Forever Dreaming

5x07 - Hope Against Hope
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 07/07/05 22:18 ]
Post subject:  5x07 - Hope Against Hope

[Begins with Brian surveying Babylon. Shots of dancers. He walks down the stairs and wanders through the crowd.]

Guy#1: He's amazing!

Guy#2: Unbelievable.

Guy#1: When did he moved to town?

Guy#2: Few weeks ago.

[Brian smiles.]

Guy#1: I guess his name is Brandon.

[Brian is not happy suddenly and turns to see Brandon standing at the bar. Brandon looks bored.]

Guy#1: I've heard he has the most beautiful cock.

[Ben is sitting alone in Hunter's old room, looking sad. Michael walks to the door.]

Michael: I've rolled over but you weren't there. What do you doin'?

Ben: Sitin' here, thinking.

Michael: Why you didn't come to bed?

Ben: I can't sleep.

Michael: Ben...

Ben: I keep wondering...

Michael: ...where he his?

Ben: ... and hoping that he is alright.

Michael: Yeah, me too.

Ben: I keep searching for something, something that... we could have said, we should have said change his mind.

Michael: And know you found it? What we should have said? That's because there isn't anything. His was determined to leave. So he left, there wasn't anything we could have done to stopped him. Why you're beating yourself up over it?

Ben: Because he was my blood. You still have your healthy daughter, Michael. She'd be loved, send to a good school, raising in a world where she has every chance, every opportunity - not like Hunter, who had nothing, less than nothing. I want give him all the things he never had.

Michael: So did I.

Ben: But I've failed.

Michael: You didn't failed.

Ben: Yes, I did. I did failed.

Michael: We gave him a home. Everything we could of ourselves to make him part of our family.

Ben: So why isn't he still here?

[Ted fucking Troy. They collapse in bed afterwards, Troy looking at Ted with love in his eyes. Cut to the gym.]

Emmett: So you'd fuck him over?

Ted: Did I ever - fucked him over the couch, over the counter, over the coffee table...

Brian: What do you think you are, Theodore? Me?

Ted: I must admit - it was pretty impressive.

Emmett: But after you plowed him so deep that when you really give it him him, right? Right!? [no answer] Teddy?

Ted: Not yet.

Emmett: What do you mean, not yet?

Ted: Why rush it? It's all so... delicious.

Emmett: Have you forgetten what he did to you, how he humiliated you?

Brian: And pitty fuck.

Ted: Thanks for the memories. That's why I'm waiting exactly for the right moment when the revelation who I am has maximum impact.

Brian: I would interject. They say revenge is the best plan but in this particular instance is the dish bastard hot, hard, and as many times as possible.

Emmett: And you served it as many times as MacDonalds. Remember your plan? Your strategie. I say screw Troy the sticky place.

Brian: Better yet, just screw.

[Lindsay's mother is checking out her new place. She has brought groceries by.]

Nancy: I know I had no idea you living under such conditions.

Lindsay: What conditions? It's a perfect decently apartment.

Nancy: But perfectly decent is not good enough for my daughter.

Lindsay: But in the moments it's all your daughter can afford. You didn't have to do all this.

Nancy: Here, just as you like. Glace cookies. I just don't see why she has the house.

Lindsay: Well, it was my decision to leave.

Nancy: But still it doesn't seem fair.

Lindsay: At the moment fair is not a word in my vocabolary.

Nancy: Darling. I know we had our differences. And you've no idea how much it's hurt me. But consider your currently situation - could we don't just pull that behind us?

Lindsay: I'd like nothing better.

Nancy: Good, then come live with us.

Lindsay: What!?

Nancy: Your dad and I talked it over and we think it's a plented idea if you and Gus would move in. At least you got your life together.

Lindsay: I don't think that is a very good idea, mom.

Nancy: But we have plenty of room. And I promise not to get in your way.

Lindsay: It's not just that. I can barely keep it myself.

Nancy: I would love to get the chance to know him, so would your father.

Lindsay: As much as I appreciate the opportunity...

