Forever Dreaming

J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 08/25/02 12:12 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

Okay, found a site with some transcripts to go with Diana's screencaps. So for all those who aren't watching this awesome couple, you can at least follow it through the words and pics. Be careful though, you might get sucked in! :lol

Okay here's the transcript from last week when Jason is talking about Liz. All words courtesy of world of;)

(Walking into Sonny's penthouse)

Jason: You know what? Just forget I asked.

Carly: No, you know what, Jason? It's an important question and it deserves an answer. I actually have excellent reasons for messing in your life. Oh -- just one second, excuse me. (She goes to the door and looks into the hallway) Elizabeth? Elizabeth?

Jason: Are you trying to be funny?

Carly: No, I was just checking to see if Elizabeth snuck back up on the elevator.

Jason: Stay out of this.

Carly: She's stalking you, Jason. You know it's true.

Jason: Leave Elizabeth alone.

Carly: Oh, you don't believe me? All right, ask one of the security guards -- those two new ones? -- Because they found her lurking around in the parking garage where you park your motorcycle, and they practically hauled her up here and shoved her in my face.

Jason: (Concerned) Did they harass her?

Carly: Jason, get a grip, ok? She was lurking around in the parking lot, praying that you'd show up. It's pathetic.

Jason: No, see, Elizabeth sees things a little differently than Carly does.

Carly: Oh, yeah, you're right. She's just a fool. I'm just a little irritating.

Jason: You're right about the last part.

Carly: Jason, come on, Elizabeth cannot figure out how she should feel about you. That's -- on one hand you're, like, the -- I don't know, the greatest thing she's ever seen. You're dangerous and you're wild and you're a complete --

Jason: Will you stop?

Carly: Come on! Elizabeth -- she doesn't know what to do. She can't take her eyes off of you. I mean -- ok. She gets close enough to you, but she can't touch. It's like she can't follow through if she has the chance because you're too intense, Jason. You're too fearless and fabulous and -- come on, Jason. You know it's true. I mean, you really should bail and there's something that just keeps you there.

Jason: It isn't like that.

Carly: No? How is it, then?

Jason: Doesn't matter.

Carly: No, come on, sure it does. Tell me.

Jason: Ok, will you promise to stay out of my life?

Carly: No. Tell me anyway.

Jason: How I feel about Elizabeth? None of your business.

Carly: Oh. Oh, ok. You've got it bad.

Jason: It doesn't matter how I feel. I can't get involved with anyone.

Carly: Why not?

Jason: It isn't fair.

Carly: Oh, so everyone gets to be happy but you.

Jason: I didn't say that.

Carly: Look, Sonny and I are finally solid. Why should you be alone?

Jason: Because my life is too dangerous, Carly.

Carly: Oh, and Sonny's isn't?

Jason: Elizabeth won't accept danger. She pretends it's a game.

Carly: Ok, then you need to find yourself a real woman. I'm not available. Jason, what is it with you and these wimpy, little, saccharine girls?

Jason: Will you please not start? Please?

Carly: What, you want little miss perfect? Go for it, ok? Get it out of your system. Get her out of the garage at least, ok?

Jason: I don't want to talk about this, Carly.

Carly: Oh, not that Elizabeth could ever appreciate you the way a real woman could. God, what a waste. Oh, well, I guess it's better for you to be with Elizabeth than me.

Jason: I don't want to be with you.

Carly: That's not the point.

Jason: Then why are we having this discussion?

Carly: Jason, it's not the point, ok? The point is I'm happy now. You are my best friend and I want you to be happy, too. And -- and -- all right, I'm willing to share you, even if it means I have to share you with a wannabe artist who follows you around like a little puppy dog. It's very grown up of me, isn't it?

Jason: I got to do what's best for Elizabeth.

Carly: And what makes you think that you're not what's best?

Jason: I got her kidnapped, for one thing.

Carly: She doesn't seem to hold it against you. Come on, Jason, whatever happened to letting people make their own choices?

