Forever Dreaming |
3x02 - House Full of Children |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 03/20/03 19:49 ] |
Post subject: | 3x02 - House Full of Children |
[Brian is fucking Justin on the dining room table. But the minute Brian shoots his load, "Justin" turns back into an ordinary trick and the magic is over.] Trick: That was... one of my Top 10 fucks. Brian: Yeah and one of my Top 10... thousand. Trick: You shoot buckets. You one face the shower? Brian: Go home proudly. I'm busy. Trick: You just kicking me out? Brian: You got it. Trick: Why the best fucks are always the biggest jerks? [Ted and Emmett wake up in their little love nest.] Ted: [softly] Raise and shine, lovely. Emmett: Lover, I love it would. Hmmm, what smells so yummy? Ted: I made you some of my special roast. I hope you like it. Emmett: I like my coffee like I love my man. Strong, full-body and piping hot. Ted: Stop. Emmett: It's true. You're magnificent. Ted: I was? Emmett: Hmmm, so genlte, so observetive. Ted: Well, even if you are my best friend there is something only a lover can tell. Emmett: Lover! I love that word! Ted: And you are...sensational. Emmett: Oh, I'm not! Really? Ted: A miracle you can perform with your tongue, tonting me, teasing me, driving me mad. And your ass. Emmett: Huh? Ted: Your ass is as soft as my new egyptian cotton 2000 sheets. Be careful, don't spill. And they said it would never work. Emmett: Fools, what did they know? Ted: More cream, sweetheart? Emmett: Hmmm, thanks lover. Ted: Lover. How I love that word! [At the diner, Brian fights off the nausea. Ted and Emmett the lovebirds, cooing to each other.] Ted: Have another bite, lemon chop. Emmett: I keep that, Teddy bear. Brian: I'm gonna head my eyebrowns. I don't care what unspeakable act of perversion you two freaks are committed in privaty but you don't have to face it to decent citizens? Emmett: You're just jealous because we have what you don't. Brian: Anal warts? Ted: A loving, mature relationship! Open up for the choo-choo, Boo. Boo! Debbie: [to Michael] Here you go, honey. How has that shining come up with? Michael: Awww. Debbie: What? It still smarts? [to Brian] Animal! Michael: Leaving him alone, Ma. I ask for it. Debbie: No-one ask to be punshed in the eye! Since when you gay guys used your fists? Emmett: Well, I explain that to you another time. Guy: Hey ya, you wrote Rage, right? Michael: Right. [Justin comes up] I mean, yeah with a partner. Guy: I just want you to know how much it means to me. You know, having a gay superhero. I never had one when I was growing up. Michael: Yeah, me too. Guy: Hey, it's so... when the next issue coming up? Brian: Yeah Micky, when is the next issue coming up? Michael: I'm not sure. Guy: Well, I can't wait. [The guy leaves and Michael goes over to talk to Justin.] Michael: Still here I see. Justin: I try to quit, but your mother wouldn't let me. Michael: Yeah, we all know how her power can be. Justin: Besides, I need the money. Michael: I guess Brian caming up for something. Well, if you need money, the comic book is a big hit. I sold out the first issue already and people are asking... Justin: What do you sayin' we should work together? Michael: We don't have to like each other, but we did make a commitment. Justin: You betrayed me. Michael: You betrayed yourself and Brian. Justin: Look, I don't want anything to do with Rage. Or you. [Mel and Lindz are at the park with a friend, Dusty, and their kids. Mel's on the cell phone and Lindsay plays with Gus.] Mel: [to the cell-phone] Yeah, we're not appealing - it's settled. Yeah, we need a repayment schedule, the notes are on my hard drive. [she hangs up. She's taking out a cookie.] Hey, looking what mommy got for you! Lindsay: Not before lunch! Dusty: Hey Mel! I haven't see you at the park lately. Mel: The only reason I go here when the judge called. Lindsay: I thoughed you'd be in court all day. Mel: They finally set the case. Lindsay: Oh my god, it took 2 years! Dusty: Congratulations, you two guys. Mel: You too Dusty, on your second? Dusty: Two years ago you're right but now I'm waiting for my third. Hey what about you? You are up to another? Lindsay: Oh, you're kidding? I have hands full of one! [Justin and Daphne are having coffee while Ethan fiddles for change. Justin's right hand hurts while he was draw his lover.] Daphne: Are you ok? Justin: Yeah, my hands