Forever Dreaming |
2x08 - The Power of Love |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 01/17/05 17:35 ] |
Post subject: | 2x08 - The Power of Love |
Opening scene - The first image we see is an empty breakfast bowl with a spoon in it, we then see cereal being poured into the bowl, the box says sunshine something. we can now see that Ryan is the one pouring the cereal, he puts the cereal box down and pours some milk in. just before he finishes pouring the milk, the phone rings. he puts the milk down, frowns then bends down and takes a mouthful of cereal out of the bowl before leaning over to answer the phone {typical guy, lol} Ryan: (mouth full) Cohen residence (Seth is on the other end of the phone, we aren't sure where he is yet) Seth: (softly) Ryan hey good I was hopin you'd answer (whispers) if your alone cough twice Ryan: i'm alone Seth: kay it's not as stealth but it works too Ryan: (frowns) where are you Seth: well you remember last night when I said that I was going'ta bed Ryan: (frowns) didn't happen huh Seth: uh no it did jus...not my bed (starts walking) but I did bring my favourite pillow (Seth puts the phone on his shoulder so his hands are free, and grabs his shoe off a shelf then bends down to put it on. in the background we see Alex in her bra, pulling on a top) Seth: you know the really fluffy one (sees Alex) hey (grabs his other shoe) Alex: hmm sure you don't wanna stick around for a little (sexy look) hooome schooling Seth: (points) maybe I do Ryan: Seth your parents are both awake Seth: yeah yeah that's why I need you to cover for me Ryan: yeah, let me think about that (we see Seth waiting for Ryan's reply, and he's trying to undo the buttons on his shirt one handed. Alex starts doing it for him) Ryan: no (goes to eat more cereal) Seth: Ryan think of my parents for a second ok they don't wanna know (touches Alex's nose cutesy) I spent all night with a lady, it's only gonna hurt an upset them (Alex finishes undoing the buttons and pulls Seth's shirt open, he has a black shirt on underneath. Alex sits down on the couch and pulls Seth down with her) you know how fragile they are in the mornings, ok thankyou (hangs up) CUT TO: Sandy and Kirsten's bedroom - Sandy is busy fixing his tie and Kirsten comes up behind him. she puts her hands on his shoulders and smiles. Sandy is suprised Kirsten: (smiles) hello Sandy: (smiles) weeell top o'the morning to you too (laughs) Kirsten: mm (moves her head to the other side) Happy Anniversary (Sandy looks suprised by this) Sandy: (softly) ...yeeeaah...Happy Anniversary to you as well (you can clearly tell he forgot that it was their anniversary, it's just hard to convey his look, in words) Kirsten: (eyes closed) mmm, I love you (rubs Sandy's shoulders) Sandy: oooh I (turns to face Kirsten) I love you too (Kirsten has a smile on her face, and her hands on Sandy's shoulders. they kiss {aww} Kirsten puts her hands around Sandy's neck and they hug) Sandy: oooh I love you more now then I did nineteen years ago Kirsten: mm, you mean you love me more now then you did the year after we got married Sandy: (closes his eyes, knowing he's in trouble) noooo com- honey come on (they stop hugging) (big smile, laughs) no you know what i'm sayin, that newly wed year that doesn't count that's a given Kirsten: you don't know how long we've ben married Sandy: (laughs) no, nooo I was kiddin ya, I know it's our twentieth, wh (shakes his head) how could I forget that, who forgets their twentieth anniversary (Sandy kisses Kirsten on the cheek, and Kirsten looks skeptical) Kirsten: hm Sandy: huh (walks away) Kirsten: apparently you (turns to face Sandy) Sandy: no, not me (Kirsten looks at him) if I had thought this was our nineteenth anniversary, I would not have planned a celebration...only worthy...of a twentieth Kirsten: you planned something... Sandy: yeeeaah (nods) it's gonna be awesome (nods, looks at his watch) I gotta go (Sandy leaves and Kirsten looks upset) CUT TO: The kitchen - Ryan is in there getting ready for school and Sandy rushes in Sandy: hey, need a ride to school like this second Ryan: (avoids eye contact) uh no thanks actually I was jus gonna take my bike so, see ya Sandy: (grabs Ryan) do not leave me, not now, an where the hell is Seth I need reinforcements Ryan: uh (backs away) s-Seth left early for school... (Kirsten walks in) Kirsten: he did (frowns) he never leaves early for school Ryan: yeah he had a report to finish I think Sandy: (suprised) a report, about what Ryan: (thinks) (matter of factly) the history of agriculture in twentieth century California (Sandy looks at him) Kirsten: wow, that's specific Ryan: yep (looks at Sandy then Kirsten) Happy Anniversary (smiles) (starts to leave) Sandy: hey kid, I was a public defender for many years (Ryan stops and looks back) i've ben lied to by the best (turns to face Ryan) he snuck out to see his girlfriend didn't he (Ryan looks at Sandy blankly, Sandy looks at Ryan) Kirsten: ugh (closes her eyes) no he didn't (Kirsten looks at Ryan, Ryan looks at them both as though he's thinking then makes a 'fraid so' expression) Theme song - California by Phantom Planet {Tate Donovan is no longer in the opening credits} Harbor school - Seth and Ryan are in the student lounge, walking with their coffees Seth: (in disbelief) the history of agriculture in twentieth century California Ryan: eh Seth: Ryan, the key to lying is to remain vague (Ryan looks at him) have I taught you nothing Ryan: look i'm not a good liar alright Seth: yeah well when it comes ta (points) having a relationship (Ryan looks at him) with Lindsay, you seem to not have such a problem Ryan: I know, well we're both in trouble now (sits on the couch) Seth: yeah i'd feel bad about it (sits next to Ryan) but I don't know you kinda deserve it after that Ryan: ok, you know what next time find someone else to cover for ya (puts his feet up on the table) Seth: (looks at Ryan) cover for me (puts his finger up) let me tell you something (dramatic) if we were buddy cops an (Ryan looks at him) sometimes I like to think that we are (points) i'd be riddled with bullets right now (Summer and Zach