Jason: Staying away from Elizabeth is my choice.

Carly: Ok, so you can look me in the eye and you can swear to me -- look me in the eye -- swear to me, come on, that you positively, categorically do not want to be with the little twit?

Jason: Concentrate on your own life and forget about Elizabeth.

Carly: I can't, Jason. She's going to get you killed.

Jason: I doubt that.

Carly: Jason, you just said that she treats this like a game. Ok, fine, you know what? Elizabeth wants to be with you. You should just be with her, you know? Let her see if she can live your life. Let her worry about you. Let her worry and see if you don't come home shot. Be relieved when you don't. Let her see if she can live your life and see if she can deal with it or not.

Jason: I already know she can't.

Carly: Why, did you tell her?

Jason: Yeah, I did.

Carly: And then you kissed her? And you walked away? I know you, Jason. I know you better than yourself. Come on, you want to be with her? Take her, have some fun if it's possible.

Jason: I want you to stay out of this, Carly.

Carly: Come on, you know what? I will even -- I'll help her out, I'll give her some pointers -- not about sex, though, because she's on her own, although she probably needs it. Oh, God, you know, I don't even want to think about that.

Jason: Well, good, then don't, please.

Carly: Oh, God, I can't think about anything else now. Oh, I hate it when that happens. Ok, change the subject.

Jason: Ok, let's see. I think I'm going to ask her to paint you.

Carly: Ew!

Jason: No, it'd be kind of interesting.

Carly: Ok, double ew! Ew!

Jason: You could hang the picture up there, the fireplace, and you could just, like, look at yourself all day long.

Carly: Ok, I will be nice to her. I -- I won't even -- I will. I'll teach her something about your life.

Jason: Don't teach her anything.

Carly: I won't call her a twit. Not to her face at least.

Jason: All I want is to protect her.

Carly: All I want is to protect you, too, Jason. And maybe this time I can.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 08/25/02 12:15 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

And here was last Wednesdays transcripts between J&E. This is pretty much where we are at up to you now. Maybe more next week. Courtesy to;)

(At Vista point, Elizabeth walks up behind Jason)

Elizabeth: I'd say I'm surprised to find you here, but I was kind of hoping you would be.

Jason: Yeah, I come up here to think sometimes. I didn't realize you'd be here.

Elizabeth: I just needed a break and took a chance that you'd be here.

Jason: What if I wasn't?

Elizabeth: I guess I'd look at the lights and then I'd go home. Bad night? But you can't talk about it.

[Jason sighs]

(They sit down on the bench)

Elizabeth: I know -- I'm not supposed to ask. Can you at least tell me if it's over, whatever it is?

Jason: Nothing's ever really over.

Jason: I didn't plan to end up here. I just started riding.

Elizabeth: Sometimes I'm afraid that you'll just ride away again, no good-byes. I'll just hear about it from Sonny. I'd miss you if you left. Would you miss me?

Jason: You know how I feel about you.

Elizabeth: That's just it -- I don't. I don't think you ever really told me. You've saved my life. You've taken me riding. You've helped me, you've -- you've listened, you've cared. And now you're pushing me away. Tell me why again.

Jason: Because it's too dangerous to be around me.

Elizabeth: You keep saying that.

Jason: Elizabeth, it's the truth.

Elizabeth: So that's it? You're dangerous -- end of story?

Jason: I can't listen whenever you need me. And I can't be around whenever you want and then gone when you -- when you don't. I can't be the friend you thought I was. (Jason gets up and starts to leave. He stops and looks down at her from the overlook, but continues on as a tear silently falls down Elizabeths' cheek)

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/09/02 15:29 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

Fridays show...

(Elizabeth is laying on the couch when Jason comes back)

Elizabeth: Jason?

Jason: Why aren't you in bed?

Elizabeth: That was a long meeting. (He comes over and sits beside her)

Jason: Where's Zander?

Elizabeth: Oh, he's crashed.