Nancy: Before you say no, you think of all the money you've save. But most of all - more the chance to be a family again.

[Emmett, Justin, Michael, Mel and J.R. at the diner, all sitting in a booth together. Michael's playing with the baby.]

Debbie: Tuna for Michael, cheese bacon for sunshine and for the Queer Guy a bootless burger.

Emmett: Just like me.

Debbie: What?

Emmett: My producer inform me that in the future when I'm on-screen I have no ass, no dick, no sexuality. I am, as Brian point out a ball-less unit. Who's porpuse in life is to entertain the straight folks. In fact, I shouldn't even call a homosexual. From now on call me a homo-inaffectual.

[Mel is reading from the newspaper.]

Mel: Oh, no!

Emmett: Oh yes, apparently Pittsburgh isn't ready to look at the fact that queers are anatomical correct but they actual use all the parts.

Mel: That's not just Pittsburgh. "Yesterday afternoon Family America serveral citience are announce they have enough signature for Proposition 14 placed at the upcoming stage of ellection. If past the controversial measure could dissolve alot of rights between same sex couples."

Debbie: That's goddamn fucks! They're did it again. It's not enough they say no to marriage, they could go after everything!?

Michael: C'mon, ma. Don't overreact.

Mel: "Proposition 14 is the is the most homophobic pieces in the country's history would effectifly negate Powers of Attorney, custody arrangements, join bank accounts, domestic partnerships, domestic partnership benefits."

Michael: Holy shit! That is everything!

Debbie: Who says don't overreact?

Mel: That's what the other people says once. Next thing you know they've been shipped off the caps.

[Michael and Justin talking at the comic book.]

Justin: They can't do such things, can they?

Michael: They already have - in Virginia. And a dozen other states are trying do the same.

Justin: But if that happens they would destroy everything you and Ben have worked for. That you've built together.

Michael: Tell me about it. I could loose my health insurrence from Ben's job, they can invalidate our mortgage. We can loose the house.

Justin: And what about your plans to adopt Hunter?

Michael: If he ever comes back.

Justin: Sorry.

Michael: It's not just Ben and me. It's everyone - it's Mel and Linds and the kids. Eli and Monty. Maybe even you.

Justin: Me?

Michael: If you and Brian, maybe...

Justin: We won't.

Michael: Well, you never know. He could mellow.

Justin: He is not a hearty heart, Michael. He's not going to mellow. Whatever those Prop. take away, it is something that he would nevergave me in the first place.

[At Mel's house.]

Mel: You actually consider to live with them?

Lindsay: It's seems like a perfectly option.

Mel: Yeah, so is jumping over a roof.

Lindsay: Alright, enough. They're still my family.

Mel: A family that never accepted you or me or our children. A family that basicly disowned you, doesn't speak with you, had nothing to do with you and suddenly they show up the blue and rescue you? That's not goin'.

Lindsay: But it's possible for people to change.

Mel: People - yes. Your parent - no.

Lindsay: She says she want to know her grandson to make a maths.

Mel: Uh-huh.

Lindsay: And getting live together an apartment will take the pressure of me and our financily.

Mel: Well, when it's the worth of price.

Lindsay: If there only admit they were wrong, change their minds, learn from their mistakes - then I would, at least consider, of it.

[Mel sighs dejectly and goes upstairs.]

[More Ted fucking Troy. Everywhere, all over the place, in every position. They collapse on the floor in exhaustion. Troy is kinda cuddling Ted. Ted stares up at the ceiling and sees his Good Conscience (Emmett) and his Bad Conscience (Brian) on hand to give advice.]

Emmett: "Congratulations, Ted. That's your thirth time tonight."

Ted: Who's keeping score?

Emmett: "I am. Look at him - so smug, so satisfied - now's the perfect time to send him off with his not unattractive tail between his legs."

Brian: "What the fuck for? You've got the son-of-a-bitch where you want him with the ass in the air. And it's not a bad."

Emmett: "Don't listen to him! Tell!"

Brian: "What the hell does he know? Fuck!"

Ted: Would you get off my back!

Troy: Huh?

