Forever Dreaming

The Harvest and GOTR Concert UK London June: Company wanted
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Author:  hesttia [ 02/23/03 12:29 ]
Post subject:  The Harvest and GOTR Concert UK London June: Company wanted

Hi everybody, I am a 27 year old girl from Spain. And I will go to London in June to visit my brother who lives there, by the way I want to attend The Harvest Convention and the Ghost of the Robot Concert in London. It is the first time I will be on a convention and the first time on an concert on my own, as I don't know anybody in London besides my brother who definitely won't go to those events. So if some other girls are going to any of those events and are interested in meeting someone new, like for example me, just tell me or email me to so we could write each other and maybe meet in June in London. Thank you very much and sorry for my English, I know that it isn't very good. Bye and I hope to hear from you soon.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 02/27/03 14:16 ]
Post subject:  The Harvest and GOTR Concert UK London June: Company wanted

hesttia ~ Firstly, welcome to FD! :welcome
:wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave

And your english is not bad at all. Actually, it's very good! ;)
Spain? That's so cool! I'm all the way in the US. Boring. :lol :lol But did you sign the GuestMap up at the top yet? I think there are a few others over there.. not sure if in London though. Of course I don't watch Buffy and have no idea what this is.. but heck.. if I lived over there I would surely go! :lol Sounds exciting! Anyway, hope to see you around some of the other forums sometime! Welcome again! :welcome

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