Jason: You waited up?

Elizabeth: I made you a sandwich in the kitchen.

Jason: I'm not hungry.

Elizabeth: You're in pain.

Jason: It's all right.

Elizabeth: Why act like nothing happened?

Jason: It's late. Just go upstairs.

Elizabeth: I want to take care of you.

Jason: Just, Elizabeth, don't do this.

Elizabeth: Why not?

Jason: Because I don't like pushing you away.

Elizabeth: (She takes his hand) Then don't. What if you hadn't come home tonight? What if something terrible happened on that boat? We would have missed our only chance. I don't want that to happen. Do you?

Jason: I'm not what you need, Elizabeth. We can't work out. My life is too dangerous. You don't like my job. You think it's wrong.

Elizabeth: I can deal.

Jason: No, see, one day you're going to look at me, and see exactly what I am. And your face will change and you'll back away, and I can't deal with that.

Elizabeth: Will it happen tonight? Jason, I don't care what you do out there or what happens tomorrow or the day after that. But we do have tonight and each other.

Jason: What about Zander? I mean, he's the reason you're here at all.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/09/02 15:30 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

Todays show...

Jason: You're not in this apartment because of me. You're here because Zander's in trouble and you wanted to keep him safe.

Elizabeth: Zander may be the reason that I'm staying in this apartment, but he's not why I'm in this room. He's not who I'm thinking about.

Jason: (Standing up) It's late. Why don't you go to bed?

Elizabeth: (Standing as well) Wait. What just happened here?

Jason: The same thing that always happens.

Elizabeth: Right -- one of us opens up and the other one pulls away. I guess it's my turn again.

Jason: I'm not trying to hurt you.

Elizabeth: Well, you are, just like I've hurt you. Now, we can keep doing this -- going back and forth, piling on the misunderstandings -- or we can start being honest about how we really feel. I'm game if you are.

Jason: Fine. What's really going on between you and Zander?

Elizabeth: Zander's my friend. That's all.

Jason: Come on, Elizabeth. He's more than that.

Elizabeth: Never slept with a friend before? Someone you liked but didn't love? I slept with Zander once -- the night the power went out in my studio and I freaked. He -- he got me through it and calmed me down. One thing led to another and --

Jason: I know. I was there.

Elizabeth: Wait. What?

Jason: I stopped by, and I saw the two of you together, so I left.

Elizabeth: Why didn't -- why didn't you do something?

Jason: What was I supposed to do? Pound on the door? Tell you to stop?

Elizabeth: I don't know, but -- yes. If I mattered to you, why couldn't you say it?

Jason: I did, and you chose Zander.

Elizabeth: I made a mistake. And I am so sorry you saw it. You shut down on me and Zander thought that night would start something more. He -- I guess I -- I sort of led him on. I didn't mean to. Zander needs someone, but it isn't me. You're who I want to be with, Jason. There. I said it. Do you believe me? Do you -- do you feel the same way, or are you going to pull away again to remind me of all the times --

Jason: This isn't about -- it's not about payback.

Elizabeth: Then what is it about?

Jason: Us. And how much you matter to me. I want to be with you, too.

Elizabeth: Finally, we agree on something. :grin

Jason: You know, there are things that I will never be able to give you. I can't -- I can't promise that I'll never be called away in the middle of the night. I can't promise I'll never have to leave you to go to a meeting in places I can't discuss, with people I can't talk about.

Elizabeth: It's your job.

Jason: I know. It's not a job with security or structure. I don't punch a clock.

Elizabeth: I know all of this.

Jason: And I can't promise you that you'll never get hurt -- by this life that I lead or by me.

Elizabeth: No one can make promises like that, Jason. It wouldn't matter who you were -- a shopkeeper, a lawyer, an accountant --

Jason: That would be a stretch.

Elizabeth: Anyone can break a heart. No one is completely safe when you care about another person.

Jason: I would never hurt you on purpose.