walk up to them) Summer: hey guys at the same time: Seth: hey Ryan: hey (Summer sits down on the couch opposite Ryan and Seth) Zach: (to Seth) did'you read the new Whedon X-men (sits next to Summer) Seth: I did (points) an ill tell you my problems with it, there three fold Summer: ok it is too early for comic book talk (Seth looks at Summer) (to Zach) are you getting a coffee (smiles) Zach: (smiles) yeah, i'm getting two (touches Summer's arm) Summer: (laughs) thankyou sweetie (Zach gets up) Seth: (to Ryan) hm, isn't it interesting how Summer is (points) constantly drawn (Ryan looks at him) to the lovers of comic books Summer: (nods) yes Cohen Zach does read comic books but Zach also plays water polo and looks like the guy in the Abercrombie ad (raises eyebrows) Seth: (sarcastic) ooooh (Ryan looks at Seth) Summer: where you read comic books an you (frowns) wear the same clothes (laughs) that you slept in (points) Seth: (puts finger up) ah excuse me, I did not sleep in these clothes Summer: oh ok so putting on the same skeezy shirt from yesterdays a choice, good to know Seth: no (smug) that was just all I had Summer: oh what did you like shack at your girlfriends last night (Ryan looks from Summer to Seth out of the corner of his eye) an do the walk of shame to school this morning (Seth avoids eye contact with her) (thrown) you shacked at Alex's...uh you guys are (raises eyebrows) shacking Ryan: the washing machine broke Summer: you know no offence Ryan but your a really bad liar (Seth looks at Ryan, worried) (laughs) I-its cool you guys, I don't care or anything Seth: no, hey I know (Summer looks sad, Zach comes back with the coffee) Zach: (smiles) there you go (puts coffee on the table) Summer: you know what I can't drink coffee this early (Zach looks at her, confusede) it jus like makes me nauseous, sorry (stands up) (Zach watches Summer leave, confused. then looks at Ryan and Seth who both put their hands out as if to say' I don't know') CUT TO: Caleb's mansion - Julie and Caleb are sitting out on the patio. Julie is scoping out the scenery and Caleb is reading the newspaper Julie: (off screen) if we shoot this way we get the house (on screen, points) but if we shoot the reverse we get the pool an the oceans so (turns, points) square footage (turns) or spectacular views, oh, Cal (Caleb doesn't answer) Cal! (Caleb looks over) (annoyed) this photo shoot is important you could at least feign interest Caleb: which is exactly what i'm doing (Marissa comes over) Marissa: I need money Julie: well good morning to you too (Marissa smirks) so listen Riviera magazine wants to do a big photo spread on us (smiles) now I think its a great opportunity for us to demonstrate the resilience an strength of our family, its wonderful exposure Marissa: (under her breath) any chance to expose yourself hmm Julie: promise me you'll be here an you'll wear something Marc Jacobs an you won't be off with your (pointed) boyfriend Marissa: so I can smile an pretend like we're this happy family Julie: (matter of factly) then I can't give you any money Caleb: (fed up) for the love of god (Caleb stands up, and Julie looks at him. Caleb holds money out to Marissa) Marissa: (takes the money) (to Caleb) thankyou (looks at Julie then leaves) Julie: great, way to undercut my power (looks at Caleb) Caleb: I happen to agree with her, we are far from the perfect family an I see no point lying about it publicly (Caleb walks off and Julie watches him, suprised) CUT TO: Harbor school - Ryan and Lindsay are in a classroom together Ryan: the thing is, even if I wanted ta lie about it I cant, I cant lie Lindsay: (confused) w-what'do you mean you have like a moral objection (looks at Ryan) (they are now walking in the hallway) Ryan: no I mean I can't do it, I suck at it Lindsay: oh (thinks) like the whole time you try to pretend like you didn't really like me Ryan: (smiles) ah Lindsay: yeah, I didn't buy that for a second Ryan: yeah, thanks (Lindsay laughs) I jus think it's a matter'a time before Kirsten catches on I mean she's already pretty mad at Seth an Sandy Lindsay: well we'll...tell (stops at her locker) could we...wait a little bit (Ryan frowns) Kirsten an I had plans to go to the big swap meet? at the rose bowl an I mean we'd check out, you know Shakespeare by the sea (Ryan looks reluctant) ...the point is (looks at Ryan) we're...still getting to know each other Ryan: I know, I just don't wanna have'ta lie about it Lindsay: I don't wanna? have to either...believe me (Ryan closes his eyes) I could...still come over tonight...(moves closer to Ryan) an say we're going'to study Ryan: (raises his eyebrows) mmm Lindsay: (pushes Ryan playfully) an really study (smiles) Ryan: ok, yeah sounds good Lindsay: (smiles) we'll tell em soon, I promise (they kiss, Lindsay breaks the kiss then she walks away, Ryan follows) CUT TO: Cohen kitchen that night - Kirsten is sitting at the counter reading, and drinking. Sandy is on the phone Sandy: ooooh thankyou that sounds wonderful (Kirsten looks at Sandy) uh, we'll see you then (hangs up) (Sandy looks at Kirsten, Kirsten is looking down avoiding Sandy) Sandy: alright it was gonna be a suprise but seein how this is our twentieth anniversary I (puts his hands out) (shrugs) I gotta tell ya, this weekend I am taking you, my beautiful bride of twenty years to the fabulous Montage hotel an resort in breathtaking - Laguna beach Kirsten: (not looking up) the Montage gave you a reservation at the last minute Sandy: last minute w-what the phone call (holds up the phone) no, that was me reconfirming (Kirsten looks at him, skeptical) I was jus makin sure they didn't give away our suite that I had booked so many...weeks in advance Kirsten: regardless of when you made the reservation, I don't think we should leave Seth alone right now Sandy: Seth is not gonna be a problem, not after I get done disciplining him (Kirsten looks at him, worried) fear'a god'll see (Kirsten looks at Sandy unconvinced, we hear a door open in the background) Sandy: start packin your bags (yells) Seth - Ezekiel (walks towards the kitchen entrance) kitchen - now (turns back to face Kirsten) an