Forever Dreaming

Invader Zim
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Author:  JTHM fan [ 11/09/03 08:25 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

i love this show, but Nick stopped playing it
i was lookin for a DVD of it but stopped cuz i couldn't find one, bue anyone wanna discuss their fav eps?
mine is Game Slave 2
that one was cool

Author:  Ultra LSSJ Brolly [ 01/25/04 01:36 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

I have only seen Invader Zim once, it seems like quite a good cartoon. I was just flicking through the channels and I came across it. :wavey

Author:  JTHM fan [ 01/27/04 17:51 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

It's more than a cartoon...well, to all Vasquez fans that is
(Note : Vasquez is the writer of the show)
and the DVD is coming out this May...May 11

Author:  abbakatata [ 03/08/04 10:35 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

I watched it a couple times too...I also have read Squee. :goofy

Author:  JTHM fan [ 03/08/04 19:15 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

Squee's cool...
And so is I Feel Sick
hehe...Devi is cool...=P

Author:  abbakatata [ 03/09/04 11:21 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

I haven't seen any new Squees come out, so maybe I'll talk my bf into buying me I Feel Sick next time he goes to the comic book store. :)

Author:  JTHM fan [ 03/09/04 16:40 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

And depending on how odd and sick/twisted of stuff you like, Johnny The Homicidal Maniac is cool also...

Author:  abbakatata [ 03/10/04 10:55 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

I'll read just about anything and find it humorous. I'm not too picky. :wavey

Author:  JTHM fan [ 03/11/04 16:34 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

I sort of am...
I have odd tastes in stuff...

Author:  abbakatata [ 03/15/04 10:47 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

Odd isn't always bad. Odd is good. Yup! :crazy I just love that smilie. hehe

Author:  JTHM fan [ 03/22/04 17:16 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

Almost all of Vasquez's work is weird...and

Author:  abbakatata [ 04/04/04 05:37 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

I intended to buy another one of the comics, but my boyfriend hasn't gone out to get any new ones in a long time.

Author:  JADESTONEDREAMS [ 06/29/05 19:19 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

I only watched a few of these

Author:  abbakatata [ 06/30/05 09:43 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

I still need to finish watching my DVD...

Author:  bluebubblegum [ 07/01/05 11:34 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

How cute is he? :rollin

Author:  abbakatata [ 07/01/05 11:41 ]
Post subject:  Invader Zim

I love Gir!

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