Ted: Nothing, just a getting little heavy, that's all.

Troy: If something wrong just tell me.

Ted: Actually there is...

[Devil Brian shakes his head]

Emmett: "Go for it, Teddy! C'mon, it's your chance."

Ted: You, uh,... [long pause] you want to go to Babylon tomorrow night?

Brian: [shakes with laughter.]

Emmett: Where is your backbone?"

Brian: "Where is the lube"?

[Justin sitting alone at the loft, looking very thoughtful. Brian comes home and goes to the fridge, getting out a bottle of water. There's a flashback to season one when Brian first brings Justin to the loft and pours the bottle of water over himself. ]

Brian: Babylon was packed tonight.

Justin: It's nice.

Brian: Line were over the block.

Justin: Great(!)

Brian: It was hard to move on the dancefloor.

Justin: Whatever if happens they all means, keep on dancing.

Brian: How about you, dear? How was your evening?

Justin: Not nearly as exciting as yours. I spend it here, alone, thinking. And don't say, it's always a dangerous sign.

[He's walked into the kitchen with Brian so that they're standing face to face now.]

Justin: I made some decisions.

Brian: About what?

Justin: My life. What I want.

Brian: I though you already worked out. Your gotta live off your considerable Hollywood wealth while trying his hand at being an artist.

Justin: Why your making fun of me?

Brian: I'm not making funny. You making me fucking nervous just... tell me what you want and what you decided and we can go to bed and fuck.

Justin: You already know what I want. Why I always repead?

Brian: That's right, you have. A husband, a family, a home, all the things that makes life worth living.

Justin: Would you fucking cut it out!? Just stop it. And I know you can't give me those things.

Brian: Not can't. Can't implies that I'm incapable. It's that, I won't.

Justin: I accept that. That's suppose why I'm always love you.

Brian: Oh, the untamable beast.

Justin: But to be a couple, though, both people have to want the same things, to move in the same direction. If they can't or won't, they have no where to go.

Brian: Probably not.

Justin: So why are we still doing this if we both know it's never going to work?

Brian: Damned if I know.

[Justin walks to the bedroom then, puts on his jacket and picks up his already packed bags. Justin and Brian meet in front of the door. Justin drops his bags and hugs Brian. After a long moment, Brian returns the hug.]

Brian: Where you goin'?

Justin: I don't figured it out.

[Justin gathers his bags and walks to the door.]

Brian: Let me know...

[Justin closes the door, a sad Brian turns away.]

[Lindsay's dad is playing with Gus.]

Ron: Oh my godness, you're turned into a monster.

Nancy: Be careful, Ron, your back.

Ron: [to Gus] Hey partner, you wanna see your room? Would you ladies excuse us?

[They leave and let the ladies alone. Lindsay unpacks her things.]

Nancy: Didn't I tell you, he'd be thrilled?

Lindsay: Mom!

Nancy: What?

Lindsay: You have my prom picture out!

Nancy: I always loved that picture.

Lindsay: Look at that hair, and the gown. It's embarracing.

Nancy: Not to me. You're as handsome as I just sit here.

Lindsay: You do?

Nancy: Sometimes I feel it's all I left from you.

Lindsay: Thanks, mom - for being so generous.

Nancy: It's a pleasure for me. By the way we have some people coming for diner tonight. It's nothing formal. It's from dad's office.

Lindsay: Don't worry, I'll don't be in your way. I stay up here, take a bath, read.

Nancy: I'm happy if you would join us.

Lindsay: It's been a long day...

Nancy: I understood. Whatever you like. But if you change our mind, I was making your favourite. I was wish as a welcome-home diner.

Lindsay: Oh, then I suppose I have no choice.

Nancy: It's so good you're back.

[Ben sitting on the couch with a book but he's not reading it. He's sadly staring out into space. Michael comes up behind him and starts rubbing his shoulders.]