bring Mr. history of agriculture with ya (Seth slowly walks into the kitchen, followed by Ryan. Sandy walks over and stands next to Kirsten. Seth and Ryan stand at the opposite end of the counter, Seth makes a small wave at them) Sandy: so what'dya have to say for yourself (Seth turns on the side and puts his hand on his hip and looks at Ryan as if he thinks Sandy is talking to Ryan, and not him. Ryan looks at Seth, then Sandy as if to say, he's talking to you not me. Seth realises and looks at Sandy) Seth: oh (Ryan looks down) uh i'm sorry (Kirsten and Sandy look at him) an also it was an accident it was not intentional we were watching we fell mom does every time we put on a movie Kirsten: I do not! i'm just resting my eyes Sandy: (looks at Kirsten, then the boys) your both grounded (Seth makes a sarcastic 'yay' motion, Ryan isn't happy) no goin out, no phones, no TV no video games (to Seth's yay) don't be a smart ass (Seth looks away) do you know what this weekend is Seth: (shrugs) sure it's your twentieth anniversary (Sandy looks at Seth, stunned. Kirsten looks at Sandy. Ryan and Seth look at them both) Sandy: that's right, it I have ben looking forward to this weekend for quite a while Kirsten: uh-hm Sandy: (looks at Kirsten, then back at the boys) look, we wanna go away for the weekend (Seth and Ryan look at him) an if we cant trust you by'll have to stay with your grandfather, which means you'll be spending the weekend with Julie Cooper (Seth and Ryan look at each other, wide eyed) at the same time: Seth: you can trust us Ryan: no more lying Sandy: good, now go do your homework (Seth walks out of the kitchen towards his bedroom, and Ryan heads towards the backyard to get to the pool house. both of them look freaked out {lol} Sandy: (pleased with himself) nothin like a little Julie Cooper to strike terror in the hearts'a children everywhere Kirsten: (smiles/laughs) hm its very impressive Sandy: so, shall I schedule a couple's massage (starts to dial) CUT TO: Summer's bedroom - Summer is lying on her bed, on her stomach and Marissa is sitting cross legged in a chair, doing her homework Marissa: hmm, do you know what the gender for maizon(?) is Summer: what Marissa: (looks at Summer) maizon...our French homework Summer: right...French (frowns) you know half of Orange County speaks Spanish an we're learning how to order braguettes(?) Marissa: ok, someone's in a mood Summer: (looks at Marissa) no i'm not (Marissa looks at Summer then goes back to her homework, Summer goes back to her homework then looks up at Marissa) Summer: look it jus- it wasn't suppose'ta happen like this, I was suppose'ta have sex first Marissa: (looks at Summer) what're you talking about Summer: (sulky) Cohen, he spent the night at his (immature tone) girlfriends, there obviously doing it Marissa: what happens with Seth an Alex (shrugs) has nothing to do with you and Zach Summer: I know, but I always thought that I would have sex first an that Cohen would catch syphilis in a public toilet (cheesy grin) Marissa: (shrugs) you cant rush it, you have'ta wait till your ready Summer: (thinks) you know what Coop you are right (nods) wanna know what I just realised (Marissa looks at her) that Zach an I are ready, man are weeee ready, whoo Marissa: (sits forward) maybe we should take a break Summer: (ignoring her) what's French for, lets have sex...{spelt as it sounds} voolay poolay something or other, I mean (frowns) why don't they ever teach us anything we can use CUT TO: The pool house - Ryan is lying on his bed studying, and Lindsay knocks then walks in. Ryan looks over towards her Lindsay: so this is you grounded huh (smiles) Ryan: (walks over to her) suprised they even let you in Lindsay: well I promised i'm over here'ta study Ryan: ahhhh (kisses Lindsay) Lindsay: mm (breaks the kiss) which we're here to do Ryan: right, right study (falls back on the bed) got it (sits up) ahhh (Lindsay sits down next to Ryan and gets her book out, Ryan picks his up from the bed and opens it then breathes out. he looks over at Lindsay and Lindsay notices then looks up at him. she hits Ryan's book with her hand, then points as if to say 'study!') Ryan: yep (looks back at his book) study CUT TO: Cohen living room - Kirsten is sitting on the couch watching TV and Sandy walks in from the kitchen holding 2 bowls of ice-cream Sandy: so (feeling guilty) look not that we were wrong to punish em but y'know maybe we're handling this in the wrong way Kirsten: hmm (Sandy hands her ice-cream) ah, post grounding guilt (Sandy sits next to her) your such a convincing hard ass (looks at Sandy) but deep down your such a softy Sandy: well if all we do is send em to their rooms to do their homework Kirsten: mm Sandy: (shrugs) what're they gonna learn Kirsten: their homework Sandy: mm, well if as parents (swallows) we're spose'ta be setting a good example how can we do that if their not even in the same room with us Kirsten: so you wanna cancel this weekend Sandy: or maybe we could log some quality parent child time right now Kirsten: watching TV...? Sandy: why not (looks at the TV) its Bill O'reily (Kirsten looks at him) that'll be (laughs) punishment enough (Kirsten smiles) let me get Seth (Sandy gets up and goes to get Seth, Kirsten smiles as he walks away) CUT TO: Seth's bedroom - we can see it from the outside and gradually the camera moves up so we can see into the bedroom through his window Sandy: alright, I know I sent you off to start serving time- (stops suddenly) (we see Seth with one leg in his bedroom, and one leg out of his window, he stops when he sees Sandy {busted, lol} Seth smiles and waves at Sandy, Sandy is not impressed at all) Sandy: (stunned) you've gotta be kidding me CUT TO: The pool house - we see an outside shot of the pool house, then we see Lindsay's jacket close up just sitting there, the camera moves up slowly so we then see that Lindsay is lying on her back, on the bed. Ryan is on top of her shirtless, holding himself up by his arm, we hear some giggles and a kissing noise Ryan: i'm really starting to get the hang'a this physics thing (more kissing) Lindsay: mm physics an