Forever Dreaming

03x19 - Letharia Vulpina
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 02/20/14 10:48 ]
Post subject:  03x19 - Letharia Vulpina

Previously on Teen Wolf.

DEATON: Are you aware of what your abilities can do for others?

And that's all that was left of her.


I have to ask her something.

You can do this.

DEREK: Skinny, defenselessStiles is a nogitsune.

Oh, my God!

Why's it taking so long?

The doctor is on his way. He comes highly recommended.

Did I ask for a professional reference?

I asked why it was taking so long.

That is a question of time.

Not quality of service.

Do you think I would pay for an idiot to look at him?

No, Ikeda-sama.

Can any of you idiots tell me why
he hasn't moved in 12 hours?

No? Then where the hell is the doctor?



Apologize if you can't do anything.

Have you worked with wolves before?

DEATON: Here and there. And what's our patient's name?


DEATON: Hello, Yuki. Now what have you gotten yourself into, my friend? Has Yuki been around any unusual plants? Something that looks like moss? It would be bright green, almost neon. It's called lichen

and it's highly toxic. I need to know if Yuki has consumed any.

If he has the poison, just treat him.

DEATON: I'm sorry, but not without knowing the species. I need a sample.

It's in the garden. Shigeki, take him.


Superstitious idiots. Is this what you're looking for?

DEATON: Hold this, please.

You really think Yuki got in here and ate this stuff?

DEATON: Actually, I think Yuki probably doesn't come anywhere near here. I doubt if you could even drag him in. Some part of him probably

senses what happened here. To your father and the nogitsune possessing him. This particular lichen is called Letharia vulpina. Wolf lichen.

They used it to poison wolves and foxes. They'd put out pieces of meat with crushed glass and bits of the lichen in it. The glass perforated

the intestines of the animal so the vulpinic acid could reach the internal organs faster.

What did you do to my wolf?

DEATON: Well, I didn't poison him with lichen. But I did give him a powerful paralytic agent. The same one I put on that jar.


I guess we both know a few things, Ikeda-san.


DEATON: Born out of the blood of a nogitsune, this lichen is quite special. More powerful than you know.

What... What are you going to use it for?

DEATON: There's a fox hiding inside a teenage boy. And I'm going to poison it.




Oh God.


Get back! Everyone, get back!

Everyone, get back!








He's not breathing. Scott, he's not breathing!

Scott, he's not breathing!

I saw what you did. Now's not the time for anybody else to see.

Two people said they saw Stiles's jeep leave the hospital.

Someone needs to find him. Now.

Is it me or was this cut?

Tell the others to keep an eye out for signs of sabotage.

DEREK:You have to tell Stilinski. You have to tell him what'sreally wrong with Stiles.


SCOTT: Any news?

They're still looking for him. It's past the 48 -hour mark, but I guess if anyone's going to be missing for two days and turn up just fine, it's Stiles.

SCOTT: What about Isaac?

Maybe we should go by the hospital before school.



He just needs your signature.

It's just printer cartridges and stuff.

Batteries for the next blackout.

Not a bad idea, considering the number of electrical problems in this town.


I know you're a bit preoccupied at the moment.

What is it?

This might sound strange, but have you had any issues with yakuza?

Japanese Mafia?

Specifically, a guy named Katashi.


Have you been here all night?

Yeah, they won't let me see him because I'm not family.

I told them he doesn't have any.

He's got us.

And I've got a key card.

Be quick.


ALLISON: I thought he'd be healing by now.

SCOTT: So did I.

ALLISON: Is he in pain?



SCOTT: It won't heal him, but it helps with the pain.

Did Stiles really do this?

SCOTT: Whatever's controlling him did it. Whatever's inside him.

Well, then how do we get whatever's inside of him the hell out of him?

SCOTT: I'm working on it.

(SIGHS) The thing is, in all of the stories, kitsune are tricksters. They're mischievous. They don't really get caught up in right or wrong or even understand it.

SCOTT: What's that mean? It's just doing this for the hell of it?

KIRA: No, there was something else I found. If you somehow offend a nogitsune, it can react pretty badly.

SCOTT: How do you offend a nogitsune?

KIRA: I don't know. But if it's doing something this bad, then someone really, really offended it.


COACH: Listen up! Anybody catches the slightest glimpse of Stilinski, you contact the first available teacher. Got it?

Got it!

ALL: Yes, Coach.

COACH: There's a card on my desk for Isaac Lahey, and every one of you losers is not only going to sign it, you're going to write a personal message so profound and deep, it's gonna bring a tear to Coach's eye. Who's first? Ah, Danny! That's how you do it, buddy. Keep it PG.

No Stiles, no demonic ninjas.

Things are getting too quiet.

Yeah, I know.

Yeah, it's making me nervous, too.


ETHAN: Do you guys hear that?

It's an emitter. One of Argent's.

