Forever Dreaming

Teen Wolf Transcript Index
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 08/21/13 09:25 ]
Post subject:  Teen Wolf Transcript Index

We work very hard providing transcripts for you. You are more than welcome to link to them. You may even save or print a copy for your personal use (click on the link at the top left of each transcript that says print view to read the transcripts with black font on white). However, you may not republish anything from without obtaining written permission!

Read our Copyrights

A very special thanks to Christina21 for performing the final editing of all these transcripts.

Season 1

1.01 - The Pilot

1.02 - Second Chance at First Line

1.03 - Pack Mentality

1.04 - Magic Bullet

1.05 - The Tell

1.06 - Heart Monitor

1.07 - Night School

1.08 - Lunatic

1.09 - Wolf's Bane

1.10 - Co-Captain

1.11 - Formality

1.12 - Code-Breaker

Season 2

2.01 - Omega

2.02 - Shape-Shifted

2.03 - Ice Pick

2.04 - Abomination

2.05 - Venomous

2.06 - Frenemy

2.07 - Restraint

2.08 - Raving

2.09 - Party Guessed

2.10 - Fury

2.11 - Battlefield

2.12 - Masterplan

Season 3

3.01 - Tattoo

3.02 - Chaos Rising

3.03 - Fireflies

3.04 - Unleashed

3.05 - Frayed

3.06 - Motel California

3.07 - Currents

3.08 - Visionary

3.09 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much

3.10 - The Overlooked

3.11 - Alpha Pact

3.12 - Lunar Ellipse

3.13 - Anchors

3.14 - More Bad Than Good

3.15 - Galvanize

3.16 - Illuminated

3.17 - Silverfinger

3.18 - Riddled

3.19 - Letharia Vulpina

3.20 - Echo House

3.21 - The Fox and The Wolf

3.22 - De-Void

3.23 - Insatiable

3.24 - The Divine Move

Season 4

4.01 - The Dark Moon

4.02 - 117

4.03 - Muted

4.04 - The Benefactor

4.05 - IED

4.06 - Orphaned

4.07 - Weaponized

4.08 - Time of Death

04x09 - Perishable

04x10 - Monstrous

Note: This index may not be current and up to date, however this listing always contains the latest Teen Wolf Transcripts.


The Pilot Script download

Original Pilot Presentation Script view

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