motion? (they kiss some more, which is starting to get heated. there is a knock at the door, they both look over just in time to see Kirsten open the door) Kirsten: are y- (completely stunned) (Ryan and Lindsay look at Kirsten. we can now see that Ryan's lower body is against Lindsay's, and Lindsay has her leg bent, touching Ryan's thigh. Kirsten looks as though she's going to be sick) Kirsten: (puts her hand up) oh - my - god (leaves and slams the door) (Ryan looks worried, Lindsay almost looks relieved) CUT TO: Cohen house the next morning - Kirsten and Sandy are coming out of their bedroom, headed towards the kitchen Kirsten: we can't leave the boys alone (Sandy looks at her) we have'ta cancel Sandy: w-w- we deserve this weekend, believe me after the lecture I gave Seth last night he wont open another window again much less climb outta one Kirsten: Seth, i'm more pre occupied with Ryan an my sister Sandy: well I-I understand but we cannot fight a war on multiple fronts, have we learned nothing from the Nazis (Kirsten looks at Sandy) (they are now at the entrance to the kitchen, they both stop suddenly and stare ahead. we see what they are looking at which is alot of food on the kitchen counter, 3 plates of pancakes, some fruit etc. Ryan and Seth are standing behind the food, with big grins) Seth: good morning Ryan: morning Seth: (points) who wants blueberry pancakes Ryan: banana (points, smiles) Seth: or if you're feeling sinful, chocolate chip Kirsten: not gonna happen Sandy: too little too late Kirsten: nice try Sandy: no way Ryan: I wanted'ta tell you about Lindsay (Seth points at Ryan, then Sandy and Kirsten)) Kirsten: you were too busy studying, believe me, I saw Seth: (to Ryan) ouch, tag out (Ryan looks at him) ok dad first of all, i'm really sorry an now I know your not gonna believe this but- Sandy: you were doin chin ups on the window sill, right Seth: (to Ryan) ah he's good (Ryan looks from Sandy to Seth) tag in (Seth looks away) Ryan: you trusted us, we lied to you there's-there's no excuse (Sandy and Kirsten look at them both) Seth: yeah so we jus want you ta know that whatever punishment you decide on (claps, looks at Ryan) we're fine with Ryan: (looks at them) absolutely Sandy: you guys have no idea how badly you screwed up, no more apologies (Ryan looks down) no more pancakes, you come home straight home after school, capiche Seth: yeah but about the pancakes (points) we still have a batch going (Sandy looks at him, not amused) (Ryan and Seth both walk out of the kitchen slowly, with their heads down) Kirsten: we can't leave them alone Sandy: what, so we get punished too, give me the day to deal with this put some bars on the window i'll find out what's really goin on Kirsten: well I found out enough last night (looks at Sandy) Sandy: honey, we are gonna celebrate our anniversary (kisses Kirsten's cheek) an the kids are not gettin in the way (Kirsten half smiles) CUT TO: Caleb's mansion - DJ pulls up in his truck, to pick Marissa up for school. he gets out and smiles/wave at Marissa who has just come down the stairs. Marissa smiles and waves back Julie: Marissa, honey, wait please Marissa: (sighs) i'm late for school Julie: I jus wanted'ta remind you about the photo shoot tomorrow Marissa: great, still not coming (walks away) Julie: Marissa, honey uh- (Marissa stops and turns) look...I know things haven't ben very easy around here, everything with Caleb an...your father leaving (Marissa stares at her, then closes her eyes) but this is the only family we have an I really want it to work (Marissa looks at her) an not just for the photo shoot, you know maybe we should take that trip to portervoyarter? Marissa: (scoffs) so now your bribing me Julie: does that mean you'll be there Marissa: (thinks) you know what, sure, ill even bring DJ (turns away) Julie: Marissa (Marissa turns back) he's not even our yard guy anymore, you understand this was a portrait of our lives Marissa: an DJ is apart of my life, so ill see if he's free an we'll get back to you (smiles, then walks away) (Julie sighs) CUT TO: Harbor school - Ryan and Lindsay are walking into their physics class Lindsay: iiiiii am so sorry...I ran away I-I should've...stayed an...apologised Ryan: no, be happy you took off (pulls Lindsay's chair out for her) 'sides it was my fault anyway I... kinda knew we weren't gonna study Lindsay: (sits) (laughs) yeah Ryan: yeah Lindsay: well we...both knew we weren't going to study (Ryan sits) you at least had honourable intentions (Ryan looks at her) towards Kirsten...not me (laughs) Ryan: (smiles) right Lindsay: ...well, least she knows probably just (shrugs) needs a little time to get use to it (smiles) Ryan: much time are we talkin about Lindsay: (shakes her head as if to say ' who knows') no ill talk to her, I mean I need to talk to her, I mean after all we're sisters Ryan: yeah...that's kinda the problem (looks at Lindsay) (Lindsay smiles/laughs. Ryan looks worried, Lindsay looks worried as well, but not as much) CUT TO: The Bait Shop - Alex is standing at the bar pulling out glasses from a crate and putting them on the top, a man in a suit comes down the stairs, when Alex starts talking we cant yet see the mans head Alex: (looks over) hey look the managers not here right now but he has all the permits so (the man comes off the stairs and we can now see that is Sandy) Sandy: i'm not the cops (walks towards Alex) much worse...i'm Seth's dad Alex: (looks at Sandy) that is worse (walks passed Sandy continuing to work) Sandy: well I came to apologise for keepin Seth from sneakin outta the house to see ya last night it- its a terrible thing leavin ya hangin like that Alex: (nods) ah-huh (walks passed again) you want me to stop seeing him don't you Sandy: yeah (Alex leans over the bar and grabs something from behind, Sandy looks away) but seein how he's a teenage boy an you've got tattoos an run a rock 'n' roll club i'm not expectin any miracles Alex: so what is this, a warning Sandy: whoa your a little edgy around figures of authority aren't ya (Alex gives Sandy a look, but Sandy has her back to him) hey no bar nuts, what kinda joint is this Alex: ill get right on it (smiles) Sandy: (leans on the bar) your a bartender, you listen to peoples problems (faces Alex) hear mine, this is my twentieth anniversary (sighs) or is suppose'ta be (Alex is listening) its not goin so wife is convinced she can't leave Seth alone Alex: you need me ta baby-sit Sandy: cute Alex: you think i'm corrupting him Sandy: (walks towards Alex) I think your a smart girl (Alex looks down) an I think he'll listen to ya...more then he's gonna listen to his parents right now Alex: (thrown) uh-hm, no dad has ever asked me to straighten out his son before Sandy: (shakes his head) I really don't like goin behind his back but I-I I think sometimes in order to be a good dad you gotta be a bad guy (Alex looks at Sandy and nods, Sandy looks at Alex) Alex: (almost sad) ...don't have much experience with good dads (smiles/laughs, then looks away) Sandy: hey well listen you stop over at the house any time, Kirsten an I 'll be very happy to ground you too (Sandy walks away, and Alex watches him. {they both seem to have different ideas about each other compared to when Sandy first walked in, it's definitely a touching scene}} CUT TO: Harbor school - Zach is in the student lounge and Summer comes in and goes over to him Summer: (touches Zach's arm) hi Zach: oh (they kiss) hello Summer: (smiles) hey (takes Zach's hand) so, I have ben thinking (they head towards the couches) maybe we could do something tonight...just you an I...alone Zach: iiii've gotta pick up my sister from the airport tonight (they sit on the couch together) Summer: (concerned) oh why is she handicapped or something Zach: no, she's just (smiles) she's ben out of the country I haven't seen her for like a year Summer: got it (laughs) well, so anyways we've ben dating...for a few months now and I really like you Zach: cool, I like you too (smiles) Summer: cool (laughs) well I was thinking maybe we could take this to the next step Zach: (smiles) your totally right Summer, i've actually ben thinking about it for a while I just, I didn't wanna rush Summer: (eager) oh lets rush (smiles) Zach: ok then uh this weekend Summer: this weekend is puuuur-fect (touches Zach's chest) Zach: good, ill call my parents an let em know Summer: (suprised) wow (frowns) you really keep your parents informed huh Zach: well if there going to be meeting my girlfriend I think they should probably know (Summer realises they werent talking about the same thing) and this works perfectly with Abigail being back in town, so like lunch tomorrow (Summer just smiles, not saying anything) great (kisses Summer on the cheek) Summer: mmm Zach: (smiles) this is gonna be great (gets up) Summer: mm-hmm, yes nice... (Summer looks worried) CUT TO: Seth riding his skate board outside - we then see him walking up to Alex's door, he knocks and Alex opens the door Seth: hello (walks in) i'm here for my after school tutorial in the art of gettin it on (Seth goes to kiss Alex, and Alex puts her hand on his mouth and pulls away) Seth: (Alex's hand still on his mouth) is this the advanced class (playfully bites Alex's fingers) Alex: I don't feel good (walks to the couch) Seth: (shuts the door) alright, well maybe my magic hands can be of service (Seth sits down next to Alex and goes to massage her shoulder, Alex closes her eyes and pulls his hand away, she looks at him seriously) Alex: what're we doing Seth: I call this part preppin the oven (rubs his hands together and puts his hadn back on her shoulder) Alex: no what (pulls Seth's hand away) are we doing in the larger sense Seth: (looks at Alex) ...did something happen Alex: (sighs) (looks at Seth) your parents are worried about you... Seth: my parents, how would you even know about- (Seth looks at Alex, Alex looks at Seth. Seth realises) Seth: did my dad come by the club Alex: your dad...stopped by the club (sits back) (Seth buries his head in his hands) Seth: ooooh (looks up) that's embarrassing (sits back) Alex: i've never listened to my own parents, suddenly I feel compelled to listen to yours Seth: Sandy Cohen has that affect on people (Alex stands up and looks at Seth) Seth: so your gonna need some space... Alex: i'm gonna need some space Seth: (sits forward) yep, probably a little time (stands) Alex: definitely some time (opens the door) (Seth walks to the door) i'm sorry Seth: (hurt) cool (walks out) Alex: but tell your parents Happy Anniversary (Alex shuts the door and turns around, she looks sad) CUT TO: Cohen backyard, its now night - Kirsten is lying on a sun lounge with a drink in her hand, looking sad. Sandy runs out to her, holding a beer Sandy: the cars got a full tank'a gas, an tomorrow we can head right down (sits with Kirsten) Kirsten: you can't be serious (drinks) Sandy: the boys'll be fine at Caleb's, I talked to Seth's girlfriend she's a bit of a character but (shrugs) she seems like a good kid Kirsten: is that why Seth isn't home yet (Sandy is suprised) i'm not letting the boys stay with Julie Cooper, but they can't be left alone Sandy: honey, there teenagers, they like girls Kirsten: one of which happens to be my sister Sandy: so what w-w-w what we're gonna forbid em Kirsten: well not you, you wouldn't forbid them anything your too busy being there best friend, i'm the one that has to enforce all the rules Sandy: i've never done more grounding then I have in the last twenty four hours Kirsten: who let Seth run away'ta Portland Sandy: what we're talkin about this now Kirsten: an who went up there an told him he could stay Sandy: (yells) it's a good thing I did, if I had let you drag him home we could'a lost him forever Kirsten: (yells) yeah but that's why this is happening, because he thinks he can do whatever he wants an you'll jus keep me from coming down on him Sandy: you think somebody can stop you from comin down on somebody Kirsten: right, (angry) an I should find it adorable that you forgot - our - anniversary (Sandy looks at Kirsten, Kirsten looks at Sandy hurt then looks away) Sandy: (calmer) could we please talk about this later Kirsten: (pointed) we have all weekend I cancelled the reservations (Sandy drinks his beer) CUT TO: Cohen