Michael: You're reading the DVD titles? I do it sometimes and think that I need glasses. "Singing in the Rain", "Someone make it hot", "Dirty Harry". Oh yeah, I remember that was a porn film. [no response.] Hey, I'm joking. OK, it wasn't very funny. How come you with me to bed, bath and begone and throw pillows in the bed? It says it's stylish and an expensive. Of course you don't need a pillow to enlife your room, do we? Ben?

Ben: I remember, we watching those movies with Hunter. He'd never heard of St.Number 8 - he'd loved it. He watched it 49 times.

Michael: And that was even after he wasn't gay. Please, come with me.

Ben: Everything in the house reminds me him, whereever I look.

Michael: That's why it's maybe a good idea to get out for a while and take off your mind for a thing. [no answer] Listen, there is meeting at the Gay and Lesbian Center tomorrow night. About this Proposition 14.

Ben: So?

Michael: So we should go. They're gonna need new volunteers, who'd better than is intelligent, well- informed and not to mention hot than you?

Ben: Last thing I wanna think about it right now is another gay cause.

Michael: It's not just another gay cause. When we got married you said it was just a beginning. And now it's look like it's the beginning of the end. Listen, I just as sad about it as you are. Everytime I hear that door open, or the phone ring - I think it's him. I just though we both feel better when we got involved to something.

Ben: I didn't wanna be involved in something, ok!? I give a shit about proposition 14 or 15 or 16! All I care about is where is he. Is he alright. Am I ever going to see him again. So let's somebody else set in this goddamn commity. I've given enough!

[Justin, Debbie, and Emmett handing out pamphlets against Prop. 14]

Debbie: I can't believe he let you walk out. Didn't he try to stop you?

Justin: I didn't expected, too.

Emmett: Well, if either of you had ever bothered to read Jackie Collins would know, in the last chapter the hero finally realises that he has loved the heroine - in this case, that heroine would be you - all along and begs him to stay.

Justin: That's why it's called fiction.

Debbie: Fight propossion 14!

Justin: There is a meeting tomorrow in the Center.

Man#1: You people need Jesus in your life.

Emmett: Yeah, and you would needed a good blowjob. That if you need someone that give you one and DON'T look at me!

Debbie: That no good son of a bitch how could he do that to you!? After all these years.

Justin: He didn't do anything. I wanted one thing - and he wanted another. And since neither of us could give the other what they need it we decided it's the best to move on.

Emmett: So, where you gonna go?

Debbie: You can always be back in Debbie's Warming House and sharing Emmett's room.

Emmett: Perhaps Emmett would be consulted to that?

Justin: Don't worry, I've already have things worked out. I've stay with Ben and Michael until I've got a place of my own.

Debbie: A place of your own? At your age?

Justin: Deb, I'm not a kid anymore.

Emmett: Your never a kid.

Debbie: I know, I've always be kid to me.

Justin: Besides I've made it on my own.

Emmett: Like Marry.

Justin: I will always miss Brian and I always wish we were still together but this will be good for me. Right?

Emmett: Right.

Debbie: Yeah, right. Damn-right.

[At Ron and Nancy's dinner party, their guests include a married couple and an attractive single man.]

Ellen: Excuse me folks, I gotta go pee again. Damn prostate.

Nancy: Al!en, please!

Allen: Don't be embarred, honey, as long as I don't show my hemorrhoids.

Nancy: What can I say, Al is Al.

Man: I'm afraid I'm too young for this crowd, my prostate still working. But I'm be glad to show you my tennis arm, if you like.

Lindsay: [Laughs] It's ok. So you work with me dad?

Man: For now 5 years. He's a great guy. And you? You working in the city bloom galery?

Lindsay: [surprised] Yes! That's right.

Man: I don't have much time to go in the galeries. But I did to managed the Sam Allerbach show. You have anything to do that?

Lindsay: Actually I put it together.

Man: Really? You did a great job. And a miracle to the templates, but of course, I'm not an expert.

Lindsay: You are an expert if you knew something you like.

Nancy: You folks get bored from pictures from last year cruise. Why won't you two make an escape? We call you for desert.

[At Babylon, Emmett finds Ted at the bar.]

Emmett: Teddy.

Ted: Oh, hi Em.

