Forever Dreaming |
1x25 - The Shower |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 04/25/04 06:55 ] |
Post subject: | 1x25 - The Shower |
Opening scene - Cohen kitchen, Kirsten is in there and Seth and Ryan come in. the first shot we see is of a fancy looking invite sitting on the bench Kirsten: two weeks Seth: sorry Kirsten: (emphasised) two weeks unbelievable...who would believe it, I don't believe it Seth: ah it's the tourettes flarin up again it happens every now an again but its fine Ryan: (picks up the invite) Julie an Caleb's wedding invitation, getting married in uh- Kirsten: two weeks (Ryan mouths something which I can't work out, sorry) Seth: wow there really doin it, an unfortunate image just leapt in my mind Kirsten: (worked up) I mean I just I-I don't understand what is the rush (Sandy comes in) Sandy: honey it's the gruesome twosome what'do you expect, it's the shock an awe approach to courtship Kirsten: Julie Cooper is getting married to my father an your being flip Sandy: me bein flip about Caleb, no i'm kinda softening on the guy he may not be friendly or ethical or y'know a million laughs Kirsten: but he is? Sandy: generous, boy either that or he is in love an delusional because he threw out a ball park figure for what he's offering Jimmy an me for the aint chump change Kirsten: hm so he's bought your acceptance Sandy: but at a very high price (to Ryan) hey how's Marissa dealin with her new step dad Kirsten: yeah is she-is she alright with all that Ryan: well she'll be in the wedding she agreed ta that so Sandy: an you two are ya ya-ya what are ya back to- Ryan: yeah-yeah we're good actually uh really good Sandy: wow, really good for you is like singin from the tree tops Seth: now that you an Marissa are really good does that mean you an Theresa are really over Ryan: yeah, yeah me an Theresa yeah Seth: well now that we've got your life straightened out I think it might be time ta take a step back Ryan: yeah Seth: an untangle this incestuous web that I like ta call the Julie Caleb union (Ryan smiles) now lets think about this when this bizarro knot gets tied Ryan: ah-huh Seth: (points) Julie Coopers gonna be your mother in-law Sandy: (frowns) oh Seth: yeah, enjoy (to Kirsten) she's gonna be your step-mom Kirsten: Seth, my head is spinning Seth: yeah, yeah (Ryan smiles) me and Marissa, we could be related (shakes his head) I don't know I can't even do that math but the real kicker is Julie Cooper, my grandma my grandma wears Uggs (Ryan is amused by it all) think about it (phone rings) Ryan: I am thinkin about it Sandy: (answers the phone) hello (Theresa is on a pay phone) Theresa: hi I-its Theresa, Ryan's friend Sandy: (now in the living room) oh hey there how are ya, let me get him for ya Theresa: uh actually i'm calling for you I-I was wondering if maybe we could meet Sandy: are you alright Theresa: ah-huh um I just have a legal question, can we meet Sandy: sure you name the spot Theresa: I-I picked up some catering shifts at the Balboa bakery, I-I have a break at one if you wanna stop Mr. Cohen one more thing Sandy: yeah Theresa: please don't say anything ta Ryan about any of this Sandy: (thinks) you got it, ill see ya then (Theresa hangs up the phone, she turns around and we see that she has a black left eye) Theme Song - California by Phantom Planet Kirsten's office - Kirsten is on the phone and Julie comes in all cheery and energetic Julie: (cheery) hellooo Kirsten: (softly) I need one minute Julie: ah you an me both you have nooo idea how hard it is to plan a spectacular wedding in only two weeks Kirsten: Mr. err Lasser could you repeat that Julie: I have a caterer who's flat out refusing to serve beef, something about a mad cow threatening to wipe out Newport Beach Kirsten: Julie, phone Julie: ironically the minister I wanted is away on his honeymoon, an my wedding planners a passive aggressive nit wit who has the audacity to question my taste in music, Bob Segar is not (makes a 'so called' motion) "so over" Kirsten: (looks at her) I-I i'm gonna have'ta call you back (hangs up) how can I help Julie: ok normally I would never bother you but there is one small thing you can help me with, a shower an by help...I mean host Kirsten: Julie I cant host a shower Julie: I know its last minute but I thought as my maid of honour that you would...want to Kirsten: (shocked) wait...your (sits) maid of honour Julie: well Kiki you're my closest friend, who else would it be Kirsten: well I was thinking Marissa Julie: i'm not exactly Marissa's favourite person right now but Caleb is convinced that he can get her ta help an he's already made all the arrangements ta have it at the club Kirsten: in that case (nods) Julie: your a god send thankyou, oh an one more thing, lets not have one of those tacky girly showers with the lingerie an the games about making whoopy Kirsten: Julie don't say whoopy Julie: I was thinking a couples shower, elegant a cocktail party with gifts, what'do you think, an if you have any other questions just ask Marissa (smiles) thanks (leaves) (Kirsten sits back in her chair and sighs) CUT TO: Harbor school - Ryan and Marissa are in the student lounge together. Marissa is on her phone Marissa: a couple's shower (hangs up) Ryan: what is a couple's shower? Marissa: something I am not throwing for my mom, that was a message from Caleb saying that per our arrangement he wants me ta help Kirsten throw a shower for my mom Ryan: what about moving in with them, have you told your dad yet? Marissa: no...but I will, today Ryan: look if you