gets tired sometimes. You know how much he averages a day? 40 bucks! Daphne: I had no idea being a beggar could be so lucrative. Justin: He's not a beggar. He's a street performer. Daphne: (sarcastically) How romantic! Justin: You have no idea. Last night we made love on the roof, underneath the stars. I never did anything like that with Brian. Daphne: I don't know, I recall you having some pretty hot nights. Remember how he'd fuck you so hard, you could still feel him inside you the next morning? Your words, darling, not mine! Ethan: [comes to the table] If I have to play La Campanella one more time I'm gonna scream. Justin: My poor little genius! What are you taking term? Daphne: Biocam. What about you? Justin: I'm not. Ethan: What? Justin: I'm dropping out. Daphne: No way! Justin: I have no money. Ethan: Well, who's been paying for it? [Meanwhile, back at the loft, Brian is amusing himself with online sex and phone sex.] Brian: [to the cell phone] I'm sitting on your face while you suck my balls. Guy: "Oh yeah, fuck me so hard!" Brian: Why you take another poppers, stick a couple fingers up in your hole and jerk off? I'm wasting my time. What kind of pathetic troll are you!? [He hangs up.] [In the bathroom with Melanie and Lindsay.] Mel: You didn't mean what you've said in the park, didn't you? Lindsay: No cookies before lunch? Mel: About no babies after Gus. Lindsay: Well at least unless he is in pre-school and let's hope we can return to civillian life. Teach, get back to my art. Sarah even said she has enough paintings and giving me a show. How I'm supposed to do that when we have another kid? Mel: I understand, it's not impossible to pop out a baby whenever we want. It requires timing, planning. Lindsay: What time? What plan? [They take a bath together as wll as a joint.] Mel: You'd loved being pregnant. Lindsay: I did? Mel: Oh god, was you ever sexy. Lindsay: I was? Mel: Yeah, your big, hard belly and you're horny all the time. Lindsay: Oh, I can't remember at that time hardly. Mel: OK, how about this? When we brought Gus over from the hospital you've said... I wanna house filled with children. Children who'd there loved. Who are an expression of our love. [They kiss each other.] Lindsay: You are a very good conselor. [They makes out in the bath.] [Ben is cooking dinner for two.] Emmett: Hmm, what's smells so yum and delicious? Michael: Ben's doin' up some meal. Ben: You wanna some? We're have plenty. Emmett: Oh thank you, but I'm on my way to Mr.Right. Michael: I thoughed you hardly met him. Emmett: Oh this is Teddy's and my plan - we find each other in Babylon and they we meet and then we go to his place and fuck like bunnies. Ben: Oh, that's cute. Emmett: So you guys hook up later? Ben: Nothing but an desaster can drag us out. Emmett: OK then, don't burn the place down. Ben: Come and get. Michael: These are the words I've been drooling to hear. [Somebody knocks at the door.] Ben: Emmett forget his key? Michael: Emmett never forgets his key. Ben: You don't supposed that can be...? Michael: If you don't answer he go away. Brian: [from outside] You've said I was welcome anytime. Ben: Fuck! [he opens the door.] Brian: At least give me dinner and snooze me up first. So, what are we having? Ben: Meat crowd. Brian: Never heard beside Meatloaf. Ben: We have only enough for two. Brian: Oh, which one of you wanna join me? Michael: Brian, Ben and I would like to spend an evening at home - alone. Brian: But it's nine inch night at Babylon. Any guy with more than nine inches or more gets in for free - so I figured I'd buy you tickets! Ben: We prefered this one out. [Michael, Ben and Brian end up at Babylon. Ben doesn't seem to be enjoying himself too much, but for Brian and Michael, it's just like old times.] Emmett: Don't you and Michael were spending a quiet evening alone together? Ben: Best unlaid plans. Emmett: I must be tinkle. Ted: Don't be late, lover. [They kiss each other. In Babylon's bathroom, Emmett runs into an old friend.] Dijon: Hey stranger, come here often? Emmett: Only when my boy...Oh my god, it's... Dijon: Dijon. Remember? Emmett: Right, I knew you. Dijon: I have think about you, baby. Emmett: Yeah, that's... that's sweet. Dijon: More like hot, specy. Come back from my flight. Emmett: Oh you are the flight attendant! Dijon: Right, I had a three day layover. Plenty of time to get laid over and over. You