Emmett: Quit all the greetings, I want details. How you told him. Have he died in shame? Or be catering the momorial service?

Ted: Can you stop all the questions?

Emmett: Oh my god(!)

Ted: What?

Emmett: It's just what I afraid of. I can see it in your eyes.

Ted: What you talkin' about!?

Emmett: You fall for him, haven't you? Admit it! It's true.

Ted: Look, here's Brian. Brian, buddy, it's great to see you.

Emmett: Brian, why are you here?

Brian: Why am I here? That's a question that left for science and theologic can asking themselves a thousands of years. Best I came up with it - we're live in Pittsburgh. Where the hell else I could go?

Ted: What we mean is we didn't expect to see you considering you and Justin broke up.

Emmett: You must devastated.

Ted: We're so sorry.

Brian: Thanks for the simplicies. [to the bartender] Another. Look at all it's it - but I'm not devastated. We your not sorry, so please spare me the sentimence and the syntometallicy.

[The boys turn to face the crowd and there is Brandon.]

Ted: That's a relief. We though your dying for broken heart-ache.

Emmett: Silly for us to thing you have one.

Brian: I'm doin' just fine.

Ted: Yeah, we can see.

Brian: And I'm sure Justin is too.

Emmett: He's doin' better than fine. He's picked himself up, dusted himself up and started it all over again.

Brian: Glad to hear. You sure you give him my regards next time you see him.

Ted: You tell yourself next time your over at Michael's and Ben's.

Emmett: He's living with them.

[Brian turns back to the bar and orders another drink.]

[Lindsay chatting it.]

Man: So I said to him, "Why you cancel your playdate?" And he said, I swear, "Daddy, I can play with my friend." I said, "What friend?" And then when he showed me. [he looks at his dick.]

Lindsay: [laughs] No!

Man: Yes, that's how he called his penis - his friend. I can't believe it - he's 5.

Lindsay: Thank god Gus didn't discovered his friend.

Man: So I told my ex - she got all upsat about it, why didn't I go to a shrink? And because I though it was funny she said I should go to a shrink, too. And then it turned into a competition about where is the better parent...

Lindsay: I know all about it, believe me.

Man: Would you mind if I stop by in the galery some afternoon to hook you to lunch?

Lindsay: That'll be great.

Man: How about Thursday?

Lindsay: That's fine. Oh, but just to be fair, there is something you should know. I'm a lesbian.

Man: Oh(!)

Lindsay: It's that a problem?

Man: No, it's... it's not a problem. It's just not exactly what they told me with the invite for diner.

Lindsay: What exactly did they tell you?

Man: They just said that you just broken up... with a man.

[At Babylon, Ted is at the bar still when Troy shows up.]

Troy: Hey, hot guy.

Ted: Hey, there you are.

Troy: I brough some friends. I want them to meet you.

Ted: Your friends are mine.

[Emmett dances by.]

Emmett: Aunt Pity Fuck, Aunt Pity Fuck.

Troy: Who's that?

Ted: Some FREAK!

Man#1: Troy!

Troy: Oh, hey.

Man#1: Remember me? We had a date few months ago.

Troy: Sure, right, right, right, right. So, how was I?

Man#1: Hot. You said you'd call, but you lost my number, so I give it to you again. Promise not to loose it.

Troy: Word of honor.

[Troy takes it but rips it up as soon as the guy walks off.]

Troy: Fucking loosers. They just don't get it, don't they? These guys I felt sorry for them. I can't help it. It's my nature, so I have sex with them. Give them some remember for a long, great dick. But it's never enough. How pitful. Fucking pityful.

Ted: Yeah, I know what you mean. I was one of them.

Troy: What!? But your hot.

Ted: Well, you didn't think back then. Pride 2002.

Troy: I though something was familiar with you.

Ted: Back then I was one of your pity fucks. That fact you made painfully clear. And guess what - now your mine. I purposely set this up, I sought you out. I waited for the right moment. Guess this it.

Troy: You kidding, right?

Ted: Afraid not. Hey, look it this way - you always have something to remember me about.

