Forever Dreaming

3x20 - The Day After Tomorrow
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/10/06 06:33 ]
Post subject:  3x20 - The Day After Tomorrow

Opening scene - Seth's bedroom - Summer and Seth are in there together. Summer is wearing a winter parka, and pulls another one out of a box

Summer: (calls) Cohen come out I wanna see

Seth: alright

(Seth comes out wearing red longjohns, he doesn't look happy about it either,lol)

Seth: (frowns) I feel like Paul Kettle

Summer: (looks Seth up and down) not bad (smiles, holds out parka) try this on

Seth: (raises eyebrows) oh wow you got us matching parkas

Summer: mm-hmm (turns back to the box) an matching hats an matching scarves, we're gonna be the warmest most coordinated couple at Brown

Seth: yeah, you think your jumpin the gun a little bit we wont get our acceptance letters till tomorrow

Summer: oh please with your dorked out grades an my NASA level SAT's we are so getting in

Seth: its Brown (holds out hands) everyone's got good grades an SAT's its very possible that neither of us could get in or that one of us could

Summer: uh-huh, an which one of us would that be Cohen

Seth: it's just as likely you'll get in an I wont

Summer: (turns around) an you really believe that

Seth: yeah, an then where would you be (Summer looks at him) be stuck in Providence with one half of a his an hers parka set

Summer: (screws up face) yeah like id go if you didn't

Seth: what (looks at Summer)

Summer: Cohen, duh, I applied ta Brown so that we could be together I'm not going without you

Seth: ...Summer Browns one of the top universities in the world people dream about going there

Summer: no, you dream about going there (moves closer) I dream about being with the one I love

(Seth looks down, Summer lifts the hood of Seth's parka onto his head and brushes the fluffy edging. Seth sniffs)

Summer: aww even all padded up you still look so scrawny (frowns)

Seth: I'm gonna go get some water I'm sweating so much I'm getting dehydrated

(Seth heads towards the door and Summer kind of waves it off and goes back to her box)

CUT TO: The pool house - Ryan and Sadie are on Ryan's bed making out pretty intensely. Ryan is on top of Sadie and he pulls her leg to his, we're seeing this from behind and then we see a close up of their faces

Sadie: I thought you were making me dinner

Ryan: an I did

Sadie: yeah

Ryan: mm-hmm (kisses)

Sadie: (shakes head) you didn't let me eat it (smiles)

Ryan: well no ones stopping you

Sadie: (kisses) really

Ryan: mm (kisses)

Sadie: ok (sits up) well in that case

Ryan: no ooo (gently pushes Sadie back down) no (kisses)

Sadie: what

Ryan: mm

(Ryan stops kissing Sadie and lies next to her)

Ryan: so with the ninety day escrow (thinks) that means you'll be in town foooooor

Sadie: ninety more days Einstein (smiles)

Ryan: right (Sadie laughs) that makes sense

Sadie: (rubs Ryan's chest) until you get accepted to whatever college you applied to

Ryan: yeah (sits up)

(Sadie sits up slowly)

Sadie: ok, should I not have mentioned it (looks at Ryan)

Ryan: no no its fine (looks at Sadie) your right

Sadie: your letter should be arriving like tomorrow right

Ryan: yeah

Sadie: I'm sorry but I've found ignoring the future never makes it go away

Ryan: (nods) well whatever happens we'll make it work (kisses Sadie) (frowns) umm we should eat before the burgers get cold ill-ill grab some water

(Ryan leaves and Sadie watches him - the next thing we see is Ryan coming into the kitchen from outside. he sighs and we see the back of Seth standing at the fridge with the door open)

Ryan: hi

Seth: hey, you want a water

Ryan: sure

(Seth takes 2 bottled waters out of the fridge and hands one to Ryan)

Seth: I was jus (points) coolin myself off (Ryan nods, drinks) all this time I thought gettin inta college...would make everything so much easier (drinks)

Ryan: yeah (looks at Seth) not gonna happen

Seth: (looks at Ryan, swallows, frowns) there's a cold front comin through

(Seth looks away and pulls the fluffy edging down over his eyes. Ryan looks away as well)

Theme song - California by Phantom Planet

Roberts' backyard - Summer is sitting at the table for breakfast and Marissa comes over and sits down, she has a bowl of dry cereal

Marissa: pass the milk

(Summer holds up a small jug of something white)

Marissa: that's cream, I said milk (looks at Summer)

(Summer puts the jug of cream down and hands Marissa a taller jug with milk in it)

Summer: eating breakfast are we (Marissa pours milk over her cereal) does this mean we're actually going to school today or d'you (frowns) just need the extra strength for all the small children you an Volchok plan to mug (raises eyebrows)

Marissa: (fake laughs) hahaha (looks down)

(Julie comes out)

Julie: big day girls, college letters arriving, are you excited (smiles)

Marissa: yeah, delirious

Julie: (sits) don't be nervous Marissa your getting inta Berkeley (looks at Marissa) I feel it in my bones

Marissa: (stands) I gotta get ta school

Julie: oh Marissa, your friend who dropped you off last night (Marissa looks at her) his motorcycle kind of woke up Neil you might want to apologise

Marissa: why, incase Dr. Roberts changes his mind (raises eyebrows) about marrying into our trailer park family (thinks) that's not really my problem (leaves)

Julie: Marissa, well she's really outdone herself again (Summer looks down) listen Summer how worried do I need to be about her

Summer: ...I don't know (looks at Julie) she's not exactly confiding in me right now

(Summer and Julie look at each other. Neil comes out)

Neil: morning everybody

Summer: hi dad

Neil: hey sweetheart, feelin lucky (kisses Summers head)

Summer: um yes (closes eyes) my aura is green

Neil: oh that has'ta be good, where's Marissa

Julie: she-

Summer: (looks at Julie) went ta school early (looks at Neil) cause she's nervous with all the college letters an stuff

Neil: oh Berkeley would be lucky ta have her (Julie smiles) an just think it's just a short motorcycle ride away

(Julie raises her eyebrows at Neil. Summer looks at Julie while eating, Julie raises her eyebrows again)

CUT TO: Henry Griffin's tennis court - we see Henry hitting tennis balls from an automatic ball server thing. he hits three over the net and then Sandy walks over

Sandy: wow that's a hell of a forehand, imagine that connecting with somebody's head

Henry: hey Sandy I didn't know you were comin by (holds out hand)

Sandy: (points) yeah the gate was unlocked, you should be more conscious'a security

