Forever Dreaming

Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"
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Author:  blondeePR [ 09/30/02 11:08 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

I was watching VH1's jump start to START my day this morning and i caught the video "it's my life" by Bon Jovi.

I've seen it before and never noticed til now that Shiri is in it.
She even has a speaking part...

pretty cool eh!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/01/02 09:05 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Really?! Never knew that. And never seen it or if I have it was waaayyy long ago. :lol

Author:  blondeePR [ 10/01/02 09:58 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Yep i thought it was too cool, since it's been so long since Roswell...

missing Max and Liz :(

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 10/01/02 14:39 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Actually, that video is kind of old. I love that song/video. Well, that could be because I adore BJ! But I didn't realize when that came out that was Shiri. I only just realized this last season when I was downloading Roswell stuff and that popped up on the search!

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 10/04/02 12:47 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

I never noticed that. cool. Now I have to look for that video and see if I can spot Shiri.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 10/04/02 13:40 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Absolute...I was trying to find a link to the video, but of course I can't find one now. When I wasn't looking for it, it was everywhere. But if you do find it, you can't miss her.

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 10/08/02 14:23 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Having the same problem. I can't seem to find a link. I'll probably just download it off Kazaa or something.

Author:  MeowthTRAM369 [ 10/08/02 23:50 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Is she the girl who turns around and says "it's almost over!" or something like that near the end of the video?
I think I remember freaking out because it was her =P

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 10/09/02 15:41 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Yeah, she's at the beginning and the end with short speaking parts and they flash to her a few times during the video. I did find it on, but I couldn't watch it because I don't have Quicktime on my computer to view it. So, that's an option.

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 10/11/02 15:12 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

I saw it! It's AOL, Keyword: Music Video Archives or something like that. But I saw her and it was cool. She actually had a speaking part.

Author:  destinyrebel [ 10/11/02 17:17 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Oh wow. I remember seeing that video forever ago. Hehe. Yeah, I remember seeing Shiri and freaking out too. Hehe. Good old days... ;)

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 10/12/02 13:18 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Well, it is Bon that's a plus for me and it's Shiri...another plus! :)

Author:  destinyrebel [ 10/12/02 13:36 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Yeah, it was a kick ass comb... :)

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 10/16/02 14:49 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Yeah its a perfect combo.

Author:  destinyrebel [ 10/17/02 11:34 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Do we know if any other Roswell stars have stared in any other music videos? ...
I know OPM used the pod hiding rocks in their video for Heaven Is A Halfpipe but I can't think of any others...

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 10/17/02 12:21 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Brendan was in U2's music video Stuck in a Moment. And I'm pretty sure Shiri's in another music video. I think Sense Field's Save Yourself, but I'm not really positive.

Author:  destinyrebel [ 10/17/02 12:25 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

OMG... You're right! I have no :censor clue how I forgot those two... :drink2 < I must have been doin' some of that!
Anyway, yeah, you're right. U2 and Sense Field... :shake

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 10/17/02 12:33 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

:) I forget a lot of things too, but a least you got :drink2 as an excuse.

Author:  destinyrebel [ 10/17/02 12:43 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

Yeah. You know, I think that's something I will always have! An excuse! :rolleyes

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 10/17/02 12:50 ]
Post subject:  Bon Jovi -- "it's my life"

I always have an excuse too... I just can't tell it right and get caught most times.

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