Troy: You dumping me!?

Ted: It's a faggy fag world.

Troy: Fuck you. You know, I liked you, a lot. I really do.

[He leaves. From the catwalk, Emmett applauds Ted. But Ted turns back to the bar, not looking too happy with himself.]

[Ben comes downstairs to the sound of someone banging on his door late at night.]

Ben: OK, ok!

[It's Brian, who is pissed and drunk.]

Ben: Brian!

Brian: Excellent, professor. You recognize the subject can identify by name.

Ben: We're goin' to bed.

Brian: That's right, I forgot, the stepford husband turn in bed early!

Ben: Come in here, you're wake the whole neighbourhood.

Brian: I want to see your wife. Where is the little woman? I mean little husband.

Ben: If you refrerring from Michael...

Brian: Who the fuck else I referring!?

Ben: He's alseep!

Brian: Well then! WAKE HIM UP! MICHAEL!?

Ben: Alright, you better go!

Brian: I'm not goin' anywhere.

Ben: Well I just said...


Ben: Get the ass out of my house!

Michael: Ben, it's ok. I handle it - just go to bed.

Ben: You sure?

[Ben goes upstairs.]

Brian: Well, Mikey, congratulations!

Michael: For what!?

Brian: You won. The spoiler goes to victory.

Michael: I don't know what you're talking about!

Brian: Of course you don't. No-one plays dewy-eyed innocent better than you. Although I thinks you are a little long in the tooth for short pants.

Michael: Speaking of out growing one's act. Nothing is more pathetic, if this you're favourite words, than an over the hill club boy.

Brian: You infected him. With your pity burgua, mediocer, conformice, simulationist life! That's to you he's got visions, babies, weddings, white picky fences dancing in his blond little head.

Michael: And you think I put it in him?

Brian: Before you and your husband are on the news he was perfectly happy! And now, he the infector, just as the rest of you.

Michael: He was NEVER perfectly happy. Waiting for years to hear from you, "I love you. You're the only one.

Brian: That's not who I am.

Michael: Don't we all know!

Brian: And now he's here in your house...

Michael: It's a home.

Brian: It's a farce! It's a freak show!

Michael: Call it if you want, but it doesn't care. But he didn't leave because I infected him. He left because of you! Who wouldn't?

[Brian turns and walks out of the house. Justin standing at the top of the staircase having over-heard the fight.]

[Nancy comes up to say good-night to Lindsay.]

Nancy: Knock, knock. I just want to say good night. Did you enjoyed dinner?

Lindsay: Your meal was delicious.

Nancy: All could not stop talking about how wonderful you are.

Lindsay: That's nice.

Nancy: Good night, darling. Sleep well.

Lindsay: Mom? Why you invited him tonight?

Nancy: He's your fathers associate. And I though you might have someone to talk to.

Lindsay: That was very thoughful.

Nancy: You seemed to be enjoying yourself.

Lindsay: I liked him very much.

Nancy: I'm really glad to hear it.

Lindsay: But not in that way. I'm a lesbian, mother. You know that.

Nancy: I though it was all over it.

Lindsay: All over?

Nancy: Your sister told me that you had been with a man.

Lindsay: What a cunt! That happens once and was a mistake.

Nancy: Why it was a mistake? Perhaps if you given it more time - you might find a mature relationship.

Lindsay: I've had a mature relationship.

Nancy: [sighs] With that person?

Lindsay: Melanie, mother! Not THAT person! And yes, she was my partner for 10 years. And that's a hell longer than 3 marriages my loving sister had. We have two children together. Yeah, that's not mature. I can't believe I still have go through this with you.

Nancy: I'm sorry, dear. But it's not just the same. It isn't. If I heard you had a relationship with a man I was hoping, that...

Lindsay: What? That I'll be the daughter you always dreamed of? Well I'm not, mom. And I never will be. So if that's why you asking me to come to live here, I'm afraid to disappoint you - once again.

[Pissed off Brian back at Babylon. He sees Brandon on the dancefloor getting a blowjob. Brian calls the bouncer over.]