Henry: well I'm assuming these are somewhat subtle references to what happened to Matt, hope he's ok

Sandy: listen lets just skip to the part where you tell me you had (shakes head) nothin to do with it

Henry: is he implying that I did

Sandy: Matt hasn't said anything, this is me talking, I want this hospital built more than anything...but if you haven't resigned within forty eight hours (Henry looks at him) I'm gonna do everything in my power to take you down (Henry looks away then down) an I was lying (looks at Henry) your forehand sucks

(Sandy leaves and Henry watches him before turning away)

CUT TO: Harbor school - in the student lounge a banner is being put up as Taylor looks on. the banner is maroon and black with a picture of a sweatshirt in the middle, the word SWEATSHIRT is in solid yellow with white edging, and then in the right corner is BONFIRE in black with yellow edging. at the top on the right is SCHOOL in a yellowy orange

Taylor: I-I- I don't know about that, that just doesn't look right to me

(Seth, Summer & Ryan walk up the stairs near where Taylor is)

Taylor: (notices) oh you guys, I'm so glad to see you (Seth waves)

Summer: oh, hey what's up

Taylor: have you spoken to Marissa lately

Summer: well if you count pass the milk an don't be so skanky

(Ryan and Seth look from Summer to Taylor)

Taylor: well I need to talk to her about the college sweatshirt bonfire, oh, you guys are coming right

Seth: (Ryan looks at him) is that the thing where all the seniors wear the sweatshirts (Taylor nods) of the colleges there going to, cause that always struck me as incredibly lame

Taylor: oh an I need your help passing out these fliers (hands fliers to Summer)

Ryan: I gotta get to class (leaves)

Seth: I gotta too (follows Ryan)

(Summer looks at Seth and Ryan, poor thing)

Summer: w- (sighs)

Taylor: I know you guys are just making an excuse (holds Summers wrist so she cant follow) to get away from me, its ok it's cute (waves it off) anyway about Marissa

Summer: yeah, I wouldn't count on her

Taylor: (scoffs) well that's great she's suppose'ta get the food for the party, this is so typical (Summer raises her eyebrows) you know people join social committee they think its all fun an games (takes out cell phone) then who ends up doing the work when someone (dials) decides to go all Last Exit To Brooklyn, hm (looks at Summer) Taylor that's who

Summer: no, I think she's just going through something right now

Taylor: Seung Ho its Taylor, hi listen how much

(while Taylor is talking on the phone Summer looks over and notices Marissa come in. Marissa looks at Summer then looks away. Summer does the same)

Taylor: Kimchi can you get me by tomorrow night (leaves and takes Summer with her) you are saving my ass Seung Ho you are really saving my ass

(Marissa's cell rings and she looks at who is calling then answers)

Marissa: hey, I'm glad you called

(we now see Volchok at what I assume is where he lives, its like a loft)

Volchok: that's the first time anyone's ever said that (smiles) what's up

Marissa: nothing, well college letters are arriving today an my moms been pressuring me about Summer an I are fighting (sighs) so I guess maybe everything

Volchok: well um (sits on the couch) some'a the guys are gonna party on the beach tonight, maybe you should come y'know, take the edge off

Marissa: (smiles) can you pick me up

Volchok: yeah ill be there in a half hour (hangs up)

(Marissa hangs up, she raises her eyebrows and looks almost happy!)

CUT TO: Johnny's house - we hear a knock and then Ryan walks in. Sadie is folding bath towels on the floor

Sadie: hey you

Ryan: hey, thought id stop by

Sadie: well I'm flattered (smiles) taking time outta your busy day to come see me when you have a very important (Ryan sits) letter waiting for you at home

Ryan: (leans forward) can I say I couldn't help myself (kisses Sadie)

Sadie: ah-huh (kisses) you know I could probably tell you if you got in

Ryan: yeah (raises eyebrows, nods)

Sadie: I could, I never mentioned I could read palms

Ryan: no, must've slipped your mind (smiles)

Sadie: must have

(Sadie takes Ryan's hand and sits down next to him on the couch, we see a close up of her running her fingers gently over Ryan's palm)

Sadie: well (looks at Ryan) your gonna be rich

Ryan: well that's nice to know

Sadie: (looks) oh whoops sorry, I read it upside down so flip that

Ryan: well, easy come (smiles)

Sadie: this is important, it's warning against (looks at Ryan) dark haired beauties who walk into your life

Ryan: (raises his eyebrows, looks down) really, what'does it say

Sadie: says if your not very very careful (looks at Ryan) they'll steal your heart

(Ryan smiles a huge smile at Sadie and then they kiss. Ryan puts the folded towels on the floor and moves closer to Sadie)

Ryan: an in all that there's-there's nothin about college

Sadie: yeah yeah, you got in (nods)

(Ryan has a wide eyed expression and then he closes his eyes as they continue kissing)

CUT TO: Roberts' house - Volchok and Marissa ride up on his motorcycle. Marissa gets off and Volchok takes his helmet off, Marissa hands her helmet to Volchok

Marissa: alright I just need to grab a jacket

Volchok: um, any chance you could get some beer money, I'm a little short

Marissa: sure, ill be right back

(the next thing we see is Marissa coming down the stairs as she puts her jacket on. she un-tucks her hair from the jacket and goes over to Julies purse sitting on the side. she looks around and then unzips the purse and pulls out a wad of cash. Marissa shoves the money down the side of one of her boots and then zips Julies purse back up, as she does she notices the envelope from Berkeley. she picks it up and looks at it for a few seconds before turning it over and opening it. she pulls out the contents and starts reading, we see a close up of the letter, the parts we can see read

Dear Marissa,

Congratulations on your acc

Of California, Berkeley. Ther Berkeley, anywhere, and you h

are now challenged with makin

of selecting which major cour

pursue. We know that this can

we then see Marissa's reaction to the news of her acceptance! she raises her eyebrows and looks pleasantly suprised and slightly relieved. she looks down at the letter for a few seconds and then looks up then back down almost as if she cant believe it, all of a sudden her happiness/confidence disappears and she throws everything in the trash, aww we then hear the door open and close as she leaves

CUT TO: Cohen house - the angle of the shot is inside their letter box looking out, we see as Seth opens the door and looks inside, he pulls out the stack of mail and then closes the door. the next thing we see is him come back into the house. he takes off the elastic band and then lifts up Ryan's Berkeley letter and puts it to the bottom of the stack, he looks down at his Brown letter which is now at the top