still offer for that date? Emmett: Date? Dijon: We meet in the gym a few weeks ago. This will jogg your memory. [He takes Emmett's hand a let them feel his crotch.] Emmett: Oh yeah, it's... it's coming back. Um, as much as I would... love to the world as we know it changed. Dijon: Posted went up? Emmett: I have a boyfriend. Dijon: Well, I won't tell your boyfriend if you won't tell mine. Here is the address. Tomorrow? Say about seven? [He gives Emmett his card and leaves. Emmett go back to piss.] Ted: Hello stranger, come here often? Emmett: Oh, Teddy! It's you. Ted: Who do you think it was? You met someone else? [he giggles] Emmett: Meet someone else? So funny. [Back at the dance floor. Ben kinda bored as Michael and Brian comes to the bar.] Ben: Well, it's time. Ready to go? Brian: The night is young. Michael: You wanna dance? Ben: Michael I've told you - I have class first in the morning. Brian: That's perfect - so you can leave straight to the air. Michael: I got to go. Brian: Sure Mikey, I'll see you tomorrow. [Jennifer meets Ethan in a coffee.] Jennifer: Justin tells me that you're a genius! Ethan: No, I like to think I have my talent from my grandfather. Justin: He was on the concentration camp. Jennifer: Oh,... I'm sorry. Ethan: Luckily he survived and taught me how to play. Jennifer: Thank god. Ethan: I habe also fortune my parents who paid for all those lessons, even they had not much money. Jennifer: Well how nice to hear that someone praising their parents for a change. Justin: I say nice things about you all the time. Ethan: Well, I got to go. I got to practise. Justin: Ethan is the finalist for the competition. Jennifer: That's wonderful. I hope you'll win it. Ethan: Me too. Nice to meet you Mrs.Taylor. Jennifer: My pleasure. Ethan: Thanks again for lunch and you [he kisses him at the mouth] see you later. [he leave Jen and Justin alone.] Jennifer: Well! He seems like an accomplished young man. Justin: Tell me about cute. Jennifer: Very cute. Certainly more appropriate for you than Brian! Not that I have anything against Brian. If it hadn't been for him, I don't know what either of us would have done - Justin: Would you mind if we don't talk about him? I'm with Ethan now. Let me get the tip. Jennifer: Put your money away. Justin: It's not that I'm didn't eat it. Jennifer: Maybe we can help you with this part of it. Justin: You have to care of yourself and Molly. Don't worry about me. Jennifer: Your father misses you as much as you. Justin: Like I give a shit. Jennifer: Justin, maybe now after Brian... Justin: I'm not ask dad for a fucking help... Jennifer: It was very generious from your sister. Maybe when you explain the situation he might comes through after all. He's still your father. [Emmett in his workplace - a fashion shop.] Emmett: [on the phone] "I know I was standing here with my razor blade and my life ball up my ass but I need to talk to someone now!" [explain to Brian] I've been waiting for the goddamn gay helpline my call for 15 minutes! Brian: You should tell them you have a really bad ten shop. I'm sure this would be right through. So, what's the problem? Emmett: The problem is... I have this friend... Brian: This would be you. Emmett: ...who is in love with his best friend... Brian: That would be Theodore. Emmett: But before they realised that they're in love my friend meet his previous commitment... Brian: [smiles] A fuck date. Emmett: ...with this really, really hot flight attendant. Brian: Dijon, the black mustard? He is a first class fuck. As your friend you got a free bonus miles. Emmett: There is a problem - guilt. Brian: Tell him you're protected under the grandfather clause! Emmett: What's that? Brian: That means that any agreement state before the commiment must be honored. Emmett: You mean my friend could actually blow this really hot flight attendand and still be in his rights? Brian: As long as each of them still the mouth shuts, afterwards. [Lindsay and their friend Dusty walking down the street with their stollers.] Lindsay: How about the time? Dusty: Nah, I've already got it. What's so funny? Lindsay: Do you remember when I teaching that class? Sometimes I feel like I'm missin' all the excitement. Melanie is out there, make them a world of better place. What am I doin'? Dusty: Raising beautiful children to live in it. Lindsay: Correction, one child. Dusty: Well, it's not