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Who's Line is is anyway?
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Author:  Spicey Tabasco Rookie [ 02/27/02 18:39 ]
Post subject:  Who's Line is is anyway?

Anyone ever watch this show? I try to catch it every week night of course I miss it alot but when I do watch it I get a good laugh cause it's a great show. If you haven't already you should really check it out. The new american episodes are the best the old british ones are ok too though ;) . ttyl.

Author:  Laura [ 03/25/02 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Who's Line is is anyway?

I used to watch the British version years ago & liked it. I can't watch the US version. Don't know why, since I like the actors when they are on the Drew Carey show - just think the show is annoying.

Author:  catcrazychicka [ 04/22/02 06:20 ]
Post subject:  Who's Line is is anyway?

I love both versions. I'm glad that Comedy Central still plays the Brit ones and that ABC family has put the american eps on weeknights, I can never watch it on ABC because I have other shows to watch, you know, ones w/ a plot. :)

Author:  MeowthTRAM369 [ 04/22/02 09:14 ]
Post subject:  Who's Line is is anyway?

I like the old British ones much more than the new American ones...I think the actors are a lot funnier.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/23/02 12:24 ]
Post subject:  Who's Line is is anyway?

I love this show! Wayne Brady cracks me up! And honestly, I didn't ever really get into the British one at all. :dunno

Author:  majandra06 [ 11/06/02 18:48 ]
Post subject:  Who's Line is is anyway?

I just watched it, and I was laughing my head off! They are sooo talented!

Author:  Dreambehr [ 11/06/02 19:37 ]
Post subject:  Who's Line is is anyway?

Haven't watched the British version, but the American version is just hillarious! I always laugh my head off in every episode!

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 11/07/02 03:10 ]
Post subject:  Who's Line is is anyway?

I know! I could never come up with the stuff they do right off the top of my head!

Author:  Dreambehr [ 11/09/02 19:37 ]
Post subject:  Who's Line is is anyway?

Destiny- I know what you mean. They are so darn talented. I think if you put me on the stage, I'd wouldn't know where to start. But they can think about practically anything in about a nanosecond and still come off as funny!

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 11/15/02 18:08 ]
Post subject:  Who's Line is is anyway?

Ok...they've moved it to Friday night's now and I never remember to watch it! :mad

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