don't wanna throw this shower then don't, stand your ground Marissa: standing my ground is not really my strong suit Ryan: that's true Marissa: ooh pac-man, rematch? hey I almost maybe might beat you this time (laughs) (we pan to Seth sitting on the couch with Summer, he was watching them and his mouth is open, Summer is smiling) Seth: what is it with those two? the pac man and the getting along an the happy times Summer: they're playing video games it's not a Mandy Moore movie (phone rings) Seth: no, she's suppose'ta be crying, an he's suppose'ta be brooding that's how it works Summer: (answers) hello... (happy) hi! yeah we're still on for tonight (gasps) fajitas yeah ok, i'm gonna make the margs...kidding god oh my god I know, oh my god, no you're so funny, no you are, no you (laughs) ok ill see you later, bye dad (hangs up) Seth: (shocked) dad? Summer: yeah Seth: is that how you talk to your dad Summer: how is how I talk to my dad? Seth: like...he's your...friend Summer: (shrugs it off) he is, he's my best friend Seth: why have I never met him, I was beginning to wonder if you even had parents, I thought maybe you were like made in a lab, or hatched in a pod or something Summer: so we haven't done the whole family meet n greet Seth: yeah I know we haven't which is kind of odd ta me considering that you've met my dad, you've met my mom, you met Captain Oats, the list goes on an on Summer: i've jus never introduced a boyfriend to my dad before, its kind of a big deal (raises her eyebrows for emphasis) Seth: mm well your forgettin one key factor here Summer Summer: what Seth: parents love me ok i've got this non threatening non sexual vibe an they just eat that right up, we'll go uh miniature golfing or uh hot tubbing or something fun Summer: well my step moms at Canyon Ranch Seth: ooo dryin out Summer: ah no she's on some stress management program, she has anxiety issues Seth: (nods) so Summer: we can go'ta lunch with my dad Seth: nice, sure you wanna skip the hot tub (Summer looks at him) ok lunch is good, we'll do lunch but your dad's not gonna need a menu cause he's gonna be eating out'a the palm'a my hand (he fake laughs and puts his arm behind her, Summer puts her hand over his mouth and he tries to pull it away. Seth ends up kind of leaning over her) Seth: the palm'a my hand Summer (Summer laughs and they muck around more) CUT TO: The bakery - Theresa is sitting at a table by herself and Sandy goes over to her Sandy: (cheery) hey (sees her eye) oh my god (sits) who did that to ya Theresa: i'm sorry ta call you outta the blue like this Sandy: was it Eddie Theresa: he's ben under alotta stress...he lost his job an his apartment uh...the other night he had a couple drinks an he just...went off Sandy: so you're leavin him I hope Theresa: (sighs) its complicated,. I know it should be simple your boyfriend hits you, you leave him right Sandy: (shakes his head) its never simple, how can I help you Theresa: I jus need to know you know if he does this again what would happen ta him if I press charges Sandy: well it depends you know anything from a restraining order ta jail time (Theresa nods) your not still thinkin about marrying the guy are ya, not if you gotta ask these kinds'a questions (Theresa looks at him, then looks away) CUT TO: Seth's bedroom - Seth is lying on his bed studying and there is a knock at the door. Summer walks in Seth: hey Summer: so you me my dad lunch tomorrow at the club (sits on the bed) Seth: awesome, by the end of this lunch I predict your father an I smokin Cuban cigars, you know what i'm sayin trading Viagra yuks maybe ill put on a little Dean Martin, I don't know Summer: oh well you know he's not seventy five right Seth: I do know that but male bonding its (stands) very old school activity you know what i'm saying, we may not even make it the whole way through lunch we may jus skip straight over to the Russian baths Summer: ok well...tomorrow jus sit under a light Seth: what? Summer: my dad wants you to sit under a bright light so he can see you better an order steak because he thinks greens are effeminate Seth: celery's gay got it (points) what else you got for me actually I wanna prep I wanna make sure I lock inta some witty anecdotes, I wanna bring my A material Summer: (nods) ok he's a plastic surgeon Seth: yeah no I know what he does for a living an that's fun an we can have fun with that but lets also talk about things like hobby's an what you guys talk about, what'do you talk about Summer: (thinks) hmm mostly we talk about me Seth: you Summer: yeah you know it's like our common interest (Seth looks at her) well you wanted'ta meet him Seth: I do, I do I just was kinda hopin for some (Summer stands) you know what I mean Summer: dad really loves me, an I really like you so he's gonna really like you (nods) right Seth: (nods) yeah, yeah Summer: (unsure) yeah (Seth keeps nodding) CUT TO: Jimmy's house - Jimmy and Hailey are making out on the couch. it's very heavy. Hailey is lying on the couch with her leg down on the floor, Jimmy is kind of leaning over her with his leg near hers. he kisses her neck and pulls her strap down off her shoulder. she's in her undershirt Jimmy: oooh we should go to the bedroom Hailey: (smiles) yeah (sits up & looks at Jimmy's watch) oh but Marissa, she's gonna be home soon (puts her strap back on her shoulder) Jimmy: (disappointed) right, right, right we should uh Hailey: yeah (grabs her top) Jimmy: ugh i'm sorry, i'm sorry about all the sneaking around I mean its-its so incredibly high school (laughs) (Hailey laughs and is in the middle of putting her top back on. Marissa comes in the front door. they see her and move away from each other and try and act normal) Marissa: dad, Hailey (they both stand) Jimmy: oh hey kiddo Hailey: uh-hm Jimmy: hi uh Hailey was just over ta-ta help me fix my um Hailey: faucet Jimmy: my faucet Hailey: yeah Jimmy: which was tota- remember it was leaking and uh you know she's um an expert on uh plumbing (Jimmy looks at Hailey, Hailey at him and Marissa looks as though she's trying desperately not to laugh) Hailey: I should go Jimmy: ok Hailey: now that the faucet is you know fixed Jimmy: uh-hm ok yeah listen thankyou so much you know if anything else breaks then uh ill give you a call but uh thankyou Hailey: bye Jimmy: see ya Marissa: wow, you guys really need'ta work on your improv skills Jimmy: look I wanted'ta talk to you about it I did I-I I did but I (sighs) with your mom and Caleb I figured the last thing you needed ta deal with was Marissa: dad Jimmy: this Marissa: dad, i'm fine with it, you know what better then that, i'm happy for you Jimmy: (looks at her) whats'a matter? Marissa: uh it's just with mom and Caleb getting married an an there moving into this new house so Jimmy: look I know alot is changing kiddo but its not-it's not all bad, you know Caleb's buying out the restaurant Marissa: I know Jimmy: yeah and you know we're gonna be ok I mean like seriously ok we're talking millions of dollars, we're gonna get outta this place, we're gonna move into a real home an start over... isn't that great? Marissa: yeah, yeah it's great (the phone rings, Marissa motions that she'll get it and walks off. Jimmy watches her, worried) CUT TO: Cohen living room - Ryan, Marissa, Summer and Seth are all sitting on the couch together Marissa: Seth's meeting your dad? Seth: yeah, so? (Summer nods) Marissa: oh well, that's gonna go well (laughs) Seth: (girly voice) oh well actually Marissa it will go well (normal) do you know why, it turns out i'm great with the parents ok, i'm actually better with the parents then I am with the daughters Ryan: oh I believe that Seth: an uh I think we know i'm pretty good with the daughters (puts his arm around Summer) you know what I mean (Summer smiles) this little one right here (Ryan and Marissa both laugh) Summer: her daddy's gonna feel it Marissa: (laughs) yeah (pan to Sandy and Kirsten talking in the kitchen) Kirsten: I can't believe Eddie would hit her Sandy: oh I know an Theresa has made it clear she does not wanna press charges you know so unless she changes her mind there's only so much I can do Kirsten: well at least you gave her someone ta talk to, somewhere ta go, it's a start Sandy: yeah until she decides ta go back ta Chino an marry the guy anyway Kirsten: well what about Ryan he must be beside himself, though you wouldn't know it from looking at him Sandy: he doesn't know Kirsten: what? Sandy: Theresa had me promise that I wouldn't tell him, she knows...he'd fly off the handle Kirsten: (nods) an then he'd go back ta Chino an beat the living daylights out of Eddie Sandy: (nods) at which point he breaks his probation an he ends up back in juvi (Ryan comes in) Kirsten: Ryan, need something more soda? Ryan: (at the fridge) I got it, what's goin on (Kirsten looks at Sandy) Sandy: nothin (Kirsten looks at Ryan, Ryan looks at them both) Kirsten: nothing Ryan: nothing ok (Ryan walks back out and Sandy and Kirsten look at each other then they both drink their drinks) CUT TO: Seth's bedroom - Ryan is sitting on Seth's bed and Seth is going through his clothes Seth: come on man jus pick one, Marissa's gonna be here soon (stands) Seth: Ryan don't rush me i've got alot riding on this Ryan: i thought you said you were good with parents, great with parents Seth: yeah cause i've got sooo much experience being introduced to my girlfriends parents, damnit i'm being sarcastic Ryan: so sarcasms like, breathing for you Seth: yeah Summer's dad thinks sarcasms a sign of weakness Ryan: sounds like a smart man Seth: I have to fool him do you understand I have to spin an elaborate web of lies smoke an mirrors for an entire meal, only then can I earn his trust Ryan: I hope your not gonna be like this during lunch Seth: (holds up a shirt) what about this one, too edgy? too fashion forward Ryan: it's a white collared shirt Seth: that's a good point, white shirts make my teeth look yellow (doorbell) Ryan: uh that's Marissa, I better go find her before she runs into her mom (leaves) (Ryan comes down the stairs, he walk passed the kitchen and sees Julie and Kirsten in there, he goes to the front door and opens it) Marissa: (smiles) hey Ryan: hey (Marissa walks in) uh your moms in there with Kirsten Marissa: maybe ill come back later Ryan: no you-you told Kirsten you'd stop by right Marissa: I jus don't wanna deal with my mom right now, I mean all I wanna do is get back at her an here I am throwing her a party Ryan: it'll be fine just uh jus take the high road, you can't lose (we are now in the kitchen with Julie and Kirsten) Julie: oh this looks great fruited Israeli couscous Kirsten: mm mm-hmm (Ryan and Marissa walk in) Julie: oh honey hi (Julie hugs her) Marissa: hey Julie: thanks for coming, so you stopped by to help us huh Marissa: actually Kirsten called me so I stopped by to help Kirsten Julie: (nods) well then ill let you get to it, Kirsten, Ryan (leaves) Ryan: Julie Kirsten: are you ok Marissa: fine, so um what can I do ta help Kirsten: uh you can double check the guest list with the invitations, I have everyone