CUT TO: Roberts' house - Summer picks up her Brown envelope and looks at it and then turns it over and opens it. we see a shocked expression from Summer then part of what the letter says like before with Marissa. it reads

Dear Summer,

I hope you are as pleased to receive this

admitted to the 243rd class to enter The

Admission has selected from nearly 18,

members of the class of 2010, will give

class ever. You will be one of 1,440 fre

remarkable diversity of strengths and in

we believe you can contribute to our ac

from the wonderful opportunities that d

we then see Summers reaction, she makes a fist and sort of bounces excitedly on the spot

Summer: oh my god (laughs, smiles)

CUT TO: Cohen house - Ryan comes in the door and grabs the Berkeley envelope from the side. he rips it open and pulls the letter out, we see what it says. it's identical to Marissa's except for Dear Ryan,

Ryan: oh my god (smiles)

(we then see Seth with his Brown envelope. he sits on his bed and opens the envelope, he starts reading the letter. we then see a close up of part of it, and it reads

ission has completed it

it is with real regret that

ong our acceptances. T

sible for the decision as

the camera zooms in to emphasise the words real regret. we then see Seth's stunned expression)

Seth: oh my god

(Seth looks up - downstairs Summer comes in the front door)

Summer: (calls) hello

(Ryan is in the kitchen with the Berkeley letter)

Ryan: (calls) Summer

(Summer rushes in excitedly with a smile on her face)

Ryan: hey

Summer: I got in! (huge smile)

Ryan: what! yeeeaaahhh, alright

(Ryan excitedly picks Summer up in a hug and spins her around, aww)

Ryan: ah congratulations, that's amazing

Summer: thanks, did you

Ryan: yeah (nods)

Summer: really (claps)

Ryan: yes

Summer: oh congratulations!

Ryan: thankyou

Summer: where's Cohen

Ryan: uhhh I I don't-

(Seth comes down the stairs)

Seth: hey

Ryan: hey

Seth: so you guys both got in

Ryan: yeah, you

(Seth looks from Ryan to Summer)

Summer: (worried) oh my god

(Ryan looks at Summer, Summer looks at Ryan then Seth)

Seth: ...pack your muffler (smiles) we're goin to Brown

(a relieved Summer hugs Seth)

Ryan: yeah

Summer: oooooohhh

Seth: (kisses Summers head) mwa

Ryan: oh man (touches Seth's shoulder)

Seth: yeah yeah

that's awesome dude (shakes Seth's hand)

Seth: (to Ryan) an I'm proud'a you

Summer: sooo happy

Ryan: hey hey hey

(Ryan hugs Seth and Summer so its a group hug, aww. we see a close up Seth's worried face)

CUT TO: Seth's bedroom, next morning - Seth is on the phone in his robe and PJ's, he's pacing while talking

Seth: hello, hi, I've been on hold since five in the morning so I- here's my question, is there some sort of possibility that a mistake was made cause I mean mistakes can happen (scratches head) right even at Brown (later) no no I'm not tryin'a be sarcastic at all, let me ask you this is there some sort of appeals process or um (later) next year (raises eyebrows, laughs) lady my girlfriend is is is is g- hello

(Seth rubs his neck and hangs up, then screws up his face)

Seth: (frustrated) yaaaaahhhhh (later) (frowns) oooohhh

CUT TO: Cohen kitchen - Sandy is in there looking out the window, distracted and Kirsten comes in

Kirsten: Sandy

Sandy: (looks) oh hey

Kirsten: good morning (kisses Sandy) mmm (wraps arms around Sandy's neck) whatever problems your thinking about right now let them go (smiles) our kids got inta college its a big day

Sandy: (smiles) oh your right, we did it (raises eyebrows)

Kirsten: we did it (smiles)

Sandy: we did it

(Seth comes in)

Seth: I see the self congratulation has begun

Kirsten: aah (runs over to Seth) oh, we are (hugs Seth) so proud of you

Sandy: a Cohen in the Ivy Leagues, you did the work but I think our genes deserve some'a the credit (hugs Seth)

(Seth seems to be uncomfortable with all the attention he's getting)

Seth: thanks

Sandy: we knew you could do it (rubs Seth's back)

Seth: oh hey there's Ryan, he got inta college to (points) give him some hugs

Kirsten: congratulations (hugs Ryan) ooh (Ryan smiles)

Sandy: our next generation Berkeley man, congratulations (hugs Ryan)

Ryan: thankyou

(Seth drinks his water)

Kirsten: we're so proud, both of you

Sandy: an you know what we should have a celebration dinner (Seth raises his eyebrows) tonight, please invite your ladies

Ryan: yeah

Seth: (frowns) I don't know, you think we're makin too big a deal though (Ryan frowns at him)

Kirsten: your fathers right seven thirty

Ryan: sure sure (touches Seth's arm) thanks

Seth: no more hugging though physical contact freaks me out

(Ryan and Seth leave. Kirsten laughs)

Kirsten: feeling better

Sandy: (raises eyebrows, smiles) yeah

(Kirsten kisses Sandy)

CUT TO: Roberts' backyard - Julie is leaving a message for Marissa

Julie: Marissa I don't know where you were last night or what you think your doing but you call me as soon as you get this, I've had it young lady

(Julie hangs up and sighs. Neil comes out holding Marissa's Berkeley letter)

Julie: oh, Neil your up, can I get you some coffee

Neil: no (sits)

Julie: Summer just left, she's so excited about Brown, she wanted to stop by REI on the way to school something about a sub zero sleeping bag (Neil picks up Marissa's Berkeley letter) Marissa must of left super early this morning (sits) I'm worried she didn't get in an maybe is embarrassed to tell me (frowns)

Neil: (looks at the Berkeley letter) she got in

Julie: excuse me

Neil: (holds out Berkeley stuff) I found this in the trash when I got home last night

Julie: (looks at letter) oh my god

Neil: Julie we both know she didn't spend the night here (Julie looks at him) I don't know what's goin on but we have'ta stop pretending that it's not happening (looks at Julie) (Julie looks at him) you've gotta talk to her

(Julie looks down)

CUT TO: Volchok's loft - Volchok and Marissa are on a mattress together with the covers over them. Volchok has one of his arms draped on Marissa. Marissa stirs and looks over at Volchok, after a few seconds she sits up and then sits on the edge of the bed while she puts her dress on. we see this first through a red mesh curtain thing which you cant see through very clearly, then it changes to a clearer blue one as she pulls the dress down. as Marissa walks away from the bed Volchok reaches his arm over to where Marissa was and stirs when he realises she's not there. Marissa sits down on the coffee table and puts her socks on