It's coming from the basement.

STILES: Okay, I know what you guys are thinking, but it's me. I swear to God, it's me.


SCOTT: Wait, stop! I said, stop!



STILES: it's me, Scott. I swear it's me. I don't know where I've been the last two days or what I've been doing, but this is me. I promise.

You know what happened at the hospital?

STILES: I know more than that. You see this? It's a blueprint of the hospital's electrical wiring. You see all these markings in red?

That's my handwriting. I know I did this. I caused the accident. And everything in this bag, it's all stuff that could be part of something bigger.

What the hell have you been up to?

STILES: I think something worse. A lot worse.


LYDIA: Why were you talking to him?

Because he started talking to me. He's from the health department.

LYDIA: Oh, really? That's what he said?

Yes, really. They're scheduling hearing tests with the students.

LYDIA: Hearing tests? He was talking about hearing?

Yes, (ENUNCIATING) hearing. I'm guessing we should sign you up. He gave me his card.

LYDIA: Mom, this is a piece of paper with a phone number written on it.

I know. Still got it.

AIDEN: What the hell were you doing? Building a Terminator?

STILES: Thank you for that.

Guys, this is a map.

Isn't that the cross country trail?

That's the Tate car. Where Malia Tate's family died.

You mean that's where her father put the steel-jawed traps.




DEREK: Lose something?



Why are you breaking into my apartment?

DEREK: Why are you leaving emitters in my loft?

I have no idea why that would be in your loft.

I spent the entirety of the last two days trying to find Stiles.

DEREK: Any luck?


DEREK: Me either. Okay, we're both trying to find Stiles. Mind if I ask what you planned on doing if you find him?

Well, that depends on which Stiles I find.


STILES: Coach!

Stilinski... Whoa.

Coach, listen close.


This isn't mine. Careful.

DEREK: How much do you think that is?

150,000. But it doesn't make sense. We never took the money.

DEREK: Whose money is it?

It belongs to a yakuza named Katashi. He has a nickname.

RAFAEL: You mean something like... Silverfinger?

Where did you get that?

Off Katashi's dead body.


What the hell are you doing?

Uh, I missed you.


KIRA: Oh, my God. Did you see how fast I was running?

SCOTT: I felt it. But we need to stop the others.


STILES: Scott!

STILES: Stop, stop, stop! Everyone, stop!


COACH: Congratulations, Stilinski. You found a length of chain. Can somebody now please tell me what the hell's going on?

Hey, Coach!

COACH: Oh, crap.


ALLISON: While it's smart to bring me with you, I still think the rest of this is totally insane.

LYDIA: I tried to find Stiles and I led everyone into a mental institution.

I call that a colossal failure.


Look, I just need to figure this out and he's the only one offering help.

Peter doesn't offer help. He offers a chance for you to be manipulated into giving him what he wants.

Fine. Let's see what he wants.

PETER: The hunter and the banshee. Ladies, come in.


COACH: Get it out of me! Get it out of me.

Get it out of me.

COACH: Oh, my God, I'm gonna die.

COACH: Get it out of me! I'm gonna die!

Coach, you're not gonna die.

COACH: I'm gonna die!

It will hurt less if you stop moving, Coach.

FINSTOCK: Get that thing out of me!

Stay still, Coach. An ambulance is coming.

FINSTOCK: Get it out! I'm gonna die!

Get back! Get back! Give him some room! Get back!


I think he just passed out.

STILES: I could have killed him. I could have killed him, right? What if it was his head or his throat?

But it wasn't.

And he's going to be all right.

I think I just heard an ambulance coming.


STILES: And my dad.

So, I don't suppose you have any idea why Stiles would frame us for murder?

DEREK: I didn't think Stiles was smart enough to frame us for murder.

To be honest, I'm not entirely convinced that's why we're here.

DEREK: What do you mean?

McCall is going to come out here any minute and probably talk attorneys. Say you've agreed to allow mine to represent you.

DEREK: Why should I trust your attorney?

Because I'm not calling my attorney yet. I just want more time.

DEREK: To do what?

To figure out what we're really doing here.

She goes.

LYDIA: The last time I was alone with you... I almost bled out on a lacrosse field. She stays.

Do you actually think I was trying to kill you when I bit you? You were my backup plan, remember? Not to mention, the bite is what

brought out your nascent abilities. You think power like that was going to come out on its own?


I'm the spark that lit your fire, sweetheart.

You attacked her and nearly killed her.

Power doesn't come without a little pain and struggle.

LYDIA: I didn't ask for it.

But you're embracing it now, aren't you?

How about the fact that you brainwashed her and used her to bring yourself back to life?

So that I could be here today to help you master your abilities.

Isn't it amazing how things come full circle?

He's insane. We're leaving.

You want the truth, Lydia? It's not the scream that gives you power. All the scream does is help drown out the noise, allowing you to hear

what you really need to.