Elizabeth: That's important to me.

Jason: But not enough.

Elizabeth: Maybe it is, if you care enough to try.

Jason: I can respect you and listen to you and be honest with you. Yeah, I can try. Could you go upstairs now before Zander barges in at the exact wrong moment and I flip out and I beat him up and we start all over?

Elizabeth: Ok. Ok, you convinced me. Good night.

Jason: Good night.

Jason: Good night.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/13/02 14:14 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

Well I hate to do this but since Diana's disappeared :cry2 I found a link that has some screencaps as well. And these screencaps go with the script I posted above, of course these are (no offense to who did them) not such great quality ones like Diana does for us, but it was the best I could find.

And for those keeping up with the story, there hasn't been any Liz or Jason scenes all week. Maybe next week. :dunno

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/16/02 16:17 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

Todays show... J&L by the pool table...:grin :grin

(Jason comes bounding down the stairs as Elizabeth sits on the couch, sketching)

Jason: I'm going out for a while.

Elizabeth: At least I know you're not going back out to Alcazar's yacht. It's already at the bottom of the harbor.

Jason: I didn't put it there.

Elizabeth: Thanks for telling me. Now, I don't suppose you could tell me anything else? Forget I asked.

Jason: You want to shoot a game of pool?

Elizabeth: I thought you had to leave.

Jason: I have a little time. I'll let you break.

Elizabeth: All right, you're on. But I should warn you, I have been practicing.

Jason: Oh.

Elizabeth: Do you ever get nervous?

Jason: About?

Elizabeth: About risking your life, breaking the law, whatever it is you're going to do tonight. Do you ever think about getting caught or killed or you just assume that it would never happen?

Jason: Uh -- huh. I know the risks and I try not to take stupid chances, but it's what I do and what I'm good at. So stop stalling and break.

Elizabeth: That doesn't mean that things can't go wrong.

Elizabeth: How much do you remember about that morning I found you shot in the snow?

Jason: I remember you kneeling over me, yelling at me to get up and walk. And how -- man, how bad it hurt once I did, but at the same time, I knew you were saving my life.

Elizabeth: You know, if I had decided not to go for a walk that morning or even stop for a cup of coffee first, you'd probably be dead. I would've never spent that Christmas with you or gotten a piece of red glass or my post card from Italy. Those things changed me. They made my life after you different from my life before. I was kind of hoping that they would've changed you, too. I know that's not fair of me to ask --

Jason: No, it's fair to -- to want someone you care about to stay safe and to ask where they're going and when they'll be back. It's -- it's all fair, Elizabeth. But it's nothing I can give you.


Elizabeth: Wherever you're going, it looks like you're going to get wet.

Jason: Is the storm going to bother you?

Elizabeth: No. No, it'll give me something to think about besides waiting for you to come back. Or maybe I should just work on my pool game since I'm not quite as good as I thought.

Jason: You know, if things work out, you'll be able to go home tomorrow.

Elizabeth: Oh. I guess I should be happy about that.

Jason: You're not?

Elizabeth: There's a lot more room here than in my studio, and the view -- the view is just spectacular. You don't have a whole lot of furniture, but what you do have is comfortable, and the pool table is a plus. I'm not crazy about the guards outside, but, you know, it's not really your fault.

Jason: I like having you here.

Elizabeth: Are you going to miss me when I go?

Jason: Yeah.

Elizabeth: Enough to call and ask me out, maybe take me for a ride? Or are you going to go back to avoiding me at Kelly's?

Jason: I can't really tell you because I don't know what's going to happen or how either of us are going to deal with it. But I do know what I get from you, Elizabeth. You're so beautiful, smart. You make me see things I've never even noticed until you've pointed them out. You have a lot of dreams, and that's good because I -- I hardly have any, so I can believe in yours. That's what you bring to me. I mean, what can I give you? Motorcycle rides and pool lessons. That's about it.