Volchok: you late for somethin

Marissa: I figured id make an appearance at Harbor, its only fourth period (smiles)

Volchok: so what're you doing tomorrow

Marissa: my schools having this party thing I have'ta go to, all the seniors wear the sweatshirt to the college they got into, its

Volchok: the gayest thing I've ever heard (looks at Marissa) (Marissa looks at him then down) so your really thinkin about going to college

Marissa: why, you don't see it (smiles)

(Volchok raises his eyebrows and then sits on the edge of the bed)

Volchok: so uh me an some'a the guys are going to Baja for the weekend, you know surf, smoke some Mexican green (smiles, looks at Marissa) wanna come (Marissa looks at him) or can't you miss your gay sweatshirt party

(Marissa looks as though she's thinking)

CUT TO: Harbor school - Ryan is in the student lounge and Summer goes over to him

Summer: hey, Atwood, have you seen Skeletor

Ryan: uh no why

Summer: well I bought us thermal face masks for Providence an I wanted him to try his on

Ryan: oh, well why don't you just bring em to dinner tonight (Summer looks at him, clueless) Sandy an Kirsten the uh celebration thingy (raises eyebrows) I'm sure he meant ta tell you

Summer: oh (nods) well yeah, probably

Ryan: probably (smiles uncomfortably)

Summer: (looks down) um, when you see him will you give him this

(Summer yanks Ryan's head down by the front of his hair and then walks off. Ryan screws up his face and then turns around, he notices a foot that looks alot like Seth's. we see someone slouched on the couch reading, with his foot up on the table. Ryan pulls the calculus book down and we see that it is indeed Seth)

Ryan: hey man (sits next to Seth) um, Summer was lookin for you (looks at Seth) I uh invited her for tonight

Seth: (nods) cool, good

Ryan: (nods) everything ok

Seth: yeah no I'm just uh, if she sees me she'll dress me like a Timberland Barbie, did you invite Sadie

Ryan: iiim going over to her place after school

Seth: did you tell her you got inta Berkeley

Ryan: no, I don't know it's kinda difficult, you know I mean we haven't really been goin out that long (Seth looks down) but I mean what'do you do when only one'a you is goin ta college

Seth: oh (raises eyebrows) man I wish I knew

(Ryan and Seth both look as though they are thinking)

CUT TO: Johnny's house - Sadie is hanging some of her jewelry on a stand on the counter and Ryan comes in

Ryan: hey

Sadie: hey, perfect timing, I just finished working (Ryan sits opposite her at the breakfast bar) so (smiles) congratulations (Ryan looks at her) psychic remember (Ryan looks down) an when you didn't call last night

Ryan: yeah well uh...yeah (nods)

Sadie: (nods, smiles) I'm happy for you

Ryan: thankyou

(Sadie and Ryan lean towards each other and kiss then sit back down)

Sadie: so you wanna mention the elephant in the room or should I

Ryan: so I've been thinking uh I don't have'ta go up till August (raises eyebrows) we could have the summer

Sadie: mm yeah (shakes head) not so inta relationships with an egg timer on them

Ryan: (sighs, goes over to Sadie) Sadie, the last few months

Sadie: ok Ryan, pet peeve, having a guy tell me how amazing I am while dumping me, rings (squints) kinda false you know

Ryan: I was gonna say, that I've ben happier than I've ever been with anyone I've dated

(Sadie looks at Ryan, Ryan looks at her. after a few seconds Sadie stands)

Sadie: I'm still in Newport because of you (Ryan looks at her) making jewelry, a very portable business you see where I'm going with this

Ryan: would move to Berkeley

Sadie: yeah I would...if you want me to

(Ryan kisses Sadie. Sadie wraps her arm around Ryan's back)

Ryan: yeah I do

(Sadie smiles and touches her forehead to Ryan's)

CUT TO: Cohen house - Summer comes into the kitchen wearing cats eye glasses and a tweed Brown blazer, she looks quite the academic achiever

Summer: hello Mr. an Mrs. Cohen

(Sandy and Kirsten look at Summer, suprised)

Sandy: well hello Summer

Kirsten: (smiles) hi Summer

Summer: my dad just dropped me off

(Seth comes in)

Seth: hey is dinner ready (notices Summer) oh my god

Summer: get use to it Cohen cause this is what your gonna be looking at for the next four years

Seth: mm-hmm

(Ryan and Sadie come in holding hands)

Ryan: hey we're not late are we

Kirsten: not at all, we're glad your here

(Ryan and Sadie look at Summer. Summer smiles oblivious)

Sandy: now everybody outside dinner is served

(Ryan, Sadie, Summer, Seth, Kirsten and then Sandy head out of the kitchen. the next thing we see they are all sitting at the table in the backyard)

Sadie: so Ryan told me that you guys actually went to Berkeley

Sandy: yes

Seth: please don't have them tell the Halloween story again (Kirsten smiles)

Sandy: let's just say we met under unusual circumstances

(for those that are curious we can now see a bit of how everyone is sitting, its Kirsten, Sandy, Ryan, Sadie, Summer and then Seth. Sadie and Ryan are holding hands on the table)

Kirsten: it's a beautiful place you should try an visit

(Sadie looks at Ryan)

Ryan: uh well actually Sadie's gonna be comin up to Berkeley with me

Sandy: when you go up to look at the school

Ryan: no to live

Seth: what (Summer looks down)

Kirsten: I don't understand, did you apply to Berkeley

Sadie: no, no it's just my business (looks at Ryan) can kinda go anywhere an (Ryan nods) Ryan's gonna be up there, so we figured why not

(Kirsten looks at Sandy)

Sandy: so uh when did you decide this

Ryan: this afternoon (smiles)

Sadie: (to Ryan) it was my suggestion

Ryan: (looks at Sadie) uh no actually I think I asked you

(Kirsten and Sandy look at each other. Ryan and Sadie look at everyone. cue the awkward silence. after a few seconds)

Summer: well I think its great (Seth looks at her) finding the right person an then deciding to be with them no matter what that's what life's about right

(Sadie looks over at Summer appreciatively, Summer smiles at her and then looks at Seth. Seth looks down, Summer looks away)