Bouncer: What's up, boss?

Brian: See that?

Bouncer: How can I miss it?

Brian: You don't do anything about it?

Bouncer: Kids hot, attractiv guys, sells drinks.

Brian: Fuck the drinks, if he want his dick sucked he can take his ass in the backroom.

Bouncer: I tell him.

Brian: Wait. Tell him, he's barred permamently.

Bouncer: Oh, c'mon Brian.

Brian: Do it! Now!

[Brian keeps downing drinks and watches as the Bouncer goes over and tells Brandon he's now barred from the club. Brandon's not pleased and Brian mockingly raises a glass to him in toast as the Bouncer leads him from the club. ]

[Ben is lecturing his class.]

Ben: In the recent Hollywood movie about the trojan war there was a small, but very significant alteration. In the legend by Homer in the ancient. Achilles' did'nt go to war because the Greeks killed Patroclos, his cousin. He went to battle because they killed Patrocols, his LOVER...

Student#1: Excuse me professor, but what different does it make when they change some old legend like what else isn't change?

Ben: Because that old legend was re-written to admit a very important truth that the homophobia which infects our culture didn't always exist. There were great and powerful cultures in which the emotional and sexual love between two men was accepted, even among warriors.

Student#2: Yeah good for them, but what about us?

Student#3: But we're talking about the Tojan War, but they want to take our rights away.

Ben: I understand your concern but right now we are here to discuss gay imagery in mytology and history.

Student#2: If Prop. 14 passes pretty soon we'll be history.

[Justin and Jennifer checking out his new place.]

Jennifer: What a dump! It isn't funny.

Justin: You are fabulous, Betty Davis, or is Jennifer Taylor as good as Betty Davis?

Jennifer: I'm not doin' fabulous to anybody. All I know is, this is a disgusting place and you not living here.

Justin: I love it.

Jennifer: Are you crazy?

Justin: If I am, I have you and Debbie.

Jennifer: It's tiny, it smells like something you never need died here, you have to share your bathroom down the hall with god knows who crack head!? Not to mention, you can't go out of the street after dark.

Justin: On the other hand I can afford it, it's got great light and best of all, it's my own place.

Jennifer: So quite a comedown from Brian's place.

Justin: You weren't so thrilled when I moved in there.

Jennifer: I know, I guess not. I just wish that you... I can't believe to hearing actually myself say this...

Justin: What?

Jennifer: But you and he could work things out.

Justin: Yeah, me too.

Jennifer: I mean, it's not that he lied to you or abused you or cheated you like your father did to me...

Justin: No, of course not. He save my life , take care of me, gave me everything. It's just we want different things.

Jennifer: And neither of you are willing to change.

Justin: That's not love, that's sacrifice.

[Lindsay at Mel's. She has put Gus down for the night in his old room.]

Lindsay: He fell asleep with the second his head hit the pillow.

Mel: He must be glad to be in his old room with some bang.

Lindsay: I don't blame him.

Mel: I'm try to catch up a new grill.

Lindsay: If you wanna say it, go right ahead.

Mel: Those words never escape my lips.

Lindsay: Why not? You were right. It's funny no matter what you know up here [she points to her head] you hope against hope in here [she points to her heart]. That your parents at least will love you in one condition.

Mel: We'll try to parents our kids.

[Lindsay take her coat and want to leave]

Mel: Where you goin'?

Lindsay: To the hotel, I guess - place for tonight.

Mel: Take your coat off.

Lindsay: What?

Mel: Take your coat off - your stayin' here tonight.

Lindsay: I dunno if that's a good idea.

Mel: Neither do I, but you must stayin' anyway.

Lindsay: You sure?

Mel: I make us tea and make some cheese and figure something out.

[Brian, Ted and Emmett at Woody's.]

Brian: Another beer.

Emmett: And another Cosmo and a diet Pepsi on me.

Brian: Big spender. What's the occasion?

Emmett: We're celebrating. Teddy finally put that prick Troy in his proper place.

Brian: Up the tight bubble?