I can help you focus your hearing.

But you want something in return.

No, I'm dedicating my life to helping out narcissistic teenage girls. Of course I want something in return.


ETHAN: Scott, you better look at this.

This is the same wrapping paper we used for Coach's birthday present.

Wasn't that William Barrow's thing?

A bomb made from nails and bolts all wrapped in a birthday present?

Where did it go off?

On a school bus.

Out of the way!

Out of the way!

Get out of the way!

Get out of the way!

Move! Everyone back!

Get away from the bus!

Get back now!


Come on, guys, let's go!

Go, go, go!

Come on, move, guys.

They told me not to move.

Jared, right?

JARED: They told me not to move. They said, "Stay right where you are and don't move a muscle."

It's all right.

I didn't know what it was when I picked it up. I didn't know.

It's all right, Jared. I'm just going to take a look, all right?

These are the claws of Derek's mother?

My sister, Talia. Before she died, she stole a memory from me.

It's something only a very powerful alpha can do.

That memory is locked inside those claws.

Why would your sister want to steal a memory from you?

Well, if I remembered the memory, I might be able to tell you.


So what am I supposed to do?

Get him out of here!

Back those kids up! Move!

We wait for the bomb squad.

I'm a certified HDT. Two years in the army.

I can at least find out if this thing's real.


PETER: Focus.

I am focusing!

You're not! I can see the wheels spinning behind your eyes.

Your hearing is attuned to a level of the universe no one else can hear.

But only if you're listening.

I'm trying.

Try harder!


Your aunt had one of those.

Aunty Kate.

LYDIA: Stop it.

Both of you.

Didn't do her much good as I ripped her throat out, did it?

She didn't shove it up your...

Stop it!


PETER: Lydia? Lydia, did you hear something? What is it? What are they saying? Is it the memory? What did Talia take from me? Tell me what she knew!

You're not just an uncle.

I could easily get out of these, you know.

So could I. But I'm not interested in being a fugitive from the law.

Well, I'm not interested in being a victim to a 17-year-old possessed by a psychotic fox.

Just give me a few more minutes.



DEREK: Okay, fine. If something happens, don't expect me to risk my life trying to save yours.

NOSHIKO: Close the door.

You hid them in a book?

Couldn't you find something more secure?

How many high school students do you know who would willingly open a book?

You still haven't talked to Kira, have you?

NOSHIKO: Barely a word since the hospital. You need to tell her. Especially about this. You've already sacrificed five. Three of the oni are gone. How many more tails are you willing to sacrifice?

If I have to? All of them.


These oni will be stronger.

Much stronger.

Jared, it will be very helpful if you could resist throwing up on the potential explosive device.

Hey, can you do that for me?

I think so.

You... You look really...


Thank you.

For a second there, I thought you were going to say I look really young and I was gonna have to launch into my explanation about how I'm actually and that anyone can look young if they eat right and exercise.

Although it's probably just good genes anyway, right?



It's not a bomb, sir, but there is something in the box. It's just printer cartridges and stuff. Batteries for the next blackout.

Not a bad idea, considering the number of electrical problems in this town.

My God.

There is a bomb, but not here.


What's happening?



What's happening?

DEREK: Get down!




MAN: Get me an ambulance here, at the sheriff's station. We've got an explosion. We got multiple officers down. Multiple officers down.

We need an ambulance A.S.A.P. On the double.

STILES: Scott?


CHRIS: Derek. Derek.


I'm okay.

You saved my life.

STILES: Can you do something? Take his pain? Anything to make it easier?




(WHISPERING) Go, go, go.

The oni. They're coming.

Stiles, we gotta get you out of here.

I said I don't know. I don't know its name, if it's a boy or a girl or if it's some mutated wolf baby.

You're lying.

Tell me what you know.

Tell me. Tell...



Now we're leaving.


It's an animal clinic?

Yeah, the place is lined with mountain ash. Just like my house.

It will buy us some time.

But they can get through it?


Nobody's got any better ideas?

Okay, sure. Animal clinic.

I got mine. Did you find yours?


Peter and Malia?

Father and daughter.



Stiles, get inside.


Hey, Kira, get inside! Kira!


STILES: All right, come on. Get him inside! Get him inside!




You okay?

Please don't. Stop.

It's okay.


Does it hurt? Hey, look at me. You should have done your reading, Scott. See, a nogitsune feeds off chaos, strife and pain. This morning, you took it from Isaac, then you took it from Coach. And then from a dying deputy. All that pain. You took it all. Now, give it to me.



STILES: You really have to learn, Scott. You really have to learn not to trust a fox.


Know why? 'Cause they're tricksters.

They'll fool you.

They'll fool everyone.

Not everyone.





What was that?

Was that a cure? Is he okay?

The fox is poisoned. But it's not dead. Not yet.

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