Sadie: you know I'm actually kinda tired

Ryan: Sadie

Sadie: (stands) I'm gonna go home

Kirsten: oh w nnnnn no

Sadie: thankyou both very much for dinner

Sandy: oh well

Ryan: (stands) ill walk you out

(Sadie and Ryan head inside. everyone watches, we see close ups of Sandy and Kirsten's worried/stunned faces)

CUT TO: Roberts' house - the range rover pulls up out the front and we see that Seth has driven Summer home

Summer: ? so quiet tonight is anything wrong

Seth: no I'm fine

Summer: I still can't believe that Ryan an Sadie are moving to Berkeley together I think that is so romantic

Seth: (shakes head) I don't know what Ryan's thinking

Summer: (looks at Seth) what're you talking about

Seth: well he's eighteen I just think college should come first

Summer: well not if you're with the one you think you should be with, like forever be with

Seth: yeah well who really knows that at eighteen

Summer: I do (Seth doesn't say anything, just keeps looking down) oh my don't

Seth: (looks at Summer) Summer, that's not what I m

Summer: no you know what, I have'ta go

(Summer takes off her seatbelt and quickly gets out of the car, on the verge of tears. Seth looks down sadly)

CUT TO: Marissa's bedroom, next morning - Marissa is packing clothes into a bag and we hear a knock. Marissa looks over and Julie opens the door

Marissa: if your here about the sweatshirt party I'm not going so if you wanna yell, yell

Julie: (walks in) actually I was hoping that we could just talk (Marissa looks at her) Marissa I don't know what's going on with you or what I did wrong...although I'm sure we could come up with a few things but...I just cant bear to see you doing this to yourself

Marissa: mom, this isn't about you (looks down, shakes head) I just keep tryin'a picture myself at Berkeley an- I can't

Julie: that-that just means your scared honey an that's fine (Marissa looks at her then away) look Marissa I've ben in that place before, where you lose faith in yourself (Marissa looks at her) but honey I believe in you an you deserve this

Marissa: (looks at Julie, unsure) I don't know mom

Julie: Marissa please don't give up on yourself, you have no idea how much I want this for you

Marissa: (closes eyes) I-...ill think about it

Julie: that's all I want

(Julie leaves, on the verge of tears and Marissa looks down)

CUT TO: Seth's bedroom - Seth is buried under the covers an we hear a knock. Seth pulls the covers down off his face and Ryan comes in with 2 coffees

Seth: hey

(Ryan puts a coffee down on Seth's bedside table)

Seth: thanks man

Ryan: sure (sits)

Seth: (sits up) did you talk ta the parents yet

Ryan: you know what in hindsight, breakin the uh Sadie news to em that way probably not a very good plan

Seth: well at least my dad didn't have an actual heart attack at the table, so that's a plus

Ryan: that's true, anything happen after I left

Seth: Summer an I got into a soul crushing fight about Brown

Ryan: (screws up face) mm (swallows) I'm sorry have you talked to her

Seth: no, but even if I did man an she forgave me its like then what, you know (Ryan frowns, nods) just I don't know it's complicated

Ryan: Seth um (sits forward) I gotta ask...did you really get inta Brown

Seth: (raises eyebrows) did I get in, Ryan now who's smoking pot, listen'a me (Ryan looks at him) the only class that I've ever gotten less than an A in (Ryan raises his eyebrows) was gym, my essay on the loneliness of being Superman made Mrs. Rushfield cry so you know of course (looks down, shakes head) oooh god how did I not get in

(Ryan looks at Seth worriedly, Seth keeps looking away)

Ryan: why're you lying about it

Seth: (sighs) for Summer

Ryan: well don't you think she's gonna notice when your not there first semester

Seth: well she said if I didn't get in an she did she wouldn't go to Brown (holds hand out) I'm not gonna let her do that, it's the opportunity of a lifetime

Ryan: well I think that's up to her (Seth looks at him) sorry man I think you gotta tell her the truth

(Ryan leaves and then we see a close up of Seth's lost face)

CUT TO: The diner - Sadie is sitting in a booth by herself and Ryan comes in

Ryan: hey, sorry I'm late (sits opposite)

Sadie: no it's fine, I just got here myself

Ryan: (while reading menu) so uhhh Harbors havin this party tonight everyone (looks at Sadie) wears there college sweatshirt (smiles) d'you wanna go

Sadie: sure, yeah that'll be fun

Ryan: (looks at Sadie) yeah

Sadie: (nods) yeah

Ryan: an I'm sorry about last night uh, that was not the way it should've happened

Sadie: or maybe it was

Ryan: what'do you mean

Sadie: come on Ryan heat of the moment we decide to go to Berkeley together (Ryan looks at her) maybe we need to think about it

Ryan: are you sayin you don't want to anymore

Sadie: we should just make sure that we're doing this for the right reasons

Ryan: we are (motions with hands) because we wanna stay together (looks at Sadie) (Sadie looks down) right (smiles)

Sadie: I guess I just feel like alotta people go to college to find themselves an maybe your one'a those people, you know I wouldn't wanna get in the way'a that

Ryan: (looks away then leans closer) I feel more myself with you...than anyone

Sadie: ...(raises eyebrows) those are some pretty big words mister (smiles)

Ryan: well I am going to Berkeley

(Ryan reaches his hand out to Sadie and looks into her eyes, we see a close up of their hands as Sadie puts her on top of his)

CUT TO: Korean food place - Taylor and Summer are standing with Seung Ho, there is alot of Korean so I'm not even going to attempt to spell or guess at what they are saying. Seung Ho says something and Taylor replies to him, I can make out the words sweatshirt party in amongst the Korean. Seung Ho says more Korean and I can make out the word Taylor after which is more Korean

Taylor: (smiles shyly) Seung Ho you dog (laughs) (Summer frowns and looks from Taylor to Seung Ho) oh let me give you my credit card

(Seung Ho smiles and goes into the back. Taylor giggles and notices Summer looking distracted)

Taylor: Summer

Summer: (looks) hm

Taylor: come on, cheer up (rubs Summer shoulder) its gonna be fine, you an Seth will work it out

Summer: I know I just don't get it, we had a dream an the dream comes true an then suddenly he's like (frowns) god what a crappy dream (looks at Taylor) I mean who does that

Taylor: Summer getting a man is like capturing a wily silver back gorilla (raises eyebrows) in the Ugandan highlands (Summer looks at her then away, frowns then raises her eyebrows) you see nature is telling that gorilla to stay in the wild (looks at Taylor) (points) but both you an I know that that gorilla would be much happier back in the zoo (nods) on a normal feeding schedule (Summer raises her eyebrows) but sometimes he's just gotta roar an beat his chest before he'll let you shoot him with a tranq dart