Emmett: Out on his ass! He is no longer a pity fuck.

Brian: Congratulations, Theodore, it's rare a man who get you get laid.

[Brian goes away.]

Emmett: Just start of curiousity - how great was he?

Ted: Beyond great. Amazing. The best.

Emmett: Do you still have his phone number?

[Brian goes off to play pool when Brandon shows up.]

Brandon: What the fuck is your problem?

Brian: Your hands on my stick.

Brandon: Why you banned me from your club?

Brian: Because I can. Getting sucked off at the dance floor was a very serious offense.

Brandon: Except when it's you.

Brian: Membership has it's previleges.

Brandon: I think you threw me out because you afraid I'll get the hottest guy.

Brian: I am the hottest guy.

Brandon: You mean, was.

Brian: Since when?

Brandon: Since me. Even the mightest one day must fall. The king is abdicted...

Brian: Oh Lord, please, spare us some cliches. Listen, twerp, you think you could be the best by showing up and annoncing that you are? You have to prove it first.

Brandon: I though I already have.

Brian: By picking off a couple of twinks before I got them? You will have to do better than that.

Brandon: Then how about we pick? Say the ten hottest guy we can find.

Brian: And who fucks them all first wins.

Brandon: You know the game.

Brian: I also know the outcome.

Brandon: I admire your confidence but they say every star burns bright you before they burns out.

Brian: Uuuh, say you win?

Brandon: I get into Babylon. And IF you win?

Brian: I get into you.

[Meeting in the Gay and Lesbian Center against Prop. 14.]

Debbie: Michael! We save seats.

Emmett: Hey honey, where's Ben?

Michael: He had other things to do.

Debbie: What other things are important to this?

Tanis: Good evening, everyone and thank you for coming.

Philip: I guess we all know why we're here to join in the state wide afford to defeat Prop.14!

[All cheers]

Tanis: That's the spirit we gonna need in order to win. Here to help us is one of the organizers of "Stop Prop.14" Congresswoman Beth Attlestein.

[All cheers]

Congresswoman: Thank all of you for coming tonight. As you know, our right as full and equal citizens of the United States are being threatened. Not by outside forces or terrorists - but by our own goverment, by religicious leaders to strip off of our humanity and claiming that god is on their side. And by other Americans acting out of hate and ignorance. We have got to stop them. But it's not gonna be easy. "Vote to save America" - can you believe that that's they calling theirselves? Has many supporters and well-funder.

[A sign up sheet for volunteers is being passed around. Michael is signing it when Ben walks up behind him.]

Ben: Can I sign up?

Congresswoman: Your family and yourself to donate as much time and money as you can. Volunteer to serve on various commities, make calls, go to the neighbourhoods, sign up and fight as if your future depends on. Because it does.

[Emmett, Ted, Justin and Debbie leaving the meeting.]

Debbie: Whoever though it come to this? Fighting for our lifes.

Emmett: Well, we'll always had to do.

Ted: Now we just doin' harder.

Justin: I'm up for it.

Debbie: Me too, sunshine.

[He kisses Debbie, Emmett, and Ted good-bye. Ted, Em, and Debbie leave and Justin walks off in the opposite direction. Michael and Ben come out of the meeting.]

Michael: I'm glad your change your mind. How come?

Ben: With the eyes strictly fix at the past he fails to see the future. So, by the present we'll destoy.

Michael: I guess you tell me, if you didn't do anything and we lost you never forgive yourself.

Ben: You got it.

[They go off together. Brian is walking down the street when he seems Justin coming towards him.]

Brian: Hey. How was the meeting?

Justin: You should have been there.

Brian: I'm not Rage, saving Gayopolis is my thing. You doin' ok?

Justin: Yeah, I'm fine. And you?

Brian: Likewise, thanks for asking.

Justin: Well I guess, I better get go.

Brian: Me too. Take care yourself.

Justin: You too.

Brian: See ya.

Justin: See ya.

[Justin walks off. Brian's facade falls then and he sadly watches Justin go away.]


You Are My Sunshine - Stine J


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