living room - Sandy is sitting on the couch quietly drinking coffee, he sees Seth come down the stairs. Seth sees Sandy and starts to go back up the stairs Sandy: oh hey hey hey hey hey (motions) come come come on...let's do this thing (Seth reluctantly walks in) so what's goin on with you (sits forward) huh (Seth shrugs) where'd this bizarro Seth come from Seth: nice comic book reference (sits in the armchair) Sandy: spent the night at this girls house...are ya...are ya havin sex Seth: no dad you don't have'ta worry about that ever happening now that you showed up at the club an...worked your magic Sandy: i'm sorry but you left me no choice...what'did we do, are ya angry at us Seth: (closes his eyes, shakes his head) no Sandy: then it's about the girl Seth: I jus you know, whenever i'm around her I feel like I constantly have'ta prove to her...that I deserve ta be around her Sandy: even if it's at the expense of your parent's relationship (Seth looks at Sandy, before anyone has a chance to say anything Ryan comes out of the kitchen. Sandy looks over at him) Sandy: hey, come on in here (motions to Ryan) join the party (Ryan reluctantly walks over to them) Sandy: so, the last time I checked in with you (Ryan sits on the arm of Seth's chair) you an Lindsay were headed inta the friend's zone Ryan: we were... Sandy: (sits back) you lied to us Ryan: I know an i'm sorry Sandy: well you know what i'm afraid its a little late for apologies...from any of us (Ryan and Seth both look as though they feel bad) my wedding anniversary weekend is uh...officially ruined Ryan: (thinks) how can we help (Seth looks at Sandy, Sandy looks at Ryan then Seth, half smiling) CUT TO: Kirsten's office - Kirsten is working at her desk, and there is a knock. Kirsten looks up and Lindsay is standing in the doorway Lindsay: hey Kirsten: hey Lindsay: (walks in) um I-I called your house an...Sandy said you might be here Kirsten: I-I had ta finish Lindsay: right...right um (Kirsten isn't looking at Lindsay, both are clearly uncomfortable) Lindsay: i'm sorry (Kirsten looks at her) you know Ryan an I started seeing each other before I-I found out about everything an-an then (shrugs) iiiit all happened so fast was alot (Kirsten looks down) (shakes her head) I never upset you Kirsten: I I-I probably over reacted Lindsay: no it...was embarrassing Kirsten: ...Lindsay...maybe you an I need to take some time (Lindsay looks upset) accepting Ryan into my home as my son was a huge - deal for me...(Lindsay looks down, then at her) an taking you in as my sister, which I am thrilled about, its just complicated Lindsay: (confused) so don't want me seeing Ryan Kirsten: I would never say that...its jus that while your seeing him maybe we should take a step back Lindsay: a step does that mean we're like cousins now I mean (laughs) Kirsten: ...maybe we should be f-friends Lindsay: (shrugs) great, bye (Lindsay leaves, clearly upset and Kirsten closes her eyes and sighs) CUT TO: A restaurant - Summer and Zach walk in together for lunch with his parents Zach: i'm not nervous so you're not nervous, right Summer: i'm sooo not nervous, dads love me Zach: oh my dad couldn't make it, he got held up in DC on some assault weapons bad? (Summer looks worried. they are now almost at the table) Zach: hey mom, Abbi (Zach's mom stands and kisses Zach on the cheek) Zach: how are you Z's mom: good Zach: (points) this is Summer Summer: hi Z's mom: oh it's a pleasure to meet you (shakes Summer's hand) Zach's told us so much about you Summer: oh all lies i'm sure (they all sit down at the table. Summer is sitting between Zach and his sister, and Zach is sitting between Summer and his mom) Abbi: all I was tryin'a say mother- Z's mom: Abbi I don't think this is the time, I don't think Summer would be interested Summer: oh no Summer's interested, please whatever you were chatting about continue, i'm a listener Abbi: I was saying that what's happening in Cashmere just shows us how countries can be- Summer: (misunderstands) I know, pashmina's this season were so cute (Abbi looks at her) I don't go anywhere without my cashmere purse (smiles) Zach: uh Summer there uh- Abbi: um no uh Cashmere, as in the disputed region between India an Pakistan (Z's mom looks at Summer) they fought three wars over it (Summer looks at Abbi, clearly out of her depth. Zach looks at Summer) Summer: (nods) ...yes...yes totally, Cashmere (Zach smiles) yeah, I agree Abbi: (confused) agree with...what Summer: ...what Z's mom: what she means dear is, uh what'do you agree with, do you think the Indians should cede Cashmere to the Pakistanis (Zach looks from his mom, to Summer) or should it remain an independent state Summer: (clueless) oh...yeah, tough call (Abbi looks at her) (thinks) hmm (raises her eyebrows) two sides to every story (Summer smiles uncomfortably, Zach looks from Summer to Abbi, Abbi and his mom are both looking at Summer) Summer: ...(to Abbi) you know you are tan, Zach here tells me you studied abroad, in St Bart's perhaps? I hear the four seasons there is amazing Abbi: I was building an irrigation system in a village in southern India Summer: (even more out of her depth) hmm (Zach looks at Summer, then looks down. Abbi looks from Summer to Zach, Z's mom looks at Zach) Zach: maybe we should order Summer: lovely... {I just wanted to say that Summer now realises what Seth felt, when he bombed so badly with her dad. I would have to say though, Summer was definitely worse here. poor girl!