Summer: so what your saying is he's trying to (frowns) exert his gorilla independence(unsure)

Taylor: yes (points) that is exactly what I'm saying Summer, now come help me set up the bonfire (to Seung Ho) uh Seung Ho

(Taylor speaks more Korean to him, I think I hear party in there. Seung Ho smiles and waves, Taylor waves back as she leaves)

Summer: yeah what she said

Taylor: oh bye guys

(the guys in the back call out to Taylor in Korean)

CUT TO: The pool house - Ryan is in there getting ready for the bonfire and Sandy comes in carrying 2 sweatshirts, he's smiling almost deliriously

Sandy: hey (knocks)

Ryan: hey

Sandy: (walks in) got a sec

Ryan: uh yeah, I was just about ta head over to the bonfire (stands)

Sandy: I found this in the closet (holds up navy blue sweatshirt) it's a little worn but

Ryan: (smiles, takes the sweatshirt) wow, wow that's great thanks

Sandy: an Kirsten was wondering if maybe Sadie could use this (holds up yellow sweatshirt)

Ryan: (nods, softly) yeah

Sandy: (puts sweatshirt down, sighs) sorry about last night (Ryan listens) you know we both think she's a great girl

Ryan: she is, she is and uh (screws up face) yeah an I know it seems kinda fast (looks down) but uh (looks at Sandy) I really care about her (sits)

Sandy: I'm sure you do (sits) you know its funny just before you sprung your news I was about to tell ya that id spoken to my friend Paul Glass (raises eyebrows) up at Berkeley an he told me that he could probably get you into my old dorm, of course if your living with Sadie you know your gonna have'ta find some off campus housing (Ryan is looking a little overwhelmed) an she's not gonna be part of the meal plan so between food an rent (Ryan looks at him) I think your both gonna have'ta have jobs, y'know Kirsten an I were gonna cover your costs...but now with Sadie in the mix

Ryan: (frowns) no no I would never ask that uh (Sandy looks at him) I guess we just haven't had time ta really figure everything out

Sandy: no course not, course not (shrugs) how could you (Ryan looks at him then down) it all happened so fast

(Ryan looks down again, it seems like the reality of the situation is starting to hit him)

Sandy: did I ever tell you how I almost didn't make it to Berkeley (Ryan listens) I was drivin across the country that first summer, I spent the night in this little town a thousand miles from home (shakes head) (Ryan looks at him) an I was terrified (stands)

Ryan: (closes eyes) Sandy I'm not doin this with Sadie because I'm scared

Sandy: ok (nods)

(Sandy leaves and Ryan looks down at Kirsten's old sweatshirt sitting on the bed next to him, he puts his hand on it and then looks away)

CUT TO: Volchok's loft - we see Volchok zip up his luggage and then hear Marissa's voice, she's on the phone

Marissa: hey

Volchok: where are you, I'm ready ta go

(we see Marissa sitting in her new room at the Roberts' house)

Marissa: I can't go to Baja tonight

Volchok: (sits, closes his eyes) alright

Marissa: but call me when you get back

Volchok: yeah sure whatever

(Volchok hangs up and puts the phone down, disappointed. Marissa hangs up and has a "typical" expression, then looks down. Volchok taps his fist on his mouth)

CUT TO: Johnny's house - Ryan comes in wearing Sandy's old Berkeley sweatshirt, he sighs and closes the door behind him then slowly walks in

Ryan: (calls) Sadie

(Sadie comes out)

Sadie: Ryan I'm so glad your here I have something huge to tell you

Ryan: yeah, so do I (looks down)

Sadie: oh ok you wanna go first

Ryan: (raises eyebrows) nononono no that's fine, go ahead

Sadie: ok so I called the guy who sells my jewelry in the Bay area (Ryan listens) an it turns out he runs an artist co-op in Berkeley (Ryan is clueless as to what that means) so I could live there (Ryan raises his eyebrows) or we could live there (smiles) together, isn't that awesome

Ryan: yeah yeah that's amazing

Sadie: see I told you I was psychic

Ryan: hm

Sadie: ok what was your news

(Ryan looks down then at Sadie, Sadie looks at him waiting)

Ryan: iiii talked to Sandy um (looks at Sadie) he an Kirsten are fine about us

Sadie: that's awesome (smiles)

Ryan: (nods) mm-hmm

(Sadie leans forward and kisses Ryan)

Sadie: ok, we're gonna leave? for your party right

Ryan: yeah (raises eyebrows)

Sadie: hey d'you think it's gonna be weird that I'm not wearing a sweatshirt

Ryan: no, y-y you'll be fine

Sadie: ok, I'm gonna go grab my purse

Ryan: alright

(Ryan looks worried. make of it what you will that Ryan didn't offer Sadie Kirsten's sweatshirt when he could of, personally I think it speaks volumes!)

CUT TO: Roberts' house - Seth is standing outside of Summers room, he closes his eyes and then after a few seconds knocks, when there's no response he opens the door

Seth: Summer

(Seth looks around and then goes inside, he notices a huge collage of the two of them on top of her dresser. it has a whole heap of photos of the two of them together as well as the words college life and the Brown insignia, its really awesome. the camera zooms in on a few different sections of it, the last one is a photo of them together in their winter hats. Seth looks at it sadly, aww)

CUT TO: Marissa's bedroom - Marissa is sitting on the bed looking lost, we hear a door open and Marissa suddenly snaps out of her daze. through Marissa's open door we see Summer come in and sit on the edge of her bed, she sighs and takes her shoes off. Marissa leans over to look at Summer and Summer notices her

Summer: hey

Marissa: hey, where have you ben

Summer: oh I had to help Taylor set up for the bonfire, that girl can handle a chainsaw (looks down then at Marissa) hey Seth hasn't called has he

Marissa: no I don't think so

(Summer nods sadly)

Marissa: is everything ok with you guys

(Marissa gets off her bed and heads towards Summers room)

Summer: don't worry about it

Marissa: look Summer, I'm sorry about the way I've been acting (Summer looks at her) just give me a chance

(Summer looks at Marissa and then closes her eyes and looks down. Marissa looks at her)

Summer: ...remember when the boys made us watch that movie about the gay guys on the mountain