what I hear. Lindsay: What? Dusty: We're two are in the trash machine and still in the news. Lindsay: What big news? Dusty: You names picked out - Shame when it's a boy, Sabrina if it's a girl. Lindsay: Melanie told you having another kid? Dusty: Yeah, she was all excited. Said she couldn't wait. [Brian turns up like a bad penny at the comic store.] Brian: You know, I was puking my guts out last night. Michael: Must be the modern drugs you consumed. Brian: Or maybe that weird asian shit Ben cooked. So, what time's dinner? Michael: It's not. We're on my mom's. Brian: Or that should be fun. As much fun as the underwear party. Michael: What underwear party? Brian: The one I'm attending it this evening. Michael: I don't know how you're doin' it. Working all day, fucking all night... Brian: They say the fast into the space the fast you move slow your age. I'll have to say the same whole true to Pittsburgh. You want to join me? Michael: You'll have to stay young without me. Brian: I understand. You're on a committed realtionship with your... what is this hideous expression?... significant other? Looser. [Later at the evening. Michael closes his door. Suddenly a men hold his hand over Michael's mouth and swispers.] ?: Do what I'm say and I won't kill ya. Michael: OK, ok, ok, just take it easy. [Brian takes out his lighter and smoke a cigarette.] Michael: Fuck Brian! Brian: Caught ya! Michael: You scared this shit out of me! Why you still here? Brian: I though I drop into the moments. Michael: You are so pathetic! You know that!? Brian: Actually you are! [Later, Michael and Brian in his car. It's raining outside.] Michael: So what times the party starting? Brian: When I get there, of course. Michael: Hey, you missed my Mom's turn. Brian: Oh, what should I say, but we won't. Michael: I told you I can't go out. Turn back. Brian: It's too late. Michael: This isn't funny! Let me out. Brian: Sorry! [he smiles] Michael: I'm calling Ben. [Brian takes Michael's cell phone and hangs up.] Michael: What the fuck are you doin'? Give me...! Brian: Sit back and relax. Oh, here your party outfit. [He throws him a jock in his face.] [Emmett at Dijon's.] Emmett: Uh, I can't stay. The only reason I'm here is because my looler. She always told me, if you had the bad news it's best to do it in person. It's just playin' good manners. So, bye. Dijon: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's so hurry, baby? C'mon in. Emmett: I'm gonna afraid it's goin to be impossible to keep this little trist? I'm in a relationship with this really wonderful men. And besides the ... [Dijon leads Emmett to the seat and start attend him.] Dijon: One some drink? Emmett: Uh, Bloody Marry. I have chosen not to. Instead I choose to honored my commitment. Dijon: Peenuts? Emmett: Yes please. So I hope you understand that even if I would really, really like to stay for the in flight entertainment... What's that? Dijon: The airline awared me for servicing 10,000 passengers. Emmett: "To Dijon who'll go to any length to make sure satisfaction is guaranteed." [He opens his trousers.] Emmett: I see what they mean "by any length." Dijon: And I'll see you audiende the upgrade load position. [At Debbie's home. Debbie is at the phone.] Debbie: "Where the hell are you, little asshole!? I'll call and leaving messages for you for over an hour! And no one fucking bu from you! You'd better be on your way, so all I got to say my goddamn dinner is gonna be to shit! Lover, mother!" [she hangs up] Vic: This breat's not bad for a door stop. Debbie: Shut up! So it's a dried out mess, that's what I'm say. Use the sauce. Well, will we go ahead with our dinner? With or without my son. Vic: You know it isn't like Michael not to show up, or even called. Debbie: We know exactly like ... you know who. Ben: Who? Brian? Debbie: You win the wheel. Ben: What makes you think he's with Brian? Vic: You've said he was with you every night this week. Debbie: And last. Ben: Yeah, Brian needs his best friend right now. He would never admit that, he said that he does give a shit. Excuse me. Vic: Cover your hear, sis. Ben: But he has hurting inside and the more he's hurting, the more he tries to hide it. Debbie: What any incredible, kind, compassioned thing to say. You're really a hell of a nice guy. Ben: Thank you, Debbie. Debbie: Fuck nice! Unless he's not on his senses that the boyfriend he have