me tell you, that kid hates my guts.

Despises me, okay? Maybe I can get him cranked up enough that he starts yapping.

Then you guys go in there, get what you need from the little shit-stain, finish him off.

Gives me anything useful while he's with me, I'll share it, I could use a smoke break.


How about you? Yeah.

Maybe you could keep an eye on our suspect for us, - just for a few minutes.


I can do that.


Thank you, guys.

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