Marissa: Lord Of The Rings

Summer: yeah, an you remember that Gollum guy (squints) how he got evil an more evil (raises eyebrows) (Marissa listens) the closer he got to that firery thing, that's kinda how Seth is about Brown (nods)

Marissa: oooh, (reassuringly) hey you guys'll work it out you love each other

(Summer turns so that she's sitting more on the bed and facing Marissa, Marissa sits across from her, awww)

Summer: thanks

(Summer looks down, Marissa settles across from her on the bed and we see them both side on)

Summer: so no offence but what has been going on with you

Marissa: (closes eyes, looks down) I don't know, I keep trying to get back to the life I remember but I jus, I cant (shrugs) never seems to work

Summer: (closes eyes) an you couldn't talk to me about this (Marissa looks down) I've been your best friend since the first grade

Marissa: I know (closes her eyes then looks at Summer) I'm sorry

Summer: (half smiles, touches Marissa's knee) I forgive you

(Marissa smiles, Summer smiles and Marissa touches Summers knee)

Summer: but, you have'ta come with me to the sweatshirt party as penance (smiles happily)

Marissa: oh, I would (nods) but (shakes head) I don't have a sweatshirt

Summer: ooh yeah, what're we gonna do about that (frowns)

(Marissa watches as Summer gets off the bed and goes over to a drawer, she opens it and pulls out a gorgeous pink Berkeley sweatshirt with a pink bow thing wrapped around it, aww. Summer holds it up. it's a very girly pink and it has Berkeley in navy blue letters with white edging. Summer sits back down on the bed with it and Marissa looks suprised)

Summer: I bought this a few months ago, looks like somebody believed in you

(Summer hands Marissa the sweatshirt and Marissa has a huge smile, she makes an aww sound, clearly touched - in the backyard Julie is sitting at the bar with a drink and looking very out of it, Neil goes over)

Neil: hey (Julie looks then looks away) (sits) you ok

Julie: (holds up hand) please I just- I can't do this right now

Neil: do what

Julie: (upset) sit here an be tested as wife mother material while I'm worried about my daughters future, I get it ok its not what you expected I failed, fine, but right now I need'a think about Marissa

Neil: Julie I'm sorry if I (looks at Julie) if I made you feel like you were being tested I (Julie looks at him) I was wrong (raises eyebrows, shakes head) an you've hardly failed I think Marissa's very lucky to have you for a mom

(Julie looks at Neil. Summer and Marissa come out wearing their sweatshirts for the bonfire)

Summer: hey (Julie and Neil look) guys we're going to the party (waves)

Marissa: (waves) bye mom, bye Dr. Roberts

(Julie watches a much happier Marissa leave with Summer, she looks relieved)

Neil: what did I tell you

(Julie looks at Neil)

CUT TO: The sweatshirt party - we see some coloured light lantern things on string and there are some torches stuck in the sand. there are kids everywhere and of course the bonfire, we see flashes of a few different college sweatshirts, it goes CONNECTICUT COLLEGE, TEXAS A&M, USC and BOSTON COLLEGE. then we see Seung Ho and Taylor standing together, Taylor has SORB ONNE on hers and Seung Ho has STANFORD on his. we then see Ryan and Sadie walk up to Summer and Marissa

Ryan: hey

Marissa: hey

Summer: hey guys

Ryan: (to Marissa, nods) congratulations

Marissa: yeah you too, hi Sadie

Sadie: hey (smiles)

Summer: um has anyone seen Cohen (frowns)

Ryan: uhh

(Seth walks up, he's wearing a jacket and not a Brown sweatshirt, for reasons known to no one but Ryan)

Seth: did someone say my name

Summer: hey (Seth looks at her) (frowns) your not wearing your sweatshirt

Seth: uhhh

(Taylor comes over)

Taylor: (excitedly) you guys are all here, the core four (smiles, touches Ryans back) I need a picture (Ryan looks at Seth) go, go

Summer: do you wanna (points)

Taylor: (to Sadie) sorry, do you mind

Sadie: no, no it's fine

(Marissa puts her arm around Summers shoulder. the order goes Summer, Marissa, Seth and Ryan. I think what Summer was getting at before was if Seth wanted to be next to her for the photo, and he obviously didn't, aww)

Taylor: everybody say higher earning potential

Seth: ah-huh

(we see the flash of the camera and then we see the photo still on the screen. its such a nice photo! interestingly they all have their hands in their pockets, even more interestingly Seth and Summer have theirs in their jacket pockets while both Marissa and Ryan have theirs in their pants pockets)

Taylor: (giggles) it's so cute

Seth: alright

(Sadie looks around uncomfortably)

Seth: (to Summer) can I talk to you for a minute

Summer: yeah

(Summer looks at Marissa as she walks away, Marissa looks at her)

Sadie: (to Ryan) I'm actually kinda hungry d'you want anything

Ryan: no no I'm

Taylor: (grabs Sadie's arm) I will show you where the food is

(Sadie looks at Ryan helplessly as Taylor drags her away)

Taylor: hi I'm Taylor (Sadie looks back) I use'ta be like total enemies with those guys (proudly) but I'm pretty much second circle core now

(Ryan and Marissa are standing together, Marissa looks at Ryan, Ryan looks at her)

Ryan: I like your sweatshirt

Marissa: thanks yours isn't so bad either

(Ryan looks at Marissa then looks down, Marissa does the same and then she looks off to the side)

Ryan: uh you doin ok

(Marissa looks at Ryan, a little suprised. Ryan looks at her)

Marissa: (scoffs, pulls on her sweatshirt) well besides this thing choking me (Ryan looks at her) no you know honestly I'm beginning to think all of this is a bad idea (looks at Ryan)

Ryan: what's that

Marissa: the sweatshirt (shrugs) party

Ryan: (nods) you know even though we're not together I'm (Marissa looks at him) I'm here if you ever wanna talk

Marissa: thanks (Ryan looks at her, she looks at him) it means alot

(Ryan nods and then walks away. Marissa looks cold. we see some more of the other kids, there are 2 guys wearing YALE sweatshirts standing together. Marissa looks around and shrugs, she's by herself still. then we see Taylor, Sadie and Seung Ho standing together)

Taylor: so this is my friend Seung Ho (Seung Ho smiles) an this is Sadie uh

(Taylor speaks Korean to Seung Ho, I can make out the word Ryan, I assume she's saying Sadie is Ryan's girlfriend. Seung Ho nods and Sadie looks over at Ryan who is talking with 2 guys. Sadie looks as though she's starting to realise what it's going to be like at Berkeley)