Brian can keep him off to god knows where and he should be here with you! Ben: It's not up to me. I can't control him. Vic: Why not? She's be doin' this for thirty years. Debbie: Let's hope Michael wakes up and realizes he's just a substitute for Justin! Vic: Only trouble is, the substitute is usually the last to know. Debbie: Sauce? [At Linds and Mel's house. Mel working at the PC. Lindsay comes in, pissed.] Lindsay: Your son was a little krust tonight. Mel: I love when he's kranky he's my son. You go kranky yourself. Lindsay: Do I? I went to the supermarket this day. Mel: Mmmmh? Lindsay: I was running into Dusty who told me the most astonishing news. Mel: Really? What? Lindsay: You and I having another baby. Gee, why didn't you tell me? Mel: Well, we'll talked about it last night and I though we decided... Lindsay: We didn't decided anything. I said, I've think about it. And since I'll be carrying it, do you think I should have at least some say to me? Mel: Of course you should, honey... Lindsay: Stop to turn me down. You're not my goddamn parents. Mel: I'm not start to playing Kate and I'm definately not your parents. Lindsay: Oh, compared to us they got the alternative lifestyle - a happied married straight couple of 1962. Mel: All I've said is that I would like to have another child. Lindsay: You because your the breath winner, that give you the right to tell me to pop out another love? If you wanna have another baby so badly, you have to yourself. Mel: I can't believe you've said that. That's not fair! You know I can't have children and you goddamn know what the doctors said. Lindsay: That was years ago, you and I both know there are new procedures. They could zap you with a laser and you'd be as fertile as Mother Earth! But if you let me to have the experience to have children because you wanna play dad, passing out he was! Sorry Mel, no cigare! [Justin at his father's house. Craig pours himself Wodka.] Craig: You want a soda? Justin: I'll take the same as you. Craig: I'll never see you have a drink. Justin: It's because I still waited until your out of the house. Or asleep. Craig: Molly tells me your better. Justin: I'm doin' alright. Woman: Honey? Craig: I'll be right back. [Craig's girlfriend kisses him and leaves to house.] Justin: She is pretty. Craig: Yeah, her name is Lory. We've be seeing each other for an year now. Justin: I brought some of my latest work. I thoughed you might see some. Craig: Sure.I'm not more of an art critic. It's very good. Justin: The new terms coming out. I need some financial assistence. I was hoping you maybe help me out. Craig: Justin, I told you, when you applying to colleges... Justin: I know what you've told me. But now that I'm completed my first year with honors, spite out of hand, I though you changed your mind. I can't get a scholorship because you have much money. And I can't go to school and to work fulltime. Craig: What about Brian? Justin: We're not together anymore. Craig: Finally, some good news! I'm glad to see you come to your senses. Now if you wanna talk to go to Dartmouth... Justin: Dad, I'm never gonna be a businessman and I'm never gonna be straight. Craig: You know, when you were a kid one thing that meant the most to you, even more than other make you happy, is making me proud. Whatever you aim, it was always me you coming run to. And no father couldn't be prouder of a son that was you. Justin: Now your ashamed? Craig: No... Justin: That I'm not the man you wanna me to be? Well, I'm the man I want to be, I'm the only man I can be. If you can't be proud of me for that, then that's your problem. [He walks out.] [Brian and Michael at the underwear party.] Michael: Give me the keys of the fucking car! And I'm gonna leave you here! Brian: That's fine with me! Michael: Give me my phone! [Brian gives to phone to Michael.] Michael: Thank you. The batteries almost dead! Brian: I know, I was feeding almost its energy. Michael: [tries to call] Ben? Ben, can you hear me? I'll be a little late, explain later. Hello? [he hangs up] Shit, I lost him. Brian: Well as long as you here you mind to take off your clothes? And join the party. Michael: I don't want to! Brian: You know, this remains me of the first time you blindful I'm tooking you to the Liberty Bath. You were so hot walking down the halls...and your still hot. Michael: I said no! Brian: You rather watch? That can