Elizabeth: You listened when no one else could hear me. You trusted me to live my own life when I didn't even trust myself. You make me happy. You make me feel free.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/25/02 03:06 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

9/23 Mondays show..

Elizabeth: Jason.

Jason: Elizabeth, what are you doing out here?

Elizabeth: I couldn't stay cooped up any long, and I'm going out of my mind worrying about you.

Jason: Did something happen?

Elizabeth: No, no, no, I'm fine. I came from Carly. She got me a little upset, you know, but I -- I heard what just happened, what A.J. said.

Jason: A.J.'s an idiot.

Elizabeth: Maybe. But is it true what he said about you and Courtney?

Jason: Courtney was just attacked.

Elizabeth: What happened?

Jason: I guess some guy grabbed her purse and he had a hold of her. I came in and I got rid of him.

Elizabeth: Oh. She's -- she's lucky you showed up.

Jason: Well, she shouldn't be down here alone. Neither should you. I'm going to take you back right now.

Elizabeth: Wait. Can you answer me first, please? I'm really sorry about, you know, what happened to Courtney, but right now, Jason, all I can think about is you. You barely have been home since what happened to Sonny, and I am so worried about you.

Jason: There's just a lot -- there's a lot going on with business.

Elizabeth: Carly said she called, she couldn't get a hold of you, either. Something else is going on, Jason. Something you're not telling me.

Jason: I'm sorry. I can't -- I can't tell you.

Elizabeth: (Looking at his neck) Courtney must've been pretty grateful. Is that lipstick, or is that a smudge of blood or something?

(Jason rubs his finger across his neck and looks at it. He takes a deep breath and lets it out)

Jason: Ok. Elizabeth, there -- there are things that I can't explain to you right now, and I'm sorry. Please, just let me take you back to the penthouse.

(She looks at him and then walks by without saying a word. He reacts in obvious frustration by almost almost uprooting a bush, and follows her up the stairs)

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/25/02 03:08 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

9/24 Tuesdays show..

(about the lipstick)
Elizabeth: No, no. No message. But he did have lipstick on his neck.

Carly: Lipstick?

Carly: You know, I don't care if Jason had lipstick all over his face or he reeked of perfume -- cheap or otherwise, ok? There is no way he is having a thing with Courtney or anyone else. Because unbeknownst to me, some reason that I cannot comprehend, he is hung up on you. And unlike the person who is standing across from me, Jason is clear on what he wants.

Author:  AmandaBII [ 09/28/02 05:56 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

Thanks so much for the transcripts and the screencaps on the other thread. I've been drooling for about 30 mintues now!

Anyway I love Liason, but I'm getting really frustrated that they aren't on more. Jason really needs to stop saving Blondie/Daisy/Courtney! She is getting on my last nerve. We better be getting more Liason scenes soon!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 07:35 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

AmandaBII - ITA! They definitely need more airtime. Two minutes here, two minutes there just ain't cutting it. As I recently told Jen, I love Jason but he's no Clark Kent so he needs to stop trying to be superman.

By the way love your avatar.

Author:  AmandaBII [ 09/28/02 11:12 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

Thanks Diana. I drool over my avatar everytime I post! I'm trying to go spoiler free for Alias this season and you guys are making it really hard!:lol

I've been reading spoilers for Liason and it doesn't look like anything good is coming up. Everyone is saying they are saving Liason for November sweeps. I don't think I can wait that long. If I see Jason save Blondie one more time, I think I'll throw something at my TV. I mean geesh Blondie's muscles are almost as big as Jasons! I think she can fend for herself!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 12:03 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

AmandaBll- First, welcome to FD! :party
:wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave :wave
:dance :dance :dance :dance
:jump :jump2 :jump3 :jump4

And I second the bimbo/skipper whatever she is storylines. Blah! I'm so sick of watching her already. And even more so of poor sap AJ. Double Bleck.

