Forever Dreaming

3x11 - Abiquiu
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 06/02/10 13:19 ]
Post subject:  3x11 - Abiquiu

Yo, I thought I was gonna see some, like, vaginas.

I didn't say she actually painted vaginas.

I said, some of her paintings looked like vaginas.

Seriously? Not even close.

Georgia O'Keeffe painted all kinds of stuff.

Everyday items, her surroundings.

Some of it evoked an erotic nature.

It's who she was.

Not like any vagina I ever saw.

This chick have medical issues? This particular painting is of a door.

Any other doors we can check out? Like, real ones or? You know, I don't get it.

Why would anyone paint a picture of a door over and over again, like, dozens of times? - But it wasn't the same.

Yeah, it was.

It was the same subject, but different every time.

The light was different, her mood was different.

She saw something new every time she painted it.

And that's not psycho to you? Well, then why should we do anything more than once? Should I just smoke this one cigarette? Maybe we should only have sex once, if it's the same thing.

Whoa, no.

Should we just watch one sunset? Or live just one day? It's new every time.

Each time is a different experience.

Okay, fine.

I guess the cow skull pictures were cool, but a door? I will say it again.

A door.

Why not a door? Sometimes you get fixated on something and you might not even get why.

You open yourself up and go with the flow wherever the universe takes you.

Okay, so the universe took her to a door.

And she got all obsessed with it and just had to paint it 20 times until it was perfect.

I wouldn't say that.

Nothing's perfect.

Yeah? Well I mean some things.

That was so sweet, I think I threw up in my mouth a bit.

You can't admit, just for once, that I'm right.

Come on.

That O'Keeffe lady kept trying over and over until that stupid door was perfect.


That door was her home and she loved it.

To me, that's about making that feeling last.

All right, here we go.

You ready? Come on, give me a step.

Give me one step.


Nope, that's it.

Take me up.

You can do this, Hank.

Come on, it's supposed to hurt.

Pain is weakness leaving your body.

Pain is my foot in your ass, Marie.

Lf you can get your leg up, go for it.

Take me up.

Coffee break.

We're gonna let you rest and then try again.

Never mind about your coffee break.

Take me up.

I'm done.

I'm done.

We'll just pick up where we left off.

Come on, Hank.

You can do it.

How else are you gonna get out of here? Don't you have any friends? I mean, Jesus, find something to do.

I don't need everyone staring at me hanging here like a camel's ball sack.

Hank, he just wants to be supportive.

It's all right.

I'll be right back, okay? Be right back.

Gonna get me out of here sometime today? Sky? We got our first bill, and, you know, if you're still insistent I am.

Prepare yourself.

They're gonna start coming in weekly like that, so You're sure you can do this? Yeah.

I'll do that.

What the hell, man? What, I can't work a scale now? This is bullshit.

Just say it.

Just say the words.

You think I'm stealing.

Walk with who you are.

That was the phrase my sponsor used to use with me back when I first started coming to meetings.

It's probably just a different way of saying be yourself, right? But this idea of "walk" also tells me that I have to move forward.

Always good advice, at least for me.

I see we have some new people here at Group, a couple new faces.

See some hands? First time? Great.


Maybe we can go around, introduce ourselves.

Say whatever's on your mind.

How about you? You wanna start us off? Yeah.

My name is Andrea We don't bite.

No judgements.

You can be as open and honest as you wanna be.

Honestly? I don't wanna be here.

All right, fair enough.

Who else had their hand up? Hey, what's up? My name's Jesse.

Well, hello.

My name's Brandon.

And this is, I believe, Peter? Right, I'm Peter.

How are you? Look, I just wanted to give you a heads up.

It's gonna get slower smuggling product with Grandpa Anus watching every move I make.

But don't worry, I'll keep it flowing.

Great, right on.


So how's it selling? Mad volume? Yeah, it's You know, it's It's not so good.

What do you mean? How much have you sold? I sold a teenth.

One teenth? That's it? - Yeah.

To who? To him.

It's not easy selling to these people.

They're trying to better themselves.

Yeah, there's, like, positivity and stuff going on here.

I'm out risking my ass to get product for you two, and you're too pussy to sell? You're pathetic.

You know what? I want it back.

All of it.

I'll sell it myself.

Come on, man.

Don't be like that.

Selling to these people, it's like shooting a baby in the face.

It's not so easy like you think.

I will show you exactly how easy it is.

Thank you.

All right.

See you next week.

Oh, hey, sorry.

No, go ahead.

Andrea, right? - Yeah.

Hey, my name's Jesse and I don't really wanna be here either.


Aunt Marie's coming to dinner? No.

Your dad is.

