Forever Dreaming

Tru and Luc
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Author:  Kristin80 [ 12/05/03 14:30 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

I am a big Tru and Luc fan..I just love them together...

Does anyone know if they have a shipper name yet?

Any other Tru and Luc fans out there? What are your thoughts?

Author:  LittlePinkStars [ 12/23/03 12:12 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

I have no idea.

Pick one yourself ;)

Something like: trlucker ;)

Author:  Kristin80 [ 12/31/03 07:37 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

LMAO Pinky you crack me up..That is so funny...!


Author:  LittlePinkStars [ 01/02/04 12:09 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc


Good..just so you know..I don't know anything about this I might post some stupid things! ;)
But at least I'm posting in here & entertaining you! :grin

Author:  Kristin80 [ 01/05/04 10:25 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

I appreciate you posting at all..:lol It is much better then me posting by myself...:rollin

Author:  LittlePinkStars [ 01/05/04 11:38 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

Yes it is. :grin

So what's this show about anyway? :dunno

Author:  Kristin80 [ 01/06/04 07:47 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

Here is the Synopsis from another post..


Tru Davies is a smart, sexy recent college graduate who finds herself working the midnight shift at the New York City morgue. One night, Tru questions reality when she thinks she hears a murder victim asking for her help. But the next morning, Tru wakes up to find that she is back at the beginning of the previous day -- twelve hours before a murder that only she knows is about to take place. With the clock ticking, she is compelled to scour the city of New York to prevent this wrongful death, while at the same time trying to make a difference in her family's unhappy lives.

Does that help at all?

Author:  LittlePinkStars [ 01/08/04 07:02 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc


Yeah, I still don't get it totally :o :o


Author:  Kristin80 [ 01/08/04 07:32 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

Basically she goes back in time to save peoples lives...

I love Eliza though..she is a great actress..and the shows always have little twists at the end so you never really know exactly how it is going to end.

Plus you have the love story between Tru and Luc..but Luc doesn't know her secret...and then there is Harrison her little brother..SO cute..:lol

That is my take...

Author:  LittlePinkStars [ 01/13/04 08:01 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc


I'm sure it's great! Didn't that girl play in Buffy? :dunno

Author:  Kristin80 [ 01/13/04 09:02 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

Yep..She is Faith from Buffy...I am not a huge Buffy Fan though..But she was funny in Bring It On...:lol

Author:  LittlePinkStars [ 01/13/04 09:41 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

Haven't seen that movie. :o

I think that she was also in 'The New Guy'?

Author:  Kristin80 [ 01/13/04 11:33 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

Don't Know..I never saw that..She has been in quite a few things..You should watch Bring It On..It is sarcastically funny..:lol

She had a movie out recently called "Wrong Turn" A horror suspense movie I think..I haven't seen it though. Maybe I will rent it...

Jesse Bradford is in Bring It On and he is so cute...

Author:  mysisluvsluke [ 03/21/04 13:09 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

Anybody been watching it lately? I really wanted Luc to stick around, but they made it seems like it is the end for him =(

"Check it out!"

Author:  jbangelo [ 03/22/04 08:00 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

mysisluvsluke, :fd Good to have you here. :)

Author:  abbakatata [ 03/22/04 12:44 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc


Kristin I wouldn't rent Wrong Turn, I've heard it was a bad movie

Author:  Kristin80 [ 03/26/04 09:42 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

Thanks for the heads up...

Author:  abbakatata [ 03/26/04 11:53 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

Anywho...Tru and Luc... :rebel

Author:  Kristin80 [ 03/29/04 09:28 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

Yeah...Lets talk about Tru and Luc..

Shipper Name..

When are they going to hook up..

I need info...:beg

Author:  abbakatata [ 03/29/04 16:42 ]
Post subject:  Tru and Luc

Is Luc even coming back? I think we need some spoilers...

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