November is too far away. :shake :shake I'm just waiting for one of them to walk into the other one when they are in the shower scene. I mean they are living together, it's bound to happen, right? :lol :lol

And Alias- Nah! Be Spoiled! :grin It's SO much more fun! :rollin :rollin

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 17:15 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

Blondie's muscles are almost as big as Jasons! I think she can fend for herself!

AmandaBII - :lol that is so funny and so true. I know what you mean about having to wait until November sweeps and doesn't help the fact there so stingy with the Liason scenes.

Author:  mckinely(d) [ 09/30/02 10:13 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

Jason you are a :censor :mad moron. I hope Liz tells you off tomorrow. You and your stupid superman complex has got to go.

Skipper the twit.:censor :censor :censor Does it make me a bad person to secretly hope the stalker wins.

Okay so it's not a very long vent but I'm not gonna waste my time on the skipper the situation. I have more important things to do like watching paint dry because it sure is a lot more appealing to any of this stupid contrived storyline.

Is it November yet?

Author:  AmandaBII [ 09/30/02 10:47 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

Diana, ITA! I usually watch it on SoapNet when I get home from work but not today! I read what happened and it makes me so mad!:mad Skipper really needs to go away! Plus PLUS how can she so easily contact Jason, yet Elizabeth, the girl he supposely CARES about can't? This show is really starting to piss me off!:mad I really hope Elizabeth reams him out tomorrow!

Author:  mckinely(d) [ 09/30/02 11:06 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

Amanda, Exactly.

How in the heck can little Miss Skipper get a hold of Jason on his cell phone when Liz couldn't. Was Jason just not answering Liz's phone calls? :censor If so I hope Liz gives him a good smack tomorrow. I mean she's been worrying over him and he knows that but still want say anything to her. Yet runs to Skipper when she needs him. :censor TIIC must have be taking notes from JK on how to piss off the fans.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/12/02 16:31 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told

Falling a little behind in the story here..

10/1 Show-

Elizabeth: Jason.

Jason: You should be at the penthouse.

Elizabeth: Oh, I'm working. Can you tell me what you were doing with Courtney all night?

Jason: Well, A.J.'s out of town. He went to Washington to get back some -- some money the government confiscated.

Elizabeth: And Courtney didn't want to stay alone, so she called you?

Jason: No, she's been getting phone calls, hang-ups, heavy breathing. She was alone, she was scared with the power outage last night, so I just -- I just went over there to stay with her.

Elizabeth: Right. I didn't mean to interrogate you.

Jason: No, it's -- Carly told me that you'd gone back to work.

Elizabeth: Yeah, I would have told you myself, but I haven't seen you for days.

Jason: I know. I'm sorry. There's just so much going on. I mean, I still haven't found Alcazar yet. But I am pretty sure that he's concentrating on something else rather than tracking down Zander, but it would still be better for you and Zander to stay at the penthouse where the guards can protect you.

Elizabeth: Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to wait around your apartment, playing pool with Zander, staring out the window, waiting for either one of two things to happen -- either the front door's going to open, you'll be home, or the phone's going to ring and it's going to be someone telling me that you've been shot, like Sonny.

Jason: You hate it?

Elizabeth: Yeah, pretty much.

Jason: I hate it, too. Especially what it's doing to you.

Elizabeth: I'm not the grief police, ok, and I'm not telling you how to mourn for your best friend. But working all the time and staying away from the people who care about you isn't a way of dealing. It's putting the pain off, and sooner or later you're going to crash, and I don't want that to happen to you.

Jason: You know, Elizabeth, everything -- everything you're telling me right now is right. But I still have to do it this way. Look, I just want you to know, no matter what happens, I appreciate you trying to help me and that you care about how I feel. Look, I --

Elizabeth: You have to go. Be careful, ok?

Jason: You be careful because Alcazar is still out there and he's desperate. (He takes hold of her hands) And I couldn't take it if he came after you.

Courtney: Is everything all right between you and Jason?

Elizabeth: Not even close.

Courtney: Look, if you're upset about him staying with me, I can explain.