from the Newport group, all the ladies from spin class (hands list to Marissa) but there's no one from Julie's family Marissa: (smiles) uh yeah well my mom an her parents sort of, don't speak Kirsten: well what about her sisters Marissa: (shrugs) well there's always Aunt Cindy (phone rings) Kirsten: mm (reads call ID) ah the caterers great (to Marissa) Aunt Cindy you'll get in touch with her? Marissa: (nods) yeah Kirsten: (in the background) oh hi George how're you doin Ryan: see, you took the high road Marissa: (smirks) you've never met Aunt Cindy CUT TO: Jimmy's house - Jimmy, Sandy and Caleb are there. the first shot we see is a cheque from the Newport group for 2.5 mil, Jimmy is staring at it Caleb: well Jimmy: its-its uh Sandy: it's more then twice what we put into it Caleb: well you caught me at a good time, a man in love has no right doing business, besides we're family Jimmy: right, although are we, I don't know I can't keep track Caleb: now if you'll excuse me my fiancé wants help picking out the linens for the reception, I had no idea there were so many shades of beige Jimmy: (laughs) alright we'll see ya Sandy: (points) he is up ta somethin Jimmy: either that or he's on some serious pain killers but you know what I don't care two an a half million dollars that's like I-I can finally breathe again Sandy: oh i'm happy for ya Jimmy: but? Sandy: well I wish it could've ben the place that did it not Caleb Nichol you know I thought we'd be rescued (stands) by meatloaf an dirty martinis, that's how it was spose'ta be Jimmy: hey think about it all that meatloaf you've ben making, it's off your hands, now you got time for work Sandy: it's exactly what I was tryin'a get away from Jimmy: no I mean real work the stuff that you love like rescuing kids an down an out guys who are millions of dollars in debt (puts his hand on Sandy's shoulder) come on right now there's a stray out there just waitin for you to swoop down an save the day CUT TO: Cohen house - Kirsten is there with Aunt Cindy who is pretty much the exact opposite of Julie, they make their way into the living room Cindy: but remember we are off our asses wasted an totally lost in the woods an I (Kirsten looks at her) gotta go like nobody's business so I end up dropping trou. right there, sure enough poison oak everywhere! Julie tells the whole school, what a bitch right (sits) Kirsten: what a...charming story Cindy: yeah good times, (puts a cigarette in her mouth) you mind if I smoke? (lights it) Kirsten: uh actually I-I... Cindy: sorry, I tried'ta quit once but I ended up putting on thirty pounds, an who wants ta have sex with that right (Kirsten half laughs, Ryan and Marissa come through the front door) Marissa: (gasps) Aunt Cindy (squeals)(Cindy stands up) look at you! hey (hugs her) Cindy: hey Marissa: (points) so this is my boyfriend Ryan Cindy: hi Ryan: hey Kirsten: Cindy's ben telling me some priceless stories about your mom Marissa: oh (sits) Cindy: yeah I was telling her about Julie's def leopard phase (Marissa sits forward, intrigued) she was always driving me ta Anaheim to help her scalp tickets Ryan: I can't believe your mom was inta heavy metal Kirsten: I can't believe she ever went ta Anaheim Cindy: so, where is the belle of the ball anyway, doing yoga? getting botox? Kirsten: uh you an you talk often? Cindy: sure...if you call once every seven years often (Kirsten looks at Marissa, Marissa brings the guest list up to her face pretending to read it) Cindy: look ill hand it to you straight, I was shocked she wanted me here Kirsten: (to Cindy, but she's looking at Marissa) you were (Marissa looks as though she's busted) Cindy: yeah I mean last time I saw her, an memories a little foggy on account'a the jello shots, i'm pretty sure she told me ta get lost...for good (Kirsten nods, stands then pulls the paper down so she can see Marissa's face) Kirsten: Marissa can I talk to you in- (Julie comes through the front door) Julie: oh hi i'm so sorry (Cindy stands) I don't mean ta interrupt but you- (sees Cindy, smile goes) what the hell are you doing here Cindy: well its nice ta see you too, i'm here because I was invited, by Marissa (Julie looks at Marissa, Marissa makes a face like uh-oh) Julie: Marissa is this true Marissa: (laughs) well you guys probably have tons to catch up on (stands) so i'm gonna give you some alone time Ryan: (stunned) yeah we should probably get that cake too Marissa: right, have fun (they both leave) (Kirsten is standing with her arms folded, Julie is standing there glaring at Cindy, and Cindy has her hands on her hips) CUT TO: Lunch with Summer's dad - Seth, Summer and her dad are all sitting at a table Seth: and I decided that I wanted ta celebrate both holidays so what I did is basically I combined them, an I made Chrismukkah (Summer's dad nods, Summer is chewing her finger nail nervously) Summer: mmm, like Christmas an Chanukah Chrismukkah Seth: Chrismukkah S'dad: Chrismukkah, well that must be alotta fun for you Seth: yeah, yeah well you know we have fun with it its a good time, but I don't want you to think I'm all about holiday cheer, I'm hoarding all of them or anything um I have uh interests I have hobbies S'dad: do you Seth: sure I do sir, comic books for one S'dad: (skeptical) comic books Seth: sir, I think I hear the skepticism in your tone an I understand an believe me but I jus wanna tell you that I do believe that the comic book is a legitimate art form Frank Miller's Sin City, uh Powers by Brian Bendis who's arguably one of the best writers in comics today