} CUT TO: The Bait Shop - Seth is sitting on the edge of the stage, Alex walks out carrying a crate of water bottles. Seth makes a small wave at her Alex: this is your concept of time an space! Seth: (sighs) oh don't flatter yourself, i'm here on official business Alex: and what business would that be Seth: ummm I would like my job back (puts his hand out to Alex) Alex: no (walks passed Seth to the bar, she has her back to him) Seth: listen...the folks there a little bit mad at me ok an needless to allowance has ben impacted (shakes his head, puts his hand on his chest) now I don't wanna have'ta start tightening my belt, don't wanna have'ta give up the vacation homes, the porche the grotto Alex: (turns around) you're really tuggin at my heart strings here Seth: (stands) ...look I get why you're upset Alex: no I think you don't (folds her arms) Seth: uh because my dad broke up with you for me Alex: ok now I know you don't (Seth looks at her as if to say 'well') you don't realise how lucky you are Seth: (confused) that my dad showed up an humiliated me...? Alex: that he showed up at all, that he cares, that there's something wrong an his first reaction isn't jus ta throw you outta the house (Seth looks at her, you can tell he feels bad) (Alex turns and grabs the mop) Alex: (hands mop to Seth) (avoids eye contact with him) ...still pays minimum know where the bathrooms are... Seth: (looks at Alex) are there any other perks Alex: (sad) what's the point's not like there ever gonna approve of me... Seth: (nods, thinks) well maybe there's a way we can show em your not so bad (Alex looks down) hmm (touches Alex's mouth) smile (Alex half smiles) {i just have to say that this scene was great for Alex, we finally got to see some depth to this incredible girl, she looked so vulnerable when she said that they'd never approve of her. i hope we see more of it in the future!. you can tell Seth cares about her as well} CUT TO: Caleb's mansion - there is a photographer outside in the yard, framing them for the photo. Marissa, Caleb and Julie are standing in front of the house and pool waiting for him to take the photo. Marissa has her arms folded, Julie is the only one that looks like she wants to be there Caleb: (smiling, impatient) what is taking so long, he's not painting our portrait (the photographer continues to 'frame') Caleb: (points) my face is going'to freeze in the position unless you push the button (in the background, DJ arrives) Julie: Cal this photograph is going to be seen (Marissa turns around and sees DJ) by everyone in Newport Beach, you don't want frown lines Photographer: ok if you can all smile Caleb: I am smiling damn it (the photographer goes to take the photo) Marissa: oh, wait a second (goes over to DJ) hey (hugs DJ) DJ: i'm sorry i'm late (Julie and Caleb see DJ) Julie: oh my god! Caleb: (confused) he's come ta mow the lawn, can't he reschedule Julie: oh, ill handle this (motions 5 to the photographer) Caleb: handle what, tell him to come back tomorrow (Julie walks away) (yells) an check for poison oak Julie: what is he doing here DJ: (to Marissa) I...thought you said she was cool with this Julie: (scoffs) you must be joking Marissa: look, either DJ's in the photo or i'm out (shrugs) its up'ta you (Julie looks at Marissa) DJ: nah you know ill save you the hard choice (looks at Marissa) i'm leaving Julie: works for me DJ: (to Marissa) thanks alot (walks off) Marissa: (to Julie) you can forget your photo shoot (goes after DJ) DJ wai- Julie: (stops Marissa) don't, ill go...if having him here means we get our picture taken ill bring him back Marissa: like he'll listen'a you Julie: (smug) well considering i'm not the one who lied to him, I think I have a better shot then you (Julie walks away and Marissa rolls her eyes - we now see Julie heading towards DJ's car. DJ is almost at it) Julie: DJ...wait up DJ: what, you need some hedges trimmed Julie: don't be so self deprecating, I wanted'ta thankyou for not causing more of a scene back there DJ: oh save the act Mrs. Cooper, I know you hate me being with Marissa Julie: it's Mrs. Cooper - Nichol an your damn right I do (DJ looks away) you know the Nichol on the end of my name allows me to write you a cheque with a few zeros on the end of it DJ: what're you talking about Julie: what'do you say five grand, never to see my daughter again (DJ looks at her) how do you spell your last name, never mind, you can fill that part out DJ: (disgusted) your unbelievable (gets in the car) Julie: i'm doing you a favour honey (DJ looks at her) you an I both know Marissa's just using you to get back at me (DJ looks away) what'do you think today was all about hm, only seems fair you should get something out of this relationship too (Julie tears off the cheque and hands it to DJ then walks away. DJ looks at the cheque) CUT TO: The pier - Lindsay walks over to Ryan who is waiting for her Lindsay: hey Ryan: hey Lindsay: what's goin on (they kiss, then hug) ok you tell me your news Ryan: yeah Lindsay: cause then I have some (they are both standing next to a railing now, facing each other) Ryan: oh yeah you uh you wanna go first Lindsay: nooo yoooou picked this very important meeting at the pier so you get the honours Ryan: alright (Lindsay laughs) uh it's just (looks at Lindsay) us...this...its causing problems for Kirsten an Sandy I just I can't do that to em, I owe em...too much you know (Lindsay looks at him, stunned) (shakes his head) I just...think we should take some a while, be friends Lindsay: (looks at Ryan) (softly) ...great...two hours ago...I had a sister an a boyfriend and now all I have are friends (walks away) Ryan: whoa, wait (grabs Lindsay) what Lindsay: ...before I came here I talked to Kirsten an she asked me without asking me, to choose... between a sister an a boyfriend (Ryan looks at her, stunned) (laughs) and genius that I am...I chose you (Ryan looks at her, realising) had I known that you had this whole time space plan I might've chosen differently Ryan: I didn't know, i'm sorry Lindsay: oh (looks away) yeah you're sorry, cool cause...that really fixes absolutely nothing... (Ryan looks at her, helpess) I gotta go (Lindsay walks away and Ryan turns around and watches) CUT TO: Cohen kitchen that night - Ryan and Seth are sitting at the kitchen table quietly doing their homework. Kirsten is sitting at the counter, and Sandy comes in Sandy: oh there she is, all day i've ben lookin for this beautiful woman (kisses Kirsten on the cheek) Happy Anniversary (smiles) Kirsten: (unenthusiastically) Happy Anniversary Sandy: so come on, let's go let's get ready Kirsten: (frowns) get ready for what Sandy: my dear, maybe you've forgotten but it's our twentieth anniversary an i'm takin you to the Arches Kirsten: you've got ta be kidding Sandy: look I know what