Elizabeth: Yeah, it threw me, but Jason told me that you've been getting phone calls and, you know, stuff like that, so --

Courtney: Well, do you remember when I got one here the other day and I got all freaked out?

Elizabeth: Mm-hmm.

Courtney: There's been more. And other things -- someone's trying to scare me. A.J.'s away. I just -- I didn't know who else to call.

Elizabeth: Well, I'm glad Jason could help you. I just wish he would let me help him. He's got to be hurting so bad over Sonny's death, and he won't admit it. He won't even slow down long enough to feel it.

Courtney: Well, maybe if you talk to him again.

Elizabeth: Yeah, I'll try it the next time I see him. Problem is I have no idea when that's going to be.

Elizabeth: Jason did warn me.

Courtney: Warned you about what?

Elizabeth: That most of time he wouldn't be able to tell me what he's doing or why.

Courtney: Well, at least he was honest.

Elizabeth: Jason's always honest. But I guess I didn't completely understand. I mean, I thought he meant the danger, which I hate because -- I mean, I hate worrying about him, but I can handle it. The thing I can't take are all these secrets, how he comes and goes at all hours or he disappears without mentioning, these -- all these questions without answers --

Courtney: Well, I think what Jason's trying to do is protect you.

Elizabeth: But it's the way he's doing it. I mean, he thinks hiding things from me is protecting me, but it isn't. I don't know. Maybe -- you know, I don't -- I'm not being fair. Jason -- he told me this is the way it was going to be and I chose to be with him, anyway, so --

Courtney: Are you sorry?

Elizabeth: No. Frustrated. I'm ready to scream. But sorry -- no.

Courtney: Well, maybe -- maybe you should concentrate on what's good about Jason instead of what's wrong. You seem to have pretty intense feelings about him. He seems to feel the same way about you.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/12/02 16:33 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told


Elizabeth: Where?

Zander: On the TV. He was arrested right after Jax got shot. I mean, apparently, the whole death thing was a hoax. It's not too big of a leap to figure out that Jason was in on it. He played us for fools, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: No. No, no. Jason would not do that. There has to be some mistake. You heard it wrong.

Zander: I saw him. I saw him. I saw Sonny get taken away by the cops.

Elizabeth: Wait a -- are you telling me that all the nights I laid awake worrying about Jason, holding my breath at every noise, praying it was him home safe, all of this time he's been out with Sonny perpetuating some lie?

Elizabeth: Well, I don't appreciate when people I'm supposed to be able to trust lie straight to my face, or pretend to be dead.

Zander: Sonny and Jason had their reasons. I mean, it was on the report. There was also a -- something about this woman that was alive that everybody thought was dead?

Elizabeth: What woman?

Zander: I don't know, some model, Jax's ex-wife?

Elizabeth: Brenda Barrett?

Zander: Yep, that's her. Does that -- does that take some of the sting away?

Elizabeth: No. No, it just makes it worse. You know what? Enough is enough. Why should I sit around waiting to be shut down when I don't even dare question this outrageous behavior? I have to get out of here. We have to go. We're going to leave tonight.

Zander: Well, where are we going?

Elizabeth: My studio? There's enough room there for the both of us, at least for a little while. And you know what? After we get settled in, I'm going to take you around town just like you wanted and maybe we can spark a memory or something, ok?

Zander: Thank -- thank you, Elizabeth, but, no. I mean, I may not have my memory, but I know how to use the classifieds. I'm going to -- I'm going to go get my own place and I'm going to get a job. I'm not going to mooch off of you anymore.

Elizabeth: I'm not complaining, Zander.

Zander: I know, I know, and you've been -- you've been great. You know, it's time. I mean, it's time for me to get out there and make my own way, become my own man. Maybe even a brand-new one. I'll see you around.

(Jason walks in the penthouse and sees a suitcase sitting by the door)

Elizabeth: Let me save you the trouble of stonewalling. I already know Sonny's alive, Jax has been shot, and Brenda's back. Does that cover all the real reasons you've been gone at night while I sat here wondering whether you were dead or alive?