How'd you get her to sleep so quick? Are you that boring? I'm comforting.

I'm a comforting presence.

Hey, so check it out.

See what that means? Check out the date.

Next Thursday is officially six months that I've had my learner's.

Which means I can get my provisional and start driving by myself.

You don't turn 16 for two more months.

It doesn't matter, it's a provisional.

Look it up.

They changed the law like, 10 years ago.

Yeah, well, I didn't vote for that.

Doesn't matter if you voted for it, it's the law.

So both of you start thinking about what kind of car you wanna buy me.

I think I'd be good with either an old IROC or a 'Stang.

A 'Stang.

How about something with playing cards in the spokes? Makes a nice motory sound, you know? Dad, you're not gonna get off that easy.

Well, I think that this is We should probably table this discussion for later.

Your dad and I have a couple things we need to talk about, so Okay.

A 1971 Mach 1 fastback in Grabber Lime with a shaker hood.


I'll write that down so we don't forget.

Oh, darn it, no pencil.

What is "Ice Station Zebra Associates"? It's a loan out, it's fine.

Whose loan out? It's fine.


I have a guy.


Does your guy know the tax code and regulations in New Mexico? There's very specific paperwork that has to be submitted quarterly on this.


My guy is a top guy.

Who is he? What's his name? What are his qualifications? Walt, this money has to be unimpeachable when it reaches Hank and Marie.

And it is.

It will be.

But how do I know that? I mean, you can't even tell me the man's name.

Jesus, Skyler, do you really wanna know? Do you really wanna know? Really? What a pleasure it is to have you.

I'm gonna call you Skyler, if that's okay.

It's a lovely name.

Reminds me of a big beautiful sky.

Walt never told me how lucky he was Prior to recent unfortunate events.

His taste in women is the same as his taste in lawyers only the very best with just the right amount of dirty.

That's a joke.

That's a joke.

It funny because you are so clearly very classy.

Here, please, sit down.

So Walt tells me that you have some concerns I can alleviate.

Yes, I do.

I have concerns.

If we're going to go down this road and clearly we are for the sake of my brother-in-law I've heard about him.

He's an American hero.

At any rate, I need some assurances that we're gonna go about this in a manner that is extremely safe and cautious.

Fair enough.

I'll walk you through the process.

First step is something we like to call money laundering, all right? Take your money, represented by, say, these jelly beans You know, I'm a bookkeeper, so I actually I know what money laundering is.



And as with most things, the devil is in the details.

So to begin with, what are we saying is the source of this money? That's simple.

Walt here, actually came up with a great story about gambling winnings.

Blackjack, right? Some card-counting system? Well, actually that was Skyler's idea.

Well, you grow more gorgeous by the minute.

There you have it.

I'll generate false Currency Transaction Reports out the wazoo as well as the necessary W-2Gs.

I know a couple casino managers who will jump at the chance to report false losses.

It's a win-win for everyone.

Yeah, but you can't sell that for very long Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Way ahead of you.

We declare just enough not to arouse suspicion then Walt's onetime winnings become seed money for an investment.

Investment in what? Drum roll, please.

Wait for it.

Laser tag.

Laser tag.

Seven thousand square feet of rollicking fun in the heart of northern Bernalillo County.

Laser tag? Yeah, there's guns and glow lights, and kids wear the vests Yeah, no, no.

I actually I know what it is.

It's just that in relation to Walt, it's I mean, it doesn't make any sense.

Makes more sense than you two being together.

Do you even know Walt? I mean, how would he, of all people buy a laser tag business? It doesn't add up.

It adds up perfectly.

Walt's a scientist, scientists love lasers.

Plus, they got bumper boats, so "Hey, everybody Walt suddenly decided to invest in laser tag.

Just out of the blue".

Really? That's what we're supposed to tell people, our family, our friends the government? Let me bottom line this for you.

You don't need to be involved, okay? I've been doing this for a lot of years successfully, believe it or not, without your help.

So thank you for stopping by.

You want a beer or something? Or something? What do you mean? Like, beer.

I'm cleaned out of anything else.

Even if I wasn't, we're not supposed to.


I've heard it over and over and over again.

You know, don't you think it's ridiculous that society says beer is okay and a little hit of something sweet is wrong? I mean, what's the point of shutting yourself off completely from something that lifts you off the ground? I spend so much energy fighting the urge not to use and I feel like crap because of it.

I know, it's just - What? I can't get caught using again.

See, the thing is not to get caught.

You ever try that blue stuff that's going around? Just a little gas in the tank and suddenly everything is interesting.

Man, I wish I could make that feeling last.

Like I said, I got nothing here.

What if I could get some? - Mommy, Mommy.

Hey, baby.

Your nana brought you home early.