be arranged. [Brian grabs Michael and leading him around the corner and shows him hot guys in white underwears making out.] Brian: You see that fine upstanding man? First I'm gonna wear out my cock, then I need you around at the back to start fingering... [he kisses Michael's neck. Brian goes over to the hot guy and look straight in Michaels eyes. Brian makes out.] [Next day. At the empty Liberty diner. Mel is the only guest who's doin paperworks. Debbie drinks some coffee.] Mel: I need to do some work done in peace. Debbie: And I need a break winners. Mel: Do you mind if we don't talk about it? I try to watch my cops. Debbie: How about some eggs? Mel: Don't even mention eggs. Eggs are the last things I want to. Debbie: Any problems with prune? Mel honey, after a healthy breakfast the best way to start the day is by telling me what's the fuck is goin' on? Mel: Lindsay says if I want another baby I should care it myself. Debbie: Sounds fair to me. Mel: Even if I could... I never pictured out myself the birth and baby stay. All the fuss and the muss... Debbie: Well it's definitely not for control-freaks or the faint off heart. Mel: That's lets me out. See, my life works best when it's goin' to plan - my plan and for paying... it's not for me. Debbie: So you rather leave the dirty work to her? Mel: That's not that. Debbie: Well, what is it then? Mel: Is that she's... braver and stronger and a better woman. And that I'll never be. Debbie: That's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. I'm not telling you it isn't scary, because it's fucking terrifying. And I'm not tell you that isn't painful, oh it's seems I forgotten. But I am telling you, having a kid is the number one, top rated experience in my life. And I hate to see you think you're not woman enough... pff. How about I get you some eggs and makes a nice, fresh bunn? OK. [The morning after the underwear party, Michael has a hangover and a pissed-off boyfriend.] Ben: I don't expect your up so early. Michael: It was 1:30. Ben: Tried to 4:50. Michael: He kidnapped me. Ben: He kidnapped you? Michael: Yeah, and then he took my cell phone and he shufted down his pants. Ben: This is certainly out of your calling area. Michael: I'm really sorry. Ben: I was the one who told you to hanging out with him. But I does think when you ask me to move in with you, you actually here from time to time. Michael: I wanted to be. Ben: This isn't one such a good idea. Michael: What? Ben: That we live together. Michael: Of course it is! Ben: We didn't plan on it, Michael, it's just happened out of circumstance. Michael: So? Ben: So maybe we're not ready. Maybe there are some things in our lives we need to work out first. Maybe I should find my own apartment. [With that he leaves.] [Ted and Emmett are at the gym.] Ted: Don't use all your energy, honey. Safe some for our work-out. [Suddenly Dijon comes up. Emmett freezes.] Emmett: Oh! Ah! Ted: What's wrong, sweety? Emmett: I thing I pulled my muscle. Ted: Poor baby. Emmett: It's ok. I think I put some heat on it. I go to the steam room. Dijon: Hey, sweet Em. Emmett: Oh, hey. Teddy, this is Dijon, like the mustard. This is Ted, my boyfriend, the one who's I'm in the realtionship with. Dijon: Right. I'm on the flight tonight to Miami. Emmett: Oh my god, I mean this is good for you. Here out of here, cold... Dijon: And... [he goes closer to Emmett] I'll give you a call. [Dijon goes away.] Ted: Why he should give you a call? Emmett: He is a flight attendend. I'm sure he's might be able to get us an upgrade. Ted: But we're not goin' anywhere. Why he was touching you like that? Emmett: Um, he's got an award for service. He is very attentive. Ted: I've noticed. He did it with you, didn't you? [no answer.] Well, at least I know what muscle you have pulled. [Justin - with Ethan goes to PIFA's office.] Woman: I'm afraid I don't see what the problem is. Ethan: The problem is, that unless Mr.Taylor is allowed to continued his studies, the world is gonna be depride to his staggering gift. Woman: And that will be a shame. Justin: Is there any way that I can defer tutittion until I figured out how to get the loan? Woman: You don't need a loan. Ethan: How else he's supposed to pay? Woman: It's already been paid. It's in your file. Ethan: [to Justin] You've said your asshole father refused. Justin: He did. I mean, I though he did. Woman: Well