I mean (Summer's smile goes) combines sort of the-the story telling panache of like a-like a Stan Lee like that old school vibe but mixed with a lyrical you know sophistication of, I wanna say Allan Moore, that's probably too inside for ya, but you know your probably a fan of the classics uh Superman, Batman fan man...he freezes things S'dad: (to Summer) so Summer Seth: god isn't Summer the best, a little force'a nature (Summer looks at him) jus sittin there, little live wire S'dad: yes she is Seth: I think she's so full of vim an vigor I do, what would you say in your professional surgical opinion she has more of, would you say its vim or would you say its vigor (S'dad just looks at him) Summer: Cohen, what're you talkin about? Seth: Summer, Summer i'm jus saying that I think you've ben extraordinarily blessed with vim (swallows) an vigor too sir S'dad: what'do you say we order Seth: ok, I like food Summer: (relieved) yes (worried) (S'dad takes a sip of his drink and Seth copies him even though his drink has a straw lol he tips it up like her dad does with his wine glass) CUT TO: Cohen house - Hailey and Jimmy have just gotten out of a car, and they are discussing how to tell Kirsten about their relationship Hailey: so we jus say that we're very happy together Jimmy: an we hope that they can be happy for us Hailey: yeah Jimmy: you know Hailey: easy (sighs) (stops in front of the door but doesn't open it) Jimmy: Hailey...the door Hailey: (unsure) but what if it isn't the right time because my dads getting married to Julie Jimmy: right Hailey: an then Kirsten's planning this shower so Jimmy: y-you know what we-we should wait until the-the timings right Hailey: yeah Jimmy: you know what i'm saying cause the timings wrong Hailey: yeah Jimmy: right Hailey: (smiles) yes Jimmy: (smiles) ok good Hailey: ok great (he kisses her) Jimmy: oh excellent Hailey: mm-hmm Jimmy: this is a good idea too (Julie opens the front door, followed by Kirsten) Kirsten: oh i'm so sorry Julie: I feel so- (they stop kissing and look at them) Jimmy: oh Hailey: uh-hm (Kirsten looks away shocked, Julie does the same) CUT TO: Balboa bakery - Marissa and Ryan are just coming in the doors Marissa: (amused) did you see the look on my moms face Ryan: so much for the high road Marissa: yeah, this is way more fun (to worker) hi we're here ta pick up a cake, for Cooper Lady: mm-hmm let me check on that for you Marissa: thanks (eats some sample cake) mm oh my god this is amazing you've gotta try this (holds it out to him) Ryan: yeah Marissa: mm-hm mm-hmm (puts it in his mouth) (they laugh and muck around with each other, Ryan is trying to shove a tiny piece in her mouth and she's holding him back. Theresa walks up behind them, they both see her {the black eye} and stop) Marissa: uh-hm Ryan: Theresa wha-what happened (Theresa doesn't say anything) Eddie Theresa: I didn't wanna get you involved, you weren't even spose'ta know I was here, I guess Sandy went ahead an told you anyway Ryan: (hurt) Sandy-Sandy knows about this (Theresa walks away, Ryan looks stunned) CUT TO: Cohen bedroom - Kirsten is in there in her dressing gown an Sandy comes in Kirsten: hey, where have you ben Sandy: ah I couldn't sleep, I thought maybe watchin the sun come up or gettin my ass kicked by some four footers 'd help, it didn't (holds out coffee) here's that vanilla half cafe caramel macchiato on the dry side you love so much Kirsten: (smiles) oooh its soo good, it's only fifteen hundred calories per sip (sips it) Sandy: hey what time is that shower today Kirsten: mm why Sandy: cause I might be a little late dependin on how bad the traffic is Kirsten: we live ten minutes from the club Sandy: but ill be comin from Chino Kirsten: (frowns) what'do you mean Sandy: I wanna pay Eddie a visit, knock some sense into him Kirsten: ah-huh Sandy: metaphorically of course, at the very least give him a good scare Kirsten: ah-huh Sandy: i'm takin back the coffee Kirsten: there are plenty of people here that need'ta hear from you, Ryan is really upset Sandy: ooh what can I do? he won't talk ta me Kirsten: explain it ta him, instead of tryin'a match him glare for glare, an what about Theresa...the victim alone in the motel room, she'd love ta hear from you, why don't you call her an invite her over Sandy: you can keep the coffee Kirsten: thankyou (Sandy picks up the phone) CUT TO: The pool house - Sandy knocks then opens the doors, Ryan is getting dressed Sandy: oh I know you're pissed off, I would've explained things to ya last night but I couldn't, not until Theresa gave me the ok Ryan: you guys decided ta include me, hey thanks Sandy: i'm a lawyer she asked for privacy she's entitled to it Ryan: (sighs) (upset) she's gettin beat up an-an you keep it from me Sandy: what if I had told ya then what, what're you gonna do about it Ryan: I-I don't know, help her Sandy: how, go ta Chino see Eddie, land in the hospital or jail or worse Theresa was protecting you Ryan: you should'a told me Sandy: well I didn't! cause I knew you'd get riled up an do somethin stupid an now that you do know...I sure hope you don't prove me right Ryan: what about Theresa Sandy: she's on her way here you know if she's around people who care about her she's less likely ta go running back ta him Ryan: I gotta get ready for the shower Sandy: do we understand each other (Ryan nods and goes into the bathroom) CUT TO: Summer's bedroom - Summer is getting ready for the shower and Seth comes in. Summer is very 'can't be bothered' through the whole scene, not her usual happy/ditzy