Grandma, I thought you were keeping Brock today? I was, then I saw your car.

I thought you had a meeting.

I did, but we changed the time.

Grandma, this is Jesse.

He's from the meeting.

He's like a sponsor.

Jesse, this is Grandma.

Jesse, this is Brock.

So you have a kid, huh? What's up? Brock, huh? That's a cool name.

Here, give it up.

Brock is almost 6.

You okay, with kids? What? Yeah.

Yeah, he's cool.

Okay, Brock is gonna go play in his room while the big people talk.

He's gonna go play with his Legos and his cars.

Say, "Bye, Jesse".

Bye, Jesse.

Hope you had a good time at Grandma's.

Oh, I fixed your blue car, do you remember? The convertible one? You can jump on your bed.

Play with your toys.

Safe and cautious, that's all I'm asking, and that man is neither.

I'll admit he comes across like a circus clown but he knows what he's doing.

And safe and cautious is you not being involved in this at all.

Well, it's a little late on that.

This is what happens when you decide to pay our bills with drug money.

Skyler this isn't just about what happened before.

My involvement in this is ongoing.

Understand? I can't just quit.

I have something of a contract.

But it's all very safe, professional.


Like, I can't simply quit.

Where you going? If you're gonna launder money, Walt at least do it right.

You worked here four years.

It's a business you understand.

It's a story people will believe.

Not laser tag, this.

This is what we buy.


This is what you buy.

Yeah, I mean, there's free donuts.

Nothing's wrong with a free donut.

Hey, Jesse, right? Brandon, Peter.

How goes it? Hanging in there? Can we please, just? Dumb-ass.

Sorry, man.

I was trying to keep it on the DL.

So you and that girl, do the deed yet? Do what? You know, sell to her? What are you two even doing here? What do you mean? You can't get your nut up to sell, what's the point of even coming? Homey, I'm on, like, step five.

Deuce, yo.

I'm catching up.




Dude needs to come into the fold.


Hey, you know what? I have magical powers.

You wanna see? Ready? That's not real.

It is real.

All right, do you wanna see something real? Look at this.

Watch this.

Ready? You like that? That's science and stuff, makes it do that.

Do it again.

Let Jesse eat his dinner, Brock.

Oh, it's okay.

It's okay.

Wanna see it again? Could you do a trick with firecrackers? Firecrackers? You know, I don't have any firecrackers on me.

Who does tricks with firecrackers? - Tomas.

Tomas does tricks with firecrackers, huh? Who's Tomas? - He's my kid brother.

Yeah? And we don't talk about him.

Come on, eat your food, Brock.

Can I have a chip? I'm gonna steal your chip.

Hey, that's mine.

That's it? That's what you wanna buy? People will believe it, at least.

I worked here for four years.

"Wax on, wax off," was that you? Hey, how come you guys always give air freshener? I explicitly say, "No air freshener" and every time, I drive away smelling like an Alpine whorehouse.

All due respect, I don't see it.

So I vote no.

It makes a better story than your laser tag.

Is that you talking or Yoko Ono? She has a point.

It makes more sense that I invest right here.

Based on her years of experience in money laundering, I suppose.

If you're committed enough, you can make any story work.

I once convinced a woman that I was Kevin Costner and it worked because I believed it, all right? Has nothing to do with the story.

Besides, this dump isn't gonna work because it doesn't have a Danny.

There's no Danny here.

What in God's name is a Danny? Danny runs the laser tag.

Danny is the guy who had a vision.

Where others saw a dirt lot, he saw black lights, rubber aliens teenagers running around with ray guns, right? Like Bugsy Siegel in the desert.

When the stock market took a shit and Danny got into trouble he went searching for exactly the type of situation we're offering.

Danny will look the other way to keep his dream afloat.

In other words, Danny can be trusted completely.

That guy, the guy with the eyebrows that won't quit, is he a Danny? You buy this place, all you got is a big building that squirts water.

You got no Danny here.

You wanna stay for dinner? Yeah.


What time is it? Early still.

So What? Thought maybe if you're holding, we can do something.

What? You know, that blue stuff you were talking about.

Maybe you had a line on some? - Wait.

What? Thought you said the kid is coming home.

Yeah, in a few hours.

And you seriously wanna get high? I don't know what you're getting pissed about.

You're the one who brought it up.

Yeah, that was before I found out you got a kid.

What kind of mother are you? What? You heard me.

What kind of mom gets wasted with a kid to take care of? Nobody can say I don't take care of my son.

You come in my house and judge me? Like you got no responsibilities so it's okay for you? What do you know about me? I take care of my baby.

I'll do anything for him.

The day Brock was born, I swore I won't let what happened to Tomas, happen to my son.