apparently he changes his mind. Ethan: Whatever you've said to him it worked. [Ethan kisses Justin.] Woman: Congratulations, Mr.Taylor. The world can disappaid your gift. [Brian's loft. Brian watching an old movie. It knocks at the door - he didn't answer it. The door opens.] Brian: You planning on coming in? [Justin hesitates, looking around] Brian: If you're looking for someone, there's no one else here. Justin: For a change. Is that a new coffeetable? Brian: Mies van der Rohe. Justin: Mmm..must have cost a fortune. Brian: Yup Justin: I went by the Bursar's office today. I can't accept it. Brian: What? Justin: The tuition. Brian: Oh. That. Why, is someone else covering it? Justin: No. Brian: Well then, you can't afford not to. Justin: But we're not together anymore. Brian: We signed an agreement. I'll pay for your school, you pay me back with interest. Justin: You don't have to honor it. Brian: A deal's a deal. Justin: I could be poor for a long time. Brian: Yeah, well, knowing your tastes you'd better not be. Justin: It's not like I have a shitload of great moneymaking opportunities Brian: You have one. [He turns to leave.] Brian: Aren't you forgetting something? Justin: Thank you. Brian: Not that, that - your computer. I packed it for you. Justin: It's yours Brian: Bullshit. You need it. Take it. [Brian doesn't look as Justin takes the computer.] [At Jerk-at-work. Ted is furies.] Ted: A grandfather collopse? I don't believe you do such a excuse! And then you leave the house and tell him, you couldn't see him... Emmett: Dijon. Ted: Yeah, whatever! Would you go please!? Emmett: You know one thing I wish more than anything in the world right now? I wish I could talk to my best friend, Teddy. He is so wise and caring. But now he's my boyfriend and well there are some things you can't say to your boyfriend, no matter how much you love him. Ted: What is it? Emmett: I'll don't know what's wrong with me. I mean, I must be crazy or worser. Get together with this really wonderful guy. And now I go do something to someone that means absolutely nothing to me. I mean, why do I do these things? Ted: Because you never met a cock you didn't like. It's part of your charm, so don't be so hard on yourself. That would your best friends speaking. But as your boyfriend I have to say, what you did was the flagrant betrayal! And I'm not sure if I could trust you again. Then again, as your best friend, it's understandable to give in temptation - I mean you've been single all these years, it's not easy to settle down and deny. But there is something to noticed as your best friend it's another thing to accept it as your lover. Emmett: I'm sorry Teddy... for hurting you and... for destroying what you might have had. [Emmett cries. Ted give him a tissue.] Ted: Here, it usually don't used for whiping tears. Emmett: Yeah, I know. I hope you don't hating me. Ted: I don't hate you. I love you. I know you very well - and I still love you. Emmett: Are you.. are you sayin' this as my best friend... or my lover? Ted: Both. [Emmett starts to cry again. Ted stands up, umbrace Em and give him a kiss on his check.] Emmett: I'm sorry, honey. So sorry... Ted: I know, I know. [Justin comes into the comic store.] Justin: You're open late. Michael: Inventory. I suppose you came for this. Justin: 600 dollars? Michael: That's what we made on Rage so far minus the costs. I meant to bring it to the diner but... Justin: OK, I was thinking. What if JT plays the trumpet for his highschool band and Rage teaches him with his mind control powers to play a note so loud and so high that he can blow things up? Michael: Like his homopobic principal? Not bad. Justin: It's fuckin' genius - you know it. Michael: Except I though you didn't wanna worked together anymore. Justin: A deal's a deal. [He goes away. His cell phone rings.] Michael: Where are you? Brian: "We're you never grow old!" Michael: What!? Brian: "Where everything is beautiful!" Michael: I should have guessed. Brian: "C'mon Mikey, we can go beautiful together, just you and me." Michael: I can't tonight. I've said I can't. I'm gotta go home. Home! Yeah, and when I'm be lucky he'll be there. [Cut to Babylon. Brian dancing at Babylon, all fucked up - between the other young studs.] Music: Let's Get Intimate (Jamie's Carnival Mix) - from Body 2 Body END OF EPISODE |
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