self Seth: hey, is your father around I didn't even see him Summer: (sighs) then I guess not Seth: oh that's cool nah I jus figured he'd maybe wanna say hey or something uh do you know where he is Summer: no, didn't say Seth: oh mm I know what I wanted'ta ask you, did he say anything about the lunch Summer: not really mm-mm Seth: nah I didn't think he would I mean it got a little awkward there...on the comic book part but I think it turned a good like the bread basket Summer: bread basket Seth: yeah yeah he asked me you know ta pass the bread I said your probably gonna wanna go bread stick as oppose to dinner roll, he went bread stick that shows he trusts me Summer: didn't clock that Seth: oh well, so uh so I didn't even get a review at all huh, not that I read my own press but I mean nothin involving thumbs or uh stars or Summer: we should go (Seth nods) CUT TO: Cohen house - Theresa is standing at one of the doors that lead to the back yard, she walks out and up the steps, she stops near the pool and Ryan walks over to her from the pool house Ryan: should'a told me Theresa: right, cause you would'a taken the news so well (looks at him) you would've tried ta kill him Ryan: he deserves it Theresa: yeah well this is my problem, not yours, i'm the one who has'ta figure this whole thing out Ryan: what is there ta figure out (Theresa doesn't say anything) your not gonna stay with him, right Theresa: (shakes her head, shrugs and raises her eyebrows) ill take some self defense classes, an uh Eddie an I will live happily ever after Ryan: how can you joke? Theresa: because i'm tired of crying, ok CUT TO: Cohen kitchen - Sandy and Kirsten are in there Kirsten: I haven't seen you like this in a while Sandy: what flustered, upset, headin to a Newport party against my will (smiles) Kirsten: passionate, driven, this is the man I married Sandy: oh yeah Kirsten: mm-hmm Sandy: so are you ready ta face the happy couple Kirsten: the gruesome twosome Sandy: yeah (laughs) (Kirsten laughs) (Ryan and Theresa come in from outside) Sandy: hey Ryan: hi (Theresa waves) Kirsten: so Theresa I hope you've decided ta join us for the shower Theresa: oh thanks but i'm-i'm not really looking my best Kirsten: I have some concealer up stairs, works like a magic wand Sandy: she's right you should see her without the stuff on, terrifying (Ryan and Theresa laugh) (Marissa comes in) Marissa: hey are you guys ready ta go to the shower (sees Theresa) hey Theresa Ryan: Theresa's in town for a while (Marissa nods) Theresa: (sighs) jus till I get things straightened out Marissa: of course, well then you should come to the shower Marissa: thanks CUT TO: The shower - there are people and decorations everywhere. Julie and Kirsten are standing together W: Julie congratulations Julie: thankyou W: an Kirsten, what a lovely party Kirsten: thankyou (waiter comes over with wine) Julie: is it too early ta start drinking Kirsten: I hope not or i'm in trouble (takes a glass) thankyou (pan to Summer, Marissa and Seth standing together, a woman is talking to Marissa) W: after all your moms ben through, she deserves a man like Caleb Nichol, you two will never have'ta worry about money, ever again Marissa: (walks away) will you excuse me (Marissa walks passed Ryan and Theresa) Theresa: which ways the ladies room (Ryan points, we see Cindy laughing and joking around with Caleb) Julie: look at her, flirting with her sisters boyfriend like she's in seventh grade again Kirsten: for once, I actually know what ya mean (we see Jimmy and Hailey together laughing and smiling) Julie: I wonder which of my past humiliations she's telling him about now...oh my god did she just say m-monster truck Kirsten: (looks at her) Julie you were into monster trucks Julie: (worried) I better get over there or there might not even be a wedding (walks away) (Kirsten looks back over at Jimmy and Hailey, Jimmy raises his glass to her, Kirsten closes her eyes and walks away) CUT TO: Caleb and Cindy laughing together, Julie walks up Caleb: hey Juju, your ears must be burning Cindy: I was jus telling Cal here about you an me an Knott's Berry farm Julie: (uncomfortable laugh) Cindy thankyou for entertaining Cal here, but you should go try the pastries, maybe they'll soak up some'a that whiskey Cindy: does anybody want anything, Tequila shooter Julie: Cindy go! (takes Caleb's arm) (sighs) i'm sorry, about Cindy Caleb: she's got oomph, spark just like her sister (kisses her head) CUT TO: Summer and Seth who are still standing with the woman W: oh an Julie looks fabulous (Summer & Seth nod) must be all'a those yogalaties classes (walks away) Summer: (follows) oh you know i've always wanted'ta try yogalaties Seth: (follows) me too maybe we should uh maybe we'll take a class together you an I CUT TO: Marissa sitting alone at the back of the caterer's tent, Theresa walks over to Theresa: needed a break? Marissa: hey (Theresa sits) yeah I was just...feeling a little lost out there Theresa: you probably really need Ryan right now an me being here i'm jus getting in the way Marissa: (shrugs) hey it's not your fault Theresa: look part of the reason I didn't wanna tell Ryan about Eddie is because...he seems really happy right now, an that's because'a you (Marissa looks at her) CUT TO: Caleb and Julie opening presents Julie: oh look Cal, a juicer, we need one'a these CUT TO: Kirsten getting a drink, Cindy is there with her Cindy: how bout a game (Kirsten looks at her, Cindy raises her eyebrows then walks away) Cindy: (yells) ok folks, has anyone here ever played how