I'll die first.


I I just Look, I'll get out of here if you want.

That's what you wanna do, then go.

It's not what I want.

Look, I was out of line talking about that stuff.

We both were.

You're right I don't know what you've been through.

You can tell me if you want.

This whole neighbourhood's run by gangs.

They run the drugs, control the streets.

They sort of took Tomas in.

No dad around.

Eight years old they got Tomas slinging.

Part of some crew.

Then when he was 10 for some initiation or something they made him kill somebody.

I heard the rumours.

I didn't believe it at first.

But then I saw him like a week later.

And he told me, yeah, he did it.

They gave Tomas a gun.

Gave him a choice.

Him or some dude.

So he did it.

Told me all about it like it was nothing.

Who did he say he killed? Some dealer.

From some outside crew.

Right around the corner from here, over off of Central.

Just rode up on his bike and shot him.

Off of Central? Like over by the train tracks? When was this? Few months back.

What else did he tell you? He shot the guy right through the neck.

Shot him dead.

Just because he was working the wrong corner.

It won't happen again.

Not to my son.

Guess what.

People who say "guess what" and then actually expect you to guess I hate those people.

Well, I just heard about a certain patient named Schrader-comma-Hank who is going to be released at the end of this week.

Isn't that fantastic? They plan on rolling me out the front door? Or put me on a greased plank and slide me out the window? Hey.

I don't care what any damned insurance company thinks.

I'm not leaving here till I'm well.

Hank, this isn't about insurance.

I've talked to everybody, they all say you are healthy enough to go home.

I'm healthy enough, huh? Yeah.

Hank, you get stronger every day.

You don't need to be in a hospital.

In this condition, yeah, I do.

You'll be just as comfortable at home as you are here.

You'll have all the same equipment.

Same equipment? What's that mean? The equipment that you have here, that you need.


You'll do your PT at home and it'll be great because you'll be home.

Wait till you see the bedroom.

I had them move the plasma in.

I know that's how you always wanted it.

You only had to get shot to get it, right? - I got you a new bed - A hospital bed? Well You put a hospital bed in my bedroom? Hank you'll be home.

You get that out of my house.

You hear me, Marie? Today.

Hank - I leave this hospital when I walk out of here.

You understand? And not before.

What's a Danny? Danny's an accomplice.

Someone who's in on the scheme, who knows about laundering who's paid to look the other way.

Now, while I agree with you that laser tag is a hard sell without a Danny, the car wash isn't really an option.

And he can't get you another Danny to run the car wash? Easier said than done.

If we're looking for someone trustworthy.

What about me? What about you? Me.

I'll be the Danny.


No, no, Skyler, that is not a good idea.

I'm capable of managing a small business.

A legal business, not this.

Who else could we trust? - No.

Walt I'm in this.

And if I'm in it, I'm gonna do it right.


You are not in this.

You are not - We're married, how am I not in this? We are not married, Skyler, we're divorced.

Right? I never actually got around to filing the papers.

Married couples can't be compelled to testify against one another.

So there's that.





Yes? Yes, all right.


Yeah, I'll be there.

What was that? An invitation.

Walter, you're right on time.

Please, come in.

I hope you like paila marina.

It's a fancy name for fish stew.

It sounds like a clich�, but indeed, it's just like my mother used to make it.

Come on.

You can help me cook.

This is a Chilean dish that I love but I never get to make it.

Kids won't eat it.

But you know how that is.


Do you mind? Would you slice the garlic? Very thin.

Why did you invite me here? We're working together why not break bread together? Now, the garlic? It always amazes me the way the senses work in connection to memory.

I mean, this stew is simply an amalgam of ingredients.

Taken separately, these ingredients alone don't remind me of anything.

I mean, not very much at all.

But in this precise combination, the smell of this meal instantly, it brings you back to my childhood.

How is that possible? Basically, it takes place in the hippocampus.

Neural connections are formed.

The senses make the neurons express signals that go right back to the same part of the brain as before.

Where memory is stored.

It's something called relational memory.

Don't quote me on that, I'm I'm rusty on my biology.

That's very interesting.

Walter I would like to help you, if I could.

Help me how? Well, when I first started out, I made a lot of mistakes.

More than I care to admit.

I wish I'd had someone to advise me because this life of ours it can overwhelm.

You are a wealthy man now.

And one must learn to be rich.

To be poor, anyone can manage.

What advice do you have for me? Never make the same mistake twice.


What's up? You? You Tomas? I heard you were the man.

Yeah, what you want? Crystal.

You think you could hook me up? - Three hundred.

For a teenth? Shit, come on, yo.

Three hundred.

Hey, what's up? Hey, yo.


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