you're worried about, never fear i've (shrugs) hired some baby-sitters (Kirsten looks at Sandy, then over at the boys) Sandy: (yells) fellas (Seth and Ryan turn around to see who their 'baby-sitters' are) Sandy: Joe, Tim (two uniformed officers walk into the kitchen {lol}) Sandy: (points) two of Orange County's finest, we've ben friends (Ryan and Seth are stunned) since I worked the PD's office Joe: evening Mrs. Cohen (Kirsten looks at them, and half smiles) your boys'll be safe with us, Happy Anniversary (smiles) (Sandy smiles, pleased with himself) (Seth and Ryan look at each other, worried) CUT TO: The Arches - Kirsten and Sandy are sitting at their table, eating Sandy: mm aribi? is excellent, how's your turbo Kirsten: (not looking up) fine Sandy: just fine...? too fishy...send it back if you want Kirsten: (closes her eyes) Sandy Sandy: no send it back Kirsten: Sandy Sandy: oh alright, i'm sorry, i'm sorry all I wanted was ta...give ya a special evening (Kirsten drinks) an some turbo that wasn't too fishy Kirsten: (looks down) ...I know (looks at Sandy) i-i'm sorry I brought up Portland last night, that wasn't your fault...its jus Seth is growing up so fast an...(sad) I-I don't wanna lose him Sandy: lets stop apologising (takes Kirsten's hand) ok let's just enjoy ourselves, an look on the bright side... (Kirsten is listening) we got all of this out of our system before Valentines Day (Kirsten smiles/laughs) (looks over) oh no Kirsten: (looks) oh god (we now see what they are seeing, which is the two baby-sitting officers walking towards them, without Seth & Ryan) Joe: I don't know how they did it Sandy (Sandy is looking at them, shocked) but uh we went outside for a second (Sandy and Kirsten both look at each other, worried) they were gone Sandy: (puts his hand up) cheque CUT TO: Summer's bedroom - Summer is sitting in front of her bed on the floor watching TV (from the audio we can tell its news related) Marissa opens the door, Summer motions for her to come in. Marissa shuts the door and walks over to Summer Summer: I cannot believe what Chirac said to the farmers union (Marissa puts pillows on the floor) you go Jaque Marissa: (sits) (sees magazines in front of her) the economist Summer: hm Marissa: the nation, the new republic (looks at Summer) ok what're you doing Summer: i'm informing myself Coop, it's impossible there is sooo much news, you know the worst part is it is constantly changing...if everything could jus stop for day, maybe I could catch up Marissa: (looks at Summer) you should just call him back, he's left you four messages since lunch Summer: if Zach wants'ta dump me he can do it in person Marissa: yeah at least Zach's calling you, I haven't heard from DJ since the photo shoot incident... Summer: (looks at Marissa) you mean since your mother spoke to him Marissa: yeah exactly, an who knows what she said Summer: hmm Marissa: I left him a message ta meet us, i'm really getting worried... Summer: well i'm passed the point of worrying, i've resigned to my fate Marissa: the lunch cant of ben that bad (shrugs) Summer: remember uh how lunch went with my dad an Cohen (looks at Marissa) Marissa: hm Summer: well compared to my performance today Cohen came off like Cofianan Marissa: (frowns) who's Cofianan Summer: hm some guy Zach's uh mom knows (shrugs) I think he works for united airlines Marissa: hm CUT TO: Inside the police car - Sandy and Kirsten are sitting in the back seat, and the 2 officers are in the front Kirsten: (to Sandy) I can't believe you talked me inta leaving them Sandy: well excuse me for wantin'ta celebrate our twentieth anniversary Kirsten: how do you know where they are Sandy: a hunch (to officers) hey fellas lets pick it up huh Tim: you got it Sandy (turns sirens on) (we see the car go speeding past. the next thing we see is the outside of the Bait Shop. we hear the siren then see the police car coming up to the Bait Shop entrance. it stops outside, Sandy and the 2 officers get out. one of the officers opens Kirsten's door for her and she gets out) Sandy: thanks Tim (to Kirsten) everything they said to us...feelin sorry, wanting to reform all lies, no more Mr. nice guy Kirsten: so now you admit that you were Mr. nice guy (Kirsten walks in, and Sandy stops and shakes his head then follows her - camera changes and we see them walking in, from inside the Bait Shop) Sandy: oh d-don't make this about me, we show a united front, we show no mercy (Kirsten looks at him) if he wants bad, I can be bad...but first (Kirsten and Sandy are standing near the railing up the top. all of a sudden the lights go on down the bottom, and there is people everywhere) Everyone (including Sandy): SUPRISE! (Kirsten looks down at everybody, shocked. we see Ryan and Seth looking up at them from the stage, Julie and Caleb looking up at them from near the stage, and Marissa and Summer are standing near the bar, Alex is behind it) Kirsten: (huge smile) you planned all this Sandy: well I prefer the term orchestrated (smiles) Ryan: (into the mic) so we're here tonight (Kirsten and Sandy come down the stairs) ta celebrate the marriage of Sandy an Kirsten Cohen (everyone goes whoo hoo, yeah, claps and cheers) (Seth takes the mic) (Ryan raises his drink to them) Seth: yeah an we all owe them soooo much, I think, because if they were never married then they never would'a had me an think of what all you people would be missing out on (everyone laughs) now Ryan: (takes the mic) (to Seth) that's touching. so we'd like to take a say thanks (Kirsten smiles) for everything Seth: (grabs the mic back) (looks at Ryan) and Ryan: and Seth: apologise Ryan: yes (puts his arm around Seth's shoulder) Seth: for everything because here's the thing (Sandy takes his jacket off) the fact that your marriage can survive the two of us (Kirsten and Sandy both smile) (Ryan nods) is truly inspiring an it gets me here (points to his heart) Ryan: (laughs at Seth) (takes the mic) to Sandy and Kirsten (he and Seth raise there drinks) (more cheers, whistles, clapping, yeah's and here here's. Sandy claps, then he and Kirsten k |
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