well do you know them Julie: uh Cindy, everyone here already knows us that won't be much fun Cindy: alright i'm gonna be Chuck Woolery alright i'm gonna ask a question and whoever shouts out the most right answers wins (Julie looks worried) first question, what is Julie's favourite meal W: oh I know this Chilean sea bass with roasted baby carrots Cindy: (laughs) no, no the answer is a double double cheese burger, heavy on the special sauce (Julie closes her eyes) large fries an an orange soda (Caleb smiles) Cindy: ok next question CUT TO: Marissa and Theresa still in the catering tent, Ryan comes in Ryan: hey, i've ben lookin for ya...for b-both of you (they all look uncomfortable) Marissa: everything's ok? Ryan: yeah it's just, at a shower, not really what I do (Marissa & Theresa both smile) (phone rings. Theresa looks at call ID then puts it back down) Ryan: that him Theresa: yeah he's just calling to a-pologise again i'm not gonna get it Ryan: (angry) what you've ben talkin to him (takes the phone from her, answers) leave her alone (Marissa and Theresa both stand up and go over to him) Theresa: (takes the phone back) what're you doing Ryan: what're you doing still talking to him? Theresa: Ryan please, stay out of this Ryan: stay out of it, you came here, you knew I was gonna find out, what'did you think I was gonna do Marissa: Ryan Ryan: Theresa he hit you, you can't go back to him Theresa: Ryan it's not that simple ok you know him he's not a bad person he made a mistake Ryan: you don't really believe that Theresa: yes I do! I know that Ryan: (angry) what cause you're an expert on the subject, what're you gonna tell me, this isn't the first time (Theresa looks down, Ryan looks at her, Marissa looks at her, then away) Ryan: (calmer) has he done it before (Theresa looks at him) tell me Theresa has he hit you before (Theresa nods) Marissa: Ryan just (Ryan walks away) (they both watch him leave, worried) CUT TO: Cindy still playing the game Cindy: growing up, who was Julie's first love? W: oooh Rick Springfield (everyone laughs) Cindy: close, the entire defensive line of our eighth grade football team (Julie gets up and walks away) Julie: I refuse to sit here an be humiliated Cindy: (softly) oh crap (Ryan walks over to a purse and takes car keys out, Seth walks over) Seth: hey are you carrying a purse now, not that you shouldn't stealin Marissa's car Ryan: (walking away) if I don't do somethin Theresa's gonna marry that guy Seth: (follows) hey man you can't go back there Ryan: yeah why not Seth: because it's a horrible idea an my dad said not to Ryan: she's taking his calls th-there working it out, she's gonna go back to him, its gonna happen again Seth: dude, don't Ryan: I don't have a choice Seth: hey man (grabs his arm) you do Ryan: let go'a me, now (Ryan walks away, Marissa comes over and sees) Marissa: is Ryan leaving Seth: yeah...oh he took your car (Marissa looks at him worried) CUT TO: Ryan in the parking lot, he beeps the alarm and gets in Marissa's car. Sandy comes up to the window Sandy: (taps) put down the window (Ryan puts it down) get outta the car Ryan: he's done it before, you know that Sandy: well that's the pattern with these things Ryan: it means he'll do it again Sandy: don't try'ta fix this thing kid, I am your guardian an I get ta call the shots now get outta the car Ryan: somebody has'ta stop him Sandy: Theresa has'ta decide on her own ta leave Eddie, we can't force her Ryan: (shakes his head) I know about these things, Theresa an Eddie an Chino, you don't get it Sandy: oh yes I do, i've seen way too many kids jus like em an I know that it will not be you ta suddenly make him change Ryan: (yells) so you want me ta do nothing Sandy: yes! Ryan: (looks at him) I can't do that (Ryan starts the car and drives off, Sandy watches helplessly) CUT TO: Inside the club, Kirsten is at the bar and Jimmy walks over Jimmy: that was quite a scene out there huh (laughs) i've always loved Cindy (laughs) (Kirsten isn't responding to him) so uh do you...wanna talk about this, I know its-its it's weird even though it was years ago you an I dated, she's still your sister Kirsten: its not jealousy, I jus don't wanna see my friend make a terrible mistake Jimmy: what makes you think it's a mistake Kirsten: Jimmy this is what Hailey does, she uses people ta get back at me Jimmy: Kirsten, uh this isn't...about you, Hailey an I uh you know I don't it-it feels...real Kirsten: (nods) ok, its jus that, your starting to do well an I don't wanna see you- Jimmy: happy because that's what I am, for the first time since Julie left me I don't feel completely alone so...jus be...happy for me ok Kirsten: (nods, smiles) ok (walks away) CUT TO: Julie sitting inside on a couch, Cindy sits down next to her Julie: what'do you want Cindy, money Cindy: I don't want your money Julie: ugh the hell you don't, why else would you come down here an embarrass me, humiliate me infront'a my friends Cindy: those people aren't your friends, ok they don't even know you Julie: and you do Cindy: I use to...back when you had big hair an you wore tight jeans...god we were spose'ta-we were spose'ta leave Riverside together remember...we were gonna move ta LA (Julie looks at her) (laughs) marry rock stars...then you took off, you moved to the beach...without me Julie: I couldn't exactly take you with me Cindy: (nods) I know...I just...I miss you sometimes (shrugs) that's all (drinks her drink & stands) an i'm sorry, about what happened out there, guess I wont be invited ta the wedding huh (Caleb comes