Jason: It was just supposed to be a couple of days.

Elizabeth: Do you think any of this is acceptable?

Jason: I don't know what you mean.

Elizabeth: Staging big, elaborate hoaxes, setting people up to grieve for no reason or worrying themselves sick for nothing? What goes through your head? You know what? Don't answer. I already know the answer, ok? And I've heard it plenty. You were just doing what you had to do. Didn't matter if anyone else was devastated. God, I could only imagine what poor Carly must have been going through.

Jason: No, Carly knew that Sonny was alive. That's what Sonny wanted.

Elizabeth: Great. Do you have any idea how foolish I feel right now? Do you even care that you've trampled my trust or that you've ruined any chance we ever had of being together? Or is that a small price to pay knowing you did your job the way Sonny wanted?

Jason: I tried to warn you. I told you that there would be things that I can't tell you. Come on, I didn't like that I was hurting you and I was keeping secrets from you, but lives were at stake, and that's just part of my job.

Elizabeth: Where does the truth fit in? Or the trust? I turned myself inside out to prove that I deserved both from you. And not only did you go and throw it in my face, you do something that makes it impossible for me to trust you.

Jason: Look, you -- you have a right to be mad, but just try to understand this has nothing to do with you.

Elizabeth: Uh-uh, no. Sorry. I'm -- I'm here and I'm in it and I count. You know what the ironic thing is? Is that you actually did tell me the truth. I just didn't want to hear it. When you kept pushing me away and you warned me about who you really are, I should have listened instead of making you up in my head. But you are Sonny's -- Sonny's enforcer, first, last, and always. I hope it's enough.

(She picks up her suitcase and walks out the door)

Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/12/02 16:35 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told


(Elizabeth walks out and sees Jason and stops for a second)

Jason: Hey. (She continues on to the table, with Jason watching her every move)

Elizabeth: Here you go. I'll get you some more coffee. (She goes behind the counter, gets the coffee and starts back)

Jason: Are you -- wait, hold on. You're just going to walk -- walk by me from now on?

Elizabeth: I'm going to treat you like any other customer -- like I barely know you, because I don't. So, what can I get you?

Jason: The usual.

Elizabeth: And that would be?

Courtney: Just black coffee, right?

Elizabeth: You get it for him. (She walks off, Jason staring after her)

Courtney: What was all that about?

Courtney: Is Elizabeth mad at you for walking me home last night?

Jason: Elizabeth thought Sonny was dead like everybody else and she didn't like being lied to and I can't really blame her.

Courtney: Well, did you explain to her that -- that you kept a secret to save my brother's life?

Jason: Yeah, I -- I mean, I think so. I think she knows it. You know, I don't even know what I said. She was hurt and angry and everything she was saying was right, so there wasn't really a lot I could -- I could say back. I mean, not even that I was sorry. Because I had to do it that way and if it happened again, I would do the exact same thing.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/12/02 16:36 ]
Post subject:  J&E: The Greatest Love Story Being Told


Elizabeth: (Coming outside) Is everything all right?

Jason: Yeah, everything's fine.

Elizabeth: Is Jason giving you trouble? (Jason walks away)

Elizabeth: What was that about?

Elizabeth: Zander, I'm serious. If Jason was giving you a hard time, I would like to know about it.

Zander: And what would you do if he was?

Elizabeth: Make him stop, tell him to just back off.

Zander: Jason was cool. I -- I explained to him that -- that I want to start over. Any disagreements we had in the past, I can't remember. So can we call it even, and he agreed. All he asked was that I don't hurt you.

Elizabeth: God, you know, where does -- where does he get off? I am not Jason's problem anymore. I don't even know the guy.

Zander: Remind me not to get on your bad side.

Elizabeth: Well, having someone I trust lie to my face makes me mad. I'm funny that way.

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