CUT TO: NB Yacht club - Henry is sitting at the bar by himself and Sandy walks over

Sandy: coulda told me your answer on the phone

Henry: (looks) well I wanted us to talk

Sandy: so your not pulling out, fine, my friends at the DA's office are gonna find whoever attacked Matt an I can promise you there not gonna keep it quiet

Henry: look I had nothing to do with what happened to Matt, unfortunately I can't offer you anything but my word

Sandy: (shakes head) which doesn't carry alotta weight with me

Henry: how bout seven hundred million dollars

Sandy: excuse me

Henry: with the hospital going up, the cities interested in revitalising the entire area (Sandy listens) parks, affordable housing, restaurants, head of the appropriations committee is a friend of mine, he's asked about your firm

Sandy: wow (moves closer) so now your tryin'a bribe me

Henry: the face'a this cities changing Sandy, you can be apart of that

(Sandy looks as though he's thinking)

CUT TO: Cohen house - we hear a doorbell and see Matt standing at the front door, Kirsten opens it

Kirsten: (shocked) oh my god, what- come inside

Matt: no it's alright, Sandy here

Kirsten: no no he's out, w- what happened to you

Matt: some guys broke inta my apartment, listen tell him I stopped by with a proposal

Kirsten: no no Matt wait wait wait (Matt stops) did you call the police (Matt looks at her) they have'ta find out who did this

Matt: I know who did it (starts to leave)

Kirsten: what're you talking about

Matt: (looks at Kirsten) look, I really like Sandy but you just gotta, you gotta get him to quit this (Kirsten looks at him shocked) cause pretty soon it's gonna be too late

(Matt leaves and Kirsten looks stunned)

CUT TO: The sweatshirt party - Seth is sitting on a chair looking down at the sand and Summer is crouched down next to him

Summer: so are you gonna talk or what

Seth:'s just (Summer looks at him) not easy

Summer: ...then ill go (Seth looks at her) look I get that your a guy ok an I know you have that whole simian brain thing but (frowns) if we're gonna go to college together next year you cant (Seth looks down) keep freaking out on me all the time

Seth: yeah (looks up but not at Summer) Summer that's just it

Summer: what is

Seth: ...I'm not sure that I wanna (looks at Summer) go to Brown next year

Summer: (looks at Seth) what

Seth: I've just been thinkin alot about it an I'm not-I'm not exactly sure that Brown is the right choice for me (looks at Summer) for you (raises eyebrows) I still I think it's great

Summer: (confused) but we applied to Brown so that we could be together

Seth: yeah I know (looks down) I just I guess I changed my mind

Summer: so what we just suddenly apply somewhere else

Seth: no I think you should still go to Brown (looks at Summer) (Summer looks at him) you should (shrugs) ill just go somewhere else

Summer: you really mean this

(Seth looks down, Summer looks at him)

Seth: ...I'm sorry (shrugs, looks at Summer) I think it's for the best

(Summer looks away, hurt. Seth looks at her sadly)

Summer: ...(nods) ok, well I guess um if this is how you feel (raises eyebrows) fine (Seth looks at her) (matter of factly) we're over

(Summer quickly walks away upset, Seth puts his head down. we now see Sadie sitting on the bottom of the ramp of the lifeguard tower, Ryan walks over)

Ryan: hey, been lookin for ya

Sadie: yeah Taylor went off with that food guy, I'm pretty sure they were talkin dirty to each other in Korean

Ryan: you wanna leave, I know it's kinda hard on you, not knowin anyone

Sadie: (sighs) you're a nice guy Ryan...but I'm not coming to Berkeley with you

(Ryan sits down next to Sadie and looks at her, then away)

Sadie: don't you see this is what it'll be like next year (sighs, looks at Ryan) you'll have this other world an ill constantly be pulling you away from it, you wont get (Ryan looks at her) to experience college the way you should, I'm not gonna do that to you

Ryan: come on (looks at Sadie)

Sadie: you know I'm right

(Ryan looks at her, Sadie looks down, Ryan looks away)

Sadie: ...I'm gonna go home (stands) (Ryan stands) I have'ta start packing in the morning

Ryan: ill drive you

Sadie: I wanna walk (Ryan looks at her) an id rather say goodbye here

(Ryan looks at Sadie helplessly, Sadie leans forward and kisses Ryan)

Sadie: keep in touch Ryan (smiles) I'm gonna miss you

(Ryan and Sadie look at each other and then Sadie walks away. Ryan watches the back of her as she walks down the beach, gradually getting further away)

CUT TO: Cohen house - Sandy comes in the front door and Kirsten is waiting for him in the living room with the light off

Kirsten: Sandy

(Sandy looks over at Kirsten, Kirsten closes her eyes)

Sandy: what're you doin sittin in the dark

Kirsten: Matt came by

Sandy: well what'did he say because you know-

Kirsten: just promise me that your gonna quit this thing

Sandy: oh honey (shakes head) it's complicated

Kirsten: no its not

Sandy: well it's about more than just the hospital

Kirsten: (goes over to Sandy) do you forget that I worked at that company for fifteen years an I saw what happened to my father

Sandy: (shakes head) I'm not gonna become your father, but I can't just quit

(Kirsten looks at Sandy helplessly, Sandy looks at her. Kirsten walks passed Sandy and over to the door, Sandy watches as she grabs the car keys and leaves)

CUT TO: Summers bedroom - Summer pulls down her collage of her and Seth and looks at it through tears, she rips it in half and then tears it into smaller pieces. she drops the pieces to the floor as she becomes more upset, aww. we see the pieces lying on the floor and then we see Summer put her hands on the back of her neck and look down sadly, we then see Marissa putting her Berkeley sweater away in her room. she puts it in her top drawer and closes it. she turns around and leans against the drawer and then looks over at Summer's half open door, she heads into Summers room and sees that Summer is curled up on her bed in tears. Summer looks over at Marissa and then away again. Marissa lies down next to Summer and after a few seconds she puts her hand on Summers shoulder. Summer becomes more upset, aww

CUT TO: Cohen's backyard - we see Seth walking up to the pool house, he walks in and we see Ryan sitting on the edge of his bed looking upset, he has bare feet. Ryan looks over at Seth. Seth stands there next to the bed and then he sits down on the floor, they both lay down at the same time. Ryan onto the bed and Seth onto the floor next to the bed. Ryan spreads his arms out a little and Seth spreads his legs and arms. they both look lost, poor guys - Fade out

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