down some stairs) Caleb: of course you'll be invited to the wedding, we wouldn't have it any other way Cindy: thanks (to Julie) ill be outside (Cindy leaves and Caleb sits next to Julie) Julie: well i'm sure you found Cindy's visit very revealing Caleb: (takes her hand) Julie, there is nothing I could find out about you that would make me walk away (Julie looks at him) CUT TO: Outside again - Seth is walking around by himself, he goes over to Summer who is sitting at a table by herself Seth: hey, your avoiding me...that's cool I kinda like it, its kind of a throw back, feels very eighth i'm guessing that this has something to do with uh me bombing with your father Summer: (upset) it was a train wreck Cohen Seth: I was nervous Summer: you didn't stop talking Seth: I know I get chatty when i'm...completely terrified, look next time ill be uh ill be the strong silent type...or (holds her hand) ill jus be silent ok Summer: (pulls away) look my dad an I are best friends an we do everything together an he's never ben wrong I mean he's my dad Seth: an he hated me Summer: you jus weren't what he expected Seth: yeah what was he expecting, someone taller? blonder? Presbyterian what Summer: just dads really protective of me Seth: well look i'm sorry if your dad doesn't think i'm good enough for you ok really I am an if that's the way he feels that sucks but you know what it really doesn't matter, I don't really have'ta be his type because the only thing that matters, is me an you, right? Summer: (starts crying) I have'ta go (runs off) (Seth sits there confused) CUT TO: The mermaid Inn - Ryan knocks on Theresa's door, then goes in. he sees a suitcase on the bed then we see Theresa come out with clothes in her hands Theresa: I thought you'd be in Chino by now Ryan: I got as far as Corona Theresa: and Ryan: and I realised Eddie wasn't who I needed'ta talk to...what the hell are you doin goin back to him Theresa: its not gonna happen again, he promised me Ryan: sure, jus like he promised the last time right Theresa: what am I spose'ta do, my whole life is in Chino Ryan: so was mine Theresa: right ok so what I wait for some rich perfect family to adopt me an stick me in their beautiful pool house, great idea Ryan: no you-you can stay with the Cohen's too Theresa: no I cant (sits) Ryan: why not Theresa: cause, I move in there an then what happens Ryan: I don't know...I don't know (Theresa looks at him) but I know what happens if you go back ta do you (Theresa looks at him) CUT TO: Cohen living room - Sandy and Kirsten are on the couch together, Kirsten is lying with her feet on Sandy's lap Kirsten: I am never throwing another party again Sandy: oh honey don't tease Kirsten: nothing good happens at our parties, have you noticed that Sandy: (nods) yeah the gruesome twosome, never tighter Kirsten: Jimmy an Hailey, officially a couple Sandy: an Ryan's probably headin back to juvi right about now Kirsten: an if he is I know jus the guy ta get him out (the front door opens and they both sit up, Ryan walks in, Theresa is behind him) Ryan: hey Sandy: (stands) hey are you alright (walks towards them) how's Eddie Ryan: I decided ta take my lawyers advice, went to see Theresa instead Theresa: hi Mr. Cohen, Mrs. Cohen Kirsten: (smiles) you can stay as long as you want Theresa: thankyou Sandy: you can sleep in the pool house, an Ryan you can bunk in with Seth you know on the air mattress Kirsten: c'mon why don't we get you settled in? (Theresa and Kirsten walk out to the backyard) Ryan: ...thanks, for doin this Sandy: Kirsten an I 'd do anything for you, you know that Ryan: yeah me too Sandy: well i'm glad ta hear it (puts his arm around Ryan's shoulders) because we lost the pump so somebody's gonna have'ta blow that sucker up (Ryan smiles) CUT TO: Cohen house at night - Kirsten walks towards the front door and opens it, Marissa is there Kirsten: hey Marissa Marissa: (smiles) hey Kirsten is Ryan home Kirsten: uhh yeah he's in the pool house...he's uh helping Theresa get settled in Marissa: so she's staying Kirsten: yeah (Marissa nods) Kirsten: he loves you you know Marissa: I know Kirsten: then...make room for her to be in his life, he's not goin anywhere (fade to Ryan walking into Seth's bedroom. Seth is on his bed holding captain oats, he's down. Ryan sits on the bed with him) Ryan: (softly) sorry I bailed on the shower Seth: don't you think this apology should be directed elsewhere, like say Marissa Ryan: (softly) I guess so...I didn't want to I uh had to- Seth: again man should be directed somewhere else (Ryan nods) (sighs) if it makes you feel any better things between me an Summer pretty much suck Ryan: cause of her dad Seth: of all the love triangles to sink us, it is the least sexy...go talk to your girlfriend one of us should be able to Ryan: yeah (stands) (Seth sits there and puts his head back, sad. fade to the pool, we pan across and see Marissa sitting on the sun lounge, Ryan comes out and sits with her, she rubs his arm) Ryan: hi (sighs) today I said I was gonna be there an I wasn't Marissa: it's ok Ryan: I know you got alot ta deal with comin up...but we're gonna get through it, an me we're gonna be fine Marissa: (smiles) I... (sees Theresa in the pool house) Ryan: what? Marissa: (thinks) I think we are gonna be fine (Ryan nods and smiles Marissa smiles, he puts his arm around her and she leans back into him. Ryan rubs her arm and Marissa rubs his leg. the camera zooms in and they both don't look completely sure - fade out) |
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